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Ionic fluxes in Na channels of myelinated axons show ionic competition, block, and deviations from simple flux independence. These phenomena are particularly evident when external Na+ ions are replaced by other permeant or impermeant ions. The observed currents require new flux equations not based on the concepts of free diffusion. A specific permeability model for the Na channel is developed from Eyring rate theory applied to a chain of saturable binding sites. There are four energy barriers in the pore and only one ion is allowed inside at a time. Deviations from independence arise from saturation. The model shows that ionic permeability ratios measured from zero-current potentials can differ from those measured from relative current amplitudes or conductances. The model can be fitted to experiments with various external sodium substitutes by varying only two parameters: For each ion the height of the major energy barrier (the selectivity filter) determines the biionic zero-current potential and the depth of the energy well (binding site) just external to that barrier then determines the current amplitudes. Voltage clamp measurements with myelinated nerve fibers are given showing numerous examples of deviations from independence in ionic fluxes. Strong blocks of ionic currents by guanidinium compounds and Tl+ ions are fitted by binding within the channel with apparent dissociation constants in the range 50-122 mM. A small block with high Na+ concentrations can be fitted by Na+ ion binding with a dissociation constant of 368 mM. The barrier model is given a molecular interpretation that includes stepwise dehydration of the permeating ion as it interacts with an ionized carboxylic acid.  相似文献   

The open-channel conductance properties of a voltage-gated channel from sarcoplasmic reticulum were studied in planar phospholipid membranes. The channel is ideally selective for K+ over Cl- and for K+ over Ca++. In symmetrical 1 M solutions, the single-channel conductance (in pmho) falls in the order: K+ (214) > NH4+ (157) > Rb+ (125) > Na+ (72) > La+ (8.1) > Cs+ (< 3). In neutral bilayers, the channel conductance saturates with ion activity according to a rectangular hyperbolic relation, with half-saturation activities of 54 mM for K+ and 34 mM for Na+. Under symmetrical salt conditions, the K+:Na+ channel conductance ratio increases with salt activity, but the permeability ratio, measured by single-channel bi-ionic potentials, is constant between 20 mM and 2.5 M salt; the permeability ratio is equal to the conductance ratio in the limit of low-salt concentration. The channel conductance varies < 5% in the voltage range -100 to +70 mV. The maximum conductance varies K+ and Na+ is only weakly temperature dependent (delta H++ = 4.6 and 5.3 kcal/mol, respectively), but that of Li+ varies strongly with temperature (delta H++ = 13 kcal/mol). The channel's K+ conductance is blocked asymmetrically by Cs+, and this block is competitive with K+. The results are consistent with an Eyring-type barriers as it permeates the channel. The data conform to Lüger's (1973. Biochem. Biophys. Acta. 311:423-441) predictions for a "pure" single-ion channel.  相似文献   

A model for the gramicidin A channel is proposed which extends existing models by adding a specific cationic binding site at each entrance to the channel. The binding of ions to these outer channel sites is assumed to shift the energy levels of the inner sites and barriers and thereby alter the channel conductance. The resulting properties are analyzed theoretically for the simplest case of two inner sites and a single energy barrier. This for-site model (two outer and two inner) predicts that the membrane potential at zero current (Uo) should be a Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation with concentration-dependent permeability ratios. The coefficients of the concentration-dependent terms are shown to be related to the peak energy shifts of the barrier and to the binding constants of the outer sites. The thory also predicts the channel conductance in symmetrical solutions to exhibit three limiting behaviors, from which the properties of the outer and inner sites can be characterized. In two-cation symmetrical mixtures the conductance as a function of mole fraction is shown to have a minimum, and the related phenomenon of inhibition and block exerted by one ion on the other is explained explicitly by the theory. These various phenomena, having ion interactions in a multiply occupied channel as a common physical basis, are all related (by the theory) through a set of measurable parameters describing the properties of the system.  相似文献   

We investigated the features of the inward-rectifier K channel Kir1.1 (ROMK) that underlie the saturation of currents through these channels as a function of permeant ion concentration. We compared values of maximal currents and apparent K(m) for three permeant ions: K(+), Rb(+), and NH(4)(+). Compared with K(+) (i(max) = 4.6 pA and K(m) = 10 mM at -100 mV), Rb(+) had a lower permeability, a lower i(max) (1.8 pA), and a higher K(m) (26 mM). For NH(4)(+), the permeability was reduced more with smaller changes in i(max) (3.7 pA) and K(m) (16 mM). We assessed the role of a site near the outer mouth of channel in the saturation process. This site could be occupied by either permeant ions or low-affinity blocking ions such as Na(+), Li(+), Mg(2+), and Ca(2+) with similar voltage dependence (apparent valence, 0.15-0.20). It prefers Mg(2+) over Ca(2+) and has a monovalent cation selectivity, based on the ability to displace Mg(2+), of K(+) > Li(+) ~ Na(+) > Rb(+) ~ NH(4)(+). Conversely, in the presence of Mg(2+), the K(m) for K(+) conductance was substantially increased. The ability of Mg(2+) to block the channels was reduced when four negatively charged amino acids in the extracellular domain of the channel were mutated to neutral residues. The apparent K(m) for K(+) conduction was unchanged by these mutations under control conditions but became sensitive to the presence of external negative charges when residual divalent cations were chelated with EDTA. The results suggest that a binding site in the outer mouth of the pore controls current saturation. Permeability is more affected by interactions with other sites within the selectivity filter. Most features of permeation (and block) could be simulated by a five-state kinetic model of ion movement through the channel.  相似文献   

Guanidinium and acetamidinium, when added to the bathing solution in concentrations of approximately 0.1M, cause brief blocks in the single channel potassium currents from channels formed in planar lipid bilayers by gramicidin A. Single channel lifetimes are not affected indicating that the channel structure is not modified by the blockers. Guanidinium block durations and interblock times are approximately exponential in distribution. Block frequencies increase with guanidinium concentration whereas block durations are unaffected. Increases in membrane potential cause an increase in block frequency as expected for a positively charged blocker but a decrease in block duration suggesting that the block is relieved when the blocker passes through the channel. At low pH, urea, formamide, and acetamide cause similar blocks suggesting that the protonated species of these molecules also block. Arginine and several amines do not block. This indicates that only iminium ions which are small enough to enter the channel can cause blocks in gramicidin channels.  相似文献   

A physical model of selective “ion binding” in the L-type calcium channel is constructed, and consequences of the model are compared with experimental data. This reduced model treats only ions and the carboxylate oxygens of the EEEE locus explicitly and restricts interactions to hard-core repulsion and ion–ion and ion–dielectric electrostatic forces. The structural atoms provide a flexible environment for passing cations, thus resulting in a self-organized induced-fit model of the selectivity filter. Experimental conditions involving binary mixtures of alkali and/or alkaline earth metal ions are computed using equilibrium Monte Carlo simulations in the grand canonical ensemble. The model pore rejects alkali metal ions in the presence of biological concentrations of Ca2+ and predicts the blockade of alkali metal ion currents by micromolar Ca2+. Conductance patterns observed in varied mixtures containing Na+ and Li+, or Ba2+ and Ca2+, are predicted. Ca2+ is substantially more potent in blocking Na+ current than Ba2+. In apparent contrast to experiments using buffered Ca2+ solutions, the predicted potency of Ca2+ in blocking alkali metal ion currents depends on the species and concentration of the alkali metal ion, as is expected if these ions compete with Ca2+ for the pore. These experiments depend on the problematic estimation of Ca2+ activity in solutions buffered for Ca2+ and pH in a varying background of bulk salt. Simulations of Ca2+ distribution with the model pore bathed in solutions containing a varied amount of Li+ reveal a “barrier and well” pattern. The entry/exit barrier for Ca2+ is strongly modulated by the Li+ concentration of the bath, suggesting a physical explanation for observed kinetic phenomena. Our simulations show that the selectivity of L-type calcium channels can arise from an interplay of electrostatic and hard-core repulsion forces among ions and a few crucial channel atoms. The reduced system selects for the cation that delivers the largest charge in the smallest ion volume.  相似文献   

Compared to the N-formyl gramicidin A (GA), the N-acetyl gramicidin A (NAG) channel has unchanged conductance in 1 M NH4+ (gamma NN/gamma GG = 1, conductance ratio) but reduced conductance in 1 M K+ (gamma NN/gamma GG = 0.6) methylammonium (gamma NN/gamma GG = 0.3), and formamidinium (gamma NN/gamma GG = 0.1) solutions. Except with formamidinium, "flicker blocks" are evident even at low cutoff frequencies. For all cations studied, channel lifetimes of N-acetyl homodimers (NN) are approximately 50-fold shorter than those of the GA homodimer (GG). The novel properties of GA channels in formamidinium solution (supralinear current-voltage relations and dimer stabilization (Seoh and Busath, 1993)) also appear in NN channels. The average single channel lifetime in 1 M formamidinium solution at 100 mV is 6-7-fold longer than in K+ and methylammonium solutions and, like in the GA channel, significantly decreases with increasing membrane potential. Experiments with mixtures of the two peptides, GA and NAG, showed three main conductance peaks. Oriented hybrids were formed utilizing the principle that monomers remain in one leaflet of the bilayer (O'Connell et al., 1990). With GA at the polarized side and NAG at the grounded side, at positive potentials (in which case hybrids were designated GN) and at negative potentials (in which case hybrids were designated NG), channels had the same conductances and channel properties at all potentials studied. Flicker blocks were not evident in the hybrid channels, which suggests that both N-acetyl methyl groups at the junction of the dimer are required to cause flickers. Channel lifetimes in hybrids are only approximately threefold shorter than those of the GG channels, and channel conductances are similar to those of GG rather than NN channels. We suggest that acetyl-acetyl crowding at the dimeric junction in NN channels cause dimer destabilization, flickers, and increased selectivity in N-acetyl gramicidin channels.  相似文献   

Elevation of intracellular cAMP levels in Necturus gallbladder epithelium (NGB) induces an apical membrane Cl- conductance (GaCl). Its characteristics (i.e., magnitude, anion selectivity, and block) were studied with intracellular microelectrode techniques. Under control conditions, the apical membrane conductance (Ga) was 0.17 mS.cm-2, primarily ascribable to GaK. With elevation of cell cAMP to maximum levels, Ga increased to 6.7 mS.cm-2 and became anion selective, with the permeability sequence SCN- > NO3- > I- > Br- > Cl- >> SO4(2-) approximately gluconate approximately cyclamate. GaCl was not affected by the putative Cl- channel blockers Cu2+, DIDS, DNDS, DPC, furosemide, IAA-94, MK-196, NPPB, SITS, verapamil, and glibenclamide. To characterize the cAMP-activated Cl- channels, patch-clamp studies were conducted on the apical membrane of enzyme-treated gallbladders or on dissociated cells from tissues exposed to both theophylline and forskolin. Two kinds of Cl- channels were found. With approximately 100 mM Cl- in both bath and pipette, the most frequent channel had a linear current-voltage relationship with a slope conductance of approximately 10 pS. The less frequent channel was outward rectifying with slope conductances of approximately 10 and 20 pS at -40 and 40 mV, respectively. The Cl- channels colocalized with apical maxi-K+ channels in 70% of the patches. The open probability (Po) of both kinds of Cl- channels was variable from patch to patch (0.3 on average) and insensitive to [Ca2+], membrane voltage, and pH. The channel density (approximately 0.3/patch) was one to two orders of magnitude less than that required to account for GaCl. However, addition of 250 U/ml protein kinase A plus 1 mM ATP to the cytosolic side of excised patches increased the density of the linear 10-pS Cl- channels more than 10- fold to four per patch and the mean Po to 0.5, close to expectations from GaCl. The permeability sequence and blocker insensitivity of the PKA-activated channels were identical to those of the apical membrane. These data strongly suggest that 10-pS Cl- channels are responsible for the cAMP-induced increase in apical membrane conductance of NGB epithelium.  相似文献   

Ionic selectivity of Ih channels of tiger salamander rod photoreceptors was investigated using whole-cell voltage clamp. Measured reversal potentials and the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz voltage equation were used to calculate permeability ratios with 20 mM K+ as a reference. In the absence of external K+, Ih is small and hard to discern. Hence, we defined Ih as the current blocked by 2 mM external Cs+. Some small amines permeate Ih channels, with the following permeability ratios (PX/PK):NH4+, 0.17; methylammonium, 0.06; and hydrazine, 0.04. Other amines are tially impermeant: dimethylammonium (< 0.02), ethylammonium (< 0.01), and tetramethylammonium (< 0.01). When K+ is the only external permeant ion and its concentration is varied, the reversal potential of Ih follows the Nernst potential for a K+ electrode. Ih channels are also permeable to other alkali metal cations (PX/PK): T1+, > 1.55; K+, 1; Rb+, > 0.55; Na+, 0.33; Li+, 0.02. Except for Na+, the relative slope conductance had a similar sequence (GX/GK): T1+, 1.07; K+, 1; Rb+, 0.37; NH4+, 0.07; Na+, 0.02. Based on permeabilities to organic cations, the narrowest part of the pore has a diameter between 4.0 and 4.6 A. Some permeant cations have large effects on the gating kinetics of Ih channels; however, permeant cations appear to have little effect on the steady-state activation curve of Ih channels. Lowering K+ or replacing K+ with Na+ reduces the maximal conductance of Ih but does not shift or change the steepness of its voltage dependence. With ammonium or methylammonium replacing K+ a similar pattern is seen, except that there is a small positive shift of approximately 10 mV in the voltage dependence.  相似文献   

A model based on the solution of the electrostatic potential for a geometry of three dielectric regions associated with a gramicidin A channel (GA) is presented. The model includes a cylindrical dielectric layer to represent the peptide backbone and dipole rings to account for dipolar side chains. Image potential and dipolar contributions for different orientations and positions along the channel are analyzed. The conductance of GA and two analogues obtained by substituting the amino acid at position 1 are studied. The numerical simulation reproduces experimental results (Barrett et al. 1986, Biophys J 49, 673–686) and supports the idea that electrostatic dipole-ion interactions are of primary importance in gramicidin channel function. Correspondence to: G. Martinez  相似文献   

Ion permeation through the gramicidin channel is studied using a model that circumvents two major difficulties inherent to standard simulational methods. It exploits the timescale separation between electronic and structural contributions to dielectric stabilization, accounting for the influence of electronic polarization by embedding the channel in a dielectric milieu that describes this polarization in a mean sense. The explicit mobile moieties are the ion, multipolar waters, and the carbonyls and amides of the peptide backbone. The model treats the influence of aromatic residues and the membrane dipole potential. A new electrical geometry is introduced that treats long-range electrostatics exactly and avoids problems related to periodic boundary conditions. It permits the translocating ion to make a seamless transition from nearby electrolyte to the channel interior. Other degrees of freedom (more distant bulk electrolyte and nonpolar lipid) are treated as dielectric continua. Reasonable permeation free energy profiles are obtained for potassium, rubidium, and cesium; binding wells are shallow and the central barrier is small. Estimated cationic single-channel conductances are smaller than experiment, but only by factors between 2 (rubidium) and 50 (potassium). When applied to chloride the internal barrier is large, with a corresponding miniscule single-channel conductance. The estimated relative single-channel conductances of gramicidin A, B, and C agree well with experiment.  相似文献   

The Journal of Membrane Biology -  相似文献   

Induction of conductance heterogeneity in gramicidin channels   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
In previous work from our laboratory, 5-10% of the channels formed by [Val1]gramicidin A have conductances that fall outside the narrow range that conventionally has defined the standard gramicidin channel [e.g., see Russell et al. (1986) Biophys. J. 49, 673]. Reports from other laboratories, however, show that up to 50% of [Val1]gramicidin channels have conductances that fall outside the range for standard channels [e.g., see Prasad et al. (1986) Biochemistry 25, 456]. This laboratory-to-laboratory variation in the distribution of gramicidin single-channel conductances suggests that the conductance variants are induced by some environmental factor(s) [Busath et al. (1987) Biophys. J. 51, 79]. In order to test whether extrinsic agents can induce such conductance heterogeneity, we examined the effects of nonionic or zwitterionic detergents upon gramicidin channel behavior. In phospholipid bilayers, detergent addition induces many changes in gramicidin channel behavior: all detergents tested increase the channel appearance rate and average duration; most detergents decrease the conductance of the standard channel; and all but one of the detergents increase the conductance heterogeneity. These results show that the conductance heterogeneity can result from environmental perturbations, thus providing a possible explanation for the laboratory-to-laboratory variation in the heterogeneity of gramicidin channels. In addition, the differential detergent effects suggest possible mechanisms by which detergents can induce the conformational perturbations that result in gramicidin single-channel conductance variations.  相似文献   

This review compares and contrasts the structures of several different types of ion channels with known three-dimensional structures, including gramicidin and the family of peptaibol channels, as well as the Streptomyces lividans potassium channel, to reveal common features in their structures that relate to their functional roles in ion binding and transport across membranes. Specifically, the locations of aromatic amino acids, the dimensions of the molecules, the multimeric nature of the channels and the roles of hydrogen bonds in stabilising such structures, the means by which the channels open and close, and the chemical nature of the groups which make up the channel lumen are discussed. The emphasis is on the commonality of features found in model channels, which may ultimately be found in other biological channel structures.  相似文献   

A model study of the motion of Na+ ions in the cavity of membrane gramicidin channels was performed by the methods of quantum mechanics. An approximation of the distribution of the electrostatic potential along the channel axis, determined by charges on the atoms of the gramicidin A molecule, was obtained. The energy distribution and the wave functions for the stationary states of the ions were determined. The solutions of the Schr?dinger equation for two conformers were compared.  相似文献   

Protein P, an anion-specific channel-forming protein from the outer membrane of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was chemically modified by acetylation and syccinylation of its accessible amino groups. The chemically modified protein retained its ability to form oligomers on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gels, whereas only the acetylated protein formed channels in reconstitution experiments with lipid bilayers. Acetylated protein P demonstrated a substantially reduced mean single channel conductance (25 pS at 1 M KCl) compared to the native protein P channels (250 pS at 1 M KCl) when reconstituted into black lipid bilayer membranes. The homogeneous size distribution of single-channel conductances suggested that all of the protein P molecules had been acetylated. Zero-current potential measurements demonstrated that the acetylated protein P channel was only weakly selective for anions and allowed the permeation of cations, in contrast to the native protein P channels, which were more than 100-fold selective for anions over cations. The dependence of conductance on salt concentration was changed upon acetylation, in that acetylated protein P demonstrated a linear concentration-conductance relationship, whereas native protein P channels became saturated at high salt concentrations. These data strongly suggested that the basis of anion selectivity for native protein P channels is fixed amino groups. In agreement with this, we could demonstrate a 2.5-fold decrease in single-channel conductance between pH 7 and pH 9, between which pH values the ?-amino groups of amino acids would start to become deprotonated. Two alternative schemes for the topography of the protein P channel and localization of the fixed amino groups are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

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