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Tephromela atra and Ochrolechia parella are among the most abundant lichens colonizing granitic monuments in the region of Galicia (northwest Spain). In this work, their interaction with a two-mica granite used in the construction of the Toxosoutos Monastery (Noia, Galicia) was studied, using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (with back-scattered-electron and energy-dispersive X-ray detection), X-ray diffractometry and atomic absorption spectroscopy to evaluate their physical, mineralogical and chemical effects. Both lichens contributed to physical weathering by penetrating intermineral voids and mineral cleavage planes, disaggregating the rock and entrapping the loosened mineral grains in their thalli. Significant chemical and mineralogical weathering also occurred, including depletion of potassium from biotite, transformation of this mica into hydroxyaluminium-vermiculite, and neoformation of whewellite and calcite in the lichen thalli. Neoformation of these calcium minerals on a calcium-poor rock such as granite is noteworthy, and this is the first time calcium carbonate has been detected within a lichen colonizing a granitic rock. Precipitation of the calcium carbonate was attributed to the local pH in the thalli having been raised due to release of sodium from nearby plagioclase during weathering.  相似文献   

The crustose lichen Rhizocarpon geographicum (L.) DC. comprises yellow-green lichenized areolae which develop and grow on the surface of a non-lichenized fungal hypothallus, the latter extending beyond the edge of the areolae to form a marginal ring. The hypothallus advances very slowly and the considerable longevity of R. geographicum, especially in Arctic and Alpine environments, has been exploited by geologists in dating the exposure age of rock surfaces (lichenometry). This review explores various aspects of the biology of R. geographicum including: (1) structure and symbionts, (2) lichenization, (3) development of areolae, (4) radial growth rates (RaGR), (5) growth physiology, (6) changes in RaGR with thallus size (growth rate-size curve), (7) maturity and senescence, and (8) aspects of ecology. Lichenization occurs when fungal hyphae become associated with a compatible species of the alga Trebouxia, commonly found free-living on the substratum. Similarly, ‘primary’ areolae develop from free-living algal cells trapped by the advancing hypothallus. The shape of the growth rate-size curve of R. geographicum is controversial but may exhibit a phase of decreasing growth in larger thalli. Low rates of translocation of carbohydrate to the hypothallus together with allocation for stress resistance results in very slow RaGR, a low demand for nutrients, hence, the ability of R. geographicum to colonize more extreme environments. Several aspects of the biology of R. geographicum have implications for lichenometry including early development, mortality rates, the shape of the growth-rate size curve, and competition.  相似文献   

Abstract: The photobiont inventory of a stand of the Acarosporetum sinopicae, a lichen community comprising saxicolous, chalcophilous lichens, has been analysed. Investigated lichen species were Acarospora rugulosa, A. sinopica, Bellemerea diamartha, Lecanora polytropa, L. subaurea, Lecidea silacea, L. lapicida, Rhizocarpon geographicum, and Umbilicaria cylindrica. For all these lichen species this is the first record of the photobionts, except for L. lapicida. The photobionts were cultured axenically and investigated using light microscopical and molecular methods (ITS-sequence analyses). Every lichen species contained only one photobiont species. All photobionts belong toTrebouxia jamesii , but two different subspecies were found with the morphological differences corresponding to molecular differences. The new subspecies T. jamesii subsp. angustilobata is described, differing from the typical T. jamesii by a crenulate chloroplast but identical to the latter taxon in respect to the pyrenoid structure in the light microscope. These results are discussed with respect to the photobiont inventory of the Physcietum adscendentis, analysed in an earlier study.  相似文献   

The biodeterioration of granite by Lecidea fuscoatra (L.) Ach., Porpidia cinereoatra (Ach.) Hertel & Knoph, and P. macrocarpa (DC.) Hertel & Schwab growing in the same environmental conditions has been studied by using Fourier transform-Raman spectroscopy. Results were significantly different for the three species, with P. cinereoatra being the most active biodeteriorative lichen. This lichen was also the only one in which calcium oxalate and gypsum were identified spectroscopically. Physical disturbances to the substratum were evidenced in all lichens studied by the incoporation of material, such as quartz and feldspar, into their thalli, but this phenomenon varied considerably from species to species. The results indicate that lichen species can adopt different strategies and can have different biodeteriorative effects on granite, independently of environmental conditions and substrate.  相似文献   

The formation of calcium‐containing structures on the thallial surface of the lichen Ramalina lacera (With.) J.R. Laund. in response to air pollution and to simulated acid rain, was studied in in situ and transplanted thalli. In situ thalli were collected from an unpolluted site and transplanted to heavily polluted and less polluted sites for a 10 month period. Additional thalli were treated either with double distilled water or with simulated acid rain. Scanning electron microscopy and infrared spectrometry revealed that thallial surfaces of in situ R. lacera samples collected in unpolluted sites were covered with two kinds of calcium oxalate crystals: whewellite and weddellite. These aggregates of calcium oxalate crystals appear to disintegrate and provide a crystal layer on the thallial surface. Infrared spectroscopy of powder scraped from thallial surfaces of transplants, retrieved from non‐polluted sites, showed the presence of whewellite and weddellite, whereas powders obtained from thalli retrieved from polluted sites contained whewellite, weddellite and gypsum. It is suggested that a certain fraction of the gypsum detected in crater‐like structures in transplants from polluted sites and in thalli treated with simulated acid rain is endogenous and should be considered a biomineral.  相似文献   

Microscopic observations of calcrete soil samples in semiarid environments from Israel reveal a particular vesicular microfabric. The calcrete horizon is indurated but highly porous and all the pores are coated with a gray layer (quasi‐coating) of secondary calcium carbonate. Two kinds of needles are found inside the pores: thin and regular needles (calcite), and filaments with very sharp spikes that are of fungal origin. Analysis of the proportions of C, O, and Ca were made with an E.D.S. microprobe connected with a scanning electron microscope to distinguish calcite (CaCO3) from calcium oxalate (CaC2O4) and to differentiate inorganic from organic influences. Under biological control, calcium oxalate coexists with calcium carbonate; both contribute to rock diagenesis. In the pores, biological activity promotes a complex cycling of calcium leading to recementation of the matrix and further lithification. Thus, this kind of calcrete is due to geological evolution as much as to biochemical control.  相似文献   

Crystals in 16 species of poisonous plants growing naturally in Saudi Arabia were studied with light microscopy. Three types of crystals were observed: druses, prismatics, and crystal sand. Raphides and styloids were not observed in any of the species studied. Druses occur more frequently in the leaf midrib and in the cortex and pith of the stem. In contrast, crystal sand and prismatic crystals are rare and occur in the leaf, intercostal lamina, and in the vascular tissues. The preliminary results show the absence of the three types of calcium oxalate crystals in the stem and leaf of seven species: Ammi majus L., Anagallis arvensis L., Calotropis procera Ait., Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schard, Euphorbia peplis L., Hyoscyamus muticus L., and Solarium nigrum L., and the presence of druses, prismatic crystals, and crystal sand either in the leaf and stem or in the leaves or stems of nine species: Anabasis articulata (Forssk.) Moq. in DC., Chenopodium album L., Convolvulus arvensis L., Datura stramonium L., Nerium oleander L., Ricinus communis L., Rumex nervosus Vahl., Pergularia tomentosa L., and Withania somnifera (L.) Dun. in DC. These observations indicate that there is no apparent relationship between the distribution of calcium oxalate crystals and the toxic organs of the plants, and supports the view that the presence of calcium oxalate crystals may not be related to plant toxicity.  相似文献   

In this work, several fungi with geoactive properties, including Aspergillus niger, Beauveria caledonica and Serpula himantioides, were used to investigate their potential bioweathering effects on zinc silicate and zinc sulfide ores used in zinc extraction and smelting, to gain understanding of the roles that fungi may play in transformations of such minerals in the soil, and effects on metal mobility. Despite the recalcitrance of these minerals, new biominerals resulted from fungal interactions with both the silicate and the sulfide, largely resulting from organic acid excretion. Zinc oxalate dihydrate was formed through oxalate excretion by the test fungi and the mineral surfaces showed varying patterns of bioweathering and biomineral formation. In addition, calcium oxalate was formed from the calcium present in the mineral ore fractions, as well as calcite. Such metal immobilization may indicate that the significance of fungi in effecting metal mobilization from mineral ores such as zinc silicate and zinc sulfide is rather limited, especially if compared with bacterial sulfide leaching. Nevertheless, important bioweathering activities of fungi are confirmed which could be of local significance in soils polluted by such materials, as well as in the mycorrhizosphere.  相似文献   

Iroko trees (Milicia excelsa) in Ivory Coast and Cameroon are unusual because of their highly biomineralized tissues, which can virtually transform the trunk into stone. Oxalic acid (C2O4H2) and metal‐oxalate play important roles in their ecosystems. In this study, the various forms of oxalate and carbonate mineralization reactions are investigated by using scanning electron microscopy and X‐ray diffraction. Calcium oxalate monohydrate is associated with stem, bark and root tissues, whereas calcium oxalate dihydrate is found with wood rot fungi in soils, as well as in decaying wood. Laboratory cultures show that many soil bacteria are able to oxidize calcium oxalate rapidly, resulting in an increase in solution pH. In terms of Mexcelsa, these transformations lead to the precipitation of calcium carbonate, not only within the wood tissue, but also within the litter and soil. We calculate that c. 500 kg of inorganic carbon is accumulated inside an 80‐year‐old tree, and c. 1000 kg is associated with its surrounding soil. Crucially, the fixation of atmospheric CO2 during tree photosynthesis, and its ultimate transformation into calcite, potentially represents a long‐term carbon sink, because inorganic carbon has a longer residence time than organic carbon. Considering that calcium oxalate biosynthesis is widespread in the plant and fungal kingdoms, the biomineralization displayed by M. excelsa may be an extremely common phenomena.  相似文献   

The existence of concentric bodies in the lichen species: Parmelia conspersa, Rhizocarpon geographicum and Umbilicaria pustulata is reported. By first time the presence of these structures in the ascospores of the lichen R. geographicum is described.  相似文献   


The formation of biogenic fabrics in limestone by two fungi, Serpula himantioides and a polymorphic fungal isolate from limestone identified as a Cephalotrichum (syn. Doratomyces) sp., was investigated. The fungal cultures were grown in laboratory microcosms consisting of Carboniferous limestone and after 21 d incubation at 25°C, biomineralization of fungal filaments was observed. Environmental electron scanning microscopy (ESEM) and X-ray micro-analysis (EDXA) of crystalline precipitates on the hyphae of S. himantioides demonstrated that the secondary crystals exhibited different crystalline forms but were similar in elemental composition to the original limestone. Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) of crystalline precipitates showed they were composed of a mixture of calcite (CaCO 3 ) and calcium oxalate monohydrate (CaC 2 O 4 · H 2 O). Analysis of crystals precipitated on the hyphae of the limestone isolate, using ESEM and EDXA, showed that the crystals exhibited similar morphological characteristics and elemental composition to the original limestone. XRD showed that they were composed solely of calcite (CaCO 3 ) or of calcite with some calcium oxalate dihydrate (CaC 2 O 4 · 2H 2 O). These results provide direct experimental evidence for the precipitation of calcite (CaCO 3 ) and also secondary mycogenic minerals, on fungal hyphae in low nutrient calcareous environments, and suggest that fungi may play a wider role in the biogeochemical carbon cycle than has previously been appreciated.  相似文献   

The profound knowledge of the structural and chemical characteristics of the interface between lichen thallus and rock, seems to be indispensable for the process of understanding the lichen symbiosis as well as the significance of the weathering action of lichens. One of the most promising techniques to be used in this investigation is the Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) in the back-scattered electron (BSE) emission mode. In the present work thalli of Parmelia conspersa, Aspicilia intermutans and Lecidea auriculata growing in granitic rock were examined by SEM in BSE mode with (Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy) EDS. In the case of the foliose thalli the observation of the interface permits detection of the rhizine/hyphae adherence and determination of the origin of the minerals which adhere to the rhizine/hyphae. In the case of the crustose thalli BSE permits investigation within the ultrastructure of the crustose thallus and crustose lichen-rock contact zone and also allows observations of the penetration and filling of the fissures and cracks of the underlying rock by components of the thallus and other living organisms. The BSE images could contribute to a better knowledge of the cytological state of the rock-inhabiting organisms and also to the understanding of the action of the chemical treatments used in the removal of lichen from building materials.  相似文献   

Scanning transmission X-ray microscopy study of microbial calcification   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Calcium phosphates and calcium carbonates are among the most prevalent minerals involved in microbial fossilization. Characterization of both the organic and mineral components in biomineralized samples is, however, usually difficult at the appropriate spatial resolution (i.e. at the submicrometer scale). Scanning transmission X‐ray microscopy (STXM) was used to measure C K‐edge, P L‐edge, and Ca L‐edge near‐edge X‐ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectra of some calcium‐containing minerals common in biomineralization processes and to study the experimental biomineralization by the model microorganism, Caulobacter crescentus. We show that the Ca L2,3‐edges for hydroxyapatite, calcite, vaterite, and aragonite are unique and can be used as probes to detect these different mineral phases. Using these results, we showed that C. crescentus cells, when cultured in the presence of high calcium concentration, precipitated carbonate hydroxyapatite. In parallel, we detected proteins, polysaccharides, and nucleic acids in the mineralizing bacteria at the single‐cell scale. Finally, we discussed the utility of STXM for the study of natural fossilized microbial systems.  相似文献   

Abstract: A laboratory experiment was conducted to determine the damage caused by snail grazing to 35 calcicolous lichen species and cyanobacteria from the Baltic island of Öland, Sweden. Individuals of four species of land snails (Balea perversa, Chondrina clienta, Clausilia bidentata and Helicigona lapicida) were allowed to graze on identified lichen species growing on pieces of limestone. Snail grazing on thalli and ascocarps was classified into four categories ranging from no damage to completely eaten. In general, some lichen species were heavily grazed, whereas others were only slightly damaged or not injured. Aspicilia calcarea, Tephromela atra and Verrucaria nigrescens were preferred by all snail species except Chondrina clienta. In general, lichen thalli that were not immersed in the calcareous rock and cyanobacteria were preferred, whereas ascocarps were avoided by one of the snail species (C. clienta). Immersed perithecia with a carbonized outer layer were avoided by all snail species except C. bidentata. Possibilities of chemical and mechanical defence properties in calcicolous lichens are discussed.  相似文献   

Part of the Lichenological Herbarium of the University of Trieste (TSB) was infested by Lasioderma serricorne, a polyphagus coleopteran. 1440 samples of 50 lichen species with different chemistry (Parmelia s.lat., Physcia s.lat.) were analyzed in order to assess whether the lichen diet of the insect was species- and especially lichen-chemistry-selective. Multivariate analysis indicates a significant negative correlation between the presence of some lichen substances and grazing phenomena. Atranorin, calcium oxalate, fumarprotocetraric acid, gyrophoric acid, lecanoric acid, skyrin, usnic acid and zeorin play an antiherbivorous role.  相似文献   

 The morphology and location of crystals encountered in the mature seeds of Norway spruce, Picea abies (L.) Karst., were examined using light and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). Crystals of various forms and sizes were discovered in different regions and tissues of seeds, particularly in the testa and the nucellus. Both solitary crystals and druses were occasionally enveloped by protrusions of the megaspore membranes or the cuticle of the megagametophyte. Histological studies and acid solubility tests coupled with analysis using energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis and X-ray diffraction evinced the crystals as calcium oxalate, but were unable to identify different hydration forms. Calcium oxalate crystals were most abundant in the damaged and infected tissues, and in the structures that desiccate during the development of the seed. Based on these observations we concluded that the accumulation of calcium oxalate is a regular process belonging to maturation and defense mechanism in spruce seeds. Received: 1 July 1998 / Accepted: 20 September 1998  相似文献   

Summary The dryness-induced ultrastructural changes of both myco- and phycobiont of three lichen species (R. geographicum, P. conspersa, andU. pustulata) have been studied over three months and half, period of time. During this time other ecological factors, such as rock substratum, temperature, light and gas interchange were unaltered compared to the natural conditions. A large number of ultrastructural changes were observed in the mycobiont as well as in the phycobiont (Trebouxia) and often, cells showed a highly disorganized morphology. The most important ultrastructural modifications were: 1. pyrenoglobuli of the algae were peripheral, 2. new and unknown structures were observed in the phycobionts of bothR. geographicum andU. pustulata as well as in the mycobiont of the latter species.  相似文献   

Different traces occur on fossil bones and teeth coming from the Early Miocene Gaiman Formation (Patagonia, Argentina). Most traces were attributed to the action of terrestrial and marine predators and scavengers. However, other traces on bones and teeth from this unit and one tooth from the Eocene La Meseta Formation (Antarctica) are attributed to chemical corrosion by lichens in recent times, that is, in a very late diagenetic time. The living lichens and calcium oxalate deposits occurring on the traces and their particular pattern indicates that they were not produced by vegetal roots. The lichens include reproductive structures which allowed a proper determination. A kind of corrosion pattern (Type 1) on bones and teeth from Patagonia is associated to Sarcogyne orbicularis Körber, Verrucaria sp. Schrad, and Buellia aff. punctiformis (Hoff.) Massal. The lichen Aspicilia aff. aquatica produced rounded holes on an Antarctic tooth (Type 2). On the same tooth, the epilithic lichen Caloplaca sp. Th. Fries did not leave any kind of mark on the enameloid.  相似文献   

The oxalate–carbonate pathway involves the oxidation of calcium oxalate to low‐magnesium calcite and represents a potential long‐term terrestrial sink for atmospheric CO 2. In this pathway, bacterial oxalate degradation is associated with a strong local alkalinization and subsequent carbonate precipitation. In order to test whether this process occurs in soil, the role of bacteria, fungi and calcium oxalate amendments was studied using microcosms. In a model system with sterile soil amended with laboratory cultures of oxalotrophic bacteria and fungi, the addition of calcium oxalate induced a distinct pH shift and led to the final precipitation of calcite. However, the simultaneous presence of bacteria and fungi was essential to drive this pH shift. Growth of both oxalotrophic bacteria and fungi was confirmed by qPCR on the frc (oxalotrophic bacteria) and 16S rRNA genes, and the quantification of ergosterol (active fungal biomass) respectively. The experiment was replicated in microcosms with non‐sterilized soil. In this case, the bacterial and fungal contribution to oxalate degradation was evaluated by treatments with specific biocides (cycloheximide and bronopol). Results showed that the autochthonous microflora oxidized calcium oxalate and induced a significant soil alkalinization. Moreover, data confirmed the results from the model soil showing that bacteria are essentially responsible for the pH shift, but require the presence of fungi for their oxalotrophic activity. The combined results highlight that the interaction between bacteria and fungi is essential to drive metabolic processes in complex environments such as soil.  相似文献   

Lichen-forming fungi have been assumed to be more or less restricted to the surface of the substrate on which they grow, Conclusive identification of hyphae or an assessment of the fungal diversity inside lichen-covered rock has not been possible using methods based on direct observation. We circumvented this problem by using a DNA sequencing approach. Cores were drilled from a Devonian arcosic sandstone rock harboring the crustose lichen Ophioparma ventosa (L.) Norman on the surface. The cores were cut vertically, and DNA was extracted from the pulverized rock slices. A series of polymerase chain reactions using fungal-specific primers as well as Ophioparma ventosa specific primers were employed to amplify the internal transcribed spacer region of the nuclear ribosomal DNA. The results show that hyphae of O. ventosa penetrate approximately 10–12 mm into the rock. Consequently, the hyphal layer formed by the lichen fungus inside the rock could be 7–12 times as thick as the symbiotic thallus at the surface of the rock. In addition, eight non-lichenized fungal taxa and five that could not be identified to species were encountered. One fungal species in the order Helotiales occurs in six of the eight cores. The significance of these results to the colonization and weathering of rock by lichenized fungi is discussed.  相似文献   

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