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This article describes a laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) system that enables repeated measurements and thereby long-term followup of cortical cerebral blood flow (CBF) in awake and freely moving rats. The system consists of a specially designed flow probe adapter, a flow probe connector, and a LDF flow probe, which may thereby rotate through its own axis. During the experiment, the flow adapter is permanently mounted onto the rat's skull bone. A thin layer of skull bone is left intact at the site for cortical CBF measurements. The probe connector and the flow probe may be repeatedly detached and remounted to the adapter, which allows for cortical cerebral blood flow recording from exactly the same anatomical location. The laser Doppler flowmetry system enables stable cortical CBF recordings in the conscious rat while it moves freely in a bowl cage.  相似文献   

To elucidate whether interleukins are involved in vasopressin or oxytocin release during cytokine-related stressful conditions, we examined the effects of human interleukin-1 beta and interleukin-6 on plasma vasopressin and oxytocin levels in rats. Interleukin-1 beta administrated intravenously stimulated both the vasopressin and oxytocin secretion in dose-dependent manners. Neither hormone release was observed following interleukin-6 administration. Pretreatment with aspirin significantly attenuated the effects of interleukin-1 beta on both the vasopressin and oxytocin levels. SC-19220, a prostaglandin E2 receptor antagonist, did not affect the interleukin-1 beta-induced increase of plasma oxytocin levels, but almost completely abolished its effect on plasma vasopressin levels. These results suggest that under certain stressful conditions which accompany the stimulation of cytokine production, interleukin-1 is involved in the increase of plasma vasopressin and oxytocin levels and, moreover, different kinds of prostaglandins are suggested to participate in these interleukin-1-induced hormone release.  相似文献   

Acupuncture is useful for functional bowel diseases, such as constipation and diarrhea. However, the mechanisms of beneficial effects of acupuncture on colonic function have scarcely ever been investigated. We tested the hypothesis that electroacupuncture (EA) at ST-36 stimulates colonic motility and transit via a parasympathetic pathway in conscious rats. Hook-shaped needles were inserted at bilateral ST-36 (lower limb) or BL-21 (back) and electrically stimulated at 10 Hz for 20 min. We also studied c-Fos expression in response to EA at ST-36 in Barrington's nucleus of the pons. EA at ST-36, but not BL-21, significantly increased the amplitude of motility at the distal colon. The calculated motility index of the distal colon increased to 132 +/- 9.9% of basal levels (n = 14, P < 0.05). In contrast, EA at ST-36 had no stimulatory effects in the proximal colon. EA at ST-36 significantly accelerated colonic transit [geometric center (GC) = 6.76 +/- 0.42, n = 9, P < 0.001] compared with EA at BL-21 (GC = 5.23 +/- 0.39, n = 7). The stimulatory effect of EA at ST-36 on colonic motility and transit was abolished by pretreatment with atropine. EA-induced acceleration of colonic transit was also abolished by extrinsic nerve denervation of the distal colon (GC = 4.69 +/- 0.33, n = 6). The number of c-Fos-immunopositive cells at Barrington's nucleus significantly increased in response to EA at ST-36 to 8.1 +/- 1.1 cells/section compared with that of controls (2.4 +/- 0.5 cells/section, n = 3, P < 0.01). It is concluded that EA at ST-36 stimulates distal colonic motility and accelerates colonic transit via a sacral parasympathetic efferent pathway (pelvic nerve). Barrington's nucleus plays an important role in mediating EA-induced distal colonic motility in conscious rats.  相似文献   

Whole-cell recordings in freely moving rats   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Lee AK  Manns ID  Sakmann B  Brecht M 《Neuron》2006,51(4):399-407
Intracellular recording, which allows direct measurement of the membrane potential and currents of individual neurons, requires a very mechanically stable preparation and has thus been limited to in vitro and head-immobilized in vivo experiments. This restriction constitutes a major obstacle for linking cellular and synaptic physiology with animal behavior. To overcome this limitation we have developed a method for performing whole-cell recordings in freely moving rats. We constructed a miniature head-mountable recording device, with mechanical stabilization achieved by anchoring the recording pipette rigidly in place after the whole-cell configuration is established. We obtain long-duration recordings (mean of approximately 20 min, maximum 60 min) in freely moving animals that are remarkably insensitive to mechanical disturbances, then reconstruct the anatomy of the recorded cells. This head-anchored whole-cell recording technique will enable a wide range of new studies involving detailed measurement and manipulation of the physiological properties of identified cells during natural behaviors.  相似文献   

Norepinephrine (NE) kinetics were investigated in freely moving (FM) and minimally stressed (MS) rats with the isotope dilution technique. 1) The mean NE spillover rate (NE-SOR) was 79 +/- 6 ng. kg(-1). min(-1), and the mean NE metabolic clearance rate (NE-MCR) 179 +/- 9 ml. kg(-1). min(-1) (n = 31). Thus the NE kinetics in FM and MS rats are much faster than in human beings, probably related to a higher sympathetic drive. 2) Whether the magnitude of NE-MCR is related to the level of plasma NE concentration was investigated. No significant correlation was calculated between plasma NE concentration and NE-MCR in 31 control rats. When plasma NE concentration was varied during either acute or chronic infusion of exogenous NE, NE-MCR remained unchanged as long as animal hemodynamics were not altered. When plasma NE concentration was high enough to increase mean arterial pressure (MAP), NE-MCR was decreased. However, when MAP was increased within comparable magnitude, NE-MCR was decreased during NE and increased during epinephrine (Epi) infusion. Thus the existence of an alpha-/beta-adrenergic mechanism involved in the regulation of NE-MCR independent of known hemodynamic mechanisms is suggested. 3) The "epinephrine hypothesis" was revisited in FM and MS rats. At variance with humans, very high plasma Epi concentrations have to be induced to increase NE-SOR in resting rats. Furthermore, NE-MCR was also increased, accounting for the nonsignificant increase of plasma NE concentration. Within the range of Epi concentrations with no effect on NE-SOR, an increase of NE release was revealed when the presynaptic alpha(2)-adrenoreceptors were partially inhibited by yohimbine. This suggests the existence of a second epinephrine hypothesis.  相似文献   

A design for an inexpensive and reliable subminiature microdrive for recording single neurons in the freely moving animal is presented. The Scribe microdrive is small and lightweight and has been used successfully to record in freely moving rats and pigeons. It would also be suitable for recording in mice. The device is simple and inexpensive yet allows for stable and precise manipulation of the recording electrodes. As a result it supports stable recordings conducted over long periods. Because the Scribe microdrive is a small-diameter device it is also suitable for multisite, multielectrode applications. Here we discuss the construction of the device and comment on its use in recording from freely moving rats and pigeons.  相似文献   

Oscillatory entrainment of striatal neurons in freely moving rats   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Oscillations and synchrony in basal ganglia circuits may play a key role in the organization of voluntary actions and habits. We recorded single units and local field potentials from multiple striatal and cortical locations simultaneously, over a range of behavioral states. We observed opposite gradients of oscillatory entrainment, with dorsal/lateral striatal neurons entrained to high-voltage spindle oscillations ("spike wave discharges") and ventral/medial striatal neurons entrained to the hippocampal theta rhythm. While the majority of units were likely medium-spiny projection neurons, a second neuronal population showed characteristic features of fast-spiking GABAergic interneurons, including tonic activity, brief waveforms, and high-frequency bursts. These fired at an earlier spindle phase than the main neuronal population, and their density within striatum corresponded closely to the intensity of spindle oscillations. The orchestration of oscillatory activity by networks of striatal interneurons may be an important mechanism in the pathophysiology of neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

l-glutamate (Glu) is the main excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system (CNS) and is associated with motor behavior and sensory perception. While microdialysis methods have been used to record tonic levels of Glu, little is known about the more rapid changes in Glu signals that may be observed in awake rats. We have reported acute recording methods using enzyme-based microelectrode arrays (MEA) with fast response time and low detection levels of Glu in anesthetized animals with minimal interference. The current paper concerns modification of the MEA design to allow for reliable measures in the brain of conscious rats. In this study, we characterized the effects of chronic implantation of the MEA into the brains of rats. We were capable of measuring Glu levels for 7 days without loss of sensitivity. We performed studies of tail-pinch induced stress, which caused a robust biphasic increase in Glu. Histological data show chronic implantation of the MEAs caused minimal injury to the CNS. Taken together, our data show that chronic recordings of tonic and phasic Glu can be carried out in awake rats for up to 17 days in vivo allowing longer term studies of Glu regulation in behaving rats.  相似文献   

A simple method for determination of nociceptive thresholds in free-moving rats is put forward. The method is based on the registration of vocalization reaction caused by the feed through the lungs connected with the stimulator by thin wires electrodes of gradually increasing impulses of constant electric current. The examples of effect of morphin and naloxone on the nociceptive thresholds as well the alteration of thresholds during predatory aggression are given.  相似文献   

In 8 freely moving rats the circadian variation in the eletrolyte excretion was studied. Food was available during either the dark or the light period. The lights were on from 0800–2000 hr. Potassium, phosphate and magnesium showed peak excretion values during the dark period under both feeding conditions, although the maxima occurred 2.5 hr earlier when the rats were fed during the light period; minimum excretion was recorded just prior to feeding. Sodium excretion followed a different pattern; for animals fed during the night, maximum excretion occurred almost at the end of the dark period and minimum excretion at the start of the feeding period. For day-fed animals these values were recorded 5 and 4 hours earlier, respectively. Calcium excretion reached a maximum after the feeding period and a minimum shortly after the onset of feeding. From this study it can be concluded that the peak excretions of potassium, phosphate and magnesium are only slightly influenced by the feeding regimen, indicating that they depend mainly on an endogenous rhythm. In contrast, the minimum excretion of these ions is determined by feeding. For calcium maximum as well as minimum excretion is correlated with the feeding regimen. The excretion pattern of sodium differs from that of calcium, as well as potassium, phosphate and magnesium, indicating that it is controlled by a different mechanism.  相似文献   

Temperature measurement and control are essential in most ischemia experiments. Hypothermia lessens ischemic brain injury whereas hyperthermia exacerbates it. A substantial number of ischemia studies rely solely on rectal temperature measurements during the insult. However, rectal temperature may not accurately reflect brain temperature especially during global ischemia. Furthermore, postischemic temperature changes are often inadequately monitored. Delayed cooling reduces injury, whereas delayed hyperthermia aggravates it. This review summarizes our experiences with core and brain telemetry probes to continually measure temperature in various ischemia models. Furthermore, we discuss methods to simultaneously measure and regulate temperature in the freely moving postischemic rodent, and the need for such control in ischemia research.  相似文献   

Concern about the effects of anesthesia on physiological measurements led us to develop methodology to assess left ventricular (LV) pressure in conscious mice. Polyethylene-50 tubing filled with heparinized saline was implanted in the LV cavity through its apex via an abdominal approach and exteriorized to the back of the animal. This surgery was done under anesthesia with either an intraperitoneal injection of ketamine (80 mg/kg) and xylazine (5 mg/kg) (K+X) in 11 mice or isoflurane (ISF; 1.5 vol%) by inhalation in 14 mice. Postoperatively, mice were trained daily to lie quietly head first in a plastic cone. LV pressure, the first derivative of LV pressure (dP/dt), and heart rate (HR) in the conscious state were compared between the two groups at 3 days and 1 wk after recovery from surgery using a 1.4-Fr Millar catheter inserted into the LV through the tubing, with the mice lying quietly in the plastic cone. Acutely during anesthesia, K+X decreased HR (from 698 to 298 beats/min), LV systolic pressure (from 107 to 65 mmHg), and maximal dP/dt (dP/dt(max)) (from 15,724 to 4,445 mmHg/s), all P < 0.01. Similar but less marked negative chronotropic and inotropic effects were seen with ISF. HR and dP/dt(max) were decreased significantly in K+X mice 3 days after surgery compared with those anesthetized with ISF (655 vs. 711 beats/min, P < 0.05; 14,448 vs. 18,048 mmHg/s, P < 0.001) but increased to the same level as in ISF mice 1 wk after surgery. In ISF mice, recovery of function occurred rapidly and there were no differences in LV variables between 3 days and 1 wk. LV pressure and dP/dt can be measured in conscious mice with a micromanometer catheter inserted through tubing implanted permanently in the LV apex. Anesthesia with either K+X or, to a lesser extent, ISF, depressed LV function acutely. This depression of function persisted for 3 days after surgery with K+X (but not ISF) and did not recover completely until 1 wk postanesthesia.  相似文献   

In physiological experiments, it is essential to measure arterial pressure (AP) and heart rate (HR) in animals. Tail cuff pressure (TCP) measurement using photoelectric volume oscillometry has been commonly used. We designed a new technique for continuous measurement of AP and HR in conscious, unrestrained rats. This is based on the observation that fixation of the rat's tail with tape keeps the animal in position without struggling. The animal is free to move its body. To test the accuracy of this new technique, Sprague-Dawley rats underwent four AP and HR measurement techniques. These included a new unrestrained method (UR), which was compared to the following three methods: traditional restrained TCP method with restrainer, direct monitoring of AP and HR with femoral artery catheterization and a combination of photoelectric volume oscillometry (with body heating to 37 degrees C) and femoral arterial recording. The results show that the modified UR measurement provides accurate data on AP and HR. This method obtains a lower value of HR and similar mean AP when compared to direct monitoring from femoral arterial catheterization. Accordingly, the modified unrestrained TCP measurement can be used in conscious rats as a noninvasive method.  相似文献   

Heart rate increases during inspiration and slows during postinspiration; this respiratory sinus arrhythmia helps match pulmonary blood flow to lung inflation and maintain an appropriate diffusion gradient of oxygen in the lungs. This cardiorespiratory pattern is found in neonatal and adult humans, baboons, dogs, rabbits, and seals. Respiratory sinus arrhythmia occurs mainly due to inhibition of cardioinhibitory parasympathetic cardiac vagal neurons during inspiration. Surprisingly, however, a recent study in anesthetized rats paradoxically found an enhancement of cardiac vagal activity during inspiration, suggesting that rats have an inverted respiratory sinus arrhythmia (Rentero N, Cividjian A, Trevaks D, Pequignot JM, Quintin L, and McAllen RM. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 283: R1327-R1334, 2002). To address this controversy, this study examined respiratory sinus arrhythmia in conscious freely moving rats and tested whether the commonly used experimental anesthetics urethane, pentobarbital sodium, or ketamine-xylazine alter respiratory sinus arrhythmia. Heart rate significantly increased 21 beats/min during inspiration in conscious rats, a pattern similar to the respiratory sinus arrhythmia that occurs in other species. However, anesthetics altered normal respiratory sinus arrhythmia. Ketamine-xylazine (87 mg/kg and 13 mg/kg) depressed and pentobarbital sodium (60 mg/kg) abolished normal respiratory sinus arrhythmia. Urethane (1 g/kg) inverted the cardiorespiratory pattern so that heart rate significantly decreased during inspiration. Our study demonstrates that heart rate normally increases during inspiration in conscious, freely moving rats, similar to the respiratory sinus arrhythmia pattern that occurs in other species but that this pattern is disrupted in the presence of general anesthetics, including inversion in the case of urethane. The presence and consequences of anesthetics need to be considered in studying the parasympathetic control of heart rate.  相似文献   

Positive-pressure ventilation (PPV) may affect left ventricular (LV) performance by altering both LV diastolic compliance and pericardial pressure (Ppc). We measured the effect of PPV on LV intraluminal pressure, Ppc, LV volume, and LV cross-sectional area in 17 acute anesthetized dogs. To account for changes in lung volume independent of changes in Ppc and differences in contractility, measures were made during both open- and closed-chest conditions, during closed chest with and without chest wall binding, and after propranolol-induced acute ventricular failure (AVF). Apneic end-systolic pressure-volume relations (ESPVR) were generated by inferior vena caval occlusions. With the open chest, PPV had no effects. With the chest closed, PPV inspiration decreased LV end-diastolic volume (EDV) along its diastolic compliance curve and decreased end-systolic volume (ESV) such that the end-systolic pressure-volume domain was shifted to a point left of the LV ESPVR, even when referenced to Ppc. The decrease in EDV was greater in control than in AVF conditions, whereas the shift of the ESV to the left of the ESPVR was greater with AVF than in control conditions. We conclude that the hemodynamic effects of PPV inspiration are due primarily to changes in intrathoracic pressure and that the inspiration-induced decreases of LV EDV reflect direct effects of intrathoracic pressure on LV filling. The decreases in LV ESV exceed the amount explained solely by a reduction in LV ejection pressure.  相似文献   

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