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Clotting and fibrinolysis are initiated simultaneously in vivo, and fibrinolysis usually occurs without any individualized lysis front (intrinsic fibrinolysis). We have developed a novel model to assess whether morphological changes resulting from intrinsic fibrinolysis are similar to those previously reported at the lysis front using externally applied lytic agents. Fibrin assembly and fibrinolysis were followed in real-time by confocal microscopy using gold-labeled fibrinogen molecules. An increase in fiber absorbance (30%, p < 0.01) and a decrease in fiber diameter (60%, p < 0.01) due to the ongoing accumulation and packing of fibrin molecules were the most significant detectable features occurring during fibrin assembly. Similar features with a similar magnitude were observed during fibrin dissolution, but in the reverse order and with a 3-fold increase in duration. Then, lysing fibers were progressively transected laterally, and thinner fibers were cleaved at a 2.5-fold faster rate than thicker fibers (p < 0.001). Frayed lysing fibers were seen to interact progressively with adjoining fibers (agglomeration), leading to a 76 and 88% increase in the network pore diameter (p < 0.05) and fiber diameter (p < 0.01), respectively. At the maximum decrease in fiber absorbance (46%, p < 0.05), the network suddenly collapsed with the release of large fragments that gradually vanished. Morphological changes of fibrin that occur during intrinsic fibrinolysis are similar as those observed next to the lysis front, although they are not restricted spatially to the clot/surrounding milieu interface but are observed through the entire clot.  相似文献   

During thrombolytic therapy and after recanalization is achieved, reduction in the volume of mural thrombi is desirable. Mural thrombi are known to contribute to rethrombosis and reocclusion. The lysis rate of mural thrombi has been demonstrated to increase with fluid flow in different experimental models, but the mechanisms responsible are unknown. An experimental and a theoretical study were developed to determine the contribution of outer convective transport to the lysis of mural fibrin clots. Normal human plasma containing recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA; 0.5 microg/mL) was (re)perfused over mural fibrin clots with fluorescently labeled fibrin at low arterial, arterial, or higher wall shear stresses (4, 18, or 41 dyn/cm(2), respectively) and lysis was monitored in real time. Flow accelerated lysis, but significantly only at the highest shear stress: The average lysis front velocity was 3 x 10(-5) cm/s at 41 dyn/cm(2) vs. almost half of that at the lower shear stresses. Confocal microscopy showed fibrin fibers dissolving only in a narrow region close to the surface when permeation velocity was predicted to be low. A heterogeneous transport-reaction finite element model was used to describe mural fibrinolysis. After scaling the effects of outer and inner convection, inner diffusion, and chemical reactions, a simplified inner diffusion/reaction model was used. Correlation to fibrin lysis data in purified systems dictated higher rates of plasmin(ogen) and tPA adsorption onto fibrin and a decreased catalytic rate of plasmin-mediated fibrin degradation, compared with published parameters. At each shear stress, the model predicted a temporal pattern of lysis of mural fibrin (similar to that observed experimentally), and protease accumulation in a narrow fibrin region and significant lysis inhibition by plasma alpha(2)-antiplasmin (according to the literature). Increasing outer convection accelerated mural fibrinolysis, but the model did not predict the big increase in lysis rate at the highest shear stress. At higher than arterial flows, additional mechanisms not accounted for in the current model, such as fibrin collapse at the fibrin front, may regulate the lysis of mural clots and determine the outcome of thrombolytic therapy.  相似文献   

Chaperone proteins bind to newly synthesized polypeptides and assist in various assembly reactions. The Escherichia coli chaperone protein SecB binds precursors of exported proteins and assists in export. In vitro, SecB can bind to many unfolded proteins. In this report, we demonstrate that SecB binding in vivo is highly selective; the major polypeptides that are bound by SecB are nascent precursors of the exported proteins maltose-binding protein (MBP), LamB, OmpF, and OmpA. These results support the hypothesis that the primary physiological function of SecB is to stimulate protein export. By interacting with nascent polypeptides, SecB probably stimulates their cotranslational association with the membrane-bound protein translocation apparatus.  相似文献   

Highly efficient separation and purification of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) from PHA-containing cell mass is essential to production of the bioplastics from renewable resources in a cost-effective, environmentally friendly way. Based on selective dissolution of non-PHA cell mass (NPCM) by protons in aqueous solution and crystallization kinetics of PHA biopolymers, a simple process is developed and demonstrated to recover PHAs from cell mass to high purity (>97 wt %) with high yield (>95 wt %). The average molecular weight of biopolyesters is controlled, which follows an exponential function of process severity, a combined factor of processing conditions. Compared with conventional chemical treatment such as sequential surfactant and hypochlorite treatment, this new technology substantially reduces the chemical cost for PHA recovery and purification from PHA-containing cell mass.  相似文献   

Our aim was to study the effect of an axially directed blood plasma flow on the dissolution rate of cylindrical non-occlusive blood clots in an in vitro flow system and to derive a mathematical model for the process. The model was based on the hypothesis that clot dissolution dynamics is proportional not only to the biochemical proteolysis of fibrin but also to the power of the flowing blood plasma dissipated along the clot. The predicted rate of thrombolysis is then proportional to the square of the average blood plasma velocity for laminar flow and to the third power of the average velocity for turbulent flow. To verify the model, the time dependence of the clot cross-sectional area was measured by dynamic magnetic resonance microscopy during fast (turbulent) and slow (laminar) flow of plasma through an axially directed channel along the clot. The flowing plasma contained a magnetic resonance imaging contrast agent (Gd-DTPA) and a thrombolytic agent (recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator). The experimental data fitted well to the model, and confirmed the predicted increase in the dissolution rate when blood flow changed from a laminar to a turbulent flow regime.  相似文献   

During polytopic protein biogenesis, multiple transmembrane segments (TMs) must pass through the ribosome exit tunnel and into the Sec61 translocon prior to insertion into the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. To investigate how movement of a newly synthesized TM along this integration pathway might be influenced by synthesis of a second TM, we used photocross-linking probes to detect the proximity of ribosome-bound nascent polypeptides to Sec61alpha. Probes were inserted at sequential sites within TM2 of the aquaporin-1 water channel by in vitro translation of truncated mRNAs. TM2 first contacted Sec61alpha when the probe was positioned approximately 38 residues from the ribosome peptidyltransferase center, and TM2-Sec61alpha photoadducts decreased markedly when the probe was >80 residues from the peptidyltransferase center. Unexpectedly, as nascent chain length was gradually extended, photocross-linking at multiple sites within TM2 abruptly and transiently decreased, indicating that TM2 initially entered, withdrew, and then re-entered Sec61alpha. This brief reduction in TM2 photocross-linking coincided with TM3 synthesis. Replacement of TM3 with a secretory reporter domain or introduction of proline residues into TM3 changed the TM2 cross-linking profile and this biphasic behavior. These findings demonstrate that the primary and likely secondary structure of the nascent polypeptide within the ribosome exit tunnel can influence the timing with which topogenic determinants contact, enter, and pass through the translocon.  相似文献   

Besides SecA and SecB, Escherichia coli cells possess a signal recognition particle (SRP) to target exported proteins to the SecY translocon. Using chemical and site-specific cross-linking in vitro, we show that SRP recognizes the first signal anchor sequence of a polytopic membrane protein (MtlA) resulting in cotranslational targeting of MtlA to SecY and phospholipids of the plasma membrane. In contrast, a possible interaction of SRP with the secretory protein pOmpA is prevented by the association of trigger factor with nascent pOmpA. Trigger factor also prevents SecA from binding to the first 125 amino acids of pOmpA when they are still associated with the ribosome. Under no experimental conditions was SecA found to interact with MtlA. Likewise, virtually no binding of trigger factor to ribosome-bound MtlA occurs even in the complete absence of SRP. Collectively, our results indicate that at the stage of nascent polypeptides, polytopic membrane proteins are selected by SRP for co-translational membrane targeting, whereas secretory proteins are directed into the SecA/SecB-mediated post-translational targeting pathway by means of their preferential recognition by trigger factor.  相似文献   

Phosphoinositides regulate a wide range of cellular activities, including membrane trafficking and biogenesis, via interaction with various effector proteins that contain phosphoinositide binding motifs. We show that in the yeast Pichia pastoris, phosphatidylinositol 4'-monophosphate (PI4P) initiates de novo membrane synthesis that is required for peroxisome degradation by selective autophagy and that this PI4P signaling is modulated by an ergosterol-converting PpAtg26 (autophagy-related) protein harboring a novel PI4P binding GRAM (glucosyltransferase, Rab-like GTPase activators, and myotubularins) domain. A phosphatidylinositol-4-OH kinase, PpPik1, is the primary source of PI4P. PI4P concentrated in a protein-lipid nucleation complex recruits PpAtg26 through an interaction with the GRAM domain. Sterol conversion by PpAtg26 at the nucleation complex is necessary for elongation and maturation of the membrane structure. This study reveals the role of the PI4P-signaling pathway in selective autophagy, a process comprising multistep molecular events that lead to the de novo membrane formation.  相似文献   

Given that amyloid‐β 42 (Aβ42) is believed to be a culprit in Alzheimer's disease (AD), reducing Aβ42 production should be a potential therapeutic approach. γ‐Secretase modulators (GSMs) cause selective reduction of Aβ42 or both reduction of Aβ42 and Aβ40 without affecting total Aβ through shifting the γ‐cleavage position in amyloid precursor protein. We recently reported on GSM‐2, one of the second‐generation GSMs, that selectively reduced brain Aβ42 level and significantly ameliorated cognitive deficits in plaque‐free 5.5‐month‐old Tg2576 AD model mice. Here, we investigated the effects of GSM‐2 on 10‐, 14‐, and 18‐month‐old mice which had age‐dependent increase in amyloid plaques. Eight‐day treatment with GSM‐2 significantly ameliorated cognitive deficits measured by Y‐maze task in the mice of any age. However, GSM‐2 reduced brain soluble Aβ42 only in 10‐month‐old mice. In contrast, GSM‐2 markedly reduced newly synthesized soluble Aβ42 in both 10‐ and 18‐month‐old mice with similar efficacy when measured using the stable isotope‐labeling technique, suggesting that nascent Aβ42 plays a more significant role than plaque‐associated soluble Aβ42 in the cognitive deterioration of Tg2576 mice. These findings further indicate the potential utility of approach to reducing Aβ42 synthesis in AD therapeutic regimens.  相似文献   

The mechanical coupling of a cell with the extracellular matrix relies on adhesion sites, clusters of membrane-associated proteins that communicate forces generated along the F-Actin filaments of the cytoskeleton to connecting tissue. Nascent adhesion sites have been shown to regulate these forces in response to tissue rigidity. Force-regulation by substrate rigidity of adhesion sites with fixed area is not possible for stationary adhesion sites, according to elasticity theory. A simple model is presented to describe force regulation by dynamical adhesion sites.  相似文献   

Tao SC  Zhu H 《Nature biotechnology》2006,24(10):1253-1254
The most challenging step in protein microarray fabrication is high-throughput production of proteins. Here we report two similar strategies to fabricate protein chips through capture onto a solid surface of the nascent polypeptides during translation of synthetic or in vitro-transcribed RNAs. Using these approaches, we efficiently fabricated both peptide and protein microarrays at relatively high density. We further demonstrated that such protein chips can be used to analyze protein activity.  相似文献   

Böttger E  Multhoff G  Kun JF  Esen M 《PloS one》2012,7(3):e33774
In the early immune response to Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes (iRBC), Natural Killer (NK) cells are activated, which suggests an important role in innate anti-parasitic immunity. However, it is not well understood whether NK cells directly recognize iRBC or whether stimulation of NK cells depends mainly on activating signals from accessory cells through cell-to-cell contact or soluble factors. In the present study, we investigated the influence of membrane-bound host Heat shock protein (Hsp) 70 in triggering cytotoxicity of NK cells from malaria-naïve donors or the cell line NK92 against iRBC. Hsp70 and HLA-E membrane expression on iRBC and potential activatory NK cell receptors (NKG2C, CD94) were assessed by flow cytometry and immunoblot. Upon contact with iRBC, Granzyme B (GzmB) production and release was initiated by unstimulated and Hsp70-peptide (TKD) pre-stimulated NK cells, as determined by Western blot, RT-PCR and ELISPOT analysis. Eryptosis of iRBC was determined by Annexin V-staining. Our results suggest that presence of Hsp70 and absence of HLA-E on the membrane of iRBC prompt the infected host cells to become targets for NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity, as evidenced by impaired parasite development. Contact of iRBC with NK cells induced release of GzmB. We propose that following GzmB uptake, iRBC undergo eryptosis via a perforin-independent, GzmB-mediated mechanism. Since NK activity toward iRBC could be specifically enhanced by TKD peptide and abrogated to baseline levels by blocking Hsp70 exposure, we propose TKD as an innovative immunostimulatory agent to be tested as an adjunct to anti-parasitic treatments in vivo.  相似文献   

An original bioreactor process for production of oligoglucuronans was developed using the Sinorhizobium meliloti M5N1CS strain that produces glucuronan. This anionic homopolysaccharide was composed of beta-D-(1,4)-glucopyranosyluronic residues variably O-acetylated at C-3 and/or C-2 positions according to culture conditions. It was depolymerized during its biosynthesis by addition of a fungal glucuronan lyase activity in broths. After purification by tangential ultrafiltration and low-pressure liquid chromatography, (1)H NMR and ESI-Q/TOF-MS characterized the poly- and oligoglucuronic acid fractions. This enzymatic bioreactor strategy authorized the production in gram quantity of an unsaturated and no acetylated oligoglucuronan with a degree of polymerization of 3.  相似文献   

A NADPH-dehydrogenase of human erythrocytes was exhaustively purified to a homogeneous protein judging from the electrophoresis on a polyacrylamide gel in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. Studies on the specificity for the electron acceptor of this enzyme suggest that flavins serve as the natural and direct electron acceptor. The enzyme showed a broad specificty for flavins and the Michaelis constants for flavins were estimated to be 5 × 10?5 M for both FMN and riboflavin. Rapid reduction of methemoglobin by the enzyme in the presence of flavin was demonstrated, and the reduction was explained by the reduction of flavin by the enzyme, and subsequent non-enzymatic reduction of methemoglobin by the reduced flavin. The therapeutic significance of flavins was discussed with reference to the flavin reductase activity in hereditary methemoglobinemia.  相似文献   

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