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The influence of different organic fraction of municipal solid wastes during anaerobic thermophilic (55 degrees C) treatment of organic matter was studied in this work: food waste (FW), organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) and shredded OFMSW (SH_OFMSW). All digester operated at dry conditions (20% total solids content) and were inoculated with 30% (in volume) of mesophilic digested sludge. Experimental results showed important different behaviours patterns in these wastes related with the organic matter biodegradation and biogas and methane production. The FW reactor showed the smallest waste biodegradation (32.4% VS removal) with high methane production (0.18 LCH4/gVS); in contrast the SH_OFMSW showed higher waste biodegradation (73.7% VS removal) with small methane production (0.05 LCH4/g VS). Finally, OFMSW showed the highest VS removal (79.5%) and the methane yield reached 0.08 LCH4/g VS. Therefore, the nature of organic substrate has an important influence on the biodegradation process and methane yield. Pre-treatment of waste is not necessary for OFMSW.  相似文献   

A mathematical model that describes the operation of a sequential leach bed process for anaerobic digestion of organic fraction of municipal solid waste (MSW) is developed and validated. This model assumes that ultimate mineralisation of the organic component of the waste occurs in three steps, namely solubilisation of particulate matter, fermentation to volatile organic acids (modelled as acetic acid) along with liberation of carbon dioxide and hydrogen, and methanogenesis from acetate and hydrogen. The model incorporates the ionic equilibrium equations arising due to dissolution of carbon dioxide, generation of alkalinity from breakdown of solids and dissociation of acetic acid. Rather than a charge balance, a mass balance on the hydronium and hydroxide ions is used to calculate pH. The flow of liquid through the bed is modelled as occurring through two zones—a permeable zone with high flushing rates and the other more stagnant. Some of the kinetic parameters for the biological processes were obtained from batch MSW digestion experiments. The parameters for flow model were obtained from residence time distribution studies conducted using tritium as a tracer. The model was validated using data from leach bed digestion experiments in which a leachate volume equal to 10% of the fresh waste bed volume was sequenced. The model was then tested, without altering any kinetic or flow parameters, by varying volume of leachate that is sequenced between the beds. Simulations for sequencing/recirculating 5 and 30% of the bed volume are presented and compared with experimental results.  相似文献   

A concept of methane yield at optimum pH was advanced and subsequently a mathematical model that simulates the optimal pH of a batch process for anaerobic digestion of organic fraction of municipal solid waste (MSW) was developed and validated. The model was developed on the basis of the microbial growth kinetics and was divided into three processes: hydrolysis of substrates by hydrolytic bacteria, consumption of soluble substrate by acidogenic bacteria, and finally consumption of acetate and methane generated by methanogenic bacteria. Material balance and liquid phase equilibrium chemistry were used in this study. A series of experiments were conducted to validate the model. The model simulation results agreed reasonably with experimental data in different temperatures and total solid (TS) concentrations under uncontrolled pH. A computer circulation program was used to predict the optimal pH in different conditions. Experiments in different temperatures and TS were run under optimal pH which predicted by the model. The model was succeeded in increasing the methane production and the cumulative methane production had an average increment about 35% in optimal pH of different temperatures and TS.  相似文献   

The effect of inoculum source on anaerobic thermophilic digestion of separately collected organic fraction of municipal solid wastes (SC_OFMSW) has been studied. Performance of laboratory scale reactors (V: 1.1 L) were evaluated using six different inoculums sources: (1) corn silage (CS); (2) restaurant waste digested mixed with rice hulls (RH_OFMSW); (3) cattle excrement (CATTLE); (4) swine excrement (SWINE); (5) digested sludge (SLUDGE); and (6) SWINE mixed with SLUDGE (1:1) (SWINE/SLUDGE). The SC_OFMSW was separately and collected from university restaurant. The selected conditions were: 25% of inoculum, 30% of total solid and 55 degrees C of temperature, optimum in the thermophilic range. The six inoculum sources showed an initial start-up phase in the range between 2 and 4 days and the initial methane generation began over 10 days operational process. Results indicated that SLUDGE is the best inoculum source for anaerobic thermophilic digestion of the treatment of organic fraction of municipal solid waste at dry conditions (30%TS). Over 60 days operating period, it was confirmed that SLUDGE reactor can achieve 44.0%COD removal efficiency and 43.0%VS removal. In stabilization phase, SLUDGE reactor showed higher volumetric biogas generated of 78.9 mL/day (or 35.6 mLCH(4)/day) reaching a methane yield of 0.53 LCH(4)/gVS. Also, SWINE/SLUDGE and SWINE were good inoculums at these experimental conditions.  相似文献   

The paper concerns the results of a pilot-scale study of the simulation of the start-up phase of the thermophilic semi-dry anaerobic digestion of the organic fraction of municipal solid wastes. The aim of the study was to aid and shorten the start-up phase of the full-scale plant (500 t/d) in Verona--Ca' del Bue, where the semi-dry anaerobic digestion process is being used. The substrate used in the experimentation was the mechanically sorted organic fraction of municipal solid waste (MS-OFMSW) enriched with the putrescent fraction from the source sorted OFMSW in order to simulate the substrate which is dealt with in the Verona plant. The results of the pilot scale study agreed with literature data and previous work of the authors: it showed a specific gas production of 0.23 m3/kg TVSfeed and a gas production rate of 2.1 m3/m3 d when operating at a specific organic loading rate of 0.135 kgTVSfeed/kgTVSreacter d. No problems regarding process stability were encountered in the gradual acclimation of the biomass. The design organic loading rate of 9 kg TVSfeed/m3reactor d was reached in about 30 days, during which the total solids content in the feedwas increased. Only a partial comparison with the full scale start-up, which is now in progress, is possible: this shows an initial general concordance with the results found in previous work.  相似文献   


This study critically evaluates the biological processes and techniques applied to remove nitrogen and phosphorus from the anaerobic supernatant produced from the treatment of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) and from its co-digestion with other biodegradable organic waste (BOW) streams. The wide application of anaerobic digestion for the treatment of several organic waste streams results in the production of high quantities of anaerobic effluents. Such effluents are characterized by high nutrient content, because organic and particulate nitrogen and phosphorus are hydrolyzed in the anaerobic digestion process. Consequently, adequate post-treatment is required in order to comply with the existing land application and discharge legislation in the European Union countries. This may include physicochemical and biological processes, with the latter being more advantageous due to their lower cost. Nitrogen removal is accomplished through the conventional nitrification/denitrification, nitritation/denitritation and the complete autotrophic nitrogen removal process; the latter is accomplished by nitritation coupled with the anoxic ammonium oxidation process. As anaerobic digestion effluents are characterized by low COD/TKN ratio, conventional denitrification/nitrification is not an attractive option; short-cut nitrogen removal processes are more promising. Both suspended and attached growth processes have been employed to treat the anaerobic supernatant. Specifically, the sequencing batch reactor, the membrane bioreactor, the conventional activated sludge and the moving bed biofilm reactor processes have been investigated. Physicochemical phosphorus removal via struvite precipitation has been extensively examined. Enhanced biological phosphorus removal from the anaerobic supernatant can take place through the sequencing anaerobic/aerobic process. More recently, denitrifying phosphorus removal via nitrite or nitrate has been explored. The removal of phosphorus from the anaerobic supernatant of OFMSW is an interesting research topic that has not yet been explored. At the moment, standardization in the design of facilities that treat anaerobic supernatant produced from the treatment of OFMSW is still under development. To move toward this direction, it is first necessary to assess the performance of alternative treatment options. It study concentrates existing data regarding the characteristics of the anaerobic supernatant produced from the treatment of OFMSW and from their co-digestion with other BOW. This provides data documenting the effect of the anaerobic digestion operating conditions on the supernatant quality and critically evaluates alternative options for the post-treatment of the liquid fraction produced from the anaerobic digestion process.  相似文献   

《Biological Wastes》1990,31(3):199-210
The start-up of the dry anaerobic batch digestion by the BIOCEL-concept of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (MSW) is unbalanced when a methanogenic inoculum (digested sewage sludge) is added to a total solids concentration of 35%. The unbalanced conditions are the result of the rapid degradation of easily-degradable compounds which are present in the organic fraction. Enhancement of the first start-up of the dry batch digestion was tried by applying an aerobic partial-composting step. By this aerobic treatment the easily degradable compounds are removed. After the composting step the anaerobic digestion will be limited by the conversion of the ligno-cellulose part of the organic fraction. It appeared that at least 19·5% of the volatile solids (VS) should be converted during the aerobic composting period before acid formation in the digestion was in balance with the methane formation. This amount of aerobically degraded VS means a 40% loss of potential biogas. The loss of a part of the biogas is a major drawback to the partial composting as a method for enhancing the start-up of the dry anaerobic digestion. A shorter composting period which is combined with another start-up method might be a feasible method to decrease the energy input of the dry digestion process.  相似文献   

The influence of total solid contents during anaerobic mesophilic treatment of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (MSW) has been studied in this work. The work was performed in batch reactors of 1.7L capacity, during a period of 85-95 days. Two different organic substrate concentrations were studied: 931.1 mgDOC/L (20% TS) and 1423.4 mgDOC/L (30% TS). Experimental results showed that the reactor with 20% total solids content had significantly higher performance. Thus, the startup phase ended at 14 days and the total DOC removal was 67.53%. The startup in reactor R30 ended at 28 days obtaining 49.18% DOC removal. Also, the initial substrate concentration contributed substantially to the amount of methane in the biogas. Hence, the total methane production in the methanogenic phase was 7.01 L and 5.53 L at the end of the experiments for R20 and R30, respectively.  相似文献   

经过人工富集和驯化的兼性和严格厌氧微生物是厌氧消化工艺的核心。不同厌氧消化体系中存在的问题大多可以通过改变微生物群落的代谢活性来得到有效改善。得益于微生物组学检测技术的快速发展,对厌氧消化系统中微生物多样性的认识获得了极大的拓展,同时在微生物类群间、微生物与环境的互作关系研究方面也取得了一系列新的进展。然而,有机固废厌氧消化系统中,各种微生物以及微生物和物质的相互作用构成了更为复杂的代谢网络,所以目前对这些互作关系的解析尚不完善。本文重点关注了厌氧消化过程中的典型菌群互作关系,阐述了典型有机固废厌氧消化系统中存在的问题及微生物在其中发挥的作用,最后,立足于现有组学技术推动的微生物组研究进展,对未来有机固废厌氧消化系统微生物组的研究提出展望。  相似文献   

Anaerobic digestion treatments have often been used for biological stabilization of solid wastes. These treatment processes generate biogas which can be used as a renewable energy sources. Recently, anaerobic digestion of solid wastes has attracted more interest because of current environmental problems, most especially those concerned with global warming. Thus, laboratory-scale research on this area has increased significantly. In this review paper, the summary of the most recent research activities covering production of biogas from solid wastes according to its origin via various anaerobic technologies was presented.  相似文献   

In this article, a two-phase system for the digestion of wastes with a high solid content is simulated. The solids are charged to the hydrolyzer and then leachate recirculation is activated until biodegradation is nearly complete. Several parameters are tested, namely moisture, leachate recirculation flow rate, and hydrolyzer-methanizer volume ratio. The results show that recirculation rate is an important parameter subject to optimization, with optimal values corresponding to hydrolyzer hydraulic retention times below 1 day. The quantity of recirculating water must be the highest possible. As a consequence, the organic load to the methanizer is reduced, making thus possible the use of a smaller methanizer volume.  相似文献   

Two 5 L anaerobic reactors were used to monitor the mesophilic anaerobic digestion of source sorted organic fraction of municipal solid wastes (SS-OFMSW) focusing the attention on the response of alkalinity ratios. Intermediate/partial alkalinity (IA/PA) ratio can be used as a simple and cheaper alternative to VFAs analysis when digester's stability needs to be assessed in full-scale plants treating these organic wastes. However, lab-scale studies in order to establish a specific limit value of IA/PA referred to SS-OFMSW had not been conducted. In this study, a reference reactor (R1) was operated at low organic loading rates (OLR) and high hydraulic retention times (HRT) during 165 days. Besides, severe disturbances were applied to a second reactor (R2) during 281 days by means of increasing both HRT and OLR in order to assess the digester response under continuous overload conditions. The obtained results show that an IA/PA ratio of below 0.3 is recommended to maintain total VFAs between 2.5 and 3.5 kg m−3 and achieve a stable reactor performance treating SS-OFMSW in a range of total alkalinity (TA) between 13 and 15 kg CaCO3 m−3. These results provide a starting point to develop further works in full-scale digesters, in order to improve the monitoring and process control of full-scale anaerobic reactors treating SS-OFMSW.  相似文献   

Anaerobic digestion of municipal solid wastes: dry thermophilic performance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this study was to analyze the performance of two laboratory-scale reactors (5.0L) treating organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW): source sorted OFMSW (SS_OFMSW) obtained from a university restaurant and mechanically selected municipal fraction (MS_OFMSW) obtained from a Municipal Treatment Plant placed in Cadiz-Spain. Discontinuous reactors operated at thermophilic (55 degrees C) and dry (20% total solid) conditions. Different decomposition patterns were observed: (1) the SS_OFMSW exhibited the classical waste decomposition pattern with a fast start up phase beginning within 0-5 days and 20-30 and a subsequent stabilization phase. The VS removal was 45% with a cumulative biogas of 120L in approx. 60 days; (2) the MS_OFMSW showed a methanogenic pattern throughout the whole experimental period (60 days) and this gave higher levels of organic biodegradation (56%VSr) and biogas production (82L). Both processes were completed and a high level of cumulative methane production was achieved in less than 60 days, proximally 25-30L.  相似文献   

Summary Generation rate of biogas and its methane component, as well as changes of major organic fractions during anaerobic digestion of fresh cow dung alone and in combination with each of air-dry rice straw, maize stalks, and cotton stalks at a ratio of 11 (on the basis of 70°C dry weight of either source) have been monitored in laboratory fermenters for 75 days at 35°C. Mixtures of cow dung + maize stalks produced the highest cumulative volumes of both biogas and its methane component; i.e. 17.9 and 8.31/1 fermented material respectively, cow dung alone surpassed all of the tested biomass regarding the yield of methane production in relation to the volatile solids consumed which gave 636 l/kg; the other materials came in the succession: cow dung + maize stalks, cow dung + rice straw and cow dung + cotton stalks. Acetic, propionic, and butyric were the major detectable fatty acids formed during the digestion course. Cow dung excelled the other treatments in amounts of such acids produced. Combination between cow dung and crop residues resulted in reducing the formation of fatty acids and NH 4 + and loss of nitrogen, but enhanced the disappearance of volatile solids, fats, hemicellulose and cellulose. The lignin content remained unchanged.
Fractionnement de substances organiques pendant la digestion anaerobie de déchets de ferme pour la genèse de biogaz
Résumé La vitesse de genèse du biogaz et son contenu en méthane, ainsi que les modifications des principales fractions organiques pendant la digestion anaérobie a été examinée en fermenteurs de laboratoire pendant 75 jours à 35°C pour les bouses bovines fraîches, seules et en mélange 11 (sur la base du poids sec à 70°C) soit avec la paille de riz séchée au soleil, les fânes de maïs ou les tiges de cotonniers. Le mélange de bouses de vache et de fânes de maïs a produit le volume cumulatif le plus élevé tant de biogaz que de son constituant, le méthane, notamment respectivement 17.9 et 8.31/l de matériel fermenté. Les bouses de vache ont surpassé toutes les biomasses testées quant au rendement de la production de méthane par rapport aux solides volatils consommés qui donna 6361/kg; les autres matières viennent dans l'ordre décroissant: bouses de vache plus fânes de maïs, bouses de vache plus paille de riz et bouses de vaches plus tiges de cotonniers. Les acides gras principaux détectés et formés pendant le cours de la digestion étaient l'acide acétique, l'acide propionique et l'acide butyrique. La biométhanisation de bouses de vache a excellé par rapport à celle d'autres substrats quant aux quantités produites de ces acides. Le mélange de bouses de vache et de résidus agricoles a résulté dans la diminution de la formation d'acides gras et d'ammonium et de la perte en azote mais dans l'augmentation de la disparition des solides volatils, des graisses, de l'hémicellulose et de la cellulose. Le contenu en lignine est resté inchangé.

Summary Cellulolytic enzymes from a laboratory anaerobic digester fed municipal solid waste were examined with respect to pH and temperature. The pH optimum was pH 6.6, considerably lower than the pH range in which digesters are normally operated (pH 7.2–7.6). The optimum temperature was between 50 and 60°C, rather than the 35–37°C range in which most digesters are controlled.  相似文献   

Summary Co-disposal of 12 compounds representing major organic classes (aromatic hydrocarbons, halogenated hydrocarbons, pesticides, phenols, and phthalate esters) with shredded municipal solid waste was tested using a laboratory-scale column and pilot-scale lysimeter to characterize transport and transformation phenomena including sorption, volatilization and bioassimilation. Leachate and gases emitted from the lysimeters were examined for identifiable products of biotransformation. The results of this investigation provided a mechanistic evaluation of the attenuating and assimilative capacity of municipal solid waste landfills for specific organic compounds. Physical/chemical organic compound characteristics were related to refuse characteristics and composition to predict compound fate. Such knowledge is useful in developíng landfill management and operational strategies consistent with the need for control of pollutant releases.  相似文献   

The degradation of municipal solid waste (MSW) under mesophilic conditions can be enhanced by exchanging leachate between fresh waste and stabilised waste. The optimum point in time when leachate from an anaerobically digesting waste bed can be used to initiate degradation of another waste bed might occur when the leachate of the digesting waste bed is highly active with cellulolytic and methanogenic bacteria. In this study, the cellulolytic activity of the leachate was measured using the cellulose-azure assay. As products of hydrolysis are soluble compounds, the rate of generation of these compounds was estimated based on a soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD) balance around the fresh waste bed. It was found that once the readily soluble material present in MSW was washed out there was very little generation of SCOD without the production of methane, indicating that flushing leachate from a stabilised waste bed resulted in a balanced inoculation of the fresh waste bed. With the onset of sustained methanogenesis, the rate of SCOD generation equalled the SCOD released from the digester as methane. The experimental findings also showed that cellulolytic activities of the leachate samples closely followed the trend of SCOD generation.  相似文献   

Laboratory-scale anaerobic degradation of monoethanolamine waste (MEAw) with co-substrate organics was conducted at room temperature and organic loading rates from 0.19 to 5.03 kg COD/m3 day for 486 days in a hybrid digester. 90 % feed COD conversion to methane was obtained at the lower loads and only 45 % at the highest MEA waste/COD ratio (MEAwr) of 0.62 due to inhibition of methanogenesis. Inhibition at comparable loads decreased with time, implying that the culture adapted to the challenging feed. Methane yield was negatively correlated to MEAwr applied and inhibition avoided at MEAwr <0.5. Acetate accumulation implies inhibition of acetoclastic methanogenesis that can be caused by ammonia, a product of MEAw degradation. Moderate total ammonia nitrogen and free ammonia nitrogen accumulation, maximum 2.2 g N/l and 90 mg N/l, respectively suggests, however, that other components of MEAw, and/or degradation products of such, also inhibit methanogenesis, disturbing the digester performance.  相似文献   

Working at thermophilic conditions instead of mesophilic, and also the addition of a co-substrate, are both the ways to intend to improve the anaerobic digestion of the source-collected organic fraction of municipal solid wastes (SC-OFMSW). Addition of sewage treatment plant fat, oil and grease wastes (STP-FOGW), that are nowadays sent to landfill, would represent an opportunity to recover a wasted methane potential and, moreover, improve the whole process. In this study, after a first period feeding only SC-OFMSW, a co-digestion step was performed maintaining thermophilic conditions. During the co-digestion period enhancements in biogas production (52%) and methane yield (36%) were achieved. In addition, monitoring of microbial structure by using PCR-DGGE and cloning techniques showed that bacterial community profiles clustered in two distinct groups, before and after the extended contact with STP-FOGW, being more affected by the STP-FOGW addition than the archaeal one.  相似文献   

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