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Hereford calves infected with Trypanosoma congolense developed an anemia which was most severe 10 weeks after infection when packed cell volumes (PCV) averaged 21.1 ± 2.5% (±2 SE) as compared to 33.1 ± 2.1% for controls. At the termination of the study, at 28 weeks postinfection PCVs of infected animals had risen to 27.5 ± 1.0% as compared to 34.0 ± 1.7% for controls. In parallel with PCVs the apparent half-lives of 51Cr-labeled erythrocytes were reduced as early as the first 2 weeks postinfection. The greatest difference in erythrocyte half-lives between infected and control animals was found during the fourth to sixth weeks of infection when volumes for infected animals averaged 128 ± 46 hr as compared to 321 ± 30 hr for controls. During this period the parasitemia was at its highest level. At 28 weeks postinfection the average apparent half-life of infected animals was 243 ± 43 hr compared with 304 ± 11 hr for controls. No differences were observed in gastrointestinal loss of 51Cr between infected and control animals; however, urinary excretion of isotope was greatly increased in infected animals when compared to controls. No significant changes in total blood volumes were observed between infected and control animals but total plasma volumes increased and total erythrocyte volumes decreased significantly in infected animals.  相似文献   

Charolais steers infected with Trypanosoma congolense developed a thrombocytopenia that was first demonstrated shortly before the onset of parasitemia. The thrombocyte count progressively decreased from a level of 6 × 105/mm3 on the 3rd day postinfection to l × 105/mm3, its most depressed level, on the 11th day postinfection. The mean of the thrombocyte level of five infected bovines at the time of thrombocyte survival analysis was 195.6 ± 83.5 × 103(± 2 SE) as compared to 998 ± 245.9 × 103 in the control group. In parallel with depressed thrombocyte levels, the mean of the apparent half-lives of 51Cr-labeled thrombocytes was 1.3 ± 0.5 days as compared to 3.7 ± 0.5 days in control animals. A similar survival was noted in the apparent half-lives of 51Cr-labeled autologous and heterologous thrombocytes transfused to normal recipients.  相似文献   

Heart, kidney, lung, liver, brain, spleen, lymph nodes, tongue, and diaphragm of 9 cattle experimentally infected with the Trans Mara I strain of Trypanosoma congolense, were examined histologically. A haemosiderosis, infiltrations in the kidney, changes in the vascular wall mainly of the arteries of the lung, scattered local perivascular, and meningeal infiltrations, and small juxtavascular glial nodules in the CNS were found.  相似文献   

The course of disease was studied in 8 cattle infected with Trypanosoma congolense. Although the onset of patency was dependent on the numbers of infecting organisms, the duration of the infection was not. High fevers were present on the day of or the day after initial patency. Succeeding peaks of parasitemia, and a progressive weight loss of over 30% occurred. A decrease in packed cell volume (PCV) beginning the first week after infection was observed. Early in the course of the developing anemia, many polychromatophilic erythrocytes and occasional normoblasts were found in the blood. A leucopenia persisted for the duration of the disease. Total serum protein concentrations fell sharply during the first 5 weeks of infection, then gradually increased to low normal levels. Serum albumin levels followed a similar pattern for the first 5 weeks, and remained at a relatively low level. Although gamma globulin levels also declined during the first 5 weeks, their levels gradually surpassed those of preinfection samples. No marked changes in serum glucose were noted. A mild elevation of serum urea nitrogen values occurred early during infection, but subsided. The animals dying early after infection developed elevated total bilirubin levels.  相似文献   

A complement fixation (CF) test for the diagnosis of Trypanosome congolense infection in cattle was developed and compared with the indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) test.Serological investigations were made with cattle immunized with irradiated T. congolense and challenged with untreated T. congolense. Trypanosomal antibodies were demonstrated by the CF test. The results indicated good specificity and sensitivity between the CF method and the IFA test. The CF test also afforded easier reading of results than the IFA test; however, antigen preparation was more difficult in the former.The serological responses detected by the IFA and CF test appeared to be influenced by early variations of parasitemia, although no correlation appeared to exist between titer and parasitemia at later stages of the infection. Antibodies were detected in animals which received injections of irradiated T. congolense prior to challenge with viable organisms.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma congolense: susceptibility of cattle to cyclical challenge   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Cattle primed by cyclical infection with Glossina morsitans morsitans infected with cloned derivatives of Trypanosoma congolense and treated with the trypanocidal drug Berenil after 3 or 4 weeks were immune to cyclical challenge with homologous clones 3 to 5 weeks later. In these animals, localized skin reactions (chancres) and parasitemia did not develop. The same results were obtained in cattle given a homologous superinfection without prior treatment. On the other hand, cattle subjected to a cyclical challenge with heterologous clones were completely susceptible as demonstrated by the development of chancres. Immunity to homologous challenge was achieved irrespective of the bloodstream variable antigenic types used to infect the tsetse. It was concluded that for a given serodeme the variable antigen composition of the metacyclic population which develops in the tsetse is constant and characteristic. Immunity to cyclical challenge was also obtained with uncloned stocks, providing the same stock was used for challenge. On the other hand, cattle immune to homologous cyclical challenge with cloned material were not always immune to cyclical challenge with parent stock, indicating that certain stocks consist of more than one serodeme. On the basis of these findings, it may be possible to use the chancre as a marker for serodeme analysis.  相似文献   

Yields of Trypanosoma congolense grown in rats may be increased by placing the rats in a 37 °C environment for 1 hr prior to sacrifice. A further increase in the number of parasites recovered per rat may be achieved by replacement of blood removed by a lactated Ringer's solution with 5% glucose as the rat is being bled from the abdominal aorta. The Ringer's solution serves to maintain intravascular volume during the bleeding procedure and thereby prevents premature cardiac arrest. Erythrocytes in infected blood may be then lysed by raising and rapidly lowering the osmolarity of the blood. This permits separation of the trypanosomes from 95% of the erythrocytes by differential centrifugation. The remaining blood cell contamination may then be removed on a small DEAE-cellulose column. The purified trypanosomes are motile, infective, and intact as judged by electron microscopy. More than 1010 purified T. congolense can be obtained from three adult rats by these methods.  相似文献   

Inbred mice were infected with cloned populations of Trypanosoma brucei brucei Lister S42 under carefully controlled conditions. The course of infection was found to depend both on host strain and the antigenic type of the infecting organisms. The two antigenic types used, “NIM2” and “NIM6” had differing virulence for (CBA/H × C57BL/6)F1 mice, and when mice were infected with parasites of one clone, trypanosomes of the other type frequently appeared after the initial population had been eliminated. Different mouse strains had varying susceptibility to clone NIM6. In most cases there was an inverse relation between the survival time and the parasite load during the first peak of parasitemia. The differences in resistance to T. brucei were unrelated to H-2 haplotype: C57BL/6 and (CBA/H × C57BL/6)F1 were most resistant, CBA/H, BALB/c and DBA/2 less so, and C3H/He most susceptible.  相似文献   

A total of 42 animals of various ages were infected with Trypanosoma congolense to investigate age resistance. Ten of eleven animals between 4 months and 1 year of age survived the infection without treatment. Two of eleven animals in the age range of 1 to 2 years also survived the infection whereas all 20 animals between 2 and 5 years of age died or needed treatment to survive. Young animals which needed no treatment to survive were refractive to challenge for at least 1 year after their last patent parasitemia. Older animals which required treatment to survive were also challenged at intervals after therapy. Three animals infected for 49 to 75 days before treatment were rechallenged 198 to 296 days later. Extensions in prepatent periods ranged from 5 to 13 days when compared to controls and the resulting infections were of a relapsing nature followed by self-cure. Effects of this disease on clinical parameters of previously infected animals were minimal. One animal infected for 196 days and rechallenged 501 days later had a prepatent period of 14 days as compared to 5 days for controls. This animal developed a brief relapsing infection followed by self-cure. Animals which were infected for periods of 41 to 77 days, received treatment, and were then rechallenged from 600 to 900 days later, showed some resistance to infection. Prepatent periods were extended from 1 to 3 days over those of control animals and although the resulting disease was severe, one of four animals self-cured without treatment. When animals which had self-cured primary challenges were rechallenged at periods up to 2 years later, they were completely refractory. When 12 animals which were presumed to be immune to syringe-passaged T. congolense were challenged by tsetse fly bite with the same strain of trypanosome, an appreciable immunity was evident. Five of twelve immune animals did not become patent while the other seven developed mild infections without severe clinical signs. All nine controls developed severe infections with eight requiring treatment to survive. When animals immune to the Trans-Mara I strain of T. congolense were challenged either by syringe or tsetse fly bite with a heterologous strain of T. congolense obtained from a different geographical area, no evidence of immunity was detected.  相似文献   

《Small Ruminant Research》2001,39(3):225-232
Indigenous Sabi rams of Southern Africa were experimentally infected with Trypanosoma congolense for 8 and 16 weeks. Testes weights (g) were significantly (P<0.05) lower in the infected (249.7±26.4) compared to the control (372.63±19.4) animals. Histopathological and ultrastructural changes included seminiferous tubular atrophy and mononuclear infiltration in the testis, and lesions in the epithelium of the corpus epididymidis (middle segment) as well as spermatozoa in the cauda epididymidis. The gonadal lesions may have the capability to impair fertility in Sabi rams infected with Trypanosoma congolense.  相似文献   

A radioimmunoassay (RIA) for the variant-specific glycoproteins (VSG-1 and VSG-2) of two sequentially appearing variants of Trypanosoma congolense has been devised. When the isoelectrically focused VSG-1 components (VSG-1a, VSG-1b, and VSG-1c) are used as inhibitors of the VSG-1-anti-VSG-1 interaction, the RIA inhibition curves resemble each other, although minor differences in the high-affinity region of the curves can be detected. The heterologous antigen (VSG-2) does not inhibit the VSG-1-anti-VSG-1 interaction except at very high concentrations, indicating there is little cross-reactivity between highly purified VSG-1 and VSG-2. Nevertheless, heterologous antiserum, directed against VSG-2, will inhibit the VSG-1 -anti-VSG-1 interaction, and this property is shared to a significant degree by rabbit antiserum directed against an unrelated antigen. We have interpreted these findings as suggesting that: (1) there may be a constant region common to both VSG proteins, and (2) the constant region of the immunoglobulin molecule may also bind VSG proteins. Preliminary experiments show that the VSG-1 molecule augments binding of the Clq component of complement to the Fc region of immunoglobulin G.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma congolense: mechanical removal of the surface coat in vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
By shaking suspensions of Trypanosoma congolense in isotonic buffer the surface coat could be separated from the cell body. The release of radioactivity from trypanosomes, selectively labeled in the surface coat by diazoniobenzenesulfonate, was used to follow the kinetics of coat detachment. The proteins in the supernatants of shaken trypanosomes were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate—polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The shaking conditions had to be carefully controlled to avoid complete rupture of trypanosomes. Otherwise the coat protein was rapidly degraded by endogenous proteases. The influence of several parameters on the yield of coat release and the degree of degradation of the coat protein was investigated, including the ratio of trypanosome suspension volume to shaking vessel volume, vessel surface, temperature, shaking frequency, and preincubation of the trypanosomes at 0 C. By combining these parameters an optimal scheme was developed which allowed the separation of more than 90% of the coat protein from T. congolense, the detached protein showing no degradation at all. These results could be confirmed by electron microscopy of shaken and unshaken trypanosomes.  相似文献   

An assay to measure the specific proliferation in vitro of peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) in response to ultrasonicated trypanosomes was adapted for use in cattle. The kinetics of mitosis exhibited by PBL from cattle which had been treated following infection with Trypanosoma congolense paralleled the development of a delayed-type skin reaction elicited with ultrasonicated and Formalin-fixed T. congolense. Responses in both tests were maximal on the fourth day after initiation. Specific proliferation of PBL harvested from cattle which had been immunized with intact, nonviable trypanosomes was also elicited in vitro by trypanosomal antigen. Peripheral blood leukocytes taken from cattle immunized with 50 μg of variant-specific surface antigen (VSSA) from T. brucei and from cattle infected with T. congolense were not stimulated to divide in vitro by ultrasonicated trypanosomes.  相似文献   

The responses of susceptible Ndama and Zebu cattle to needle challenge with Trypanosoma congolense were followed using parasitological, haematological and radio-isotopic methods and compared with those of corresponding uninfected animals. In both breeds, infection became patent at the same time but peak parasitaemias were significantly lower, were attained later and were of short duration in the Ndama. All infected animals became anaemic, the severity of which correlated with the level and duration of parasitaemia. However, even when parasites could no longer be detected in the blood, packed cell volumes showed little tendency to recover. The anaemia was due to increased intravascular red cell destruction and was more pronounced in the Zebu. Haemodilution was not a feature. Increased red cell syntheisis occurred in infected animals of both breeds but particularly in the Zebu; this accounted for the capacity to maintain packed cell volume levels following the initial drop associated with parasitaemia. However, in most cases red cell synthesis was less than expected from the degree of anaemia, suggesting impairment of bone marrow function. Measurement of red cell iron utilization indicated that this was due to effective from re-utilization from degraded red cells arising from reticulo-endothelial blockade. It is concluded that the anaemia in this disease and its underlying processes are broadly in line with the number of parasites in the blood and that the superior resistance of the Ndama cattle lies in their ability to control parasitaemia rather than their capacity to mount a more efficient erythropoietic response.  相似文献   

Groups of rats were immunosuppressed with antithymocyte serum (ATS) and infected with Trypanosoma lewisi. Immunodiffusion studies were performed which demonstrated that trypanosome exoantigens, present in the plasma of these animals, were precipitated by antibodies in the sera of rats undergoing a typical primary T. lewisi infection; extracts of trypanosomes which had been collected from ATS-treated rats contained antigens which also were precipitated by antibodies in these sera. These precipitating antibodies could not be detected using either the plasma of untreated infected rats or extracts of trypanosomes which had been collected from untreated rats. With the exoantigens, precipitating antibodies were detected in serum samples collected from rats 14 to 250 days after infection. With the extract, precipitating antibodies were found as early as 5 days after infection and could be detected as late as 90 days after infection. Antigens of trypanosome extracts partially blocked the precipitin reactions between antisera and exoantigens, suggesting the presence of common antigens in the two preparations. Intact trypanosomes were serologically more reactive when collected from immunosuppressed rats. Trypanosomes collected from ATS-treated rats were agglutinated by antisera at titers fourfold higher than trypanosomes collected from untreated hosts. Absorption with exoantigens from immunosuppressed infected rats blocked trypanosome agglutination, indicating that these antigens are of cell surface origin. The experiments suggest that a likely result of immunosuppressing the host is a trypanosome antigen preparation that is a more reactive serodiagnostic reagent.  相似文献   

In vitro studies have suggested that a fraction of human high density lipoprotein (HDL), termed trypanosome lysis factor (TLF), can protect against trypanosome infection. We examined the involvement of two proteins located in the TLF fraction, apolipoprotein A-II (apoA-II) and paraoxonase 1 (PON1), against trypanosome infection. To test whether PON1 is involved in trypanosome resistance, we infected human PON1 transgenic mice, PON1 knockout mice, and wild-type mice with Trypanosoma congolense. When challenged with the same dosage of trypanosomes, mice overexpressing PON1 lived significantly longer than wild-type mice, and mice deficient in PON1 lived significantly shorter. In contrast, mice overexpressing another HDL associated protein, apoA-II, had the same survival as wild-type mice. Together, these data suggest that PON1 provides protection against trypanosome infection. In vitro studies using T. brucei brucei indicated that HDL particles containing PON1 and those depleted of PON1 did not differ in their lysis ability, suggesting that protection by PON1 is indirect. Our data are consistent with an in vivo role of HDL protection against trypanosome infection.  相似文献   

Growth of the cutaneous lesions of Leishmania mexicana and L. tropica major (P strain) in CFLP mice was markedly inhibited by concurrent Trypanosoma brucei infections. Restoration of normal growth of the lesion occurred within 1 week of the mice being treated with a trypanocidal drug. The presence of the concurrent T. brucei infections did not affect the development of acquired immunity to L. tropica, manifested as ulceration and healing of the lesion, nor did it induce any detectable immunity to L. mexicana. The possible underlying mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

A strain of Trypanosoma congolense has been cloned, passaged through the tsetse fly, and subsequently recloned. Relapsing infections have been induced in two rats by syringe passage of the cloned trypanosomes. The variant-specific glycoprotein of the initial cloned variant (VSG-1) and those from the two different variants produced in the two relapsing infections (VSG-2 and VSG-3) may be distinguished from each other by their isoelectric-focusing patterns. In this experimental system, cloned T. congolense, like Trypanosoma brucei, undergoes antigenic variation; the conversion of the VSG-1 into the VSG-2 isoelectric-focusing spectrotype was followed. These VSGs may be the products of sequentially expressed genes.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to measure the levels of interferon-gamma (IFN-γ), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), interleukin 1 (IL-1) and interleukin 6 (IL-6) in the serum of rats experimentally infected with Trypanosoma evansi and to correlate these levels with hematological parameters. Initially, 48 rats (group T) were intraperitoneally inoculated with cryopreserved blood containing 1 × 106 trypomastigotes per animal. Twenty-eight animals (group C) were used as negative controls and received 0.2 mL of saline by the same route. The experimental groups were formed according to the time after infection and the degree of parasitemia as follows: four control subgroups (C3, C5, C10 and C20) with seven non-inoculated animals each and four test subgroups (T3, T5, T10 and T20) with 10 animals each inoculated with T. evansi. The blood samples were collected by cardiac puncture at days 3 (C3, T3), 5 (C5, T5), 10 (C10, T10) and 20 (C20, T20) post-infection (PI) to perform the complete blood count and the determination of IFN-γ, TNF-α, IL-1 and IL-6 levels using an ELISA quantitative sandwich. Infected rats showed normocytic normochromic anemia during the experimental period. T. evansi infection in rats caused a serum increase (P < 0.01) of IFN-γ, TNF-α, IL-1 and IL-6 levels at days 3, 5, 10 and 20 PI compared to the controls. The multiple linear regressions showed a reduction of 24% in the hematocrit as a consequence of the increased IFN-γ, TNF-α and IL-1. Therefore, we conclude that the infection caused by T. evansi causes an increase in the pro-inflammatory cytokines. These results suggest a synergism among IL-1, TNF-α and IFN-γ contributing to the development of anemia. This increase is associated with the regulation of immune responses against the parasite.  相似文献   

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