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Kolbe T  Holtz W 《Theriogenology》1999,52(4):671-682
In Experiment 1, we performed intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) of frozen-thawed epididymal and fresh ejaculated in vitro-capacitated spermatozoa into in vivo and in vitro-matured porcine oocytes. Within each group, oocytes were sperm-injected, sham-injected or served as handling controls. After subsequent in vitro-culture for 48 h the number of unchanged, fragmented und cleaved oocytes was recorded. The best result (14% cleaved after ICSI vs 2 and 0% with the sham injection and handling controls; P < 0.01) was achieved with fresh in vitro-capacitated spermatozoa injected into in vivo-matured oocytes. In vitro-matured oocytes displayed high fragmentation rates. In Experiment 2, in vitro matured oocytes were injected with freshly ejaculated in vitro-capacitated spermatozoa, followed by a 5 min-exposure to 0 (control), 50 or 100 microM calcium-ionophore. Comparable groups were sham injected or served as handling controls. It became apparent that Ca-ionophore treatment after injection of spermatozoa was ineffective at 100 microM, where at 50 microM a significant reduction in cleavage rate was observed (6 vs 26% with untreated controls, P < 0.01). Fluorescence staining with Hoechst 33342 revealed that in most cases of sperm-injected oocytes that remained unchanged after 48 h of in vitro-culture, sperm heads had not decondensed. Only few oocytes had continued to the pronucleus stage. In this context no favorable effect of Ca-ionophore was to be observed.  相似文献   

Li GP  Seidel GE  Squires EL 《Theriogenology》2003,59(5-6):1143-1155
Five experiments were designed to study the fertilizability and development of bovine oocytes fertilized by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) with stallion spermatozoa. Experiment 1 determined the time required for pronuclear formation after ICSI. Equine sperm head decondensation began 3 h after ICSI; 42% were decondensed 6 h after ICSI. Male pronuclei (MPN) began to form 12 h after ICSI. Female pronuclei (FPN), however, formed as early as 6 h after ICSI. In Experiment 2, ionomycin, ionomycin plus 6-dimethylaminopurine (DMAP), and thimerosal were used to activate ICSI ova. None of the ICSI ova cleaved after treatment with thimerosal. Ionomycin activation after 24 and 30 h of oocyte maturation resulted in 29 and 48% cleavage rates, respectively. Ionomycin combined with DMAP resulted in 49, 6 and 3% cleavage, morula and blastocyst rates, respectively, when oocytes were activated after 24 h maturation. In Experiment 3, rates of cleavage (45-60%) and development to morulae (4-13%) and blastocysts (1-5%) stages following ICSI were not different (P>0.05) among three stallions. Treatment of stallion spermatozoa with ionomycin did not affect cleavage or development of ova fertilized by ICSI. The chromosomal constitution of blastocysts derived from ICSI was bovine, not bovine and equine hybrids. In Experiment 4, to make male and FPN form synchronously, colchicine and DMAP were used for 4 h to inhibit oocytes at metaphase during activation; 63% of oocytes were still at metaphase 8h after ICSI when treated with colchicine, and 50% of sperm nuclei were decondensed. About 18 h after ICSI, 21 and 50% male and FPN had formed, respectively, but cleavage rates were low, and only 1% developed to morulae. In Experiment 5, to test if capacitated equine sperm could fuse with the bovine oolemma, capacitated spermatozoa were injected subzonally (SUZI). Of the 182 SUZI oocytes, 49 (27%) contained extruded second polar bodies. After activation of oocytes with second polar bodies, 44, 22 and 15% developed to 2-, 4- and 8-cell stages, respectively, but development stopped at the 8-cell stage. None of the unactivated oocytes cleaved. In conclusion, equine spermatozoa can decondense and form MPN in bovine oocytes after ICSI, but subsequent embryonic development is parthenogenetic with only bovine chromosomes being found.  相似文献   

Oocyte cryopreservation and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) are advantageous to expand their usefulness in genetic engineering. Oocytes matured for 22 hr were vitrified in droplets of cryoprotectants (3.2 M ethylene glycol (EG), 2.36 M dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), 0.6 M sucrose) on copper electron microscope (EM) grids. After being warmed, the oocytes were cultured in IVM medium for an additional 2 hr. Sperm treated with dithiothreitol were utilized for ICSI. Oocytes injected with sperm were activated by combination of ionomycin with cycloheximide (CHX). The ICSI oocytes were compared for the rates of pronuclear formation, development, cell number, and the ratio of ICM to those of fresh ICSI and IVF control. The proportion of 2PN formation was significantly higher in IVF control (Group 1) than those in other treated groups. Among the treated groups a significant lower 2PN formation was observed in IVF-frozen-thawed than in ICSI-fresh and frozen-thawed groups. Cleavage rates in IVF-frozen-thawed and ICSI-frozen-thawed groups were significantly lower than those of IVF control and ICSI-fresh groups. In ICSI groups, the rates of cleavage and blastocyst in fresh oocytes were significantly higher than in frozen-thawed. Development rates into blastocysts in the ICSI-fresh and frozen-thawed groups were significantly lower than that of IVF control. Total cell number was significantly lower in both frozen-thawed IVF and ICSI groups than those in IVF-control and ICSI-fresh groups. However, the rates of the remaining cells that were found in the ICM were significantly higher in both frozen-thawed IVF and ICSI than in the IVF-control and ICSI-fresh groups. The results indicated that frozen-thawed bovine oocytes were suitable for ICSI procedure.  相似文献   

Ng SC  Martelli P  Liow SL  Herbert S  Oh SH 《Theriogenology》2002,58(7):1385-1397
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) with frozen-thawed epididymal spermatozoa was performed in the cynomolgus monkey (Macacafascicularis) to produce embryos in vitro. Eleven sexually mature females were hyperstimulated with an GnRH agonist (1.8 mg active triptorelin per 2 kg body weight), followed (2 weeks later) by rFSH (37.5 IU per 2 kg daily) for 12 days, and finally 1000 IU of hCG. Epididymal spermatozoa were collected from a single adult male monkey. The first stimulation cycle resulted in 90 oocytes; 70% of which were metaphase II (MII). Sixty-four percent of these MII oocytes were fertilized. Comparing ovarian response of five monkeys that underwent a second stimulation cycle there was an increase in oocyte quantity (13.2 versus 9.2 oocytes per monkey) but the percentage of MII oocytes remained the same at 58%. Fertilization and cleavage rates were also reduced but there was an increase in the number of embryos available for transfer. Overall, four monkeys became pregnant resulting in the birth of two healthy infants and two abortions. These findings show that ovarian stimulation by GnRH-rFSH did not compromise the developmental competence of the oocytes; effective combination of cryopreservation of epididymal spermatozoa and ICSI is possible in nonhuman primate reproduction, and thus has potential application in the conservation of highly endangered nonhuman primate species, and the cynomolgus monkey is a reliable biomedical research model to study the potential risks and benefits associated with assisted reproductive techniques prior to approval for clinical trials on humans.  相似文献   

Pig oocytes matured in culture were inseminated with frozen-thawed ejaculated spermatozoa without preincubation in modified tissue culture medium (TCM) 199. High penetration rates (85-89%) and increased incidence of polyspermy were obtained at 25-100 x 10(6) spermatozoa/ml. Wide variation in penetration rates (16-89%) was observed in oocytes inseminated in medium containing 5mM caffeine and at 25-50 x 10(6) spermatozoa/ml obtained from 6 boars, regardless of sperm motility. At 25-50 x 10(6) spermatozoa/ml, penetration rates of oocytes were dependent upon the concentration of caffeine in the medium: there was no penetration without caffeine, but penetration was highest (89%) with 5mM caffeine. None of the oocytes was penetrated in the medium supplemented with heparin at 5-40 micrograms/ml. When heparin was included in the medium with 5mM caffeine, it inhibited the efficacy of caffeine to promote sperm penetration of oocytes.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to evaluate in vitro fertilization (IVF) of in vitro matured (IVM) bitch oocytes using dog spermatozoa frozen in three different extenders. Sperm-rich fraction from eight ejaculates of five dogs was frozen in each one of three egg yolk Tris extenders with additional: (A) 1.4 g citric acid and 0.8 g glucose; (B) 0.7 g citric acid and 3.5 g glucose; or (C) 1.4 g citric acid and 0.8 g fructose (all with 5% glycerol in 100 mL milliQ water). Thawed sperm were co-incubated with IVM bitch oocytes for 6 h. Oocytes were fixed and evaluated under an epifluorescence microscope; penetrated oocytes were defined as those having sperm heads in the perivitelline space or in the oocyte cytoplasm. Higher penetration rates (P < 0.05) were obtained in oocytes cultured with spermatozoa frozen in extenders B and C than those frozen in extender A (33.1, 34.2 and 26.4%, respectively).  相似文献   

In vivo and in vitro matured porcine oocytes were fertilized by subzonal sperm injection (SUZI), and their subsequent development in vitro was examined to determine whether ooplasmic incompetence is the major cause of limited developmental ability of in vitro matured/fertilized porcine oocytes (Experiment 1). There was no significant difference in rates of fertilization (61% vs. 70%), monospermy (37% vs. 45%), and male pronuclear formation (77% vs. 61%) between in vivo and in vitro matured oocytes. Blastocyst formation rate was significantly lower for in vitro matured oocytes (11% vs. 42%; P < 0.001). Forty-six percent of in vivo matured oocytes cleaved to the 2-4 cell stage by 24 hr in culture after SUZI, compared with 3% of in vitro matured oocytes (P < 0.01). In experiment 2, in vitro development of in vitro matured oocytes with evenly and unevenly granulated cytoplasm were compared after SUZI to examine whether developmentally competent in vitro matured oocytes can be identified on the basis of morphological appearance. Most of the blastocysts obtained developed from oocytes with unevenly granulated cytoplasm (7/56 vs. 1/45; P > 0.05). Experiment 3 revealed that the proportion of oocytes with evenly granulated cytoplasm was originally low (11%) in the population of oocytes used for in vitro maturation, and it increased approximately 3-fold (36%; P < 0.001) after maturation. These results suggest that ooplasmic incompetence in porcine in vitro matured oocytes is the major cause of their limited developmental competence. Cytoplasmic maturation measured by male pronucleus formation does not directly reflect developmental competence of the oocytes. It was also shown that evenness of granulation of the cytoplasm is not a useful morphological indicator of developmental competence. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Said S  Han MS  Niwa K 《Theriogenology》2003,60(2):359-369
The possibility of obtaining normal development of rat oocytes following intracytoplasmic injection of rat sperm heads, obtained by sonicating spermatozoa from testes and epididymides, was evaluated. Irrespective of the source of spermatozoa, sperm heads were successfully injected into approximately 45% of oocytes used; after 9-12h of culture, approximately 55% of injected oocytes still had normal morphology. Of the oocytes injected with testicular sperm heads 45% were activated, with a female pronucleus and a second polar body, but significantly more oocytes (approximately 68%) injected with caput and cauda epididymal sperm heads were activated. Male pronuclear formation was observed in 67-84% of the activated oocytes, with no difference in the proportions among the different sources of sperm heads. When zygotes showing two pronuclei and a second polar body at 10h after injection were cultured in conditions that support development of 1-cell embryos produced in vivo, no embryos derived from testicular sperm heads developed to blastocysts after 120 h of culture. Development of embryos derived from cauda sperm heads was significantly higher at all points of assessment, while embryos from caput sperm showed an intermediate degree of development, compared with embryos from testicular spermatozoa. However, similar proportions (2-4%) of 1-cell embryos derived from all three groups of sperm heads developed into normal offspring after transfer to foster mothers; of the limited number of offspring tested, all were fertile. These results demonstrate that sperm heads from all sources tested are similar in their ability to contribute to full development of normal, fertile offspring.  相似文献   

Bovine follicular oocytes were matured and inseminated in vitro with spermatozoa capacitated in vitro. The first evidence of sperm penetration was observed at 3 h after insemination. The penetration rate increased until 5 h, and reached a maximum rate (92%) at 5 h. Decondensation of the sperm head and pronuclear formation were observed 4 h and 7 h after insemination, respectively. Female chromatins of all penetrated oocytes were activated at 3 h, and female pronuclei were formed at 7 h after insemination. Percentages of oocytes with male and female pronuclei at 9 h were 88 and 94%. Polyspermy (4, 7, 19 and 29% at 4, 5, 7 and 9 h after insemination, respectively) and abnormal development of male pronuclei (6 and 7% at 7 and 9 h after insemination, respectively) were also seen.  相似文献   

The objective was to assess the ability of testicular spermatozoa to fertilize in vitro matured domestic cat oocytes and support blastocyst formation in vitro following intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). After IVM, oocytes were randomly and equally allocated among treatment groups (ICSI with testicular spermatozoa, ICSI with ejaculated spermatozoa, sham ICSI, and control IVF). At 18 h after either injection or insemination, the percentage of fertilized oocytes (per total metaphase II oocytes) was approximately 65% after ICSI with testicular or ejaculated spermatozoa (P > 0.05), which was less (P < 0.05) than control IVF (approximately 90%). On Day 7, the percentage of cleaved embryos (per total metaphase II oocytes) was approximately 60% after ICSI with testicular or ejaculated spermatozoa (P > 0.05), which also was less (P < 0.05) than control IVF (approximately 85%). After ICSI with testicular spermatozoa, the percentage of blastocysts (per total cleaved embryos) was approximately 11.0%, which was less (P < 0.05) than ICSI with ejaculated spermatozoa (approximately 21.0%); the latter was less (P < 0.05) than control IVF (approximately 43.0%). No blastocyst formation was observed after sham ICSI. For the first time in the domestic cat, this study demonstrated the fertilizing ability and developmental potential of intra-testicular spermatozoa delivered directly into intra-ovarian oocytes matured in vitro.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to study the effect of storing epididymal spermatozoa, in tris-tes- and tris-lactose egg yolk extenders, on their fertilizing ability and subsequent in vitro embryo development. Ovaries and testes were collected from a local slaughterhouse in normal saline solution (NSS) at 37 degrees C and on ice (0-1 degrees C), respectively. Cumulus oocyte complexes (COCs) aspirated from the follicles were randomly distributed to 4-well culture plates (20-25COCs/well) containing 500 microL of maturation medium and cultured at 38.5 degrees C in an atmosphere of 5% CO(2) in air for 36 h. Spermatozoa were collected from the cauda epididymides in syringes containing 2-3 mL of either tris-tes- or tris-lactose egg yolk extender. They were cooled down slowly and stored at refrigeration (4 degrees C) temperature. The spermatozoa were evaluated for motility and used for IVF of IVM oocytes on the day of collection and after 2, 4, 6 and 8 days of storage. On the day of IVF, spermatozoa were prepared by the swim up technique and both spermatozoa and oocytes were co-incubated at 38.5 degrees C in a humidified atmosphere of 5% CO(2) in air for 15-16 h. Presumptive zygotes were either fixed and stained with Hoechst 33342 for evaluation of fertilization or were cultured in 500 microL of the culture medium at 38.5 degrees C in an atmosphere of 5% CO(2), 5% O(2) and 90% N(2) in air. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) in the proportion of oocytes fertilized with spermatozoa stored in either of the two extenders for up to 8 days. The proportion of oocytes that cleaved (43-60%) and those that developed to blastocysts (14-21%) did not show any difference (P>0.05) either, when spermatozoa from different days of storage were used. First cleavage was observed as early as 16 h after IVF, early blastocysts had developed by day 4, expanded blastocysts after day 5 and hatching of blastocysts started after day 6 of culture. It may be concluded that dromedary epididymal spermatozoa survive in storage for at least 8 days in tris-lactose- and tris-tes egg yolk diluents at 4 degrees C. These spermatozoa maintain fertilizing ability and may be suitable for use in IVF and other assisted reproductive procedures.  相似文献   

Bovine immature oocytes cultured for various times in TC-199 medium were inseminated with frozen-thawed spermatozoa in Medium BO with caffeine (5 mM) and heparin (10 micrograms/ml). Very high penetration rates (95-100%) were obtained in all oocytes which had been cultured for 0-20 h. When oocytes cultured for 0 and 4 h were inseminated, 100% of them were penetrated and had a decondensing sperm head and most of the oocytes remained at the stage of condensed germinal vesicle (GV) to telophase-I 20-22 h after insemination. The formation of male and female pronuclei was first observed in oocytes inseminated 8 h after culture. The proportions of polyspermy and average number of spermatozoa in penetrated oocytes gradually decreased as oocyte maturation proceeded. Penetration of at least one spermatozoon with a decondensing head into oocytes at the GV stage (without culture) was almost completed up to 8 h after insemination and at that time most of the penetrated oocytes were still at the stage of GV or condensed GV. These results indicate that maturation of bovine oocytes is not required for sperm penetration into the vitellus or for sperm nuclear decondensation under the in-vitro conditions used.  相似文献   

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) of a nonmotile cell into the ooplasm for assisted fertilization is a highly specialized procedure for producing the next generation. The production of piglets by ICSI has succeeded when in vivo-matured oocytes have been used as recipients. Our objective was to generate viable piglets by using porcine oocytes matured in vitro and fertilized by ICSI after evaluating the efficacy of using donor spermatozoa in which the acrosome had been artificially removed by treatment with calcium ionophore A23187 (Ca-I). The rate of acrosomal loss in spermatozoa was increased significantly as the duration of treatment with 10 micro M Ca-I was prolonged for 30-120 min (Ca-I treated; 55.6-78.6%), whereas the rate was not different as the duration of incubation without Ca-I was prolonged for 30-120 min (control; 45.3-58.4%). On the sixth day of in vitro culture after injection of the sperm head and subsequent stimulation with an electrical pulse, the rates of blastocyst formation were not significantly different between the two groups: the rates for oocytes injected with Ca-I-treated sperm heads (incubated for 120 min) and for those injected with control sperm heads were 8.6% and 4.0%, respectively. The mean cell numbers of the blastocysts were not significantly different between the two groups (25.6 and 22.7, respectively). Within 2 h after the stimulation, the injected oocytes were transferred to estrous-synchronized recipients. The three recipients that received oocytes injected with Ca-I-treated sperm heads (77-150 oocytes per recipient) were not pregnant, whereas two of the four recipients given oocytes injected with control sperm heads (55-100 oocytes per recipient) were pregnant. One of these farrowed three (a male and two female) healthy piglets. The results demonstrate clearly that in vitro-matured oocytes injected with sperm heads are developmentally competent and can produce viable piglets. They also suggest that removal of the acrosome from the spermatozoon before injection does not affect the development of the blastocyst in vitro. This might not also improve the production of piglets in vivo.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate in vitro and in vivo development of porcine in vitro matured (IVM) porcine oocytes fertilised by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and the possibility of producing transgenic embryos and offspring with this procedure. Activated ICSI oocytes had a higher pronuclear formation than non-activated ICSI oocytes (mean 64.8+/-17.3% vs 28.5+/-3.4%, p<0.05). When the zygotes with two pronuclei were cultured to day 2, there was no difference (p<0.05) in the cleavage rate (mean 60.0+/-7.0% vs 63.3+/-12.7%) between the two groups. The blastocyst rate in the activation group was significantly higher than that in the non-activation group (mean 30.0+/-11.6% vs 4.6+/-4.2%, p<0.05). After injection of the sperm transfected with DNA/liposome complex, destabilised enhanced green fluorescent protein (d2EGFP) expression was not observed on day 2 in either cleaved or uncleaved embryos. But from day 3, some of the embryos at the 2-cell to 4-cell stage started to express d2EGFP. On day 7, about 30% of cleaved embryos, which were in the range of 2-cell to blastocyst stage, expressed d2EGFP. However, for the IVF oocytes inseminated with sperm transfected with DNA/liposome complex, and for oocytes injected with sperm transfected with DNA/liposome complex, and for oocytes injected with DNA/liposome complex following insemination with sperm not treated with DNA/liposome complex, none of the embryos expressed d2EGFP. Sixteen day 4 ICSI embryos derived from sperm not treated with DNA/liposome complex were transferred into a day 3 recipient. One recipient delivered a female piglet with normal birthweight. After transfer of the ICSI embryos derived from sperm transfected with DNA/liposome complex, none of the four recipients maintained pregnancy.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effect of different anaesthetic agents commonly used in cats on the fresh and frozen-thawed epididymal sperm. Seventeen male domestic cats were castrated using pentobarbital, ketamine HCl or isoflurane. Sperm samples were recovered from epididymides and evaluated before and after freezing, determining the vigor, motility, morphology, acrosome status, sperm viability and functional membrane integrity. Fresh epididymal sperm was influenced by the drugs used, noting that motility features, i.e. vigor (p≤0.05) and progressive motility (p≤0.05), were higher for the inhalation anaesthetic while the others did not showed statistical differences. In frozen-thawed sperm samples, cats treated with barbiturics showed lower values for acrosome status (p≤0.05) and integrity and functionality of membrane (p≤0.05 and p≤0.01, respectively) than in the others groups. Results suggested that drugs used for castration in cats could affect the sperm quality and this should be considered when implementing sperm cryopreservation in the feline.  相似文献   

Efficient and dependable mouse cryopreservation methods are urgently needed because the production of mice with transgenes and disrupted and mutant genes is now commonplace. Preservation of these unique genomes provides an essential safeguard for future research. Unfortunately, mouse spermatozoa appear more vulnerable to freezing than other species, e.g., bovine and human. In this study, we examined the efficiency of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF) in generating embryos from mouse spermatozoa frozen with 18% raffinose and 3% skim milk for cryoprotection. A comparison was made between the inbred strain C57BL/6J, commonly used in mutagenic and transgenic studies, and a hybrid strain B6D2F1 (C57BL/6J x DBA/2J). C57BL/6J spermatozoa are known to be more sensitive to freezing than B6D2F1. Fertilization of oocytes after IVF was significantly lower with C57BL/6J spermatozoa when compared with B6D2F1 spermatozoa for both fresh and frozen spermatozoa (fresh, 89 vs. 55%; frozen, 56 vs. 9%). Freezing also reduced the fertility of B6D2F1 spermatozoa (89 vs. 56%). Fertilization improved dramatically after ICSI with fresh and frozen C57BL/6J spermatozoa (90 and 85%) and also with frozen B6D2F1 spermatozoa (87%). The development of two-cell embryos to the blastocyst stage was lower for C57BL/6J than B6D2F1 (42-61% and 84-98%) in all treatments but similar for embryos within each strain. The normality of chromosomes from fresh and frozen spermatozoa was assessed in oocytes prior to first cleavage. The majority of oocytes had normal chromosomes after IVF (98-100%) and ICSI (87-95%), indicating that chromosomal abnormalities were not responsible for the poorer development in vitro of C57BL/6J embryos. In conclusion, our data show that ICSI is a more efficient and effective technique than IVF for generating embryos from frozen spermatozoa. More important, ICSI is especially valuable for strains where IVF with fresh spermatozoa produces few or no embryos.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate whether bovine spermatozoa possess so-called sperm factor in the cytosolic fraction (CF) which activates bovine oocytes, and whether bovine oocytes matured in vitro are activated by microinjection of CF extracted from spermatozoa of other species. In the first experiment, bovine and human spermatozoa were microinjected into ooplasm of bovine oocytes matured in vitro. Secondly, CF from bovine and human spermatozoa were injected into bovine oocytes. In the third, CF from human spermatozoa was injected into human unfertilised oocytes obtained 18-20 h after clinical intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). We found that microinjection of bovine spermatozoa into bovine oocytes induced oocyte activation, as shown by resumption of meiosis and formation of a female pronucleus, at a significantly higher rate than the bovine sham injection (63.0% vs 43.0%; p < 0.05). On the other hand, there was no significant difference in activation rate between the human sperm injection (35.9%) and the human sham injection (22.9%). Furthermore, microinjection of bovine sperm CF into bovine oocytes induced oocyte activation at a significantly higher rate than the human CF injection or sham injection (75.9% vs 14.8%, 20.4%; p < 0.01). Formation of a single female pronucleus and second polar body extrusion was observed in 95.1% of activated oocytes after bovine sperm CF injection. When human sperm CF was injected into human unfertilised oocytes, the activation rate was significantly higher than following sham injection (76.9% vs 44.0%; p < 0.05). These results indicate the presence of sperm factor in bovine sperm CF which activate bovine oocytes, and suggest the possibility that sperm factor has species-specificity at least between bovine and human.  相似文献   

Rath D  Niemann H 《Theriogenology》1997,47(4):785-793
The objective of this study was to compare the in vitro fertilizing capacity of porcine spermatozoa from fresh and frozen-thawed semen and frozen-thawed epididymal spermatozoa obtained from identical boars. Prior to IVF, fresh spermatozoa were capacitated in TCM 199. Frozen semen samples were stored in 0.25-ml plastic straws using a lactose/glycerol/orvus-es-paste extender. Cumulus-oocyte-complexes (COC) obtained from superovulated prepuberal gilts were fertilized in vitro within 2 h after aspiration with one of the semen samples. After final dilution for IVF, frozen-thawed epididymal semen samples showed motility rates (72.2 +/- 5.6%) similar to those of spermatozoa in fresh semen (76.4 +/- 4.5%), while sperm motility decreased in frozen-thawed ejaculated semen (40.2 +/- 9.4%). Considerable individual differences in sperm motility between boars were observed for ejaculated semen but not for epididymal semen. Enhanced fertilizing capacity of frozen-thawed epididymal spermatozoa was confirmed by pronucleus formation and cleavage rates, with significantly more embryos developing to the 2- and 4-cell stages compared with the groups fertilized with fresh or with frozen-thawed ejaculated semen (59.7 vs 14.6 and 16%). In conclusion, consistent in vitro fertilization rates with minimal semen variability are obtained using frozen-thawed epididymal semen. Following a modified freezing protocol, epididymal spermatozoa can easily be frozen in small containers for IVF, with higher resultant motility and fertilization rates than with ejaculated semen.  相似文献   

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