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BACKGROUND: Duplicated chromosomes are equally segregated to daughter cells by a bipolar mitotic spindle during cell division. By metaphase, sister chromatids are coupled to microtubule (MT) plus ends from opposite poles of the bipolar spindle via kinetochores. Here we describe a phosphorylation event that promotes the coupling of kinetochores to microtubule plus ends. RESULTS: Dam1 is a kinetochore component that directly binds to microtubules. We identified DAM1-765, a dominant allele of DAM1, in a genetic screen for mutations that increase stress on the spindle pole body (SPB) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. DAM1-765 contains the single mutation S221F. We show that S221 is one of six Dam1 serines (S13, S49, S217, S218, S221, and S232) phosphorylated by Mps1 in vitro. In cells with single mutations S221F, S218A, or S221A, kinetochores in the metaphase spindle form tight clusters that are closer to the SPBs than in a wild-type cell. Five lines of experimental evidence, including localization of spindle components by fluorescence microscopy, measurement of microtubule dynamics by fluorescence redistribution after photobleaching, and reconstructions of three-dimensional structure by electron tomography, combined with computational modeling of microtubule behavior strongly indicate that, unlike wild-type kinetochores, Dam1-765 kinetochores do not colocalize with an equal number of plus ends. Despite the uncoupling of the kinetochores from the plus ends of MTs, the DAM1-765 cells are viable, complete the cell cycle with the same kinetics as wild-type cells, and biorient their chromosomes as efficiently as wild-type cells. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that phosphorylation of Dam1 residues S218 and S221 by Mps1 is required for efficient coupling of kinetochores to MT plus ends. We find that efficient plus-end coupling is not required for (1) maintenance of chromosome biorientation, (2) maintenance of tension between sister kinetochores, or (3) chromosome segregation.  相似文献   

A bioriented chromosome is tethered to opposite spindle poles during congression by bundles of kinetochore microtubules (kMts). At room temperature, kinetochore fibers are a dominant component of mitotic spindles of PtK2 cells. PtK2 cells at room temperature were injected with purified tubulin covalently bound to DTAF and congression movements of individual chromosomes were recorded in time lapse. Congression movements of bioriented chromosomes between the poles occur over distances of 4.5 microns or greater. DTAF-tubulin injection had no effect on either the velocity or extent of these movements. Other cells were lysed, fixed, and the location of DTAF-tubulin incorporation was detected from digitally processed images of indirect immunofluorescence of an antibody to DTAF. Microtubules were labeled with an anti-beta tubulin antibody. At 2-5 minutes after injection, concentrated DTAF-tubulin staining was seen in the kinetochore fibers proximal to the kinetochores; a low concentration of DTAF-tubulin staining occurred at various sites through the remaining length of the fibers toward the pole. Kinetochore fibers in the same cell displayed different lengths (0.2 to 4 microns) of concentrated DTAF-tubulin incorporation proximal to the kinetochore, as did sister kinetochore fibers. Ten minutes after injection, the lengths of DTAF-containing chromosomal fibers were greater than expected if incorporation resulted solely from the lengthening of kinetochore microtubules due to congression movements of the chromosomes. Besides incorporation as a result of chromosome movement, two other mechanisms might explain the length of the DTAF-containing segments: 1) a poleward flux of tubulin subunits (Mitchison, 1989) or 2) capture of DTAF-containing nonkinetochore microtubules.  相似文献   

Nucleosome positioning is important for the structural integrity of chromosomes. During metaphase the mitotic spindle exerts physical force on pericentromeric chromatin. The cell must adjust the pericentromeric chromatin to accommodate the changing tension resulting from microtubule dynamics to maintain a stable metaphase spindle. Here we examine the effects of spindle-based tension on nucleosome dynamics by measuring the histone turnover of the chromosome arm and the pericentromere during metaphase in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We find that both histones H2B and H4 exhibit greater turnover in the pericentromere during metaphase. Loss of spindle-based tension by treatment with the microtubule-depolymerizing drug nocodazole or compromising kinetochore function results in reduced histone turnover in the pericentromere. Pericentromeric histone dynamics are influenced by the chromatin-remodeling activities of STH1/NPS1 and ISW2. Sth1p is the ATPase component of the Remodels the Structure of Chromatin (RSC) complex, and Isw2p is an ATP-dependent DNA translocase member of the Imitation Switch (ISWI) subfamily of chromatin-remodeling factors. The balance between displacement and insertion of pericentromeric histones provides a mechanism to accommodate spindle-based tension while maintaining proper chromatin packaging during mitosis.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, chromosome congression clusters kinetochores on either side of the spindle equator at metaphase. Many organisms require one or more kinesin-8 molecular motors to achieve chromosome alignment. the yeast kinesin-8, Kip3, has been well studied in vitro but a role in chromosome congression has not been reported. We investigated Kip3''s role in this process using semi-automated, quantitative fluorescence microscopy and time-lapse imaging and found that Kip3 is required for congression. Deletion of KIP3 increases inter-kinetochore distances and increases the variability in the position of sister kinetochores along the spindle axis during metaphase. Kip3 does not regulate spindle length and is not required for kinetochore-microtubule attachment. Instead, Kip3 clusters kinetochores on the metaphase spindle by tightly regulating kinetochore microtubule lengths.Key words: Cin8, cluster, GFP-tubulin, kinesin-5, kinesin-8, kinetochore, Kip3, metaphase, microtubule, mitosis, spindle  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, chromosome congression clusters kinetochores on either side of the spindle equator at metaphase. Many organisms require one or more kinesin-8 molecular motors to achieve chromosome alignment. The yeast kinesin-8, Kip3, has been well studied in vitro but a role in chromosome congression has not beenreported. We investigated Kip3's role in this process using semi-automated, quantitative fluorescence microscopy and time-lapse imaging and found that Kip3 is required for congression. Deletion of KIP3 increases inter-kinetochore distances and increases the variability in the position of sister kinetochores along the spindle axis during metaphase. Kip3 does not regulate spindle length and is not required for kinetochore-microtubule attachment. Instead, Kip3 clusters kinetochores on the metaphase spindle by tightly regulating kinetochore microtubule lengths.  相似文献   

Chromokinesins are microtubule plus end-directed motor proteins that bind to chromosome arms. In Xenopus egg cell-free extracts, Xkid and Xklp1 are essential for bipolar spindle formation but the functions of the human homologues, hKID (KIF22) and KIF4A, are poorly understood. By using RNAi-mediated protein knockdown in human cells, we find that only co-depletion delayed progression through mitosis in a Mad2-dependent manner. Depletion of hKID caused abnormal chromosome arm orientation, delayed chromosome congression, and sensitized cells to nocodazole. Knockdown of KIF4A increased the number and length of microtubules, altered kinetochore oscillations, and decreased kinetochore microtubule flux. These changes were associated with failures in establishing a tight metaphase plate and an increase in anaphase lagging chromosomes. Co-depletion of both chromokinesins aggravated chromosome attachment failures, which led to mitotic arrest. Thus, hKID and KIF4A contribute independently to the rapid and correct attachment of chromosomes by controlling the positioning of chromosome arms and the dynamics of microtubules, respectively.  相似文献   

Epithelial polarization and neuronal outgrowth require the assembly of microtubule arrays that are not associated with centrosomes. As these processes generally involve contact interactions mediated by cadherins, we investigated the potential role of cadherin signalling in the stabilization of non-centrosomal microtubules. Here we show that expression of cadherins in centrosome-free cytoplasts increases levels of microtubule polymer and changes the behaviour of microtubules from treadmilling to dynamic instability. This effect is not a result of cadherin expression per se but depends on the formation of cell-cell contacts. The effect of cell-cell contacts is mimicked by application of beads coated with stimulatory anti-cadherin antibody and is suppressed by overexpression of the cytoplasmic cadherin tail. We therefore propose that cadherins initiate a signalling pathway that alters microtubule organization by stabilizing microtubule ends.  相似文献   

The interaction of kinetochores with dynamic microtubules during mitosis is essential for proper centromere motility, congression to the metaphase plate, and subsequent anaphase chromosome segregation. Budding yeast has been critical in the discovery of proteins necessary for this interaction. However, the molecular mechanism for microtubule-kinetochore interactions remains poorly understood. Using live cell imaging and mutations affecting microtubule binding proteins and kinetochore function, we identify a regulatory mechanism for spindle microtubule dynamics involving Stu2p and the core kinetochore component, Ndc10p. Depleting cells of the microtubule binding protein Stu2p reduces kinetochore microtubule dynamics. Centromeres remain under tension but lack motility. Thus, normal microtubule dynamics are not required to maintain tension at the centromere. Loss of the kinetochore (ndc10-1, ndc10-2, and ctf13-30) does not drastically affect spindle microtubule turnover, indicating that Stu2p, not the kinetochore, is the foremost governor of microtubule dynamics. Disruption of kinetochore function with ndc10-1 does not affect the decrease in microtubule turnover in stu2 mutants, suggesting that the kinetochore is not required for microtubule stabilization. Remarkably, a partial kinetochore defect (ndc10-2) suppresses the decreased spindle microtubule turnover in the absence of Stu2p. These results indicate that Stu2p and Ndc10p differentially function in controlling kinetochore microtubule dynamics necessary for centromere movements.  相似文献   

Stu2p is a member of a conserved family of microtubule-binding proteins and an essential protein in yeast. Here, we report the first in vivo analysis of microtubule dynamics in cells lacking a member of this protein family. For these studies, we have used a conditional Stu2p depletion strain expressing alpha-tubulin fused to green fluorescent protein. Depletion of Stu2p leads to fewer and less dynamic cytoplasmic microtubules in both G1 and preanaphase cells. The reduction in cytoplasmic microtubule dynamics is due primarily to decreases in both the catastrophe and rescue frequencies and an increase in the fraction of time microtubules spend pausing. These changes have significant consequences for the cell because they impede the ability of cytoplasmic microtubules to orient the spindle. In addition, recovery of fluorescence after photobleaching indicates that kinetochore microtubules are no longer dynamic in the absence of Stu2p. This deficiency is correlated with a failure to properly align chromosomes at metaphase. Overall, we provide evidence that Stu2p promotes the dynamics of microtubule plus-ends in vivo and that these dynamics are critical for microtubule interactions with kinetochores and cortical sites in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Centromere protein F (CENP-F) (or mitosin) accumulates to become an abundant nuclear protein in G2, assembles at kinetochores in late G2, remains kinetochore-bound until anaphase, and is degraded at the end of mitosis. Here we show that the absence of nuclear CENP-F does not affect cell cycle progression in S and G2. In a subset of CENP-F depleted cells, kinetochore assembly fails completely, thereby provoking massive chromosome mis-segregation. In contrast, the majority of CENP-F depleted cells exhibit a strong mitotic delay with reduced tension between kinetochores of aligned, bi-oriented sister chromatids and decreased stability of kinetochore microtubules. These latter kinetochores generate mitotic checkpoint signaling when unattached, recruiting maximum levels of Mad2. Use of YFP-marked Mad1 reveals that throughout the mitotic delay some aligned, CENP-F depleted kinetochores continuously recruit Mad1. Others rebind YFP-Mad1 intermittently so as to produce 'twinkling', demonstrating cycles of mitotic checkpoint reactivation and silencing and a crucial role for CENP-F in efficient assembly of a stable microtubule-kinetochore interface.  相似文献   

Centrosomes are the major sites for microtubule nucleation in mammalian cells, although both chromatin- and kinetochore-mediated microtubule nucleation have been observed during spindle assembly. As yet, it is still unclear whether these pathways are coregulated, and the molecular requirements for microtubule nucleation at kinetochore are not fully understood. This work demonstrates that kinetochores are initial sites for microtubule nucleation during spindle reassembly after nocodazole. This process requires local RanGTP accumulation concomitant with delocalization from kinetochores of the hydrolysis factor RanGAP1. Kinetochore-driven microtubule nucleation is also activated after cold-induced microtubule disassembly when centrosome nucleation is impaired, e.g., after Polo-like kinase 1 depletion, indicating that dominant centrosome activity normally masks the kinetochore-driven pathway. In cells with unperturbed centrosome nucleation, defective RanGAP1 recruitment at kinetochores after treatment with the Crm1 inhibitor leptomycin B activates kinetochore microtubule nucleation after cold. Finally, nascent microtubules associate with the RanGTP-regulated microtubule-stabilizing protein HURP in both cold- and nocodazole-treated cells. These data support a model for spindle assembly in which RanGTP-dependent abundance of nucleation/stabilization factors at centrosomes and kinetochores orchestrates the contribution of the two spindle assembly pathways in mammalian cells. The complex of RanGTP, the export receptor Crm1, and nuclear export signal-bearing proteins regulates microtubule nucleation at kinetochores.  相似文献   

Modulation of microtubule stability by kinetochores in vitro   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The interface between kinetochores and microtubules in the mitotic spindle is known to be dynamic. Kinetochore microtubules can both polymerize and depolymerize, and their dynamic behavior is intimately related to chromosome movement. In this paper we investigate the influence of kinetochores on the inherent dynamic behavior of microtubules using an in vitro assay. The dynamics of microtubule plus ends attached to kinetochores are compared to those of free plus ends in the same solution. We show that microtubules attached to kinetochores exhibit the full range of dynamic instability behavior, but at altered transition rates. Surprisingly, we find that kinetochores increase the rate at which microtubule ends transit from growing to shrinking. This result contradicts our previous findings (Mitchison, T. J., and M. W. Kirschner, 1985b) for technical reasons which are discussed. We suggest that catalysis of the growing to shrinking transition by kinetochores may account for selective depolymerization of kinetochore microtubules during anaphase in vivo. We also investigate the effects of a nonhydrolyzable ATP analogue on kinetochore microtubule dynamics. We find that 5' adenylylimido diphosphate induces a rigor state at the kinetochore-microtubule interface, which prevents depolymerization of the microtubule.  相似文献   

Analysis of kinesin motor function at budding yeast kinetochores   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Accurate chromosome segregation during mitosis requires biorientation of sister chromatids on the microtubules (MT) of the mitotic spindle. Chromosome-MT binding is mediated by kinetochores, which are multiprotein structures that assemble on centromeric (CEN) DNA. The simple CENs of budding yeast are among the best understood, but the roles of kinesin motor proteins at yeast kinetochores have yet to be determined, despite evidence of their importance in higher eukaryotes. We show that all four nuclear kinesins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae localize to kinetochores and function in three distinct processes. Kip1p and Cin8p, which are kinesin-5/BimC family members, cluster kinetochores into their characteristic bilobed metaphase configuration. Kip3p, a kinesin-8,-13/KinI kinesin, synchronizes poleward kinetochore movement during anaphase A. The kinesin-14 motor Kar3p appears to function at the subset of kinetochores that become detached from spindle MTs. These data demonstrate roles for structurally diverse motors in the complex processes of chromosome segregation and reveal important similarities and intriguing differences between higher and lower eukaryotes.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To test current models for how unattached and untense kinetochores prevent Cdc20 activation of the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) throughout the spindle and the cytoplasm, we used GFP fusions and live-cell imaging to quantify the abundance and dynamics of spindle checkpoint proteins Mad1, Mad2, Bub1, BubR1, Mps1, and Cdc20 at kinetochores during mitosis in living PtK2 cells. RESULTS: Unattached kinetochores in prometaphase bound on average only a small fraction (estimated at 500-5000 molecules) of the total cellular pool of each spindle checkpoint protein. Measurements of fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) showed that GFP-Cdc20 and GFP-BubR1 exhibit biphasic exponential kinetics at unattached kinetochores, with approximately 50% displaying very fast kinetics (t1/2 of approximately 1-3 s) and approximately 50% displaying slower kinetics similar to the single exponential kinetics of GFP-Mad2 and GFP-Bub3 (t1/2 of 21-23 s). The slower phase of GFP-Cdc20 likely represents complex formation with Mad2 since it was tension insensitive and, unlike the fast phase, it was absent at metaphase kinetochores that lack Mad2 but retain Cdc20 and was absent at unattached prometaphase kinetochores for the Cdc20 derivative GFP-Cdc20delta1-167, which lacks the major Mad2 binding domain but retains kinetochore localization. GFP-Mps1 exhibited single exponential kinetics at unattached kinetochores with a t1/2 of approximately 10 s, whereas most GFP-Mad1 and GFP-Bub1 were much more stable components. CONCLUSIONS: Our data support catalytic models of checkpoint activation where Mad1 and Bub1 are mainly resident, Mad2 free of Mad1, BubR1 and Bub3 free of Bub1, Cdc20, and Mps1 dynamically exchange as part of the diffuse wait-anaphase signal; and Mad2 interacts with Cdc20 at unattached kinetochores.  相似文献   

The spindle checkpoint delays the onset of anaphase until all pairs of sister chromatids are attached to the mitotic spindle. The checkpoint could monitor the attachment of microtubules to kinetochores, the tension that results from the two sister chromatids attaching to opposite spindle poles, or both. We tested the role of tension by allowing cells to enter mitosis without a prior round of DNA replication. The unreplicated chromatids are attached to spindle microtubules but are not under tension since they lack a sister chromatid that could attach to the opposite pole. Because the spindle checkpoint is activated in these cells, we conclude that the absence of tension at the yeast kinetochore is sufficient to activate the spindle checkpoint in mitosis.  相似文献   

To elucidate the regulation of kinetochore microtubules (kMTs) by kinetochore proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we need tools to characterize and compare stochastic kMT dynamics. Here we show that autoregressive moving average (ARMA) models, combined with a statistical framework for testing the significance of differences between ARMA model parameters, provide a sensitive method for identifying the subtle changes in kMT dynamics associated with kinetochore protein mutations. Applying ARMA analysis to G1 kMT dynamics, we found that 1), kMT dynamics in the kinetochore protein mutants okp1-5 and kip3Delta are different from those in wild-type, demonstrating the regulation of kMTs by kinetochore proteins; 2), the kinase Ipl1p regulates kMT dynamics also in G1; and 3), the mutant dam1-1 exhibits three different phenotypes, indicating the central role of Dam1p in maintaining the attachment of kMTs and regulating their dynamics. We also confirmed that kMT dynamics vary with temperature, and are most likely differentially regulated at 37 degrees C. Therefore, when elucidating the role of a protein in kMT regulation using a temperature-sensitive mutant, dynamics in the mutant at its nonpermissive temperature must be compared to those in wild-type at the same temperature, not to those in the mutant at its permissive temperature.  相似文献   

Kinetochores of mitotic chromosomes are coupled to spindle microtubules in ways that allow the energy from tubulin dynamics to drive chromosome motion. Most kinetochore-associated microtubule ends display curving "protofilaments," strands of tubulin dimers that bend away from the microtubule axis. Both a kinetochore "plate" and an encircling, ring-shaped protein complex have been proposed to link protofilament bending to poleward chromosome motion. Here we show by electron tomography that slender fibrils connect curved protofilaments directly to the inner kinetochore. Fibril-protofilament associations correlate with a local straightening of the flared protofilaments. Theoretical analysis reveals that protofilament-fibril connections would be efficient couplers for chromosome motion, and experimental work on two very different kinetochore components suggests that filamentous proteins can couple shortening microtubules to cargo movements. These analyses define a ring-independent mechanism for harnessing microtubule dynamics directly to chromosome movement.  相似文献   

Continuous poleward movement of tubulin is a hallmark of metaphase spindle dynamics in higher eukaryotic cells and is essential for stable spindle architecture and reliable chromosome segregation. We use quantitative fluorescent speckle microscopy to map with high resolution the spatial organization of microtubule flux in Xenopus laevis egg extract meiotic spindles. We find that the flux velocity decreases near spindle poles by ~20%. The regional variation is independent of functional kinetochores and centrosomes and is suppressed by inhibition of dynein/dynactin, kinesin-5, or both. Statistical analysis reveals that tubulin flows in two distinct velocity modes. We propose an association of these modes with two architecturally distinct yet spatially overlapping and dynamically cross-linked arrays of microtubules: focused polar microtubule arrays of a uniform polarity and slower flux velocities are interconnected by a dense barrel-like microtubule array of antiparallel polarities and faster flux velocities.  相似文献   

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