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The distribution of poly(A)-containing RNA in the tapetal cells of Hyoscyamus niger during microsporogenesis was followed by in situ hybridization with [3H]poly(U) as a probe. Although no poly(A)-containing RNA accumulated in the premeiotic tapetum, [3H]poly(U) binding sites were detected in the tapetum as meiosis was completed in the microsporocytes. Accumulation of poly(A)-containing RNA in the tapetal cells reached a peak before the first haploid mitosis in the pollen grains. With the onset of tapetal senescence at the late uninucleate stage of the pollen grain, [3H]poly(U) binding sites gradually decreased and they completely disappeared in the tapetum at the binucleate pollen stage. The significance of the results is discussed, particularly with regard to the possible role of tapetum in the synthesis of informational macromolecules during microsporogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary Eggs of the chironomid midgeSmittia spec. were shown to contain maternal rRNA, tRNA and poly(A)-containing RNA. The ribonucleoprotein spectrum consisted of monosomes, ribosomal subunits, and subribosomal particles, whereas polysomes could be detected only in small amounts. Poly(A)-containing RNA was found in different regions of the RNP spectrum, mainly between 15 S and 60 S. After labelling maternal RNA by feeding tritiated uridine to the larvae, the radioactivity associated with poly(A)-containing RNA accounted for about 4% of the label in the total RNA extracted from newly deposited eggs. About half of the radioactivity in the poly(A)-containing RNA was lost between egg deposition and an advanced blastoderm stage. The loss was accompanied by both a decrease in the size of the poly(A)-containing RNA molecules and a shift of poly(A)-containing RNP particles to less dense regions in sucrose gradients. Comparison with poly(A)-containing RNA synthesized by the embryo indicates that the reduction in size of maternal poly(A)-containing RNA is not artifactual but reflects its degradation after the formation of blastoderm.  相似文献   

The content, biosynthesis and template activity of poly(A)+ RNA in the early stages of sea urchin development have been studied. The amount of poly(A)+ RNA reaches a maximum at the middle blastula stage in polyribosomes and at the 8-blastomere stage in the cytoplasm. Poly(A)+ RNA synthesis becomes noticeable at the 64-blastomere stage and the spectrum of newly synthesized molecules is different from that at the middle blastula stage. The products of translation in vitro of poly(A)+ RNA at all the stages studied show insignificant differences and contain a major group of polypeptides of molecular mass 10-20 kDa.  相似文献   

Poly(A)-containing RNA was isolated from maize embryos by chromatography on columns of oligo(dT)-cellulose and exhaustively digested with ribonucleases T2, T1, and A. Fractionation of the digests by two-dimensional electrophoresis revealed the presence of three 7-methylguanosine-terminated 'cap structures' of the type m7GpppNp.  相似文献   

The regional distribution of poly(A)+ RNA was examined in sections of Styela oocytes and fertilized eggs by in situ hybridization with [3H]poly(U). The nucleus and cytoplasm of previtellogenic oocytes contain equivalent densities of [3H]poly(U) binding sites. The concentration of these sites is reduced in the cytoplasm, but not the nucleus, during vitellogenesis. Consequently, the germinal vesicle (GV) plasm of mature oocytes is characterized by an eightfold elevation in [3H]poly(U) binding activity relative to the surrounding cytoplasm. The distinctive cytoplasmic regions of the mature oocyte do not exhibit differential concentrations of [3H]poly(U) binding sites. Following fertilization which triggers GV breakdown, meiosis, and ooplasmic segregation, the high density of [3H]poly(U) binding sites characteristic of the GV plasm is conserved in the basophilic cytoplasm during its extensive migration and eventual accumulation in the animal hemisphere of the egg. The insensitivity of the [3H]poly(U) binding sites of the basophilic cytoplasm to actinomycin D suggests that they are of maternal origin. It is concluded that maternal poly(A)+ RNA is subject to differential accumulation in the GV plasm and its derivative ooplasm during the early development of Styela.  相似文献   

Three fractions of poly(A)-containing RNA were separated from total rat liver RNA using poly(U)-Sepharose 4B affinity chromatography. The poly(A)-containing RNA fractions were released by thermal elution. Fraction 1, eluted under the mildest conditions, and had poly(A) tracts of approx. 200 AMP units in length which appeared to be associated with poly(U) sequences of 20-50 UMP in length. Fraction 1 appeared to be present mainly in the nucleus and, its size distribution was similar to that of fractions 2 and 3. Fractions 2 and 3 eluted at higher temperatures and were associated mainly with polysomal and microsomal fractions. Poly(U) sequences were absent in fractions 2 and 3 while their poly(A) sequences had a size distribution characteristic of those reported in the mRNA of other organisms.  相似文献   

A simple procedure, useful for quantitative and qualitative assays of poly(A)-containing RNA and poly(A), as well as for preparative purposes, is described. Glass-fiber filters with immobilized poly(U), a well-known technique for absorption of poly(A)-containing RNA, is combined with electrophoresis in a gel slab of agarose. In front of each of the two troughs in a gel slab, glass-fiber filters are inserted, one of which is impregnated with poly(U). Two identical RNA samples, e.g., split samples of total RNA from salivary glands of Chironomus tentans, are applied to the troughs and are moved electrophoretically across two different filters. The electrophoresis is conducted under conditions which promote the formation of duplexes between absorbed poly(U) and moving poly(A). While the passage of RNA chains across the control filter may take place essentially freely, RNA molecules that contain poly(A) hybridize with poly(U) fixed in the glass-fiber filter and become trapped there. The difference between resulting gel profiles [pattern of the total RNA minus the pattern of RNA not containing poly(A)] yields the electrophoretic distribution of poly(A)-containing RNA. In addition, poly(A)-containing RNA can be eluted from the poly(U) filter with formamide and subjected to electrophoresis without a subsequent precipitation in ethanol. No measurable quantities of ribosomal RNA or tRNA are retained on the poly(U) glass-fiber filters. The hybridization technique enables a quantitative retention of poly(A) molecules representing a wide range of chain lengths.  相似文献   

Synthetic fluorophlogopite, an aluminosilicate of the same structure as naturally occurring mineral mica in which potassium ions on the basal surface have been replaced by aluminum ions, has the ability to retain polynucleotides irreversibly. This property of Al3+-mica was used for irreversible adsorption of poly(U) and subsequent selective adsorption of poly(A)-containing RNA from rabbit reticulocyte polysomes at high salt concentration and its elution by 50% dimethylsulfoxide. The properties of RNA isolated on poly(U)-Al3+-mica were studied by sucrose density gradient centrifugation and by stimulation of globin synthesis in an in vitro protein synthesizing system from wheat germ and from Krebs II-ascites cells. The preparation contained 9s RNA species which corresponds to rabbit globin messenger RNA, and under optimal conditions it stimulated protein synthesis more than 100-fold. Polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate showed that synthesized product was identical with rabbit globin.  相似文献   

Polysomal and nuclear poly(A)-containing RNA of normal rat liver and Novikoff hepatoma cells have been compared by cDNA.RNA hybridization kinetics. Homologous hybridization reactions revealed at total kinetic complexity of about 1.6 X 10(10) and 1.38 X 10(10) daltons for liver and Novikoff mRNA respectively. The high abundance component present in liver cannot be detected in Novikoff. It was found from heterologous reactions that about 30% by weight of mRNA sequences are specific to liver. Determination of the nuclear poly(A)-containing RNA complexities revealed that about 5.5% and 4% of the haploid genome is expressed in the liver and Novikoff respectively. In a heterologous reaction, up to 30% of the liver cDNA failed to form hybrids with Novikoff nuclear RNA. Cross hybridizations have further revealed abundance shifts in both nuclear and polysomal RNA populations. Some sequences abundant in liver are less abundant in Novikoff and some rare liver sequences are relatively abundant in Novikoff.  相似文献   

Total poly(A)-containing RNA in different polysomal and supernatant cytoplasmic fractions was analysed after pulse-labelling in dividing myoblasts and fused myotubes. In particular, the peak of 26 S RNA (putative messenger for the large subunit of myosin) is located in a light region of the gradient coinciding with the monosome-trisome fractions prior to fusion, and is found in the heavy polysomes only after fusion. These heavy polysomes are free (i.e. not membrane bound). Treatment of the light part of the polysome gradient with EDTA shows that the 26 S RNA found here does not exist as part of a polysomal complex, but is present as a ribonucleoprotein particle cosedimenting in this region. Previous experiments had indicated that in actively dividing myoblasts 26 S RNA has a relatively short half-life but that it becomes “stable” after the cessation of mitosis just prior to fusion. RNA chase experiments performed in the present study show that the “short-lived” 26 S RNA from dividing myoblasts, which is present as a ribonucleoprotein particle, does not enter the heavy polysomes. In contrast, the more stable 26 S RNA also initially present as a ribonucleoprotein, just prior to and in the early stages of fusion, can be shown by chase experiments to enter the heavy polysomes later in fusion. Hence accumulation of 26 S RNA seems to precede its activation as a messenger.  相似文献   

The analysis by the approach to equilibrium labeling method has shown that the poly(A)+ fraction of liver hnRNA is not a uniform class of molecules, but is comprised of two distinct subclasses with half-lives of 5 and 60 min, while the poly(A)- hnRNA was metabolically homogeneous and turned over with a rather uniform half-life of 30 min. The results suggest that (a) poly(A) synthesis and addition is not limiting for the rate of hnRNA processing, and (b) there is a correlation between the kinetics of mRNA appearance in the cytoplasm and kinetic behavior of their possible nuclear precursors.  相似文献   

The synthesis of poly(A)-containing RNA in outgrowing spores of Bacillus subtilis was studied. A significant amount of RNA puls-labelled with 3H-uridine is polyadenylated. With the beginning of RNA synthesis in outgrowing spores labelled poly(A)-containing RNA was detected. The amount of poly(A)-RNA during the outgrowth and first cell division remains constant. Besides poly(A)-RNA the synthesis of tRNA and rRNA occurs. These results indicate a simultaneous activation of synthesis of tRNA, rRNA as well as of poly(A)-containing RNA during outgrowth of B. subtilis spores.  相似文献   

M Bartolf  C A Price 《Biochemistry》1979,18(9):1677-1680
Chloroplasts were isolated from spinach leaves and the intact chloroplasts separated by centrifugation on gradients of silica sol. Chloroplasts prepared in this way were almost completely free of cytoplasmic rRNA. The purified chloroplasts were incubated with 32PO4 in the light. The nucleic acids were then extracted and the RNA was fractionated into poly(A)-lacking RNA and poly(A)-containing RNA (poly(A)-RNA) via oligo(dT)-cellulose chromatography. The poly(A)-RNA had a mean size of approximately 18--20 S as determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The poly(A)-RNA was digested with RNase A and RNase T1, and the resulting poly(A) segments were subjected to electrophoresis on a 10% w/v polyacrylamide gel 98% v/v formamide). Radioactivity was incorporated into both poly(A)-RNA and poly(A)-lacking RNA and into the poly(A) segments themselves. The poly(A) segments were between 10 and 45 residues long and alkaline hydrolysis of poly(A) segments followed by descending paper chromatography showed that they were composed primarily of adenine residues. There was no 32PO4 incorporation into acid-insoluble material in the dark. We conclude that isolated chloroplasts are capable of synthesizing poly(A)-RNA.  相似文献   

Poly (A)-containing mRNA prepared from cultured mosquito (Aedes albopictus) cells was found to contain methylated 5'-terminal "caps" as well as internal m6A residues. Both type I [m7G(5')ppp(5')Xmp] and type II [m7G(5')ppp(5')XmpYmp] caps were present, at molar ratio of ca five to one. All four common RNA bases were represented in the second position (Xm) of the caps, adenine being the most abundant and N6-methyladenine being absent. The four bases were also represented in the third position (Ym), but here uracil was the predominant base. There was approximately one internal m6A residue for every three caps. These studies demonstrate that mRNA from an invertebrate source can have a methylation pattern comparable with that of mammalian cells in it complexity.  相似文献   

Poly(A)-containing RNA was isolated by cellulose column chromatography from total RNA extracted from Chlorella fusca var. vacuolata 211/8p. RNA retained by the column was identified as poly(A)-containing RNA because it contained ribonuclease-resistant tracts, 25 to 55 nucleotides in length, from which not less than 80% of base was found to be adenine after acid hydrolysis. The base composition of poly(A)-containing RNA differed from that of RNA (largely ribosomal) which did not adsorb to cellulose, having a higher adenine content and a lower guanine content. Poly(A)-containing RNA was polydisperse including molecules with mobilities from 10S to 40S with a mean of about 20S. In an in vitro system derived from wheat-germ, protein synthesis was stimulated by adding poly(A)-containing RNA from Chlorella. Optimum conditions were established in this system with respect to the amount of poly(A)-containing RNA added and the concentration of KCl and Mg-2+. It is proposed that, in Chlorella, poly(A)-containing RNA includes cytoplasmic mRNA as has been shown for some other eucaryotic organisms.  相似文献   

The synthesis of mitochondrial messenger RNA during early sea urchin development was examined. Oligo(dT) chromatography and electrophoresis on aqueous or formamide gels of mitochondrial RNA from pulse-labeled embryos showed the presence of eight distinct poly(A)-containing RNA species, ranging in size from 9 to 22 S. Nuclease digestion of these RNAs revealed poly(A) sequences of 4 S size. Using sea urchin anucleate fragments, we were able to demonstrate that all eight messenger RNAs are transcribed from mitochondrial DNA, rather than being transcribed from nuclear DNA and imported into the mitochondria.There was no change in the electrophoretic profile of the eight poly(A) RNAs when embryos were pulsed with [3H]uridine at various times after fertilization. Neither was there any change in the incorporation of [3H]uridine into these species or in the percentage of total newly synthesized mitochondrial RNA that contains poly(A) sequences as development progresses. Even though these RNAs appear to be transcribed at a constant rate throughout early development, they were not detected in mitochondrial polysomes until 18 hr after fertilization.  相似文献   

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