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Combination of anaerobic–aerobic sequencing processes result in both anaerobic color removal and aerobic aromatic amine removal during the treatment of dye-containing wastewaters. The aim of the present study was to gain more insight into the competitive biochemical reactions between sulfate and azo dye in the presence of glucose as electron donor source. For this aim, anaerobic–aerobic sequencing batch reactor fed with a simulated textile effluent including Remazol Brilliant Violet 5R (RBV 5R) azo dye was operated with a total cycle time of 12 h including anaerobic (6 h) and aerobic cycles (6 h). Microorganism grown under anaerobic phase of the reactor was exposed to different amounts of competitive electron acceptor (sulfate). Performance of the anaerobic phase was determined by monitoring color removal efficiency, oxidation reduction potential, color removal rate, chemical oxygen demand (COD), color, specific anaerobic enzyme (azo reductase) and aerobic enzyme (catechol 1,2-dioxygenase), and formation of aromatic amines. The presence of sulfate was not found to significantly affect dye decolorization. Sulfate and azo dye reductions took place simultaneously in all operational conditions and increase in the sulfate concentration generally stimulated the reduction of RBV 5R. However, sulfate accumulation under anaerobic conditions was observed proportional to increasing sulfate concentration.  相似文献   

Biodegradation of azo dyes in a sequential anaerobic–aerobic system   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A sequential anaerobic–aerobic treatment process based on mixed culture of bacteria isolated from textile dye effluent-contaminated soil was used to degrade sulfonated azo dyes Orange G (OG), Amido black 10B (AB), Direct red 4BS (DR) and Congo red (CR). Under anaerobic conditions in a fixed-bed column using glucose as co-substrate, the azo dyes were reduced and amines were released by the bacterial biomass. The amines were completely mineralized in a subsequent aerobic treatment using the same isolates. The maximum degradation rate observed in the treatment system for OG was 60.9 mg/l per day (16.99 mg/g glucose utilized), for AB 571.3 mg/l per day (14.46 mg/g glucose utilized), for DR 112.5 mg/l per day (32.02 mg/g glucose utilized) and for CR 134.9 mg/l per day (38.9 mg/g glucose utilized). Received: 6 August 1999 / Received revision: 20 December 1999 / Accepted: 24 December 1999  相似文献   

A sequential anaerobic packed column reactor and an activated sludge unit was operated continuously for treatment of a textile industry wastewater, in Izmir, Turkey. Metal sponges were used as support material in anaerobic unit and pre-activated textile dyestuff biodegrading PDW facultative anaerobic bacterial culture was immobilized on the support particles. Effects of hydraulic retention times in anaerobic unit (θH anaerobic = 12–72 h) and initial COD concentration (COD0 = 3000 ± 200 mg/L and 800 ± 100 mg/L) at θH anaerobic = 24 h on color and COD removal performance of the system were investigated. The results indicated that over 85% decolorization and about 90% COD removal efficiency can be obtained up to θH anaerobic = 48 h but higher retention times causes decreasing in decolorization efficiency. Operating the system with real wastewater without adding any nutrients at θH anaerobic = 24 h resulted in over 60% improvement in color removal in studied wastewater compared to existing treatment plant.  相似文献   

In this work, the anaerobic period of an anaerobic–aerobic sequencing batch reactor was found to allow the reductive decolourisation of azo dyes. 1-l reactors were operated in 24-h cycles comprising anaerobic and aerobic reaction phases, fed with a simulated textile effluent including a reactive type (Remazol Brilliant Violet 5R) or an acid type (Acid Orange 7) azo dye. The aim was to assess the role of different redox phenomena in the anaerobic decolourisation process. Selective inhibition of sulphate reducing bacteria was carried out in the sulphate-containing, reactive dye fed reactor, resulting in nearly complete, though reversible and inhibition of decolourisation. The acid dye fed reactor's supplementation with sulphate, though resulting in sulphate reduction, did not improve decolourisation. Other redox mediators, namely quinones, were more effective in promoting electron transfer to the azo bond. Bio-augmentation of the acid dye fed reactor with a pure sulphate reducer strain known to decolourise azo dyes, Desulfovibrio alaskensis, was also carried out. Decolourisation was improved, but apparently as a result of the carbon source change required to support D. alaskensis growth. A chemically mediated reduction of the azo bond coupled to biological sulphate reduction, thus seemed to account for the high decolourisation yields of both dyes.  相似文献   

A continuous-flow anaerobic–anoxic (A2) activated sludge system was operated for efficient enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR). Because of the system configuration with no aeration zones, phosphorus (P) uptake takes place solely under anoxic conditions with simultaneous denitrification. Basic operating conditions, namely biomass concentration, influent carbon to phosphorus ratio and anaerobic retention time were chosen as variables in order to assess their impact on the system performance. The experimental results indicated that maintenance of biomass concentration above 2,500 mg MLVSS/L resulted in the complete phosphate removal from the influent (i.e. 15 mg PO4 3−-P/L) for a mean hydraulic residence time (HRT) of 15 h. Additionally, by increasing the influent COD/P ratio from 10 to 20 g/g, the system P removal efficiency was improved although the experimental results indicated a possible enhancement of the competition between phosphorus accumulating organisms (PAOs) and other microbial populations without phosphorus uptake ability. Moreover, because of the use of acetate (i.e. easily biodegradable substrate) as the sole carbon source in the system feed, application of anaerobic retention times greater than 2 h resulted in no significant release of additional P in the anaerobic zone and no further amelioration of the system P removal efficiency. The application of anoxic P removal resulted in more than 50% reduction of the organic carbon necessitated for nitrogen and phosphorus removal when compared to a conventional EBPR system incorporating aerobic phosphorus removal.  相似文献   

A sequential anaerobic–aerobic biodegradation of hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) was studied. The results demonstrated that: (i) a complete degradation of RDX was achieved within 20 days using a consortium of bacteria from a wastewater activated sludge, (ii) RDX degradation did not occur under aerobic conditions alone, (iii) RDX-degrading bacterial strain that was isolated from the activated sludge completely degraded RDX within 2 days, and (iv) RDX- induced protein expressions were observed in the RDX-degrading bacterial strain. Based on fatty acid composition and a confirmation with a 16S rRNA analysis, the RDX-degrading bacterial strain was identified as a Bacillus pumilus—GC subgroup B.  相似文献   

The effect of cyclic anaerobic–aerobic conditions on the biodegradative capability of the mixed microbial culture for the azo dye Remazol Brilliant Violet 5R (RBV-5R) was investigated in the sequencing batch reactor (SBR) fed with a synthetic textile wastewater. The SBR had a 12-h cycle time with anaerobic–aerobic periods of 3/9, 6/6 and 9/3 h. General SBR performance was assessed by measurement of catabolic enzymes (catechol 2,3-dioxygenase, azo reductase), chemical oxygen demand (COD), color and amount of aromatic amines. In this study, under steady-state conditions, the anaerobic period of the cyclic SBR was found to allow the reductive decolorization of azo dye. Longer anaerobic periods resulted in higher color removal efficiencies, approximately 71% for the 3-h, 87% for 6-h and 92% for the 9-h duration. Total COD removal efficiencies were over 84% under each of the cyclic conditions and increased as the length of the anaerobic period was increased; however, the highest color removal rate was attained for the cycle with the shortest anaerobic period of 3 h. During the decolorization of RBV-5R, two sulfonated aromatic amines (benzene based and naphthalene based) were formed. Additionally, anaerobic azo reductase enzyme was found to be positively affected with the increasing duration of the anaerobic period; however; it was vice versa for the aerobic catechol 2,3-dioxygenase (C23DO) enzyme.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to understand the influence of pH and effect of cosolvent (glucose) on the stabilization of bovine α-lactalbumin by using ultrasonic techniques. Values of density, ultrasonic velocity and viscosity were measured for bovine α-lactalbumin (5 mg/ml) dissolved in phosphate buffer (pH 2, 5, 7, 9 and 12) solutions mixed with and without the cosolvent at 30 °C. These measurements were used to calculate few thermo-acoustical parameters such as adiabatic compressibility, intermolecular free length, acoustic impedance, relaxation time, relative association constant, the partial apparent specific volume and the partial apparent specific adiabatic compressibility for the said systems. The obtained results revealed a strong comparison between the effects of acidic and alkaline pH values on protein denaturation, i.e., the acidic pH are instantaneous and are of less magnitude whereas alkaline pH are slower but sharper. Further the present study supports the fact that the presence of glucose stabilizes α-lactalbumin against denaturation due to pH variation, which may be due to the strengthening of non-covalent interactions and the steric exclusion effect.  相似文献   

This study was designed to assess the effect of sport practice and warm-up duration on the morning–evening differences in muscle power and fatigue during performance of anaerobic exercise and perceptual responses to it. Twenty-two male physical education students – twelve trained (TG) (21.51 ± 1.25 years, 182.17 ± 4.37 cm and 82.88 ± 11.23 kg) and ten untrained (NTG) (23.89 ± 3.17 years, 176.8 ± 2.2 cm and 82.24 ± 8.43 kg) – participated in a crossover randomized study. They were asked to perform a 30-s Wingate test during six experimental sessions (three at 08:00 and three at 18:00 h) after different active warm-up (AWU) durations (5 min, 15 min, or 20 min). The AWU consisted of pedaling at a constant pace of 60 rpm against 50% of maximal aerobic power. Rate of perceived exertion (RPE) was recorded after the AWU and again immediately after the Wingate test. Heart rate and temperature (T) were recorded during each session at rest, after AWU and immediately at the end of the Wingate test. During the Wingate test, peak power (PP), mean power (MP), and the fatigue index were recorded. While the RPE estimations were higher in NTG, no time-of-day effect was recorded in either experimental group (morning or evening). T, PP, and MP were higher in the afternoon than in the morning (p < 0.001 for PP and MP; p < 0.05 for T). Similarly, PP and MP during the Wingate test were significantly higher in the TG than in the NTG (p < 0.001). The morning–evening difference of PP and MP was affected by AWU duration; AWU15 was best in the morning for improving lower limb power for both the TG and NTG, whereas reducing this period to 5 min in the evening was appropriate for TG only.  相似文献   

Summary. γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA), a hypotensive compound, is formed from glutamic acid under anaerobic condition in tea shoots. Glutamic acid was exhausted in the first three hours of anaerobic incubation and the increase of GABA stopped. After that, when tea shoots were released under aerobic condition, glutamic acid reproduced rapidly. After one hour of aerobic incubation, tea shoots were given three hours of anaerobic incubation again and then accumulated glutamic acid changed to GABA. The content of GABA increased much more than usual anaerobic incubation. GABA was more in the tea stem than in the leaf. Received January 4, 2000 Accepted March 1, 2000  相似文献   

Shewanella are renowned for their ability to utilize a wide range of electron acceptors (EA) for respiration, which has been partially accredited to the presence of a large number of the c-type cytochromes. To investigate the involvement of c-type cytochrome proteins in aerobic and anaerobic respiration of Shewanella oneidensis Mr -1, 36 in-frame deletion mutants, among possible 41 predicted, c-type cytochrome genes were obtained. The potential involvement of each individual c-type cytochrome in the reduction of a variety of EAs was assessed individually as well as in competition experiments. While results on the well-studied c-type cytochromes CymA(SO4591) and MtrC(SO1778) were consistent with previous findings, collective observations were very interesting: the responses of S. oneidensis Mr -1 to low and highly toxic metals appeared to be significantly different; CcoO, CcoP and PetC, proteins involved in aerobic respiration in various organisms, played critical roles in both aerobic and anaerobic respiration with highly toxic metals as EA. In addition, these studies also suggested that an uncharacterized c-type cytochrome (SO4047) may be important to both aerobiosis and anaerobiosis.  相似文献   

Absract EPAS1 is a gene involved in complex oxygen sensing. It is expressed in microvascular endothelial cells, lung epithelial cells, cardiac myocytes and the brain. An association study was undertaken comparing elite endurance athletes classified into two groups according to a power–time model of performance intensity: power–time-maximum (PT-MAX; N=242, event duration 50 s to 10 min) and power–time–steady state (PT-SS; N=151, event duration ~2–10 h), with normal controls (N=444) using 12 SNPs across EPAS1. Ordinal regression analysis of allele frequencies revealed significant differences at SNPs 2 and 3 (P=0.01). Haplotype analysis revealed the presence of haplotypes involving SNPs 2–5 that significantly differentiated (P<0.05) the groups based on an ordinal ranking using the power–time classification. These same haplotypes differentiated the PT-MAX group in which a significant decrease in a haplotype (F: G-C-C-G; OR=0.57, P=0.02, 95% CI 0.36–0.92) and increase in a second haplotype (G: A-T-G-G; OR=1.75, P=0.03, 95% CI 1.05–2.91) was observed compared to controls. The PT-SS group was differentiated from the PT-MAX group by a third haplotype (H: A-T-G-A; OR=0.46, P=0.04, 95% CI 0.22–0.96). Since EPAS1 has a role as a sensor capable of integrating cardiovascular function, energetic demand, muscle activity and oxygen availability into physiological adaptation, we propose that DNA variants in EPAS1 influence the relative contribution of aerobic and anaerobic metabolism and hence the maximum sustainable metabolic power for a given event duration.  相似文献   

In this study, the new anaerobic–anoxic/nitrifying/induced crystallization (A2N–IC) system was compared with anaerobic-anoxic/nitrifying (A2N) process to investigate nutrient removal performance under different influent COD and ammonia concentrations. Ammonia and COD removal rates were very stable in both processes, which were maintained at 84.9% and 86.6% when the influent ammonia varied from 30 mg L−1 to 45 mg L−1 and COD ranged from 250 mg L−1 to 300 mg L−1. The effluent phosphorus always maintained below 0.2 mg L−1 in A2N–IC, whereas in A2N the effluent phosphorus concentration was 0.4–1.7 mg L−1, demonstrating that A2N–IC is suitable to apply in a broader influent COD and ammonia concentration range. Under higher influent COD (300 mg L−1) or lower ammonia conditions (30 mg L−1), the main function of chemical induced crystallization was to coordinate better nutrient ratio for anoxic phosphorus uptake, whereas under high phosphorus concentration, it was to reduce phosphorus loading for biological system. Under the similar influent wastewater compositions, phosphorus release amounts were always lower in A2N–IC. To clarify the decrease procedure of phosphorus release in the A2N–IC, the equilibrium between chemical phosphorus removal and biological phosphorus removal in A2N–IC was analyzed by mass balance equations. During the long-term experiment, some undesirable phenomena were observed: the declining nitrification in post-aerobic tank and calcium phosphorus precipitation in the anaerobic tank. The reasons were analyzed; furthermore, the corresponding improvements were proposed. Nitrification effect could be enhanced in the post-aerobic tank, therefore ammonia removal rate could be increased; and biologically induced phosphorus precipitation could be inhibited by controlling pH at the anaerobic stage, so the phosphorus release and recovery could be improved.  相似文献   

This paper reports measurements on the pH dependence of the electrical capacitance of lipid membranes formed by 1:1 phosphatidylcholine-phosphatidylserine mixtures. A theoretical model was developed to describe this dependence, in which the contributions of functional groups (as the active centers of adsorption of the hydrogen and hydroxide ions) to the overall membrane capacitance were assumed to be additive. The proposed model was verified experimentally using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The theoretical predictions agreed with the experimental results over the measured pH range. A minimum corresponding to the isoelectric point appeared in both the theoretical equation and the experimental data.  相似文献   

Four samples of natural ecosystems and one sample from an activated sludge treatment plant were mixed together and progressively adapted to alternating aerobic/anoxic phases in the presence of nitrate in order to enrich the microflora in aerobic denitrifiers. Aerobic denitrifying performances of this mixed ecosystem at various dissolved oxygen concentrations and various carbon–nitrogen loads were evaluated and compared to those obtained with the aerobic denitrifier Microvirgula aerodenitrificans. The consortium and the pure strain exhibited an aerobic denitrifying activity at air saturation conditions (7 mg dissolved oxygen l–1), i.e. there was co-respiration of the two electron acceptors with significant specific nitrate reduction rates. Dissolved oxygen concentrations had no influence on denitrifying performances above a defined threshold: 0.35 mg l–1 for the consortium and 4.5 mg l–1 for M. aerodenitrificans respectively. Under these thresholds, decreasing the dissolved oxygen concentrations enhanced the denitrifying activity of each culture. The higher the carbon and nitrogen loads, the higher the performance of the aerobic denitrifying ecosystem. However, for M. aerodenitrificans, the nitrate reduction percentage was affected more by variations in nitrogen load than in carbon load. Received: 6 December 1999 / Received revision: 8 March 2000 / Accepted: 10 March 2000  相似文献   

Lu H  Zhou J  Wang J  Ai H  Zheng C  Yang Y 《Biodegradation》2008,19(5):643-650
Decolorization of 1-aminoanthraquinone-2-sulfonic acid (ASA-2) and its accelerating effect on the reduction of azo acid dyes by Sphingomonas xenophaga QYY were investigated. The study showed that ASA-2 could be efficiently decolorized by strain QYY under aerobic conditions according to the analysis of total organic carbon removal and UV-VIS spectra changes. Moreover, strain QYY was able to reduce azo acid dyes under anaerobic conditions. The effects of various operating conditions such as carbon sources, temperature, and pH on the reduction rate were studied. It was demonstrated that ASA-2 used as a redox mediator could accelerate the reduction process. Consequently the reduction of azo acid dyes mediated by ASA-2 and the decolorization of ASA-2 with strain QYY could be achieved in an anaerobic-aerobic process.  相似文献   

The overall goal of this research was to investigate structure-function mechanisms associated the emulsifying properties β-lactoglobulin (β-LG). Specifically the physicochemical (i.e., surface charge and hydrophobicity, size and interfacial tension) and emulsifying (i.e., emulsification activity (EAI) and stability indices (ESI)) properties of β-LG were investigated in response to changes in pH (3.0, 5.0 and 7.0) and heat pre-treatment conditions (25, 55 and 85 °C). Hydrophobicity was found to be greatest at pH 5.0/85 °C, whereas at all conditions it was significantly lower. Surface charge on β-LG was found to be neutral at?~?pH 3.9, regardless of conditions. Aggregate size was also found to be highest at pH 5.0/85 °C (avg. hydrodynamic radii of ~714 nm), corresponding to a reduced net surface charge and high hydrophobicity. Little size dependence of aggregates was observed at pH 3.0 regardless to the temperature pre-treatments (radii ~120 nm). In contrast, at pH 7.0 slight temperature dependence was apparent, where treatments at 25, 55 and 85 °C led to radii of 412.8, 307.2 and 232.3 nm, respectively. Overall, the addition of β-LG to a canola oil–water system resulted in a decline in interfacial tension from ~28 mN/m to ~18 mN/m, however the effect of pH/temperature conditions was minimal. EAI was found to be highest when β-LG solutions displayed high surface charge combined with moderate hydrophobicity. In contrast, ESI was higher under conditions where β-LG solutions remained in a native (25 °C) or fully denatured state (85 °C) versus one in where partially unravelling may be occurring (55 °C).  相似文献   

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Highlights► Rhizobacteria degrade a wide range of pollutants and efficiently colonize plant roots. ► Plants have an effect on the selection of their own rhizospheric microorganisms. ► Catabolic pathways can be induced by natural secondary plant products. ► Horizontal gene transfer has an important role in bioremediation. ► Manipulation of plant/microbe interactions could improve rhizoremediation outcomes.  相似文献   

Leucine and -ketoisocaproate (-KIC) were perfused at increasing concentrations into rat brain hippocampus by microdialysis to mimic the conditions of maple syrup urine disease. The effects of elevated leucine or -KIC on the oxidation of L-[U-14C]glutamate and L-[U-14C]glutamine in the brain were determined in the non-anesthetized rat. 14CO2 generated by the metabolic oxidation of [l4C]glutamate and [14C]glutamine in brain was measured following its diffusion into the eluant during the microdialysis. Leucine and -KIC exhibited differential effects on 14CO2 generation from radioactive glutamate or glutamine. Infusion of 0.5 mM -KIC increased [l4C]glutamate oxidation approximately 2-fold; higher concentrations of -KIC did not further stimulate [14C]glutamate oxidation. The enhanced oxidation of [14C]glutamate may be attributed to the function of -KIC as a nitrogen acceptor from [14C]glutamate yielding [14C]-ketoglutarate, an intermediate of the tricarboxylic acid cycle. [14C-]glutamine oxidation was not stimulated as much as [14C-]glutamate oxidation and only increased at 10 mM -KIC reflecting the extra metabolic step required for its oxidative metabolism. In contrast, leucine had no effect on the oxidation of either [14C]glutamate or [14C]glutamine. In maple syrup urine disease elevated -KIC may play a significant role in altered energy metabolism in brain while leucine may contribute to clinical manifestations of this disease in other ways.  相似文献   

The effect of addition of organic carbon sources (acetic acid and waste activated sludge alkaline fermentation liquid) on anaerobic–aerobic (low dissolved oxygen, 0.15–0.45 mg/L) biological municipal wastewater treatment was investigated. The results showed that carbon source addition affected not only the transformations of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), glycogen, nitrogen and phosphorus, but the net removal of nitrogen and phosphorus. The removal efficiencies of TN and TP were, respectively, 61% and 61% without organic carbon source addition, 81% and 95% with acetic acid addition, and 83% and 97% with waste activated sludge alkaline fermentation liquid addition. It seems that the alkaline fermentation liquid of waste biosolids generated in biological wastewater treatment plant can be used to replace acetic acid as an additional carbon source to improve the anaerobic–aerobic (low dissolved oxygen) municipal wastewater nutrients removal although its use was observed to cause a slight increase of effluent BOD and COD concentrations.  相似文献   

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