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Glutathione synthase catalyzes the final ATP-dependent step in glutathione biosynthesis, the formation of glutathione from gamma-glutamylcysteine and glycine. We have determined structures of yeast glutathione synthase in two forms: unbound (2.3 A resolution) and bound to its substrate gamma-glutamylcysteine, the ATP analog AMP-PNP, and two magnesium ions (1.8 A resolution). These structures reveal that upon substrate binding, large domain motions convert the enzyme from an open unliganded form to a closed conformation in which protein domains completely surround the substrate in the active site.  相似文献   

The dimeric molecular chaperone Hsp90 is required for the activation and stabilization of hundreds of substrate proteins, many of which participate in signal transduction pathways. The activation process depends on the hydrolysis of ATP by Hsp90. Hsp90 consists of a C-terminal dimerization domain, a middle domain, which may interact with substrate protein, and an N-terminal ATP-binding domain. A complex cycle of conformational changes has been proposed for the ATPase cycle of yeast Hsp90, where a critical step during the reaction requires the transient N-terminal dimerization of the two protomers. The ATPase cycle of human Hsp90 is less well understood, and significant differences have been proposed regarding key mechanistic aspects. ATP hydrolysis by human Hsp90alpha and Hsp90beta is 10-fold slower than that of yeast Hsp90. Despite these differences, our experiments suggest that the underlying enzymatic mechanisms are highly similar. In both cases, a concerted conformational rearrangement involving the N-terminal domains of both subunits is controlling the rate of ATP turnover, and N-terminal cross-talk determines the rate-limiting steps. Furthermore, similar to yeast Hsp90, the slow ATP hydrolysis by human Hsp90s can be stimulated up to over 100-fold by the addition of the co-chaperone Aha1 from either human or yeast origin. Together, our results show that the basic principles of the Hsp90 ATPase reaction are conserved between yeast and humans, including the dimerization of the N-terminal domains and its regulation by the repositioning of the ATP lid from its original position to a catalytically competent one.  相似文献   

Ethidium multidrug resistance protein (EmrE) is a member of the small multidrug resistance family of proteins and is responsible for resistance in Escherichia coli to a diverse group of lipophilic cations. Research is beginning to elucidate structural information as well as substrate binding and extrusion mechanisms for this protein. However, the choice of membrane mimetic environment to perform structural studies needs to be made. In this study EmrE was solubilized in different membrane mimetic environments to investigate the influence of environment on the structure and dynamics of the protein by comparing the fluorescence properties of emission maxima, peak shifts, relative intensities, acrylamide quenching constants, and polarization. Taken together, the different fluorescence observations on EmrE in the various membrane mimetic systems tested suggest that the tryptophan residues in EmrE are present in the most flexible and exposed state when solubilized in methanol, followed by sodium dodecyl sulfate and urea. The two detergents N-dodecyl-beta-D-maltoside (DM) and polyoxyethylene(8)dodecyl ether, for the most part, only display subtle differences between the spectral properties with DM best representing the lipid environment. The conformation of EmrE is clearly more open and dynamic in detergent relative to being reconstituted in small unilamellar vesicles. The fluorescence observations of EmrE solubilized in trifluoroethanol shows an environment that is similar to that of EmrE solubilized in detergents. Additionally, secondary structure was monitored by circular dichroism (CD). The CD spectra were similar among the different solubilizing conditions, suggesting little difference in alpha-helical content. This work establishes groundwork for the choice of solubilizing conditions for future structural, folding, and ligand binding studies.  相似文献   

Hemopexin alters conformation upon binding heme as shown by circular dichroism (CD), but hemopexin binds the heme analog, iron-meso-tetra-(4-sulfonatophenyl)-porphine (FeTPPS), without undergoing concomitant changes in its CD spectrum. Moreover, FeTPPS, unlike heme, does not increase the compactness of the heme-binding domain (I) of hemopexin shown by an increased sedimentation rate in sucrose gradients. On the other hand, like heme, FeTPPS forms a bishistidyl coordination complex with hemopexin and upon binding protects hemopexin from cleavage by plasmin. Competitive inhibition and saturation studies demonstrate that FeTPPS-hemopexin binds to the hemopexin receptor on mouse hepatoma cells but with a lower affinity (Kd 125 nM) more characteristic of apo-hemopexin than heme-hemopexin (Kd 65 nM). This provides evidence that conformational changes produced in hemopexin upon binding heme, but not upon binding FeTPPS, are important for increasing the affinity of hemopexin for its receptor. The amount of cell-associated radiolabel from 55FeTPPS-hemopexin increases linearly for up to 90 min but at a rate only about a third of that of the mesoheme-complex. As expected from the recycling of hemopexin, more iron-tetrapyrrole than protein is associated with the Hepa cells, but the ratio of 55Fe-ligand to 125I-hemopexin is only 2:1 for FeTPPS-hemopexin compared to 4:1 for mesoheme complexes. [55Fe]Mesoheme was associated at 5 min with lower density fractions containing plasma membranes and at 30 min with fractions containing higher density intracellular compartments. In contrast, 55FeTPPS was found associated with plasma membrane fractions at both times and was not transported into the cell. Although FeTPPS-hemopexin binds to the receptor, subsequent events of heme transport are impaired. The results indicate that upon binding heme at least three types of conformational changes occur in hemopexin which have important roles in receptor recognition and that the nature of the ligand influences subsequent heme transport.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, interaction of a periplasmic maltose-binding protein with a membrane-associated ATP-binding cassette transporter stimulates ATP hydrolysis, resulting in translocation of maltose into the cell. The maltose transporter contains two transmembrane subunits, MalF and MalG, and two copies of a nucleotide-hydrolyzing subunit, MalK. Mutant transport complexes that function in the absence of binding protein are thought to be stabilized in an ATPase-active conformation. To probe the conformation of the nucleotide-binding site and to gain an understanding of the nature of the conformational changes that lead to activation, cysteine 40 within the Walker A motif of the MalK subunit was modified by the fluorophore 2-(4'-maleimidoanilino)naphthalene-6-sulfonic acid. Fluorescence differences indicated that residues involved in nucleotide binding were less accessible to aqueous solvent in the binding protein independent transporter than in the wild-type transporter. Similar differences in fluorescence were seen when a vanadate-trapped transition state conformation was compared with the ground state in the wild-type transporter. Our results and recent crystal structures are consistent with a model in which activation of ATPase activity is associated with conformational changes that bring the two MalK subunits closer together, completing the nucleotide-binding sites and burying ATP in the interface.  相似文献   

EmrE is a bacterial multidrug transporter of the small multidrug resistance family, which extrudes large hydrophobic cations such as tetraphenylphosphonium (TPP(+)) out of the cell by a proton antiport mechanism. Binding measurements were performed on purified EmrE solubilized in dodecylmaltoside to determine the stoichiometry of TPP(+) binding; the data showed that one TPP(+) molecule bound per EmrE dimer. Reconstitution of purified EmrE at low lipid:protein ratios in either the presence or the absence of TPP(+) produced well ordered two-dimensional crystals. Electron cryo-microscopy was used to collect images of frozen hydrated EmrE crystals and projection maps were determined by image processing to 7A resolution. An average native EmrE projection structure was calculated from the c222 and p222(1) crystals, which was subsequently subtracted from the average of two independent p2 projection maps of EmrE with TPP(+) bound. The interpretation of the difference density image most consistent with biochemical data suggested that TPP(+) bound at the monomer-monomer interface in the centre of the EmrE dimer, and resulted in the movement of at least one transmembrane alpha-helix.  相似文献   

Noun Shavit  Mordhay Avron 《BBA》1967,131(3):516-525
1. The rate of the Hill reaction and photophosphorylation, and the ratio of ATP produced to the electron flow are shown to be strongly dependent on the solute concentration of the medium.

2. A large part, but not all, of the requirement for MgCl2 or phosphate in photophosphorylation can be replaced by SrCl2 or other solutes.

3. In two-stage photophosphorylation, solutes are required during the light-activation stage.

4. The presence of solutes causes marked changes in the packed volume of the chloroplasts, and their light-scattering properties. These changes are essentially complete within 1 min.

5. The effectiveness of solutes in enhancing the rate of electron transport and photophosphorylation parallels their effectiveness in inducing conformational changes in chloroplasts.

6. It is suggested that the solutes act by inducing a conformational change of the chloroplast structure which is more optimal for electron transfer and coupled phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Tryptophan residues may play several roles in integral membrane proteins including direct interaction with substrates. In this work we studied the contribution of tryptophan residues to substrate binding in EmrE, a small multidrug transporter of Escherichia coli that extrudes various positively charged drugs across the plasma membrane in exchange with protons. Each of the four tryptophan residues was replaced by site-directed mutagenesis. The only single substitutions that affected the protein's activity were those in position 63. While cysteine and tyrosine replacements yielded a completely inactive protein, the replacement of Trp63 with phenylalanine brought about a protein that, although it could not confer any resistance against the toxicants tested, could bind substrate with an affinity 2 orders of magnitude lower than that of the wild-type protein. Double or multiple cysteine replacements at the other positions generate proteins that are inactive in vivo but regain their activity upon solubilization and reconstitution. The findings suggest a possible role of the tryptophan residues in folding and/or insertion. Substrate binding to the wild-type protein and to a mutant with a single tryptophan residue in position 63 induced a very substantial fluorescence quenching that is not observed in inactive mutants or chemically modified protein. The reaction is dependent on the concentration of the substrate and saturates at a concentration of 2.57 microM with the protein concentration of 5 microM supporting the contention that the functional unit is a dimer. These findings strongly suggest the existence of an interaction between Trp63 and substrate, and the nature of this interaction can now be studied in more detail with the tools developed in this work.  相似文献   

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Changes in the fluoresence ofN-acetyl-N-(5-sulfo-1-naphthyl)ethylenediamine (EDANS), being attached to Cys-674 of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase without affecting the catalytic activity, as well as changes in the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence were followed throughout the catalytic cycle by the steady-state measurements and the stopped-flow spectrofluorometry. EDANS-fluorescence changes reflect conformational changes near the ATP binding site in the cytoplasmic domain, while tryptophan-fluorescence changes most probably reflect conformational changes in or near the transmembrane domain in which the Ca2+ binding sites are located. Formation of the phosphoenzyme intermediates (EP) was also followed by the continuous flow-rapid quenching method. The kinetic analysis of EDANS-fluorescence changes andEP formation revealed that, when ATP is added to the calcium-activated enzyme, conformational changes in the ATP binding site occur in three successive reaction steps; conformational change in the calcium enzyme substrate complex, formation of ADP-sensitiveEP, and transition of ADP-sensitiveEP to ADP-insensitiveEP. In contrast, the ATP-induced tryptophan-fluorescence changes occur only in the latter two steps. Thus, we conclude that conformational changes in the ATP binding site in the cytoplasmic domain are transmitted to the Ca2+-binding sites in the transmembrane domain in these latter two steps.Abbreviations SR sarcoplasmic reticulum - EP phosphoenzyme - EDANS N-acetyl-N-(5-sulfo-1-naphthyl)ethylenediamine - AMP-PCP adenosine 5-(, -methylene)triphosphate - NEM N-ethylmaleimide  相似文献   

YiiP is a secondary transporter that couples Zn2+ transport to the proton motive force. Structural studies of YiiP from prokaryotes and Znt8 from humans have revealed three different Zn2+ sites and a conserved homodimeric architecture. These structures define the inward-facing and outward-facing states that characterize the archetypal alternating access mechanism of transport. To study the effects of Zn2+ binding on the conformational transition, we use cryo-EM together with molecular dynamics simulation to compare structures of YiiP from Shewanella oneidensis in the presence and absence of Zn2+. To enable single-particle cryo-EM, we used a phage-display library to develop a Fab antibody fragment with high affinity for YiiP, thus producing a YiiP/Fab complex. To perform MD simulations, we developed a nonbonded dummy model for Zn2+ and validated its performance with known Zn2+-binding proteins. Using these tools, we find that, in the presence of Zn2+, YiiP adopts an inward-facing conformation consistent with that previously seen in tubular crystals. After removal of Zn2+ with high-affinity chelators, YiiP exhibits enhanced flexibility and adopts a novel conformation that appears to be intermediate between inward-facing and outward-facing states. This conformation involves closure of a hydrophobic gate that has been postulated to control access to the primary transport site. Comparison of several independent cryo-EM maps suggests that the transition from the inward-facing state is controlled by occupancy of a secondary Zn2+ site at the cytoplasmic membrane interface. This work enhances our understanding of individual Zn2+ binding sites and their role in the conformational dynamics that govern the transport cycle.  相似文献   

The stepping mechanism of kinesin can be thought of as a programme of conformational changes. We briefly review protein chemical, electron microscopic and transient kinetic evidence for conformational changes, and working from this evidence, outline a model for the mechanism. In the model, both kinesin heads initially trap Mg x ADP. Microtubule binding releases ADP from one head only (the trailing head). Subsequent ATP binding and hydrolysis by the trailing head progressively accelerate attachment of the leading head, by positioning it closer to its next site. Once attached, the leading head releases its ADP and exerts a sustained pull on the trailing head. The rate of closure of the molecular gate which traps ADP on the trailing head governs its detachment rate. A speculative but crucial coordinating feature is that this rate is strain sensitive, slowing down under negative strain and accelerating under positive strain.  相似文献   

ATP-mediated conformational changes in the RecA filament   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The crystal structure of the E. coli RecA protein was solved more than 10 years ago, but it has provided limited insight into the mechanism of homologous genetic recombination. Using electron microscopy, we have reconstructed five different states of RecA-DNA filaments. The C-terminal lobe of the RecA protein is modulated by the state of the distantly bound nucleotide, and this allosteric coupling can explain how mutations and truncations of this C-terminal lobe enhance RecA's activity. A model generated from these reconstructions shows that the nucleotide binding core is substantially rotated from its position in the RecA crystal filament, resulting in ATP binding between subunits. This simple rotation can explain the large cooperativity in ATP hydrolysis observed for RecA-DNA filaments.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that cholesterol binding is widespread among GPCRs (G-protein-coupled receptors). In the present study, we analysed putative cholesterol-induced changes in the OTR [OT (oxytocin) receptor], a prototype of cholesterol-interacting GPCRs. For this purpose, we have created recombinant OTRs that are able to bind two small-sized fluorescence-labelled ligands simultaneously. An OTR antagonist was chosen as one of the ligands. To create a second ligand-binding site, a small-sized α-BTB (bungarotoxin binding) site was inserted at the N-terminus or within the third extracellular loop of the OTR. All receptor constructs were functionally active and bound both ligands with high affinity in the nanomolar range. Measurements of the quenching behaviour, fluorescence anisotropy and energy transfer of both receptor-bound ligands were performed to monitor receptor states at various cholesterol concentrations. The quenching studies suggested no major changes in the molecular environment of the fluorophores in response to cholesterol. The fluorescence anisotropy data indicated that cholesterol affects the dynamics or orientation of the antagonist. The energy transfer efficiency between both ligands clearly increased with increasing cholesterol. Overall, cholesterol induced both a changed orientation and a decreased distance of the receptor-bound ligands, suggesting a more compact receptor state in association with cholesterol.  相似文献   

We report a comprehensive electron crystallographic analysis of conformational changes in the photocycle of wild-type bacteriorhodopsin and in a variety of mutant proteins with kinetic defects in the photocycle. Specific intermediates that accumulate in the late stages of the photocycle of wild-type bacteriorhodopsin, the single mutants D38R, D96N, D96G, T46V, L93A and F219L, and the triple mutant D96G/F171C/F219L were trapped by freezing two-dimensional crystals in liquid ethane at varying times after illumination with a light flash. Electron diffraction patterns recorded from these crystals were used to construct projection difference Fourier maps at 3.5 A resolution to define light-driven changes in protein conformation.Our experiments demonstrate that in wild-type bacteriorhodopsin, a large protein conformational change occurs within approximately 1 ms after illumination. Analysis of structural changes in wild-type and mutant bacteriorhodopsins under conditions when either the M or the N intermediate is preferentially accumulated reveals that there are only small differences in structure between M and N intermediates trapped in the same protein. However, a considerably larger variation is observed when the same optical intermediate is trapped in different mutants. In some of the mutants, a partial conformational change is present even prior to illumination, with additional changes occurring upon illumination. Selected mutations, such as those in the D96G/F171C/F219L triple mutant, can sufficiently destabilize the wild-type structure to generate almost the full extent of the conformational change in the dark, with minimal additional light-induced changes. We conclude that the differences in structural changes observed in mutants that display long-lived M, N or O intermediates are best described as variations of one fundamental type of conformational change, rather than representing structural changes that are unique to the optical intermediate that is accumulated. Our observations thus support a simplified view of the photocycle of wild-type bacteriorhodopsin in which the structures of the initial state and the early intermediates (K, L and M1) are well approximated by one protein conformation, while the structures of the later intermediates (M2, N and O) are well approximated by the other protein conformation. We propose that in wild-type bacteriorhodopsin and in most mutants, this conformational change between the M1 and M2 states is likely to make an important contribution towards efficiently switching proton accessibility of the Schiff base from the extracellular side to the cytoplasmic side of the membrane.  相似文献   

Antibody-induced conformational changes in proteins   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Lehman JA  Hoelz DJ  Turchi JJ 《Biochemistry》2008,47(15):4359-4368
Ionizing radiation induces DNA double-strand breaks which are repaired by the nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) pathway. NHEJ is initiated upon Ku binding to the DNA ends and facilitating an interaction with the DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs). This heterotrimeric DNA-PK complex is then active as a serine/threonine protein kinase. The molecular mechanisms involved in DNA-PK activation are unknown. Considering the crucial role of Ku in this process, we therefore determined the influence of DNA binding on the structure of the Ku heterodimer. Chemical modification with NHS-biotin and mass spectrometry were used to identify sites of modification. Biotinylation of free Ku revealed several reactive lysines on Ku70 and Ku80 which were reduced or eliminated upon DNA binding. Interestingly, in the predicted C-terminal SAP domain of Ku70, biotinylation patterns were observed which suggest a structural change in this region of the protein induced by DNA binding. Limited proteolytic digests of free and DNA-bound Ku revealed a series of unique peptides, again, indicative of a change in the accessibility of the Ku70 and Ku80 C-terminal domains. A 10 kDa peptide was also identified which was preferentially generated under non-DNA-bound conditions and mapped to the C-terminus of Ku70. These results indicate a DNA-dependent movement or structural change in the C-terminal domains of Ku70 and Ku80 that may contribute to DNA-PKcs binding and activation. These results represent the first demonstration of DNA-induced changes in Ku structure and provide a framework for analysis of DNA-PKcs and the mechanism of DNA-PK activation.  相似文献   

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