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A total evidence phylogenetic analysis was performed for 14 extant and 18 fossil caniform genera using a data matrix of 5.6 kbp of concatenated sequence data from six independent loci and 80 morphological characters from the cranium and dentition. Maximum parsimony analysis recovered a single most parsimonious cladogram (MPC). The topology of the extant taxa in the MPC agreed with previous molecular phylogenies. Phylogenetic positions for fossil taxa indicate that several taxa previously described as early members of extant families (e.g., Bathygale and Plesictis) are likely stem taxa at the base of the Arctoidea. Taxa in the “Paleomustelidae” were found to be paraphyletic, but a monophyletic Oligobuninae was recovered within this set of taxa. This clade was closely related to the extant genera Gulo and Martes, therefore, nested within the extant radiation of the family Mustelidae. This analysis provides a resolution to several discrepancies between phylogenies considering either fossil taxa or extant taxa separately, and provides a framework for incorporating fossil and extant taxa into comprehensive combined evidence analyses.  相似文献   

The Eocene Notharctinae provide a record of increasing fusion of the mandibular symphysis. The two sympatric genera,Notharctus andSmilodectes, differed through time in two respects.Notharctus increased in body size and evolved a partially fused mandibular symphysis.Smilodectes changed little in body size and retained an unfused symphysis. Similarities in molar morphology between these two genera and extant leaf-eating mammals suggest thatNotharctus andSmilodectes were specialized for folivory, a dietary regime correlated with partial symphyseal fusion in many extant mammals. It is concluded that the presence and the extant of symphyseal fusion is a function of body size, diet, and jaw mechanics, complicated by lineagespecific factors that vary among higher mammalian taxa.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses were conducted to determine the relationships between and characterize the morphological variation among three genera of Anacardiaceae:Bonetiella, Pseudosmodingium, andSmodingium. The first two genera are endemic to Mexico and the third to South Africa.Bonetiella andSmodingium are monotypic.Pseudosmodingium has eight species, six extant and two fossil, and all were included in the analyses. Fifty-six anatomical characters for leaves, wood, and fruit, as well as morphological characters, were considered. Our results indicate thatSmodingium is not closely related toPseudosmodingium andBonetiella, and that these last two genera are sister taxa.Pseudosmodingium is a monophyletic group and the two fossil species are related to species from the same geographical area of central Mexico where they were found. Fruit anatomical characters were significant at the generic level, while leaf anatomical characters were important at the species level inPseudosmodingium.
Resumen  En este trabajo se llevaron a cabo análisis filogenéticos para determinar las relaciones filogenéticas así como caracterizar la variación morfológica de tres géneros de Anacardiaceae:Bonetiella, Pseudosmodingium ySmodingium. Los dos primeros son endémicos a México y el terceroo a Sudáfrica.Bonetiella ySmodingium son monotípicos.Pseudosmodingium incluye ocho especies, dos fósiles y el resto vivientes, y todas fueron consideradas en los análisis. Se consideraron 56 caracteres tanto anatómicos como morfológicos de hojas, madera y frutos. Nuestros resultados indican queSmodingium no está cercanamente relacionado aPseudosmodingium yBonetiella, y que estos dos últimos géneros son taxa hermanos.Pseudosmodingium es un grupo monofilético y las dos especies fósiles están relacionadas a especies que crecen en las mismas áreas geográficas del centro de México, donde fueron descubiertas. Los caracteres anatómicos del fruto fueron significativos a nivel genérico, mientras que los de hoja fueron importantes a nivel de especies enPseudosmodingium.

Sharks and their relatives (Elasmobranchii) are highly threatened with extinction due to various anthropogenic pressures. The abundant fossil record of fossil taxa has allowed the tracing of the evolutionary history of modern elasmobranchs to at least 250 MYA; nonetheless, exactly how far back the fossil record of living taxa goes has never been collectively surveyed. In this study, the authors assess the representation and extent of the fossil record of elasmobranchs currently living in our oceans by collecting their oldest records and quantifying first appearance dates at different taxonomic levels (i.e., orders, families, genera and species), ecological traits (e.g., body size, habitat and feeding mechanism) and extinction risks (i.e., threatened, not threatened and data deficient). The results of this study confirm the robust representation of higher taxonomic ranks, with all orders, most of the families and over half of the extant genera having a fossil record. Further, they reveal that 10% of the current global species diversity is represented in the geological past. Sharks are better represented and extend deeper in time than rays and skates. While the fossil record of extant genera (e.g., the six gill sharks, Hexanchus) goes as far back as c. 190 MYA, the fossil record of extant species (e.g., the sand shark, Carcharias taurus Rafinesque 1810) extends c. 66 MYA. Although no significant differences were found in the extent of the fossil record between ecological traits, it was found that the currently threatened species have a significantly older fossil record than the not threatened species. This study demonstrate that the fossil record of extant elasmobranchs extends deep into the geologic time, especially in the case of threatened sharks. As such, the elasmobranch geological history has great potential to advance the understanding of how species currently facing extinction have responded to different stressors in the past, thereby providing a deep-time perspective to conservation.  相似文献   

A Fagus-like leaf fossil (cuticular compression) with an attached fruit, differing from any known Fagus species (fossil or extant) or other fagoid taxa, has been discovered from the Miocene Clarkia Lake deposits of northern Idaho. Because of its unusual morphology (especially the fruit) the fossil taxon has been described as a new genus and species, Pseudofagus idahoensis Smiley and Huggins. The successful previous use of paleobiochemistry in studies of fossil taxa from the Miocene Succor Creek Flora of Oregon suggested that chemical data might help clarify the taxonomic affinities of Pseudofagus. Indeed, examination of the chemistry of the fossil, Pseudofagus idahoensis, and comparison with extant Fagus species and related fagoid genera indicate that: 1) based on steroid chemistry, Pseudofagus idahonesis does belong in the Fagaceae; 2) like all extant species of Fagus, the fossil lacks the tannin component, ellagic acid, which separates it from other extant fagoid genera, and 3) its simple flavonoid pigment profile places it closest to the extant North American Fagus grandifolia or the European/Eurasian Fagus sylvatica. However, the exclusive presence of an isorhamnetin (3'-methoxyquercetin) 3-0-glycoside, onocerane, and 5α-cholestane imparts a species-specific chemical character to Pseudofagus idahoensis, which also sets it apart from extant species of Fagus. While the chemistry does not decide the taxonomic level to be accorded to the fossil, it certainly supports, along with morphology and anatomy, the distinctness of Pseudofagus and its proposed relationships within the Fagaceae.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Isopod crustaceans are rarely preserved in the fossil record. Herein, an appraisal of the fossil record for the cirolanid isopods is presented. Five genera are briefly discussed, including Bathynomus, Brunnaega, Palaega, Pseudopalaega and Cirolana. A key for the cirolanid genera known to date from the fossil record is provided based mostly on pleotelson characters. From the early Miocene of the Slovak part of the Vienna Basin, Cirolana feldmanni sp. nov. is described being only the fifth fossil Cirolana species known to date and one of the few with preserved appendages. The material exhibits preservation suggesting biphasic moulting; the mode of preservation suggests a rather short time between shedding the posterior and anterior parts of the exoskeleton instead of hours or even days known in extant taxa. As no subsequent transport or physical disturbance was inferred, the specimens can be stated as in situ preservation. From the palaeoecological point of view, it is concluded that Cirolana feldmanni sp. nov. is the first unequivocal fossil deep‐water Cirolana as suggested by the accompanied fauna.  相似文献   

A fossil flora from the Late Paleocene-Early Eocene Thyra Ø Formation of eastern North Greenland (paleolatitude 77° N) has yielded monocotyledon leaf impressions with characters seen only in the closely related modem species in the families of Heliconiaceae, Musaceae, and Strelitziaceae. The combination of large costae widths and parallel, nonanastomosing, lateral veins that depart at right angles from the costae in the fossil material are features present only in leaves of extant species from these families. Three basic venation patterns also are recognized in the modem species of these families, but except for the genera Strelitzia and Phenakospermum, none of these patterns are present exclusively in any one family. Musopsis n. gen. is created for the fossil material from Greenland, but it is considered a form genus due to the lack of gross morphological features that can be used for separating leaves of the modem genera in Heliconiaceae, Musaceae, and Strelitiziaceae. It is the first known Arctic occurrence of fossil leaf material resembling this modem group of taxa.  相似文献   

A small assemblage of macro- and micro floral remains comprising fossil leaf impressions, silicified wood, spores, and pollen grains is reported from the Paleocene–lower Eocene Vagadkhol Formation (=Olpad Formation) exposed around Vagadkhol village in the Bharuch District of Gujarat, western India. The fossil leaves are represented by five genera and six species, namely, Polyalthia palaeosimiarum (Annonaceae), Acronychia siwalica (Rutaceae), Terminalia palaeocatapa and T. panandhroensis (Combretaceae), Lagerstroemia patelii (Lythraceae), and a new species, Gardenia vagadkholia (Rubiaceae). The lone fossil wood has been attributed to a new species, Schleicheroxylon bharuchense (Sapindaceae). The palynological assemblage, consisting of pollen grains and spores, comprises eleven taxa with more or less equal representation of pteridophytes, gymnosperms, and angiosperms. Angiospermous pollen grains include a new species Palmidites magnus. Spores are mostly pteridophytic but some fungal spores were also recovered. All the fossil species have been identified in the extant genera. The present day distribution of modern taxa comparable to the fossil assemblage recorded from the Vagadkhol area mostly indicate terrestrial lowland environment. Low frequency of pollen of two highland temperate taxa (Pinaceae) in the assemblage suggests that they may have been transported from a distant source. The wood and leaf taxa in the fossil assemblage are suggestive of tropical moist or wet forest with some deciduousness during the Paleocene–early Eocene. The presence of many fungal taxa further suggests the prevalence of enough humidity at the time of sedimentation.  相似文献   

The Cintura Formation of Albian–Cenomanian age in the Cabullona Basin yielded an important fossil flora, including palynomorphs, leaf impressions and fossil trunks. At the base of the Marquechi Member a poorly preserved palynomorph assemblage is recognised. The palynological assemblage is dominated by gymnosperms, mainly by cheirolepidiacean genus Classopollis. A noteworthy feature is the presence of angiosperm pollen grains of the genera Clavatipollenites, Retimonocolpites and Tucanopollis. A rich, diverse and well-preserved macroflora of leaf impressions has been observed in the uppermost part of this formation belonging to the San Juan Member. There are at least eight morphospecies of leaves including an abundance of taxa with possible botanical affinities to the family Sapindaceae. The angiosperm pollen grains together with the sapindalean leaves constitute the oldest record of such remains in Mexico.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships within the bee family Megachilidae are poorly understood. The monophyly of the subfamily Fideliinae is questionable, the relationships among the tribes and subtribes in the subfamily Megachilinae are unknown, and some extant genera cannot be placed with certainty at the tribal level. Using a cladistic analysis of adult external morphological characters, we explore the relationships of the eight tribes and two subtribes currently recognised in Megachilidae. Our dataset included 80% of the extant generic‐level diversity, representatives of all fossil taxa, and was analysed using parsimony. We employed 200 characters and selected 7 outgroups and 72 ingroup species of 60 genera, plus 7 species of 4 extinct genera from Baltic amber. Our analysis shows that Fideliinae and the tribes Anthidiini and Osmiini of Megachilinae are paraphyletic; it supports the monophyly of Megachilinae, including the extinct taxa, and the sister group relationship of Lithurgini to the remaining megachilines. The Sub‐Saharan genus Aspidosmia, a rare group with a mixture of osmiine and anthidiine features, is herein removed from Anthidiini and placed in its own tribe, Aspidosmiini, new tribe . Protolithurgini is the sister of Lithurgini, both placed herein in the subfamily Lithurginae; the other extinct taxa, Glyptapina and Ctenoplectrellina, are more basally related among Megachilinae than Osmiini, near Aspidosmia, and are herein treated at the tribal level. Noteriades, a genus presently in the Osmiini, is herein transferred to the Megachilini. Thus, we recognise four subfamilies (Fideliinae, Pararhophitinae, Lithurginae and Megachilinae) and nine tribes in Megachilidae. We briefly discuss the evolutionary history and biogeography of the family, present alternative classifications, and provide a revised key to the extant tribes of Megachilinae.  相似文献   

The origin and evolution of angiosperms can be unravelled by using fossil records to determine first occurrences and phytogeographic histories of plant families and genera. Many angiosperm families, for example the Onagraceae, have a poor macrofossil record, but are more common in palynological records. Modern Onagraceae produce pollen clearly distinct from that of other angiosperms. Combined morphological features obtained by use of light and scanning electron microscopy have enabled assignment of fossil Onagraceae pollen to extant genera, and therefore tracing of the origin and past distributions of extant Onagraceae lineages. We studied a Miocene palynoflora from the Daotaiqiao Formation of north-east China. Using the single-grain technique, we examined individual Onagraceae pollen/tetrads using both light and scanning electron microscopy. Fossil Onagraceae pollen is more frequent than macrofossil remains, but is still rare, and usually represented by a single taxon in palynological samples. Remarkably, samples from the Miocene of north-east China contain five different species: two of Circaea, one of Epilobium, and two of Ludwigia. Such a large number of Onagraceae taxa from a single palynoflora is unknown elsewhere. Whereas Ludwigia pollen is known from Cenozoic sediments of the northern hemisphere, the Circaea pollen is the first fossil pollen assignable to this extant genus. This is also the first fossil record of Epilobium from China. Although the young geological age of this sample does not enable consideration of time of origin for the genera encountered, the co-occurrence of Circaea, Epilobium, and Ludwigia in the mid to late-Miocene of East Asia sheds some light on their phytogeographic histories.  相似文献   

The Aclopinae is a small subfamily within the family Scarabaeidae. It currently comprises five extant genera with 28 species, and eight fossil genera with 25 species. The systematic position of Aclopinae within the family Scarabaeidae is uncertain, particularly because representative species of Aclopinae have been absent in previous phylogenetic studies. Here we performed phylogenetic analyses using morphological and molecular data to investigate the phylogenetic position of fossil and extant Aclopinae. For this objective, we expanded and revised a former morphological data matrix (composed of 68 characters) including all extant genera of Aclopinae. We complemented our morphological investigations with a molecular phylogenetic analysis based on four genes of several extant taxa of Aclopinae and a wide sample of diverse Scarabaeoidea. Our phylogenetic analyses show that all the type species of the fossil genera formerly included within Aclopinae do not belong within the extant Aclopinae clade and support both the exclusion of those fossil taxa and the monophyly of the extant genera of Aclopinae: Aclopus Erichson, Desertaclopus Ocampo & Mondaca, Gracilaclopus Ocampo & Mondaca, Neophanaeognatha Allsopp and Phanaeognatha Hope. Our results also show that the fossil taxa Prophaenognatha robusta Bai et al. and Ceafornotensis archratiras Woolley are closely related to Ochodaeidae, while the remaining type species of fossils formerly included in Aclopinae (Cretaclopus longipes (Ponomarenko), Holcorobeus vittatus Nikritin, Juraclopus rodhendorfi Nikolajev, Mesaclopus mongolicus (Nikolajev), and Mongolrobeus zherikhini Nikolajev) belong to a distinct lineage closely related to Diphyllostomatidae. Based on these results, the subfamily Aclopinae appears monophyletic and sister to the ‘pleurostict’ lineage. Consequently, we propose the following changes to the current classification of the fossil taxa: Holcorobeus monreali (Gómez‐Pallerola) belongs to Carabidae (incertae sedis) as proposed by the original author, and we place Ceafornotensis Woolley, Cretaclopus Nikolajev, Holcorobeus Nikritin, Juraclopus Nikolajev, Mesaclopus Nikolajev, Mongolrobeus Nikolajev and Prophaenognatha Bai et al. in Scarabaeoidea (incertae sedis). Furthermore, we provide an identification key to, and diagnoses of, the genera, illustrations of diagnostic characters and checklists of their included species. The evolutionary perspective presented provides new insights into the evolution of the pleurostict condition in Scarabaeoidea and the biogeography of this group, which is now regarded as Gondwanan, probably evolving during the Cretaceous and not from the upper Jurassic as previously assumed.  相似文献   

Abstract: The fossil record of the callianassid genus Glypturus (Decapoda, Axiidea) is re‐evaluated. Our systematic revision, both of extant and fossil taxa, is based on major cheliped morphology only, thus providing an important impetus for palaeontological studies. Both spination and tuberculation of chelipeds are herein considered of great taxonomic importance. Presence of spines on the upper margins of the merus and propodus and the lower margin of the carpus are significant for generic assignment, whereas the extent of tuberculation on lateral surfaces of the propodus is important for assignment at the species level. Altogether, four extant and six exclusively fossil species of Glypturus are recognized. Several extinct callianassid taxa are now transferred to the genus, namely Callianassa berryi, Callianassa fraasi, Callianassa munieri, Callianassa pugnax and Callianassaspinosa; Callianassa pseudofraasi is considered a junior synonym of C. fraasi. Based on a comparison of ecological preferences of extant representatives, the presence of Glypturus in the fossil record is considered to be linked with tropical to subtropical, nearshore carbonate environments of normal salinity. We argue that Glypturus is of Tethyan origin, with a stratigraphical range going as far back as the Eocene. Since then, the genus migrated both westwards and eastwards, establishing present‐day communities in the western Atlantic and Indo‐West Pacific which both comprise several distinct species. In the presumed area of origin, the genus does no longer occur today. The exlusively fossil (middle Eocene) genus Eoglypturus from Italy is considered closely related to Glypturus and is thus assigned to the subfamily Callichirinae as well.  相似文献   

The first record of milk teeth of South American fossil procyonids comes from the Late Miocene–Early Pliocene at “Farola Monte Hermoso,” Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Five extant genera of Procyonidae inhabit South America (Bassaricyon Allen, Nasuella Hollister, Potos Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire and Cuvier, Procyon Storr, and Nasua Storr). Of these only Procyon and Nasua are present in the fossil record (Late Pleistocene–Holocene), in several localities in Brazil, Uruguay, and Bolivia. In addition, six other fossil genera were named, but only two are considered valid: Cyonasua and Chapadmalania. Thus, Cyonasua encompasses ten formally named species and Chapadmalania two. The new specimen, MLP 09-X-5-1, is assigned to cf. Cyonasua. In addition, anatomical evidence implies a much more carnivorous diet in Late Miocene–Early Pleistocene procyonids than that of extant South American taxa. Finally, I examine and discuss the “competitive displacement” hypothesis regarding the extinction of native marsupial carnivores after the arrival of immigrant placental carnivores in South America.  相似文献   

Balaenopteroids (Balaenopteridae + Eschrichtiidae) are a diverse lineage of living mysticetes, with seven to ten species divided between three genera (Megaptera, Balaenoptera and Eschrichtius). Extant members of the Balaenopteridae (Balaenoptera and Megaptera) are characterized by their engulfment feeding behavior, which is associated with a number of unique cranial, mandibular, and soft anatomical characters. The Eschrichtiidae employ suction feeding, which is associated with arched rostra and short, coarse baleen. The recognition of these and other characters in fossil balaenopteroids, when viewed in a phylogenetic framework, provides a means for assessing the evolutionary history of this clade, including its origin and diversification. The earliest fossil balaenopterids include incomplete crania from the early late Miocene (7–10 Ma) of the North Pacific Ocean Basin. Our preliminary phylogenetic results indicate that the basal taxon, “Megaptera” miocaena should be reassigned to a new genus based on its possession of primitive and derived characters. The late late Miocene (5–7 Ma) balaenopterid record, except for Parabalaenoptera baulinensis and Balaenoptera siberi, is largely undescribed and consists of fossil specimens from the North and South Pacific and North Atlantic Ocean basins. The Pliocene record (2–5 Ma) is very diverse and consists of numerous named, but problematic, taxa from Italy and Belgium, as well as unnamed taxa from the North and South Pacific and eastern North Atlantic Ocean basins. For the most part Pliocene balaenopteroids represent extinct species and genera and reveal a greater degree of morphological diversity than at present. The Pleistocene record is very limited and, unfortunately, fails to document the evolutionary details leading to modern balaenopteroid species diversity. It is evident, however, that most extant species evolved during the Pleistocene. Morphological and molecular based phylogenies support two competing hypotheses concerning relationships within the Balaenopteroidea: (1) balaenopterids and eschrichtiids as sister taxa, and (2) eschrichtiids nested within a paraphyletic Balaenopteridae. The addition of fossil taxa (including a new Pliocene species preserving a mosaic of balaenopterid and eschrichtiid characters) in morphological and “total evidence” analyses, offers the potential to resolve the current controversy concerning the possible paraphyly of Balaenopteridae.  相似文献   

The Pterasteridae comprises a diversified group of extant largely deep-sea starfishes. Generic diagnoses have been based classically on soft tissue characters and skeletal architecture. A preliminary phylogeny of sixteen extant species is here worked out by cladistic analysis. The resulting tree suggests monophyly of extant genera and the validity of dissociated plates for identification of genera. Fossil remains of Pterasteridae are here described for the first time. By comparison with extant species, all the skeletal remains from the lower Upper Campanian of Belgium and from the lower Maastrichtian of Germany are tentatively assigned to the genusPteraster. The fossil record of starfishes is poor, but the present Late Cretaceous pterasterids provide one more piece of evidence of the high diversity of starfishes during the Mesozoic. Known Late Cretaceous and Paleogene fossils are broadly similar, which suggests the end-Cretaceous extinction event did not cause major turnover in asteroid faunal composition. As suggested for other starfish groups, both the fossil record of deep-sea Pterasteridae in shelf settings and tree topology imply an onshore-offshore evolutionary trend.   相似文献   

Fin-winged fruits have two or more wings aligned with the longitudinal axis like the feathers of an arrow, as exemplified by Combretum, Halesia, and Ptelea. Such fruits vary in dispersal mode from those in which the fruit itself is the ultimate disseminule, to schizocarps dispersing two or more mericarps, to capsules releasing multiple seeds. At least 45 families and more than 140 genera are known to possess fin-winged fruits. We present an inventory of these taxa and describe their morphological characters as an aid for the identification and phylogenetic assessment of fossil and extant genera. Such fruits are most prevalent among Eudicots, but occur occasionally in Magnoliids (Hernandiaceae: Illigera) and Monocots (Burmannia, Dioscorea, Herreria). Although convergent in general form, fin-winged fruits of different genera can be distinguished by details of the wing number, texture, shape and venation, along with characters of persistent floral parts and dehiscence mode. Families having genera with fin-winged fruits and epigynous perianth include Aizoaceae, Apiaceae, Araliaceae, Asteraceae, Begoniaceae, Burmanniaceae, Combretaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Dioscoreaceae, Haloragaceae, Lecythidiaceae, Lophopyxidaceae, Loranthaceae, and Styracaceae. Families with genera having fin-winged fruits and hypogynous perianth include Achariaceae, Brassicaceae, Burseraceae, Celastraceae, Cunoniaceae, Cyrillaceae, Fabaceae, Malvaceae, Melianthaceae, Nyctaginaceae, Pedaliaceae, Polygalaceae, Phyllanthaceae, Polygonaceae, Rhamnaceae, Salicaceae sl, Sapindaceae, Simaroubaceae, Trigoniaceae, and Zygophyllaceae. This survey has facilitated the identification of fossil winged fruits such as Combretaceae and Araliaceae in the late Cretaceous of western North America and provides additional evidence toward the identification of various Cenozoic fossils including Brassicaceae, Fabaceae, Polygonaceae, Rutaceae, and Sapindaceae.  相似文献   

A single flower, detached anthers with in situ pollen grains, and isolated seeds from Campanian strata (Upper Cretaceous) of Georgia, southeastern USA, document the presence of plants assignable toHamamelidaceae in the Upper Cretaceous. The fossil flower is actinomorphic, pentacyclic and pentamerous. Irregular sepals are preserved as lobes of the floral cup, and petals are narrow, with parallel margins. The androecium has two whorls of functional stamens. Anthers are tetrasporangiate, dehisce through two valves, and have strongly elongate connective protrusions which converge over the center of the flower. The organizational and architectural features of the fossil document its affinity within subtribeLoropetalinae (Hamamelideae, Hamamelidoideae). Cladistic phylogenetic analyses using parsimony were conducted to explore the relationships between the fossil flower and extant genera of the tribeHamamelideae. The strict consensus of the four most parsimonious trees showsHamamelideae andLoropetalinae as well-supported monophyletic taxa. The fossil flower is clearly included within theLoropetalinae, and is placed as sister taxon to the southeastern Asian genusMaingaya. The occurrence of fossils assignable toLoropetalinae during the Campanian documents the existence ofHamamelidaceae with a level of floral organization and character evolution equivalent to that of extant genera, early in the evolutionary history of the family.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of extant and extinct Megalyridae are analysed at the genus level. The dataset comprises seven outgroup taxa, all eight extant genera and a number of extinct taxa that have been associated with Megalyridae, including two genera from Maimetshidae, whose affinity with Megalyridae is uncertain. Analytical results are unstable because some of the fossil taxa have many missing entries. The most stable results are produced when the maimetshid taxa and Cretodinapsis are excluded. When included, these taxa fall outside crown‐group Megalyridae, the maimetshid taxa being the sister of Orthogonalys (Trigonalidae). Based on the results of our analyses, we synonymize the fossil genera Rubes Perrichot n.syn . and Ukrainosa Perrichot & Perkovsky n.syn . with Prodinapsis, creating the new combinations Prodinapsis bruesi n.comb . and Prodinapsis prolata n.comb . When comparing past and present distributions of Megalyridae with the results of the phylogenetic analyses, it is evident that the genera radiated in the Mesozoic, and that the family as a whole was much more widespread then. The present‐day distribution is essentially relictual, with range contraction since the early Tertiary probably being the result of climate deterioration, which caused the disappearance of tropical forests throughout the Palaearctic.  相似文献   

Lauraceae is among the largest and floristically most important woody plant families in subtropical and tropical zones. However, the Cenozoic fossil records of Lauraceae are mostly from mid-latitude regions. Here we described eight lauraceous species from the Oligocene of Ningming, Guangxi, South China on the basis of leaf compressions with cuticular structure, providing new evidence for high diversity of Lauraceae in the low latitude region of the northern hemisphere during the late Paleogene. The extant genera to which the Ningming Oligocene fossils are possibly closely related include Cinnamomum, Neolitsea, Litsea, Alseodaphne, Laurus, and Beilschmiedia. All of these extant genera except Laurus still exist in Guangxi today, whereas Laurus is currently distributed in the Mediterranean and adjacent regions. A cladistic analysis based on leaf architectural and leaf cuticular characters for Paleogene Lauraceae species in the world indicated a possible relationship between European and East Asian Paleogene species.  相似文献   

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