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从5种松树健康的枝、叶、干中共分离了2,400个组织块,得到199株内生拟盘多毛孢Pestalotiopsis,形态学和分子生物学鉴定分属于11个种,平均分离率为8.29%。所得11种内生拟盘多毛孢都是首次在四川的松属植物中分离得到,其中葡萄生拟盘多毛孢P.uvicola和山桃草拟盘多毛孢P.gaurae为首次在松树上分离得到。基于ITS序列的分子系统发育分析显示松树内生拟盘多毛孢种类之间存在一定的遗传差异,部分内生拟盘多毛孢与病原拟盘多毛孢的ITS序列具有很高的同源性。  相似文献   

马雅军  瞿逢伊 《昆虫知识》2002,39(3):209-214
测定了我国赫坎按蚊复合体 9成员种的核糖体DNA第二内转录间隔区 (rDNA ITS2 )序列 ,根据序列差异分析各蚊种间的系统发育关系。结果显示 :( 1 )ITS2区序列最长的是中华按蚊 ( 4 6 8bp) ,最短的是克劳按蚊和赫坎按蚊 ( 4 36bp) ;GC含量为 4 4 9%~ 4 6 8% ;( 2 )发现该复合体 4成员种的ITS2区序列存在种内个体间差异 ,幅度为 0~ 3 8% ,明显小于种间差异 ;( 3)将各蚊种的ITS2区序列进行同源排序比较 ,发现其变异大多是简单重复单元的拷贝数不同 ;种间差异性最大的是克劳按蚊与嗜人按蚊( 32 3% ) ,最小的是贵阳按蚊与凉山按蚊 ( 9 0 % )平均差异率为 2 2 3% ;( 4 )根据ITS2区序列特征 ,用 3种方法构建的树状图拟合一致。以上结果表明赫坎按蚊复合体各成员种rDNA ITS2序列在种内非常保守 ,以种间序列差异分析为基础的分子鉴别技术是甄别蚊种分类地位混淆和错误的有效方法。  相似文献   

秤锤树叶片内生真菌的分离鉴定及其对植株生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究从秤锤树叶片中分离内生菌进行分子鉴定,并接种到无菌组培苗中研究其对植株生长的影响。研究结果显示,从秤锤树叶片中共分离获得7株真菌。扩增出的6个菌株经ITS测序,在NCBI网站上进行基因序列比对,鉴定出其中5株菌株均属于球毛壳菌(Chaetomium globosum),1株属于子囊菌(As-comycete)。进一步实验表明:分离的菌株多数对组培苗的株高生长影响不大,可初步鉴定其为内生菌,其中的属于球毛壳菌的F和H菌株对无菌苗的株高有明显的促进作用。  相似文献   

真菌是巢穴微生物的重要组成部分,与鸟类的生存、繁殖和环境适应息息相关。本研究通过悬挂人工巢箱招引绿背山雀(Parus monticolus)入住,基于内转录间隔区(ITS)测序技术,对绿背山雀繁殖成功巢箱与筑巢未产卵巢箱真菌群落的组成差异进行探究。结果显示,在门水平上,子囊菌门(Ascomycota,98.81%)是繁殖成功巢箱内微生物的主要菌门;子囊菌门(85.59%)和担子菌门(Basidiomycota,8.33%)是筑巢未产卵巢箱内微生物的主要菌门。在属水平上,繁殖成功巢箱的优势属为拟单宽皿菌属(Phialemoniopsis,83.04%)、曲霉属(Aspergillus,4.75%)、子囊菌属(Arthroderma,4.29%)和柄帚霉属(Scopulariopsis,1.78%);筑巢未产卵巢箱的优势属为拟单宽皿菌属(36.06%)、曲霉属(14.53%)、青霉属(Penicilliu,6.22%)、单端孢霉属(Trichothecium,5.80%)、德巴利酵母菌属(Debaryomyces,1.67%)和蝶孔耳属(Papiliotrema,1.09%)。Alpha多样性分析表明,筑巢未产卵巢箱中真菌的多样性和丰富度均显著高于繁殖成功巢箱(P < 0.05);Beta多样性分析表明,繁殖成功巢和筑巢未产卵巢箱之间的真菌群落存在显著差异;LEfSe分析共检测到19个具有统计学差异的生物标记物,繁殖成功巢箱和筑巢未产卵巢箱的显著生物标志物分布在子囊菌门和担子菌门中,两种巢箱的标记物种存在显著差异。整体来说,与繁殖成功巢相比,筑巢未产卵巢内分布有更多的潜在病原菌。  相似文献   

以松口蘑Tricholoma matsutake子实体为外类群,对大白口蘑T. giganteum 野生子实体及其组织分离菌丝进行ITS序列测序,通过DNAStar软件进行比较分析。结果表明大白口蘑ITS序列长度为589bp,松口蘑ITS序列长度为601bp,ITS1和ITS2呈现不同程度的种间多态性;ITS序列测定证实了大白口蘑野生子实体及其组织分离菌丝的同质性,并且ITS区序列在大白口蘑种内不同菌株间的变异程度很小,表明使用通用引物ITS4和ITS5,通过PCR扩增测序即可用于大白口蘑的种质鉴定。  相似文献   

汤洪敏  虞泓  吴刚  崔光芬 《菌物系统》2008,27(2):230-236
以松口蘑Tricholoma matsutake子实体为外类群,对大白口蘑T.giganteum野生子实体及其组织分离菌丝进行ITS序列测序,通过DNAStar软件进行比较分析。结果表明大白口蘑ITS序列长度为589bp,松口蘑ITS序列长度为601bp,ITS1和ITS2呈现不同程度的种间多态性;ITS序列测定证实了大白口蘑野生子实体及其组织分离菌丝的同质性,并且ITS区序列在大白口蘑种内不同菌株间的变异程度很小,表明使用通用引物ITS4和ITS5,通过PCR扩增测序即可用于大白口蘑的种质鉴定。  相似文献   

汤洪敏  虞泓  吴刚  崔光芬 《菌物学报》2008,27(2):230-236
以松口蘑Tricholoma matsutake子实体为外类群,对大白口蘑T.giganteum野生子实体及其组织分离菌丝进行ITS序列测序,通过DNAStar软件进行比较分析。结果表明大白口蘑ITS序列长度为589bp,松口蘑ITS序列长度为601bp,ITS1和ITS2呈现不同程度的种间多态性;ITS序列测定证实了大白口蘑野生子实体及其组织分离菌丝的同质性,并且ITS区序列在大白口蘑种内不同菌株间的变异程度很小,表明使用通用引物ITS4和ITS5,通过PCR扩增测序即可用于大白口蘑的种质鉴定。  相似文献   

从乌鲁木齐南山土壤中分离得到62株绿藻,利用印迹法筛选对Cu2+、Fe3+、Zn2+、Co2+4种金属离子有抗性的藻株。结果发现XJU-3、XJU-28和XJU-36对0.1mmol·L-1 Co2+有抗性;XJU-28对1mmol·L-1 Zn2+和Fe3+有抗性;而XJU-36仅对0.05mmol·L-1 Cu2+有抗性。利用形态学特征和rDNA转录单元内间隔区(ITS1和TIS2,包括5.8S)序列对3株绿藻进行了分类学鉴定。依据形态特征,初步判断3株绿藻可能属于衣藻属(Chlamydomonas)。利用ITS(包括5.8S)序列构建系统进化树分析,结果表明,XJU-3、XJU-28与Chlamydomonas zebra的关系较近,XJU-36与Chlamydomonas petasua的关系较近。  相似文献   

紊蒿属一新种和对该属分类及演化的讨论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱宗元  梁存柱  王炜  刘钟龄 《植物研究》2003,23(2):147-153,T004
对新种多头紊蒿(Elachanthemum polycephalum Z.Y.Zhu et C.Z.Liang)的形态特征进行了描述,并从形态和生态特征、地理分布及其区系起源等方面探讨了紊蒿属(Elachanthemum Y.Ling et Y.R.Ling)的分类地位。结果表明:紊蒿属与百花蒿属(Stilpnolepis Krasch.)在形态上虽有相近之处,但花、果实和花粉等形态差异明显,因而不能并入百花蒿属,而应独立成属。该属起源于第三纪亚洲北部的古蒿类群(Pro-Artemisia L.),是蒿类中较为原始的属,为古地中海东部残遗的旱生成分,也是现代亚洲中部荒漠(戈壁荒漠)的持有属;多头紊蒿新种的发现,使紊蒿属从单种属变成寡种(双种)属,表明荒漠植物区系的物种分化仍在进行。  相似文献   

蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫(Giardia lamblia,又称Gi-ardiaintestinalis或Giardia duodenalis,以下简称贾第虫)是一种广为关注的源真核生物(Archezoa),在生物进化中处于原核生物和真核生物的过渡阶段。在医学上,贾第虫是一种重要的导致腹泻的病原体,其宿主广泛,包括人和大多数脊椎动物。研  相似文献   

Gaudinia maroccana is considered a Moroccan endemism. After a qualitative and quantitative study of 13 morphological characters of Gaudinia based upon 43 specimens from western Iberian Peninsula, northwestern Morocco and Azores Islands, with statistical analyses (correspondence analysis, box-plots and cluster), we can conclude that this species also occurs on the coast of Portugal. Some taxonomic remarks on G. fragilis, G. coarctata, G. hispanica and G. valdesii and a key for determination are presented.  相似文献   

红菇属变红乳菇亚属的乳汁常变为红色,变黄的乳汁较为少见.在中国中南部亚热带壳斗科林下发现了一个乳汁迅速变黄色的物种.这是首次在中国发现的变红乳菇亚属中乳汁变黄的物种,其独特的乳汁、褐色的菌盖、稀疏的菌褶和大的具极高翼状纹饰的孢子能将其与其他已知种区分开来,在此将其描述为新种,黄美乳菇L.mirus.本研究提供了该新种的...  相似文献   

本研究检视了采自中国沿海的银口天竺鲷属标本314尾, 形态学鉴定为8种: 斑鳍银口天竺鲷(Jaydia carinata (Cuvier, 1828))、细条银口天竺鲷(J. lineata (Temminck & Schlege, 1842))、新几内亚银口天竺鲷(J. novaeguineae (Valenciennes, 1832))、黑鳃银口天竺鲷(J. poeciloptera (Cuvier, 1828))、史密斯氏银口天竺鲷(J. smithi Kotthaus 1970)、横带银口天竺鲷(J. striata (Smith & Radcliffe, 1912))、印度洋银口天竺鲷(J. striatodes (Gon, 1997))和黑边银口天竺鲷(J. truncata (Bleeker, 1854))。结合GenBank中的同种序列, 对史密斯氏银口天竺鲷进行DNA条形码分析, 发现中国群体和地中海群体分为两个组群, 两者平均组间遗传距离为0.044, 表明其中存在隐存种。因该种模式产地为亚丁湾, 推测中国种群为隐存种Jaydia sp.。结合标本和文献考证, 我们认为中国已知有银口天竺鲷属鱼类9种, 未采集到的烟台银口天竺鲷J. tchefouensis (Fang, 1942)可能为J. lineata次定同种异名。我们整理了各种的同种异名、形态特征和地理分布, 编制了检索表, 探讨了分类问题, 修订了错误。中国已记录物种J. elliotiJ. arafuraeJ. albomarginata实际为J. truncataJ. poecilopteraJ. novaeguineae。  相似文献   

张文霞 《昆虫学报》2000,43(-1):172-179
本文记述弯头果蝇种亚组的二新种,施氏果蝇 Drosophila (Drosophila) shi sp. nov.,短乳突果蝇Drosophila (Drosophila) brevipapilla sp.nov.,并对中国特有的弯头果蝇种亚组中11 个种的分布进行了分析。  相似文献   

Molecular analyses are transforming our understanding of the evolution of scleractinian corals and conflict with traditional classification, which is based on skeletal morphology. A new classification system, which integrates molecular and morphological data, is essential for documenting patterns of biodiversity and establishing priorities for marine conservation, as well as providing the morphological characters needed for linking present‐day corals with fossil species. The present monograph is the first in a series whose goal is to develop such an integrated system. It addresses the taxonomic relationships of 55 Recent zooxanthellate genera (one new) in seven families (one new), which were previously assigned to the suborder Faviina (eight genera are transferred to incertae sedis). The present monograph has two objectives. First, we introduce the higher‐level classification system for the 46 genera whose relationships are clear. Second, we formally revise the taxonomy of those corals belonging to the newly discovered family‐level clade (restricted today to the western Atlantic and Caribbean regions); this revised family Mussidae consists of ten genera (one of which is new) and 26 species that were previously assigned to the ‘traditional’ families Faviidae and Mussidae. To guide in discovering morphologic characters diagnostic of higher‐level taxa, we mapped a total of 38 morphologic characters [19 macromorphology, eight micromorphology, 11 microstructure] onto a molecular tree consisting of 67 species [22 Indo‐Pacific and seven Atlantic species in the traditional family Faviidae; 13 Indo‐Pacific and ten Atlantic species in the traditional family Mussidae; 13 species in the traditional families Merulinidae (5), Pectiniidae (7), and Trachyphylliidae (1); two Atlantic species of traditional Montastraea], and trace character histories using parsimony. To evaluate the overall effectiveness of morphological data in phylogeny reconstruction, we performed morphology‐based phylogenetic analyses using 27 (80 states) of the 38 characters, and compared morphological trees with molecular trees. The results of the ancestral state reconstructions revealed extensive homoplasy in almost all morphological characters. Family‐ and subfamily‐level molecular clades [previously identified as XVII?XXI] are best distinguished on the basis of the shapes of septal teeth and corresponding microstructure. The newly revised family Mussidae (XXI) has septal teeth with regular pointed tips (a symplesiomorphy) and a stout blocky appearance. It has two subfamilies, Mussinae and Faviinae. The subfamily Mussinae is distinguished by spine‐shaped teeth and widely spaced costoseptal clusters of calcification centres. The subfamily Faviinae is distinguished by blocky, pointed tricorne or paddle‐shaped teeth with elliptical bases, transverse structures such as carinae that cross the septal plane, and well‐developed aligned granules. Defining diagnostic characters for the broader data set is more challenging. In analyses of taxonomic subsets of the data set that were defined by clade, morphological phylogenetic analyses clearly distinguished the families Mussidae (XXI) and Lobophylliidae (XIX), as well as the two subfamilies of Mussidae (Mussinae, Faviinae), with one exception (Homophyllia australis). However, analyses of the entire 67‐species data set distinguished the family Lobophylliidae (XIX), but not the Merulinidae (XVII) and not the newly defined Mussidae (XXI), although the subfamily Mussinae was recovered as monophyletic. Some lower‐level relationships within the Merulinidae (XVII) agree with molecular results, but this particular family is especially problematic and requires additional molecular and morphological study. Future work including fossils will not only allow estimation of divergence times but also facilitate examination of the relationship between these divergences and changes in the environment and biogeography. Published 2012. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 166 , 465–529.  相似文献   

Morphological characters useful for taxonomic identification of older copepodid instars of the subfamily Eucyclopinae were studied among 14 species of Eucyclops, Macrocyclops, Ectocyclops, Paracyclops and Tropocyclops known from European Russia. For taxonomic analysis, the following elements of copepodid morphology were chosen: armament and proportion of furcal rami; morphology of swimming legs and reduced 5th and 6th legs; antennule segmentation; and relative body length of copepodid instars in comparison with the female length. Changes in morphology of major copepodid instars of the subfamily Eucyclopinae during ontogenetic development are traced and noticeable differences among five genera and 14 species are described. These differences among major copepodid stages may be important for both taxonomic and ecological analysis. For taxonomy, they provide information on development of sexes and species during maturation. For ecology they allow identification of the specimens at 4–5 copepodid instars in diapause. A key to major copepodid instars of the species from the subfamily Eucyclopinae which are known from limnetic habitats of the European part of Russia is presented.  相似文献   

时楚涵  图力古尔  李玉 《菌物学报》2016,35(11):1348-1356
吉林省盘菌标本的研究中发现1个中国新记录属:威氏盘菌属Wilcoxina,3个中国新记录种:威氏盘菌Wilcoxina mikolae,淡蓝盘菌Peziza saniosa及达德利肉杯菌Sarcoscypha dudleyi,并提供形态特征描述,生境照片、显微结构线条图以及ITS序列的GenBank号。  相似文献   

对2010年5月-9月采集的蜜蜂属Apis中野生蜜蜂进行鉴定,根据形态特征编制了中国蜜蜂属的分类检索表,并对各个种的主要形态特征进行了描述,同时对野生蜜蜂在我国及世界的分布情况进行了简要介绍。本文期望通过这次采样及基础研究推动对野生蜜蜂研究以及野生蜜蜂的保护工作的重视。  相似文献   

报道生于斑茅Saccharum arundinaceum枯叶上散斑壳属Lophodermium一新种,即斑茅生散斑壳Lophodermium saccharicola。对该种提供了中英文形态描述、图解和讨论。供研究标本保藏于安徽农业大学森林菌物标本室(AAUF)。  相似文献   

基于与叶和果实相关的30个形态性状(包括20个定性性状和10个定量性状)对中国杏属( Armeniaca Scop.)11种3变种进行了UPGMA聚类分析和主成分分析;在主成分分析基础上,构建了中国杏属植物的OTU散点图;并且,结合降水量分布图绘制了中国杏属植物分布图。聚类分析结果显示:供试杏属植物被分成2支。若包含毛叶梅( A. mume var. goethartiana Koehne),则毛叶梅、梅( A. mume Sieb.)、洪平杏( A. hongpingensis C. L. Li)以及政和杏( A. zhengheensis J. Y. Zhang et M. N. Lu)聚为一支,其余8种2变种聚为另一支;若不包含毛叶梅,梅则被划分在后一个分支中。主成分分析结果显示:前3个主成分的累计贡献率仅60.3180%,说明中国杏属植物的形态性状具有较大的遗传变异;在前3个主成分中,树高、叶片下表面被毛情况、叶长/叶柄长比值、叶长/叶宽比值、果核形状、叶宽、果核宽、叶柄长、果柄长和叶缘锯齿形状的绝对权重值均在0.7以上,表明这10个性状在中国杏属植物的分类学研究中具有重要作用。 OTU散点图显示:中国杏属植物在二维散点图上的分类结果与其聚类结果基本一致,并且,其聚类结果中的各分支在三维散点图上也能够明显区分,说明可以采用前3个主成分中绝对权重值较高的性状对中国杏属植物进行分类。分布图显示:杏属植物遍布中国各省(区),且主要集中分布在400和800 mm等降水量线之间的区域。结合上述研究结果及他人的研究成果,支持“将藏杏﹝A. holosericea ( Batal.) Kost.〕作为杏( A. vulgaris Lam.)的1个变种”以及“将政和杏作为梅的1个变种”的分类处理,并支持“将洪平杏作为独立种”的分类处理。此外,建议将仙居杏( A. xianjuxing J. Y. Zhang et X. Z. Wu)和华仁杏( A. cathayana D. L. Fu et al)作为杏属的栽培种。  相似文献   

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