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J X Jiang  F S Abrams  E London 《Biochemistry》1991,30(16):3857-3864
Diphtheria toxin membrane penetration is triggered by the low pH within the endosome lumen. Subsequent exposure to the neutral pH of the cytoplasm is believed to aid in translocation of the catalytic A domain of the toxin into the cytoplasm. To understand the effects of low pH and subsequent exposure to neutral pH on translocation, we studied toxin conformation in solution and in toxin inserted in model membranes. Two conformations were found at low pH. One form, L', predominates below 25-30 degrees C, and the other, L", predominates above 25-30 degrees C and is formed from the L' state by an unfolding event. Both forms are hydrophobic and penetrate deeply into membranes. After pH neutralization, the L' and L' conformations give rise to two new conformations, R' and R', respectively. The R' and R" conformations differ from each other in that in the R' state the A domain remains folded, whereas in the R" state the A domain is unfolded. This is confirmed by the finding that only the R' state possesses the capacity to bind and hydrolyze NAD+. It is also supported by the finding that the R' state can also be formed by thermal unfolding of the R' state. The R conformations differ from the low-pH L conformations in that although they remain largely membrane-inserted, it appears that a large portion of the toxin is no longer in contact with the hydrophobic core of the bilayer.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Diphtheria toxin (DT) is a bacterial protein that crosses the membrane of endosomes of target cells In response to the low endosomal pH. In this paper, we have inserted diphtheria toxin in asolectin vesicles at pH 5.0 and treated the reconstituted system with pronase. The peptides that were protected from digestion were separated by gel electrophoresls, transferred to a membrane and their N-terminal sequences were determined. All peptides belong to the B fragment of DT and cover residues 194–223, 266–375 and 429–528. The secondary structures of the peptides inserted in the membrane, determined by Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy, were shown to be mostly α-helices and β-sheets (44% and 53%, respectively). On the basis of these data and the recently published X-ray structure of DT, we are proposing a topology for the DTB fragment in the membrane.  相似文献   

Hammond K  Caputo GA  London E 《Biochemistry》2002,41(9):3243-3253
The T domain of diphtheria toxin is believed to aid the low-pH-triggered translocation of the partly unfolded A chain (C domain) through cell membranes. Recent experiments have suggested the possibility that the T domain aids translocation by acting as a membrane-inserted chaperone [Ren, J., et al. (1999) Science 284, 955-957]. One prediction of this model is that the membrane-inserted T domain should be able to interact with sequences that mimic unfolded proteins. To understand the basis of interaction of the membrane-inserted T domain with unfolded polypeptides, its interaction with water-soluble peptides having different sequences was studied. The membrane-inserted T domain was able to recognize helix-forming 23-residue Ala-rich peptides. In the presence of such peptides, hydrophobic helix 9 of the T domain underwent the previously characterized conformational change from a state exhibiting shallow membrane insertion to one exhibiting deep insertion. This conformational change was more readily induced by the more hydrophobic peptides that were tested. It did not occur at all in the presence a hydrophilic peptide in which alternating Ser and Gly replaced Ala or in the presence of unfolded hydrophilic peptides derived from the A chain of the toxin. Interestingly, a peptide with a complex sequence (RKE(3)KE(2)LMEW(2)KM(2)SETLNF) also interacted with the T domain very strongly. We conclude that the membrane-inserted T domain cannot recognize every unfolded amino acid sequence. However, it does not exhibit strong sequence specificity, instead having the ability to recognize and interact with a variety of amino acid sequences having moderate hydrophobicity. This recognition was not strictly correlated with the strength of peptide binding to the lipid, suggesting that more than just hydrophobicity is involved. Although it does not prove that the T domain functions as a chaperone, T domain recognition of hydrophobic sequences is consistent with it having polypeptide recognition properties that are chaperone-like.  相似文献   

Crystallization of diphtheria toxin.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Two new crystal forms (forms III and IV) have been grown of diphtheria toxin (DT), which kills susceptible cells by catalyzing the ADP-ribosylation of elongation factor 2, thereby stopping protein synthesis. Forms III and IV diffract to 2.3 A and 2.7 A resolution, respectively. Both forms belong to space group C2; the unit cell parameters for form III are a = 107.3 A, b = 91.7 A, c = 66.3 A and beta = 94.7 degrees and those for form IV are a = 108.3 A, b = 92.3 A, c = 66.1 A and beta = 90.4 degrees. Both forms have one protein chain per asymmetric unit with the dimeric molecule on a twofold axis of symmetry. Form IV is exceptional among all crystal forms of DT in that it can be grown reproducibly. Thus the form IV crystals should yield a crystallographic structure giving insight into the catalytic, receptor-binding and membrane-insertion properties of DT.  相似文献   

The diphtheria toxin (DT) membrane topology was investigated by proteolysis experiments. Diphtheria toxin was incubated with asolectin liposomes at pH 5 in order to promote its membrane insertion, and the protein domains located outside the lipid vesicles were digested with proteinase K (which is a non-specific protease). The protected peptides were separated by electrophoresis and identified by microsequence analysis. Their orientation with respect to the lipid bilayer and their accessibility to the aqueous phase were determined by attenuated total reflection Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR). These data, combined with those provided by proteolytic cleavage with a specific protease (endoproteinase Glu-C), led us to propose a topological model of the N-terminal part of the diphtheria toxin B fragment inserted into the lipid membrane. In this model, two a-helices adopt a transmembrane orientation, with their axes parallel to the lipid acyl chains, while a third o-helix could adopt a transmembrane topology only in a small proportion of DT molecules.  相似文献   

Wang J  Rosconi MP  London E 《Biochemistry》2006,45(26):8124-8134
After low pH-triggered membrane insertion, the T domain of diphtheria toxin helps translocate the catalytic domain of the toxin across membranes. In this study, the hydrophilic N-terminal helices of the T domain (TH1-TH3) were studied. The conformation triggered by exposure to low pH and changes in topography upon membrane insertion were studied. These experiments involved bimane or BODIPY labeling of single Cys introduced at various positions, followed by the measurement of bimane emission wavelength, bimane exposure to fluorescence quenchers, and antibody binding to BODIPY groups. Upon exposure of the T domain in solution to low pH, it was found that the hydrophobic face of TH1, which is buried in the native state at neutral pH, became exposed to solution. When the T domain was added externally to lipid vesicles at low pH, the hydrophobic face of TH1 became buried within the lipid bilayer. Helices TH2 and TH3 also inserted into the bilayer after exposure to low pH. However, in contrast to helices TH5-TH9, overall TH1-TH3 insertion was shallow and there was no significant change in TH1-TH3 insertion depth when the T domain switched from the shallowly inserting (P) to deeply inserting (TM) conformation. Binding of streptavidin to biotinylated Cys residues was used to investigate whether solution-exposed residues of membrane-inserted T domain were exposed on the external or internal surface of the bilayer. These experiments showed that when the T domain is externally added to vesicles, the entire TH1-TH3 segment remains on the cis (outer) side of the bilayer. The results of this study suggest that membrane-inserted TH1-TH3 form autonomous segments that neither deeply penetrate the bilayer nor interact tightly with the translocation-promoting structure formed by the hydrophobic TH5-TH9 subdomain. Instead, TH1-TH3 may aid translocation by acting as an A-chain-attached flexible tether.  相似文献   

L A Chung  E London 《Biochemistry》1988,27(4):1245-1253
Low pH is believed to trigger membrane penetration by diphtheria toxin in vivo. The effect of pH upon the binding of the toxin to unilamellar model membrane vesicles was determined by using a fluorescence quenching assay. A series of studies were undertaken to determine the effect of lipid composition upon the binding of lipids to the toxin. The binding of toxin to various small unilamellar vesicles of zwitterionic or anionic lipids was similar in extent and was accompanied by deep penetration of the toxin into the fatty acyl chains, in agreement with previous studies. However, the transition pH, which is the pH at and below which toxin binding becomes significant, depended upon the fraction of anionic lipids, being highest with model membranes composed totally of anionic lipids (pH 5.8) and lowest with membranes composed of zwitterionic lipids (pH 5.2). Except for vesicle charge, the transition pH was independent of the nature of the lipid polar groups used. High ionic strength, which had no effect on the transition pH with zwitterionic vesicles, was found to shift the transition pH with totally anionic vesicles to pH 5.2. This suggests that both direct protein-lipid electrostatic interactions and the ionic double layer, which gives rise to a low local pH around anionic vesicles, contribute to the shift in the transition pH. The effect of lipid composition upon the kinetics and strength of binding was also examined. At low pH, binding was rapid and tight. Binding to vesicles containing 20 wt % anionic phosphatidylglycerol was faster and tighter than binding to vesicles of zwitterionic phosphatidylcholine.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Diphtheria toxin B fragment is capable of forming cation-selective channels in the plasma membrane. Such channels may be involved in the translocation of the toxin A fragment to the cytosol. Seven negatively charged amino acids in the B fragment were replaced one by one by lysines, followed by studies of cytotoxicity and channel-forming ability of the different mutants. The mutant D392K showed a strong reduction in binding to cell surface receptors. Of the six mutants that showed wild-type binding affinity, the two mutants D295K and D318K were very inefficient in forming channels. These two mutants had the lowest ability to mediate A fragment translocation. The mutant E362K was able both to induce cation channel formation and to mediate A fragment translocation at a higher pH value than the wild-type B fragment. The results support the notion that formation of cation channels is of importance for the translocation of the A fragment across the plasma membrane, and they indicate that the pH requirement for translocation of the A fragment to the cytosol is partly determined by the B fragment.  相似文献   

Precursor in cotranslational secretion of diphtheria toxin.   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
By extracellular labeling of peptides of intact Corynebacterium diphtheriae, followed by fractionation of the cells and chain completion by isolated polysomes, it is shown that diphtheria toxin is formed and secreted cotranslationally by membrane-bound polysomes; free polysomes from none. Moreover, when the chains on these polysomes were completed in vitro, in the absence of membrane they were found to include not only diphtheria toxin of a molecular weight of 62,000, but also a larger precursor of a molecular weight of 68,000. The precursor was identified by several properties: immune precipitation; conversion into toxin fragments A and B; adenosine diphosphate ribosyl-transferase activity after activation with trypsin; and cleavage to 62,000 daltons by membrane enzymes. The precursor yields an N-terminal A fragment with a broadened molecular weight distribution, compared with that from authentic toxin, thus supporting the expectation that the extra segment of the precursor is N-terminal.  相似文献   

To understand the mechanism of diphtheria toxin membrane translocation, the toxin was entrapped within lipid vesicles, and its low pH-induced translocation across the lipid bilayer was measured. Proteolysis and resistance to guanidinium chloride denaturation were used to demonstrate that the toxin molecules were entrapped. Low pH-induced movement of entrapped toxin to the outer (trans) face of the bilayer was assayed by the binding of external streptavidin to biotin-labeled entrapped toxin. Complete translocation was quantified by the amount of protein released into the external medium. Using whole toxin, it was found that the A fragment was efficiently translocated, but the B fragment was not. This was true both in the low temperature (A domain folded) and high temperature (A domain unfolded) toxin conformations previously identified [Jiang J. X., Abrams, F. S., and London, E. (1991) Biochemistry 30, 3857-3864]. Remarkably, even isolated fragment A appeared to self-translocate under some conditions. Toxin-induced translocation may partly result from formation of a nonspecific toxin-induced pore. This idea is supported by the toxin-induced release of fluorescent dextrans coentrapped within the vesicles. However, low pH-induced exposure of entrapped toxin on the outside of the membrane was conformation dependent. Exposure was greatest for the high temperature conformation. This suggests the existence of a more specific translocation process. The nature and relationship of these processes, and their relative roles in translocation in vivo are discussed.  相似文献   

When cells with surface-bound diphtheria toxin were exposed to pH 4.5, the toxin became shielded against lactoperoxidase-catalyzed radioiodination, indicating that the toxin was inserted into the membrane. Cells thus treated had strongly reduced ability to take up 36Cl-, 35SO4(2-), and [14C]SCN-. The reduction of chloride uptake was strongest at neutral pH, whereas that of sulfate was strongest at acidic pH. Lineweaver-Burk plots indicated that the toxin treatment reduced the Jmax but not the Km for the anions. The toxin also inhibited the NaCl-stimulated efflux of 35SO4(2-), indicating that the toxin inhibits the antiporter. No inhibition was found when toxin-treated cells were not exposed to low pH, whereas exposure to pH 4.5 for 20 s induced close to maximal inhibition. Half-maximal inhibition was obtained after exposure to pH 5.4. The concentration of diphtheria toxin required to obtain maximal inhibition (0.3 micrograms/ml) was sufficient to ensure close to maximal toxin binding to the cells. Even in ATP-depleted cells and in the absence of permeant anions, low pH induced inhibition of anion antiport in toxin-treated Vero cells. There was no measurable inhibition of anion antiport in cells with little or no ability to bind the toxin.  相似文献   

Summary Vero cells exposed to diphtheria toxin at pH 4.5 leak monovalent cations but not amino acids or phosphorylated metabolites; affected cells do not take up trypan blue. Monovalent cation leakage is inhibited by 1mmCd2+, but not by 1mmZn2+ or Ca2+. Cd2+ blocks calcein leakage from liposomes and closes diphtheria toxin-induced channels in lipid bilayers. It is concluded that translocation of the A fragment of diphtheria toxin across biological membranes does not depend on the formation of large stable pores, but that small Cd2+-sensitive pores may play a role.  相似文献   

A chemically truncated form of diphtheria toxin, DT51, which lacks the cell-binding site but retains the membrane-translocating function, was covalently linked to luteinizing hormone (LH) and compared to similar conjugates containing diphtheria toxin (DT) or diphtheria toxin A-chain (DTA). The DT51 hormonotoxin killed cells possessing an LH receptor at concentrations similar to that of DT hormonotoxin and orders of magnitude lower than DTA hormonotoxin. The DTA hormonotoxin exhibited an LD-50 similar to that of previously reported hormonotoxins which employed DTA, ricin A-chain, or gelonin as toxic moieties.  相似文献   

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