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Biosynthesis of the toxic and carcinogenic aflatoxins by the fungus Aspergillus flavus is a complicated process involving more that 27 enzymes and regulatory factors encoded by a clustered group of genes. Previous studies found that three enzymes, encoded by verA, ver-1, and aflY, are required for conversion of versicolorin A (VA), to demethylsterigmatocystin. We now show that a fourth enzyme, encoded by the previously uncharacterized gene, aflX (ordB), is also required for this conversion. A homolog of this gene, stcQ, is present in the A. nidulans sterigmatocystin (ST) biosynthesis cluster. Disruption of aflX in Aspergillus flavus gave transformants that accumulated approximately 4-fold more VA and fourfold less aflatoxin than the untransformed strain. Southern and Northern blot analyses confirmed that aflX was the only gene disrupted in these transformants. Feeding ST or O-methylsterigmatocystin, but not VA or earlier precursor metabolites, restored normal levels of AF production. The protein encoded by aflX is predicted to have domains typical of an NADH-dependent oxidoreductase. It has 27% amino acid identity to a protein encoded by the aflatoxin cluster gene, aflO (avfA). Some of domains in the protein are similar to those of epoxide hydrolases.  相似文献   

Aspergillus flavus isolates produce only aflatoxins B1 and B2, while Aspergillus parasiticus and Aspergillus nomius produce aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, and G2. Sequence comparison of the aflatoxin biosynthesis pathway gene cluster upstream from the polyketide synthase gene, pksA, revealed that A. flavus isolates are missing portions of genes (cypA and norB) predicted to encode, respectively, a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase and an aryl alcohol dehydrogenase. Insertional disruption of cypA in A. parasiticus yielded transformants that lack the ability to produce G aflatoxins but not B aflatoxins. The enzyme encoded by cypA has highest amino acid identity to Gibberella zeae Tri4 (38%), a P450 monooxygenase previously shown to be involved in trichodiene epoxidation. The substrate for CypA may be an intermediate formed by oxidative cleavage of the A ring of O-methylsterigmatocystin by OrdA, the P450 monooxygenase required for formation of aflatoxins B1 and B2.  相似文献   

The Aspergillus nidulans stcP gene was previously identified as a transcribed region associated with a cluster of genes proposed to be involved in sterigmatocystin biosynthesis (D. W. Brown, J.-H. Yu, H. S. Kelkar, M. Fernandes, T. C. Nesbitt, N. P. Keller, T. H. Adams, and T. J. Leonard, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93:1418-1422, 1996). stcP was predicted to encode a methyltransferase responsible for conversion of demethylsterig-matocystin to sterigmatocystin. Here we demonstrate that disruption of stcP in A. nidulans results in strains that accumulate demethylsterigmatocystin.  相似文献   

Sterigmatocystin (ST) and aflatoxin are carcinogenic end point metabolites derived from the same biochemical pathway, which is found in several Aspergillus spp. Recently, an ST gene cluster, containing approximately 25 distinct genes that are each proposed to function specifically in ST biosynthesis, has been identified in Aspergillus nidulans. Each of these structural genes is named stc (sterigmatocystin) followed by a consecutive letter of the alphabet. We have previously described stcU (formerly verA) as encoding a keto-reductase required for the conversion of versicolorin A to ST. We now describe a second A. nidulans gene, stcS (formerly verB), that is located within 2 kb of stcU in the ST gene cluster. An stcS-disrupted strain of A. nidulans, TSS17, was unable to produce ST and converted ST/aflatoxin precursors to versicolorin A rather than ST, indicating that stcS functions at the same point in the pathway as stcU. Genomic sequence analysis of stcS shows that it encodes a cytochrome P-450 monooxygenase and constitutes a novel P-450 family, CYP59. Assuming that StcU activity mimics that of similar P-450s, it is likely that StcU catalyzes one of the proposed oxidation steps necessary to convert versicolorin A to ST. These results constitute the first genetic proof that the conversion of versicolorin A to ST requires more than one enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

The involvement of various anthraquinone metabolites in the biosynthesis of aflatoxin B1 was investigated by using a labeled double-substrate technique in a cell-free system. The results showed that both versicolorin A hemiacetal and versicolorin A hemiacetal acetate were converted to aflatoxin B1, whereas versicolorin A was not, even though it was added to the same cell-free system. Thus, versicolorin A hemiacetal, versicolorin A hemiacetal acetate, or both were implicated as key intermediates, whereas versicolorin A and C became side shunt metabolites. These latter compounds reentered the pathway depending on the availability of the appropriate enzymes and suitability of conditions. Dichlorvos, a specific inhibitor of aflatoxin biosynthesis, is considered to have its primary action on either an oxygenase or dehydrogenase involved in the pathway and to act in a secondary capacity as an inhibitor of an esterase which may also be involved in the pathway.  相似文献   

The involvement of various anthraquinone metabolites in the biosynthesis of aflatoxin B1 was investigated by using a labeled double-substrate technique in a cell-free system. The results showed that both versicolorin A hemiacetal and versicolorin A hemiacetal acetate were converted to aflatoxin B1, whereas versicolorin A was not, even though it was added to the same cell-free system. Thus, versicolorin A hemiacetal, versicolorin A hemiacetal acetate, or both were implicated as key intermediates, whereas versicolorin A and C became side shunt metabolites. These latter compounds reentered the pathway depending on the availability of the appropriate enzymes and suitability of conditions. Dichlorvos, a specific inhibitor of aflatoxin biosynthesis, is considered to have its primary action on either an oxygenase or dehydrogenase involved in the pathway and to act in a secondary capacity as an inhibitor of an esterase which may also be involved in the pathway.  相似文献   

A cell-free system derived from a versicolorin A-accumulating mutant of Aspergillus parasiticus was found to convert sterigmatocystin to both O-methylsterigmatocystin and aflatoxin B1. It is suggested that the similarity in the chromatographic properties of these two metabolites has caused erroneous conclusions to be made with regards to the biosynthesis of aflatoxin B1.  相似文献   

Three reactions from hydroxyversicolorone to versicolorone, from versiconal hemiacetal acetate to versiconol acetate, and from versiconal to versiconol are involved in a metabolic grid in aflatoxin biosynthesis. This work demonstrated that the same reductase of Aspergillus parasiticus catalyzes the three reactions. The gene (named vrdA) encoding the reductase was cloned, and its sequence did not show homology to any regions in aflatoxin gene cluster. Its cDNA encoding a 38,566 Da protein was separated by three introns in the genome. Deletion of the vrdA gene in A. parasiticus caused a significant decrease in enzyme activity, but did not affect aflatoxin productivity of the fungi. Although the vrdA gene was expressed in culture conditions conducive to aflatoxin production, it was expressed even in the aflR deletion mutant. These results suggest that the vrdA is not an aflatoxin biosynthesis gene, although it actually participates in aflatoxin biosynthesis in cells.  相似文献   

Myxococcus xanthus is a gram-negative soil bacterium that initiates a complex developmental program in response to starvation. A transposon insertion (Tn5-lac omega109) mutant with developmental deficiencies was isolated and characterized in this study. A strain containing this insertion mutation in an otherwise wild-type background showed delayed developmental aggregation for about 12 h and sporulated at 1-2% of the wild-type level. Tn5-lac omega109 was found to have disrupted the M. xanthus wbgB gene, which is located 2.1 kb downstream of the M. xanthus lipopolysacharide (LPS) O-antigen biosynthesis genes wzm wzt wbgA. The deduced polypeptide sequence of WbgB shares significant similarity with bacterial glycosyltransferases including M. xanthus WbgA. The wbgB::Tn5-lac omega109 mutant was found to be defective in LPS O-antigen synthesis by immunochemical analysis. Further mutational analysis indicated that the defects of the wbgB::Tn5-lac omega109 mutant were not the result of polar effects on downstream genes. Various motility assays demonstrated that the Tn5-lac omega109 mutation affected both social (S) and adventurous (A) gliding motility of M. xanthus cells. The pleiotrophic effects of wbgB mutations indicate the importance of LPS O-antigen biosynthesis for various cellular functions in M. xanthus.  相似文献   

The INDO atomic charges q and Wiberg bond indices p (in electrons) were calculated for aflatoxin B1, sterigmatocystin and versicolorin A. The C-2-C-3 bond in these compounds has the same bond order and is predicted to be the most reactive towards epoxidation. The electronic effects do not explain the observed differences in mutagenicity and toxicity.  相似文献   

(1'R,2'S)-(-)-aflatoxins are produced from racemic versiconal hemiacetal acetate (VHA) through complicated pathways, including a metabolic grid involving VHA, versiconol acetate (VOAc), versiconol, and versiconal (VHOH), and a reaction sequence from VHOH to versicolorin A (VA) through (-)-versicolorin B (VB) [or (+/-)-versicolorin C] (K. Yabe, Y. Ando, and Y. Hamasaki, J. Gen. Microbiol. 137:2469-2475, 1991; K. Yabe, Y. Ando, and T. Hamasaki, Agric. Biol. Chem. 55:1907-1911, 1991). In this study, we examined stereochemical changes of substances formed during the conversion of VHA to VA by using chiral high-performance liquid chromatography. In cell-free experiments using the cytosol of Aspergillus parasiticus NIAH-26, both (2'S)- and (2'R)-VOAc enantiomers were formed at about a 1:2 ratio from racemic VHA in the presence of NADPH and dichlorvos (dimethyl 2,2-dichlorovinylphosphate). Also, the esterase activity catalyzing the conversion of VHA to VHOH or of VOAc to versiconol did not show the stereospecificity for the 2' carbon atom of VHA or VOAc. However, when racemic VHA or racemic VHOH was incubated with the cytosol, (1'R,2'S)-(-)-VB was formed exclusively. Furthermore, only (1'R,2'S)-(-)-VB, and not (1'S,2'R)-(+) antipode, served as a substrate for desaturase activity in the microsome fraction catalyzing the conversion of VB to VA. These results demonstrate that the stereoconfiguration of bis-furan moiety in aflatoxin molecules is determined by the cyclase enzyme catalyzing the reaction from VHOH to VB, and the (1'R,2'S)-(-) configuration was further confirmed by the subsequent desaturase reaction. Remarkably, we found nonenzymatic racemization in both the (2'R)- and (2'S)-VHA enantiomers, and it was dependent upon the temperature and alkaline conditions.  相似文献   

We have characterized Cox16p, a new cytochrome oxidase (COX) assembly factor. This protein is encoded by COX16, corresponding to the previously uncharacterized open reading frame YJL003w of the yeast genome. COX16 was identified in studies of COX-deficient mutants previously assigned to complementation group G22 of a collection of yeast pet mutants. To determine its location, Cox16p was tagged with a Myc epitope at the C terminus. The fusion protein, when expressed from a low-copy plasmid, complements the mutant and is detected solely in mitochondria. Cox16p-myc is an integral component of the mitochondrial inner membrane, with its C terminus exposed to the intermembrane space. Cox16 homologues are found in both the human and murine genomes, although human COX16 does not complement the yeast mutant. Cox16p does not appear to be involved in maturation of subunit 2, copper recruitment, or heme A biosynthesis. Cox16p is thus a new protein in the growing family of eukaryotic COX assembly factors for which there are as yet no specific functions known. Like other recently described nuclear gene products involved in expression of cytochrome oxidase, COX16 is a candidate for screening in inherited human COX deficiencies.  相似文献   

The pathway from averufin (AVR) to versiconal hemiacetal acetate (VHA) in aflatoxin biosynthesis was investigated by using cell-free enzyme systems prepared from Aspergillus parasiticus. When (1'S,5'S)-AVR was incubated with a cell extract of this fungus in the presence of NADPH, versicolorin A and versicolorin B (VB), as well as other aflatoxin pathway intermediates, were formed. When the same substrate was incubated with the microsome fraction and NADPH, hydroxyversicolorone (HVN) and VHA were formed. However, (1'R,5'R)-AVR did not serve as the substrate. In cell-free experiments performed with the cytosol fraction and NADPH, VHA, versicolorone (VONE), and versiconol acetate (VOAc) were transiently produced from HVN in the early phase, and then VB and versiconol (VOH) accumulated later. Addition of dichlorvos (dimethyl 2,2-dichlorovinylphosphate) to the same reaction mixture caused transient formation of VHA and VONE, followed by accumulation of VOAc, but neither VB nor VOH was formed. When VONE was incubated with the cytosol fraction in the presence of NADPH, VOAc and VOH were newly formed, whereas the conversion of VOAc to VOH was inhibited by dichlorvos. The purified VHA reductase, which was previously reported to catalyze the reaction from VHA to VOAc, also catalyzed conversion of HVN to VONE. Separate feeding experiments performed with A. parasiticus NIAH-26 along with HVN, VONE, and versicolorol (VOROL) demonstrated that each of these substances could serve as a precursor of aflatoxins. Remarkably, we found that VONE and VOROL had ring-opened structures. Their molecular masses were 386 and 388 Da, respectively, which were 18 Da greater than the molecular masses previously reported. These data demonstrated that two kinds of reactions are involved in the pathway from AVR to VHA in aflatoxin biosynthesis: (i) a reaction from (1'S,5'S)-AVR to HVN, catalyzed by the microsomal enzyme, and (ii) a new metabolic grid, catalyzed by a new cytosol monooxygenase enzyme and the previously reported VHA reductase enzyme, composed of HVN, VONE, VOAc, and VHA. A novel hydrogenation-dehydrogenation reaction between VONE and VOROL was also discovered.  相似文献   

Coenzyme Q (Q) is a lipid that functions as an electron carrier in the mitochondrial respiratory chain in eukaryotes. There are eight complementation groups of Q-deficient Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants, designated coq1-coq8. Here we have isolated the COQ6 gene by functional complementation and, in contrast to a previous report, find it is not an essential gene. coq6 mutants are unable to grow on nonfermentable carbon sources and do not synthesize Q but instead accumulate the Q biosynthetic intermediate 3-hexaprenyl-4-hydroxybenzoic acid. The Coq6 polypeptide is imported into the mitochondria in a membrane potential-dependent manner. Coq6p is a peripheral membrane protein that localizes to the matrix side of the inner mitochondrial membrane. Based on sequence homology to known proteins, we suggest that COQ6 encodes a flavin-dependent monooxygenase required for one or more steps in Q biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Fusarium graminearum and Fusarium sporotrichioides produce the trichothecene mycotoxins 15-acetyldeoxynivalenol and T-2 toxin, respectively. In both species, disruption of the P450 monooxygenase-encoding gene, Tri4, blocks production of the mycotoxins and leads to the accumulation of the trichothecene precursor trichodiene. To further characterize its function, the F. graminearum Tri4 (FgTri4) was heterologously expressed in the trichothecene-nonproducing species Fusarium verticillioides. Transgenic F. verticillioides carrying the FgTri4 converted exogenous trichodiene to the trichothecene biosynthetic intermediates isotrichodermin and trichothecene. Conversion of trichodiene to isotrichodermin requires seven biochemical steps. The fifth and sixth steps can occur nonenzymatically. Precursor feeding studies done in the current study indicate that wild-type F. verticillioides has the enzymatic activity necessary to carry out the seventh step, the C-3 acetylation of isotrichodermol to form isotrichodermin. Together, the results of this study indicate that the Tri4 protein catalyzes the remaining four steps and is therefore a multifunctional monooxygenase required for trichothecene biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Echinocandin B (ECB), a lipopolypeptide used as a starting material for chemical manufacture of the anti-Candida agent LY303366, is produced by fermentation using a strain of Aspergillus nidulans. In addition to ECB, the wild-type strain also produces a significant level of sterigmatocystin (ST), a potent carcinogen structurally related to the aflatoxins. Characterization of a mutant designated A42355-OC-1 (OC-1), which is blocked in ST biosynthesis, was the result of a chromosomal translocation. The chromosomal regions containing the breakpoints of the translocation were isolated and DNA sequencing and PCR analysis of the chromosomal breakpoints demonstrated the translocation occurred within the stcW gene of the ST biosynthetic pathway, resulting in disruption of the open reading frame for this gene. Biochemical feeding studies indicate the involvement of this gene product in the conversion of averufin to 1-hydroxy versicolorone. This work demonstrates an effective synergy between classical strain improvement methods and molecular genetics. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2000) 25, 333–341. Received 27 April 2000/ Accepted in revised form 25 November 2000  相似文献   

S. cerevisiae accumulate iron by a process requiring a ferrireductase and a ferrous transporter. We have isolated a mutant, fet3, defective for high affinity Fe(II) uptake. The wild-type FET3 gene was isolated by complementation of the mutant defect. Sequence analysis of the gene revealed the presence of an open reading frame coding for a protein with strong similarity to the family of blue multicopper oxidoreductases. Consistent with the role of copper in iron transport, growth of wild-type cells in copper-deficient media resulted in decreased ferrous iron transport. Addition of copper, but not other transition metals (manganese or zinc), to the assay media resulted in the recovery of Fe(II) transporter activity. We suggest that the catalytic activity of the Fet3 protein is required for cellular iron accumulation.  相似文献   

5'-Hydroxyaverantin (HAVN) was isolated from a mold, Emericella heterothallica IFO 30842. Aspergillus parasiticus NIAH-26, a UV-irradiated mutant of A. parasiticus SYS-4, produced neither aflatoxins nor precursors in yeast extract-sucrose (YES) medium. When the postmicrosome (cytosol) fraction of NIAH-26, which had been prepared from the culture in YES medium, was incubated with norsolorinic acid (NA) in the presence of NADH or NADPH, averantin (AVN) was produced. The reverse reaction from AVN to NA was promoted by the addition of NAD or NADP (dehydrogenase reaction). When the microsome fraction of NIAH-26 was incubated with AVN, HAVN was produced in the presence of NADPH (monooxygenase reaction). HAVN was, furthermore, oxidized to averufin (AVR) by the cytosol fraction of NIAH-26 in the presence of NAD or NADP (dehydrogenase reaction). In the feeding experiments with A. parasiticus NIAH-26, aflatoxins were produced from AVN, HAVN, NA, and AVR but not from averufanin or averythrin. These results indicate that the reaction sequence NA in equilibrium AVN----HAVN----AVR is involved in the biosynthetic pathway of aflatoxins. The enzyme activities described here were dependent on the culture medium, and no enzyme activities were observed in the nonaflatoxigenic strain A. oryzae SYS-2 (IFO 4251).  相似文献   

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