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The interaction between the plant hormones, brassinosteroids and auxins has been documented in various processes using a variety of plants and plant parts. In this study, detached inflorescences from brassinosteroid biosynthesis and signaling Arabidopsis mutants were evaluated for their gravitropic bending in response to epibrassinolide (EBR) and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). EBR supplied to the base of detached inflorescences stimulated gravitropic bending in all BR biosynthetic mutants but there was no effect on the BR signaling mutant or wild type plants. When IAA was supplied to the base of BR mutant inflorescences both natural and EBR-induced gravitropic bending was inhibited. Treatment with the auxin inhibitors also decreased both natural and EBR-induced gravitropic bending. No gravitropic bending was observed when the apical tips of BR mutant inflorescences were removed. IAA treatment to the tips of decapitated BR mutant inflorescences restored gravitropic bending to values observed in the inflorescences with an apical tip, however, EBR applied to the tip had no effect. When decapitated inflorescences from BR mutants were treated with IAA to the base and either gel, EBR or IAA was applied to the tip; there was no gravitropic bending. These results show that brassinosteroids have a role in the gravitropic bending response in Arabidopsis and mutants serve to uncover this hidden contributor.  相似文献   

Anther developmental defects in Arabidopsis thaliana male-sterile mutants   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
 We identified Arabidopsis thaliana sterility mutants by screening T-DNA and EMS-mutagenized lines and characterized several male-sterile mutants with defects specific for different anther processes. Approximately 44 and 855 sterile mutants were uncovered from the T-DNA and EMS screens, respectively. Several mutants were studied in detail with defects that included the establishment of anther morphology, microspore production, pollen differentiation, and anther dehiscence. Both non-dehiscencing and late-dehiscencing mutants were identified. In addition, pollenless mutants were observed with either apparent meiotic defects and/or abnormalities in cell layers surrounding the locules. Two mutant alleles were identified for the POLLENLESS3 locus which have defects in functional microspore production that lead to the degeneration of cells within the anther locules. pollenless3–1 contains a T-DNA insertion that co-segregates with the mutant phenotype and pollenless3–2 has a large deletion in the POLLENLESS3 gene. The POLLENLESS3 gene has no known counterparts in the GenBank, but encodes a protein containing putative nuclear localization and protein-protein interaction motifs. The POLLENLESS3 gene was shown recently to be the same as MS5, a previously described Arabidopsis thaliana male-sterility mutant. Three genes were identified in the POLLENLESS3 genomic region: GENEY, POLLENLESS3, and β9-TUBULIN. The segment of the Arabidopsis thaliana genome containing the POLLENLESS3 and β9-TUBULIN genes is duplicated and present on a different chromosome. Analysis of the POLLENLESS3 expression pattern determined that the 1.3-kb POLLENLESS3 mRNA is localized specifically within meiotic cells in the anther locules and that POLLENLESS3 mRNA is present only during late meiosis. Received: 15 October 1998 / Revision accepted: 19 November 1998  相似文献   

C Poulsen  X M Mai    S Borg 《Plant physiology》1994,105(4):1453-1454

K A Lease  J Wen  J Li  J T Doke  E Liscum  J C Walker 《The Plant cell》2001,13(12):2631-2641
A genetic screen was performed to find new mutants with an erecta (er) phenotype and to identify genes that may function with ER, a receptor-like kinase. These mutants were named elk (for erecta-like) and were placed into five complementation groups. We positionally cloned ELK4 and determined that it encodes AGB1, a putative heterotrimeric G-protein beta subunit. Therefore, elk4 was renamed agb1. agb1-1 plants express similar fruit phenotypes, as seen in er plants, but differ from er in that the stem is only slightly shorter than that in the wild type, the pedicel is slightly longer than that in the wild type, and the leaves are rounder than those in er mutants. Molecular analysis of agb1-1 indicates that it is likely a null allele. AGB1 mRNA is expressed in all tissues tested but is highest in the silique. Analysis of agb1-1 er double mutants suggests that AGB1 may function in an ER developmental pathway regulating silique width but that it functions in parallel pathways affecting silique length as well as leaf and stem development. The finding that AGB1 is involved in the control of organ shape suggests that heterotrimeric G-protein signaling is a developmental regulator in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

GoLoco motif proteins bind to the inhibitory G(i) subclass of G-protein α subunits and slow the release of bound GDP; this interaction is considered critical to asymmetric cell division and neuro-epithelium and epithelial progenitor differentiation. To provide protein tools for interrogating the precise cellular role(s) of GoLoco motif/Gα(i) complexes, we have employed structure-based protein design strategies to predict gain-of-function mutations that increase GoLoco motif binding affinity. Here, we describe fluorescence polarization and isothermal titration calorimetry measurements showing three predicted Gα(i1) point mutations, E116L, Q147L, and E245L; each increases affinity for multiple GoLoco motifs. A component of this affinity enhancement results from a decreased rate of dissociation between the Gα mutants and GoLoco motifs. For Gα(i1)(Q147L), affinity enhancement was seen to be driven by favorable changes in binding enthalpy, despite reduced contributions from binding entropy. The crystal structure of Gα(i1)(Q147L) bound to the RGS14 GoLoco motif revealed disorder among three peptide residues surrounding a well defined Leu-147 side chain. Monte Carlo simulations of the peptide in this region showed a sampling of multiple backbone conformations in contrast to the wild-type complex. We conclude that mutation of Glu-147 to leucine creates a hydrophobic surface favorably buried upon GoLoco peptide binding, yet the hydrophobic Leu-147 also promotes flexibility among residues 511-513 of the RGS14 GoLoco peptide.  相似文献   

Three mutations in the Arabidopsis thaliana gene encoding the alpha subunit of tryptophan synthase were isolated by selection for resistance to 5-methylanthranilate or 5-fluoroindole, toxic analogs of tryptophan pathway intermediates. Plants homozygous for trp3-1 and trp3-2 are light-conditional tryptophan auxotrophs, while trp3-100 is a more leaky mutant. Genetic complementation crosses demonstrated that the three mutations are allelic to each other, and define a new complementation group. All three mutants have decreased steady-state levels of tryptophan synthase alpha protein, and the trp3-100 polypeptide exhibits altered electrophoretic mobility. All three mutations were shown to be in the TSA1 (tryptophan synthase alpha subunit) structural gene by several criteria. Firstly, the trp3-1 mutation is linked to TSA1 on the bottom of chromosome 3. Secondly, the trp3-1 mutation was complemented when transformed with the wild-type TSA1 gene. Finally, DNA sequence analysis of the TSA1 gene revealed a single transition mutation in each trp3 mutant.  相似文献   

How growth regulators provoke context-specific signals is a fundamental question in developmental biology. In plants, both auxin and brassinosteroids (BRs) promote cell expansion, and it was thought that they activated this process through independent mechanisms. In this work, we describe a shared auxin:BR pathway required for seedling growth. Genetic, physiological, and genomic analyses demonstrate that response from one pathway requires the function of the other, and that this interdependence does not act at the level of hormone biosynthetic control. Increased auxin levels saturate the BR-stimulated growth response and greatly reduce BR effects on gene expression. Integration of these two pathways is downstream from BES1 and Aux/IAA proteins, the last known regulatory factors acting downstream of each hormone, and is likely to occur directly on the promoters of auxin:BR target genes. We have developed a new approach to identify potential regulatory elements acting in each hormone pathway, as well as in the shared auxin:BR pathway. We show that one element highly overrepresented in the promoters of auxin- and BR-induced genes is responsive to both hormones and requires BR biosynthesis for normal expression. This work fundamentally alters our view of BR and auxin signaling and describes a powerful new approach to identify regulatory elements required for response to specific stimuli.  相似文献   

BRI1-Associated Receptor Kinase 1 (BAK1) is a leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine receptor-like kinase (LRR-RLK) that is involved in multiple developmental pathways, such as brassinosteroid (BR) signaling, plant immunity and cell death control in plants. Because the roundish and compact rosette leaves of bak1 mutant plants are characteristic phenotypes for deficient BR signaling, we screened genetic suppressors of bak1 according to changes in leaf shape to identify new components that may be involved in BAK1-mediated BR signaling using the activation-tagging method. Here, we report bak1-SUP1, which exhibited longer and narrower rosette leaves and an increased BR sensitivity compared with those of bak1. Analyses of the T-DNA insertional site and the gene expression that was affected by the T-DNA insertion revealed that a microRNA, namely, miR172, over-accumulates in bak1-SUP1. Detailed phenotypic analyses of bak1-SUP1 and a single mutant in which the bak1 mutation was segregated out (miR172-D) revealed that the overexpression of miR172 promotes leaf length elongation in adult plants and increases the root and hypocotyl growth during the seedling stage compared with that of wild type plants. Taken together with its increased BR sensitivity, these results suggest that miR172 regulates vegetative growth patterns by modulating BR sensitivity as well as by the previously identified developmental phase transition.  相似文献   

Previously, we reported the biochemical properties of RGA1 that is expressed in Escherichia coli (Seo et al., 1997). The activities of RGA1 that hydrolyzes and binds guanine nucleotide were dependent on the MgCl(2) concentration. The steady state rate constant (k(cat) ) for GTP hydrolysis of RGA1 at 2 mM MgCl(2) was 0.0075 +/- 0.0001 min(-1). Here, we examined the effects of pH and cations on the GTPase activity. The optimum pH at 2 mM MgCl(2) was approximately 6.0; whereas, the pH at 2 mM NH(4)Cl was approximately 4.0. The result from the cation dependence on the GTPase (guanosine 5'-triphosphatase) activity of RGA1 under the same condition showed that the GTP hydrolysis rate (k(cat)= 0.0353 min(-1)) under the condition of 2 mM NH(4)Cl at pH 4.0 was the highest. It corresponded to about 3.24-fold of the k(cat) value of 0.0109 min(-1) in the presence of 2 mM MgCl(2) at pH 6.0.  相似文献   

G-protein-coupled receptors transduce their signals through G-protein subunits which in turn are subject to modulation by other intracellular proteins such as the regulators of G-protein signaling (RGS) proteins. We have developed a cell-free, homogeneous (mix and read format), time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer (TR-FRET) assay to monitor heterotrimeric G-protein subunit interactions and the interaction of the G alpha subunit with RGS4. The assay uses a FRET pair consisting of a terbium cryptate chelate donor spectrally matched to an Alexa546 fluor acceptor, each of which is conjugated to separate protein binding partners, these being G alpha(i1):beta4gamma2 or G alpha(i1):RGS4. Under conditions favoring specific binding between labeled partners, high-affinity interactions were observed as a rapid increase (>fivefold) in the FRET signal. The specificity of these interactions was demonstrated using denaturing or competitive conditions which caused significant reductions in fluorescence (50-85%) indicating that labeled proteins were no longer in close proximity. We also report differential binding effects as a result of altered activation state of the G alpha(i1) protein. This assay confirms that interactions between G-protein subunits and RGS4 can be measured using TR-FRET in a cell- and receptor-free environment.  相似文献   

Chen JG  Gao Y  Jones AM 《Plant physiology》2006,141(3):887-897
Signaling through heterotrimeric G proteins is conserved in diverse eukaryotes. Compared to vertebrates, the simpler repertoire of G-protein complex and accessory components in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) offers a unique advantage over all other multicellular, genetic-model systems for dissecting the mechanism of G-protein signal transduction. One of several biological processes that the G-protein complex regulates in Arabidopsis is cell division. We determined cell production rate in the primary root and the formation of lateral roots in Arabidopsis to define individually the types of modulatory roles of the respective G-protein alpha- and beta-subunits, as well as the heterotrimer in cell division. The growth rate of the root is in part a consequence of cell cycle maintenance in the root apical meristem (RAM), while lateral root production requires meristem formation by founder pericycle cells. Thus, a comparison of these two parameters in various genetic backgrounds enabled dissection of the role of the G-protein subunits in modulation of cell division, both in maintenance and initiation. Cell production rates were determined for the RAM and lateral root formation in gpa1 (Arabidopsis G-protein alpha-subunit) and agb1 (Arabidopsis G-protein beta-subunit) single and double mutants, and in transgenic lines overexpressing GPA1 or AGB1 in agb1 or gpa1 mutant backgrounds, respectively. We found in the RAM that the heterotrimeric complex acts as an attenuator of cell proliferation, whereas the GTP-bound form of the Galpha-subunit's role is a positive modulator. In contrast, for the formation of lateral roots, the Gbetagamma-dimer acts largely independently of the Galpha-subunit to attenuate cell division. These results suggest that Arabidopsis heterotrimeric G-protein subunits have differential and opposing roles in the modulation of cell division in roots.  相似文献   

Regulator of G-protein signaling (RGS) proteins are a family of highly diverse, multifunctional proteins that function primarily as GTPase accelerating proteins (GAPs). RGS proteins increase the rate of GTP hydrolysis by Gα proteins and essentially regulate the duration of active signaling. Recently, we have identified two chimeric RGS proteins from soybean and reported their distinct GAP activities on individual Gα proteins. A single amino acid substitution (Alanine 357 to Valine) of RGS2 is responsible for differential GAP activity. Surprisingly, most monocot plant genomes do not encode for a RGS protein homolog. Here we discuss the soybean RGS proteins in the context of their evolution in plants, their relatedness to non-plant RGS protein homologs and the effect they might have on the heterotrimeric G-protein signaling mechanisms. We also provide experimental evidence to show that the interaction interface between plant RGS and Gα proteins is different from what is predicted based on mammalian models.  相似文献   

The GAPs, GEFs, and GDIs of heterotrimeric G-protein alpha subunits   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The heterotrimeric G-protein alpha subunit has long been considered a bimodal, GTP-hydrolyzing switch controlling the duration of signal transduction by seven-transmembrane domain (7TM) cell-surface receptors. In 1996, we and others identified a superfamily of "regulator of G-protein signaling" (RGS) proteins that accelerate the rate of GTP hydrolysis by Galpha subunits (dubbed GTPase-accelerating protein or "GAP" activity). This discovery resolved the paradox between the rapid physiological timing seen for 7TM receptor signal transduction in vivo and the slow rates of GTP hydrolysis exhibited by purified Galpha subunits in vitro. Here, we review more recent discoveries that have highlighted newly-appreciated roles for RGS proteins beyond mere negative regulators of 7TM signaling. These new roles include the RGS-box-containing, RhoA-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factors (RGS-RhoGEFs) that serve as Galpha effectors to couple 7TM and semaphorin receptor signaling to RhoA activation, the potential for RGS12 to serve as a nexus for signaling from tyrosine kinases and G-proteins of both the Galpha and Ras-superfamilies, the potential for R7-subfamily RGS proteins to couple Galpha subunits to 7TM receptors in the absence of conventional Gbetagamma dimers, and the potential for the conjoint 7TM/RGS-box Arabidopsis protein AtRGS1 to serve as a ligand-operated GAP for the plant Galpha AtGPA1. Moreover, we review the discovery of novel biochemical activities that also impinge on the guanine nucleotide binding and hydrolysis cycle of Galpha subunits: namely, the guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitor (GDI) activity of the GoLoco motif-containing proteins and the 7TM receptor-independent guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) activity of Ric8/synembryn. Discovery of these novel GAP, GDI, and GEF activities have helped to illuminate a new role for Galpha subunit GDP/GTP cycling required for microtubule force generation and mitotic spindle function in chromosomal segregation.  相似文献   

Chakravorty D  Botella JR 《Gene》2007,393(1-2):163-170
Heterotrimeric G proteins (G-proteins) are a diverse class of signal transducing proteins which have been implicated in a variety of important roles in plants. When G-proteins are activated, they dissociate into two functional subunits (alpha and the betagamma dimer) that effectively relay the signal to a multitude of effectors. In animal systems, the betagamma dimer is anchored to the plasma membrane by a prenyl group present in the gamma subunit and membrane localization has proven vital for heterotrimer function. A semi-dominant negative strategy was designed aiming to disrupt heterotrimer function in Arabidopsis thaliana (ecotype Columbia) plants by over-expressing a truncated gamma subunit lacking the isoprenylation motif (gamma()). Northern analysis shows that the levels of expression of the mutant gamma subunit in several transgenic lines (35S-gamma()) are orders of magnitude higher than that of the native subunits. In-depth characterization of the 35S-gamma() lines has been carried out, specifically focusing on a number of developmental characteristics and responses to several stimuli previously shown to be affected in alpha- and beta-deficient mutants. In all cases, the transgenic lines expressing the mutant gamma subunit behave in the same way as the alpha- and/or the beta-deficient mutants, albeit with reduced severity of the phenotype. Our data indicates that signaling from both functional subunits, alpha and the beta/gamma dimer, is disrupted in the transgenic plants. Even though physical association of the subunits has been previously reported, our research provides evidence of the functional association of alpha and beta with the gamma subunits in Arabidopsis, while also suggesting that plasma membrane localization may be critical for function of plant heterotrimeric G proteins.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic cells, PtdIns 3,5-kinase, Fab1/PIKfyve produces PtdIns (3,5) P(2) from PtdIns 3-P, and functions in vacuole/lysosome homeostasis. Herein, we show that expression of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) FAB1A/B in fission yeast (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) fab1 knockout cells fully complements the vacuole morphology phenotype. Subcellular localizations of FAB1A and FAB1B fused with green fluorescent protein revealed that FAB1A/B-green fluorescent proteins localize to the endosomes in root epidermal cells of Arabidopsis. Furthermore, reduction in the expression levels of FAB1A/B by RNA interference impairs vacuolar acidification and endocytosis. These results indicate that Arabidopsis FAB1A/B functions as PtdIns 3,5-kinase in plants and in fission yeast. Conditional knockdown mutant shows various phenotypes including root growth inhibition, hyposensitivity to exogenous auxin, and disturbance of root gravitropism. These phenotypes are observed also in the overproducing mutants of FAB1A and FAB1B. The overproducing mutants reveal additional morphological phenotypes including dwarfism, male-gametophyte sterility, and abnormal floral organs. Taken together, this evidence indicates that imbalanced expression of FAB1A/B impairs endomembrane homeostasis including endocytosis, vacuole formation, and vacuolar acidification, which causes pleiotropic developmental phenotypes mostly related to the auxin signaling in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

* Here, cytokinin-induced nitric oxide (NO) biosynthesis and cytokinin responses were investigated in Arabidopsis thaliana wild type and mutants defective in NO biosynthesis or cytokinin signaling components. * NO release from seedlings was quantified by a fluorometric method and, by microscopy, observed NO biosynthesis as fluorescence increase of DAR-4M AM (diaminorhodamine 4M acetoxymethyl ester) in different tissues. * Atnoa1 seedlings were indistinguishable in NO tissue distribution pattern and morphological responses, induced by zeatin, from wild-type seedlings. Wild-type and nia1,2 seedlings, lacking nitrate reductase (NR), responded to zeatin with an increase within 3 min in NO biosynthesis so that NR does not seem relevant for rapid NO induction, which was mediated by an unknown 2-(2-aminoethyl)2-thiopseudourea (AET)-sensitive enzyme and was quenched by 2-(4-carboxyphenyl)-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazoline-1-1-oxy-3-oxide (PTIO). Long-term morphological responses to zeatin were severely altered and NO biosynthesis was increased in nia1,2 seedlings. As cytokinin signaling mutants we used the single-receptor knockout cre1/ahk4, three double-receptor knockouts (ahk2,3, ahk2,4, ahk3,4) and triple-knockout ahp1,2,3 plants. All cytokinin-signaling mutants showed aberrant tissue patterns of NO accumulation in response to zeatin and altered morphological responses to zeatin. * Because aberrant NO biosynthesis correlated with aberrant morphological responses to zeatin the hypothesis was put forward that NO is an intermediate in cytokinin signaling.  相似文献   

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