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Resource acquisition is integral to maximise fitness, however in many ecosystems this requires adaptation to resource abundance and distributions that seldom stay constant. For predators, prey availability can vary at fine spatial and temporal scales as a result of changes in the physical environment, and therefore selection should favour individuals that can adapt their foraging behaviour accordingly. The tidal cycle is a short, yet predictable, temporal cycle, which can influence prey availability at temporal scales relevant to movement decisions. Here, we ask whether black‐legged kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla can adjust their foraging habitat selection according to the tidal cycle using GPS tracking studies at three sites of differing environmental heterogeneity. We used a hidden Markov model to classify kittiwake behaviour, and analysed habitat selection during foraging. As expected for a central‐place forager, we found that kittiwakes preferred to forage nearer to the breeding colony. However, we also show that habitat selection changed over the 12.4‐h tidal cycle, most likely because of changes in resource availability. Furthermore, we observed that environmental heterogeneity was associated with amplified changes in kittiwake habitat selection over the tidal cycle, potentially because environmental heterogeneity drives greater resource variation. Both predictable cycles and environmental heterogeneity are ubiquitous. Our results therefore suggest that, together, predictable cycles and environmental heterogeneity may shape predator behaviour across ecosystems.  相似文献   

An intermediate spatiotemporal scale of food procurement by large herbivores is evident within annual or seasonal home ranges. It takes the form of settlement periods spanning several days or weeks during which foraging activity is confined to spatially discrete foraging arenas, separated by roaming interludes. Extended by areas occupied for other activities, these foraging arenas contribute towards generating the home range structure. We delineated and compared the foraging arenas exploited by two African large herbivores, sable antelope (a ruminant) and plains zebra (a non-ruminant), using GPS-derived movement data. We developed a novel approach to specifically delineate foraging arenas based on local change points in distance relative to adjoining clusters of locations, and compared its output with modifications of two published methods developed for home range estimation and residence time estimation respectively. We compared how these herbivore species responded to seasonal variation in food resources and how they differed in their spatial patterns of resource utilization. Sable antelope herds tended to concentrate their space use locally, while zebra herds moved more opportunistically over a wider set of foraging arenas. The amalgamated extent of the foraging arenas exploited by sable herds amounted to 12-30 km2, compared with 22-100 km2 for the zebra herds. Half-day displacement distances differed between settlement periods and roaming interludes, and zebra herds generally shifted further over 12h than sable herds. Foraging arenas of sable herds tended to be smaller than those of zebra, and were occupied for period twice as long, and hence exploited more intensively in days spent per unit area than the foraging arenas of zebra. For sable both the intensity of utilization of foraging arenas and proportion of days spent in foraging arenas relative to roaming interludes declined as food resources diminished seasonally, while zebra showed no seasonal variation in these metrics. Identifying patterns of space use at foraging arena scale helps reveal mechanisms generating the home range extent, and in turn the local population density. Thereby it helps forge links between behavioural ecology, movement ecology and population ecology.  相似文献   

Competitive relationships among mobile animals may be expressed through dynamically changing spatial relationships over different time frames. Less common species that are apparently inferior competitors may be able to coexist with more abundant species by concentrating in regions of the landscape little utilized by the former at spatio‐temporal scales from annual or seasonal ranges to the specific foraging localities exploited at different stages of the annual cycle. Spatial relationships may be influenced further by dependencies on other resources, predation risks and facilitatory interactions under certain conditions. Our study aimed to determine whether competition with more abundant zebra and buffalo restricted the abundance of sable antelope in a region where these three tall‐grass grazers overlapped in their herd distributions. We tracked the simultaneous movements of animals representing herds of these species over two dry seasons and one wet season using GPS‐GSM collars, and estimated seasonal or monthly range extents and their overlap. We also compared daily separation distances between these animals against the null pattern expected if their movements had been independent, and assessed how prior grazing by buffalo influenced the subsequent use of these localities by sable. The range of the sable herd was mostly separated from the seasonal range of the buffalo herd during the late dry season of 2006 and throughout the dry season of 2007. Seasonal home ranges of zebra herds overlapped partially with the range of the sable herd during most of the year. Even during times when their ranges overlapped, sable were rarely recorded within <1 km of the buffalo herd. Prior grazing by buffalo beyond a threshold level inhibited later use of these localities by sable, but the sable were nevertheless able to exploit places that were little utilized by buffalo at that time. Sable were less able to evade overlap with the small, mobile zebra herds, and hence more vulnerable to competitive exclusion by zebra than by buffalo. Our findings demonstrate how less abundant species can restrict competition from more abundant competitors through dynamic spatial partitioning in regions where their home ranges overlap.  相似文献   

Theoretical models on the movement of colonial animals predict that neighbouring colonies may segregate their foraging areas, and many seabird studies have reported the presence of such segregations. However, these studies have often lacked the appropriate null model to test the effect of neighbouring colonies on foraging areas, especially in small colonies or in short‐ranging species. Here, we examined the foraging areas of Adélie Penguins Pygoscelis adeliae from two neighbouring (2 km apart) colonies by using bird‐borne GPS loggers. The field study was conducted at Hukuro Cove colony (104 pairs) and Mizukuguri Cove colony (338 pairs) in Lützow‐Holm Bay, East Antarctica. We obtained GPS tracks for 504 foraging trips from 48 chick‐rearing Adélie Penguins and quantified the degree of overlap in the foraging areas between two colonies. We also produced simulated movement tracks by using correlated random‐walks assuming no inter‐colony competition and quantified the degree of overlap in the simulated foraging areas. Finally, we compared the results from real GPS tracks with those from simulated tracks to examine the effect of neighbouring colonies on Adélie Penguin movement. The results indicate that the degree of overlap was significantly smaller in real tracks than in simulated tracks. In real tracks, the foraging area of the smaller Hukuro Cove colony extended to the other side of the larger Mizukuguri Cove colony, unlike in simulated tracks. Consequently, we suggest that Adélie Penguins from two neighbouring colonies segregated their foraging areas and that the larger colony appeared to affect the foraging area of the smaller colony.  相似文献   

The behavior of groups of female and immature sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) was measured on 117 d within an 11-yr period off the Galápagos Islands, Ecuador. On each day, up to 18 measures of visually observable behavior were calculated. These concerned speeds, headings, movement patterns, diving synchrony, foraging formations, time spent socializing, and aerial behavior. The measured behavior of the sperm whales was considerably more variable when they were socializing than when foraging. None of the measures showed much correlation with sea-surface temperature, and only measures of consistency of movement were significantly correlated with defecation rate, an indicator of feeding success. However, month-long time periods accounted for over 50% of the variance in eight of eighteen measures, and, in the cases of surface speed and dive synchrony, the effects were statistically significant. In contrast, there was no autocorrelation with lag of one day in the residuals of any of the measures. Thus, behavior may be tracking substantial temporal variation in the whales' environment over scales of about several months. Groups of whales had significantly different travel patterns, but there was little other evidence for group-specific behavior, perhaps because tests of group-specific effects were not of adequate statistical power. Variation in sperm whale behavior, especially over time scales of a few months or longer and spatial scales of a few hundred kilometers or larger, should be considered when estimating densities from sighting surveys.  相似文献   

Consistent intra‐population variability in foraging behaviour is found among a wide range of taxa. Such foraging specialisations are common among marine vertebrates, yet it is not clear how individuals repeatedly locate prey or foraging sites at ocean‐wide scales. Using GPS and time‐depth loggers we studied the fine‐scale foraging behaviour of central‐place northern gannets Morus bassanus at two large colonies. First, we estimated the degree of consistency in individual foraging routes and sites across repeated trips. Second, we tested for individual differences in searching behaviour in response to environmental covariates using reaction norms, estimated from mixed effect models. Adult gannets tracked over multiple foraging trips showed repeatable between‐individual differences in terminal points and departure angles of foraging trips, but low repeatability in trip duration and trip length. Importantly, individual birds showed highly repeatable dive locations, with consistently different environmental conditions (such as copepod abundance), suggesting a high degree of foraging site specialisation. Gannets also showed between‐individual differences in searching behaviour along environmental gradients, such that individuals intensified searching under different conditions. Together these results suggest that widespread individual foraging consistency may represent specialisation and be linked with individual responses to environmental conditions. Such divergent searching behaviour could provide a mechanism by which consistent foraging behaviour arises and is maintained among animals that forage across large spatial scales.  相似文献   

Models of the dynamics of large herbivore populations represent density feedbacks on the population growth rate either directly or indirectly through interactions with vegetation resources. Neither approach incorporates the spatial heterogeneity that is an essential feature of most natural environments, and modifies the population dynamics generated. This is especially true for large herbivores exploiting food resources that are rooted in space but temporally variable in quantity and quality both seasonally and annually. In this review I explore how environmental variation at different spatiotemporal scales influences the abundance of herbivore populations controlled via resources, predators or social mechanisms. Changes in abundance can be spatially disparate and dependent on different resource components at different stages of the seasonal cycle, including buffer resources restricting population crashes in extremely adverse years. GPS telemetry enables movement responses generating spatial patterns to be documented in fine spatiotemporal detail, including migration and dispersal. Models incorporating spatial heterogeneity either implicitly or explicitly are outlined, exemplifying how herbivores cope with temporal variability by exploiting spatial variability in resources and conditions. Global human dominance is generating widened climatic variation while opportunities for herbivore movements are becoming constricted. Theoretical population ecologists need to shift their focus from the workings of demographic structure towards effects of changing environmental contexts, in order to project the likely trajectories of large herbivore populations through the Anthropocene.  相似文献   

Species distribution models (SDM) link species occurrence with a suite of environmental predictors and provide an estimate of habitat quality when the variable set captures the biological requirements of the species. SDMs are inherently more complex when they include components of a species’ ecology such as conspecific attraction and behavioral flexibility to exploit resources that vary across time and space. Wading birds are highly mobile, demonstrate flexible habitat selection, and respond quickly to changes in habitat quality; thus serving as important indicator species for wetland systems. We developed a spatio-temporal, multi-SDM framework using Great Egret (Ardea alba), White Ibis (Eudocimus albus), and Wood Stork (Mycteria Americana) distributions over a decadal gradient of environmental conditions to predict species-specific abundance across space and locations used on the landscape over time. In models of temporal dynamics, species demonstrated conditional preferences for resources based on resource levels linked to differing temporal scales. Wading bird abundance was highest when prey production from optimal periods of inundation was concentrated in shallow depths. Similar responses were observed in models predicting locations used over time, accounting for spatial autocorrelation. Species clustered in response to differing habitat conditions, indicating that social attraction can co-vary with foraging strategy, water-level changes, and habitat quality. This modeling framework can be applied to evaluate the multi-annual resource pulses occurring in real-time, climate change scenarios, or restorative hydrological regimes by tracking changing seasonal and annual distribution and abundance of high quality foraging patches.  相似文献   

Seed dormancy is considered to be an adaptive strategy in seasonal and/or unpredictable environments because it prevents germination during climatically favorable periods that are too short for seedling establishment. Tropical dry forests are seasonal environments where seed dormancy may play an important role in plant resilience and resistance to changing precipitation patterns. We studied the germination behavior of seeds from six populations of the Neotropical vine Dalechampia scandens (Euphorbiaceae) originating from environments of contrasting rainfall seasonality. Seeds produced by second greenhouse‐generation plants were measured and exposed to a favorable wet environment at different time intervals after capsule dehiscence and seed dispersal. We recorded the success and the timing of germination. All populations produced at least some dormant seeds, but seeds of populations originating from more seasonal environments required longer periods of after‐ripening before germinating. Within populations, larger seeds tended to require longer after‐ripening periods than did smaller seeds. These results indicate among‐population genetic differences in germination behavior and suggest that these populations are adapted to local environmental conditions. They also suggest that seed size may influence germination timing within populations. Ongoing changes in seasonality patterns in tropical dry forests may impose strong selection on these traits.  相似文献   

Animals typically adjust their behaviour to their changing environment throughout the annual cycle, modulating key processes such as the timing of breeding and the onset of migration. Such behavioural changes are commonly manifested in the movements and the energetic balance of individuals in relation to their species‐specific physiological characteristics, habitat attributes and the environmental properties of their distribution ranges. We used GPS and acceleration data collected using transmitters on free‐ranging birds to quantify annual movement patterns and estimate energy expenditure of the Dalmatian Pelican Pelecanus crispus, a large, soaring avian species which performs short‐distance migration and spends its entire annual cycle in mid‐latitudes. To assess the representativeness of our results, the transmitter effect was also tested. We found that daily trends in the overall dynamic body acceleration (ODBA; a proxy for energy expenditure) differed among seasons, with the highest values occurring during spring and the lowest during winter. Long inter‐lake flights were very rare in winter, and the number of flights and ODBA during spring was higher than during summer, suggesting greater motivation to move in spring. Although transmitters may have affected the birds, as none of the tagged birds bred, we found seasonal differences in behaviour and activity level. The observed patterns in differences in activity levels, long‐distance flights and flight characteristics between seasons suggest an annual rhythm of energy expenditure. These findings allow a better understanding of bird phenology, specifically regarding adaptations to wintering in a cold climate by reducing movement‐driven energy expenditure. Finally, the identification of periods with high and low energy expenditure may guide future conservation efforts by adjusting conservation plans in accordance with changing needs during the annual cycle.  相似文献   

Many animal species segregate by sex. Such segregation may be social in nature, or ecological, or both. Grey seals (Halichoerus grypus), like many large mammals, are sexually size dimorphic. In size dimorphic species, allometric differences in morphology, metabolic rate and reproductive costs are likely. Such differences may require the sexes to use different foraging strategies or different habitats. To investigate sexual segregation of habitat in grey seals, we used satellite tracks from 95 (male 46; female 49) adults breeding at Sable Island, Nova Scotia (44 degrees N, 60 degrees W) collected from 1995 to 2005. Location estimates were made from satellite fixes using a state-space movement model to estimate true locations and regularize them in time. Location estimates were used to calculate home range kernels of male and female habitat use each month. Month by sex kernel home ranges revealed striking differences and dynamics in habitat use between males and females on spatial scales broader than most terrestrial examples and at temporal and spatial resolutions rarely available for marine species. Differences were most pronounced just before (October-December) and immediately after breeding (February-March). During both periods, males primarily used areas along the continental shelf break, while females mainly used mid-shelf regions. Coupled with previously identified sex-specific seasonal patterns of energy storage, diving and diet, our findings suggest that males and females differ profoundly in their spatial foraging strategies. These differences may serve to maximize fitness by reducing intersexual competition during key foraging periods.  相似文献   



Optimal foraging theory predicts that animals will tend to maximize foraging success by optimizing search strategies. However, how organisms detect sparsely distributed food resources remains an open question. When targets are sparse and unpredictably distributed, a Lévy strategy should maximize foraging success. By contrast, when resources are abundant and regularly distributed, simple Brownian random movement should be sufficient. Although very different groups of organisms exhibit Lévy motion, the shift from a Lévy to a Brownian search strategy has been suggested to depend on internal and external factors such as sex, prey density, or environmental context. However, animal response at the individual level has received little attention.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We used GPS satellite-telemetry data of Egyptian vultures Neophron percnopterus to examine movement patterns at the individual level during consecutive years, with particular interest in the variations in foraging search patterns during the different periods of the annual cycle (i.e. breeding vs. non-breeding). Our results show that vultures followed a Brownian search strategy in their wintering sojourn in Africa, whereas they exhibited a more complex foraging search pattern at breeding grounds in Europe, including Lévy motion. Interestingly, our results showed that individuals shifted between search strategies within the same period of the annual cycle in successive years.


Results could be primarily explained by the different environmental conditions in which foraging activities occur. However, the high degree of behavioural flexibility exhibited during the breeding period in contrast to the non-breeding period is challenging, suggesting that not only environmental conditions explain individuals'' behaviour but also individuals'' cognitive abilities (e.g., memory effects) could play an important role. Our results support the growing awareness about the role of behavioural flexibility at the individual level, adding new empirical evidence about how animals in general, and particularly scavengers, solve the problem of efficiently finding food resources.  相似文献   

Reversed sexual dimorphism (RSD) may be related to different roles in breeding investment and/or foraging, but little information is available on foraging ecology. We studied the foraging behaviour and parental investment by male and female masked boobies, a species with RSD, by combining studies of foraging ecology using miniaturised activity and GPS data loggers of nest attendance, with an experimental study where flight costs were increased. Males attended the chick more often than females, but females provided more food to the chick than males. Males and females foraged during similar periods of the day, had similar prey types and sizes, diving depths, durations of foraging trips, foraging zones and ranges. Females spent a smaller proportion of the foraging trip sitting on the water and had higher diving rate than males, suggesting higher foraging effort by females. In females, trip duration correlated with mass at departure, suggesting a flexible investment through control by body mass. The experimental study showed that handicapped females and female partners of handicapped males lost mass compared to control birds, whereas there was no difference for males. These results indicate that the larger female is the main provisioner of the chick in the pair, and regulates breeding effort in relation to its own body mass, whereas males have a fixed investment. The different breeding investment between the sexes is associated with contrasting foraging strategies, but no clear niche differentiation was observed. The larger size of the females may be advantageous for provisioning the chick with large quantities of energy and for flexible breeding effort, while the smaller male invests in territory defence and nest guarding, a crucial task when breeding at high densities. In masked boobies, division of labour appears to be maximal during chick rearing—the most energy-demanding period—and may be related to evolution of RSD.  相似文献   

Logger technology has revolutionised our knowledge of the behaviour and physiology of free-living animals but handling and logger attachments may have negative effects on the behaviour of the animals and their welfare. We studied southern rockhopper penguin (Eudyptes chrysocome) females during the guard stage in three consecutive breeding seasons (2008/09−2010/11) to evaluate the effects of handling and logger attachment on foraging trip duration, dive behaviour and physiological parameters. Smaller dive loggers (TDRs) were used in 2010/11 for comparison to larger GPS data loggers used in all three seasons and we included two categories of control birds: handled controls and PIT control birds that were previously marked with passive integrative transponders (PITs), but which had not been handled during this study. Increased foraging trip duration was only observed in GPS birds during 2010/11, the breeding season in which we also found GPS birds foraging further away from the colony and travelling longer distances. Compared to previous breeding seasons, 2010/11 may have been a period with less favourable environmental conditions, which would enhance the impact of logger attachments. A comparison between GPS and TDR birds showed a significant difference in dive depth frequencies with birds carrying larger GPS data loggers diving shallower. Mean and maximum dive depths were similar between GPS and TDR birds. We measured little impact of logger attachments on physiological parameters (corticosterone, protein, triglyceride levels and leucocyte counts). Overall, handling and short-term logger attachments (1–3 days) showed limited impact on the behaviour and physiology of the birds but care must be taken with the size of data loggers on diving seabirds. Increased drag may alter their diving behaviour substantially, thus constraining them in their ability to catch prey. Results obtained in this study indicate that data recorded may also not represent their normal dive behaviour.  相似文献   

The natural cycle of foraging and sheltering in dogwhelks isclosely associated with changing weather conditions. The behaviourof individual dogwhelks was quantified over three, approximately40 day, periods on the rocky shores of Llanddwyn Island, Anglesey.Dogwhelks were monitored in a range of habitats, from sheltered,high shore, barnacle covered substrata to wave exposed, lowshore, mussel covered substrata. The proportion of dogwhelkseither foraging or sheltering varied greatly from day to day,indicating similarity of behaviour among individuals withineach population. In sheltered areas, foraging was limited duringperiods of sunny and warm weather. In exposed areas, however,foraging was restricted during periods of strong wave action.Most dogwhelks in exposed areas foraged in periods of calm,warm and sunny weather. Transplanted dogwhelks appeared initially to be more activeforagers than non-transplanted, control, animals in both exposedand sheltered areas. After about 10 days, however, the transplantsbegan to behave in a similar way to the controls.  相似文献   

Energy and time allocation differs between incubation and chick‐rearing periods, which may lead to an adjustment in the foraging behaviour of parent birds. Here, we investigated the foraging behaviour of a small alcid, the little auk Alle alle during incubation and compared it with the chick‐rearing period in West Spitsbergen, using the miniature GPS (in Hornsund) and temperature loggers (in Magdalenefjorden). GPS‐tracking of 11 individuals revealed that during incubation little auks foraged 8–55 (median 46) km from the colony covering 19–239 (median 120) km during one foraging trip. Distance from the colony to foraging areas was similar during incubation and chick‐rearing period. During incubation 89% of foraging positions were located in the zone over shallower parts of the shelf (isobaths up to 200–300 m) with sea surface temperature below 2.5°C. Those environmental conditions are preferred by Arctic zooplankton community. Thus, little auks in the Hornsund area restrict their foraging (both during the incubation and chick‐rearing period) to the area under influence of cold, Arctic‐origin water masses where its most preferred prey, copepod Calanus glacialis is most abundant. The temperature logger data (from 4 individuals) indicate that in contrast to the chick‐rearing period, when parent birds alternated short and long trips, during the incubation they performed only long trips. Adopting such a flexible foraging strategy allows little auks to alter their foraging strategy to meet different energy and time demands during the two main stages of the breeding.  相似文献   

Internal factors such as experience (e.g. age) and motivation for breeding, and external ones such as environmental conditions (e.g. meteorology and landscape characteristics) can promote differences in migratory behaviour and routes among seasons, regions and populations. Using satellite telemetry we investigated whether such differences occur and which factors promote them among migrating Eleonora’s falcons breeding in the Mediterranean area (Spain and Croatia) and wintering in Madagascar. We found that during autumn migration no age differences occur when crossing the Sahara desert, but in the remaining African regions, juveniles were more prone than adults to fly at a slower and more tortuous rate, as well as exhibiting longer stop‐overs, particularly in the Sahel region. Such differences might be promoted by a lower foraging and pre‐migratory fattening efficiency in juveniles. During spring, routes were significantly more eastern than during autumn, resulting in a loop migration occurring in all studied populations. This could be accounted by seasonal variation in the distribution of trophic resources. Our results show that Eleonora’s falcons integrate spatially seasonal changing resources on a continental scale throughout their annual cycle, changing their movement patterns in response to internal (age) and external (habitat) factors. This loop migration pattern may prove to be widespread among other Palearctic trans‐continental migratory bird species.  相似文献   

Many shorebirds travel over large sections of the globe during the course of their annual cycle and use habitats in many different biomes and climate zones. Increasing knowledge of the factors driving variations in shorebird numbers, phenotype and behaviour may allow shorebirds to serve as 'integrative sentinels' of global environmental change. On the basis of numbers, timing of migration, plumage status and body mass, shorebirds could indicate whether ecological and climate systems are generally intact and stable at hemispheric scales, or whether parts of these systems might be changing. To develop this concept, we briefly review the worldwide shorebird migration systems before examining how local weather and global climatic features affect several performance measures of long-distance migrants. What do variations in numbers, phenotype and behaviour tell us about the dependence of shorebirds on weather and climate? How does data on migrating shorebirds integrate global environmental information? Documenting the dependencies between the population processes of shorebirds and global environmental features may be an important step towards assessing the likely effects of projected climate change. In the meantime we can develop the use of aspects of shorebird life histories on large spatial and temporal scales to assay global environmental change.  相似文献   

Movements and foraging strategies of marine predators should cope with the hierarchical spatial distribution of resources. Therefore, in order to predict the at‐sea distribution of aerial predators, it is crucial to understand the factors governing trajectory decisions at different scales. Using first passage time (FPT) analysis on precision tracking information (GPS‐loggers data) we were able to examine the foraging strategy of Cory's shearwaters Calonectris diomedea and to detect the adoption of area‐restricted search (ARS), measuring the scale and duration of this behaviour. Data were collected from three different populations foraging in different oceanographic conditions. During long excursions birds only commuted between their colony and prey patches, while on their short movements birds increased the amount of looping movements. On short trips, birds addopted ARS behaviour at an average scale of 18 km and at a second nested scale of around 2 km. When engaging in long trips, first scale of ARS occurred on average at about 67 km of radii and than a second nested scale at a radii of 24 km. Overall, the different populations showed foraging patterns matching the habitats exploited: a) at smaller scales of ARS, sea‐surface temperature, chlorophyll‐a concentration and depth influenced the time of residence (i.e. FPT) of birds (with variations at a population level); b) at larger scales of ARS, FPT increased within regions of higher gradients of sea‐surface temperature, chlorophyl‐a concentration and depth. This study demonstrates that Cory's shearwaters adopt scale‐dependent adjustments of movement in relation to the hierarchical distribution of the environment they exploit, matching the scale and duration of ARS with the hierarchical distribution of the environmental features.  相似文献   

Animals continuously interact with their environment through behavioral decisions, rendering the appropriate choice of movement speed and directionality an important phenotypic trait. Anthropogenic activities may alter animal behavior, including movement. A detailed understanding of movement decisions is therefore of great relevance for science and conservation alike. The study of movement decisions in relation to environmental and seasonal cues requires continuous observation of movement behavior, recently made possible by high‐resolution telemetry. We studied movement traits of 13 capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus), a mainly ground‐moving forest bird species of conservation interest, over two summer seasons in a Swedish windfarm using high‐resolution GPS tracking data (5‐min sampling interval). We filtered and removed unreliable movement steps using accelerometer data and step characteristics. We explored variation in movement speed and directionality in relation to environmental and seasonal covariates using generalized additive mixed models (GAMMs). We found evidence for clear daily and seasonal variation in speed and directionality of movement that reflected behavioral adjustments to biological and environmental seasonality. Capercaillie moved slower when more turbines were visible and faster close to turbine access roads. Movement speed and directionality were highest on open bogs, lowest on recent clear‐cuts (<5 y.o.), and intermediate in all types of forest. Our results provide novel insights into the seasonal and environmental correlates of capercaillie movement patterns and supplement previous behavioral observations on lekking behavior and wind turbine avoidance with a more mechanistic understanding.  相似文献   

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