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昆虫滞育的研究进展   总被引:31,自引:4,他引:31  
徐卫华 《昆虫学报》1999,42(1):100-107
对于大多数昆虫种群,滞育是一个生长发育过程中的选择,生物体具有识别周围环境改变的能力,通过调节昆虫自身内分泌机制,进而决定是否进入滞育状态。滞育可以发生在昆虫生命过程中的任何时期,其中卵期是最适昆虫滞育的时期之一。本文综述昆虫滞育,特别是卵滞育的研究,主要集中在以下方面:个体生态学、环境生理学、内分泌学、生物化学和分子生物学。  相似文献   

昆虫滞育关联蛋白的研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
赵章武  黄永平 《昆虫知识》1996,33(3):187-189

滞育是生物体为了渡过恶劣环境而进行的一种停滞生长发育的生理状态,主要受遗传和环境因素的影响。研究发现光周期、温度、食物营养和体内激素水平等都能诱导昆虫滞育发生,然而滞育诱导是一个复杂的调控过程,对其分子机制的研究仍不清楚。本文对近年来在滞育诱导相关分子和分子信号通路方面取得的研究进展进行梳理,重点介绍了光周期和温度诱导昆虫滞育发生的分子级联系统,包括生物钟Per/Tim和Clk反馈回路、温度敏感型瞬时受体电位通道、γ-氨基丁酸GABA信号通路、珊瑚青素Corazonin信号通路和胰岛素信号途径等,该综述内容将为昆虫滞育研究提供帮助,同时为利用昆虫滞育进行农林害虫的防治及天敌保护提供理论参考。  相似文献   

昆虫滞育后的生物学特性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从昆虫滞育后性比、寿命、生殖力和重复滞育等方面对昆虫滞育后的生物学特性进行了概括,并分析了影响昆虫滞育后生物学特性数量表达的因子。这些因子包括:(1)滞育前昆虫的发育速率、取食行为和个体大小;(2)滞育期间的环境条件及昆虫取食行为;(3)滞育持续期;(4)滞育后的取食需求;以及(5)滞育后的温度和光周期。  相似文献   

任何地方一年中的每一天都有一个特定的光照长度,日期和光周期变化存在固定的对应关系。昆虫在一定的日子滞育,自然也就是在特定的光照长度下滞育,但是并不意味着光周期必然就是滞育的主要诱因。分析光周期的几个重要特点,笔者认为光周期不一定是所有昆虫滞育开始及结束的最主要的或实质性的诱因。  相似文献   

肖海军  魏兆军  薛芳森 《昆虫学报》2011,54(9):1068-1075
滞育是昆虫逃避不利环境条件的基本方式之一, 益虫的合理利用和害虫的综合治理, 都离不开对滞育调控机理的研究。滞育可以诱导一些基因表达模式的改变, 如热休克蛋白基因的差异表达, 导致昆虫抗逆性增强。本文综述了与昆虫滞育关联的热休克蛋白的研究概况, 从热休克蛋白与滞育的关联、 不同虫态滞育期间热休克蛋白基因的差异表达和滞育相关的蛋白质组学研究几个方面进行了概述。与其他的胁迫反应均诱导热休克蛋白同步上调表达不同, 热休克蛋白在不同种类昆虫以及同种昆虫的不同滞育生理阶段的表达模式差别很大。热休克蛋白在滞育期间的表达是决定越冬抗逆性和存活的重要因子之一。本文可为昆虫滞育如何应答环境条件刺激的研究提供参考信息。  相似文献   

持续时间达1年以上的滞育,称为延长滞育,延长滞育的诱导、维持、解除均不同于简单滞育(滞育期短于1年)。本论文系统阐述了昆虫延长滞育的类型、滞育诱导及解除的环境因子、延长滞育物候学和生物学特性,延长滞育的遗传学及延长滞育的生态学意义。延长滞育是昆虫生活史的重要组成部分,是一种普遍现象。  相似文献   

昆虫滞育生化机制研究概况(下)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
苏天运  苏天增 《四川动物》1995,14(4):166-170
昆虫滞育生化机制研究概况(下)苏天运,苏天增1.河南医科大学基础医学博士后流动站郑州4500522.商丘师范高等专科学校生物系4蛋白质和氨基酸代谢到目前为止,已在三种昆虫中发现有滞育相关蛋白(diapau:e-associatedproteins),...  相似文献   

安颢敏  刘文  王小平 《昆虫学报》2021,64(4):510-522
滞育是昆虫躲避不良环境的一种策略,对延续昆虫种群具有重要意义.特别是昆虫的兼性滞育,能够受环境的周期性季节变化影响,表观遗传可能在其中扮演重要角色.表观遗传是不依赖DNA序列改变所产生的可遗传变异,包括DNA、RNA、蛋白质和染色质水平上的各种表观遗传调控过程,可能参与生物的发育可塑性.昆虫滞育表观遗传调控主要包括两个...  相似文献   

  1. Many insects that live in temperate zones spend the cold season in a state of dormancy, referred to as diapause. As the insect must rely on resources that were gathered before entering diapause, keeping a low metabolic rate is of utmost importance. Organs that are metabolically expensive to maintain, such as the brain, can therefore become a liability to survival if they are too large.
  2. Insects that go through diapause as adults generally do so before entering the season of reproduction. This order of events introduces a conflict between maintaining low metabolism during dormancy and emerging afterward with highly developed sensory systems that improve fitness during the mating season.
  3. We investigated the timing of when investments into the olfactory system are made by measuring the volumes of primary and secondary olfactory neuropils in the brain as they fluctuate in size throughout the extended diapause life‐period of adult Polygonia c‐album butterflies.
  4. Relative volumes of both olfactory neuropils increase significantly during early adult development, indicating the importance of olfaction to this species, but still remain considerably smaller than those of nondiapausing conspecifics. However, despite butterflies being kept under the same conditions as before the dormancy, their olfactory neuropil volumes decreased significantly during the postdormancy period.
  5. The opposing directions of change in relative neuropil volumes before and after diapause dormancy indicate that the investment strategies governing structural plasticity during the two life stages could be functionally distinct. As butterflies were kept in stimulus‐poor conditions, we find it likely that investments into these brain regions rely on experience‐expectant processes before diapause and experience‐dependent processes after diapause conditions are broken.
  6. As the shift in investment strategies coincides with a hard shift from premating season to mating season, we argue that these developmental characteristics could be adaptations that mitigate the trade‐off between dormancy survival and reproductive fitness.

松毛虫赤眼蜂滞育诱导及解除条件研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】以柞蚕Antheraea pernyi卵为繁殖寄主,对松毛虫赤眼蜂Trichogramma dendrolim滞育诱导及解除条件进行研究,以解决赤眼蜂工厂化生产和大面积应用中面临的的中、长期储存问题。【方法】通过观测不同发育阶段(寄生柞蚕卵在26℃培养40、96和144 h)、滞育诱导温度(10、13和16℃)和诱导时间对松毛虫赤眼蜂滞育的影响,确定松毛虫赤眼蜂滞育诱导条件;通过观测滞育诱导温度和滞育后的贮藏温度对滞育解除的影响,确定松毛虫赤眼蜂滞育解除条件。【结果】在松毛虫赤眼蜂的不同发育阶段对其进行持续的低温刺激均能使其导入滞育,但以小幼阶段(26℃培养40 h)开始效果最佳,寄生卵在26℃培养40 h后,转入10℃和13℃下连续诱导31 d,滞育率可达100%和99.12%。滞育诱导温度和滞育后的贮藏温度对松毛虫赤眼蜂解除滞育所需时间和解除滞育后的羽化出蜂率有较大影响,10℃诱导滞育后置于1℃冷藏的赤眼蜂解除滞育所需时间最短,解除滞育后的羽化出蜂率和单卵出蜂数更高,更耐储存。此条件下冷藏约30 d开始打破滞育,在正常发育下温度下羽化出蜂,60 d羽化出蜂率达到95.24%,冷藏4个月后羽化出蜂率仍在60%以上,单卵出蜂数高于50头。【结论】松毛虫赤眼蜂最佳滞育诱导条件为26℃培养40 h后,转入10℃连续低温诱导31 d;最佳滞育解除条件为1℃低温储存,但储存期不能超过4个月。  相似文献   

Multiple role of temperature during insect diapause: a review   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The review emphasizes that there are multiple pathways to diapause completion. The programmed course of events is modified by environmental cues. Often chilling is not a prerequisite for the completion of hibernation diapause (examples tabulated). Diapause completion progresses well at intermediate or high temperatures, sometimes it is even stimulated by high or increasing temperature. Low temperatures are important, as they (1) conserve metabolic reserves, (2) prevent resumption of post-diapause morphogenesis and thus synchronize the life-cycle, (3) represent contrast to the later increase in temperature. Diapause consists of phases with different prerequisites. There is a principal difference between diapause development and photoperiodic activation as indicated by the subsequent physiological condition of insects.  相似文献   

The effect of daylength and temperature on the regulation of the larval diapause of a central Missouri population of the sunflower moth, Homoeosoma electellum, was examined. Fully grown fourth-instar larvae exhibit a facultative diapause. Measurements of the effect of photoperiod on diapause induction revealed critical photoperiods of about 13 h 30 min light/day at 20°C, and between 11 h 45 min and 12 h light/day at 23°C. Third and fourth-instar larvae were shown to be the main sensitive stages for diapause determination. Daylength was also shown to be an important regulator of the rate of diapause development. A short day of LD 10:14 h permitted only a low rate of diapause development, whereas long days of LD 14:10 h and LD 16:8 h accelerated diapause development at 25 and 30°C. When long days were alternated with short days at 30°C the accelerating effect of long days on diapause development was not found. Systematic transfers of chilled diapausing larvae revealed an accelerated diapause development in groups transferred from 10 to 30°C LD 10:14 h, but diapause development was not accelerated in groups transferred from 10 to 30°C LD 16:8 h.  相似文献   

The imidazole derivative KK-42 is a synthetic insect growth regulator known previously to be capable of averting embryonic diapause in several Lepidoptera, but whether it also affects diapauses occurring in other developmental stages remains unknown. In the present study, we examined the effect of KK-42 on pupal diapause in two species of Lepidoptera, the Chinese oak silkworm Antheraea pernyi and the corn earworm Helicoverpa zea, and in one species of Diptera, the flesh fly Sarcophaga crassipalpis. In A. pernyi, KK-42 delayed pupal diapause termination under the long day conditions that normally break diapause in this species. Likewise, in H. zea, KK-42 delayed termination of pupal diapause, a diapause that, in this species, is normally broken by high temperature. KK-42-treated pupae of these two species eventually terminated diapause and successfully emerged as adults, but the timing of diapause termination was significantly delayed. KK-42 also significantly increased the incidence of pupal diapause in H. zea and S. crassipalpis when administered to larvae that were environmentally programmed for diapause, but it was not capable of inducing pupal diapause in H. zea if larvae were reared under environmental conditions that do not normally evoke the diapause response. Experiments with H. zea showed that the effect of KK-42 on pupal diapause was dose- and stage-dependent, but not temperature-dependent. Results presented here are consistent with a link between KK-42 and the ecdysteroid signaling pathway that regulates pupal diapause.  相似文献   

昆虫滞育持续时间的影响因子及其对滞育后生物学的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
滞育持续时间(diapause duration)是昆虫的一种生理特性,它主要由特定环境条件下的滞育强度或滞育发育速率来决定,滞育强度或滞育发育速率通常以将滞育状态的昆虫转移至解除滞育的条件(如低温处理、光周期的转换)后,滞育消除所需时间的长短来衡量。文章系统综述昆虫滞育持续时间的影响因子及其对滞育后生物学的影响。  相似文献   

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