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Glycine and taurine conjugates of bile acids modulate gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase by interacting with the cysteinylglycine binding site (acceptor site) of the enzyme. These compounds stimulate hydrolysis of glutamine and S-methylglutathione and the rate of the inactivation of the enzyme by the gamma-glutamyl site-directed reagent, AT-125 (L-(alpha S,5S)-alpha-amino-3-chloro-4,5-dihydro-5-isoxazoleacetic acid). Transpeptidation between S-methylglutathione and methionine was inhibited by these compounds. These effects resemble those caused by hippurate; the glycine derivatives of bile acids, however, exhibit a much greater affinity for transpeptidase than hippurate. Cholate, as shown previously for benzoate, also seems to bind to a portion of the acceptor site as indicated by its effects on S-methylglutathione utilization and AT-125-dependent inactivation of the enzyme. The Kd values for cholate and benzoate are, however, at least one order of magnitude larger than those for their respective glycine derivatives. The acceptor site-directed modulators increase the affinity of the enzyme for AT-125 and kinetic and binding studies show that binding of gamma-glutamyl site-directed reagents increases the affinity of the enzyme for cholate. These results thus indicate cooperative interactions between the gamma-glutamyl donor and acceptor binding domains of the transpeptidase active center.  相似文献   

The isolated perfused rat liver was used to examine the hepatic extraction, biliary secretion and effect on bile flow of the 2-fluoro-beta-alanine conjugates of cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid. The naturally occurring taurine and glycine conjugates of these bile acids were used for comparisons. The 2-fluoro-beta-alanine conjugates were extracted by the liver to a similar extent as the taurine and glycine conjugates. The biliary secretion rate and increase in bile flow were similar for all the cholic acid conjugates. On the other hand, the maximal biliary secretion rate of the 2-fluoro-beta-alanine conjugate of chenodeoxycholate was similar to that of the glycochenodeoxycholate, but 47% lower than that of taurochenodeoxycholate. In addition, the 2-fluoro-beta-alanine conjugate of chenodeoxycholate produced a decrease in bile flow that was comparable to that observed with the glycochenodeoxycholate (54% vs. 74%), but which was greater than that produced by the taurochenodeoxycholate (12%). In summary, these data demonstrate that the biological properties of the 2-fluoro-beta-alanine conjugates of cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid are not markedly different from those of the naturally occurring taurine and glycine conjugates. These data also suggest that the amino acid moiety can influence the biliary secretion and cholestatic properties of chenodeoxycholic acid conjugates.  相似文献   

Bile acids modulate hepatocellular signaling pathways in vitro at physiological concentrations. The present paper provides a brief overview of the effects of bile acids on three key messengers in liver cells: cytosolic free calcium, protein kinase A and protein kinase C.  相似文献   

This review attempts to provide a concise and critical summary of modern methods for the analysis of bile acids and their conjugates in human biological fluids. Most emphasis is given to more up-to-date procedures that have been applied to the study of human disease and attention is drawn to previous reviews in areas that have not been covered here. An increasing awareness of the possibility that bile acids may be involved in the etiology of a number of disorders, or that such disorders may give rise to changes in bile acid concentration, has stimulated the study of bile acid methodology. Although many procedures have been described using, for example, high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC), gas-liquid chromatography (GLC), gas-liquid chromatography--mass spectrometry (GLC-MS), and radioimmunoassay (RIA), no simple but comprehensive procedure for the estimation of bile acids and their conjugates has yet been published. Further study in this area is still required in order to establish the role of bile acid estimations in the routine diagnosis and treatment of disease.  相似文献   

A method for improving the assay of beta-glucuronidase in hepatic and gallbladder bile is described. The method uses ion-pair extraction with N,N,N-triheptyl-1-heptanaminium bromide to remove pigments and bile acids. Conjugated bilirubin, unconjugated bilirubin, and taurine and glycine conjugates of deoxycholic and chenodeoxycholic acids are extracted efficiently from bile by the procedure. The sensitivity of the spectrophotometric assay of beta-glucuronidase in bile using phenolphthalein glucuronide is increased significantly.  相似文献   

Previous work from this laboratory has reported the biotransformation of bile acids (BA) into the thioester-linked glutathione (GSH) conjugates via the intermediary metabolites formed by BA:CoA ligase and shown that such GSH conjugates are excreted into the bile in healthy rats as well as rats dosed with lithocholic acid or ursodeoxycholic acid. To examine whether such novel BA-GSH conjugates are present in human bile, we determined the concentration of the GSH conjugates of the five BA that predominate in human bile. Bile was obtained from three infants (age 4, 10, and 13 months) and the BA-GSH conjugates quantified by means of liquid chromatography (LC)/electrospray ionization (ESI)-linear ion trap mass spectrometry (MS) in negative-ion scan mode, monitoring characteristic transitions of the analytes. By LC/ESI-MS, only primary BA were present in biliary BA, indicating that the dehydroxylating flora had not yet developed. GSH conjugates of chenodeoxycholic and lithocholic acid were present in concentrations ranging from 27 to 1120 pmol/ml, several orders of magnitude less than those of natural BA N-acylamidates. GSH conjugates were not present, however, in the ductal bile obtained from 10 adults (nine choledocholithiasis, one bile duct cancer). Our results indicate that BA-GSH conjugates are formed and excreted in human bile, at least in infants, although this novel mode of conjugation is a very minor pathway.  相似文献   

ABCG5 and ABCG8 require MDR2 for secretion of cholesterol into bile   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The major pathway for the removal of cholesterol from the body is via secretion into the bile. Three members of the ATP binding cassette (ABC) family, ABCG5 (G5), ABCG8 (G8), and ABCB4 (MDR2), are required for the efficient biliary export of sterols. Here, we examined the interdependence of these three ABC transporters for biliary sterol secretion. Biliary lipid levels in mice expressing no MDR2 (Mdr2-/- mice) were compared with those of Mdr2-/- mice expressing 14 copies of a human G5 (hG5) and hG8 transgene (Mdr2-/-;hG5G8Tg mice). Mdr2-/- mice had only trace amounts of biliary cholesterol and phospholipids. The Mdr2-/-;hG5G8Tg mice had biliary cholesterol levels as low as those of Mdr2-/- mice. Thus, MDR2 expression is required for G5G8-mediated biliary sterol secretion. To determine whether the reduction in fractional absorption of dietary sterols associated with G5G8 overexpression is secondary to the associated increase in biliary cholesterol, we compared the fractional absorption of sterols in Mdr2-/-;hG5G8Tg and hG5G8Tg animals. Inactivation of MDR2 markedly attenuated the reduction in fractional sterol absorption associated with G5G8 overexpression. These results are consistent with the notion that increased biliary cholesterol secretion contributes to the reduction in fractional sterol absorption associated with G5G8 overexpression.  相似文献   

We examined the characteristics of several bile acids and some steroid conjugates under low-energy-collision-induced dissociation conditions using a triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometer. According to conjugation types, we observed characteristic product ions and/or neutral losses in the product ion spectra. Amino acid conjugates afforded specific product ions. For example, glycine-conjugated metabolites routinely produced a product ion at m/z 74, and taurine-conjugated metabolites produced product ions at m/z 124, 107, and 80. When a strong peak appeared at m/z 97, the molecule contained a sulfate group. In contrast to amino acid conjugates, carbohydrate conjugates required a combination of product ions and neutral losses for identification. We could discriminate a glucoside from an acyl galactoside according to the presence or absence of a product ion at m/z 161 and a neutral loss of 180 Da. Discrimination among esters, aliphatic ethers, and phenolic ether types of glucuronides was based upon differences in the intensities of a product ion at m/z 175 and a neutral loss of 176 Da. Furthermore, N-acetylglucosamine conjugates showed a characteristic product ion at m/z 202 and a neutral loss of 203 Da, and the appearance of a product ion at m/z 202 revealed the existence of N-acetylglucosamine conjugated to an aliphatic hydroxyl group without a double bond in the immediate vicinity.Together, the data presented here will help to enable the identification of unknown conjugated cholesterol metabolites by using low-energy collision-induced dissociation.  相似文献   

Bile acids and their conjugated forms may be separated by anion-exchange chromatography in alkaline media (0.9 M sodium acetate, 0.1 M sodium hydroxide, 15% v/v acetonitrile) on a CarboPac PA-100 column. The efflient was monitored at high sensitivity, with detection limits of less than 10 μM, using a pulsed amperometric detector. Free bile acids and their glyco- and tauro-conjugated forms were separated and detected within 40 min under isocratic conditions.  相似文献   

1. The subcellular distribution of conjugates of cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid between cytosol, nuclei, mitochondria and microsomes in rat liver has been determined. 2. The partition coefficients for the distribution of these bile acids between subcellular fractions and buffer have been measured and used to construct a compartmental model of the amounts of conjugated bile acids present in the different subcellular organelles in vivo. 3. This model indicates that a large percentage of the bile acid in the rat liver is found in the nuclear fraction; 42% of the cholic acid conjugates and 27% of the chenodeoxycholic acid conjugates. Substantial amounts of bile acid are also present in microsomes and mitochondria suggesting that published estimates of the amounts of bile acids in these fractions are underestimates. 4. The model also allows the amount of bile acid which is in free solution in cytosol to be determined; 10.9% of the cholic acid conjugates and 4.1% of the chenodeoxycholic acid conjugates in rat liver were present in this fraction. Knowlege of the amount of free bile acid allows possible roles of the cytosolic bile binding proteins to be assessed.  相似文献   

A method is reported for the preparation of the C-24 carboxyl-linked beta-D-galactopyranosides of lithocholic, deoxycholic, chenodeoxycholic, ursodeoxycholic, and cholic acids, two of which were recently identified as a novel type of the metabolites of bile acids excreted in human urine. Direct esterification (galactosidation) of the unprotected bile acids with 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-benzyl-D-galactopyranose in the presence of 2-chloro-1,3,5-trinitrobenzene as a coupling agent and subsequent hydrogenolysis of the resulting benzyloxy-protected bile acid 24-beta-D-galactopyranosides over 10% palladium on charcoal under atmospheric pressure afforded the title compounds. The structures of the bile acid acyl galactosides were confirmed by measuring several (1)H-(1)H and (1)H-(13)C shift correlated 2D NMR.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop a new high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) procedure for quantifying taurine conjugates of bile acids in serum. The technique involved three basic steps. The first removed free amino acids via solid-phase extraction of the serum. The second step involved the reaction of the extracted serum with the enzyme choloylycine hydrolase, which liberated the taurine from the conjugated bile acids. The third step was the reversed-phase HPLC separation of o-phthalicdicarboxaldehhyde derivatives of taurine. The assay provides a simple technique for determination of the total amount of taurine-conjugated bile acids in serum.  相似文献   

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