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We report the initial results of our study into a series of simple 4'-O-sulfamoyl-4-biphenyl based compounds as novel inhibitors of the enzyme estrone sulfatase (ES). The results of the study show that these compounds are potent inhibitors, possessing greater inhibitory activity than COUMATE, but weaker inhibitory activity than EMATE or the tricyclic derivative of COUMATE, namely 667-COUMATE. Furthermore, the compounds are observed to be irreversible inhibitors.  相似文献   

We report the results of our study into a series of 4′-O-sulfamoyl-4-biphenyl based compounds as novel inhibitors of the enzyme estrone sulfatase (ES). From the results of the molecular modeling design process, it was suggested that these compounds would be able to mimic both the A and C rings of the steroid backbone, and thus possess inhibitory activity against ES. The results of the biochemical evaluation study show that these compounds are indeed good inhibitors, possessing greater inhibitory activity than COUMATE, but weaker inhibitory activity than EMATE or the tricyclic derivative of COUMATE, namely 667-COUMATE. Furthermore, the compounds are observed to be irreversible inhibitors.  相似文献   

We report the initial structure-activity relationship study (SAR) (in particular logP) of a series of compounds based upon 4-sulfamated phenyl ketones as potent inhibitors of the enzyme estrone sulfatase (ES). The results of the study show that these compounds are irreversible inhibitors of ES and that they are more potent than COUMATE, but weaker than EMATE. Analysis of the SAR data shows a strong correlation between IC(50) and logP but also supports our previous study, which suggests a very strong relationship between pK(a) and IC(50).  相似文献   

We report the initial results of the synthesis and biochemical evaluation of a series of aminosulfonate based compounds of phenol and the determination of the pKa of the parent phenol in an attempt to investigate the role of this physicochemical factor in the irreversible inhibition of the enzyme estrone sulfatase (ES). The results of the study show that there is a strong correlation between the observed pKa and inhibitory activity. We postulate that the stability of the phenoxide ion, as indicated by the acid dissociation constant, is an important factor in the irreversible inhibition of this enzyme.  相似文献   

The presence of estrone sulfatase in breast tumors and the high levels of circulating estrone sulfate may contribute the major portion of estrogen synthesized locally in breast tissues through conversion of estrone sulfate to estrone by the enzyme. Using inhibitors of estrone sulfatase for the treatment of estrogen-dependent (estrogen receptor positive, ER(+)) breast cancer could be a very effective therapeutic strategy for the treatment of estrogen-dependent breast tumors in postmenopausal women. Therefore, we designed and synthesized several steroidal 2',3'-oxathiazines that inhibit estrone sulfatase and have greatly reduced estrogenic side effects. Our in vitro studies indicate that the oxathiazine compounds have inhibitory activity on estrone sulfatase in MCF-7 human breast cancer cells. These estrone sulfatase inhibitors (ESIs) also inhibit the growth of MCF-7 cells induced by estrone sulfate. In addition, our in vivo experiments demonstrate that our ESIs have moderate antitumor activity against MCF-7 breast cancer xenografts in Balb/c athymic nude mice. The synthesis and biological activity of a number of these unique steroidal ESIs are described.  相似文献   

Using the postulated mechanism for the enzyme estrone sulfatase (ES), we have determined a possible transition state for the reaction catalysed by ES as a representation of the active site. Using the derived structure, we have undertaken the molecular modelling of several steroidal and non-steroidal inhibitors in an attempt to rationalise the inhibitory activity of a number of potent inhibitors.  相似文献   

Estrogen levels in breast tumors of postmenopausal women are as much as 10 times higher than estrogen levels in plasma, presumably due to in situ formation of estrogen. The major source of estrogen in breast cancer cells may be conversion of estrone sulfate to estrone by the enzyme estrone sulfatase. Thus, inhibitors of estrone sulfatase are potential agents for treatment of estrogen-dependent breast cancer. Several steroidal compounds have been developed that are potent estrone sulfatase inhibitors, most notably estrone-3-O-sulfamate. However, these compounds and their metabolites may have undesired effects, including estrogenicity. To avoid the problems associated with a potentially active steroid nucleus, we designed and synthesized a series of nonsteroidal estrone sulfatase inhibitors, the (p-O-sulfamoyl)-N-alkanoyl phenylalkyl amines. The compounds synthesized vary in the length of their alkanoyl chain and in the number of carbons separating the phenyl ring and the carbonyl carbon. The ability of these compounds to inhibit estrone sulfatase activity was tested using human placental microsomes and intact cultured human breast cancer cells. Estrogenicity was also evaluated, using growth of estrogen-dependent human breast cancer cells. All of the test compounds inhibited estrone sulfatase activity of human placental microsomes to some extent, with the most effective compound having an IC50 value of 72 nM. In general, compounds with longer alkanoyl chains (12-14 carbons) were more effective than those with shorter chains. The test compounds also inhibited estrone sulfatase activity in intact cultures of MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells. Again, the longer chain compounds were more effective. In both the placental and breast cancer cell sulfatase assays, the optimal distance between the phenyl ring and the carbonyl carbon was 1-2 carbons. The MCF-7 cell proliferation assay revealed that estrone and estrone-3-O-sulfamate were both estrogenic, but the (p-O-sulfamoyl)-N-alkanoyl phenylalkyl amines were not. Our data indicate the utility of (p-O-sulfamoyl)-N-alkanoyl phenyl alkylamines for inhibition of estrone sulfatase activity. Furthermore, our data support the concept that nonsteroidal estrone sulfatase inhibitors may be useful as therapeutic agents for estrogen-dependent breast cancers.  相似文献   

Madurahydroxylactone (MHL) is a secondary metabolite produced by the soil bacterium Nonomuria rubra and belongs to the family of benzo[a]naphthacenequinones. We report the initial results and structure-activity relationships of our study into a series of thiosemicarbazone derivatives of madurahydroxylactone as potential nonsteroidal inhibitors of the enzyme estrone sulfatase. The most active compound, the cyclohexylthiosemicarbazone, was shown to be a non-competitive inhibitor with a K(i) of 0.35microM. This compound is devoid of estrogenic properties and showed low acute toxicity in the hen's fertile egg screening test.  相似文献   

In our search for potent inhibitors of the enzyme estrone sulfatase (ES), we have undertaken the synthesis and biochemical evaluation of a range of straight chain alkyl esters of 4-[(aminosulfonyl)oxy] benzoic acid. The results of the study show that the synthesised compounds possess greater inhibitory activity when compared to COUMATE, although they were all found to possess lower inhibitory activity with respect to EMATE. Furthermore, the data suggest a strong correlation between logP and IC(50) and therefore adds further support to our previous report where we suggested a link between inhibitory activity and hydrophobicity.  相似文献   

We report the results of our study into a series of simple phenyl and alkyl sulfamates and alkyl methanesulfonates as potential inhibitors of the enzyme estrone sulfatase (ES). The results of the study show that the substituted phenyl sulfamates are good irreversible inhibitors; the alkyl sulfamate compounds were found to lack inhibitory activity; whilst the large alkyl chain containing methanesulfonate-based compounds were found to possess weak reversible inhibitory activity. Using the results of the inhibition study, we postulate the probable mechanism for ES and suggest that an attack by the gem-diol is a major requirement prior to the hydrolysis of the sulfamate group, following which, attack on the active site C=O occurs and which therefore leads to the production of an imine type functionality, resulting in irreversible inhibition.  相似文献   

A series of novel D-ring modified derivatives of estrone was synthesized and tested as inhibitors of steroid sulfatase (STS). The steroidal D-ring was cleaved via an iodoform reaction and thermal condensation of the resulting marrianolic acid derivative gave 16,17-seco-estra-1,3,5(10)-triene-16,17-imide derivatives, where a piperidinedione moiety is in place of the D-ring. This synthetic approach was found to give a higher overall yield than the literature method of Beckmann rearrangement. A range of alkyl side chains have been introduced on the nitrogen atom of the imido-ring and the corresponding 3-O-sulfamates synthesized. The new D-ring modified estrone derivatives bearing a propyl (39) and a 1-pyridin-3-ylmethyl (46) moiety had IC(50) values of 1 nM when tested in placental microsomes for the inhibition of STS. These compounds are therefore up to 18-fold more potent than EMATE, the very first highly potent irreversible steroidal STS inhibitor.  相似文献   

In our search for potent inhibitors of the enzyme estrone sulfatase (ES), we have undertaken the synthesis and biochemical evaluation of a range of esters of 4-[(aminosulfonyl)oxy] benzoic acid. The results of the study show that the synthesised compounds possess potent inhibitory activity, indeed the cyclooctyl derivative was found to be more potent than 667-COUMATE, which is currently undergoing clinical trials.  相似文献   

We have determined a possible transition-state for the reaction catalysed by the enzyme Estrone Sulfatase (ES) - as a representation of the active site. Using the derived structure, we have superimposed several steroidal and non-steroidal inhibitors in an attempt to rationalise the inhibitory activity of a number of potent inhibitors.  相似文献   

In an effort to investigate the structural requirements for the inhibition of the enzyme oestrone sulphatase (ES), we have previously undertaken extensive structure-activity relationship studies. Using the data from molecular modelling and structure–activity relationship determination studies, we have designed a number of compounds based upon 4-sulphamated phenyl ketones. Here, we report the results of our study into a series of these compounds as potential inhibitors of ES. The results of the study show that these compounds are potent inhibitors the possessing greater inhibitory activity than 4-methylcoumarin-7-O-sulphamate derivative (COUMATE) (a potent non-steroidal inhibitor), but are weaker than oestrone-3-sulphamate (EMATE) and the recently reported 667- and 669-COUMATE, however, they provide good lead compounds in the search for potent inhibitors of ES. Furthermore, the compounds are observed to be irreversible inhibitors. From the consideration of the structure-activity relationship of these novel compounds, we have attempted to rationalise the significance of the log P factor in the inhibition of ES and suggest that a log P requirement of approximately 3.5 aids the inhibition through the rapid expulsion of the carbon backbone from the active site. We also propose that the same factor is responsible for the hydrolysis of oestrone sulphate reaction, appearing to be an irreversible process.  相似文献   

Steroid sulfatase (STS) is a new target for the endocrine therapy of breast cancer. To ascertain some of the requirements for inhibition of estrone sulfatase activity, a number of novel analogues of estrone 3-O-sulfate possessing sulfate surrogates were synthesized and evaluated as inhibitors of estrone sulfatase (STS) in comparison to a lead inhibitor, estrone-3-O-methylthiophosphonate (E1-3-MTP). Using a selective enzyme digestion, one of the diastereoisomers of this compound, (R(p))-E1-3-MTP, could be prepared and evaluated. From structure-activity studies, we show that chirality at the phosphorus atom, hydrophobicity, basicity, size, and charge all influence the ability of a compound to inhibit estrone sulfatase activity. Of these, hydrophobicity seems to be the most important since simple, active nonsteroidal inhibitors, based on 5,6,7,8-tetrahydronaphth-2-ol (THN), can be prepared, provided that they are lipophilic enough to partition into a nonpolar environment. Also, a negatively charged group is favorable for optimal binding, although it appears that the presence of a potentially cleavable group can compensate for lack of charge in certain cases. A homology model of STS has been constructed from the STS sequence, and molecular docking studies of inhibitors have been performed to broaden the understanding of enzyme/inhibitor interactions. This model clearly shows the positions of the key amino acid residues His136, His290, Lys134, and Lys368 in the putative catalytic region of the formylglycine at position 75, with residues Asp35, Asp36, Asp342, and Gln343 as ligands in the coordination sphere of the magnesium ion. Docking studies using the substrate and estrone-3-sulfate mimics that are active inhibitors indicate they are positioned in the area of proposed catalysis, confirming the predictive power of the model.  相似文献   

Steroid sulfatase, a membrane-bound enzyme present in many mammalian tissues, was extracted from rat liver microsomes by treatment with Miranol H2M, a zwitterion detergent, and sonication. It has been purified approximately 33-fold. All steps of the purification, which included salt and solvent fractionation, hydroxylapatite treatment, ion-exchange chromatography, and gel filtration were performed in the presence of Miranol H2M, most of which was removed from the final preparation by gel filtration. The final preparation did not contain any detectable NADPH-cytochrome c reductase or glucose-6-phosphate phophatase activities. According to the elution volume on a Sephadex G-200 column, steroid sulfatase has a molecular weight of approximately 130,000. Polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis in the presence of Miranol H2M revealed one major protein band which was enzymatically active. Purified steroid sulfatase hydrolyzes all the sulfate esters of estrone, dehydroepiandrosterone, pregnenolone, testosterone, and cholesterol as well as p-nitrophenyl sulfate, the substrate for arylsulfatase C, during the purification. However, estrone sulfatase and arylsulfatase C activities were enriched more than the others. Analysis of kinetic data and the effects of different buffers and of Miranol H2M also suggested that estrone sulfatase and arylsulfatase C are identical but that they are distinct from the other sulfatases. Competitive inhibition studies suggest that estrone sulfatase also catalyzes the hydrolysis of the sulfate esters of other estrogens.  相似文献   

Estrone (E1)/dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) sulfatase (ES/DHEAS) catalyzes the hydrolysis of E1 and DHEA-sulfates releasing unconjugated steroids. ES is a component of the three-enzyme system that has been implicated in intracrine biosynthesis of estradiol, hence, proliferation of hormone dependent breast tumors. ES is bound to the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum, presumably through multiple transmembrane and other membrane anchoring segments. The highly hydrophobic nature of the enzyme has so far prevented its purification to homogeneity in quantities sufficient for crystallization. We report here the purification, biochemical characterization and crystallization of the full-length, active form of the enzyme from the membrane bound fraction of human placenta. Our results demonstrate that the key to successful purification and growth of diffraction quality crystals of this difficult membrane bound enzyme is the exploitation of optimal solubilization and detergent conditions to protect the structural and functional integrity of the molecule, thereby preventing nonspecific aggregation and other instabilities. This work paves the way for the first structural study of a membrane bound human sulfatase and subsequent rational design of inhibitors for use as anti-tumor agents.  相似文献   

Numazawa M  Tominaga T  Watari Y  Tada Y 《Steroids》2006,71(5):371-379
Our rationale is based on the finding that estrone 3-sulfamate (EMATE, 2d), a typical estrone sulfatase (ES) inhibitor, can be hydrolyzed and the pharmacological effect of the free estrogen contributes to the bioactivity of the sulfamate. A number of 3-sulfamoylated derivatives of the good aromatase inhibitors, 2- and 4-halogeno (F, Cl, and Br) estrones and their estradiol analogs as well as 6beta-methyl and phenyl estrones, were synthesized and evaluated as inhibitors of ES in human placental microsomes in comparison with the lead compound EMATE. Among them, 2-chloro- and 2-bromoestrone 3-sulfamates (2b and 2c), along with their estradiol analogs 3b and 3c, were powerful competitive inhibitors with K(i)'s ranging between 4.0 and 11.3 nM (K(i) for EMATE, 73 nM). These four sulfamates as well as the 2-fluoro analogs 2a and 3a inactivated ES in a time-dependent manner more efficiently than EMATE, and 2-halogeno estrone sulfamates 2 also caused a concentration-dependent loss of ES activity. The results may be useful for developing a new class of drugs having a dual function, ES inhibition and aromatase inhibition, for the treatment of breast cancer.  相似文献   

Ensifer (Sinorhizobium) meliloti is a nitrogen-fixing α-proteobacterium able to biosynthesize the osmoprotectant glycine betaine from choline sulfate through a metabolic pathway that starts with the enzyme choline-O-sulfatase. This protein seems to be widely distributed in microorganisms and thought to play an important role in their sulfur metabolism. However, only crude extracts with choline sulfatase activity have been studied. In this work, Ensifer (Sinorhizobium) meliloti choline-O-sulfatase was obtained in a high degree of purity after expression in Escherichia coli. Gel filtration and dynamic light scattering experiments showed that the recombinant enzyme exists as a dimer in solution. Using calorimetry, its catalytic activity against its natural substrate, choline-O-sulfate, gave a kcat=2.7×10?1 s?1 and a KM=11.1 mM. For the synthetic substrates p-nitrophenyl sulfate and methylumbelliferyl sulfate, the kcat values were 3.5×10?2 s?1 and 4.3×10?2 s?1, with KM values of 75.8 and 11.8 mM respectively. The low catalytic activity of the recombinant sulfatase was due to the absence of the formylglycine post-translational modification in its active-site cysteine 54. Nevertheless, unmodified Ensifer (Sinorhizobium) meliloti choline-O-sulfatase is a multiple-turnover enzyme with remarkable catalytic efficiency.  相似文献   

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