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Mitochondrial control of cell death induced by hyperosmotic stress   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
HeLa and HCT116 cells respond differentially to sorbitol, an osmolyte able to induce hypertonic stress. In these models, sorbitol promoted the phenotypic manifestations of early apoptosis followed by complete loss of viability in a time-, dose-, and cell type-specific fashion, by eliciting distinct yet partially overlapping molecular pathways. In HCT116 but not in HeLa cells, sorbitol caused the mitochondrial release of the caspase-independent death effector AIF, whereas in both cell lines cytochrome c was retained in mitochondria. Despite cytochrome c retention, HeLa cells exhibited the progressive activation of caspase-3, presumably due to the prior activation of caspase-8. Accordingly, caspase inhibition prevented sorbitol-induced killing in HeLa, but only partially in HCT116 cells. Both the knock-out of Bax in HCT116 cells and the knock-down of Bax in A549 cells by RNA interference reduced the AIF release and/or the mitochondrial alterations. While the knock-down of Bcl-2/Bcl-XL sensitized to sorbitol-induced killing, overexpression of a Bcl-2 variant that specifically localizes to mitochondria (but not of the wild-type nor of a endoplasmic reticulum-targeted form) strongly inhibited sorbitol effects. Thus, hyperosmotic stress kills cells by triggering different molecular pathways, which converge at mitochondria where pro- and anti-apoptotic members of the Bcl-2 family exert their control. A. Criollo and L. Galluzzi contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Streptavidin induced electrophoretic mobility shift was used to prepare single stranded (ss) DNA amplified with the polymerase chain reaction in the presence of a biotinylated and a non-biotinylated primer. A variety of denaturing conditions, including incubation at 95 degrees C in 50% formamide can be used without disrupting the streptavidin-biotinylated-ssDNA complex. Following electrophoresis, pure non-biotinylated DNA can be efficiently recovered from 7 M urea gels because it is well separated from the severely retarded streptavidin-biotinylated-ssDNA complex. Quantitative complexing of biotinylated ssDNA can occur at a streptavidin to DNA molar ratio of 1 or more.  相似文献   

This work shows that tumor promoter agents (TPA) induce the post-translational modification of the human lymphocyte surface CD5 antigen (Tp67) in several cellular types. Treatment of [32P]orthophosphate- and [35S]cysteine-labeled normal and lymphoblastoid T and B cells with active tumor promoters induced the rapid, transitory and dose-dependent appearance of hyperphosphorylated CD5 forms with higher apparent molecular masses. These changes in the electrophoretic mobility of CD5 molecules were independent of RNA and protein synthesis, as well as of differences in neuraminic acid content. The inhibition of the TPA-mediated changes by protein kinase C inhibitors (staurosporine and 1-(5-isoquinolylsulfonyl)-2-methylpiperazine) indicated its protein-kinase-C-mediated nature. Phosphatase digestion of CD5 immunoprecipitates reverted the TPA-mediated mobility changes showing its dependence on phosphorylation. Neuraminidase digestion of intact cells revealed that the target of the TPA effects are surface-expressed CD5 molecules. In conclusion, we suggest that the heterogeneity in the electrophoretic mobility induced by TPA could reflect some structural and/or functional differences within CD5 molecules.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate-derived aldehydes cause irreversible loss of protein function via glycation. We previously observed that glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (Glyc3P) abolishes the enzyme activity of cardiac aspartate aminotransferase (cAAT). We also examined the protective effects of carnosine against Glyc3P-induced loss of enzyme activity. The present study looked at carnosine's prevention of Glyc3P-induced change in protein structure. Purified cAAT (2 mg protein/mL) was incubated with various concentrations of carnosine (1-20 mM) in the presence of Glyc3P (500 microM) for 4 days at 37 degrees C. Following incubation, samples were analyzed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Carnosine showed prevention of protein modification at carnosine-to-Glyc3P ratios of 10:1 or greater. There was a progressive loss of the unmodified cAAT protein band as Glyc3P concentration was increased. Additionally, the gel position of the Glyc3P-modified cAAT protein varied over time. The apparent molecular weight (MWapp) of the Glyc3P-modified cAAT protein that formed after 1 day at 37 degrees C (500 microM) was greater than its MWapp after 2 days, suggesting that a chemical rearrangement of the initial adduct occurs. These observations support the hypothesis that carnosine is an antiglycation agent and that its mechanism of action involves prevention of protein modification.  相似文献   

Summary The structural modifications in the middle intestine of the trout, Salmo gairdneri, induced by transfer to seawater have been studied. During the first two days in seawater, significant distensions of the intercellular spaces are observed between the apical tight junctions and the basement membrane. These dilations are more frequent in the apical part of the intestinal folds. At the basal part of the cell, numerous lamellar processes open in the intercellular spaces. They are closely associated with elongated mitochondria, and are often mixed with small clear vesicles. After seven days in seawater, intercellular spaces are less expanded. Numerous mitochondria are observed in the apical part of the cell, and numerous myelinic bodies with dense granules lie near the nucleus. After one month in seawater, the epithelium resembles that of the freshwater controls; mitochondria are more numerous and other organelles are well developed. The most important modifications of the ultrastructure of the intestine mucosa occur during the first two days in seawater, in correlation with important physiological changes following the abrupt increase of environmental salinity.  相似文献   

Lactoferrin in a number of human body fluids was found to possess different electrophoretic mobilities, while being immunologically identical. The isolated protein migrated slower than any of the naturally occurring forms. This phenomenon was found to be due to the property of human lactoferrin to interact strongly with acidic macromolecules, forming complexes with a faster migration than the single protein. Beside electrostatic interactions also other forces seem to be involved in the complex formation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an alternative strategy to the ones proposed before (Oh et al., 1993; Øyaas et al., 1994a) to get real increases of global final antibody titer and production at hyperosmotic stress, by reducing the detrimental effect of such a stress on cell growth, and conserving the stimulating effect on antibody production. It consists of cultivating the cells in continuous culture and increasing the osmolality stepwise. In this way, the cells could progressively adapt to the higher osmolality at each step and antibody titers could be nearly doubled at 370 and 400 mOsm kg-1, compared to the standard osmolality of 335 mOsm kg-1. Surprisingly, the stimulation of antibody production was not confirmed for higher osmolalities, 425 and 450 mOsm kg- 1, despite the minor negative effect on cell growth. Intracellular IgG analysis by flow cytometry revealed at these osmolalities a significant population of non-producing cells. However, even when taking into account this non-producing population, a stimulating effect on antibody production could not be shown at these highest osmolalities. It seems to us that osmolality has a significant effect on the appearance of these non-producing cells, since they were not observed in continuous cultures at standard osmolality, of comparable duration and at an even higher dilution rate. The appearance of the non-producing cells coincides furthermore with modifications of the synthesised antibody, as shown by electrophoretic techniques. It is however not really clear if these two observations reflect actually the same phenomenon. Hyperosmolality affects the cell behaviour in continuous culture in multiple ways, independently of the growth rate, counting all at least partially for the observed stimulation of antibody production: acceleration of the amino acid, and in particular the glutamine metabolism, increase of the cell volume, increase of the intracellular pH and accumulation of cells in the G1 cell cycle phase.  相似文献   

Several antibiotics, netropsin, distamycin A, actinomycin D, Hoechst 33258 and olivomycin, which demonstrate base specificity in their DNA binding properties have been found to alter the electrophoretic mobility of DNA restriction fragments in native polyacrylamide gels. The antibiotics mostly reduced the migration of larger DNA fragments, but netropsin and Hoechst 33258 were observed to increase the migration rate of several DNA fragments of intermediate size. DNA fragments of similar molecular weight which comigrate as a single gel band can at times be separated as the result of differential mobility shifts promoted by antibiotic DNA complex formations.  相似文献   

A screening method was developed for detection of bacterial mutants having active enzymes with altered electrophoretic mobility. The method is based on the use of a mixture of several clones, and examination of an extract of the mixture electrophoretically. A variant enzyme will thus be detectable by its position apart from the mixture of wild-type enzymes.Following exposure to a mutagenic agent, five mutants of E. coli K12 were detected and isolated. Two of these have variant MDH (malate dehydrogenates), the others have variant forms of 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, and esterase.Preliminary mapping of the MDH locus has been performed.  相似文献   

Mice were subjected to three types of acute stress (cold, forced swimming and tail hanging) in order to investigate the effects of stress on the motor activity circadian rhythm. This rhythm was studied using the cosinor method and spectral analysis. A statistically significant decrease in the amplitude and the power content of the circadian harmonic was found after stress application. These decreases could be due to a desynchronization of the circadian oscillators which drive the rhythm. The use of the power content of the circadian harmonic is proposed for the detection of the alterations due to stress.  相似文献   

Cells adapt to hyperosmotic conditions by several mechanisms, including accumulation of sorbitol via induction of the polyol pathway. Failure to adapt to osmotic stress can result in apoptotic cell death. In the present study, we assessed the role of aldose reductase, the key enzyme of the polyol pathway, in cardiac myocyte apoptosis. Hyperosmotic stress, elicited by exposure of cultured rat cardiac myocytes to the nonpermeant solutes sorbitol and mannitol, caused identical cell shrinkage and adaptive hexose uptake stimulation. In contrast, only sorbitol induced the polyol pathway and triggered stress pathways as well as apoptosis-related signaling events. Sorbitol resulted in activation of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), p54 c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), and protein kinase B. Furthermore, sorbitol treatment resulting in induction and activation of aldose reductase, decreased expression of the antiapoptotic protein Bcl-xL, increased DNA fragmentation, and glutathione depletion. Apoptosis was attenuated by aldose reductase inhibition with zopolrestat and also by glutathione replenishment with N-acetylcysteine. In conclusion, our data show that hypertonic shrinkage of cardiac myocytes alone is not sufficient to induce cardiac myocyte apoptosis. Hyperosmolarity-induced cell death is sensitive to the nature of the osmolyte and requires induction of aldose reductase as well as a decrease in intracellular glutathione levels.  相似文献   

For real-time monitoring of the longitudinal position of the Bragg-peak during an ion therapy treatment, a novel non-invasive technique has been recently proposed that exploits the detection of prompt γ-rays issued from nuclear fragmentation. Two series of experiments have been performed at the GANIL and GSI facilities with 95 and 305 MeV/u 12C6+ ion beams stopped in PMMA and water phantoms. In both experiments, a clear correlation was obtained between the carbon ion range and the prompt photon profile. Additionally, an extensive study has been performed to investigate whether a prompt neutron component may be correlated with the carbon ion range. No such correlation was found. The present paper demonstrates that a collimated set-up can be used to detect single photons by means of time-of-flight measurements, at those high energies typical for ion therapy. Moreover, the applicability of the technique both at cyclotron and at synchrotron facilities is shown. It is concluded that the detected photon count rates provide sufficiently high statistics to allow real-time control of the longitudinal position of the Bragg-peak under clinical conditions.  相似文献   

On the electrophoretic mobility of biological cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A theoretical study has been performed on the electrophoretic mobility of a large colloidal particle with a surface charge layer as a model for biological cells. An approximate mobility expression is derived which is applicable to the general case of an arbitrary distribution of membrane-fixed charges. This expression consists of two terms: the first is a weighted average of potentials over the surface charge layer, while the second is that of the volume density of membrane-fixed charges and does not depend on the electrolyte concentration. At high electrolyte concentrations (corresponding to physiological conditions), where the potentials are very low owing to the shielding effects of electrolytes, the first term diminishes so that the mobility is determined mainly by the second term. This means that a particle with zero surface potential can exhibit a non-zero mobility, in contrast to the prediction from the classical Smoluchowski theory. Comparison is also made with the theory of Hermans and Fujita for the electrophoresis of polyelectrolytes.  相似文献   

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