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APOBEC3G (A3G) is an antiretroviral host factor that functions by deaminating dC to dU in retroviral cDNA. HIV-1 Vif protein counteracts A3G via a ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. In the case of a simple retrovirus such as the murine leukemia virus (MLV), it remains unclear why it can replicate in cells expressing APOBEC3 (A3) even though it doesn't possess any accessory proteins such as Vif. In this study, we demonstrate that MLV escapes from murine A3 (mA3) via two distinct novel mechanisms. First, viral RNA (vRNA) blocks the binding of mA3 to Gag, resulting in the exclusion of mA3 from MLV virions. Second, viral protease (vPR) cleaves mA3 after maturation of virions. Here, we suggest that each virus has its own strategy to escape from A3 proteins and that these mechanisms might be used by other viruses that do not possess Vif-like protein. On the other hand, mice possess another form of mA3, delta exon5, that escapes from the cleavage by vPR to show more antiviral activity than the wild type mA3. This also suggests that battles between host intrinsic immunity and viruses have led to the evolution of proteins on both sides.  相似文献   

Stress fibers play a central role in adhesion, motility, and morphogenesis of eukaryotic cells, but the mechanism of how these and other contractile actomyosin structures are generated is not known. By analyzing stress fiber assembly pathways using live cell microscopy, we revealed that these structures are generated by two distinct mechanisms. Dorsal stress fibers, which are connected to the substrate via a focal adhesion at one end, are assembled through formin (mDia1/DRF1)-driven actin polymerization at focal adhesions. In contrast, transverse arcs, which are not directly anchored to substrate, are generated by endwise annealing of myosin bundles and Arp2/3-nucleated actin bundles at the lamella. Remarkably, dorsal stress fibers and transverse arcs can be converted to ventral stress fibers anchored to focal adhesions at both ends. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching analysis revealed that actin filament cross-linking in stress fibers is highly dynamic, suggesting that the rapid association-dissociation kinetics of cross-linkers may be essential for the formation and contractility of stress fibers. Based on these data, we propose a general model for assembly and maintenance of contractile actin structures in cells.  相似文献   

The possible involvement of glucose (Glc) carriers in the uptake of vitamin C in plant cells is still a matter of debate. For the first time, it was shown here that plant cells exclusively take up the oxidised dehydroascorbate (DHA) form. DHA uptake is not affected by 6-bromo-6-deoxy-ascorbate, an ascorbate (ASC) analogue, specifically demonstrating ASC uptake in animal cells. There is no competition between Glc and DHA uptake. Moreover, DHA and Glc carriers respond in the opposite manner to different inhibitors (cytochalasin B, phloretin and genistein). In conclusion, the plant plasma membrane DHA carrier is distinct from the plant Glc transporters.  相似文献   

Ran GTPase plays important roles in nucleocytoplasmic transport in interphase and in both spindle formation and nuclear envelope (NE) assembly during mitosis. The latter functions rely on the presence of high local concentrations of GTP-bound Ran near mitotic chromatin. RanGTP localization has been proposed to result from the association of Ran's GDP/GTP exchange factor, RCC1, with chromatin, but Ran is shown here to bind directly to chromatin in two modes, either dependent or independent of RCC1, and, where bound, to increase the affinity of chromatin for NE membranes. We propose that the Ran binding capacity of chromatin contributes to localized spindle and NE assembly.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic placement of taxa within the two New World leaf-nosed bat genera, Tonatia and Micronycteris was carried out using allozymic characters. Of particular interest were the relationships between the karyotypically megaevolved species and their proposed congeners. Neither of the two karyotypically megaevolved Tonatia species shared synapomorphic allozymes with the other Tonatia taxa. In contrast, the three Micronycteris species identified as having undergone this unusual mode of karyotypic evolution fall within a common evolutionary assemblage with all but one of their congeners. Measures of genic similarity among the Tonatia and Micronycteris species yield relatively low Nei identity values. No correlation is found when the number of karyotypic and allozymic changes since a common ancestor are compared.  相似文献   

Dioxygenases that catalyze the cleavage of the aromatic ring are classified into two groups according to their mode of ring fission. Substrates of ring-cleavage dioxygenases usually contain hydroxyl groups on adjacent aromatic carbons, and intradiol enzymes cleave the ring between these two hydroxyl groups. Extradiol enzymes in contrast cleave the ring between one hydroxylated carbon and its adjacent nonhydroxylated carbon. In this study, we determined the complete nucleotide sequence of nahC, the structural gene for 1,2-dihydroxynaphthalene dioxygenase encoded in the NAH7 plasmid of Pseudomonas putida. This enzyme is an extradiol ring-cleavage enzyme that cleaves the first ring of 1,2-dihydroxynaphthalene. The amino acid sequence of the dioxygenase deduced from the DNA sequence demonstrated that the molecular weight of the enzyme is 33,882. This result was in agreement with those of maxicell analyses that showed that the nahC product was a 36-kDa protein. Interestingly, the amino acid sequence of 1,2-dihydroxynaphthalene dioxygenase was 50% homologous with that of 2,3-dihydroxybiphenyl dioxygenase, which catalyzes extradiol cleavage of the first ring of 2,3-dihydroxybiphenyl (Furukawa, K., Arimura, N., and Miyazaki, T. (1987) J. Bacteriol. 169, 427-429). The amino acid sequence similarity of 1,2-dihydroxynaphthalene dioxygenase with catechol 2,3-dioxygenase, which is an authentic extradiol dioxygenase, was rather low (16%). However, a statistical analysis by the method of S. B. Needleman and C. D. Wunsch [1970) J. Mol. Biol. 48, 443-453) clearly showed that these two dioxygenases are evolutionarily related. Therefore, these extradiol enzymes are considered as products of the same gene superfamily. From the significant sequence similarity between intradiol enzymes, it has been shown (Neidle, E. L., Harnett, C., Bonitz, S., and Ornston, L. N. (1988) J. Bacteriol. 170, 4874-4880) that intradiol enzymes evolved from a common ancestor. Comparison of the amino acid sequence of extradiol enzymes with those of intradiol dioxygenases did not show any significant global or localized similarity.  相似文献   

Degradation of phenanthrene by strains Pseudomonas putida BS3701 (pBS1141, pBS1142), Pseudomonas putida BS3745 (pBS216), and Burkholderia sp. BS3702 (pBS1143) was studied in model soil systems. The differences in accumulation and uptake rate of phenanthrene intermediates between the strains under study have been shown, Accumulation of 1-hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid in soil in the course of phenanthrene degradation by strain BS3702 (pBS143) in a model system has been revealed. The efficiency of phenanthrene biodegradation was assessed using the mathematical model proposed previously for assessment of naphthalene degradation efficiency. The efficiency of degradation of both phenanthrene and the intermediate products of its degradation in phenanthrene-contaminated soil is expected to increase with the joint use of strains P. putida BS3701 (pBS1141, pBS1142) and Burkholderia sp. BS3702 (pBS1143).  相似文献   

Some novel transcription attenuation mechanisms used by bacteria   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

B-Raf and Raf-1 are regulated by distinct autoregulatory mechanisms   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
B-Raf is a key regulator of the ERK pathway and is mutationally activated in two-thirds of human melanomas. In this work, we have investigated the activation mechanism of B-Raf and characterized the roles of Ras and of B-Raf phosphorylation in this regulation. Raf-1 is regulated by an N-terminal autoinhibitory domain whose actions are blocked by interaction with Ras and subsequent phosphorylation of Ser(338). We observed that B-Raf also contains an N-terminal autoinhibitory domain and that the interaction of this domain with the catalytic domain was inhibited by binding to active H-Ras. However, unlike Raf-1, the phosphorylation of B-Raf at Ser(445) was constitutive and was only moderately increased by expression of constitutively active H-Ras or constitutively active PAK1. Ser(445) phosphorylation is important to the B-Raf activation mechanism, however, because mutation of this site to alanine increased the affinity of the regulatory domain for the catalytic domain and increased autoinhibition. Similarly, expression of constitutively active PAK1 also decreased auto-inhibition. B-Raf autoinhibition was negatively regulated by acidic substitutions at phosphorylation sites within the activation loop of B-Raf and by the oncogenic substitution V599E. However, these substitutions did not affect the ability of the regulatory domain to co-immunoprecipitate with the catalytic domain. These data demonstrate that B-Raf activity is autoregulated, that constitutive phosphorylation of Ser(445) primes B-Raf for activation, and that a key feature of phosphorylation within the activation loop or of oncogenic mutations within this region is to block autoinhibition.  相似文献   

Interactions between microbial species, including competition and mutualism, influence the abundance and distribution of the related species. For example, metabolic cooperation among multiple bacteria plays a major role in the maintenance of consortia. This study aims to clarify how two bacterial species coexist in a syntrophic association involving the degradation of the pesticide fenitrothion. To elucidate essential mechanisms for maintaining a syntrophic association, we employed a mathematical model based on an experimental study, because experiment cannot elucidate various conditions for two bacterial coexistence. We isolated fenitrothion-degrading Sphingomonas sp. TFEE and its metabolite of 3-methyl-4-nitrophenol (3M4N)-degrading Burkholderia sp. MN1 from a fenitrothion-treated soil microcosm. Neither bacterium can completely degrade fenitrothion alone, but they can utilize the second intermediate, methylhydroquinone (MHQ). Burkholderia sp. MN1 excretes a portion of MHQ during the degradation of 3M4N, from which Sphingomonas sp. TFEE carries out degradation to obtain carbon and energy. Based on experimental findings, we developed mathematical models that represent the syntrophic association involving the two bacteria. We found that the two bacteria are characterized by the mutualistic degradation of fenitrothion. Dynamics of two bacteria are determined by the degree of cooperation between two bacteria (i.e., supply of 3M4N by Sphingomonas sp. TFEE and excretion of MHQ by Burkholderia sp. MN1) and the initial population sizes. The syntrophic association mediates the coexistence of the two bacteria under the possibility of resource competition for MHQ, and robustly facilitates the maintenance of ecosystem function in terms of degrading xenobiotics. Thus, the mathematical analysis and numerical computations based on the experiment indicate the key mechanisms for coexistence of Sphingomonas sp. TFEE and Burkholderia sp. MN1 in syntrophic association involving fenitrothion degradation.  相似文献   

Generation of the p50 subunit of NF-kappaB is a rare case in which the ubiquitin system processes a longer precursor, p105, into a shorter active subunit: in the vast majority of cases, the target protein is completely degraded. The mechanisms involved in this process have remained elusive. It appears that a Gly rich region (GRR) in the middle of the molecule serves as a "processing stop signal", though under certain conditions, such as after stimulation, p105 can be completely degraded. Since NF-kappaB plays critical roles in a broad array of basic cellular processes, it is important to dissect the mechanisms that regulate its proteolysis-both destruction and processing. We have previously shown that signal-induced degradation of p105 requires ubiquitination on multiple lysines. Here we describe a novel region, a Processing Inhibitory Domain-PID, that upon its removal, the molecule is processed in high efficiency, which requires ubiquitination on a single, though non-specific, lysine.  相似文献   

Some members of the inhibitor of apoptosis (IAP) family suppress apoptosis by neutralizing caspases. The current model suggests that all caspase-regulatory IAPs function as direct enzyme inhibitors, blocking effector caspases by binding to their catalytically active pockets. Here we show that IAPs are functionally non-equivalent and regulate effector caspases through distinct mechanisms. Whereas XIAP binds directly to the active-site pockets of effector caspases, we find that regulation of effector caspases by Drosophila IAP1 (DIAP1) requires an evolutionarily conserved IAP-binding motif (IBM) at the neo-amino terminus of the large caspase subunit. Remarkably, unlike XIAP, DIAP1-sequestered effector caspases remain catalytically active, suggesting that DIAP1 does not function as a bona fide enzyme inhibitor. Moreover, we demonstrate that the mammalian IAP c-IAP1 interacts with caspase-7 in an exclusively IBM-dependent, but active site pocket-independent, manner that is mechanistically similar to DIAP1. The importance of IBM-mediated regulation of effector-caspases in vivo is substantiated by the enhanced apoptotic potency of IBM-mutant versions of drICE, DCP-1 and caspase-7.  相似文献   

The effect of chromatin organization on EGFP-tagged histone protein dynamics within the cell nucleus has been probed using fluorescence correlation and recovery measurements on single living HeLa cells. Our studies reveal that free fraction of core-particle histones exist as multimers within the cell nucleus whereas the linker histones exist in monomeric forms. The multimeric state of core histones is found to be invariant across mammalian and polytene chromosomes and this is ATP dependent. In contrast, the dynamics of the linker histones exhibits two distinct diffusion timescales corresponding to its transient binding and unbinding to chromatin governed by the tail domain residues. Under conditions of chromatin condensation induced by apoptosis, the free multimeric fraction of core histones is found to become immobile, while the monomeric linker histone mobility is partially reduced. In addition, we observe differences in nuclear colocalization of linker and core particle histones. These results are validated through Brownian dynamics simulation of core and linker histone mobility. Our findings provide a framework to understand the coupling between the state of chromatin assembly and histone protein dynamics that is central to accessing regulatory sites on the genome.  相似文献   

Arsenate reductases (ArsCs) evolved independently as a defence mechanism against toxic arsenate. In the genome of Corynebacterium glutamicum, there are two arsenic resistance operons (ars1 and ars2) and four potential genes coding for arsenate reductases (Cg_ArsC1, Cg_ArsC2, Cg_ArsC1' and Cg_ArsC4). Using knockout mutants, in vitro reconstitution of redox pathways, arsenic measurements and enzyme kinetics, we show that a single organism has two different classes of arsenate reductases. Cg_ArsC1 and Cg_ArsC2 are single-cysteine monomeric enzymes coupled to the mycothiol/mycoredoxin redox pathway using a mycothiol transferase mechanism. In contrast, Cg_ArsC1' is a three-cysteine containing homodimer that uses a reduction mechanism linked to the thioredoxin pathway with a k(cat)/K(M) value which is 10(3) times higher than the one of Cg_ArsC1 or Cg_ArsC2. Cg_ArsC1' is constitutively expressed at low levels using its own promoter site. It reduces arsenate to arsenite that can then induce the expression of Cg_ArsC1 and Cg_ArsC2. We also solved the X-ray structures of Cg_ArsC1' and Cg_ArsC2. Both enzymes have a typical low-molecular-weight protein tyrosine phosphatases-I fold with a conserved oxyanion binding site. Moreover, Cg_ArsC1' is unique in bearing an N-terminal three-helical bundle that interacts with the active site of the other chain in the dimeric interface.  相似文献   

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