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Visual pigments, oil droplets and photoreceptor types in the retinas of four species of true chameleons have been examined by microspectrophotometry. The species occupy different photic environments: two species of Chamaeleo are from Madagascar and two species of Furcifer are from Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. In addition to double cones, four spectrally distinct classes of single cone were identified. No rod photoreceptors were observed. The visual pigments appear to be mixtures of rhodopsins and porphyropsins. Double cones contained a pale oil droplet in the principle member and both outer segments contained a long-wave-sensitive visual pigment with a spectral maximum between about 555 nm and 610 nm, depending on the rhodopsin/porphyropsin mixture. Long-wave-sensitive single cones contained a visual pigment spectrally identical to the double cones, but combined with a yellow oil droplet. The other three classes of single cone contained visual pigments with maxima at about 480–505, 440–450 and 375–385 nm, combined with yellow, clear and transparent oil droplets respectively. The latter two classes were sparsely distributed. The transmission of the lens and cornea of C. dilepis was measured and found to be transparent throughout the visible and near ultraviolet, with a cut off at about 350 nm.  相似文献   

In mammals, each cone had been thought to contain only one single type of photopigment. It was not until the early 1990s that photopigment coexpression was reported. In the house mouse, the distribution of color cones shows a characteristic division. Whereas in the upper retinal field the ratio of short wave to middle-to-long wave cones falls in the usual range (1:10), in the ventral retinal field M/L-pigment expression is completely missing. In the transitional zone, numerous dual cones are detectable (spatial coexpression). In other species without retinal division, dual cones appear during development, suggesting that M/L-cones develop from S-cones. Dual elements represent a transitory stage in M/L-cone differentiation that disappear with maturation (transitory coexpression). These two phenomena seem to be mutually exclusive in the species studied so far. In the comparative part of this report the retinal cone distribution of eight rodent species is reported. In two species dual cones appear in adult specimens without retinal division, and dual elements either occupy the dorsal peripheral retina, or make up the entire cone population. This is the first observation proving that all cones of a retina are of dual nature. These species are good models for the study of molecular control of opsin expression and renders them suitable sources of dual cones for investigations on the role and neural connections of this peculiar cone type. In the developmental part, the retinal maturation of other species is examined to test the hypothesis of transitory coexpression. In these species S-pigment expression precedes that of the M/L-pigment, but dual cones are either identified in a small number or they are completely missing from the developing retina. These results exclude a common mechanism for M/L-cone maturation: they either transdifferentiate from S-cones or develop independently.  相似文献   

The chick retina has four morphological cone types that differ not only in shape, but also in the visual pigment in the outer segment, in the colour of the oil droplet in the inner segment and in synaptic connectivity. Neither the type of droplet nor the visual pigment has been definitively established for the four cone types. The main aim of the present work has been the isolation of entire live photoreceptors in order to study the oil droplet colour in each cone type and to quantify each type. We have improved an earlier retinal cell isolation method and obtained large numbers of entire cones. Principal cones (27% of the cones) possess a yellow or colourless droplet. Accessory cones (27% of the cones) all contain a small pale green droplet. Straight cones (44% of the cones) have a red, orange, yellow, or colourless droplet. Oblique cones (1.66% of the cones) all have a colourless droplet. We have found that straight cones with a red, orange, or yellow droplet differ in terms of the position of the nucleus and their percentage and conclude that they are distributed in three rows in the outer nuclear layer (ONL) of the central retina. Our study of 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole-stained retinal sections has revealed three rows of nuclei instead of the two currently thought to form the ONL. Together, our results show a larger cone diversity than previously known, suggest a larger functional diversity and provide an efficient method for isolating entire chick photoreceptors. This work was supported by grants from the Dirección General de Investigación, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia of Spain (no. BFU2005-08786-C02-01) and from the Comunidad de Madrid, Spain (no. 920648/2006).  相似文献   

North America is home to anuran species belonging to the families Bufonidae, Eleutherodactylidae, Hylidae, Leiopelmatidae, Ranidae, and Scaphiopodidae but antimicrobial peptides have been identified only in skin secretions and/or skin extracts of frogs belonging to the Leiopelmatidae (“tailed frogs”) and Ranidae (“true frogs”). Eight structurally-related cationic α-helical peptides with broad-spectrum antibacterial activity, termed ascaphins, have been isolated from specimens of Ascaphus truei (Leiopelmatidae) occupying a coastal range. Characterization of orthologous antimicrobial peptides from Ascaphus specimens occupying an inland range supports the proposal that this population should be regarded as a separate species A. montanus. Ascaphin-8 shows potential for development into a therapeutically valuable anti-infective agent. Peptides belonging to the brevinin-1, esculentin-1, esculentin-2, palustrin-1, palustrin-2, ranacyclin, ranatuerin-1, ranatuerin-2, and temporin families have been isolated from North American ranids. It is proposed that “ranalexins” represent brevinin-1 peptides that have undergone a four amino acid residue internal deletion. Current taxonomic recommendations divide North American frogs from the family Ranidae into two genera: Lithobates and Rana. Cladistic analysis based upon the amino acid sequences of the brevinin-1 peptides provides strong support for this assignment.  相似文献   

Long-term data on the morphological anomalies of four anuran species (family Ranidae) and two tailed amphibian species (families Hynobiidae and Salamandridae), inhabiting forest and urbanized areas in the eastern slope of the Middle Urals, have been studied. The morphological deviations of amphibians were investigated in terms of the module principle, which predetermines the similarity of evolutionary transformations in different taxa and limit the number of possible directions of diversification in morphogenesis. The definitive spectra and frequencies of morphological anomalies in juvenile and adult individuals are compared in the urbanization gradient. Original methodological and methodical approaches to using the potential and implemented spectra of deviation are proposed for assessing the role of the ecological component in their formation. The possibility of using deviant forms of variability for assessing the evolutionary and adaptive potentials of the species is discussed.  相似文献   

Zebrafish esrom mutants have an unusual combination of phenotypes: in addition to a defect in the projection of retinal axons, they have reduced yellow pigmentation. Here, we investigate the pigment phenotype and, from this, provide evidence for an unexpected defect in retinal neurons. Esrom is not required for the differentiation of neural crest precursors into pigment cells, nor is it essential for cell migration, pigment granule biogenesis, or translocation. Instead, loss of yellow color is caused by a deficiency of sepiapterin, a yellow pteridine. The level of several other pteridines is also affected in mutants. Importantly, the cofactor tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) is drastically reduced in esrom mutants. Mutant retinal neurons also appear deficient in this pteridine. BH4-synthesizing enzymes are active in mutants, indicating a defect in the regulation rather than production of enzymes. Esrom has recently been identified as an ortholog of PAM (protein associated with c-myc), a very large protein involved in synaptogenesis in Drosophila and C. elegans. These data thus introduce a new regulator of pteridine synthesis in a vertebrate and establish a function for the Esrom protein family outside synaptogenesis. They also raise the possibility that neuronal defects are due in part to an abnormality in pteridine synthesis.  相似文献   

During the last two decades, major taxonomic rearrangements were instituted in the anuran family Ranidae. Most of these changes were not based on phylogenetic analysis, and many are controversial. Addressing the phylogeny of Ranidae requires broader taxon sampling within the superfamily Ranoidea, the phylogenetic relationships and higher classification of which are also in a state of flux. No comprehensive attempt has yet been made to reconstruct ranid phylogeny using both morphological and molecular data. In the present contribution, data from 178 organismal characters were collated for 74 exemplar species representing the families Arthroleptidae, Hemisotidae, Hyperoliidae, Mantellidae Microhylidae, Petropedetidae, Rhacophoridae, Sooglossidae, and most subfamilies of Ranidae. These were combined with ~1 kb of DNA sequence from the mitochondrial 12S rDNA and 16S rDNA gene regions in a simultaneous parsimony analysis with direct optimization. Results support the classification of Hemisus with the brevicipitine microhylids, confirm that Arthroleptidae (and its two component subfamilies Astylosterninae and Arthroleptinae) are monophyletic, and advocate the recognition of Leptopelidae. Monophyly of Ranidae is compromised by recognition of Petropedetidae, Rhacophoridae and Mantellidae, which should be recognized as subfamilies of Ranidae at present. Furthermore, Petropedetidae was found to be grossly paraphyletic, comprising three clades which are all considered separate subfamilies of Ranidae, i.e., Petropedetinae, Phrynobatrachinae and Cacosterninae. Three well defined subfamilies of Ranidae were consistently retrieved as monophyletic in a sensitivity analysis, i.e., Tomopterninae, Ptychadeninae and Pyxicephalinae. However, Ptychadeninae and Pyxicephalinae were embedded in Raninae and Dicroglossinae, respectively. Ceratobatrachinae is removed from Dicroglossinae. Dicroglossinae is synonymized with Pyxicephalinae. A new subfamily Strongylopinae is proposed. Raninae should be conservatively treated as a “metataxon” (sensu Ford and Cannatella, 1993 ) until such time as it is fully revised. Tomopterninae is removed from synonymy with Cacosterninae. Morphological synapomorphies are reported for major monophyletic clades retrieved in the simultaneous analysis with equal weights. The present study found that many Old World clades appear to contain both African and Asian taxa, contrary to the findings of some recent biogeographical analyses. This study demonstrates the value of broad taxonomic sampling in ranid phylogeny, and highlights the immense contribution that can be made from detailed morphological data. © The Willi Hennig Society 2005.  相似文献   

The structure of the retinal photoreceptors of the ranch mink (Mustela vison) has been investigated by light and electron microscopy. In this mammalian species, the photoreceptors can be readily differentiated and adequately described by the classical terminology of rods and cones, with the rods being the more numerous. Rods are long slender cells while cones are shorter and stouter in appearance. Both rods and cones are highly differentiated and extremely polarized cells consisting of an outer segment, a non-motile connecting cilium, an inner segment, a nuclear region and a synaptic process extending to an expanded synaptic ending. Morphological differences are noted between rods and cones for most of the various regions of these cells. While rods reach to the cell body of the retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells, larger apical processes from the RPE extend to the shorter cone cells, so that both photoreceptor types are in intimate contact with the retinal epithelial cells.  相似文献   

2017年末,我国的两栖动物已记录3目14科466种,其中,无尾目Anura 10科386种。蝌蚪是无尾两栖类物种的幼体,具有一系列适应水生生活的形态特征和一个特别的变态过程,是无尾目的主要标志之一。我国蝌蚪的形态特征散见于各个物种的形态描述,而对蝌蚪科级分类的系统研究却阙如。本文基于蝌蚪的8个形态学分类性状,概述了我国除亚洲角蛙科Ceratobatrachidae外9个科(铃蟾科Bombinatoridae、角蟾科Megophryidae、蟾蜍科Bufonidae、雨蛙科Hylidae、蛙科Ranidae、叉舌蛙科Dicroglossidae、浮蛙科Occidozygidae、树蛙科Rhacophoridae、姬蛙科Microhylidae)的蝌蚪分类特征,系统阐述了蝌蚪科级分类特征的分类和适应意义。  相似文献   

Research that identifies the potential host range of generalist pathogens as well as variation in host susceptibility is critical for understanding and predicting the dynamics of infectious diseases within ecological communities. Ranaviruses have been linked to amphibian die-off events worldwide with the greatest number of reported mortality events occurring in the United States. While reports of ranavirus-associated mortality events continue to accumulate, few data exist comparing the relative susceptibility of different species. Using a series of laboratory exposure experiments and comparative phylogenetics, we compared the susceptibilities of 19 amphibian species from two salamander families and five anurans families for two ranavirus isolates: frog virus 3 (FV3) and an FV3-like isolate from an American bullfrog culture facility. We discovered that ranaviruses were capable of infecting 17 of the 19 larval amphibian species tested with mortality ranging from 0 to 100%. Phylogenetic comparative methods demonstrated that species within the anuran family Ranidae were generally more susceptible to ranavirus infection compared to species from the other five families. We also found that susceptibility to infection was associated with species that breed in semi-permanent ponds, develop rapidly as larvae, and have limited range sizes. Collectively, these results suggest that phylogeny, life history characteristics, and habitat associations of amphibians have the potential to impact susceptibility to ranaviruses.  相似文献   

The squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus) exhibits a polymorphism of colour vision: some animals are dichromatic, some trichromatic, and within each of these classes there are subtypes that resemble the protan and deutan variants of human colour vision. For each of ten individual monkeys we have obtained (i) behavioural measurements of colour vision and (ii) microspectrophotometric measurements of retinal photopigments. The behavioural tests, carried out in Santa Barbara, included wavelength discrimination, Rayleigh matches, and increment sensitivity at 540 and 640 nm. The microspectrophotometric measurements were made in London, using samples of fresh retinal tissue and a modified Liebman microspectrophotometer: the absorbance spectra for single retinal cells were obtained by passing a monochromatic measuring beam through the outer segments of individual rods and cones. The two types of data, behavioural and microspectrophotometric, were obtained independently and were handed to a third party before being interchanged between experimenters. From all ten animals, a rod pigment was recorded with lambda max (wavelength of peak absorbance) close to 500 nm. In several animals, receptors were found that contained a short-wave pigment (mean lambda max = 433.5 nm): these violet-sensitive receptors were rare, as in man and other primate species. In the middle- to long-wave part of the spectrum, there appear to be at least three possible Saimiri photopigments (with lambda max values at about 537,550 and 565 nm) and individual animals draw either one or two pigments from this set, giving dichromatic or trichromatic colour vision. Thus, those animals that behaviourally resembled human protanopes exhibited only one pigment in the red-green range, with lambda max = 537 nm; other behaviourally dichromatic animals had single pigments lying at longer wavelengths and these were the animals that behaviourally had higher sensitivity to long wavelengths. Four of the monkeys were behaviourally judged to be trichromatic. None of the latter animals exhibited the two widely separated pigments (close to 535 and 567 nm) that are found in the middle- and long-wave cones of macaque monkeys.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Vertebrate color vision is best developed in fish, reptiles, and birds with four distinct cone receptor visual pigments. These pigments, providing sensitivity from ultraviolet to infrared light, are thought to have been present in ancestral vertebrates. When placental mammals adopted nocturnality, they lost two visual pigments, reducing them to dichromacy; primates subsequently reevolved trichromacy. Studies of mammalian color vision have largely overlooked marsupials despite the wide variety of species and ecological niches and, most importantly, their retention of reptilian retinal features such as oil droplets and double cones. Using microspectrophotometry (MSP), we have investigated the spectral sensitivity of the photoreceptors of two Australian marsupials, the crepuscular, nectivorous honey possum (Tarsipes rostratus) and the arhythmic, insectivorous fat-tailed dunnart (Sminthopsis crassicaudata); these species are representatives of the two major taxonomic divisions of marsupials, the diprotodonts and polyprotodonts, respectively. Here, we report the presence of three spectrally distinct cone photoreceptor types in both species. It is the first evidence for the basis of trichromatic color vision in mammals other than primates. We suggest that Australian marsupials have retained an ancestral visual pigment that has been lost from placental mammals.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma fallisi, a hemoflagellate infecting Bufo americanus from Ontario, was grown in vitro, and metatrypanosomes from the primary culture were inoculated into 4 uninfected test groups from 3 anuran families: Bufonidae, Hylidae, and Ranidae. In vitro-cultured T. fallisi was found to infect B. americanus and to induce transient infections in Bufo valliceps and Hyla versicolor. The flagellate was not infective to Rana clamitans. Trypanosoma ranarum was uninfective to the bufonids and hylids tested. These data suggest that the potential for host-switching decreases with increased evolutionary distance of the potential anuran host.  相似文献   

THE retina of the pigeon has at least four kinds of cones, which can be distinguished by the oil droplets which they contain. The colours of three of these are in the visible part of the spectrum; the fourth appears colourless or slightly green1,2. These oil droplets are found in the paraboloid of the cones and can act as sharp cut-off filters that absorb practically all visible light below 600 (red), 550 (orange), 480 (yellow) and 430 (greenish) nm respectively. The four kinds of cones are not uniformly distributed across the retina and appear in different proportions in the four retinal zones (Table 1). Different pigeons have different proportions in the different quadrants, but their relative distribution is similar to the one shown here.  相似文献   

Larval anuran communities vary along a gradient of pond permanency. The families Hylidae, Ranidae, and Bufonidae have each diversified into multiple pond types. Species using ponds that dry seasonally (vernal ponds) must compete well to metamorphose before pond drying, while permanent ponds, which contain more predators, produce weaker selection for competitive ability. Quantifying phenotypic traits related to resource acquisition in 14 anuran species provides insight into the mechanistic underpinnings of adaptive radiation in anuran lineages. Under controlled laboratory conditions and at both early and late developmental stages, relative growth rate, relative consumption rate, assimilation efficiency and production efficiency varied significantly among species. As predicted, vernal pond species had high growth rates relative to species using more than one pond type. However, within a pond type, families frequently differed in phenotype. In species using permanent ponds with fish predators, hylids had high growth rates while ranids had low growth rates, and in species using vernal ponds, bufonids had higher assimilation efficiencies than hylids. Differences also occurred between stages; hylids and ranids in permanent, but fishless, ponds were similar at an early stage, but late stage hylids in the same pond type had lower growth and consumption rates, and higher assimilation efficiencies than ranids. Functional relationships between phenotypic traits also differed among species and developmental stage. Negative correlations between evolutionary change (independent contrast values) in both mass and growth rate (both stages), and mass and consumption rate (late stage), suggest the presence of trade-offs. These results indicate that different lineages have diversified in different ways into the same pond types.  相似文献   

The morphology of the retinal pigment epithelium and photoreceptor cells has been studied in the common newt Triturus viridescens dorsalis by light, conventional transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The pigment epithelium is formed by a single layer of low rectangular cells, separated by a multilayered membrane (Bruch's membrane) from the vessels of the choriocapillaris. The scleral border of the pigment epithelium is highly infolded and each epithelial cell contains smooth endoplasmic reticulum, myeloid bodies, mitochondria, lysosomes, phagosomes and an oval nucleus. Inner, pigment laden, epithelial processes surround the photoreceptor outer and inner segments. The three retinal photoreceptor types, rods, single cones and double cones, differ in both external and internal appearance. The newt, rod, outer segments appear denser than the cones in both light and electron micrographs, due to a greater number of rod lamellae per unit distance of outer segment and to the presence of electron dense intralamellar bands. The rod outer segments possess deep incisures in the lamellae while the cone lamellae lack incisures. Both rod and cone outer segments are supported by a peripheral array of dendritic processes containing longitudinal filaments which originate in the inner segment. The inner segment mitochondria, forming the rod ellipsoid, arelong and narrow while those in the cone are spherical to oval in shape. The inner segments of all three receptor cell types also contain a glycogen-filled paraboloid and a myoid region, just outside the nucleus, rich in both rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum. The elongate, cylindrical nuclei differ in density. The rod nuclei are denser than those of the cones, contain clumped chromatin and usually extend further vitreally. Similarly, the cytoplasm of the rod synaptic terminal is denser than its cone counterpart and contains synaptic vesicles almost twice as large as those of the cones. Photoreceptor synapses in rods and cones are established by both superficial and invaginated contacts with bipolar or horizontal cells.  相似文献   

Cone photoreceptors of the vertebrate retina terminate their response to light much faster than rod photoreceptors. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying this rapid response termination in cones are poorly understood. The experiments presented here tested two related hypotheses: first, that the rapid decay rate of metarhodopsin (Meta) II in red-sensitive cones depends on interactions between the 9-methyl group of retinal and the opsin part of the pigment molecule, and second, that rapid Meta II decay is critical for rapid recovery from saturation of red-sensitive cones after exposure to bright light. Microspectrophotometric measurements of pigment photolysis, microfluorometric measurements of retinol production, and single-cell electrophysiological recordings of flash responses of salamander cones were performed to test these hypotheses. In all cases, cones were bleached and their visual pigment was regenerated with either 11-cis retinal or with 11-cis 9-demethyl retinal, an analogue of retinal lacking the 9-methyl group. Meta II decay was four to five times slower and subsequent retinol production was three to four times slower in red-sensitive cones lacking the 9-methyl group of retinal. This was accompanied by a significant slowing of the recovery from saturation in cones lacking the 9-methyl group after exposure to bright (>0.1% visual pigment photoactivated) but not dim light. A mathematical model of the turn-off process of phototransduction revealed that the slower recovery of photoresponse can be explained by slower Meta decay of 9-demethyl visual pigment. These results demonstrate that the 9-methyl group of retinal is required for steric chromophore–opsin interactions that favor both the rapid decay of Meta II and the rapid response recovery after exposure to bright light in red-sensitive cones.  相似文献   

Branchial food traps are regions of specialized secretory tissue in the tadpole pharynx, where suspended food particles are trapped in mucus. Light and scanning electron microscopy were used to study branchial food traps from larvae of ten anuran families (36 species). Most anuran larvae from “advanced” (suborder Neobatrachia) families (e.g., Hylidae, Ranidae, Bufonidae) have distinct secretory pits at the posterior margins of the branchial food traps and secretory ridges elsewhere on these surfaces. The apices of columnar PAS-positive, secretory cells are exposed on the floors of the secretory pits or in rows at the tops of the secretory ridges (secretory zone). Tadpoles from most “archaic” (suborder Archaeobatrachia) families (Ascaphidae, Discoglossidae and Pelobatidae) either lack secretory pits, or have them poorly defined. They also lack secretory ridges but have columnar, mucus-secreting cells whose apices are exposed in a seemingly random fashion in the branchial food traps. Rhinophrynus (Archaeobatrachia: Rhinophrynidae) has secretory ridges, but the apices of secretory cells are not arranged in rows at the tops of the ridges; instead they erupt singly or in small clusters on the epithelial surface, in a pattern similar to that in Ascaphus, the discoglossids and the pelobatids. It is proposed that the generalized condition for the branchial food trap mucosa is one where the apices of secretory cells are exposed haphazardly on a flat epithelium and the derived condition is one where the surface is organized into ridges. The morphology of the branchial food traps in Rhinophrynus suggests that, phylogenetically, ridges preceded the coalescing of secretory cell apices into distinct rows. Pipidae and Microhylidae have unique patterns in the gross and microanatomy of their branchial food traps specific to their families. Branchial food trap morphology relates to diets of tadpoles as well as to taxonomy. Obligate macrophagous (e.g., carnivorous) tadpoles, irrespective of family, tend to have reduced branchial food traps, regularly lack secretory ridges and, in extreme cases, lack columnar mucus-secreting cells. Obligate microphagous forms (midwater suspension feeding of Xenopus, microhylids and Agalychnis), have straight parallel secretory ridges with narrow secretory zones and shallow troughs between the ridges. Secretory ridges may help to form mucus strands in which food particles are trapped, but they are not essential for planktonic entrapment. The hydrodynamic implications of the various topographic patterns remain unclear.  相似文献   

We have studied the process of retinal regeneration in Rana catesbienna tadpoles using a recently developed monoclonal antibody (2D3) directed against frog neurons and germinitive neuroepithelium. We have found that, following retinal degeneration induced by devascularization, new retina is generated in the posterior eye from transdifferentiating pigment epithelial (RPE) cells and in the anterior eye from increased proliferation at the normal growth zone in the ora serrata. This demonstrates that the anuran retina regenerates in a manner similar to that observed previously in urodeles. In addition, the use of MAb-2D3 has allowed us to study the process of RPE transdifferentiation more accurately than was previously possible, and consequently we have found a high degree of association of migratory pigment cells with the retinal vascular membrane at the time of the initial RPE transdifferentiation to retinal neuroblasts.  相似文献   

The retinal photoreceptors from larval channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) were studied using single cell, in situ microspectrophotometry. Rods appear at 5 days after hatch; cones are present from day one. The rods contain a visual pigment which absorbs light maximally at 540 nm. The cones contain either a green sensitive visual pigment with peak absorbance at 535 nm or a red sensitive visual pigment with peak absorbance at 608 nm. All pigments are based on vitamin A2. Visual pigment complement does not change with age, as photoreceptors from adultI. punctatus, I. catus andI. melas contain visual pigments virtually identical to those of the larvalI. punctatus. Regardless of age, no visual pigment with peak absorbance in the short wavelength region of the spectrum was ever observed. Scanning electron microscopy of adultI. punctatus retinas showed large rods with long, cylindrical outer segments and smaller cones with short, tapered outer segments. The myoids of both rods and cones are extensable. The rods, embedded in a granular tapetal material, comprise from 50 to 60% of the photoreceptors. Only single cones are present. The data are consistent with the idea that the ictalurid catfishes spend their entire lives in an environment deficient in blue light.  相似文献   

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