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Natural food odours elicit different behavioural responses in snails. The tentacle carries an olfactory organ, and it either protracts toward a stimulating carrot odour or retraces in a startle-like fashion away from a cucumber odour. The tentacle retraction to cucumber was still present after the snails were fed cucumber during inter-trial periods. Also, snails without any food experience displayed a longer latency to the first bite of cucumber than of carrot and rejected cucumber more often. After tasting these foods, the latency to carrot was not affected while the latency to and number of rejections of cucumber decreased. These results suggest that initial repulsive features of food odour can be only partially compensated by olfactory learning and feeding experience. In the present study, we demonstrated that an invertebrate can be repulsed or attracted by the same natural odour at the same time and that these behavioural responses are likely aimed at achieving different physiologically relevant goals.  相似文献   

The bioassay of chemical signals in mammals presents a number of problems. Many of these difficulties are the result of the complexity of the behaviour which has to be analysed and of the odiferous output itself. Additionally, it is usual for the response to the odour to be affected by information from other sensory modalities, by experience and by the spatial and social context. This degree of variability and of flexibility which is characteristic of mammals also has the result that concepts such as ‘pheromone’, which were originally developed in simpler organisms, can be seriously misleading. Although valuable information can be gained by less direct methods, a bioassay is only likely to be successful in the identification of active substances if: 1. there is a clearly defined behavioural or physiological response to the odour, 2. the method of testing actually measures this response, 3. the situation used for testing is as close as possible to that in which the response naturally occurs, 4. in the case of a behavioural response, the recording technique is as detailed as possible so that ambiguous results are avoided, 5. an adequate test population is available to allow repeated testing, 6. considerable resources are available for chemical analysis. Although it is not easy to fulfil all of these requirements at one time, olfaction is of such importance in mammalian communication that the attempt to do so will always be valuable.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Behavioural assays to study insect attraction to specific odours are tedious, time consuming and often require large numbers of replications. Olfactometer and flight tunnel tests can usually only be conducted with one or two odour sources at a time. Moreover, chemical information on the odour sources has to be obtained in separate analytical studies. An olfactometer was developed in which six odours can be tested simultaneously for their relative attractiveness while during the assays, part of each test odour can be trapped for further analyses. The effectiveness of this six-arm olfactometer was tested by observing the responses of the solitary endoparasitoid Cotesia marginiventris (Cresson) to host-induced odours from young maize plants. For statistical analyses, we used log-linear models were adapted to account for overdispersion and possible positional biases. Female wasps responded extremely well in tests where they were offered a single odour source, as well as in tests with multiple choices. The responses of wasps released in groups were the same as those released individually and it was found that females did not attract or repel each other, but males preferred arms in which females had been released. Dose–response tests with varying numbers of plants or host larvae on plants revealed that the wasps responded in a dose-related manner, thus showing that the system is well suited to measure relative preference. The clear choices of the insects amongst six possibilities provided substantial statistical power. Gas chromatographic analyses of sampled air revealed clean and effective odour trapping, which largely facilitates the comparison of results from behavioural assays with the actual blends of volatiles that were emitted by the various odour sources. Advantages and disadvantages compared to other methods are discussed.  相似文献   

The social transmission of food preferences(STFP) is a behavioural task of olfactory memory, in which an observer rat learns safe food odours from a demonstrator rat, and shows preference for this odour in a subsequent choice test. However, previous studies have failed to detect the transmission of information about food of potential danger and food aversion using STFP test. In this study, we tested how demonstrators' health affects the exchange of odour information and whether observers can learn danger information from an unhealthy demonstrator. As expected, the observer rat formed an odour preference after interacting with a demonstrator rat that had just eaten food containing a new odour, however, odour preference rather than aversion was also formed after interacting with a demonstrator rat injected with LiCl(used to induce gastric malaise). Furthermore, anaesthetized demonstrator rats and half-anaesthetized demonstrator rats, which showed obvious motor deficits suggesting an unhealthy state, also socially transmitted food preferences to observers. These results suggest that the social transmission of food preferences task is independent of a demonstrators' health, and that information about dangerous foods cannot be transmitted using this behavioural task.  相似文献   

Animals'' behaviour towards odours depends on both odour quality and odour intensity. While neuronal coding of odour quality is fairly well studied, how odour intensity is treated by olfactory systems is less clear. Here we study odour intensity processing at the behavioural level, using the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. We trained flies by pairing a MEDIUM intensity of an odour with electric shock, and then, at a following test phase, measured flies'' conditioned avoidance of either this previously trained MEDIUM intensity or a LOWer or a HIGHer intensity. With respect to 3-octanol, n-amylacetate and 4-methylcyclohexanol, we found that conditioned avoidance is strongest when training and test intensities match, speaking for intensity-specific memories. With respect to a fourth odour, benzaldehyde, on the other hand, we found no such intensity specificity. These results form the basis for further studies of odour intensity processing at the behavioural, neuronal and molecular level.  相似文献   

Detailed observations of larval Drosophila chemotaxis have characterised the relationship between the odour gradient and the runs, head casts and turns made by the animal. We use a computational model to test whether hypothesised sensorimotor control mechanisms are sufficient to account for larval behaviour. The model combines three mechanisms based on simple transformations of the recent history of odour intensity at the head location. The first is an increased probability of terminating runs in response to gradually decreasing concentration, the second an increased probability of terminating head casts in response to rapidly increasing concentration, and the third a biasing of run directions up concentration gradients through modulation of small head casts. We show that this model can be tuned to produce behavioural statistics comparable to those reported for the larva, and that this tuning results in similar chemotaxis performance to the larva. We demonstrate that each mechanism can enable odour approach but the combination of mechanisms is most effective, and investigate how these low-level control mechanisms relate to behavioural measures such as the preference indices used to investigate larval learning behaviour in group assays.  相似文献   

Male moths locate conspecific females by pheromone‐induced upwind flight maintained by detecting a visual flow, termed optomotor anemotaxis. Their behavioural pattern is characterized by an upwind surge in response to a pheromone stimulus and crosswind casting after odour loss, which is considered to be reset and restarted on receipt of another pheromone pulse. However, pheromone‐stimulated males of the potato tuberworm moth Phthorimaea operculella exhibit a series of short and straight intermittent flights, or hops, when moving upwind. It is unclear whether they navigate by employing the same behavioural pattern and wind detection mechanism as that used by flying moths. To analyze odour‐modulated anemotaxis in male potato tuberworm moths, a flat wind tunnel is constructed to give regular odour stimuli to an insect regardless of its location. Moths are subjected to pheromone pulses of different frequencies to test whether they show a behavioural pattern that is reset and restarted by a pheromone pulse. Moths on the ground are also subjected to crosswind shear to examine their detection of wind direction. Path analyses reveal that males surge upwind when they receive a pheromone pulse and exhibit casting by successive hops when they lose odour. This behavioural pattern appears to be similar to that of flying moths. When the direction of the airflow is switched orthogonally, males adjust their course angle accordingly when they are on the ground. It is suggested that, instead of optomotor anemotaxis, this ‘aim‐then‐shoot’ system aids the detection of wind direction, possibly by mechanosensory means.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. To overcome the challenge of host location in patchy and complex environments, many parasitoids exploit host‐habitat derived odour cues. This study investigated the role of odour cues used during host location by the generalist parasitoid, Tachinaephagus zealandicus, a common parasitoid of Dipteran larvae found in association with decomposing carrion. 2. A Y‐tube olfactometer was used to test aspects of host searching behaviour of T. zealandicus females under different choice scenarios: combinations of host–liver complex, eaten liver, unwashed host larvae, washed host larvae, liver in six stages of decay, and control (no odour). 3. T. zealandicus females demonstrated an innate response to, and preference for, odours arising from liver substrates following interaction with the host. However, this was dependent on the stage of meat decay. Females were not attracted to liver that had never been in contact with a host, regardless of the stage of decay. There were discernible differences in parasitoid movement and behaviour under different choice scenarios. The absence of odour stimulus elicited limited movement about the olfactometer. In the presence of any odour stimuli, females were more active within the olfactometer, and when presented with two odour options T. zealandicus females demonstrate a heightened investigation response, moving across all regions of the olfactometer. 4. Knowledge of the cues that mediate host location for T. zealandicus can contribute to fields such as forensic entomology, where the presence of parasitoids on decomposing remains can be used to estimate time since death.  相似文献   

The vast majority of research into the mechanisms of camouflage has focused on forms that confound visual perception. However, many organisms primarily interact with their surroundings using chemosensory systems and may have evolved mechanisms to ‘blend in’ with chemical components of their habitat. One potential mechanism is ‘chemical crypsis'' via the sequestration of dietary elements, causing a consumer''s odour to chemically match that of its prey. Here, we test the potential for chemical crypsis in the coral-feeding filefish, Oxymonacanthus longirostris, by examining olfactory discrimination in obligate coral-dwelling crabs and a predatory cod. The crabs, which inhabit the corals consumed by O. longirostris, were used as a bioassay to determine the effect of coral diet on fish odour. Crabs preferred the odour of filefish fed their preferred coral over the odour of filefish fed a non-preferred coral, suggesting coral-specific dietary elements that influence odour are sequestered. Crabs also exhibited a similar preference for the odour of filefish fed their preferred coral and odour directly from that coral, suggesting a close chemical match. In behavioural trials, predatory cod were less attracted to filefish odour when presented alongside the coral it had been fed on, suggesting diet can reduce detectability. This is, we believe, the first evidence of diet-induced chemical crypsis in a vertebrate.  相似文献   

为研究亲子分开后雌性根田鼠对亲本气味的记忆持续时间,分别在未分开(20日龄)、分开10d(30日龄)、20d(40日龄)、30d(50日龄)、40d(60日龄)时,以新鲜尿作气味源,在行为观察箱中记录雌性根田鼠对不同气味源的行为响应模式,结果表明(1)未分开时,雌鼠遭遇父本气味时自我修饰的频次极显著高于陌生雄鼠气味,在分开10d时,雌鼠接近父本气味的频次显著多于接近陌生雄鼠气味的频次,其对前者反标记显著少于后者;(2)分开20d后,雌鼠对父本和陌生雄鼠气味的行为响应无明显差异;(3)未分窝时,雌性根田鼠幼仔对母本和陌生雌鼠气味的行为响应无差异;(4)分开10—40d时,雌性根田鼠对母本和陌生雌鼠气味表现出不同的行为响应模式。以上结果表明,在亲子分开10d时,雌鼠仍能识别父本和陌生雄鼠的气味;分开20d后,雌鼠不再能够识别父本和陌生雄鼠的气味;在亲子分开40d时,雌鼠仍能识别母本和陌生雌鼠的气味。因此,雌鼠对父本气味的嗅觉记忆时间可以持续到亲子分开10—20d之间;而对母本气味的嗅觉记忆时间则可以持续到亲子分开40d以上。  相似文献   

There is growing evidence of correlated behaviours across time, situations and/or contexts (behavioural syndromes) in animals, and their link with fitness makes these studies mandatory to understanding the species’ behavioural and evolutionary ecology. Whereas the role of the social environment on behavioural syndromes is receiving increasing attention, experimental studies testing whether environmental fluctuations govern sex-dependent behavioural syndromes are scarce. I performed an experiment to test for the existence of sex differences in activity syndromes through a changing social environment. Males and females of Bosca’s newt (Lissotriton boscai) were faced with three social situations perceived through chemical cues (own odour, no odour and same-sex conspecific odours) to measure their activity levels. Comparisons of the activity levels showed that both males and females discriminated the odourless stimuli from newt odour (either their own or the conspecific stimuli). Whereas activity levels were positively correlated between their own and the odourless stimuli in both sexes, the association between the odourless and conspecific stimuli was positive in males but decoupled in females. This is the first experimental evidence of sex differences in activity syndromes of wild-caught animals in response to social changes.  相似文献   

The Large Pine Weevil, Hylobius abietis, is one of the most important pests in European coniferous forests. The ectoparasitoid Bracon hylobii is known to cause around 50% larval mortality. Chemical volatiles are among the most important stimuli involved in the host location. In the present study, a 4-arm olfactometer and a 2-choice wind-tunnel were used to test the behavioural responses of B. hylobii females to four odour sources from the host-plant/host-insect complex. For each odour, the behaviour of twenty virgin females was individually recorded in an olfactometer, whereas twenty virgin and twenty mated females were individually tested in a wind-tunnel. The following behavioural parameters were analysed: a) time spent walking; b) time spent stopped; c) total time spent in each arm; d) total speed; e) net speed; f) the rate of turning per unit distance walked; g) rate of turning per second. Comparison between odours shows clear differences in the behavioural parameters analysed. In particular, the bark disc/larva complex is the only odour source able to elicit behavioural responses of both naive and mated females. As strong responses were obtained only using experienced females, this suggests that previous searching activities increase the ability of B. hylobii to find its host.  相似文献   

Argulus coregoni is an ectoparasite primarily infesting freshwater salmonids. Sexually reproducing parasites such as A. coregoni are confronted with a dilemma between finding a mate and the costs involved in doing so; if mating partners are unavailable on a host, by leaving to search for a mate on a new host, the parasite is exposed to risks such as predation and energy loss. The utilization of chemical cues could enhance the probability of finding a host and/or a suitable mating partner and thus decrease the level of costs associated with detachment from the host. In this study we constructed a Y-maze arena to determine if adult A. coregoni respond to mate- and host-related chemical cues. We also tested the directional response towards light, since it has been suggested that photic cues are the most important cues for juvenile A. coregoni locating a host. Our results showed that both sexes were attracted to light and fish odour. Free-swimming A. coregoni males responded to chemical cues produced by adult females but not vice versa. The hierarchy of these stimuli was analyzed by pitting the cues against one another in the Y-maze, showing that light was the most salient stimulus for both male and female parasites. Moreover, male parasites were more strongly attracted towards light and fish odour than female odour. In another experiment in a semi-natural environment, we examined whether the ability of A. coregoni males to detect female odour influences their host choice. Free-swimming males did not preferentially infest fish infected with female parasites over parasite-free fish. We suggest that a hierarchy of stimulus responses exists, whereby free-swimming parasites first respond to host-related signals and most dominantly to visual cues. However, cues connected to mate finding may become a priority for late adult stages and/or once the parasite has attached to the host.  相似文献   

Krause ET  Caspers BA 《PloS one》2012,7(5):e36615
Reliably recognizing their own nest provides parents with a necessary skill to invest time and resources efficiently in raising their offspring and thereby maximising their own reproductive success. Studies investigating nest recognition in adult birds have focused mainly on visual cues of the nest or the nest site and acoustic cues of the nestlings. To determine whether adult songbirds also use olfaction for nest recognition, we investigated the use of olfactory nest cues for two estrildid finch species, zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) and Bengalese finches (Lonchura striata var. domestica) during the nestling and fledgling phase of their offspring. We found similar behavioural responses to nest odours in both songbird species. Females preferred the odour of their own nest over a control and avoided the foreign conspecific nest scent over a control during the nestling phase of their offspring, but when given the own odour and the foreign conspecific odour simultaneously we did not find a preference for the own nest odour. Males of both species did not show any preferences at all. The behavioural reaction to any nest odour decreased after fledging of the offspring. Our results show that only females show a behavioural response to olfactory nest cues, indicating that the use of olfactory cues for nest recognition seems to be sex-specific and dependent on the developmental stage of the offspring. Although estrildid finches are known to use visual and acoustic cues for nest recognition, the similar behavioural pattern of both species indicates that at least females gain additional information by olfactory nest cues during the nestling phase of their offspring. Thus olfactory cues might be important in general, even in situations in which visual and acoustic cues are known to be sufficient.  相似文献   

Biological odours of conspecifics are known to have strong influences on behavioural interaction in bank voles Clethrionomys glareolus. This experiment tested two hypotheses. (1) Olfactory cues from familiar and unfamiliar mature opposite-sex conspecifics differ in their attractiveness to males and females, and their behavioural reactions change with age. (2) A genetically based mechanism is involved in female recognition of kin.In a two-choice preference test, prepubertal males and females were more attracted to familiar than to unfamiliar odours of opposite-sex conspecifics, as manifested by more time spent sniffing familiar voles. As the young reached sexual maturity they shifted their odour preferences. Mature males and females preferred the novel odour of unrelated opposite-sex conspecifics to that of relatives. The results of experiments testing the second hypothesis indicate that females use a genetically based mechanism to recognise their kin. Young and mature females were able to recognise the odour of their biological but socially unknown fathers, and showed the same pattern of behaviour as females in previous experiments.The possible biological functions of kin recognition in bank voles are discussed.  相似文献   

Horses frequently react nervously when passing animal production farms and other places with distinctive smells, leading riders to believe that horses are innately frightened by certain odours. In three experiments, we investigated how horses respond to (1) urine from wolves and lions, (2) blood from slaughtered conspecifics and fur-derived wolf odour, and (3) a sudden auditory stimulus in either presence or absence of fur-derived wolf odour. The experiments were carried out under standardised conditions using a total of 45 naïve, 2-year-old horses. In the first two experiments we found that horses showed significant changes in behaviour (Experiments 1 and 2: increased sniffing; Experiment 2 only: increased vigilance, decreased eating, and more behavioural shifts), but no increase in heart rate compared to controls when exposed to predator odours and conspecific blood in a known test environment. However, the third experiment showed that exposure to a combination of wolf odour and a sudden stimulus (sound of a moving plastic bag) caused significantly increased heart rate responses and a tendency to a longer latency to resume feeding, compared to control horses exposed to the sudden stimulus without the wolf odour. The results indicate that predator odour per se does not frighten horses but it may cause an increased level of vigilance. The presence of predator odour may, however, cause an increased heart rate response if horses are presented to an additional fear-eliciting stimulus. This strategy may be adaptive in the wild where equids share habitats with their predators, and have to trade-off time and energy spent on anti-predation responses against time allocated to essential non-defensive activities.  相似文献   

The behavioural responses of reproductive and non‐reproductive female round gobies Neogobius melanostomus to water conditioned by reproductive and non‐reproductive males and females were tested. The behavioural responses of reproductive female round gobies exposed to odour of reproductive males included increased time spent near the source of the odour, elevated swimming velocities and directed movement to and around the odour source when compared with their responses to control water. These results suggested that pheromones released from reproductive males may induce spawning behaviour in reproductive females. Non‐reproductive females exposed to reproductive female odour spent significantly more time near the odour source of reproductive females compared with control water. Non‐reproductive females also showed directed movement towards and around the odour source when exposed to reproductive female odour. These results suggested that round gobies use inter‐sexual and intra‐sexual pheromones and that both sex and reproductive status are important in the detection and release of these pheromones.  相似文献   

Compounds from the odour-producing glands of the fox Vulpes vulpes were collected. This complex mixture of compounds was used to stimulate the ‘ascoid’ olfactory organs of female sandflies in single sensillum and gas chromatography-linked single sensillum recordings. Sixteen of these compounds were identified using gas chromatography-linked mass spectrometry and amounts present were determined. The compounds fell into four organic classes: ketones, carboxylic acids, alcohols and aldehydes. Specific neurones present in the ascoid sensillum that responded to each of these classes of compound were characterized. A bioassay chamber was developed that gave female sandflies the choice of two odour sources. Female sandflies were attracted upwind by fox odour and were trapped in closer proximity to the fox odour port than the control port. Synthetic compounds were recombined in appropriate quantities to mimic the fox odour. In this bioassay, the synthetic blend attracted sandflies upwind, and again they were caught closer to the test port than the control port. Furthermore, the synthetic fox odour induced an electrophysiological response from neurones in the ascoid sensillum that was very similar to that induced by natural fox odour. No synthetic compound alone induced the same behavioural response from sandflies as did whole fox odour. However, benzaldehyde, 4-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-pentanone and 4-methyl-2-pentanone alone did cause sandflies to fly upwind and to be caught closer to the test port than the control.  相似文献   

Floral to green: mating switches moth olfactory coding and preference   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mating induces profound physiological changes in a wide range of insects, leading to behavioural adjustments to match the internal state of the animal. Here, we show for the first time, to our knowledge, that a noctuid moth switches its olfactory response from food to egg-laying cues following mating. Unmated females of the cotton leafworm (Spodoptera littoralis) are strongly attracted to lilac flowers (Syringa vulgaris). After mating, attraction to floral odour is abolished and the females fly instead to green-leaf odour of the larval host plant cotton, Gossypium hirsutum. This behavioural switch is owing to a marked change in the olfactory representation of floral and green odours in the primary olfactory centre, the antennal lobe (AL). Calcium imaging, using authentic and synthetic odours, shows that the ensemble of AL glomeruli dedicated to either lilac or cotton odour is selectively up- and downregulated in response to mating. A clear-cut behavioural modulation as a function of mating is a useful substrate for studies of the neural mechanisms underlying behavioural decisions. Modulation of odour-driven behaviour through concerted regulation of odour maps contributes to our understanding of state-dependent choice and host shifts in insect herbivores.  相似文献   

Associative learning relies on event timing. Fruit flies for example, once trained with an odour that precedes electric shock, subsequently avoid this odour (punishment learning); if, on the other hand the odour follows the shock during training, it is approached later on (relief learning). During training, an odour-induced Ca(++) signal and a shock-induced dopaminergic signal converge in the Kenyon cells, synergistically activating a Ca(++)-calmodulin-sensitive adenylate cyclase, which likely leads to the synaptic plasticity underlying the conditioned avoidance of the odour. In Aplysia, the effect of serotonin on the corresponding adenylate cyclase is bi-directionally modulated by Ca(++), depending on the relative timing of the two inputs. Using a computational approach, we quantitatively explore this biochemical property of the adenylate cyclase and show that it can generate the effect of event timing on associative learning. We overcome the shortage of behavioural data in Aplysia and biochemical data in Drosophila by combining findings from both systems.  相似文献   

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