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Young, mature Beagle dogs underwent single inhalation exposure to respirable aerosols of 241AmO2 to determine the radiation dose distribution to tissues. The dogs were serially sacrificed to assess the clearance of 241Am from the lung, the rate of translocation to internal organs, the pattern of retention in the organs, and the rates and modes of excretion. Americium dioxide was relatively soluble in the lung, leading to the translocation of significant quantities of 241Am to bone and liver, thus delivering radiation doses to these tissues nearly equal to that received by the lung. Osteoblastic osteosarcomas developed in four dogs surviving more than 1000 days after exposure. Histologically, all of the osteosarcomas were associated with areas of radiation osteodystrophy characterized by bone infarction, peritrabecular new bone formation, marrow fibrosis, and microresorptive cavities. The retention and translocation of inhaled 241Am in dogs is similar to that of man, indicating that 241Am inhaled by humans may potentially result in significant risk of bone tumor development.  相似文献   

Four beagle dogs showed evidence of heat acclimation (reduced post-exercise heart rate and body temperature) within 10 days of first exposure of one hour a day in a hot environment (38 ± 2°C). One hour of daily exercise (110 m/min, 0% grade) in the heat (as with human subjects) was adequate to produce the effects of heat acclimation. The physiological changes observed were due to heat exposure alone since the work which was done for training (110 m/min, 4% grade) at the control temperature (20 ± 2°C), was reduced in the heat (0% grade).  相似文献   

Pathological examination of a 9-month-old beagle dog revealed the epididymal spermatic granuloma. Grossly, a white nodule was observed in the cauda epididymis on the right side. Microscopically, there were numerous spermatozoa in the center of granuloma, surrounded by a wall of macrophages, fibroblasts, plasma cells, lymphocytes, neutrophils and giant cells. Furthermore, many macrophages containing IgG were observed in the center of granuloma.  相似文献   

Radiation exposure can increase the risk for many non-malignant physiological complications, including cardiovascular disease. We have previously demonstrated that ionizing radiation can induce endothelial dysfunction, which contributes to increased vascular stiffness. In this study, we demonstrate that gamma radiation exposure reduced endothelial cell viability or proliferative capacity using an in vitro aortic angiogenesis assay. Segments of mouse aorta were embedded in a Matrigel-media matrix 1 day after mice received whole-body gamma irradiation between 0 and 20 Gy. Using three-dimensional phase contrast microscopy, we quantified cellular outgrowth from the aorta. Through fluorescent imaging of embedded aortas from Tie2GFP transgenic mice, we determined that the cellular outgrowth is primarily of endothelial cell origin. Significantly less endothelial cell outgrowth was observed in aortas of mice receiving radiation of 5, 10, and 20 Gy radiation, suggesting radiation-induced endothelial injury. Following 0.5 and 1 Gy doses of whole-body irradiation, reduced outgrowth was still detected. Furthermore, outgrowth was not affected by the location of the aortic segments excised along the descending aorta. In conclusion, a single exposure to gamma radiation significantly reduces endothelial cell outgrowth in a dose-dependent manner. Consequently, radiation exposure may inhibit re-endothelialization or angiogenesis after a vascular injury, which would impede vascular recovery.  相似文献   

Echocardiographic parameters and indices in the normal beagle dog.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
M-mode and two-dimensional echocardiographic measurements were made from the right sternal border of 50 healthy Beagles (25 males and 25 females) approximately 7 months old. The dogs were conscious and standing during the investigation. The following parameters, in systole and diastole, were measured on the echocardiographic images: left ventricular posterior wall thickness (LVWT); intraventricular septum thickness (IST); left ventricular internal dimension (LVID); and circumference (LVC). Fractional shortening (FS) and ejection fraction (EF) were also calculated. Mean, standard deviation, range and coefficient of variation are reported for each echocardiographic parameter and for body weight. Males and females were considered separately and together. Each parameter was analysed statistically to check for differences between the sexes and for correlations with body weight. A statistically significant difference between the sexes was only observed for LVWT in systole and diastole. A linear regression with body weight was obtained only for LVID in systole and in diastole. The results show that morphofunctional cardiac homogeneity is independent of size in dogs of this breed and age.  相似文献   

A newly developed assay for hydroxyproline (Hyp) in physiological samples was used for determining the biological variations in serum total Hyp in the beagle dog. The results showed that dietary Hyp restriction in the beagle dog results in a significant decrease in serum total Hyp over the first 24 h and that there are no obvious circadian variations in serum total Hyp concentrations in beagle dogs on dietary Hyp restriction.  相似文献   

Male Wistar rats were exposed to 500, 1000 or 100 ppm as time-weighted average (t.w.a.) concentrations of dichloromethane vapour. The 1000 (t.w.a.) ppm exposure consisted of two 1-h peak concentrations (2800 ppm) on a basal exposure of 100 ppm. All exposures lasted for 6 h, 5 days weekly and for 2 weeks. The solvent burdens were analyzed in the perirenal fat samples which showed a relation to the dose with the highest values in the 1000 (t.w.a.) ppm exposures. The solvent concentrations increased in the perirenal fat between the two weeks of exposure. Blood carbon monoxide concentrations did not accurately reflect the body solvent burdens. Neurochemical effects also displayed a dose relationship, and included decreased succinate dehydrogenase activity in the cerebellum at the two higher doses and increased acid proteinase activity at 1000 ppm in the cerebrum. Withdrawal of the animals for 7 days from the 2-week exposure showed that the biochemical changes were largely abolished with the exception of decreased succinate dehydrogenase activity at 1000 ppm (t.w.a.).  相似文献   

A study was conducted using a combined testing protocol (CTP), to determine whether short-term biological end-points, singly or in combination, are sufficiently sensitive to identify damage induced by exposure to ambient levels of industrial chemicals. A small-scale inhalation set-up which is both economical and easy to assemble was designed. Mice were exposed to 4 concentrations of a custom-blend mixture of benzene, chloroprene, epichlorohydrin and xylene in a ratio of 2:2:1:2, respectively. The concentrations for benzene, chloroprene and xylene were 0, 0.1, 1.0 and 10 ppm each. Concentrations for epichlorohydrin were half those for the other components. Groups of 22 males and 22 female mice were exposed to each concentration of the mixture for 3 and 6 weeks. Selected biological end-points including urine mutagenesis, bone marrow cell aberrations and micronuclei, spleen lymphocyte aberrations and liver enzyme induction were monitored. The spleen lymphocyte aberrations and liver enzyme induction were the most sensitive end-points. The lymphocytes showed a significant induction of chromosome aberrations from exposure for 3 weeks to all 3 concentrations of the mixtures. After 6 weeks of exposure, significant induction of aberrations was observed after exposure to low and medium concentrations but not to the high concentration. This lack of response at the high concentration after 6 weeks exposure, appeared to correlate with a significant induction of glutathione S-transferase in the liver. Since this enzyme is known to detoxify 3 of the 4 chemicals in our mixture, it may indicate a detoxification mechanism after enzyme induction. The present study indicates that the CTP is sufficiently sensitive to identify toxicological effects after exposure to ambient levels of a gas mixture.  相似文献   

Catalase from acatalasemic dog liver was purified to homogeneity and its properties were compared with those of normal dog liver catalase. The purified acatalasemic and normal dog liver catalases were found to have the same molecular weight (230,000 Da) and isoelectric point (pI: 6.0-6.2) and both enzymes contained four hematins per molecule. The catalytic activity of catalase from acatalasemic dog was normal. Furthermore, there was no difference between the acatalasemic and normal dog catalases in the binding affinity to NADPH (apparent Kd: 0.11-0.12 microM) and in the sensitivity to oxidative stress by hydrogen peroxide, the normal substrate of catalase. The acatalasemic dog enzyme was stable only in a narrow pH range (pH 6-9) although the normal enzyme was stable in a wide pH range (pH 4-10). Acatalasemic dog liver catalase also showed a slight low thermal stability at 37 degrees C and the heat-lability was remarkable at 45 degrees C, compared to the normal dog enzyme. These results indicated that the acatalasemic dog catalase is catalytically normal although it is associated with an unstable molecular structure.  相似文献   

Benzene is a widely used chemical and common environmental contaminant. It is carcinogenic in man and animals and is genotoxic in mice, rats, and occupationally exposed humans at doses above one part per million. In order to evaluate the genotoxic effects of prolonged exposures to very low concentrations of benzene, we exposed CD-1 mice to benzene by inhalation for 22 h per day, seven days per week for six weeks at 40, 100 and 1000 parts per billion (ppb). Additional groups were exposed to purified air or were housed in standard plastic cages. The effects of in vivo exposure to benzene were evaluated by using an autoradiographic assay to determine the frequency of mutants which represent mutations at the hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (hprt) locus in spleen lymphocytes. At the end of the six weeks exposure period lymphocytes were recovered from the spleens of the mice and cryopreserved prior to assay. Mutant cells were selected on the basis of their ability to incorporate tritiated thymidine in the presence of 6-thioguanine. The weighted mean variant (mutant) frequencies (Vf) of female mice (three per group) were 7.2 x 10(-6) at 0 ppb; 29.2 x 10(-6) at 40 ppb; 62.5 x 10(-6) at 100 ppb and 25.0 x 10(-6) at 1000 ppb. The Vf of unexposed mice housed in standard cages was 13.2 x 10(-6). In male mice the same pattern of response was observed, but the increases in Vf in response to benzene were not as great. In both sexes of mice, the increases at 40 and 100 ppb were significantly greater than at 0 ppb (P less than 0.05). The increase in Vf with exposure to 100 ppb and the decline at 1000 ppb parallel the results observed for chromosome damage in spleen lymphocytes from the same animals (Au et al., Mutation Res., 260 (1991) 219-224). These results indicate that sub-chronic exposure to benzene at levels below the current Occupational Safety and Health Administration Permitted Exposure Limit may induce gene mutations in lymphocytes in mice.  相似文献   

Exposure to ozone (O3) at ambient photochemical smog alert levels has been shown to cause alteration in pulmonary function and exercise response in humans, but there is a paucity of data on females. The initial purpose of the present investigation was to study the effects of O3 inhalation on pulmonary function and selected exercise respiratory metabolism and breathing pattern responses in young adult females. Six female subjects exercised continuously on a bicycle ergometer for 1 h on 10 occasions at one of three intensities, while exposed to 0.0, 0.20, 0.30, or 0.40 ppm O3. Forced expiratory volume and flow rates and residual volume (RV) were measured before and immediately following each protocol. During exercise, expired minute ventilation (VE), respiratory frequency (fR), tidal volume, O2 uptake (VO2), and heart rate (HR) were measured every 10 min. O3 dose-dependent decrements were observed for forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1.0), and forced expiratory flow rate during the middle half of FVC, coupled with an increase in RV and altered exercise ventilatory pattern. There was also an increased VE but no significant O3 effect on VO2 or HR. Comparison of the females' responses to those of a group of young adult males (previously studied) at the same total O3 effective dose (i.e., expressed as the simple product of O3 concentration, VE, and exposure time) revealed significantly greater effects on FVC, FEV1.0, and fR for the females. With VE reduced for females as a function of exercise intensity at the same percent of maximum VO2, these differences were considerably attenuated, although not negated.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Normal blood flow values, autoregulatory tendency and CO2 sensitivity of the cochlear blood vessels were studied in acute experiments in anesthetized, artificially ventilated dogs and cats. Cochlear blood flow was measured with the hydrogen-gas clearance technique using 100 mu platinum electrodes implanted into the perilymphatic space. Normal mean cochlear blood flow at normal systemic blood pressure and arterial pH values was found to be 30 +/- 7 ml . 100 g-1 . min-1 in the dog, and 16 +/- 5 ml . 100 g-1 . min-1 in the cat. There was no evidence of the existence of an autoregulatory mechanism of cochlear blood flow during stepwise bleeding in the dog. Blood flow seemed to follow passively the changes of arterial pressure. Cochlear blood flow increased by 79% on 5% CO2 inhalation in the cat, as a result of decreased vascular resistance. The relationship between arterial pCO2 values and cochlear blood flow proved to be exponential.  相似文献   



Cetirizine is an antihistamine used in dogs, but plasma concentrations in relation to effect after oral administration are not well studied. This study investigated cetirizine exposure and the plasma cetirizine concentration-antihistamine response relation in the dog following oral administration of cetirizine.


Eight Beagle dogs were included in a cross-over study consisting of two treatments. In treatment one, cetirizine 2–4 mg/kg was administered per os once daily for 3 days. The other treatment served as a control. Wheal diameter induced by intra-dermal histamine injections served as response-biomarker. Cetirizine plasma concentration was quantified by UHPLC-MS/MS. Median (range) cetirizine plasma terminal half-life was 10 h (7.9–16.5). Cetirizine significantly inhibited wheal formation compared with the premedication baseline. Maximum inhibition of wheal formation after treatment with cetirizine per os was 100% compared with premedication wheal diameter. The median (range) IC50-value for reduction in wheal area was 0.33 µg/mL (0.07–0.45). The median (range) value for the sigmoidicity factor was 1.8 (0.8–3.5). A behavioral study was also conducted and revealed no adverse effects, such as sedation.


The results indicate that a once-daily dosing regimen of 2–4 mg/kg cetirizine per os clearly provides a sufficient antihistamine effect. Based on this experimental protocol, cetirizine may be an option to treat histamine-mediated inflammation in the dog based on this experimental protocol but additional clinical studies are required.

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