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Cloning by nuclear transfer remains inefficient but is more efficient when nuclei from embryonic cells or embryonic stem cells (ECNT) are employed as compared with somatic cells (SCNT). The factors determining efficiency have not been elucidated. We find that somatic and embryonic nuclei differ in their ability to organize meiotic and mitotic spindles of normal molecular composition. Calmodulin, a component of meiotic and mitotic spindle chromosome complexes (SCCs), displays sharply reduced association with the SCC forming after SCNT but not ECNT. This defect persists in mitotic spindles at least through the second mitosis, despite abundant calmodulin expression in the cell, and correlates with slow chromosome congression. We propose that somatic cell nuclei lack factors needed to direct normal SCC formation in oocytes and early embryos. These results reveal a striking control of SCC formation by the transplanted nucleus and provide the first identified molecular correlate of donor stage-dependent restriction in nuclear potency.  相似文献   

体细胞核移植技术具有极其广阔的应用前景,但极低的成功率限制了这项技术在实践生产中的应用。不同的学者在不同的物种上进行了一系列的尝试,试图提高体细胞核移植的成功率。本文就体细胞核移植技术在不同物种中的成功应用进行阐述,并就如何提高体细胞核移植成功率阐明一些观点。  相似文献   

本研究旨在检验新生广西巴马小香猪肾脏成纤维细胞支持克隆胚胎完全的体内发育潜能,亦即能通过其构建出存活的克隆猪,从而为克隆技术在广西巴马小香猪资源保存和开发上的应用奠定基础。首先制备新生雄性广西巴马小香猪肾脏成纤维细胞,用其制备体细胞核移植胚胎,追踪观察体细胞核移植胚胎体外发育潜能,最后通过胚胎移植检验其完全的体内发育潜能。实验结果表明,制备的新生雄性广西巴马小香猪肾脏成纤维细胞具有良好的细胞增殖活性,用其制备的体细胞核移植胚胎分裂率和囊胚率分别为77.7%(334/430)和16.5%(71/430),将1 658枚克隆胚胎移植给6头代孕母猪,其中2头妊娠并最终产下8头存活雄性克隆小猪和3头死胎,整体克隆效率为0.66%,存活克隆猪健康状况良好。本研究表明,新生猪肾脏成纤维细胞是一种理想的用于生产体细胞克隆广西巴马小香猪的细胞资源。  相似文献   

Production of cloned laboratory animals is helpful in the establishment of medical models. In this study, we examined to produce reconstituted embryos derived from somatic cell nuclei, and to establish embryonic stem (ES) cell lines from the embryo in rabbits. Metaphase II (M-II) oocytes from superovulated rabbit were used as nuclear recipients. Nuclear donor cells were fibroblasts collected from a Dutch Beleted rabbit. The M-II chromosome and the 1st polar body were aspirated, and a fibroblast was inserted into the perivitelline space of the enucleated oocyte. The pairs were electrofused for cell membrane fusion using a cell fusion apparatus, and reconstituted embryos were produced. The embryos were activated and cultured in modified HTF medium and DMEM. The embryos developed to the blastocyst stage were removed their zona pellucida, and they were cultured on the feeder cell layer. As a result of having observed development of reconstituted embryos, 21.2% of the embryos were developed to the blastocyst stage. In the embryos cultured on the feeder cells, the adhesion on feeder cells was observed. We obtained inner cell mass (ICM) colony derived from reconstituted embryos. At present, we are investigating to establish the ES cell lines derived from the embryos reconstituted by nuclear transfer.  相似文献   

A multidisciplinary research programme was developed to get a scientific expertise for the quality assessment of products obtained from cloned livestock. Thirty-seven bovine Holstein female clones of five different genotypes and their products were analysed in comparison with 38 control animals obtained by conventional artificial insemination and raised under the same conditions at the same experimental farm. Animal evaluation included over 150 criteria and more than 10 000 measurements to check the physiological status and health over a 3-year period. All the parameters studied were in the normal range for age and breed, but some significant differences were detected between clone and control groups in terms of delayed onset of puberty in clones, higher neutrophil counts in haematology or lower biochemical plasma concentrations of gamma glutamyl transferase. Milk and meat analyses were conformable to expected values. We, however, found some differences in fatty acid (FA) composition of milk and muscle suggesting a possible deviation in lipid metabolism as assessed by higher delta-9 desaturase activity indexes in both milk and muscles from clones compared with controls. Repeated muscle biopsies in the semitendinosus muscle of the same animals demonstrated a higher oxidative activity in muscle of young clones (8 months of age) compared with controls, suggesting a delayed muscle maturation in clones. Nutritional evaluation of milk and meat using the rat feeding trials did not show any difference between clone and control products for food intake, growth rate, body composition of the rats, nor for possible allergenicity. Possible reactivation of bovine endogenous retroviruses (BERVs) was analysed and compared between normal and cloned cattle. As expected, these BERV sequences are not transcribed and no RNA was detected in the blood of clones, donor animals or controls; therefore, it may be assumed that the sanitary risk associated with BERV sequences is not higher in cattle derived from somatic nuclear transfer than in cattle born from conventional reproduction. Our results confirm that the quality and safety of products (milk and meat) from adult and clinically healthy cloned cattle is globally similar to normal animals. However, from a strictly biological point of view, the slightly delayed maturation we observed in the muscle of clones together with some marginal differences identified in FA composition of both muscle and milk, point to the need for more refined analysis to totally exclude any risks from the consumption of those products.  相似文献   

Loi P  Modlinski JA  Ptak G 《Theriogenology》2011,76(2):217-228
Much emphasis is currently given to the use of Interspecific Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (ISCNT) as a potential salvage tool for endangered animals. In this short review we present a survey on all data published so far on ISCNT, including abstract communication in international meetings. From the analysis of these data it appears that the results obtained are very preliminary and often confusing on the real stage of the embryonic development obtained. Moreover, the acronym ISCNT is improperly used because in many reports the nuclei and oocyte donor are not within the same species, but belong to different order and sometimes taxa, therefore, we classified all the ISCNT reports by allocating cell and oocyte donors to their respective order/species/class. The efficiency of cloning is low in all species owing to incomplete nuclear reprogramming of differentiated cells under the current procedures. ISCNT, however, poses additional hurdles which are rarely addressed in previously published work, and on which we focus in this review: mt/genomic DNA compatibility; embryonic genome activation of the donor nucleus by the recipient oocyte; availability of suitable foster mothers for ISCNT embryos. All these issues are discussed here, and possible solutions for the successful application of somatic cell nuclear transfer to endangered animals are also put forth.  相似文献   

范勇  陈欣洁  王晓蔓  孙筱放 《生物磁学》2009,(20):3820-3822,3815
目的:探讨利用IVF废弃胚胎构建人体细胞克隆胚胎的发育潜能及其在人治疗性克隆应用的可能性。方法:收集2008年7-12月在广州医学院第三附属医院进行体外受精-胚胎移植周期中的多精受精胚胎和MII期体外受精失败卵母细胞,运用显微操作技术构建人体细胞克隆胚胎,观察胚胎发育情况。结果:多精受精胚胎为核移植受体的克隆胚胎能够发育到8-细胞期,受精失败MII期卵母细胞为核移植受体的克隆胚胎能够激活,但不能够卵裂。两种IVF废弃的胚胎构建的人体细胞克隆胚胎在去核成功率,注核成功率上无显著差异(P>0.05),但卵裂率和8细胞率上具有显著差异(P<0.05)。结论:多精受精胚胎比MII期体外受精失败卵母细胞更适合作为人核移植受体细胞。  相似文献   

王二耀  于洋  李雪梅  焦丽红  周琪  王柳 《遗传》2007,29(2):218-224
利用显微注射和电融合的方法都可以成功地获得体细胞克隆小鼠, 由于电融合法操作耗时, 融合率低, 因而大多数克隆小鼠是采用注射方法。而注射法需要将供体细胞核从细胞中分离出来, 此分离操作有可能导致对DNA的损伤, 曾有人使用直径较粗的注射管进行完整的供体细胞注射, 这种方法操作相对简单而且对供体核没有损伤。为了研究这种方法在小鼠核移植中是否适用, 本实验使用完整的小鼠卵丘细胞作供体, 进行显微注射, 结果显示, 完整的卵丘细胞注入卵母细胞后, 无论在1小时或者6小时激活, 大部分的重构胚在2细胞期碎裂, 而去掉细胞膜的供体体细胞核注入卵母细胞后, 重构胚可以卵裂并进一步发育。卵母细胞去核后不注射供体也发生碎裂, 大部分的孤雌胚(不去核)在完整的卵丘细胞被注入后同样发生碎裂。在供体卵丘细胞刚破膜后即被注入卵胞质和供核被充分剥离后注入两种情况下获得的重构胚的体外发育中, 前者发育各期的比率显著低于后者。这些结果说明完整的卵丘细胞膜阻碍了卵胞质对体细胞核的重编程作用, 造成碎裂; 注入卵胞质的供体质膜和胞质成分影响了克隆胚的体外发育。  相似文献   

The economic weights for somatic cell score (SCS) have been calculated using profit functions. Economic data were collected in the Latxa breed. Three aspects have been considered: bulk tank milk payment, veterinary treatments due to high SCS, and culling. All of them are non-linear profit functions. Milk payment is based on the sum of the log-normal distributions of somatic cell count, and veterinary treatments on the probability of subclinical mastitis, which is inferred when individual SCS surpass some threshold. Both functions lead to non-standard distributions. The derivatives of the profit function were computed numerically. Culling was computed by assuming that a conceptual trait culled by mastitis (CBM) is genetically correlated to SCS. The economic weight considers the increase in the breeding value of CBM correlated to an increase in the breeding value of SCS, assuming genetic correlations ranging from 0 to 0.9. The relevance of the economic weights for selection purposes was checked by the estimation of genetic gains for milk yield and SCS under several scenarios of genetic parameters and economic weights. The overall economic weights for SCS range from − 2.6 to − 9.5 € per point of SCS, with an average of − 4 € per point of SCS, depending on the expected average SCS of the flock. The economic weight is higher around the thresholds for payment policies. Economic weights did not change greatly with other assumptions. The estimated genetic gains with economic weights of 0.83 € per l of milk yield and − 4 € per point of SCS, assuming a genetic correlation of − 0.30, were 3.85 l and − 0.031 SCS per year, with an associated increase in profit of 3.32 €. This represents a very small increase in profit (about 1%) relative to selecting only for milk yield. Other situations (increased economic weights, different genetic correlations) produced similar genetic gains and changes in profit. A desired-gains index reduced the increase in profit by 3%, although it could be greater depending on the genetic parameters. It is concluded that the inclusion of SCS in dairy sheep breeding programs is of low economic relevance and recommended only if recording is inexpensive or for animal welfare concerns.  相似文献   

Although telomere length (TL) shortens with age in most tissues, an age‐related increase in length has been described in sperm through a mechanism that is not yet fully understood. Changes in TL with age in the same individual have not been explored. This longitudinal study examines TL dynamics in somatic tissue and gametes during an entire lifespan in an outbred mouse population (from 8 to up to 114 weeks of age). Our findings indicate a reduced life expectancy in males compared to females (84.75 ± 9.23 vs. 113.16 ± 0.20 weeks) and significant variability in TL dynamics between individuals. While with aging, a clear reduction in TL was produced in somatic cells and oocytes, telomeres in sperm cells significantly lengthened. Finally, we found evidence indicating that telomere elongation in sperm during aging may be dependent on different mechanisms, such as the survival of spermatogonia with longer telomeres and the alternative lengthening of telomeres mechanism in meiotic and postmeiotic spermatogenic cells.  相似文献   

体细胞重编程与microRNAs(miRNAs)均为近年来研究的热点问题。到目前为止,能成功诱导体细胞形成多能性干细胞的体细胞重编程方法有核移植(nuclear transfer,NT)和外源因子诱导形成多能干细胞(induced pluripotent stem cells,iPSc)两种,这两种方法让人们看到了体细胞重编程在细胞治疗方面具有诱人的应用前景。miRNAs是真核生物中存在的一类长度为22nt左右起调控作用的内源性非编码RNA,它在转录后水平调节靶基因的表达,是细胞内基因表达的基本调控机制之一。近年的研究结果表明,miRNAs在干细胞干性维持和分化过程中具有重要的调节作用,从miRNAs角度研究体细胞重编程机理将对体细胞重编程的应用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Aberrant DNA methylation imprints in aborted bovine clones   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genomic imprinting plays a very important role during development and its abnormality may heavily undermine the developmental potential of bovine embryos. Because of limited resources of the cow genome, bovine genomic imprinting, both in normal development and in somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) cloning, is not well documented. DNA methylation is thought to be a major factor for the establishment of genomic imprinting. In our study, we determined the methylation status of differential methylated regions (DMRs) of four imprinted genes in four spontaneously aborted SCNT-cloned fetuses (AF). Firstly, abnormal methylation imprints were observed in each individual to different extents. In particular, Peg3 and MAOA were either seriously demethylated or showed aberrant methylation patterns in four aborted clones we tested, but Xist and Peg10 exhibited relatively better maintained methylation status in AF1 and AF4. Secondly, two aborted fetuses, AF2 and AF3 exhibited severe aberrant methylation imprints of four imprinted genes. Finally, MAOA showed strong heterogeneous methylation patterns of its DMR in normal somatic adult tissue, but largely variable methylation levels and relatively homogeneous methylation patterns in aborted cloned fetuses. Our data indicate that the aborted cloned fetuses exhibited abnormal methylation imprints, to different extent, in aborted clones, which partially account for the higher abortion and developmental abnormalities during bovine cloning.  相似文献   

Several mammals, including dogs, have been successfully cloned using somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), but the efficiency of generating normal, live offspring is relatively low. Although the high failure rate has been attributed to incomplete reprogramming of the somatic nuclei during the cloning process, the exact cause is not fully known. To elucidate the cause of death in cloned offspring, 12 deceased offspring cloned by SCNT were necropsied. The clones were either stillborn just prior to delivery or died with dyspnea shortly after birth. On gross examination, defects in the anterior abdominal wall and increased heart and liver sizes were found. Notably, a significant increase in muscle mass and macroglossia lesions were observed in deceased SCNT-cloned dogs. Interestingly, the expression of myostatin, a negative regulator of muscle growth during embryogenesis, was down-regulated at the mRNA level in tongues and skeletal muscles of SCNT-cloned dogs compared with a normal dog. Results of the present study suggest that decreased expression of myostatin in SCNT-cloned dogs may be involved in morphological abnormalities such as increased muscle mass and macroglossia, which may contribute to impaired fetal development and poor survival rates.  相似文献   

Most cases of ischemic heart disease and stroke occur as a result of atherosclerosis. The purpose of this study was to produce a new Nippon Institute for Biological Science (NIBS) miniature pig model by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) for studying atherosclerosis. The human apolipoprotein(a) (apo(a)) genes were transfected into kidney epithelial cells derived from a male and a female piglet. Male cells were used as donors initially, and 275 embryos were transferred to surrogates. Three offspring were delivered, and the production efficiency was 1.1% (3/275). Serial female cells were injected into 937 enucleated oocytes. Eight offspring were delivered (production efficiency: 0.9%) from surrogates. One male and 2 female transgenic miniature pigs matured well. Lipoprotein(a) was found in the male and one of the female transgenic animals. These results demonstrate successful production of human apo(a) transgenic NIBS miniature pigs by SCNT. Our goal is to establish a human apo(a) transgenic NIBS miniature pig colony for studying atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Stem cell research in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the past 5 years, China has increased its efforts in the field of stem cell research and practice. Basic research mainly focuses on bone marrow and embryonic stem cells. Clinical applications of stem cells in the treatment of acute heart failure, acute liver failure and lower limb ischaemia have been reported by many hospitals. China enacted its 'Ethical Guidelines for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research' in 2003. At present, China has the most liberal and favourable environments for human embryonic stem cell research.  相似文献   

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