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Development of the cardiac blood vessels in staged human embryos   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
R Hirakow 《Acta anatomica》1983,115(3):220-230
Serial paraffin sections (mostly stained with hematoxylin and eosin) of 52 human embryos at stages ranging from 13 to 20 (approximate ovulation age of 5-8 weeks) were examined. The first sign of definitive blood vessels was found to be localized in the apical incisure of the heart of an embryo at stage 14. Blood vessels of this kind closely resembled 'blood islands' in appearance, being composed of primitive erythroblasts surrounded by an outer layer of endothelium. At stage 16, a funnel-like invagination of the endothelium was recognized in the posterior wall of the sinus venosus. This structure was considered to represent one of the cardiac veins (probably the middle cardiac vein). A faint endothelial sprout of the left coronary artery was detected at stage 18, while the right one was observed later, at stage 19. Finally, at stage 20, both of the coronary arteries invariably existed with a covering of mesenchymal cells.  相似文献   

Assembly and processing of procollagen type III in chick embryo blood vessels   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The processing of [3H]proline-labeled procollagen III in excised chick embryo blood vessels was found to differ significantly from that of procollagen I in the same tissue. While first the amino propeptides and then the carboxyl propeptides were fairly rapidly cleaved from procollagen I, only the carboxyl propeptides were split off procollagen III, leaving pN-collagen III. This intermediate, which is only slowly converted to collagen III by loss of amino propeptides, was characterized by its sedimentation properties, isolation of the amino propeptide, and reaction with purified antibodies that are specific against bovine amino propeptide III. It is interchain disulfide-linked, both through the amino propeptide and the carboxyl ends of the collagen chains. The conversion of procollagen III to pN-collagen III either in blood vessels, or after isolation by a carboxyl procollagen peptidase obtained from chick tendon fibroblast cultures, is inhibited by 50 mM arginine. Underhydroxylated procollagen III was isolated from blood vessels treated with alpha, alpha'-dipyridyl. Its amino propeptides reacted with the above antibodies but were not linked to each other. In contrast, its carboxyl propeptides were interchain disulfide-bridged, supporting previous suggestions that the carboxyl propeptides play a role in the assembly of procollagen trimer.  相似文献   

The effects of a teratogenic dose (5 micrograms) of epinephrine on mean ventricular blood pressure (MVBP) and cardiac output (CO) at one and two hours after treating stage 24 chick embryos were investigated. Previous work demonstrated that a differential response in terms of cardiac rhythm during the first hour after epinephrine treatment was related to pathogenesis of two contrasting types of aortic arch malformations. Absence of one or more aortic arches occurred more frequently in embryos which developed a characteristic dysrhythmia, while persistence of the left fourth aortic arch (PL4AA) occurred more frequently in nondysrhythmic embryos. In this study, dysrhythmic epinephrine-treated embryos exhibited reductions in both MVBP and CO at one hour after treatment when compared to control values. Nondysrhythmic epinephrine-treated embryos exhibited elevated MVBP and no change in CO at one hour after treatment. MVBP and CO in recovered dysrhythmic and nondysrhythmic embryos were similar to control values at two hours following epinephrine treatment. MVBP and CO measurements were obtained from embryos which were pretreated with metoprolol and then subsequently treated with epinephrine. Metoprolol is a beta 1-adrenoreceptor antagonist which was previously shown to block the teratogenic effects of epinephrine and other catecholamines with beta 1-adrenoreceptor agonist properties. Pretreating embryos with metoprolol in this study reduced the dysrhythmogenic potential of epinephrine and also blocked the MVBP and CO changes observed in embryos treated with epinephrine alone. We conclude that pathogenesis of 1) abnormally absent aortic arches is related to dysrhythmogenesis, reduced MVBP, and reduced CO, and 2) an abnormally persistent left fourth aortic arch is related to elevated MVBP in the epinephrine model.  相似文献   

In an attempt to ascertain the time of appearance of circulating osteoclast precursor cells, we have transplanted quail bone rudiments into or onto the extraembryonic membranes of variously aged chick embryos. We observed that osteoclast precursor cells (1) are present in the embryonic circulation prior to the onset of osteogenesis, (2) differentiate precociously in response to a factor or factors present in developing bone rudiments, and (3) increase in number until about midway in embryonic life.  相似文献   

We have previously investigated distinct areas of vascular regression in the developing vascular system of the chick limb bud. Avascular areas appear in a characteristic spatial and temporal pattern, and are correlated with the position of developing cartilage. In the present study, we examined limb-bud sections which had been double labeled for endothelial cells and developing cartilage in order to determine the relationship between the appearance of cartilage and the disappearance of capillaries. Endothelial cells, which specifically take up acetylated low-density lipoprotein (acLDL), were labeled by intravenously injecting fluorescent acLDL (DiIacLDL) into chick embryos at Hamburger and Hamilton stages 26-30. Avascular zones, which correspond to the developing digits, were clearly visible within the fluorescently labeled distal vasculature. The same sections were labeled with monoclonal antibodies specific for cartilage. We found that progressing avascularity in the digital regions was followed by increased staining for cartilage antigens in the same areas. Zones of avascularity always developed earlier than morphologically and immunologically detectable cartilage in all planes of section and were always larger than the areas of cartilage. These results demonstrate that blood vessels disappear in predictable areas prior to the overt differentiation of cartilage.  相似文献   

Fertilized eggs of single-combed White Leghorn hens were each injected through a shell window directly beneath the embryo at 70 or 96 h of incubation with 2 mg of the sodium salt of 6-MP dissolved in 0.1 M phosphate buffer, and at 11 days of incubation the embryos were examined for gross morphological abnormalities. Various gross malformations and growth retardation were found, the most frequently and severely affected structures being limbs, beak, and eyes. Treatment at 70 h caused more severe abnormalities than at 96 h, but the spectrum of defects was not very different.  相似文献   

Our understanding of the molecular mechanisms that direct cell motility, cell division, and cell shaping has benefited from innovations in cell labeling and the ability to resolve intracellular dynamics with multispectral, high-resolution imaging. However, due to difficulties with in vivo cell marking and monitoring, most studies have been restricted to fixed tissue or cells in culture. Here, we report the delivery of multiple (up to four), multicolor fluorescent protein (FP) constructs and four-dimensional (4-D), multispectral time-lapse confocal imaging of cell movements in living chick embryos. Cell cytoskeletal components are fluorescently tagged after microinjection and electroporation of a cocktail of FP constructs into specific regions of chick embryos. We tested 11 different FP constructs in various two-, three-, and four-color combinations using multispectral imaging and linear unmixing to limit the crosstalk between different emission spectra. We monitored intracellular dynamics in individual multicolored migrating cells in vivo and developed a set of advantageous imaging parameters for 4-D time-lapse confocal microscopy. We find that the number of four-color labeled cells in a typical embryo is approximately 10% of the total number of fluorescently labeled cells; this value consistently increases showing that approximately 50% of the total labeled cells have only one-color. We find that multicolored cells are photostable for time-lapses of approximately 2-3 h. Thus, cell labeling with up to four FP color schemes combined with multispectral, 4-D confocal time-lapse imaging offers a powerful tool to simultaneously analyze cellular and molecular dynamics during chick embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Allograft reactivity in chick embryos   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Normal development of spurs and horny squamae have been studied in histological preparations obtained from the skin of tarsometatarsus in 8--16-day-old embryos. During the first, initial stage of development, by means of rearrangement of cellular matter and cell migration, three main parts of the spur are layed down -- the horny cover, the spur body and the fibrovascular cushion. For the second stage, vigorous growth of the spur germ at the expense of proliferative activity of its cells is characteristic. At the third stage (after hatching) in males, the spur body outgrows and the bony core is formed. Morphogenesis of the horny squama can be devided into two stages. At the initial stages by means of condensing cellular elements, squamous papilla and horny shell are layed down. The fibrovascular cushion is absent. The second stage is similar to the spur one and is characterized by growth of all the germ parts at the expense of cell proliferation. Comparing morphogeneses of the squama and the spur, it is possible to conclude that phylogenetic transformation of the squama into the spur is performed by two means (modi) of phyloembryogenesis: by means of adding new signs of development to the initial terminal stages of its morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Effects of erythropoietin in chick embryos   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The chick embryo can be used as a substitute for adult animals in the cultivation of a variety of parasites. Bernard Fried describes its use in cultivating trematodes, and suggests that the system might be useful as a preliminary chemotherapeutic screen.  相似文献   

Differentiation of myosin in chick embryos   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  

Intravenous injections of glucose (8.6 mg/ml of blood) have been made 9-18 day chick embryos, 1-day chicks and adult hens. Glucose content of the blood was measured 15 and 30 min., 1,4 and 8 hours after the injection. It was shown that already 9-day embryos possess a regulatory system which restores the initial glycaemic level. During the development of the organism, the efficiency of this system increases. The data obtained may be used in theoretical studies on the sugar system of the blood.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin DDavis (Hb DD), an autosomal codominant in chickens, the αD-globin chain of Hb M of primitive cells and Hb D of definitive erythrocytes. Erythropoiesis and Hb synthesis was investigated in normal, heterozygous, and homozygous Hb DD mutant embryos (stages 15–44) and adults. The time of appearance, morphology, relationships to developmental changes, and number of primitive and definitive cells were determined. Primitive hemoglobins between stages 17 and 44 showed four components, P1, P2, E, and M (or MD), on high-resolution isoelectric focusing gels. Comparison of P1P2 ratios in the four phenotypes indicated that homozygous Hb DD embryos had an increased proportion of Hb P2 relative to Hb P1 between stages 17 and 35. This difference coincided with an increase in the number of large primitive cells. In all phenotypes the proportions of primitive hemoglobins decreased after stage 25 and they were not detected after stage 40. Basophilic definitive erythroblasts were present in cell suspensions from all phenotypes between stages 24 and 25. Hb A, the major Hb and Hb D, the minor Hb, of definitive cells of embryos and adults were detected by isoelectric focusing of lysates by stage 29. Definitive cells from late embryos of all phenotypes had higher proportions of Hb D (or Hb DD) than did red cells from corresponding adult birds. Heterozygous Hb DD embroys and adults had both Hb D and Hb DD. Hb DD comprises about 30% of the total minor Hb rather than 50% expected for heterozygosity at a single locus. In this respect heterozygous Hb DD chick embryos and adult birds are similar to certain heterozygous α-chain variants in humans. A minor Hb, H, found in lysates of later embryos disappears in lysates of normal chicks 65 days after hatching, but was present in the circulation of homozygous Hb DD chicks until at least 195 days after hatching. Additionally, several minor Hb components which may be asymmetrical hybrids or derived precursors of Hb A and Hb D (or Hb DD) were observed. This study provides the precise developmental stages when the switchover of erythroid cell populations and hemoglobins in the chick embryo occurs. This is the first investigation of an α-globin chain mutant which is synthesized during all stages of red cell development and may be a useful animal model for the study of hemoglobinopathies in vertebrates.  相似文献   

The metabolic pathway of 4-hydroxyaminoquinoline-1-oxide (4HAQO) and its binding to DNA was studied in 2-day chick embryos administered [G-3H]4HAQO in a shell-less culture. The 4HAQO rapidly metabolized into non-carcinogenic compounds and 1 h after administration only very small amounts of free 4HAQO could be detected in the embryo cells. The amount of DNA-bound 4HAQO in the embryo cells reached a maximum 2 h after administration, then began to decrease. The maximum extent (mu mol/mol P of nucleotide) was 18.2, equivalent to 1 molecule of 4HAQO-purine adducts per 2.8 X 10(4) base pairs of DNA. It was possible to detect removal of 4HAQO-purine adducts from DNA in chick embryo cells in a shell-less culture. A dose-response relationship for the killing effect of 4HAQO on 2-day embryos was observed in the range of 0.24-24 nmol 4HAQO per embryo. The practicality of the present method of administration of 4HAQO for 'flash administration' of compounds to chick embryo and the advantages of the shell-less culture method which provides access for biochemical and developmental studies of chick embryos were also discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Measurements have been made of the pH in the extracellular space, adjacent to the neural tube, in 73 isolated chick embryos in vitro at stages from 4–22 somites. A pH of 7.8–8.4 was observed in the segmented region, while caudally, in the segmental plate, the pH was consistently lower falling by as much as 0.5 pH units at the regressing primitive streak. Variations were noted in the pH of embryos of the same age but the regional variation in pH was a consistent finding in all of the embryos examined. The buffering capacity of the extracellular space was found to be 12.9 mequiv/pH unit/1 in the segmented region and 13.9 mequiv/pH unit/1 in the segmental plate. Thus it is unlikely that the regional variations in pH result from local variations in the buffering power of the extracellular space. Varying the K+, Cl-, Mg2+ or HCO 3 - ion concentrations in the bathing medium caused little change in the intra-embryonic pH, while reducing the concentrations of Na+ or Ca2+ caused a small acidification. This suggests that the ectoderm and endoderm form an effective barrier between the embryo and the external environment. Exposure of the embryo to KCN reduced the intra-embryonic pH suggesting that the alkaline environment is maintained by active processes.  相似文献   

Chick embryos were maintained in shell-less culture up to a total age of 15 days. The composition of their blood was analyzed together with the blood from coontrol embryos of comparable degree of differentiation. The blood from cultured embryos had lower hematocrit values; their serum contained a reduced concentration of proteins, phospholipids and total calcium and an increased concentration of inorganic phosphorus. In view of the reduced concentration of proteins and phospholipids, the concomitant hypocalcemia must represent, at least in part, a reduction in the binding capacity of the serum and not only a decrease in the ionic fraction of serum calcium.  相似文献   

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