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Pickerelweed (Pontederia cordata L.) is a diploid (2n = 2x = 16) perennial aquaphyte. Preliminary studies revealed that a group of nonalbino pickerelweed plants maintained for breeding and inheritance studies regularly produced albino seedlings. The objective of this experiment was to determine the number of loci, number of alleles, and gene action controlling albinism in pickerelweed. Five nonalbino parental lines were used in this experiment to create S(1) and F(1) populations. F(2) populations were produced through self-pollination of F(1) plants. Evaluation of S(1), F(1), and F(2) generations allowed us to identify a single diallelic locus controlling albinism in these populations of pickerelweed, with albinism completely recessive to normal green leaf production. We propose that this locus be named albino with alleles A and a.  相似文献   

Summary The foraging behavior of the pollinators of tristylous Pontederia cordata was studied to determine if differences in floral morphology would lead to preferential visitation of the floral morphs. Although nectar production is not different in the three floral morphs, differences in the production and size of pollen grains produced by the three anther levels results in the morphs offering variable amounts of resources to pollen-collecting insects. Bumblebees (Bombus spp.) and the solitary bee Melissodes apicata used P. cordata primarily as a nectar source and therefore did not seem to exhibit any morph preference. In contrast, honeybees visited flowers mainly for pollen and preferred to forage on long-level anthers of the short-and mid-styled morphs. An analysis of the composition of corbicular pollen loads indicated that, relative to the frequency of production in the population: 1) honeybees collected an excess of pollen from long-level anthers; 2) bumblebees collected the three types of pollen without any apparent preference; and 3) M. apicata preferentially collected pollen from the short-level anthers — presumably because their proboscides are modified by the presence of tiny hairs. The results suggest that P. cordata in Ontario is serviced by a diverse, unspecialized pollinator fauna which is not co-adapted to the tristylous floral polymorphism.  相似文献   

In tristylous Pontederia cordata (Pontederiaceae), conspicuous differences in the size of pollen grains and discrete variation in the length of reproductive organs provide a suitable experimental system for the study of fine-scale pollination events. At a population of P. cordata at Pothole Lake, Ontario, the majority of flowers are visited by bumble bees which remove on average 45% of the pollen during single visits to previously unvisited flowers. The amount and proportion of pollen removed are significantly different among floral morphs and stamen levels. Deposition of the three pollen types on the bodies of Bombus spp., Apis mellifera and Melissodes apicata is non-random: large- and medium-size pollen tends to remain in greatest concentrations where it is initially deposited, whereas small-size pollen is displaced from the proboscis to more posterior body parts, probably as a result of grooming activities. Stigmatic pollen loads of individual flowers following single bumble bee visits indicate that the mid-styled morph captures the largest total pollen load, and the short-styled morph the smallest. The largest proportion of compatible pollen grains is deposited on stigmas of the long-styled morph. Pollen load data from "single visit" flowers is in general agreement with previously published population surveys involving multiply-visited flowers.  相似文献   

Pickerelweed (Pontederia cordata L.) is a diploid (2n = 2x = 16), erect, emergent, herbaceous aquatic perennial. The showy inflorescences of pickerelweed make this species a prime candidate for inclusion in water gardens and aquascapes. The objective of this experiment was to determine the number of loci, number of alleles, and gene action controlling flower color (blue vs. white) in pickerelweed. Two blue-flowered and one white-flowered parental lines were used in this experiment to create S(1) and F(1) populations. F(2) populations were produced through self-pollination of F(1) plants. Evaluation of S(1), F(1), and F(2) generations revealed that flower color in these populations was controlled by 2 alleles at one locus with blue flower color completely dominant to white. We propose that this locus be named white flower with alleles W and w.  相似文献   

Summary Pontederia cordata L. (Pontederiaceae), a perennial diploid, possesses the rare genetic polymorphism tristyly. A controlled pollination programme was conducted over a three year period, under glasshouse conditions, on 36 clones of P. cordata var. cordata to examine the nature of the self-incompatibility system. The three major findings of the pollination study were: (1) the three floral morphs display different levels of self-incompatibility, (2) pollen from the two anther levels within a flower exhibits different compatibility behaviour in self-pollinations, (3) considerable individual genetic variation in the expression of self-incompatibility is evident among clones within floral morphs. Similar results were also obtained from a smaller study on 15 clones of P. cordata var. lancifolia conducted over a 6 month period. In common with other Pontederia species the mid-styled morph (M) of P. cordata produces large amounts of seed when self-pollinated with pollen from long-level anthers. A developmental model is proposed to explain the high level of self-compatibility of the M morph in Pontederia species. Self-pollination of segregating progenies from M and S morphs of known incompatibility status demonstrated that the expression of incompatibility is closely associated with style length. It is suggested that overall differences in incompatibility behaviour among the floral morphs may be due to the pleiotropic effects of major genes controlling sub-characters of the tristylous syndrome, rather than linked modifier genes. However, the variable expression of trimorphic incompatibility within floral morphs suggests that this variation may be polygenic in origin.  相似文献   

Darwin proposed that the adaptive significance of tristyly is to promote insect-mediated pollination among floral morphs with anthers and stigmas at equivalent levels (legitimate pollination). Strong pollen trimorphism in Pontederia cordata enables an evaluation of this hypothesis. In an investigation of pollen flow patterns in different parts of the North American range of the species, legitimate pollination of some morphs was observed in all but one population investigated. However at only one site (Ft. McCoy, Florida) was Darwin's hypothesis confirmed for the three floral morphs. The long-styled morph most frequently exhibited legitimate pollination, the mid-styled morph was intermediate, and the short-styled morph rarely experienced legitimate pollination.
Temporal variation in pollen flow was observed during the flowering season of P. cordata . Total stigmatic pollen loads decreased as the density of inflorescences and activity of pollinators declined. In spite of variable total loads the legitimate component was relatively constant in the long- and mid-styled forms, while in the short-styled form this measure increased as the season progressed. Little variation was detected between stigmatic samples collected at different times during a single day.
Legitimate pollination may be inhibited by local foraging of pollinators and the spatial segregation of floral morphs. At Paugh Lake (Ontario) over 75% of all bumble bee flights are among the five nearest neighbours of a particular inflorescence. In the same population, there is a probability of over 70% that the nearest three neighbours of an inflorescence are of the same floral morph. Despite these influences, legitimate pollination occurs in P. cordata , suggesting substantial pollen carryover.  相似文献   

The potential inhibitory effects of incompatible pollen on outcrossed seed set were investigated in mass-flowering, self-incompatible, tristylous Pontederia sagittata. Prior application of self pollen, followed after 2, 4, or 6 h by compatible pollen, was conducted on five genotypes of each of the three style morphs under uniform glasshouse conditions. The greatest reductions in seed set occurred in pollinations of the long-styled (L) morph at the 6 h time interval. Smaller reductions were also found for this treatment in the mid-styled (M) morph. No significant reductions in seed set were observed in the short-styled (S) morph or in the other morphs at shorter time intervals. Observations of pollen germination and pollen tube growth indicated that the lack of inhibitory effects in the S morph may occur because relatively few pollen grains adhered to stigmas in selfpollinations. In the L and M morphs, early germination of self pollen may cause physical clogging of the stigma and style, resulting in a reduced number of compatible pollen tubes in styles. Observations of the structural integrity of styles indicated that prior germination of self pollen resulted in more rapid onset of pistil senescence, particularly in the L morph. These influences may contribute to the morph-specific differences in seed set observed following prior self-pollination of outcrossed flowers. The negative effects of incompatible pollen are likely to be most evident where ecological factors cause delays in the delivery of outcross pollen to stigmas.  相似文献   

Adventitious roots of marsh-grown Pontederia cordata were examined to determine cortical development and structure. The innermost layer of the ground meristem forms the endodermis and aerenchymatous cortex. The outermost layer of the early ground meristem undergoes a precise pattern of oblique and periclinal cell divisions to produce a single or double layer of prohypodermis with an anchor cell for each radial file of aerenchyma cells. At maturity, endodermal cell walls are modified only by narrow Casparian bands. The central regions of the ground meristem become proaerenchyma and exhibit asymmetric cell division and expansion. They produce an aerenchymatous zone with barrel-shaped large cells and irregularly shaped small cells traversing the aerenchyma horizontally along radii; some crystalliferous cells with raphides are present in the aerenchyma. The walls of the hypodermis are modified early by polyphenols. The outermost layer of the hypodermis later matures into an exodermis with Casparian bands that are impermeable to berberine, an apoplastic tracer dye. The nonexodermal layer(s) of the hypodermis has suberin-modified walls. Radial files of aerenchyma are usually connected by narrow protuberances near their midpoints, the aerenchyma lacunae having been produced by expansion of cells along walls lining intercellular spaces. We are terming this type of aerenchyma development, which is neither schizogenous nor lysigenous, "differential expansion."  相似文献   

The inheritance and manifestation of fasciation character in three fasciated lines of common pea Pisum sativum L. were investigated. All studied forms are characterized by abnormal enlargement of stem apical meristem leading to distortions in shoot structure. It was estimated that fasciation in mutant Shtambovyi is connected with recessive mutation in gene FAS, which was localized in linkage group III using morphological and molecular markers. It was demonstrated that fasciation in cultivar Rosacrone and line Lupinoid is caused by recessive mutation of the same gene (FA). The peculiar architecture of inflorescence in the Lupinoid line is a result of interaction of two recessive mutations (det fa). Investigation of interaction of mutations fa and fas revealed that genes FA and FAS control consequential stages of apical meristem specialization. Data on incomplete penetrance and varying expressivity were confirmed for the mutant allele fa studied.  相似文献   

Genetic control of aluminium tolerance in rye (Secale cereale L.)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 Aluminium (Al) tolerance in roots of two cultivars (“Ailés” and “JNK”) and two inbred lines (“Riodeva” and “Pool”) of rye was studied using intact roots immersed in a nutrient solution at a controlled pH and temperature. Both the cultivars and the inbred lines analysed showed high Al tolerance, this character being under multigenic control. The inbred line “Riodeva” was sensitive (non-telerant) at a concentration of 150 μM, whereas the “Ailes” cultivar showed the highest level of Al tolerance at this concentration. The segregation of aluminium-tolerance genes and several isozyme loci in different F1s, F2s and backcrosses between plants of “Ailés” and “Riodeva” were also studied. The segregation ratios obtained for aluminium tolerance in the F2s analysed were 3 : 1 and 15 : 1 (tolerant : non-tolerant) while in backcrosses they were 1 : 1 and 3 : 1. These results indicated that Al tolerance is controlled by, at least, two major dominant and independent loci in rye (Alt1 and Alt3). Linkage analyses carried out between Al-tolerance genes and several isozyme loci revealed that the Alt1 locus was linked to the aconitase-1 (Aco1), nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenase-2 (Ndh2), esterase-6 (Est6) and esterase-8 (Est8) loci, located on chromosome arm 6RL. The order obtained was Alt1-Aco1-Ndh2-Est6-Est8. The Alt3 locus was not linked to the Lap1, Aco1 and Ndh2 loci, located on chromosome arms, 6RS, 6RL and 6RL respectively. Therefore, the Alt3 locus is probably on a different chromosome. Received: 18 March 1997 / Accepted: 21 March 1997  相似文献   

Summary The present state of genetic control of in vitro responses of wheat and of the prospeets of its improvement and practical use are presented. The genetic factors affecting different stages of callus induction and of organogenesis in immature embryos are discussed. The dominant genotypie role in the in vitro processes and the cytoplasmic influence on the latter are shown. Genotype × environment and nucleus × cytoplasm interactions were observed. Some unsolved problems needing further investigations of cereals at the tissue culture level are pointed out.  相似文献   

Genetic control of oil content in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) like in most oleaginous crops, seed oil content is the main qualitative determinant that confers its economic value to the harvest. Increasing seed oil content is then still an important objective in oilseed rape breeding. In the objective to get better knowledge on the genetic determinism of seed oil content, a genetic study was undertaken in two genetic backgrounds. Two populations of 445 and a 242 doubled haploids (DH) derived from the crosses “Darmor-bzh” × “Yudal” (DY) and “Rapid” × “NSL96/25” (RNSL), respectively, were genotyped and evaluated for oil content in different trials. QTL mapping in the two populations indicate that additive effects are the main factors contributing to variation in oil content. A total of 14 and 10 genomic regions were involved in seed oil content in DY and RNSL populations, respectively, of which five and two were consistently revealed across the three trials performed for each population. Most of the QTL detected were not colocalised to QTL involved in flowering time. Few epistatic QTL involved regions that carry additive QTL in one or the other population. Only one QTL located on linkage group N3 was potentially common to the two populations. The comparisons of the QTL location in this study and in the literature showed that: (i) some of the QTL were more consistently revealed across different genetic backgrounds. The QTL on N3 was revealed in all the studies and the QTL on N1, N8 and N13 were revealed in three studies out of five, (ii) some of the QTL were specific to one genetic background with potentially some original alleles, (iii) some QTL were located in homeologous regions, and (iv) some of the regions carrying QTL for oil content in oilseed rape and in Arabidopsis could be collinear. These results show the possibility to combine favourable alleles at different QTL to increase seed oil content and to use Arabidopsis genomic data to derive markers for oilseed rape QTL and identify candidate genes, as well as the interest to combine information from different segregating populations in order to build a consolidated map of QTL involved in a specific trait.  相似文献   

G. C. Mitra 《Genetica》1984,63(1):9-11
The anatomical characteristics were studied of one X-ray induced macromutant, Undulating stem. This true-breeding mutant produces only primary phloic fibres. The secondary phloic fibres, which are the derivatives of vascular cambium, are found lacking, though there is formation of secondary phloem pyramids from the cambial tissue. Inheritance of fibre (bast) in jute (C. capsularis) is monogenic and recessive.  相似文献   

Starch gel electrophoresis in a discontinuous buffer system has enabled us to study two acid phosphatase systems (AcPh-1 and AcPh-2) in Arabidopsis thaliana. The AcPh-2 bands are much more prominent than those belonging to AcPh-1. Among the 17 geographic races, one variant for AcPh-2 was detected. A study of F1 hybrids and F2 segregating progenies showed that AcPh-2 variants are controlled by two codominant alleles (AcPh-2N and AcPh-2F) at one locus. The heterozygotes are characterized by an intermediated hybrid band in addition to the two parental ones, thus showing that these proteins are at least dimeric structures.  相似文献   

H. Hauptli  S. Jain 《Genetica》1985,66(1):21-27
The genetic control of breeding system in a population of grain amaranth is described here by the estimates of outcrossing rate variation among individuals and their response to mass selection. In the first generation (S0), a single morphological marker locus(R/r) controlling plant pigmentation was used for the estimation of outcrossing rate. A mixture of genotypes RR (red) and rr (green) mixed in equal proportions was grown and all rr plants were progeny-tested for estimating the outcrossing rate (t), using the relationship t=H/p, where H = proportion of heterozygotes (Rr) in the progeny, and p = frequency of alleleR. A full range (0 to 100%) of outcrossing rates was found in the first generation, % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafiart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq-Jc9% vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0-yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr-x% fr-xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaGabeiDayaara% Gaeyypa0JaaGimaiaac6cacaaIZaGaaGymaiaacYcacqGHGaaicqGH% GaaicuaHdpWCgaqcamaaBaaaleaacaqG0baabeaakiabg2da9iaaic% dacaGGUaGaaGOmaiaaiwdaaaa!441B!\[{\text{\bar t}} = 0.31, \hat \sigma _{\text{t}} = 0.25\], and the distribution was significantly skewed toward high outcrossing.A bidirectional mass selection experiment was initiated for high and low outcrossing rates. In the Hi and Lo lines (Generation S1), the rate of outcrossing was estimated using the R locus in addition to two other completely dominant morphological markers(B, G1). Relative sex ratios in the monoecious inflorescences of selected lines were estimated by the number of male flowers per glomerule. Outcrossing rate was significantly different between the Hi and Lo lines, and Lo line exhibited much higher male fertility than the Hi line. Such a response to selection indicated a polygenic control of sex expression, and consequently, of the potential for outcrossing in this population. In the second generation (S2), selection was based on the number of male flowers/glomerule as an index of outcrossing ability. Differences in sex expression between the Hi and Lo lines in S2 generation had 1.0 male flower/glomerule, while the Hi selection individuals had more or less rectangular distribution from 0.1 to 1.0 male flowers/glomerule.Thus, breeding system in amaranth, as represented by the sex ratios within glomerules and the outcrossing rate parameters, responded to bidirectional selection. Such a genetic component of variation in breeding system has significant implications in the evolution of amaranth species and landraces under domestication.  相似文献   

Floral size is an ecologically important trait related to pollination success and genetic fitness. Independently of the sexual reproduction strategy, in many plants, floral size seems to be controlled by several genetic programs that are to some extent independent of vegetative growth. Flower size seems to be governed by at least two independent mechanisms, one controlling floral architecture that affects organ number and a second one controlling floral organ size. Different organ-dependent growth control may account for the final proportions of a flower as a whole. Genes controlling floral organ identity, floral symmetry and organ polarity as well as auxin and gibberellin response, also play a role in establishing the final size and architecture of the flower. The final size of an organ seems to be controlled by a systemic signal that might in some cases overcome transgenic modifications of cell division and expansion. Nevertheless, modification of basic processes like cell wall deposition might produce important changes in the floral organs. The coordination of the direction of cell division and expansion by unknown mechanisms poses a challenge for future research.  相似文献   

Rapid multiplication of axillary shoots of oak and linden has been achieved on broad-leaved tree medium (BTM) and woody plant medium (WPM) containing low level of cytokinin (BAP 0.2–1.0 mg l-1). High rooting percentages (80–95%) were obtained on low salt, low sucrose media, containing low level of auxins. Rooted plants were transplanted into pots containing a mixture of peat and perlite. Most of the plants (90–95%) survived the transfer. After the hardening off period the new plants were planted in the field.  相似文献   

 Paste viscosity parameters play an important role in estimating the eating, cooking and processing quality of rice. Four cytoplasmic male-sterile (CMS) lines and eight restorer (R) lines were employed in an incomplete diallel cross to analyze seed effects, cytoplasmic effects and maternal gene effects on the viscosity profiles of indica rice. The results indicated that the viscosity profiles of rice were controlled by the direct effects of the seed, by the cytoplasm and by maternal plant. The seed-direct effects (V A +V D ) accounted for over 51% of the total genetic variances (V A +V D +V C +V Am +V Dm ) for all the traits, suggesting that seed direct effects were more important than maternal effects and cytoplasmic effects. The additive variances (V A +V Am ) were much larger than the dominance variances (V D +V Dm ), which revealed that additive genetic effects were the major contributors of genetic variation for the paste viscosity profiles, and that selection could be applied for viscosity traits in the early generations. Significant cytoplasmic variance (V C ) was detected for hot paste viscosity (HPV), cool paste viscosity (CPV) and consistency viscosity (CSV). The cytoplasmic effects for these three traits can, therefore, not be neglected in rice breeding. It was also shown that seed heritabilities (h 2 o ) tended to be larger than maternal heritabilities (h 2 m ) and cytoplasmic heritabilities (h 2 c ). Prediction of the main genetic effects for 12 parents showed that CMS lines had highly positive effects on all the traits except for the breakdown viscosity (BDV), and that R lines had both positive and negative effects on the paste viscosity characteristics. Received: 3 August 1998 / Accepted: 28 November 1998  相似文献   

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