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The fatty acid transport protein family is a group of evolutionarily conserved proteins that are involved in the cellular uptake and metabolism of long and very long chain fatty acids. However, little is known about their respective physiological roles. To analyze the functional significance of fatty acid transport protein 4 (Fatp4, Slc27a4), we generated mice with a targeted disruption of the Fatp4 gene. Fatp4-null mice displayed features of a neonatally lethal restrictive dermopathy. Their skin was characterized by hyperproliferative hyperkeratosis with a disturbed epidermal barrier, a flat dermal-epidermal junction, a reduced number of pilo-sebaceous structures, and a compact dermis. The rigid skin consistency resulted in an altered body shape with facial dysmorphia, generalized joint flexion contractures, and impaired movement including suckling and breathing deficiencies. Lipid analysis demonstrated a disturbed fatty acid composition of epidermal ceramides, in particular a decrease in the C26:0 and C26:0-OH fatty acid substitutes. These findings reveal a previously unknown, essential function of Fatp4 in the formation of the epidermal barrier.  相似文献   

Fatp4 exhibits acyl-CoA synthetase activity and is thereby able to catalyze the activation of fatty acids for further metabolism. However, its actual function in most tissues remains unresolved, and its role in cellular fatty acid uptake is still controversial. To characterize Fatp4 functions in adipocytes in vivo, we generated a mouse line with adipocyte-specific inactivation of the Fatp4 gene (Fatp4(A-/-)). Under standard conditions mutant mice showed no phenotypical aberrance. Uptake of radiolabeled palmitic and lignoceric acid into adipose tissue of Fatp4(A-/-) mice was unchanged. When exposed to a diet enriched in long chain fatty acids, Fatp4(A-/-) mice gained more body weight compared with control mice, although they were not consuming more food. Pronounced obesity was accompanied by a thicker layer of subcutaneous fat and greater adipocyte circumference, although expression of genes involved in de novo lipogenesis was not changed. However, the increase in total fat mass was contrasted by a significant decrease in various phospholipids, sphingomyelin, and cholesteryl esters in adipocytes. Livers of Fatp4-deficient animals under a high fat diet exhibited a higher degree of fatty degeneration. Nonetheless, no evidence for changes in insulin sensitivity and adipose inflammation was found. In summary, the results of this study confirm that Fatp4 is not crucial for fatty acid uptake into adipocytes. Instead, under the condition of a diet enriched in long chain fatty acids, adipocyte-specific Fatp4 deficiency results in adipose hypertrophy and profound alterations in the metabolism of complex lipids.  相似文献   

Characterization of a heart-specific fatty acid transport protein   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Fatty acids are a major source of energy for cardiac myocytes. Changes in fatty acid metabolism have been implicated as causal in diabetes and cardiac disease. The mechanism by which long chain fatty acids (LCFAs) enter cardiac myocytes is not well understood but appears to occur predominantly by protein-mediated transport. Here we report the cloning, expression pattern, and subcellular localization of a novel member of the fatty acid transport protein (FATP) family termed FATP6. FATP6 is principally expressed in the heart where it is the predominant FATP family member. Similar to other FATPs, transient and stable transfection of FATP6 into 293 cells enhanced uptake of LCFAs. FATP6 mRNA was localized to cardiac myocytes by in situ hybridization. Immunofluorescence microscopy of FATP6 in monkey and murine hearts revealed that the protein is exclusively located on the sarcolemma. FATP6 was restricted in its distribution to areas of the plasma membrane juxtaposed with small blood vessels. In these membrane domains FATP6 also colocalizes with another molecule involved in LCFA uptake, CD36. These findings suggest that FATP6 is involved in heart LCFA uptake, in which it may play a role in the pathogenesis of lipid-related cardiac disorders.  相似文献   

Congenital ichthyoses are life-threatening conditions in humans. We describe here the identification and molecular characterization of a novel recessive mutation in mice that results in newborn lethality with severe congenital lamellar ichthyosis. Mutant newborns have a taut, shiny, non-expandable epidermis that resembles cornified manifestations of autosomal-recessive congenital ichthyosis in humans. The skin is stretched so tightly that the newborn mice are immobilized. The genetic defect was mapped to a region near the proximal end of chromosome 2 by SNP analysis, suggesting Fatp4/Slc27a4 as a candidate gene. FATP4 mutations in humans cause ichthyosis prematurity syndrome (IPS), and mutations of Fatp4 in mice have previously been found to cause a phenotype that resembles human congenital ichthyoses. Characterization of the Fatp4 cDNA revealed a fusion of exon 8 to exon 10, with deletion of exon 9. Genomic sequencing identified an A to T mutation in the splice donor sequence at the 3′-end of exon 9. Loss of exon 9 results in a frame shift mutation upstream from the conserved very long-chain acyl-CoA synthase (VLACS) domain. Histological studies revealed that the mutant mice have defects in keratinocyte differentiation, along with hyperproliferation of the stratum basale of the epidermis, a hyperkeratotic stratum corneum, and reduced numbers of secondary hair follicles. Since Fatp4 protein is present primarily at the stratum granulosum and the stratum spinosum, the hyperproliferation and the alterations in hair follicle induction suggest that very long chain fatty acids, in addition to being required for normal cornification, may influence signals from the stratum corneum to the basal cells that help to orchestrate normal skin differentiation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: Intercalated cells (ICs) of the kidney collecting duct are rich in carbonic anhydrase II (CAII), which facilitates proton and bicarbonate transport. Bicarbonate secretion is mediated via Pendrin (Slc26a4), which is expressed on the apical membrane of B-ICs and nonA-nonB ICs in the cortical collecting ducts (CCD). Bicarbonate absorption is mediated via anion exchanger 1 (AE1-Slc4a1) in the CCD and via AE1 and possibly Slc26a7 in the OMCD. Both exchangers are expressed on the basolateral membrane of A-ICs. The aim of this study was to examine the expression of pendrin, Slc26a7, and AE1 in the kidneys of CAII-deficient (CAR2-null) mice. METHODS: For the expression studies, we used real-time RT-PCR, Northern hybridization, immunolabeling, and immunoblotting. RESULTS: Pendrin mRNA expression was reduced 63% along with decreased pendrin immunolabeling in the cortex of CAR2-null mice present predominantly in nonA-nonB ICs. Slc26a7 mRNA expression was decreases by 73% and Slc26a7 immunolabeling, present in A-ICs, severely reduced in the outer medulla of CAR2-null mice. AE1 mRNA expression was decreased to a similar degree (62%) along with reduced AE1 immunolabeling. The expression of aquaporin 2 (AQP2) water channel, exclusively present in principal cells of the collecting duct, was comparable in the wild type and CAR2-null mice. CONCLUSION: CAII deficiency results in a significant decrease in the gene and protein expression of bicarbonate transport proteins from Slc26 gene family - Slc26a4 (pendrin) and Slc26a7. These results emphasize the critical role of CAII for the maintenance of the intercalated cell phenotype.  相似文献   

The family of proteins that includes very long-chain acyl-CoA synthetases (ACSVL) consists of six members. These enzymes have also been designated fatty acid transport proteins. We cloned full-length mouse Acsvl3 cDNA and characterized its protein product ACSVL3/fatty acid transport protein 3. The predicted amino acid sequence contains two highly conserved motifs characteristic of acyl-CoA synthetases. Northern blot analysis revealed that the mouse Acsvl3 mRNA is highly expressed in adrenal gland, testis, and ovary, with lower expression in the brain of adult mice. A developmental Northern blot revealed that Acsvl3 mRNA levels were significantly higher in embryonic mouse brain (embryonic days 12-14) than in newborn or adult mice, suggesting a possible role in nervous system development. Immunohistochemistry revealed high ACSVL3 expression in adrenal cortical cells, spermatocytes and interstitial cells of the testis, theca cells of the ovary, cerebral cortical neurons, and cerebellar Purkinje cells. Endogenous ACSVL3 was found primarily in mitochondria of MA-10 and Neuro2a cells by both Western blot analysis of subcellular fractions and immunofluorescence analysis. In MA-10 cells, loss-of-function studies using RNA interference confirmed that endogenous ACSVL3 is an acyl-CoA synthetase capable of activating both long-chain (C16:0) and very long-chain (C24:0) fatty acids. However, despite decreased acyl-CoA synthetase activity, initial rates of fatty acid uptake were unaffected by knockdown of Acsvl3 expression in MA-10 cells. These studies cast doubt on the designation of ACSVL3 as a fatty acid transport protein.  相似文献   

The murine fatty acid transport protein (FATP) facilitates uptake of long chain fatty acids (LCFAs) when expressed in mammalian cells. FATP's sequence contains a highly conserved motif, IYTSGTTGXPK, also found in a number of proteins known to interact with ATP. To explore the role of this motif, we independently mutated the central serine (serine 250) and threonine (threonine 252) residues in this motif and assessed the effects of these mutations on FATP function. When expressed in fibroblasts, the FATP mutants demonstrated impaired LCFA import and impaired binding of [alpha-32P]8-azido-ATP (azido-ATP) compared with wild-type FATP. These results suggest that serine 250 and threonine 252 are critical for FATP function and that the mechanism of action of FATP involves nucleotide binding which is dependent on these residues.  相似文献   

Oligomerization of the murine fatty acid transport protein 1   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The 63-kDa murine fatty acid transport protein 1 (FATP1) was cloned on the basis of its ability to augment fatty acid import when overexpressed in mammalian cells. The membrane topology of this integral plasma membrane protein does not resemble that of polytopic membrane transporters for other substrates. Western blot analysis of 3T3-L1 adipocytes that natively express FATP1 demonstrate a prominent 130-kDa species as well as the expected 63-kDa FATP1, suggesting that this protein may participate in a cell surface transport protein complex. To test whether FATP1 is capable of oligomerization, we expressed functional FATP1 molecules with different amino- or carboxyl-terminal epitope tags in fibroblasts. These epitope-tagged proteins also form apparent higher molecular weight species. We show that, when expressed in the same cells, differentially tagged FATP1 proteins co-immunoprecipitate. The region between amino acid residues 191 and 475 is sufficient for association of differentially tagged truncated FATP1 constructs. When wild type FATP1 and the non-functional s250a FATP1 mutant are co-expressed in COS7 cells, mutant FATP1 has dominant inhibitory function in fatty acid uptake assays. Taken together, these results are consistent with a model in which FATP1 homodimeric complexes play an important role in cellular fatty acid import.  相似文献   

Fatty acid transport protein (FATP) 4 is one of a family of six FATPs that facilitate long- and very long-chain fatty acid uptake. Mice lacking FATP4 are born with tight, thick skin and a defective epidermal barrier; they die neonatally due to dehydration and restricted movements. Both the skin phenotype and the lethality are rescued by transgene-driven expression of FATP4 solely in suprabasal keratinocytes. Here we show that Fatp4 mutants exhibit epidermal hyperplasia resulting from an increased number of proliferating suprabasal cells. In addition, barrier formation initiates precociously but never progresses to completion. To investigate possible mechanisms whereby Fatp4 influences skin development, we identified misregulated genes in Fatp4 mutants. Remarkably, three members of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) family (Ereg, Areg, and Epgn) showed increased expression that was associated with elevated epidermal activation of the EGF receptor (EGFR) and STAT3, a downstream effector of EGFR signaling. Both Tyrphostin AG1478, an EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor, and curcumin, an inhibitor of both STAT3 and EGFR, attenuated STAT3 activation/nuclear translocation, reduced skin thickening, and partially suppressed the barrier abnormalities. These data identify FATP4 activity as negatively influencing EGFR activation and the resulting STAT3 signaling during normal skin development. These findings have important implications for understanding the pathogenesis of ichthyosis prematurity syndrome, a disease recently shown to be caused by FATP4 mutations.  相似文献   

Fatty acid transport protein 4 (FATP4) is an integral membrane protein expressed in the plasma and internal membranes of the small intestine and adipocyte as well as in the brain, kidney, liver, skin, and heart. FATP4 has been hypothesized to be bifunctional, exhibiting both fatty acid transport and acyl-CoA synthetase activities that work in concert to mediate fatty acid influx across biological membranes. To determine whether FATP4 is an acyl-CoA synthetase, the murine protein was engineered to contain a C-terminal FLAG epitope tag, expressed in COS1 cells via adenovirus-mediated infection and purified to near homogeneity using alpha-FLAG affinity chromatography. Kinetic analysis of the enzyme was carried out for long chain (palmitic acid, C16:0) and very long chain (lignoceric acid, C24:0) fatty acids as well as for ATP and CoA. FATP4 exhibited substrate specificity for C16:0 and C24:0 fatty acids with a V(max)/K(m) (C16:0)/V(max)/K(m) (C24:0) of 1.5. Like purified FATP1, FATP4 was insensitive to inhibition by triacsin C but was sensitive to feedback inhibition by acyl-CoA. Although purified FATP4 exhibited high levels of palmitoyl-CoA and lignoceroyl-CoA synthetase activity, extracts from the skin and intestine of FATP4 null mice exhibited reduced esterification for C24:0, but not C16:0 or C18:1, suggesting that in vivo, defects in very long chain fatty acid uptake may underlie the skin disorder phenotype of null mice.  相似文献   

The blood-brain barrier (BBB), formed by the brain capillary endothelial cells, provides a protective barrier between the systemic blood and the extracellular environment of the CNS. Passage of fatty acids from the blood to the brain may occur either by diffusion or by proteins that facilitate their transport. Currently several protein families have been implicated in fatty acid transport. The focus of the present study was to identify the fatty acid transport proteins (FATPs) expressed in the brain microvessel endothelial cells and characterize their involvement in fatty acid transport across an in vitro BBB model. The major fatty acid transport proteins expressed in human brain microvessel endothelial cells (HBMEC), mouse capillaries and human grey matter were FATP-1, -4 and fatty acid binding protein 5 and fatty acid translocase/CD36. The passage of various radiolabeled fatty acids across confluent HBMEC monolayers was examined over a 30-min period in the presence of fatty acid free albumin in a 1 : 1 molar ratio. The apical to basolateral permeability of radiolabeled fatty acids was dependent upon both saturation and chain length of the fatty acid. Knockdown of various fatty acid transport proteins using siRNA significantly decreased radiolabeled fatty acid transport across the HBMEC monolayer. Our findings indicate that FATP-1 and FATP-4 are the predominant fatty acid transport proteins expressed in the BBB based on human and mouse expression studies. While transport studies in HBMEC monolayers support their involvement in fatty acid permeability, fatty acid translocase/CD36 also appears to play a prominent role in transport of fatty acids across HBMEC.  相似文献   

Fatty acid (FA) metabolism is a series of processes that provide structural substances, signalling molecules and energy. Ample evidence has shown that FA uptake is mediated by plasma membrane transporters including FA transport proteins (FATPs), caveolin-1, fatty-acid translocase (FAT)/CD36, and fatty-acid binding proteins. Unlike other FA transporters, the functions of FATPs have been controversial because they contain both motifs of FA transport and fatty acyl-CoA synthetase (ACS). The widely distributed FATP4 is not a direct FA transporter but plays a predominant function as an ACS. FATP4 deficiency causes ichthyosis premature syndrome in mice and humans associated with suppression of polar lipids but an increase in neutral lipids including triglycerides (TGs). Such a shift has been extensively characterized in enterocyte-, hepatocyte-, and adipocyte-specific Fatp4-deficient mice. The mutants under obese and non-obese fatty livers induced by different diets persistently show an increase in blood non-esterified free fatty acids and glycerol indicating the lipolysis of TGs. This review also focuses on FATP4 role on regulatory networks and factors that modulate FATP4 expression in metabolic tissues including intestine, liver, muscle, and adipose tissues. Metabolic disorders especially regarding blood lipids by FATP4 deficiency in different cell types are herein discussed. Our results may be applicable to not only patients with FATP4 mutations but also represent a model of dysregulated lipid homeostasis, thus providing mechanistic insights into obesity and development of fatty liver disease.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that C. elegans LIN-9 functions downstream of CDK4 in a pathway that regulates cell proliferation. Here, we report that mammalian BARA/LIN-9 is a predominantly nuclear protein that inhibits cell proliferation. More importantly, we demonstrate that BARA/LIN-9 also acts downstream of cyclin D/CDK4 in mammalian cells since (i) its antiproliferative effect is partially blocked by coexpression of cyclin D1, and (ii) a mutant form that lacks the first 84 amino acids rescues several phenotypic alterations observed in mice null for cdk4. Interestingly, mutation of BARA/LIN-9 restores the expression of E2F target genes in CDK4 null MEFs, indicating that the wild-type protein plays a role in the expression of genes required for the G1/S transition.  相似文献   

The murine fatty acid transport protein (FATP1) was identified in an expression cloning screen for proteins that facilitate transport of fatty acids across the plasma membranes of mammalian cells. Hydropathy analysis of this protein suggests a model in which FATP1 has multiple membrane-spanning domains. To test this model, we inserted a hemagglutinin epitope tag at the amino terminus or a FLAG tag at the carboxyl terminus of the FATP1 cDNA and expressed these constructs in NIH 3T3 cells. Both tagged constructs produce proteins of the expected molecular masses and are functional in fatty acid import assays. Indirect immunofluorescence studies with selective permeabilization conditions and protease protection studies of sealed membrane vesicles from cells expressing epitope-tagged FATP1 were performed. These experiments show that the extreme amino terminus of tagged FATP1 is oriented toward the extracellular space, whereas the carboxyl terminus faces the cytosol. Additionally, enhanced green fluorescent protein fusion constructs containing predicted membrane-associated or soluble portions of FATP1 were expressed in Cos7 cells and analyzed by immunofluorescence and subcellular fractionation. These experiments demonstrate that amino acids 1-51, 52-100, and 101-190 contain signals for integral association with the membrane, whereas residues 258-313 and 314-475 are only peripherally membrane-associated. Amino acid residues 191-257 and 476-646 do not direct membrane association and likely face the cytosol. Taken together, these data support a model of FATP1 as a polytopic membrane protein with at least one transmembrane and multiple membrane-associated domains. This study provides the first experimental evidence for topology of a member of the family of plasma membrane fatty acid transport proteins.  相似文献   

Identification of the major intestinal fatty acid transport protein.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
While intestinal transport systems for metabolites such as carbohydrates have been well characterized, the molecular mechanisms of fatty acid (FA) transport across the apical plasmalemma of enterocytes have remained largely unclear. Here, we show that FATP4, a member of a large family of FA transport proteins (FATPs), is expressed at high levels on the apical side of mature enterocytes in the small intestine. Further, overexpression of FATP4 in 293 cells facilitates uptake of long chain FAs with the same specificity as enterocytes, while reduction of FATP4 expression in primary enterocytes by antisense oligonucleotides inhibits FA uptake by 50%. This suggests that FATP4 is the principal fatty acid transporter in enterocytes and may constitute a novel target for antiobesity therapy.  相似文献   

FA transport protein 4 (FATP4), one member of a multigene family of FA transporters, was proposed as a major FA transporter in intestinal lipid absorption. Due to the fact that Fatp4(-/-) mice die because of a perinatal skin defect, we rescued the skin phenotype using an FATP4 transgene driven by a keratinocyte-specific promoter (Fatp4(-/-);Ivl-Fatp4(tg/+) mice) to elucidate the role of intestinal FATP4 in dietary lipid absorption. Fatp4(-/-);Ivl-Fatp4(tg/+) mice and wild-type littermates displayed indistinguishable food consumption, growth, and weight gain on either low or high fat (Western) diets, with no differences in intestinal triglyceride (TG) absorption or fecal fat losses. Cholesterol absorption and intestinal TG absorption kinetics were indistinguishable between the genotypes, although Western diet fed Fatp4(-/-);Ivl-Fatp4(tg/+) mice showed a significant increase in enterocyte TG and FA content. There was no compensatory upregulation of other FATP family members or any other FA or cholesterol transporters in Fatp4(-/-);Ivl-Fatp4(tg/+) mice. Furthermore, although serum cholesterol levels were lower in Fatp4(-/-);Ivl-Fatp4(tg/+) mice, there was no difference in hepatic VLDL secretion in-vivo or in hepatic lipid content on either a chow or Western diet. Taken together, our studies find no evidence for a physiological role of intestinal FATP4 in dietary lipid absorption in mice.  相似文献   



The uptake and trans-placental trafficking of fatty acids from the maternal blood into the fetal circulation are essential for embryonic development, and involve several families of proteins. Fatty acid transport proteins (FATPs) uniquely transport fatty acids into cells. We surmised that placental FATPs are germane for fetal growth, and are regulated during hypoxic stress, which is associated with reduced fat supply to the fetus.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Using cultured primary term human trophoblasts we found that FATP2, FATP4 and FATP6 were highly expressed in trophoblasts. Hypoxia enhanced the expression of trophoblastic FATP2 and reduced the expression of FATP4, with no change in FATP6. We also found that Fatp2 and Fatp4 are expressed in the mouse amnion and placenta, respectively. Mice deficient in Fatp2 or Fatp4 did not deviate from normal Mendelian distribution, with both embryos and placentas exhibiting normal weight and morphology, triglyceride content, and expression of genes related to fatty acid mobilization.


We conclude that even though hypoxia regulates the expression of FATP2 and FATP4 in human trophoblasts, mouse Fatp2 and Fatp4 are not essential for intrauterine fetal growth.  相似文献   

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