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The use of a divalent effector molecule improves bispecific antibody (bsMAb) pretargeting by enabling the cross-linking of monovalently bound bsMAb on the cell surface, thereby increasing the functional affinity of a bsMAb. In this work, it was determined if a bsMAb with divalency for the primary target antigen would improve bsMAb pretargeting of a divalent hapten. The pretargeting of a (99m)Tc-labeled divalent DTPA-peptide, IMP-192, using a bsMAb prepared by chemically coupling two Fab' fragments, one with monovalent specificity to the primary target antigen, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), and to indium-loaded DTPA [DTPA(In)], was compared to two other bsMAbs, both with divalency to CEA. One conjugate used the whole anti-CEA IgG, while the other used the anti-CEA F(ab')(2) fragment to make bsMAbs that had divalency to CEA, but with different molecular weights to affect their pharmacokinetic behavior. The rate of bsMAb blood clearance was a function of molecular weight (IgG x Fab' < F(ab')(2) x Fab' < Fab' x Fab' conjugate). The IgG x Fab' bsMAb conjugate had the highest uptake and longest retention in the tumor. However, when used for pretargeting, the F(ab')(2) x Fab' conjugate allowed for superior tumor accretion of the (99m)Tc-IMP-192 peptide, because its more rapid clearance from the blood enabled early intervention with the radiolabeled peptide when tumor uptake of the bsMAb was at its peak. Excellent peptide targeting was also seen with the Fab' x Fab' conjugate, albeit tumor uptake was lower than with the F(ab')(2) x Fab' conjugate. Because the IgG x Fab' bsMAb cleared from the blood so slowly, when the peptide was given at the time of its maximum tumor accretion, the peptide was captured predominantly by the bsMAb in the blood. Several strategies were explored to reduce the IgG x Fab' bsMAb remaining in the blood to take advantage of its 3-4-fold higher tumor accretion than the other bsMAb conjugates. A number of agents were tested, including those that could clear the bsMAb from the blood (e.g., galactosylated or nongalactosylated anti-id antibody) and those that could block the anti-DTPA(In) binding arm [e.g., DTPA(In), divalent-DTPA(In) peptide, and DTPA coupled to bovine serum albumin (BSA) or IgG]. When clearing agents were given 65 h after the IgG x Fab' conjugate (time of maximum tumor accretion for this bsMAb), (99m)Tc-IMP-192 levels in the blood were significantly reduced, but a majority of the peptide localized in the liver. Increasing the interval between the clearing agent and the time the peptide was given to allow for further processing of the bsMAb-clearing agent complex did not improve targeting. At the dose and level of substitution tested, galacosylated BSA-DTPA(In) was cleared too quickly to be an effective blocking agent, but BSA- and IgG-DTPA(In) conjugates were able to reduce the uptake of the (99m)Tc-IMP-192 in the blood and liver. Tumor/nontumor ratios compared favorably for the radiolabeled peptide using the IgG x Fab'/blocking agent combination and the F(ab')(2) x Fab' (no clearing/blocking agent), and peptide uptake 3 h after the blocking agent even exceeded that of the F(ab')(2) x Fab'. However, this higher level of peptide in the tumor was not sustained over 24 h, and actually decreased to levels lower than that seen with the F(ab')(2) x Fab' by this time. These results demonstrate that divalency of a bsMAb to its primary target antigen can lead to higher tumor accretion by a pretargeted divalent peptide, but that the pharmacokinetic behavior of the bsMAb also needs to be optimized to allow for its clearance from the blood. Otherwise, blocking agents will need to be developed to reduce unwanted peptide uptake in normal tissues.  相似文献   

An efficient route to the production of an IgG-like bispecific antibody   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Production of IgG-form bispecific antibody (BsAb-IgG) by co-expressing two antibodies in transfected cells is often inefficient owing to the unwanted pairing between the component heavy and light chains. We have developed an efficient method for the production of a novel IgG-like BsAb by using the natural dimerization mechanism between IgG heavy and light chains. Two single-chain Fv (scFv) of different specificity are fused to the constant domain of human kappa chain (C(L)) and the first constant domain of human heavy chain (C(H1)), to form two polypeptides, (scFv)(1)-C(L) and (scFv)(2)-C(H1)-C(H2)-C(H3), respectively. Co-expression of the two polypeptides in mammalian cells results in the formation of a covalently linked IgG-like hetero-tetramer, Bs(scFv)(4)-IgG, with dual specificity. Our approach yields a homogeneous bispecific IgG-like antibody product with each molecule containing four antigen binding sites, two for each of its target antigens. A Bs(scFv)(4)-IgG was prepared using two scFv antibodies each directed against a different epitope of a vascular endothelial growth factor receptor, the kinase insert domain-containing receptor (KDR). The Bs(scFv)(4)-IgG is capable of simultaneously binding to the two epitopes on the receptor. Further, the Bs(scFv)(4)-IgG also retains the antigen-binding efficacy and biological activity of its component antibodies.  相似文献   

Bispecific antibodies have shown promise in the clinic as medicines with novel mechanisms of action. Lack of efficient production of bispecific IgGs, however, has limited their rapid advancement. Here, we describe a single-reactor process using mammalian cell co-culture production to efficiently produce a bispecific IgG with 4 distinct polypeptide chains without the need for parallel processing of each half-antibody or additional framework mutations. This method resembles a conventional process, and the quality and yield of the monoclonal antibodies are equal to those produced using parallel processing methods. We demonstrate the application of the approach to diverse bispecific antibodies, and its suitability for production of a tissue specific molecule targeting fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 and klotho β that is being developed for type 2 diabetes and other obesity-linked disorders.  相似文献   

Both laboratory and early clinical studies to date have demonstrated that bispecific antibodies (BsAb) may have potentially significant application in cancer therapy. The clinical development of BsAb as therapeutics has been hampered, however, by the difficulty in preparing the materials in sufficient quantity and quality by traditional methods. In recent years, a variety of recombinant methods has been developed for efficient production of BsAb, both as antibody fragments and as full-length IgG-like molecules. Here we describe a novel recombinant approach for the production of an Fc domain-containing, IgG-like tetravalent BsAb, with two antigen-binding sites to each of its target antigens, by genetically fusing a single variable domain antibody to the N terminus of the light chain of a functional IgG antibody of different specificity. A model BsAb was constructed using a single variable domain antibody to mouse platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha and a conventional IgG antibody to mouse vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2. The BsAb was expressed in mammalian cells and purified to homogeneity by one-step protein A affinity chromatography. Furthermore, the BsAb retains the antigen binding specificity and the receptor neutralizing activity of both of its parent antibodies. This design and expression of Fc domain-containing, IgG-like BsAb should be applicable to the construction of similar BsAb from antibodies recognizing any pair of antigens.  相似文献   

During the past two decades we have seen a phenomenal evolution of bispecific antibodies for therapeutic applications. The ‘zoo’ of bispecific antibodies is populated by many different species, comprising around 100 different formats, including small molecules composed solely of the antigen-binding sites of two antibodies, molecules with an IgG structure, and large complex molecules composed of different antigen-binding moieties often combined with dimerization modules. The application of sophisticated molecular design and genetic engineering has solved many of the technical problems associated with the formation of bispecific antibodies such as stability, solubility and other parameters that confer drug properties. These parameters may be summarized under the term ‘developability’. In addition, different ‘target product profiles’, i.e., desired features of the bispecific antibody to be generated, mandates the need for access to a diverse panel of formats. These may vary in size, arrangement, valencies, flexibility and geometry of their binding modules, as well as in their distribution and pharmacokinetic properties. There is not ‘one best format’ for generating bispecific antibodies, and no single format is suitable for all, or even most of, the desired applications. Instead, the bispecific formats collectively serve as a valuable source of diversity that can be applied to the development of therapeutics for various indications. Here, a comprehensive overview of the different bispecific antibody formats is provided.  相似文献   

Non-enzymatic glycation is a challenging post-translational modification to characterize due to the structural heterogeneity it generates in proteins. Glycation has become increasingly recognized as an important product quality attribute to monitor, particularly for the biotechnology sector, which produces recombinant proteins under conditions that are amenable to protein glycation. The elucidation of sites of glycation can be problematic using conventional collision-induced dissociation (CID)-based mass spectrometry because of the predominance of neutral loss ions. A method to characterize glycation using an IgG1 monoclonal antibody (mAb) as a model is reported here. The sugars present on this mAb were derivatized using sodium borohydride chemistry to stabilize the linkage and identified using CID-based MS2 mass spectrometry and spectral search engines. Quantification of specific glycation sites was then done using a targeted MS1 based approach, which allowed the identification of a glycation hot spot in the heavy chain complementarity-determining region 3 of the mAb. This targeted approach provided a path forward to developing a structural understanding of the propensity of sites to become glycated on mAbs. Through structural analysis we propose a model in which the number and 3-dimensional distances of carboxylic acid amino acyl residues create a favorable environment for glycation to occur.  相似文献   

The commercial success of bispecific antibodies generally has been hindered by the complexities associated with generating appropriate molecules for both research scale and large scale manufacturing purposes. Bispecific IgG (BsIgG) based on two antibodies that use an identical common light chain can be combined with a minimal set of Fc mutations to drive heavy chain heterodimerization in order to address these challenges. However, the facile generation of common light chain antibodies with properties similar to traditional monoclonal antibodies has not been demonstrated and they have only been used sparingly. Here, we describe the design of a synthetic human antibody library based on common light chains to generate antibodies with biochemical and biophysical properties that are indistinguishable to traditional therapeutic monoclonal antibodies. We used this library to generate diverse panels of well-behaved, high affinity antibodies toward a variety of epitopes across multiple antigens, including mouse 4-1BB, a therapeutically important T cell costimulatory receptor. Over 200 BsIgG toward 4-1BB were generated using an automated purification method we developed that enables milligram-scale production of BsIgG. This approach allowed us to identify antibodies with a wide range of agonistic activity that are being used to further investigate the therapeutic potential of antibodies targeting one or more epitopes of 4-1BB.  相似文献   

We describe a statistical method of discriminating efficiently, on the basis of multiple-cell measurements without operator interaction, between chromosomally normal human cell lines and those either containing a single additional chromosome or missing one chromosome. We begin by defining hypothetical but realistic "confusion matrices," which give the probabilities of (1) assigning each chromosome to each of various possible groups and (2) rejecting it as unclassifiable. From these, false-positive and false-negative rates of 0.01 and 0.001, respectively, are found to be attainable by processing 16 to 32 cells if the average probability of misclassifying or rejecting individual chromosomes is 5% to 9% for "Denver" groups or 10% to 17% for homologous pairs. Since these values are probably within the reach of current technology, the method is a basis for a realistic, fully automatic screening system. We also show how the method can be extended to the detection of quite general types of chromosomally abnormal cell lines.  相似文献   


Immunoglobulin G–like bispecific antibodies with asymmetric architecture are among the most widely used bispecific antibody formats for diagnostic and therapeutic applications. The primary technical challenge for this format is how to achieve correctly paired assembly of four unique polypeptide chains. Advances in protein engineering and process development are being used to overcome these challenges and are driving a corresponding demand for sensitive analytical tools to monitor and control mispaired species. Here, we report a systematic approach for analysis and characterization of mispairing in asymmetric bispecific antibodies. This approach consists of three orthogonal components, the first of which is a liquid chromatography (LC)-mass spectrometry (MS)–based method to measure the mass of intact antibodies. This method is used for fast analysis of mispairing and requires minimal method development, which makes it an ideal choice for early-stage development. The second component is a hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC)–based mispairing method that is suitable for lot release testing. The HIC method is robust and quality control friendly, and offers great linearity, precision, and accuracy. The third component is a two-dimensional LC-MS method for on-line chromatographic peak identification, which not only expedites this task but also reduces the risk of undesirable modifications during conventional fraction collection. These three methods dovetail to form the foundation of a complementary toolbox for analysis and characterization of mispairing in asymmetric bispecific antibodies and provide guidance and support for process development throughout the drug development life cycle.  相似文献   

双特异抗体特别是双特异性单链抗体、亮氨酸接链双特异性抗体、双特异性单链抗体毒素等是近几年来发展起来的很有前途的监床诊疗生物制剂 ,本文对其基因构建、边接肽设计、表达产物及活性等方面的新进展作了重点论述。  相似文献   

The ability of bispecific antibodies (Babs) formed by fusion of hybridomas and parent monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) to interact with the solid phase-adsorbed antigens was studied. Mabs specific to the three different antigens [horseradish peroxidase (HRP), human IgG (hIgG), and human myoglobin (Mb)] as well as Babs with the double specificity [antimyoglobin/antiperoxidase (anti-Mb/HRP) and anti-hIgG/antiperoxidase (anti-hIgG/HRP)] were used. It was shown by radioimmunological and immunoenzyme assays that parent Mabs bind to solid phase-adsorbed antigens considerably more effectively than Babs. The observed equilibrium binding constant (Ka) of antiperoxidase parental Mabs to immobilized HRP is 21 and 38 times higher than Ka for Babs binding sites (anti-Mb/HRP and anti-hIgG/HRP, respectively) to peroxidase. It was calculated that about 90-95% of all bound parental antiperoxidase Mabs were associated with immobilized HRP bivalently, and only about 5-10% were bound monovalently. On the contrary, parental Mabs against hIgG bind to the sorbed antigen essentially only monovalently. It was also shown that the avidity of anti-Mb/HRP Babs significantly increased when two antigens, Mb and HRP, were simultaneously adsorbed on the solid phase. These data imply that Babs bearing an enzyme-binding site (for example, binding to HRP) cannot be more effective than standard conjugates (e.g., enzyme-conjugated antibodies) in heterogeneous noncompetitive immunoassays.  相似文献   

An olfactometer is described that presents temporally-discretepulses of stimuli to individual chemosensory structures. Thedevice is based on standard pressure injection techniques inwhich pulses of compressed air eject nanoliter volumes of upto six stimulants from small diameter glass micropipettes. Thedevice should be readily adaptable to different chemoreceptorpreparations.  相似文献   

双特异抗体是指可以同时结合两个不同抗原或一个抗原不同表位的特殊抗体,目前已有3个双特异抗体批准上市,还有很多个双特异抗体处于临床或临床前研究阶段。文中就双特异抗体的发现、制备方法、结构类型和设计策略、作用机制以及目前研究现状进行综述。  相似文献   

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