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Methylobacterium extorquens ATCC 55366 was successfully cultivated at very high cell densities in a fed-batch fermentation system using methanol as a sole carbon and energy source and a completely minimal culture medium for the production of poly--hydroxybutyrate (PHB). Cell biomass levels were between 100 g/l and 115 g/l (dry weight) and cells contained between 40% and 46% PHB on a dry-weight basis. PHB with higher molecular mass values than previously reported for methylotrophic bacteria was obtained under certain conditions. Shake-flask and fermentor experiments showed the importance of adjusting the mineral composition of the medium for improved biomass production and higher growth rates. High-cell-density cultures were obtained without the need for oxygen-enriched air; once the oxygen transfer capacity of the fermentor was reached, methanol was thereafter added in proportion to the amount of available dissolved oxygen, thus preventing oxygen limitation. Controlling the methanol concentration at a very low level (less than 0.01 g/l), during the PHB production phase, led not only to prevention of oxygen limitation but also to the production of very high-molecular-mass PHB, in the 900–1800 kDa range. Biomass yields relative to the total methanol consumed were in the range 0.29–0.33 g/g, whereas PHB yields were in the range 0.09–0.12 g/g. During the active period of PHB synthesis, PHB yields relative to the total methanol consumed were between 0.2 g/g and 0.22 g/g. M. extorquens ATCC 55366 appears to be a promising organism for industrial PHB production.  相似文献   

Poly-γ-glutamic acid (γ-PGA) is a natural, biodegradable and water-soluble biopolymer of glutamic acid. This review is focused on nonrecombinant microbial production of γ-PGA via fermentation processes. In view of its commercial importance, the emphasis is on l-glutamic acid independent producers (i.e. microorganisms that do not require feeding with the relatively expensive amino acid l-glutamic acid to produce γ-PGA), but glutamic acid dependent production is discussed for comparison. Strategies for improving production, reducing costs and using renewable feedstocks are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The characteristics of poly--hydroxybutyrate (PHB) production from glucose or alcoholic distillery wastewater by isolated Actinobacillus sp. EL-9 were investigated. PHB production was not dependent on nutrients limitation in Actinobacillus sp. EL-9. The PHB accumulation of Actibobacillus sp. EL-9 followed a growth-associated type where the cell growth and PHB accumulation were carried out simultaneously. The Actinobacillus sp. EL-9 was shown to synthesize and accumulate PHB from alcoholic distillery wastewater during growth. The best growth and PHB production were obtained with enzyme-hydrolyzed alcoholic distillery wastewater.  相似文献   

Summary A recombinantEscherichia coli strain harboring the PHB biosynthesis genes fromAlcaligenes eutrophus was used to produce poly--hydroxybutyrate (PHB) by pH-stat fedbatch culture. Initial glucose concentration for optimal growth was found to be 20g/L from a series of flask cultures. A final PHB concentration of 88.8 g/L could be obtained after 42 hrs of cultivation.  相似文献   

Saponified vernonia oil was converted exclusively to poly(β-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) by Alcaligenes eutrophus in a single-stage batch culture. After harvesting, centrifugation followed by lyophilization, the resulting dried cells contained up to 42.8 wt% PHB having a peak molecular mass of 381 863 Da, weight-average molecular mass of 308 390 Da, and a polydispersity of 1.1. The PHB had a melting point (Tm) range of 163–174°C with a maximum at 172°C (lit. Tm, 175°C), and heat of fusion of 18.43 cal g−1. Fermentation performed under varying conditions of nitrogen limitation indicated that there was no significant effect of nitrogen concentration on the molecular mass of PHB produced from vernonia oil by A. eutrophus. Received 27 March 1998/ Accepted in revised form 17 July 1998  相似文献   

Beet molasses successfully replaced glucose as sole carbon source to produce poly--hydroxybutyrate by a recombinant Escherichia coli strain (HMS174/pTZ18u-PHB). The fermentation with molasses was cheaper than with glucose. The final dry cell weight, PHB content and PHB productivity were 39.5 g/L, 80% (w/w) and 1 g/Lh, respectively, in a 5 L stirred tank fermenter after 31.5 h fed-batch fermentation with constant pH and dissolved O2 content. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

Poly-γ-glutamate (PGA), a novel polyamide material with industrial applications, possesses a nylon-like backbone, is structurally similar to polyacrylic acid, is biodegradable and is safe for human consumption. PGA is frequently found in the mucilage of natto, a Japanese traditional fermented food. To date, three different types of PGA, namely a homo polymer of d-glutamate (D-PGA), a homo polymer of l-glutamate (L-PGA), and a random copolymer consisting of d- and l-glutamate (DL-PGA), are known. This review will detail the occurrence and physiology of PGA. The proposed reaction mechanism of PGA synthesis including its localization and the structure of the involved enzyme, PGA synthetase, are described. The occurrence of multiple carboxyl residues in PGA likely plays a role in its relative unsuitability for the development of bio-nylon plastics and thus, establishment of an efficient PGA-reforming strategy is of great importance. Aside from the potential applications of PGA proposed to date, a new technique for chemical transformation of PGA is also discussed. Finally, some techniques for PGA and its derivatives in advanced material technology are presented.  相似文献   

Summary We present a rapid method for the direct analysis of poly--hydroxybutyrate (PHB) content in the soil bacteria Alcaligenes eutrophus. PHB from the fresh cells was converted by sulfuric acid to the crotonic acid and measured by capillary isotachophoresis after the neutralization by CaCO3. The method can be used for rapid and routine monitoring of the fermentation processes in samples containing 0.001 to 20 mg of PHB.  相似文献   

The enzyme activity synthesizing poly--hydroxybutyrate (PHB) was mainly localized in the PHB-containing particulate fraction ofZoogloea ramigera I-16-M, when it grew flocculatedly in a medium supplemented with glucose. On the other hand, the enzyme activity remained in the soluble fraction, when the bacterium grew dispersedly in a glucose-starved medium.The soluble PHB synthase activity became associated with the particulate fraction as PHB synthesis was initiated on the addition of glucose to the dispersed culture. Conversely, the enzyme activity was released from the PHB-containing granules to the soluble fraction when the flocculated culture was kept incubated without supplementing the medium with glucose.PHB synthase was also incorporated into the newly formed PHB fraction when partially purified soluble PHB synthase was incubated withd(-)--hydroxybutyryl CoA in vitro.Although attempts to solubilize the particulate enzyme were unsuccessful, and the soluble enzyme became extremely unstable in advanced stages of purification, both PHB synthases had the same strict substrate specificity ford(-)--hydroxybutyryl CoA, and showed the same pH optimum at 7.0.Non-Standard Abbreviations PHB poly--hydroxybutyrate  相似文献   

Summary A process for l-leucine production was studied using Corynebacterium glutamicum for the conversion of -ketoisocaproate. When this precursor was added to the culture medium in a concentration of 20 g/l about 16 g/l l-leucine were formed after a fermentation time of 57 h and the molar yield was 91%. Using a fed-batch culture it was possible to produce 24 g/l of l-leucine from 32 g/l of -ketoisocaproate within 23 h. Enzymatic studies indicate that in this glutamate-producing bacterium -ketoisocaproate is converted into l-leucine via the transaminase B reaction and l-glutamate is regenerated by the glutamate dehydrogenase. By the addition of -ketoisocaproate to the culture medium the specific activity of transaminase B was increased threefold.  相似文献   

Poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) is an amphiphilic lipid that has been found to be a ubiquitous component of the cellular membranes of bacteria, plants and animals. The distribution of PHB in human plasma was investigated using chemical and immunological methods. PHB concentrations proved highly variable; in a random group of 24 blood donors, total plasma PHB ranged from 0.60 to 18.2 mg/l, with a mean of 3.5 mg/l. In plasma separated by density gradient ultracentrifugation, lipoproteins carried 20–30% of total plasma PHB; 6–14% in the very low density lipoproteins (VLDL), 8–16% in the low density lipoproteins (LDL), and < 3% in the high density lipoproteins (HDL). The majority of plasma PHB (70–80%) was found in protein fractions of density > 1.22 g/ml. Western blot analysis of the high density fractions with anti-PHB F(ab')2 identified albumin as the major PHB-binding protein. The affinity of albumin for PHB was confirmed by in vitro studies which demonstrated transfer of 14C-PHB from chloroform into aqueous solutions of human and bovine serum albumins. PHB was less tightly bound to LDL than to other plasma components; the polymer could be isolated from LDL by extraction with chloroform, or by digestion with alkaline hypochlorite, but it could not similarly be recovered from VLDL or albumin. PHB in the LDL correlated positively with total plasma cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, and negatively with HDL cholesterol. The wide concentration range of PHB in plasma, its presence in VLDL and LDL and absence in HDL, coupled with its physical properties, suggest it may have important physiological effects.  相似文献   

Poly--hydroxybutyrate was produced in shake cultures by Alcaligenes eutrophus H16 on fructose, xylose, and fumaric, itaconic, lactic and propionic acids in a three-stage process. The maximum polymer concentration of 6.9 g l–1 (69% of cell dry matter) was obtained with 20g l–1 of fructose with a volumetric productivity of about 0.22 g l–1 h–1 at 24h. Up to about 3 g l–1 (about 50% of cell dry matter) of polymer was also produced on lactic and propionic acids as the sole carbon source during the production phase. In multivatiate optimization employing an orthogonal 23-factorial central composite experimental design with fructose as the substrate in a single-stage process, the optimal initial fructose concentration decreased from 35 g l–1 to 24 g l–1 when the incubation time was increased from about 35 h to 96 h. The optimal shaking speed range was 90–113 rpm. Correspondence to: S. Linko  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》1999,34(2):109-114
The effects of phosphate supply and aeration on cell growth and PHB accumulation were investigated in Azotobacter chroococcum 23 with the aim of increasing PHB production. Phosphate limitation favoured PHB formation in Azotobacter chroococcum 23, but inhibited growth. Azotobacter chroococcum 23 cells demonstrated intensive uptake of orthophosphate during exponential growth. At the highest phosphate concentration (1·5 g/litre) and low aeration the amount of intracellular orthophosphate/g residual biomass was highest. Under conditions of fed-batch fermentation the possibility of controlling the PHB production process by the phosphate level in the cultivation medium was demonstrated. A 36 h fed-batch fermentation resulted in a biomass yield of 110 g/litre with a PHB cellular concentration of 75% dry weight, PHB content 82·5 g/litre, PHB yield YP/S = 0·24 g/g and process productivity 2·29 g/litre·h.  相似文献   

The inhibitory effect of the concentrations of medium components on the growth of Methylobacterium sp. for poly--hydroxybutyrate production was investigated by measuring the specific growth rates for various concentrations of each medium component. When the methanol concentration was increased, the cell growth decreased and was strongly inhibited above 6% (v/v) methanol. Ammonia, calcium and iron ion did not significantly inhibit the cell growth while there were some inhibitory effects at high concentrations of sodium, potassium, and magnesium. In particular, phosphate gave most significant inhibition at concentrations higher than 75 mM. By using an automatic feeding control system of methanol, ammonia, phosphate, and minerals, their concentrations were maintained within the level necessary to reduce the inhibition of medium components. The finial dry cell weight of Methylobacterium sp. in such a system was 172 g/l at 84 h.  相似文献   

Ilyobacter delafieldii produced an extracellular poly--hydroxybutyrate (PHB) depolymerase when grown on PHB; activity was not detected in cultures grown on 3-hydroxybutyrate, crotonate, pyruvate or lactate. PHB depolymerase activity was largely associated with the PHB granules (supplied as growth substrate), and only 16% was detected free in the culture supernatant. Monomeric 3-hydroxybutyrate was detectable as a product of depolymerase activity. The monomer was fermented to acetate, butyrate and H2. After activation by coenzyme A transfer from acetyl-CoA or butyryl-CoA, the resultant 3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA was oxidized to acetoacetyl-CoA (producing NADH), followed by thiolytic cleavage to yield acetyl-CoA which was further metabolized to acetyl-phosphate, then to acetate with concomitant ATP production. The reducing equivalents (NADH) could be disposed of by the evolution of H2, or by a reductive pathway in which 3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA was dehydrated to crotonyl-CoA and reduced to butyryl-CoA. In cocultures ofI. delafieldii withDesulfovibrio vulgaris on PHB, the H2 partial pressure was much lower than in the pure cultures, and sulfide was produced. Thus interspecies hydrogen transfer caused a shift to increased acetate and H2 production at the expense of butyrate.  相似文献   

Summary When grown with glucose, S. discophorus synthesized large amounts of poly--hydroxybutyrate which accumulated intracellularly as sudanophilic granules. The rate of endogenous oxygen consumption by such cells was markedly increased by Mn++ and even more by Mg++. It has been shown that these inorganic ions stimulate the oxidation of the intracellular poly--hydroxybutyrate.Dedicated by the senior author to Prof. C. B. van Niel on the occasion of his 70th birthday with gratitude for many unforgettable years of association, instruction and stimulation.  相似文献   

Summary Three transformants of Alcaligenes eutrophus harbouring the recombinant plasmids containing phbCAB, phbAB, and phbC genes, were cultivated to investigate the effect of cloned genes on cell growth and poly--hydroxybutyrate accumulation. Both in the nutrient-rich and minimal media, the increased PHB accumulation in the transformants was observed compared to the parent strain, and this was the result of the increased enzyme activities in the transformants. Low carbon concentration and high C/N molar ratio favored higher PHB accumulations in the transformants. The transformant harbouring the phbC gene showed the highest PHB accumulation, which indicated that PHB synthase was the most critical enzyme for PHB biosynthesis in the transformant.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》1999,34(2):153-157
A new method for the recovery of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) from Alcaligenes eutrophus was reported. This process involved the use of a surfactant–chelate aqueous solution. The key factors that influenced the purity, recovery rate and Mv of recovered PHB were investigated. The purity and recovery rate were determined by the amount of surfactant, the ratio of chelate to dry biomass, pH value, temperature and treatment time, whereas the Mv was affected by pH value and temperature. The optimal recovery conditions were a 0·12:1 surfactant-to-dry biomass ratio, a 0·08:1 chelate-to-dry biomass ratio, a pH value of 13, a 50°C temperature and a 10-min treatment time. Under such conditions, a purity of 98·7%, a recovery rate of 93·3% and a Mv of 316000 were obtained. The original Mv was 402000.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine soil samples from various vegetation zones in terms of physicochemical properties, microbial communities, and isolation and identification (by polymerase chain reaction and transmission electron microscopy) of bacteria producing poly-β-hydroxybutyrates (PHBs). Soil samples were analysed originating from zones with heterogeneous environmental conditions from the Romanian Carpathian Mountains (mountain zone with alpine meadow, karstic zone with limestone meadow, hill zone with xerophilous meadow, and flood plain zone with hygrophilic meadow). Different bacterial groups involved in the nitrogen cycle (aerobic mesophilic heterotrophs, ammonifiers, denitrifiers, nitrifiers, and free nitrogen-fixing bacteria from Azotobacter genus) were analysed. Soil biological quality was assessed by the bacterial indicator of soil quality, which varied between 4.3 and 4.7. A colony polymerase chain reaction technique was used for screening PHB producers. With different primers, specific bands were obtained in all the soil samples. Some wild types of Azotobacter species were isolated from the 4 studied sites. Biodegradable polymers of PHB were assessed by negative staining in transmission electron microscopy. The maximum PHB granules density was obtained in the strains isolated from the xerophilous meadow (10-18 granules/cell), which was the most stressful environment from all the studied sites, as the physicochemical and microbiological tests proved.  相似文献   

Biopolymers such as polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are a class of secondary metabolites with promising importance in the field of environmental, agricultural, and biomedical sciences. To date, high-cost commercial production of PHAs is being carried out with heterotrophic bacterial species. In this study, a photoautotrophic N2-fixing cyanobacterium, Aulosira fertilissima, has been identified as a potential source for the production of poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB). An accumulation up to 66% dry cell weight (dcw) was recorded when the cyanobacterium was cultured in acetate (0.3%) + citrate (0.3%)-supplemented medium against 6% control. Aulosira culture supplemented with 0.5% citrate under P deficiency followed by 5?days of dark incubation also depicted a PHB accumulation of 51% (dcw). PHB content of A. fertilissima reached up to 77% (dcw) under P deficiency with 0.5% acetate supplementation. Optimization of process parameters by response surface methodology resulted into polymer accumulation up to 85% (dcw) at 0.26% citrate, 0.28% acetate, and 5.58?mg?L?1 K2HPO4 for an incubation period of 5?days. In the A. fertilissima cultures pre-grown in fructose (1.0%)-supplemented BG 11 medium, when subjected to the optimized condition, the PHB pool boosted up to 1.59?g?L?1, a value ~50-fold higher than the control. A. fertilissima is the first cyanobacterium where PHB accumulation reached up to 85% (dcw) by manipulating the nutrient status of the culture medium. The polymer extracted from A. fertilissima exhibited comparable material properties with the commercial polymer. As compared with heterotrophic bacteria, carbon requirement in A. fertilissima for PHB production is lower by one order magnitude; thus, low-cost PHB production can be envisaged.  相似文献   

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