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Diacylglycerol acyltransferase (DGAT, EC is a membrane enzyme that drives the final step in the formation of oils using diacylglycerol (DAG) and acyl-CoA to yield triacylglycerol (TAG). We identified a putative plant DGAT gene (TRIACYLGLYCEROL1: TAG1) and demonstrated its function by the cloning of two mutated alleles, designated AS11 (tag1-1) and ABX45 (tag1-2). One allele, AS11, has been previously characterised at the biochemical level. Mutant seeds contained less oil with a modified fatty acid profile and have reduced germination rates compared to wild-type controls. The TAG1 cDNA encodes for a 520-aa protein that possesses multiple putative transmembrane domains and shows 70 % similarity to a human DGAT cDNA.  相似文献   

The irregular xylem3 (irx3) mutant of Arabidopsis has a severe deficiency in secondary cell wall cellulose deposition that leads to collapsed xylem cells. The irx3 mutation has been mapped to the top arm of chromosome V near the marker nga106. Expressed sequence tag clone 75G11, which exhibits sequence similarity to cellulose synthase, was found to be tightly linked to irx3, and genomic clones containing the gene corresponding to clone 75G11 complemented the irx3 mutation. Thus, the IRX3 gene encodes a cellulose synthase component that is specifically required for the synthesis of cellulose in the secondary cell wall. The irx3 mutant allele contains a stop codon that truncates the gene product by 168 amino acids, suggesting that this allele is null. Furthermore, in contrast to radial swelling1 (rsw1) plants, irx3 plants show no increase in the accumulation of beta-1,4-linked glucose in the noncrystalline cell wall fraction. IRX3 and RSW1 fall into a distinct subgroup (Csa) of Arabidopsis genes showing homology to bacterial cellulose synthases.  相似文献   

A mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that lacks glutamate synthase (GOGAT) activity has been isolated. This mutant was obtained after chemical mutagenesis of a NADP-glutamate dehydrogenase-less mutant strain. The gdh gus mutant is a glutamate auxotroph. The genetic analysis of the gus mutant showed that the GOGAT-less phenotype is due to the presence of two loosely linked mutations. Evidence is presented which suggests the possibility that S. cerevisiae has two GOGAT activities, designated GOGAT A and GOGAT B. These activities can be distinguished by their pH optima and by their regulation by glutamate. Furthermore, one of the mutations responsible for the GOGAT-less phenotype affected GOGAT A activity, while the other mutation affected GOGAT B activity.  相似文献   

A comparison is made of the kinetic characteristics of acetolactate synthase (EC in extracts from Columbia wild type and four near-isogenic, herbicide-resistant mutants of Arobidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. The mutants used were the chlorsulfuron-resistant GH50 (csr1-1), the imazapyr-resistant GH90 (csr1-2), the triazolopyrimidine-resistant Tzp5 (csr1-3) and the multiherbicide-resistant, double mutant GM4.8 (csr1-4), derived from csr1-1 and csr1-2 by intragenic recombination (G. Mourad et al. 1994, Mol. Gen. Genet. 243, 178–184). and V max values for the substrate pyruvate were unaffected by any of the mutations giving rise to herbicide resistance. Feedback inhibition by L-valine (L-Val), L-leucine (L-Leu) and L-isoleucine (L-Ile) of acetolactate synthase extracted from wild type and mutants fitted a mixed competitive pattern most closely. Ki values for L-Val, L-Leu and L-Ile inhibition were not significantly different from wild type in extracts from csr1-1, csr1-2, and csr1-3. K i values were significantly higher than wild type by two- and five-fold, respectively, for csr1-4 with L-Val and L-Leu but not L-Ile. GM4.8 (csr1-4) plants were also highly resistant in their growth to added L-Val and L-Leu. The data suggest that (i) single mutational changes occurred that affected the binding of herbicides to the acetolactate synthase molecule without influencing the binding of substrates and feedback inhibitors (e.g. csr1-1, csr1-2 and csr1-3) and (ii) bringing two of these single mutations (csr1-1 and csr1-2) together in a double mutant (csr1-4) gave rise to an enzyme with altered characteristics as well as plants with changed growth in response to added L-Val and L-Leu. The implications of these conclusions for genetic transformation using these herbicide-resistant genes are discussed.Abbreviations ALS acetolactate synthase - L-Val L-valine - L-Leu L-leucine - L-Ile L-isoleucine This work was supported in part by a grant-in-aid of research from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada to J.K. and by a research grant award from Purdue University to G.M.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis Shrunken Seed 1 (SSE1) gene encodes a homolog of the peroxisome biogenesis factor Pex16p, and a loss-of-function mutation in this gene alters seed storage composition. Two lines of evidence support a function for SSE1 in peroxisome biogenesis: the peroxisomal localization of a green fluorescent protein-SSE1 fusion protein and the lack of normal peroxisomes in sse1 mutant embryos. The green fluorescent protein-SSE1 colocalizes with the red fluorescent protein (RFP)-labeled peroxisomal markers RFP-peroxisome targeting signal 1 and peroxisome targeting signal 2-RFP in transgenic Arabidopsis. Each peroxisomal marker exhibits a normal punctate peroxisomal distribution in the wild type but not the sse1 mutant embryos. Further studies reported here were designed toward understanding carbon metabolism in the sse1 mutant. A time course study of dissected embryos revealed a dramatic rate decrease in oil accumulation and an increase in starch accumulation. Introduction of starch synthesis mutations into the sse1 background did not restore oil biosynthesis. This finding demonstrated that reduction in oil content in sse1 is not caused by increased carbon flow to starch. To identify the blocked steps in the sse1 oil deposition pathway, developing sse1 seeds were supplied radiolabeled oil synthesis precursors. The ability of sse1 to incorporate oleic acid, but not pyruvate or acetate, into triacylglycerol indicated a defect in the fatty acid biosynthetic pathway in this mutant. Taken together, the results point to a possible role for peroxisomes in the net synthesis of fatty acids in addition to their established function in lipid catabolism. Other possible interpretations of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

T P Sun  Y Kamiya 《The Plant cell》1994,6(10):1509-1518
The first committed step in the gibberellin (GA) biosynthetic pathway is the conversion of geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate (GGPP) through copalyl pyrophosphate (CPP) to ent-kaurene catalyzed by ent-kaurene synthetases A and B. The ga1 mutants of Arabidopsis are gibberellin-responsive male-sterile dwarfs. Biochemical studies indicate that biosynthesis of GAs in the ga1 mutants is blocked prior to the synthesis of ent-kaurene. The GA1 locus was cloned previously using the technique of genomic subtraction. Here, we report the isolation of a nearly full-length GA1 cDNA clone from wild-type Arabidopsis. This cDNA clone encodes an active protein and is able to complement the dwarf phenotype in ga1-3 mutants by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. In Escherichia coli cells that express both the Arabidopsis GA1 gene and the Erwinia uredovora gene encoding GGPP synthase, CPP was accumulated. This result indicates that the GA1 gene encodes the enzyme ent-kaurene synthetase A, which catalyzes the conversion of GGPP to CPP. Subcellular localization of the GA1 protein was studied using 35S-labeled GA1 protein and isolated pea chloroplasts. The results showed that the GA1 protein is imported into and processed in pea chloroplasts in vitro.  相似文献   

The tom2-1 mutation of Arabidopsis thaliana reduces the efficiency of intracellular multiplication of tobamoviruses. The tom2-1 mutant was derived from fast-neutron-irradiated seeds, and the original mutant line also carries ttm1, a dominant modifier that increases tobamovirus multiplication efficiency in a tobamovirus-strain-specific manner in the tom2-1 genetic background. Here, we show that the tom2-1 mutation involved a deletion of approximately 20 kb in the nuclear genome. The deleted region included two genes named TOM2A and TOM2B that were both associated with the tom2-1 phenotype, whereas ttm1 corresponded to the translocation of part of the deleted region that included intact TOM2B but not TOM2A. TOM2A encodes a 280 amino acid putative four-pass transmembrane protein with a C-terminal farnesylation signal, while TOM2B encodes a 122 amino acid basic protein. The split-ubiquitin assay demonstrated an interaction of TOM2A both with itself and with TOM1, an integral membrane protein of A.thaliana presumed to be an essential constituent of tobamovirus replication complex. The data presented here suggest that TOM2A is also an integral part of the tobamovirus replication complex.  相似文献   

A new Zea mays viviparous seed mutant, viviparous15 (vp15), was isolated from the UniformMu transposon-tagging population. In addition to precocious germination, vp15 has an early seedling lethal phenotype. Biochemical analysis showed reduced activities of several enzymes that require molybdenum cofactor (MoCo) in vp15 mutant seedlings. Because MoCo is required for abscisic acid (ABA) biosynthesis, the viviparous phenotype is probably caused by ABA deficiency. We cloned the vp15 mutant using a novel high-throughput strategy for analysis of high-copy Mu lines: We used MuTAIL PCR to extract genomic sequences flanking the Mu transposons in the vp15 line. The Mu insertions specific to the vp15 line were identified by in silico subtraction using a database of MuTAIL sequences from 90 UniformMu lines. Annotation of the vp15-specific sequences revealed a Mu insertion in a gene homologous to human MOCS2A, the small subunit of molybdopterin (MPT) synthase. Molecular analysis of two allelic mutations confirmed that Vp15 encodes a plant MPT synthase small subunit (ZmCNX7). Our results, and a related paper reporting the cloning of maize viviparous10, demonstrate robust cloning strategies based on MuTAIL-PCR. The Vp15/CNX7, together with other CNX genes, is expressed in both embryo and endosperm during seed maturation. Expression of Vp15 appears to be regulated independently of MoCo biosynthesis. Comparisons of Vp15 loci in genomes of three cereals and Arabidopsis thaliana identified a conserved sequence element in the 5' untranslated region as well as a micro-synteny among the cereals.  相似文献   

An Arabidopsis mutant with improved salt tolerant germination was isolated from a T-DNA insertion library and designated as AT6. This mutant also exhibited improved salt tolerance phenotype in later developmental stages. But no apparent difference was observed in response to ABA, GA or ethylene during germination between the mutant and the wildtype. The T-DNA was inserted in the At1g73660 locus that coded for a putative MAPKKK. Genetic and multiple mutant allele analyses confirmed that the knockout of this gene resulted in improved salt tolerance phenotype and provided strong evidence that the genetic locus At1g73660 negatively regulated salt tolerance in Arabidopsis. The At1g73660 was down regulated in response to salt stress in the mutants, which is consistent with its role as a negative regulator. It is therefore hypothesized that the AT1g73660 may serve as one of the off-switches of stress responses that are required for unstressed conditions.  相似文献   

Deglycosylation of misfolded proteins by the endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation (ERAD) pathway is catalyzed by peptide:N-glycanases (PNGases) that are highly conserved among mammals and yeast. The catalytic mechanism of PNGases employs a catalytic triad consisting of Cys, His and Asp residues, which is shared by other enzyme families such as cysteine proteases and protein cross-linking transglutaminases (TGases). In contrast to the yeast and mammalian systems, very little is known about ERAD in plants and the enzymes responsible for proper clearance of misfolded plant proteins. We have used a computer-based modeling approach to identify an Arabidopsis thaliana PNGase (AtPNG1). AtPNG1 is encoded by a single-copy gene and displays high structural homology with known PNGases. Importantly, heterologous expression of AtPNG1 restored N-glycanase activity in a PNGase-deficient Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant. The AtPNG1 gene is uniformly and constitutively expressed at low levels throughout all developmental stages of the plant, and its expression does not appear to be subject to substantial regulation by external stimuli. Recently, recombinant AtPNG1 produced in Escherichia coli was reported to display TGase activity (Della Mea et al., Plant Physiol. 135, 2046-54, 2004). However, inactivation of the AtPNG1 gene did not result in decreased TGase activity in the mutant plant, and recombinant AtPNG1 produced in S. cerevisiae exhibited only residual TGase activity. We propose that the AtPNG1 gene encodes a bona fide peptide:N-glycanase that contributes to ERAD-related protein quality control in plants.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis amp1 mutants show pleiotropic phenotypes, including altered shoot apical meristems, increased cell proliferation, polycotyly, constitutive photomorphogenesis, early flowering time, increased levels of endogenous cytokinin, and increased cyclin cycD3 expression. We have isolated the AMP1 gene by map-based cloning. The AMP1 cDNA encodes a 706;-amino acid polypeptide with significant similarity to glutamate carboxypeptidases. The AMP1 mRNA was expressed in all tissues examined, with higher expression in roots, stems, inflorescences, and siliques. Microarray analysis identified four mRNA species with altered expression in two alleles of amp1, including upregulation of CYP78A5, which has been shown to mark the shoot apical meristem boundary. The similarity of the AMP1 protein to glutamate carboxypeptidases, and in particular to N-acetyl alpha-linked acidic dipeptidases, suggests that the AMP1 gene product modulates the level of a small signaling molecule that acts to regulate a number of aspects of plant development, in particular the size of the apical meristem.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis chy1 mutant is resistant to indole-3-butyric acid, a naturally occurring form of the plant hormone auxin. Because the mutant also has defects in peroxisomal beta-oxidation, this resistance presumably results from a reduced conversion of indole-3-butyric acid to indole-3-acetic acid. We have cloned CHY1, which appears to encode a peroxisomal protein 43% identical to a mammalian valine catabolic enzyme that hydrolyzes beta-hydroxyisobutyryl-CoA. We demonstrated that a human beta-hydroxyisobutyryl-CoA hydrolase functionally complements chy1 when redirected from the mitochondria to the peroxisomes. We expressed CHY1 as a glutathione S-transferase (GST) fusion protein and demonstrated that purified GST-CHY1 hydrolyzes beta-hydroxyisobutyryl-CoA. Mutagenesis studies showed that a glutamate that is catalytically essential in homologous enoyl-CoA hydratases was also essential in CHY1. Mutating a residue that is differentially conserved between hydrolases and hydratases established that this position is relevant to the catalytic distinction between the enzyme classes. It is likely that CHY1 acts in peroxisomal valine catabolism and that accumulation of a toxic intermediate, methacrylyl-CoA, causes the altered beta-oxidation phenotypes of the chy1 mutant. Our results support the hypothesis that the energy-intensive sequence unique to valine catabolism, where an intermediate CoA ester is hydrolyzed and a new CoA ester is formed two steps later, avoids methacrylyl-CoA accumulation.  相似文献   

An Arabidopsis fatty acid elongase gene, KCS1, with a high degree of sequence identity to FAE1, encodes a 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase which is involved in very long chain fatty acid synthesis in vegetative tissues, and which also plays a role in wax biosynthesis. Sequence analysis of KCS1 predicted that this synthase was anchored to a membrane by two adjacent N-terminal, membrane-spanning domains. Analysis of a T-DNA tagged kcs1-1 mutant demonstrated the involvement of the KCS1 in wax biosynthesis. Phenotypic changes in the kcs1-1 mutant included thinner stems and less resistance to low humidity stress at a young age. Complete loss of KCS1 expression resulted in decreases of up to 80% in the levels of C26 to C30 wax alcohols and aldehydes, but much smaller effects were observed on the major wax components, i.e. the C29 alkanes and C29 ketones on leaves, stems and siliques. In no case did the loss of KCS1 expression result in complete loss of any individual wax component or significantly decrease the total wax load. This indicated that there was redundancy in the elongase KCS activities involved in wax synthesis. Furthermore, since alcohol, aldehyde, alkane and ketone levels were affected to varying degrees, involvement of the KCS1 synthase in both the decarbonylation and acyl-reduction wax synthesis pathways was demonstrated.  相似文献   

Gibberellins (GAs) are hormones required for several aspects of plant development, including internode elongation and seed development in pea (Pisum sativum L.). The first committed step in the GA biosynthesis pathway is the conversion of geranylgeranyl diphosphate (GGDP) to ent-kaurene via copalyl diphosphate (CDP). These two reactions are catalyzed by the cyclases ent-kaurene synthase A (KSA) and ent-kaurene synthase B (KSB), respectively. Previous genetic and biochemical analysis of the GA-responsive ls-1 mutant of pea suggested that GA levels are reduced in a developmental- and organ-specific manner due to reduced GA biosynthesis. Analysis of cell-free enzyme preparations from WT and ls-1 embryos at contact point reveals that ls-1 reduces the activity of KSA but not KSB. To characterize the ls-1 mutation in more detail, a cDNA coding for a pea KSA was cloned and shown to be encoded by the LS locus. The ls-1 mutation results from an intronic G to A substitution that causes impaired RNA splicing. To determine the activity of the KSAs encoded by the LS and ls-1 alleles, a new in vitro assay for combined KSA and KSB activity has been developed using the KSB gene of pumpkin. Using recombinant WT KSA and KSB fusion proteins, GGDP is converted to ent-kaurene in vitro. Based on the sequence of RT-PCR products, three different truncated KSA proteins are predicted to exist in ls-1 plants. The most abundant mutant KSA protein does not possess detectable activity in vitro. Nevertheless, the ls-1 allele is not null and is able to encode at least a partially functional KSA since a more severe ls allele has been identified. The ls-1 mutation has played a key role in identifying a role for GAs in pea seed development in the first few days after fertilization, but not in older seeds. KSA expression in seeds is developmentally regulated and parallels overall GA biosynthesis, suggesting that KSA expression may play an important role in the regulation of GA biosynthesis and seed development.  相似文献   

Koch KA  Capitani G  Gruetter MG  Kirsch JF 《Gene》2001,272(1-2):75-84
The sequences of genes encoding homologues of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) synthase, the first enzyme in the two-step biosynthetic pathway of the important plant hormone ethylene, have recently been found in Fugu rubripes and Homo sapiens (Peixoto et al., Gene 246 (2000) 275). ACC synthase (ACS) catalyzes the formation of ACC from S-adenosyl-L-methionine. ACC is oxidized to ethylene in the second and final step of ethylene biosynthesis. Profound physiological questions would be raised if it could be demonstrated that ACC is formed in animals, because there is no known function for ethylene in these organisms. We describe the cloning of the putative human ACS (PHACS) cDNA that encodes a 501 amino acid protein that exhibits 58% sequence identity to the putative Fugu ACS and approximately 30% sequence identity to plant ACSs. Purified recombinant PHACS, expressed in Pichia pastoris, contains bound pyridoxal-5'-phosphate (PLP), but does not catalyze the synthesis of ACC. PHACS does, however, catalyze the deamination of L-vinylglycine, a known side-reaction of apple ACS. Bioinformatic analysis indicates that PHACS is a member of the alpha-family of PLP-dependent enzymes. Molecular modeling data illustrate that the conservation of residues between PHACS and the plant ACSs is dispersed throughout its structure and that two active site residues that are important for ACS activity in plants are not conserved in PHACS.  相似文献   

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