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Ecosystem carbon storage in intact thicket in the Eastern Cape, South Africa exceeds 20 kg/m2, which is an unusually large amount for a semiarid ecosystem. Heavy browsing by goats transforms the thicket into an open savanna and can result in carbon losses greater than 8.5 kg/m2. Restoration of thicket using cuttings of the dominant succulent shrub Portulacaria afra could return biodiversity to the transformed landscape, earn carbon credits on international markets, reduce soil erosion, increase wildlife carrying capacity, improve water infiltration and retention, and provide employment to rural communities. Carbon storage in two thicket restoration sites was investigated to determine potential rates of carbon sequestration. At the farm Krompoort, near Kirkwood, 11 kg C/m2 was sequestered over 27 years (average rate of 0.42 ± 0.08 kg C m?2 yr?1). In the Andries Vosloo Kudu Nature Reserve, near Grahamstown, approximately 2.5 kg C/m2 was sequestered over 20 years (0.12 ± 0.03 kg C m?2 yr?1). Slower sequestration in the Kudu Reserve was ascribed to browsing by black rhinoceros and other herbivores, a shallower soil and greater stone volumes. Planting density and P. afra genotype appeared to affect sequestration at Krompoort. Closely‐packed P. afra planting may create a positive feedback through increased infiltration of rainwater. The rate of sequestration at Krompoort is comparable to many temperate and tropical forests. Potential earnings through carbon credits are likely to rival forest‐planting schemes, but costs are likely to be less due to the ease of planting cuttings, as opposed to propagating forest saplings.  相似文献   

Abstract Intensive pastoralism with goats transforms semiarid thicket in the Eastern Cape, South Africa from a dense vegetation of tall shrubs to an open landscape dominated by ephemeral grasses and forbs. Approx. 800 000 ha of thicket (which prior to the introduction of goats had a closed canopy and a Portulacaria afra Jacq. component) have been transformed in this manner. Ecosystem C storage in intact thicket and loss of C due to transformation were quantified. Carbon storage in intact thicket was surprisingly high for a semiarid region, with an average of 76 t C ha?1 in living biomass and surface litter and 133 t C ha?1 in soils to a depth of 30 cm. Exceptional C accumulation in thicket may be a result of P. afra dominance. This succulent shrub switches between C3 and CAM photosynthesis, produces large quantities of leaf litter (approx. 450 g m?2 year?1) and shades the soil densely. Transformed thicket had approx. 35% less soil C to a depth of 10 cm and approx. 75% less biomass C than intact thicket. Restoration of transformed thicket landscapes could consequently recoup more than 80 t C ha?1.  相似文献   

Xeric succulent thicket in the Eastern Cape, South Africa has been used for farming goats since the early 1900s. This habitat is characterised by a dense cover of the succulent bush Portulacaria afra and by a warm, semi-arid climate with evenly distributed annual rainfall of 250–400 mm. Heavy browsing by goats results in the loss of P. afra and transforms the thicket to an open savanna dominated by annual grasses. Eight fence-line comparisons between thicket and savanna were used to investigate differences in soil quality associated with the vegetation change. Composite soil samples were taken to a depth of 10 cm from 1 ha plots on either side of the fence-line. Associated with the change from thicket to savanna, a significant decrease (paired t-test, P < 0.05) was found in total C (respective means of 5.6 vs. 3.0%), total N (0.33 vs. 0.24%), labile C (2.8 vs. 1.5%), CO2 flux (1.9 vs. 0.5 µmol m–2 s–1), soil respiration in the laboratory (144 vs. 79 ng C kg–1 s–1), (NH4)OAc-extractable Mg (55 vs. 28 mmolc kg–1), and laboratory infiltration rate (51 vs. 19 mm h–1). In the same direction there was a similarly significant increase in modulus of rupture (16 vs. 34 kPa), water-soluble Ca (2.3 vs. 3.4 mmolc kg–1) and pH (6.7 vs. 7.7). The soil C content of 5.6% in thicket is surprisingly high in this warm, semi-arid climate and suggests that the dense P. afra bush strongly regulates soil organic matter through microclimate, erosion control, litter quantity and perhaps chemistry. Savanna soils had a greater tendency to crust (as evident in a lower rate of laboratory infiltration and greater modulus of rupture) than thicket soils. This was attributed to their lower organic matter content, which probably reduced aggregate stability. Savannas are likely to be more prone to runoff and erosion not only because of sparser vegetation but also because of a decline in soil quality.  相似文献   

The succulent thicket of the Eastern Cape, South Africa, is characterized by densely wooded vegetation that is dominated by succulents with little understory of ephemeral and weakly perennial grasses and forbs. Studies have developed around the question: how do bulk grazers such as the African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) survive in the succulent thicket? In this study, the diet of the African buffalo at the Great Fish River Reserve (GFRR) was studied in two seasons (wet and dry). The diet profile was assessed from faecal matter, using the micro‐histological analysis method. During the wet season, grass species contributed 72% to the diet while 28% was contributed by browse species. In the dry season there was a significant increase in the intake of browse by 5% (χ2 = 19.94, df = 11, P < 0.05). There were species that were neglected in the wet season but became principal dietary items in the dry season, these included Setaria neglecta, Cymbopogon plurinodis, Capparis sepiaria and Portulacaria afra. Diet quality, as estimated from faecal samples, suggested that the buffalo were nutritionally stable; however, the presence of sarcoptic mange in the buffalo suggests nutritional stress.  相似文献   

An accepted criterion for measuring the success of ecosystem restoration is the return of biodiversity relative to intact reference ecosystems. The emerging global carbon economy has made landscape‐scale restoration of severely degraded Portulacaria afra (spekboom)‐dominated subtropical thicket, by planting multiple rows of spekboom truncheons, a viable land‐use option. Although large amounts of carbon are sequestered when planting a monoculture of spekboom, it is unknown whether this is associated with the return of other thicket biodiversity components. We used available carbon stock data from degraded, restored, and intact stands at one site, and sampled carbon stocks at restored stands at another site in the same plant community. We also sampled plant community composition at both sites. The total carbon stock of the oldest (50 years) post‐restoration stand (250.8 ± 14 t C ha?1) approximated that of intact stands (245 t C ha?1) and we observed a general increase in carbon content with restoration age (71.4 ± 24 t C ha?1 after 35 and 167.9 ± 20 t C ha?1 after 50 years). A multiple correspondence analysis separated degraded stands from stands under restoration based on ground cover, floristic composition, and total carbon stock. Older post‐restoration and intact stands were clustered according to woody canopy recruit abundance. Our results suggest that spekboom is an ecosystem engineer that promotes spontaneous return of canopy species and other components of thicket biodiversity. The spekboom canopy creates a cooler micro‐climate and a dense litter layer, both likely to favor the recruitment of other canopy species.  相似文献   

Is the maximum rate of carbon sequestration reported for the CAM‐C3 plant Portulacaria afra (spekboom), viz. 15.4 t CO2 ha?1 yr?1, unusual in comparison with other plants with similar physioliogies, or could such rates be expected routinely in restoration with P. afra? Private sector investors in thicket restoration need an answer to this question in order to assess the feasibility of using carbon finance as the main income stream from their investments. A literature review showed that 15.4 t CO2 ha?1 yr?1 is not an unusual rate of carbon sequestration for CAM plants in arid and semi‐arid environments, which suggests that investors in thicket restoration should not consider this an outlier value. The results also suggest that carbon finance could be used to fund restoration using other CAM plants in degraded xeric thickets in countries such as Argentina, Chile, Mexico, and Madagascar.  相似文献   

In arid environments nurse-plants modify localised habitats and create regeneration opportunities for seedlings vulnerable to hostile conditions created by biotic and abiotic factors. Facilitation is thus recognised as an important process structuring plant communities in harsh environments. Here we use spatial patterns of species association and recruitment to infer species replacement patterns in arid subtropical thicket of South Africa. Although our study site was floristically impoverished, all major plant functional groups that characterise subtropical thicket were present. Portulacaria afra clumps comprised approximately 50% of the study site by area. The mean and median clump size was 16.5 and 6.9 m2, respectively, indicating the prevalence of small individuals in the population. Approximately 90% of tree seedlings were recorded under P. afra clumps and 93% of P. afra seedlings were recorded under woody shrubs. P. afra seedlings were recorded more frequently than expected beneath Rhigozum obovatum compared with other woody shrub species. No clear recruitment patterns were recorded for R. obovatum. Lycium cinereum, a woody shrub, and the stem-succulent Psilocaulon absimile were distributed more frequently on nutrient rich patches than expected and both these species are replaced by grass as the nutrient rich patch ages. Mature trees were generally recorded growing to the south of the assumed founding P. afra stem indicating that tree establishment was more frequent on the shaded side of P. afra clumps. However, most trees grew towards the sunny north and east-facing aspects. Plant species replacement patterns are facilitated by nurse-plant effects in arid subtropical thicket. These recruitment patterns together with our inferred species replacement on nutrient rich patches result in a predictable sequence of species replacement that is cyclic in nature.  相似文献   

Landscape context and site history, including antecedent site conditions, may constrain restoration potential despite the efforts of restoration practitioners. However, few experimental studies have investigated the relative importance of antecedent site conditions and the intensity of on‐site management in driving restoration outcomes. We established small‐scale prairie restoration experiments within the Lost Mound Unit of the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge in Illinois, U.S.A. We investigated the effectiveness of two restoration treatments, herbicide application and seeding of native plants, on removal of invasive crown‐vetch (Securigera varia) and recovery of sand prairie plant communities. We replicated treatment plots across 15 locations with three levels of antecedent condition and fire treatment (burned, undegraded; burned, degraded; and unburned, degraded) to determine whether antecedent condition constrained the effectiveness of on‐site restoration. Two years after initial herbicide application crown‐vetch cover was significantly reduced relative to untreated controls. This effect was more pronounced in plots treated twice with herbicide. However, removal of crown‐vetch facilitated invasion by Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis). Addition of native prairie seed had little effect on restoration outcomes, regardless of herbicide application. Native community recovery was greater in plots restored in less degraded locations. Herbicide application tended to increase native species cover, but importantly, this effect was significant only in the least degraded locations. Intensive restoration management conducted in degraded landscapes can result in undesirable outcomes such as secondary species invasion. Reestablishment of native species following restoration is more likely where the surrounding remnant communities are intact.  相似文献   

The influence of animal-mediated processes on the purported cyclical succession model of vegetation dynamics in arid subtropical thicket of southern South Africa was examined. We used spatially explicit sampling methods to evaluate the influence of dispersal and decomposition on plant community structure. The harvester ant Messor capensis was the only ant species recorded harvesting Portulacaria afra fruit and the elaiosome bearing seed of the tree Gymnosporia polyacantha from experimental piles. Propagules were dispersed to nest mounds positioned beneath woody shrubs. Vertebrates dispersed fleshy-fruited tree species to regeneration sites beneath P. afra clumps. The minute seeds of succulent shrubs were secondarily dispersed from beneath shrubs to ant nest sites located in the open. The results from two experiments indicate that soil nutrients and decomposition activity are spatially localised. The rate of below-ground decomposition, and the incidence of an invertebrate detritivore assemblage, was high beneath P. afra clumps compared with exposed nutrient-enriched and grassy sites. Animal dispersal vectors are integral to the regeneration of major plant groups in arid subtropical thicket by moving seeds from competitively harsh environments to safe sites beneath nurse plants. Decomposition and nutrient release are localised beneath P. afra clumps due to the unique conditions that support a suite of detritivore taxa recorded nowhere else at the study site.  相似文献   

Abstract. Seedling abundance at four microsites (open fynbos, beneath emergent fynbos shrubs, beneath thicket, and beneath forest) was determined at three coastal dune landscapes, located along a gradient of increasing summer rainfall and where fire-dependent fynbos was the predominant vegetation. At all sites thicket seedlings were most common beneath emergent fynbos shrubs and under thicket clumps; seedlings of forest species were most abundant at forest microsites although some individuals were recorded beneath thicket. Very few thicket seedlings were observed in open fynbos. Birds play a keystone role in facilitating establishment of the fleshy fruit-bearing thicket flora. Seedling abundance at microsites of different thicket and forest species was generally unrelated to fruit abundance. Germination success of most species was highest under shaded conditions; soil organic content had no effect on germination. Removal of pulp and birdingestion enhanced the germination, relative to untreated controls, of two out of three species tested. A simple Markov model predicted a gradual increase in cover of the thicket and forest component and a gradual decline in fynbos under a ‘normal’ (20-yr interval) fire regime simulated over 10 cycles. Although inter-fire seedling establishment under emergent fynbos shrubs is important in the initial colonisation of fynbos by obligate resprouting thicket shrubs, these species persist and expand by vegetative recruitment after and between fires, respectively. In the prolonged absence of fire, the endemic-rich and fire-dependent fynbos flora would be replaced by species-poor forest and thicket.  相似文献   

The potential of Cephalophyllum inaequale was investigated for use in initiating ecosystem restoration in degraded landscapes of Namaqualand, South Africa. Cephalophyllum inaequale, a perennial shrub, is a member of the succulent Mesembryanthemaceae family, typical of the Succulent Karoo Biome and in particular of the Namaqualand area. A bioclimatic envelope was modeled to establish the area in which this species might feasibly be used. The regional bioclimatic potential for C. inaequale proved to be extensive, covering approximately 17,500 km2. An examination of the functional role of C. inaequale showed it to facilitate early seedling survival in this community. A nearest‐neighbor study found no evidence of interspecific competition between C. inaequale and its dominant co‐occurring species, possibly due to vertical stratification of rooting structures. Cephalophyllum inaequale significantly reduced wind speed and soil erosion. Experiments to test the feasibility of propagating, reintroducing, and establishing this species showed that it easily germinates from seed, and transplanted cuttings have a high survival rate. This study demonstrates that C. inaequale has potential for use in initiating the restoration of degraded lands in South Africa .  相似文献   

土壤碳、氮、磷生态化学计量比可以广泛地指示群落的生态学动态过程,其研究可以为湿地生态系统的恢复与保护提供依据。以敦煌阳关湿地为研究对象,选取53个样地,分层(0—20、20—40 cm和40—60 cm)采集土壤样品,对3种植被盖度类型(高盖度、中盖度和低盖度)的土壤碳、氮、磷生态化学计量比特征及其影响因素进行了研究。结果表明:(1) 0—20、20—40 cm和40—60 cm土层C/N变化趋势均为:高盖度中盖度低盖度,C/P、N/P变化趋势均为:低盖度中盖度高盖度。(2)高盖度土壤C/N、C/P和N/P均随土层深度的增加而增大;中盖度土壤C/N随土层深度的增加而增大,C/P、N/P随土层深度的增加先减小后增大;低盖度C/N、C/P和N/P均随土层深度的增加先减小后增大。(3) 0—60 cm土层土壤水分与C/N显著负相关(P0.01),而与C/P、N/P显著正相关(P0.01),土壤盐分与C/P、N/P均显著负相关(P0.01),pH与C/P、N/P均显著正相关(P0.05),TP与C/N呈显著负相关(P 0.05),TN与C/P、OC与N/P均呈极显著正相关(P0.01)。由多元线性回归分析可知,土壤水分是土壤C/N、C/P和N/P的关键影响因子。  相似文献   

Changes to the primary successional environment caused by colonizing plants that present symbiotic associations with nitrogen-fixing bacteria were investigated at two areas on Mount St. Helens. One area was occupied by alder (Alnus viridis) thickets and old lupine (Lupinus lepidus) patches and the other area by young lupine patches and pumice barrens. Alder thicket soils had higher levels for a few soil nutrients and had greater cover by other pioneer species as compared to old lupine patches. Many soil nutrients, including nitrogen and soil organic matter, were below detection limits in old lupine patches but not in alder thicket soils. Young lupine patch soils were generally not different from barren site soils but had greater cover by other pioneer species. Below detection nitrogen and soil organic matter levels also occurred in many barren soil samples but not in young lupine patch soils. Barren soils were moister than were the other sites. The apparent increase in soil fertility has not led to invasion by later successional species, perhaps due to dry conditions or to other inhibitory factors. Seedbanks, composed of early successional species, appear to be developing in these areas.  相似文献   

The impact of black rhinoceros (Bicornis diceros minor) on the tree euphorbias Euphorbia tetragona and Euphorbia triangularis was studied in the Great Fish River Reserve, South Africa. Black rhinoceros pushed over about 5–7% of the trees in a 2‐month period. There was a preference of rhinos for smaller trees, however this preference did not guarantee euphorbia survival in the larger size classes. This means that tree euphorbias could very well disappear from all areas accessible to rhinos. Rhino feeding choices were correlated with higher plant moisture content, higher nitrogen content, and a higher digestibility.  相似文献   

A major challenge to advancing the science and practice of ecological restoration is working across large landscapes containing diverse sites that may respond differently to restoration. We conducted a 5‐year restoration experiment, replicated across 9 sites spanning 3 soil parent material types within a 9,000‐ha Pinus ponderosa forest landscape. We evaluated plant community response to restoration Pinus thinning, grazing, and aqueous smoke application. We measured vegetation before (2003) and 3 (2006) and 5 (2008) years after treatment. Plant community responses of species richness, cover, and composition were diverse, ranging from increases, decreases, or no change depending on soil parent material, tree thinning, and presence or exclusion of grazing. Restoration outcomes were under hierarchical control: soil parent material constrained response to Pinus thinning, which in turn influenced grazing effects. On limestone‐derived soil, responses included no change in species richness but increased plant cover with Pinus thinning. Both plant richness and cover increased on benmorite soil after thinning, and cover generally increased more without grazing. On rocky, basalt soil, plant richness increased but cover did not after any treatment. Diversity of responses to restoration has implications for: (1) setting goals or monitoring indicators tailored to inherent soil capability; (2) identifying where grazing most affects restoration outcomes; and (3) forecasting responses to restoration across landscapes. Diverse responses to restoration along physiographic gradients such as soil parent material warrant consideration when developing restoration across degraded landscapes.  相似文献   

Genetic variation in many invasive species shows little or no signs of a founder event, suggesting that high genetic diversity may facilitate establishment success. The rocky‐shore, plankton‐feeding cichlid fish Cynotilapia afra is endemic to Lake Malawi, but naturally absent from many suitable sites. In the 1960s, this species was introduced to the southern areas of the lake, presumably as a result of the aquarium fish trade. It has now become established on a number of rocky areas within the Lake Malawi National Park. Here, we analysed DNA sequence variation in the mitochondrial control region of six native and four introduced populations of C. afra, and three populations of the closely‐related and hybridizing Pseudotropheus zebra. In contrast to previous studies of Lake Malawi rock dwelling cichlids, network analyses suggested that native populations of C. afra showed high levels of lineage sorting in mtDNA. Introduced populations showed higher sequence and haplotype diversity than their native counterparts. Our analyses suggested that the elevated gene diversity was largely attributed to the fact that the introduced C. afra populations were derived from several genetically distinct and geographically separate populations, and to a lesser extent because of introgressive hybridization with native P. zebra. The establishment and spread of C. afra may be partly because of its ability to occupy a vacant ecological niche, but it may also have been facilitated by its enhanced genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Subtropical thicket dominated by the leaf- and stem-succulent tree Potulacaria afra (spekboom) accumulates extraordinarily high amounts of soil organic carbon for a semi-arid ecosystem. This has been attributed to high leaf litter production of canopy trees — especially spekboom — and the relatively cool beneath-canopy temperatures, which reduces mineralization of organic matter. High rainfall interception by the dense thicket canopy may also contribute to reduced mineralization of soil organic carbon stocks via a reduced Birch effect (wet-dry cycles) and overall reduced moisture of organic matter. Here we provide preliminary data on one easily measurable component of canopy interception, namely throughfall, which is the amount of rain falling on the canopy that is not intercepted by the canopy or diverted as stemflow. For 23 rainfall events > 1 mm in the period Jan-Jun 2006, we measured 275 ± 21 mm gross rainfall at three spekboom thicket sites. Mean throughfall was 56.4% across all events and ≤ 20% for small (≤ 5 mm) events. These values are the lowest recorded in the literature. Throughfall in tropical and temperate forests ranges from 70 to 90%, Mediterranean woodland trees 70-80%, and Savanna trees 75-84%. The low rates of throughfall recorded in this study support the hypothesis that the extreme accumulation of soil organic carbon in thicket soils is partly due to interception of rainfall and concomitant constraints on soil microbial activity. The extraordinary high interception of rainfall by the spekboom thicket canopy warrants further research at the ecosystem level.  相似文献   

We compared potential denitrification and phosphorus (P) sorption in restored depressional wetlands, restored riparian buffers, and natural riparian buffers of central Ohio to determine to what extent systems restored under the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Wetland Reserve Program (WRP) and Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) provide water quality improvement benefits, and to determine which practice is more effective at nutrient retention. We also measured soil nutrient pools (organic C, N, and P) to evaluate the potential for long‐term C sequestration and nutrient accumulation. Depressional wetland soils sorbed twice as much P as riparian soils, but had significantly lower denitrification rates. Phosphorus sorption and denitrification were similar between the restored and natural riparian buffers, although all Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) practices had higher denitrification than agricultural soils. Pools of organic C (2570–3320 g/m2), total N (216–243 g/m2), and total P (60–71 g/m2) were comparable among all three NRCS practices but were greater than nearby agricultural fields and less than natural wetlands in the region. Overall, restored wetlands and restored and natural riparian buffers provide ecosystem services to the landscape that were lost during the conversion to agriculture, but the delivery of services differs among conservation practices, with greater N removal by riparian buffers and greater P removal by wetlands, attributed to differences in landscape position and mineral soil composition. At the landscape, and even global level, wetland and riparian restoration in agricultural landscapes will reintroduce multiple ecosystem services (e.g. C sequestration, water quality improvement, and others) and should be considered in management plans .  相似文献   

Restoration is gaining importance in the management of plant invasions. As the success of restoration projects is frequently determined by factors other than ecological ones, we explored the ecological and financial feasibility of active restoration on three different invaded sites in South Africa's Cape Floristic Region. The aim of our study was to identify cost-effective ways of restoring functional native ecosystems following invasion by alien plants. Over three years we evaluated different restoration approaches using field trials and experimental manipulations (i.e. mechanical clearing, burning, different soil restoration techniques and sowing of native species) to reduce elevated soil nutrient levels and to re-establish native fynbos communities. Furthermore we investigated the possibility of introducing native fynbos species that can be used for sustainable harvesting to create an incentive for restoration on private land.Diversity and evenness of native plant species increased significantly after restoration at all three sites, whereas cover of alien plants decreased significantly, confirming that active restoration was successful. However, sowing of native fynbos species had no significant effect on native cover, species richness, diversity or evenness in the Acacia thicket and Kikuyu field, implying that the ecosystem was sufficiently resilient to allow autogenic recovery following clearing and burning of the invasive species. Soil restoration treatments resulted in an increase of available nitrogen in the Acacia thicket, but had no significant effects in the Eucalyptus plantation. However, despite elevated available soil nitrogen levels, native species germinated irrespective whether sown or unsown (i.e. regeneration from the soil seed bank).Without active introduction of native species, native grasses, forbs and other shrubs would have dominated, and proteoids and ericoids (the major fynbos growth forms) would have been under-represented.The financial analysis shows that income from flower harvesting following active restoration consistently outweighs income following passive restoration, but that the associated increase in income does not always justify the higher costs. We conclude that active restoration can be effective and financially feasible when compared to passive restoration, depending on the density of invasion. Active restoration of densely invaded sites may therefore only be justifiable if the target area is in a region of high conservation priority.  相似文献   

Question: What are the genesis and development of thicket clumps within a savanna landscape at geomorphically different locations and what are the driving forces? Location: The Kagera Region, in the border area of Rwanda, Uganda and Tanzania. Methods: The vegetation of 32 dry evergreen thicket clumps and their surrounding savannas have been analysed at different geomorphic locations. At each vegetation plot Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Al3+, Fe2+/3+, H+, P, C, N, bulk density and particle size were determined for each soil horizon. The impact of soil and termite mounds on thicket clump dynamics on seasonally waterlogged plains, gentle slopes and stony hillsides were assessed. Results: Thicket clumps and their surrounding savannas have a distinct structure and floristic composition. They also have distinct soil properties although parent materials are the same. On seasonally waterlogged plains, new thicket clumps can develop on Macrotermitinae mounds; on stony hillsides, Trinervitermes and Macrotermes show a uniform distribution pattern and may initiate the genesis of thicket clumps. Conclusions: Geomorphology broadly determines the significance and interactions of the main factors affecting site‐specific vegetation dynamics. On seasonally waterlogged plains, thicket clumps are restricted to termite mounds. Since intra‐species competition dictates a minimal distance between neighbouring Macrotermitinae colonies, thicket clumps do not coalescence. By contrast, on stony hillsides, the vegetation mosaic is highly dynamic and determined by the interplay of several factors. The growth of thicket clumps is mainly a function of the fire regime and the browsing intensity. At the present time, frequent cool, early dry season fires and the near absence of large browsers have favoured the advance and coalescence of thicket clumps and forest patches on stony hillsides.  相似文献   

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