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The Bloom's syndrome gene product interacts with topoisomerase III   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bloom's syndrome is a rare genetic disorder associated with loss of genomic integrity and a large increase in the incidence of many types of cancer at an early age. The Bloom's syndrome gene product, BLM, belongs to the RecQ family of DNA helicases, which also includes the human Werner's and Rothmund-Thomson syndrome gene products and the Sgs1 protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This family shows strong evolutionary conservation of protein structure and function. Previous studies have shown that Sgs1p interacts both physically and genetically with topoisomerase III. Here, we have investigated whether this interaction has been conserved in human cells. We show that BLM and hTOPO IIIalpha, one of two human topoisomerase III homologues, co-localize in the nucleus of human cells and can be co-immunoprecipitated from human cell extracts. Moreover, the purified BLM and hTOPO IIIalpha proteins are able to bind specifically to each other in vitro, indicating that the interaction is direct. We have mapped two independent domains on BLM that are important for mediating the interaction with hTOPO IIIalpha. Furthermore, through characterizing a genetic interaction between BLM and TOP3 in S. cerevisiae, we have identified a functional role for the hTOPO IIIalpha interaction domains in BLM.  相似文献   

Copper toxicosis in Bedlington terriers is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by excessive hepatic copper accumulation in association with a marked decrease in biliary copper excretion. Recent genetic data have revealed that MURR1, a single copy gene on dog chromosome 10q26, is mutated in this disorder. This gene encodes a 190-amino acid open reading frame of unknown function that is highly conserved in vertebrate species. The Wilson disease protein is a copper transporting ATPase shown to play a critical role in biliary copper excretion. Here we demonstrate that the Wilson disease protein directly interacts with the human homologue of Murr1 in vitro and in vivo and that this interaction is mediated via the copper binding, amino terminus of this ATPase. Importantly, this interaction is specific for this copper transporter, a finding consistent with the observation that impaired copper homeostasis in affected terriers is confined to the liver. Our findings reveal involvement of Murr1 in the defined pathway of hepatic biliary copper excretion, suggest a potential mechanism for Murr1 function in this process, and provide biochemical evidence in support of the proposed role of the MURR1 gene in hepatic copper toxicosis.  相似文献   

Werner's syndrome (WS) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by premature aging. The gene responsible for WS encodes a protein homologous to Escherichia coli RecQ. Here we describe a novel Werner helicase interacting protein (WHIP), which interacts with the N-terminal portion of Werner protein (WRN), containing the exonuclease domain. WHIP, which shows homology to replication factor C family proteins, is conserved from E. coli to human. Ectopically expressed WHIP and WRN co-localized in granular structures in the nucleus. The functional relationship between WHIP and WRN was indicated by genetic analysis of yeast cells. Disruptants of the SGS1 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which is the WRN homologue in yeast, show an accelerated aging phenotype and high sensitivity to methyl methanesulfonate as compared with wild-type cells. Disruption of the yeast WHIP (yWHIP) gene in wild-type cells and sgs1 disruptants resulted in slightly accelerated aging and enhancement of the premature aging phenotype of sgs1 disruptants, respectively. In contrast, disruption of the yWHIP gene partially alleviated the sensitivity to methyl methanesulfonate of sgs1 disruptants.  相似文献   

The neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) protein contains a region of significant sequence similarity to ras p21 GTPase-activating protein (GAP) and the yeast IRA1 gene product. A fragment of NF1 cDNA encoding the GAP-related domain (NF1 GRD) was expressed, immunoaffinity purified, and assayed for effects on N-ras p21 GTPase activity. The GTPase of wild-type ras p21 was stimulated by NF1 GRD, but oncogenic mutants of ras p21 (Asp-12 and Val-12) were unaffected, and the GTPase of an effector mutant (Ala-38) was only weakly stimulated. NF1 GRD also down-regulated RAS function in S. cerevisiae. The affinity of NF1 GRD for ras p21 was estimated to be 250 nM: this is more than 20-fold higher than the affinity of GAP for ras p21. However, its specific activity was about 30 times lower. These kinetic measurements suggest that NF1 may be a significant regulator of ras p21 activity, particularly at low ras p21 concentrations.  相似文献   

Molecular underpinnings of complex psychiatric disorders such as autism spectrum disorders (ASD) remain largely unresolved. Increasingly, structural variations in discrete chromosomal loci are implicated in ASD, expanding the search space for its disease etiology. We exploited the high genetic heterogeneity of ASD to derive a predictive map of candidate genes by an integrated bioinformatics approach. Using a reference set of 84 Rare and Syndromic candidate ASD genes (AutRef84), we built a composite reference profile based on both functional and expression analyses. First, we created a functional profile of AutRef84 by performing Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment analysis which encompassed three main areas: 1) neurogenesis/projection, 2) cell adhesion, and 3) ion channel activity. Second, we constructed an expression profile of AutRef84 by conducting DAVID analysis which found enrichment in brain regions critical for sensory information processing (olfactory bulb, occipital lobe), executive function (prefrontal cortex), and hormone secretion (pituitary). Disease specificity of this dual AutRef84 profile was demonstrated by comparative analysis with control, diabetes, and non-specific gene sets. We then screened the human genome with the dual AutRef84 profile to derive a set of 460 potential ASD candidate genes. Importantly, the power of our predictive gene map was demonstrated by capturing 18 existing ASD-associated genes which were not part of the AutRef84 input dataset. The remaining 442 genes are entirely novel putative ASD risk genes. Together, we used a composite ASD reference profile to generate a predictive map of novel ASD candidate genes which should be prioritized for future research.  相似文献   

NTKL (N-terminal kinase-like protein) encodes an evolutionarily conserved kinase-like protein and is mapped around chromosomal breakpoints found in several carcinomas, suggesting that NTKL dysfunction may be involved in carcinogenesis. Recently, we identified a novel mouse gene, mNTKL-BP1 (NTKL-binding protein 1), encoding a protein interacting with NTKL. For further study, a new human gene, hNTKL-BP1, which is highly homologous with mNTKL-BP1, was used as bait in yeast two-hybrid system. hPirh2 (human p53-induced RING-H2 protein) was identified as hNTKL-BP1 interacting protein. The specific interaction of two proteins was confirmed by pull-down assay in vitro and co-immunoprecipitation in vivo. Moreover, an immunofluorescent staining assay showed that hNTKL-BP1 colocalizes with hPirh2 in SMMC 7721 cells. It will stimulate further investigation into whether hNTKL-BP1 is the substrate of hPirh2 or interaction of hNTKL-BP1 with hPirh2 enhances or represses the ubiquitin-protein ligase activity of hPirh2.  相似文献   

Herpesvirus ateles is a gamma-2-herpesvirus which naturally infects spider monkeys (Ateles spp.) and causes malignant lymphoproliferative disorders in various other New World primates. The genomic sequence of herpesvirus ateles strain 73 revealed a close relationship to herpesvirus saimiri, with a high degree of variability within the left terminus of the coding region. A spliced mRNA transcribed from this region was detected in New World monkey T-cell lines transformed by herpesvirus ateles in vitro or derived from T cells of infected Saguinus oedipus. The encoded viral protein, termed Tio, shows restricted homology to the oncoprotein StpC and to the tyrosine kinase-interacting protein Tip, two gene products responsible for the T-cell-transforming and oncogenic phenotype of herpesvirus saimiri group C strains. Tio was detectable in lysates of the transformed T lymphocytes. Dimer formation was observed after expression of recombinant Tio. After cotransfection, Tio was phosphorylated in vivo by the protein tyrosine kinases Lck and Src and less efficiently by Fyn. Stable complexes of these Src family kinases with the viral protein were detected in lysates of the transfected cells. Binding analyses indicated a direct interaction of Tio with the SH3 domains of Lyn, Hck, Lck, Src, Fyn, and Yes. In addition, tyrosine-phosphorylated Tio bound to the SH2 domains of Lck, Src, or Fyn. Thus, herpesvirus ateles-encoded Tio may contribute to viral T-cell transformation by influencing the function of Src family kinases.  相似文献   

Ikeda T 《FEBS letters》2008,582(10):1413-1418
Parkin-co-regulated gene (PACRG) is a gene that shares a bidirectional promoter with Parkinson's disease-related Parkin/Park2 gene. Recently, the PACRG gene product was implicated in the function of flagella. However, its exact function remains unknown. Here, I assessed the interaction between PACRG and tubulin. Co-sedimentation experiments revealed that PACRG directly binds to microtubules and alpha/beta-tubulin heterodimers with high affinity. Microscopic studies showed that PACRG bundles microtubules and forms branched aggregates with unpolymerized tubulin dimers. The amino acid sequence of the microtubule-binding region of PACRG is highly conserved among various organisms, suggesting that tubulin binding is a basic property of PACRG.  相似文献   

The human RAD18 gene product interacts with HHR6A and HHR6B   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
During DNA replication, lesion bypass is an important cellular response to unrepaired damage in the genome. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Rad6 and Rad18 are required for both the error-free and error-prone lesion bypass mechanisms. Furthermore, Rad6–Rad18 interaction is thought to be critical at an early step during lesion bypass in yeast. Two closely related human homologs of yeast Rad6 have been identified as HHR6A and HHR6B. Here, we report a full-length cDNA coding for the human homolog of yeast Rad18. The human RAD18 gene codes for a protein of 484 amino acid residues with a calculated molecular weight of 54 804 Da, and the gene is localized to chromosome 3 between reference intervals D3S3591 and D3S1283. Human RAD18 protein (hRAD18) was found to interact with HHR6A and HHR6B. When co-expressed in yeast cells, stable hRAD18–HHR6A and hRAD18–HHR6B protein complexes were identified and purified to near homogeneity. Thus, through interaction and complex formation with HHR6A and HHR6B, RAD18 protein may play an important role in lesion bypass mech­anisms in humans. Consistent with its role as a fundamental lesion bypass protein, the RAD18 gene is ubiquitously expressed in various human tissues.  相似文献   

LASS2/TMSG1 was a novel tumor metastasis suppressor gene, which was first cloned by our laboratory from non‐metastatic and metastatic cancer cell variants of human prostate carcinoma PC‐3M using mRNA differential display in 1999. LASS2/TMSG1 could interact with the C subunit of vacuolar ATPase (V‐ATPase, ATP6V0C) and regulate V‐ATPase activity. In an attempt to provide molecular mechanism of the interaction between LASS2/TMSG1 and V‐ATPase, we constructed four variant transfectants containing different functional domain of LASS2/TMSG1 and stably transfected the variants to human prostate cancer cell line PC‐3M‐1E8 cell with high metastatic potential. Results showed that there were no obvious differences of V‐ATPase expression among different transfected cells and the control. However, V‐ATPase activity and intracellular pH was significantly higher in the variant transfectants with Homeodomain of LASS2/TMSG1 than that in the control using the pH‐dependent fluorescence probe BECEF/AM. Immunoprecipitation, immunofluorescence and immuno‐electron microscope alone or in combination demonstrated the direct interaction of Homeodomain of LASS2/TMSG1 and ATP6V0C. Loss of Homeodomain markedly enhanced the proliferation ability but weakened the apoptotic effect of LASS2/TMSG1 in PC‐3M‐1E8 cells. These lines of results for the first time contribute to the conclusion that LASS2/TMSG1 could regulate V‐ATPase activity and intracellular pH through the direct interaction of its Homeodomain and the C subunit of V‐ATPase. Their interaction could play important roles in the apoptosis of tumor cells. J. Cell. Biochem. 114: 570–583, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA1) is an autosomal-dominant neurodegenerative disorder characterized by ataxia and progressive motor deterioration. SCA1 is associated with an elongated polyglutamine tract in ataxin-1, the SCA1 gene product. Using the yeast two-hybrid system and co-immunoprecipitation experiments, we have found that p80 coilin, coiled body-specific protein, binds to ataxin-1. In further experiments with deletion mutants, we found that the C-terminal regions of ataxin-1 and p80 coilin were essential for this interaction. In HeLa cells that have been co-transfected with ataxin-1 and p80 coilin, the p80 coilin protein co-localizes with ataxin-1 aggregates in the nucleoplasm. However, immunohistochemical analysis and immunofluorescence assays showed that mutant ataxin-1 aggregates do not redistribute p80 coilin's dot-like structures in the Purkinje cells of SCA1 transgenic mice. This feature of the interaction between ataxin-1 and p80 coilin suggests that p80 coilin might be implicated in altering the function of ataxin-1.  相似文献   

Extracellular matrix protein 1 (ECM1), a widely expressed glycoprotein, has been shown to harbor mutations in lipoid proteinosis (LP), an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by profound alterations in the extracellular matrix of connective tissue. The biological function of ECM1 and its role in the pathomechanisms of LP are unknown. Fibulins comprise a family of extracellular matrix components, and the prototype of this family, fibulin-1, is expressed in various connective tissues and plays a role in developmental and pathologic processes. In this study, we demonstrate that ECM1, and specifically the second tandem repeat domain which is alternatively spliced, interacts with the C-terminal segments of fibulins 1C and 1D splice variants which differ in their C-terminal domain III. The interactions were detected by yeast two-hybrid genetic system and confirmed by co-immunoprecipitations. Kinetics of the binding between ECM1 and fibulin-1D, measured by biosensor assay, revealed a K(d) of 5.71 x 10(-8) M, indicating a strong protein-protein interaction. Since distinct splice variants of ECM1 and fibulin-1 have been shown to be co-expressed in tissues affected in LP, we propose that altered ECM1/fibulin-1 interactions may play a role in the pathogenesis of this disease as well as in a number of processes involving the extracellular matrix of connective tissues.  相似文献   

Menin is a 70-kDa protein encoded by MEN1, the tumor suppressor gene disrupted in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1. In a yeast two-hybrid system based on reconstitution of Ras signaling, menin was found to interact with the 32-kDa subunit (RPA2) of replication protein A (RPA), a heterotrimeric protein required for DNA replication, recombination, and repair. The menin-RPA2 interaction was confirmed in a conventional yeast two-hybrid system and by direct interaction between purified proteins. Menin-RPA2 binding was inhibited by a number of menin missense mutations found in individuals with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1, and the interacting regions were mapped to the N-terminal portion of menin and amino acids 43 to 171 of RPA2. This region of RPA2 contains a weak single-stranded DNA-binding domain, but menin had no detectable effect on RPA-DNA binding in vitro. Menin bound preferentially in vitro to free RPA2 rather than the RPA heterotrimer or a subcomplex consisting of RPA2 bound to the 14-kDa subunit (RPA3). However, the 70-kDa subunit (RPA1) was coprecipitated from HeLa cell extracts along with RPA2 by menin-specific antibodies, suggesting that menin binds to the RPA heterotrimer or a novel RPA1-RPA2-containing complex in vivo. This finding was consistent with the extensive overlap in the nuclear localization patterns of endogenous menin, RPA2, and RPA1 observed by immunofluorescence.  相似文献   

The Arf1 GTPase-activating protein ArfGAP1 regulates vesicular traffic through the COPI system. This protein consists of N-terminal catalytic domain, lipid packing sensors (the ALPS motifs) in the central region, and a carboxy part of unknown function. The carboxy part contains several diaromatic sequences that are reminiscent of motifs known to interact with clathrin adaptors. In pull-down experiments using GST-fused peptides from rat ArfGAP1, a peptide containing a 329WETF sequence interacted strongly with clathrin adaptors AP1 and AP2, whereas a major coatomer-binding determinant was identified within the extreme carboxy terminal peptide (405AADEGWDNQNW). Mutagenesis and peptide competition experiments revealed that this determinant is required for coatomer binding to full-length ArfGAP1, and that interaction is mediated through the δ-subunit of the coatomer adaptor-like subcomplex. Evidence for a role of the carboxy motif in ArfGAP1-coatomer interaction in vivo is provided by means of a reporter fusion assay. Our findings point to mechanistic differences between ArfGAP1 and the other ArfGAPs known to function in the COPI system.  相似文献   

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