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The Rad54 protein is an important component of the recombinational DNA repair pathway in vegetative Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells. Unlike those in other members of the RAD52 group, the meiotic defect in rad54 is rather mild, reducing spore viability only to 26%–65%. A consistently greater requirement for Rad54p during meiosis was observed in hybrid strains, suggesting that Rad54p has a certain role in interhomolog interactions. Such a role is probably minor as no recombination defects were found in the surviving gametes in three genetic intervals on chromosome V. Also, the spore viability pattern in tetrads did not reflect an increase in nondisjunction at meiosis I indicative of a meiotic recombination defect. We suggest that the meiotic defect of rad54 cells lies in the failure to repair meiosis-specific double-strand breaks outside the context of the highly differentiated pathway leading to interhomolog joint molecules and meiotic crossovers that ensure accurate segregation at meiosis I. Received: 15 November 1999; in revised form: 11 January 2000 / Accepted: 11 January 2000  相似文献   

The RAD1 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is required for the incision step of excision repair of damaged DNA. In this paper, we report our observations on the effect of the RAD1 gene on genetic recombination. Mitotic intrachromosomal and interchromosomal recombination in RAD+, rad1, rad52, and other rad mutant strains was examined. The rad1 deletion mutation and some rad1 point mutations reduced the frequency of intrachromosomal recombination of a his3 duplication, in which one his3 allele is deleted at the 3' end while the other his3 allele is deleted at the 5' end. Mutations in the other excision repair genes, RAD2, RAD3, and RAD4, did not lower recombination frequencies in the his3 duplication. As expected, recombination between the his3 deletion alleles in the duplication was reduced in the rad52 mutant. The frequency of HIS3+ recombinants fell synergistically in the rad1 rad52 double mutant, indicating that the RAD1 and RAD52 genes affect this recombination via different pathways. In contrast to the effect of mutations in the RAD52 gene, mutations in the RAD1 gene did not lower intrachromosomal and interchromosomal recombination between heteroalleles that carry point mutations rather than partial deletions; however, the rad1 delta mutation did lower the frequency of integration of linear plasmids and DNA fragments into homologous genomic sequences. We suggest that RAD1 plays a role in recombination after the formation of the recombinogenic substrate.  相似文献   

The RAD52 and RAD54 genes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae are involved in both DNA repair and DNA recombination. RAD54 has recently been shown to be inducible by X-rays, while RAD52 is not. To further investigate the regulation of these genes, we constructed gene fusions using 5' regions upstream of the RAD52 and RAD54 genes and a 3'-terminal fragment of the Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase gene. Yeast transformants with either an integrated or an autonomously replicating plasmid containing these fusions expressed beta-galactosidase activity constitutively. In addition, the RAD54 gene fusion was inducible in both haploid and diploid cells in response to the DNA-damaging agents X-rays, UV light, and methyl methanesulfonate, but not in response to heat shock. The RAD52-lacZ gene fusion showed little or no induction in response to X-ray or UV radiation nor methyl methanesulfonate. Typical induction levels for RAD54 in cells exposed to such agents were from 3- to 12-fold, in good agreement with previous mRNA analyses. When MATa cells were arrested in G1 with alpha-factor, RAD54 was still inducible after DNA damage, indicating that the observed induction is independent of the cell cycle. Using a yeast vector containing the EcoRI structural gene fused to the GAL1 promoter, we showed that double-strand breaks alone are sufficient in vivo for induction of RAD54.  相似文献   

The RAD10 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is required for the incision step of excision repair of UV-damaged DNA. We show that the RAD10 gene is also required for mitotic recombination. The rad10 delta mutation lowered the rate of intrachromosomal recombination of a his3 duplication in which one his3 allele has a deletion at the 3' end and the other his3 allele has a deletion at the 5' end (his3 delta 3' his3 delta 5'). The rate of formation of HIS3+ recombinants in the rad10 delta mutant was not affected by the rad1 delta mutation but decreased synergistically in the presence of the rad10 delta mutation in combination with the rad52 delta mutation. These observations indicate that the RAD1 and RAD10 genes function together in a mitotic recombination pathway that is distinct from the RAD52 recombination pathway. The rad10 delta mutation also lowered the efficiency of integration of linear DNA molecules and circular plasmids into homologous genomic sequences. We suggest that the RAD1 and RAD10 gene products act in recombination after the formation of the recombinogenic substrate. The rad1 delta and rad10 delta mutations did not affect meiotic intrachromosomal recombination of the his3 delta 3' his3 delta 5' duplication or mitotic and meiotic recombination of ade2 heteroalleles located on homologous chromosomes.  相似文献   

HO endonuclease-induced double-strand breaks (DSBs) in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae can be repaired by the process of gap repair or, alternatively, by single-strand annealing if the site of the break is flanked by directly repeated homologous sequences. We have shown previously (J. Fishman-Lobell and J. E. Haber, Science 258:480-484, 1992) that during the repair of an HO-induced DSB, the excision repair gene RAD1 is needed to remove regions of nonhomology from the DSB ends. In this report, we present evidence that among nine genes involved in nucleotide excision repair, only RAD1 and RAD10 are required for removal of nonhomologous sequences from the DSB ends. rad1 delta and rad10 delta mutants displayed a 20-fold reduction in the ability to execute both gap repair and single-strand annealing pathways of HO-induced recombination. Mutations in RAD2, RAD3, and RAD14 reduced HO-induced recombination by about twofold. We also show that RAD7 and RAD16, which are required to remove UV photodamage from the silent HML, locus, are not required for MAT switching with HML or HMR as a donor. Our results provide a molecular basis for understanding the role of yeast nucleotide excision repair gene and their human homologs in DSB-induced recombination and repair.  相似文献   

We have examined the effects of RAD52 overexpression on methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) sensitivity and spontaneous mitotic recombination rates. Cells expressing a 10-fold excess of RAD52 mRNA from the ENO1 promoter are no more resistant to MMS than are wild-type cells. Similarly, under the same conditions, the rate of mitotic recombination within a reporter plasmid does not exceed that measured in wild-type cells. This high level of expression is capable of correcting the defects of rad52 mutant cells in carrying out repair and recombination. From these observations, we conclude that wild-type amounts of Rad52 are not rate limiting for repair of MMS-induced lesions or plasmid recombination. By placing RAD52 under the control of the inducible GAL1 promoter, we find that induction results in a 12-fold increase in the fraction of recombinants within 4 h. After this time, the fraction increases less rapidly. When RAD52 expression is quickly repressed during induction, the amount of RAD52 mRNA decreases rapidly and no nascent recombinants are formed. This result suggests a short active half-life for the protein product. Induction of RAD52 in G1-arrested mutant cells also causes a rapid increase in recombinants, suggesting that replication is not necessary for plasmid recombination.  相似文献   

Homothallic Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains switch their mating-type in a specific gene conversion event induced by a DNA double strand break made by the HO endonuclease. The RAD52 group genes control recombinational repair of DNA double strand breaks, and we examined their role in native homothallic mating-type switching. Surprisingly, we found that the Rad54 protein was important but not essential for mating-type switching under natural conditions. As an upper limit, we estimate that 29% of the rad54 spore clones can successfully switch their mating-type. The RAD55 and RAD57 gene products were even less important, but their presence increased the efficiency of the process. In contrast, the RAD51 and RAD52 genes are essential for homothallic mating-type switching. We propose that mating-type switching in RAD54 mutants occurs stochastically with a low probability, possibly reflecting different states of chromosomal structure.  相似文献   

Rad51 is a key protein in homologous recombination performing homology search and DNA strand invasion. After DNA strand exchange Rad51 protein is stuck on the double-stranded heteroduplex DNA product of DNA strand invasion. This is a problem, because DNA polymerase requires access to the invading 3′-OH end to initiate DNA synthesis. Here we show that, the Saccharomyces cerevisiae dsDNA motor protein Rad54 solves this problem by dissociating yeast Rad51 protein bound to the heteroduplex DNA after DNA strand invasion. The reaction required species-specific interaction between both proteins and the ATPase activity of Rad54 protein. This mechanism rationalizes the in vivo requirement of Rad54 protein for the turnover of Rad51 foci and explains the observed dependence of the transition from homologous pairing to DNA synthesis on Rad54 protein in vegetative and meiotic yeast cells.  相似文献   

The RAD6 pathway of budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is responsible for a substantial fraction of this organism's resistance to DNA damage, and also for induced mutagenesis. The pathway appears to incorporate two different recovery processes, both regulated by RAD6. The error-prone recovery prcess accounts for only a small amount of RAD6-dependent resistance, but probably all induced mutagenesis. The underlying mechanism, for error-prone recovery is very likely to be translesion synthesis. The error-free recovery process accounts for most of RAD6-dependent resistace, but its mechanism is less clear; it may entail error-free bypass by template switching and/or DNA gap filling by recombination. RAD6 regulates these activities by ubiquitinateins, and the roles they play in error-free and error-prone recovery, have not yet been established.  相似文献   

In the mitotic cell cycle of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the sister chromatid is preferred over the homologous chromosome (non-sister chromatid) as a substrate for DNA double-strand break repair. However, no genes have yet been shown to be preferentially involved in sister chromatid-mediated repair. We developed a novel method to identify genes that are required for repair by the sister chromatid, using a haploid strain that can embark on meiosis. We show that the recombinational repair gene RAD54 is required primarily for sister chromatid-based repair, whereas TID1, a yeast RAD54 homologue, and the meiotic gene DMC1, are dispensable for this type of repair. Our observations suggest that the sister chromatid repair pathway, which involves RAD54, and the homologous chromosome repair pathway, which involves DMC1, can substitute for one another under some circumstances. Deletion of RAD54 in S.cerevisiae results in a phenotype similar to that found in mammalian cells, namely impaired DNA repair and reduced recombination during mitotic growth, with no apparent effect on meiosis. The principal role of RAD54 in sister chromatid-based repair may also be shared by mammalian and yeast cells.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells expressing both a- and alpha-mating-type (MAT) genes (termed mating-type heterozygosity) exhibit higher rates of spontaneous recombination and greater radiation resistance than cells expressing only MATa or MATalpha. MAT heterozygosity suppresses recombination defects of four mutations involved in homologous recombination: complete deletions of RAD55 or RAD57, an ATPase-defective Rad51 mutation (rad51-K191R), and a C-terminal truncation of Rad52, rad52-Delta327. We investigated the genetic basis of MAT-dependent suppression of these mutants by deleting genes whose expression is controlled by the Mata1-Matalpha2 repressor and scoring resistance to both campothecin (CPT) and phleomycin. Haploid rad55Delta strains became more damage resistant after deleting genes required for nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ), a process that is repressed in MATa/MATalpha cells. Surprisingly, NHEJ mutations do not suppress CPT sensitivity of rad51-K191R or rad52-Delta327. However, rad51-K191R is uniquely suppressed by deleting the RME1 gene encoding a repressor of meiosis or its coregulator SIN4; this effect is independent of the meiosis-specific homolog, Dmc1. Sensitivity of rad52-Delta327 to CPT was unexpectedly increased by the MATa/MATalpha-repressed gene YGL193C, emphasizing the complex ways in which MAT regulates homologous recombination. The rad52-Delta327 mutation is suppressed by deleting the prolyl isomerase Fpr3, which is not MAT regulated. rad55Delta is also suppressed by deletion of PST2 and/or YBR052C (RFS1, rad55 suppressor), two members of a three-gene family of flavodoxin-fold proteins that associate in a nonrandom fashion with chromatin. All three recombination-defective mutations are made more sensitive by deletions of Rad6 and of the histone deacetylases Rpd3 and Ume6, although these mutations are not themselves CPT or phleomycin sensitive.  相似文献   

To isolate Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants defective in recombinational DNA repair, we constructed a strain that contains duplicated ura3 alleles that flank LEU2 and ADE5 genes at the ura3 locus on chromosome V. When a HO endonuclease cleavage site is located within one of the ura3 alleles, Ura+ recombination is increased over 100-fold in wild-type strains following HO induction from the GAL1, 10 promoter. This strain was used to screen for mutants that exhibited reduced levels of HO-induced intrachromosomal recombination without significantly affecting the spontaneous frequency of Ura+ recombination. One of the mutations isolated through this screen was found to affect the essential gene CDC1. This mutation, cdc1-100, completely eliminated HO-induced Ura+ recombination yet maintained both spontaneous preinduced recombination levels and cell viability, cdc1-100 mutants were moderately sensitive to killing by methyl methanesulfonate and gamma irradiation. The effect of the cdc1-100 mutation on recombinational double-strand break repair indicates that a recombinationally silent mechanism other than sister chromatid exchange was responsible for the efficient repair of DNA double-strand breaks.  相似文献   

Chromosomal repair was studied in stationary-phase Saccharomyces cerevisiae, including rad52/rad52 mutant strains deficient in repairing double-strand breaks (DSBs) by homologous recombination. Mutant strains suffered more chromosomal fragmentation than RAD52/RAD52 strains after treatments with cobalt-60 gamma irradiation or radiomimetic bleomycin, except after high bleomycin doses when chromosomes from rad52/rad52 strains contained fewer DSBs than chromosomes from RAD52/RAD52 strains. DNAs from both genotypes exhibited quick rejoining following gamma irradiation and sedimentation in isokinetic alkaline sucrose gradients, but only chromosomes from RAD52/RAD52 strains exhibited slower rejoining (10 min to 4 hr in growth medium). Chromosomal DSBs introduced by gamma irradiation and bleomycin were analyzed after pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. After equitoxic damage by both DNA-damaging agents, chromosomes in rad52/rad52 cells were reconstructed under nongrowth conditions [liquid holding (LH)]. Up to 100% of DSBs were eliminated and survival increased in RAD52/RAD52 and rad52/rad52 strains. After low doses, chromosomes were sometimes degraded and reconstructed during LH. Chromosomal reconstruction in rad52/rad52 strains was dose dependent after gamma irradiation, but greater after high, rather than low, bleomycin doses with or without LH. These results suggest that a threshold of DSBs is the requisite signal for DNA-damage-inducible repair, and that nonhomologous end-joining repair or another repair function is a dominant mechanism in S. cerevisiae when homologous recombination is impaired.  相似文献   

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