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Nonviral integration systems are widely used genetic tools in transgenesis and play increasingly important roles in strategies for therapeutic gene transfer. Methods to efficiently regulate the activity of transposases and site-specific recombinases have important implications for their spatiotemporal regulation in live transgenic animals as well as for studies of their applicability as safe vectors for genetic therapy. In this report, strategies for posttranslational induction of a variety of gene-inserting proteins are investigated. An engineered hormone-binding domain, derived from the human progesterone receptor, hPR891, and specifically recognized by the synthetic steroid mifepristone, is fused to the Sleeping Beauty, Frog Prince, piggyBac and Tol2 transposases as well as to the Flp and ΦC31 recombinases. By analyzing mifepristone-directed inducibility of gene insertion in cultured human cells, efficient posttranslational regulation of the Flp recombinase and the ΦC31 integrase is documented. In addition, fusion of the ΦC31 integrase with the ERT2 modified estrogen receptor hormone-binding domain results in a protein, which is inducible by a factor of 22-fold and retains 75% of the activity of the wild-type protein. These inducible ΦC31 integrase systems are important new tools in transgenesis and in safety studies of the ΦC31 integrase for gene therapy applications.  相似文献   

The crucial role of T lymphocytes in anti-tumor immunity has led to the development of novel strategies that can target and activate T cells against tumor cells. Recombinant DNA technology has been used to generate non-MHC-restricted chimeric antigen receptors (CARs). Here, we constructed a panel of recombinant CAR that harbors the anti-MUC1 nanobody and the signaling and co-signaling moieties (CD3ζ/CD28) with different spacer regions derived from human IgG3 with one or two repeats of the hinge sequence or the hinge region of FcγRII. The PhiC31 integrase system was employed to investigate if the recombination efficiency could be recruited for high and stable expression of T cell chimeric receptor genes. The effect of nuclear localization signal (NLS) and two different promoters (CMV and CAG) on efficacy of PhiC31 integrase in human T cell lines was evaluated. The presence of integrase in combination with NLS, mediated up to 7.6 and 8.5 fold increases in CAR expression in ZCHN-attB and ZCHHN-attB cassette integrated T cells, respectively. Our results showed that highly efficient and stable transduction of the Jurkat cell line by PhiC31 integrase is a feasible modality for generating anti-cancer chimeric T cells for use in cancer immunotherapy.  相似文献   

Homologous and site-specific DNA recombination has revolutionized genetic engineering. The reliability of recombinases such as Cre and FLP has allowed scientists to design complex strategies to study gene function in mammals. However, the retention of recombination sites in the genome limits the use of Cre and FLP recombinases in subsequent modifications. Access to additional recombinases in the ES cell toolbox would enormously widen the number of possibilities to manipulate the genome. In the method presented here, we combine the use of PhiC31, a site-specific integrase, with FLP to obtain site-specific insertion and replacement in pre-inserted docking sites in the genome of mouse ES cells. This method allows for the integration of any sequence of interest in a pre-defined locus, leaving Cre recombinase available for downstream applications. The selection strategy is based on a silent selection marker activated by a plasmid-delivered promoter, making the integration system highly reliable and reducing the need for extensive molecular screens. This article describes how to create "dockable" mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell lines, integrate incoming vectors, and analyze the resulting clones. Current applications of this technology are also discussed.  相似文献   

Site-specific recombinases catalyze recombination between specific targeting sites to delete, insert, invert, or exchange DNA with high fidelity. In addition to the widely used Cre and Flp recombinases, the phiC31 integrase system from Streptomyces phage may also be used for these genetic manipulations in eukaryotic cells. Unlike Cre and Flp, phiC31 recognizes two heterotypic sites, attB and attP, for recombination. While the phiC31 system has been recently applied in mouse and human cell lines and in Drosophila, it has not been demonstrated whether it can also catalyze efficient DNA recombination in zebrafish. Here we show that phiC31 integrase efficiently induces site-specific deletion of episomal targets as well as chromosomal targets in zebrafish embryos. Thus, the phiC31 system can be used in zebrafish for genetic manipulations, expanding the repertoire of available tools for genetic manipulation in this vertebrate model.  相似文献   

Chen JZ  Ji CN  Xu GL  Pang RY  Yao JH  Zhu HZ  Xue JL  Jia W 《Nucleic acids research》2006,34(21):6298-6304
Phage ΦC31 integrase has potential as a means of inserting therapeutic genes into specific sites in the human genome. However, the possible interactions between ΦC31 integrase and cellular proteins have never been investigated. Using pLexA-ΦC31 integrase as bait, we screened a pB42AD-human fetal brain cDNA library for potential interacting cellular proteins. Among 61 positives isolated from 106 independent clones, 51 contained DAXX C-terminal fragments. The strong interaction between DAXX and ΦC31 was further confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation. Deletion analysis revealed that the fas-binding domain of DAXX is also the region for ΦC31 binding. Hybridization between a ΦC31 integrase peptide array and an HEK293 cell extract revealed that a tetramer, 451RFGK454, in the C-terminus of ΦC31 is responsible for the interaction with DAXX. This tetramer is also necessary for ΦC31 integrase activity as removal of this tetramer resulted in a complete loss of integrase activity. Co-expression of DAXX with ΦC31 integrase in a HEK293-derived ΦC31 integrase activity reporter cell line significantly reduced the ΦC31-mediated recombination rate. Knocking down DAXX with a DAXX-specific duplex RNA resulted in increased recombination efficiency. Therefore, endogenous DAXX may interact with ΦC31 causing a mild inhibition in the integration efficiency. This is the first time that ΦC31 was shown to interact with an important cellular protein and the potential effect of this interaction should be further studied.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Gene transfer to synovium in joints has been shown to be an effective approach for treating pathologies associated with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and related joint disorders. However, the efficiency and duration of gene delivery has been limiting for successful gene therapy for arthritis. The transient gene expression that often accompanies non-viral gene delivery can be prolonged by integration of vector DNA into the host genome. We report a novel approach for non-viral gene therapy to joints that utilizes phage phiC31 integrase to bring about unidirectional genomic integration. METHODS: Rabbit and human synovial cells were co-transfected with a plasmid expressing phiC31 integrase and a plasmid containing the transgene and an attB site. Cells were cultured with or without G418 selection and the number of neo-resistant colonies or eGFP cells determined, respectively. Plasmid rescue, PCR query, and DNA sequence analysis were performed to reveal integration sites in the rabbit and human genomes. For in vivo studies, attB-reporter gene plasmids and a plasmid expressing phiC31 integrase were intra-articularly injected into rabbit knees. Joint sections were used for histological analysis of beta-gal expression, and synovial cells were isolated to measure luciferase expression. RESULTS: We demonstrated that co-transfection of a plasmid expressing phiC31 integrase with a plasmid containing the transgene and attB increased the frequency of transgene expression in rabbit synovial fibroblasts and primary human RA synoviocytes. Plasmid rescue and DNA sequence analysis of plasmid-chromosome junctions revealed integration at endogenous pseudo attP sequences in the rabbit genome, and PCR query detected integration at previously characterized integration sites in the human genome. Significantly higher levels of transgene expression were detected in vivo in rabbit knees after intra-articular injection of attB-reporter gene plasmids and a plasmid expressing phiC31 integrase. CONCLUSION: The ability of phiC31 integrase to facilitate genomic integration in synovial cells and increase transgene expression in the rabbit synovium suggests that, in combination with more efficient DNA delivery methods, this integrase system could be beneficial for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and other joint disorders.  相似文献   



PhiC31 integrase facilitates efficient integration of transgenes into human and mouse genomes and is considered for clinical gene therapy. However recent studies have shown that the enzyme can induce various chromosomal abnormalities in primary human embryonic cells and mammalian cell lines. The mechanisms involved are unknown, but it has been proposed that PhiC31 attachment sites in the host genome recombine leading to chromosomal translocations.  相似文献   

To construct an effective site-specific integration system in the silkworm, we examined if phiC31 integrase works in silkworm embryos. As an assay system, we constructed an extrachromosomal cassette exchange reaction system between two attP sites of an acceptor plasmid and two attB sites of a donor plasmid. To evaluate the activity, integrase mRNAs synthesized from three different plasmids were used. We injected a mixture of the acceptor and donor plasmids with the mRNA synthesized in vitro from one of the three plasmids into silkworm embryos at 4-6?h after oviposition and recovered plasmid DNAs from the embryos 3?days after injection. The resultant plasmids were transformed into Escherichia coli and spread on selection medium plates containing the appropriate antibiotics. A colony-forming assay and restriction enzyme digestion of the plasmids purified from the colonies showed that the phiC31 integrase worked very efficiently in the silkworm embryos. Notably, a phiC31 integrase mRNA synthesized from two of the plasmids produced cassette exchange plasmids at a high frequency, suggesting that the mRNA can be used to construct a targeted integration system in silkworms.  相似文献   

Blaas L  Musteanu M  Zenz R  Eferl R  Casanova E 《BioTechniques》2007,43(5):659-60, 662, 664
The use of bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) modified via homologous recombination in Escherichia coli has become a powerful tool in the transgenic field. Homologous recombination allows the manipulation of BACs in very different ways. However this process can be cumbersome and problematic when using large targeting constructs containing several repeated elements. In order to address this problem, we have established a phiC31 integrase-mediated cassette exchange into a BAC. As an example of this technique, we have exchanged a cassette previously recombined into a BAC containing the Rosa 26 locus, by a 16.5-kb incoming construct containing several repeated elements. The combination of homologous recombination in E. coli and cassette exchange should expand the tools for manipulating BACs, thus facilitating the generation of constructs with higher complexity.  相似文献   

DNA site-specific recombinases (SSRs) such as Cre, FLPe, and phiC31, are powerful tools for analyzing gene function in vertebrates. While the availability of multiple high-efficiency SSRs would facilitate a wide array of genomic engineering possibilities, efficient recombination in mammalian cells has only been observed with Cre recombinase. Here we report the de novo synthesis of mouse codon-optimized FLP (FLPo) and PhiC31 (PhiC31o) SSRs, which result in recombination efficiencies similar to Cre.  相似文献   

The Streptomyces phage phiC31 integrase was tested for its ability to excise transgenic DNA from the wheat genome by site-specific recombination. Plants that stably express phiC31 integrase were crossed to plants carrying a target construct bearing the phiC31 recognition sites, attP and attB. In the progeny, phiC31 recombinase mediates recombination between the att sites of the target locus, which results in excision of the intervening DNA. Recombination events could be identified in 34 independent wheat lines by PCR and Southern blot analysis and by sequencing of the excision footprints. Recombinant loci were inherited to the subsequent generation. The results presented here establish the integrase-att system as a tool for catalysing the precise elimination of DNA sequences from wheat chromosomes.  相似文献   

Gene targeting allows precise tailoring of the mouse genome such that desired modifications can be introduced under precise temporal and spatial control. This can be achieved through the use of site-specific recombinases, which mediate deletion or inversion of genomic DNA flanked by recombinase-specific recognition sites, coupled with gene targeting to introduce the recombinase recognition sites at the desired genomic locations within the mouse genome. The introduction of multiple modifications at the same locus often requires use of multiple recombination systems. The most commonly used recombination system is Cre/lox. We here evaluated in vivo the ability of PhiC31 phage integrase to induce a genomic deletion in mouse. We engineered a self-excision cassette, modeled after one previously designed for Cre, containing a positive selection marker and PhiC31 driven by a testis-specific promoter, all flanked by PhiC31 specific attP/B sites. We found in vivo PhiC31 mediated self-excision in 38% of transmitted alleles, although 18% of these showed evidence of imprecise deletion. Furthermore, in the 69% of un-recombined cassettes, sequence analysis revealed that PhiC31 mediated an intra-molecular deletion of the attB site preventing any subsequent recombination. This study demonstrates that PhiC31 can be used to automatically remove Neo, in the male chimera germline, although it is not as efficient or as accurate as Cre.  相似文献   

We previously established that the phage phiC31 integrase, a site-specific recombinase, mediates efficient integration in the human cell environment at attB and attP phage attachment sites on extrachromosomal vectors. We show here that phage attP sites inserted at various locations in human and mouse chromosomes serve as efficient targets for precise site-specific integration. Moreover, we characterize native "pseudo" attP sites in the human and mouse genomes that also mediate efficient integrase-mediated integration. These sites have partial sequence identity to attP. Such sites form naturally occurring targets for integration. This phage integrase-mediated reaction represents an effective site-specific integration system for higher cells and may be of value in gene therapy and other chromosome engineering strategies.  相似文献   

Groth AC  Fish M  Nusse R  Calos MP 《Genetics》2004,166(4):1775-1782
The phiC31 integrase functions efficiently in vitro and in Escherichia coli, yeast, and mammalian cells, mediating unidirectional site-specific recombination between its attB and attP recognition sites. Here we show that this site-specific integration system also functions efficiently in Drosophila melanogaster in cultured cells and in embryos. Intramolecular recombination in S2 cells on transfected plasmid DNA carrying the attB and attP recognition sites occurred at a frequency of 47%. In addition, several endogenous pseudo attP sites were identified in the fly genome that were recognized by the integrase and used as substrates for integration in S2 cells. Two lines of Drosophila were created by integrating an attP site into the genome with a P element. phiC31 integrase injected into embryos as mRNA functioned to promote integration of an attB-containing plasmid into the attP site, resulting in up to 55% of fertile adults producing transgenic offspring. A total of 100% of these progeny carried a precise integration event at the genomic attP site. These experiments demonstrate the potential for precise genetic engineering of the Drosophila genome with the phiC31 integrase system and will likely benefit research in Drosophila and other insects.  相似文献   

Genome engineering strategies employing site‐specific recombinases (SSRs) have become invaluable to the study of gene function in model organisms. One such SSR, the integrase encoded by the Streptomyces bacteriophage phiC31, promotes recombination between heterotypic attP and attB sites. In the present study I have examined the feasibility of the use of phiC31 integrase for intramolecular recombination strategies in zebrafish embryos. I report here that (1) phiC31 integrase is functional in zebrafish cells, (2) phiC31 integrase can excise a transgene cassette flanked by an attB and an attP site, analogous to a common use of the Cre/lox SSR system, (3) phiC31 integrase functions in the zebrafish germline, and (4) a phiC31 integrase‐estrogen receptor hormone‐binding domain variant fusion protein catalyzes attB‐attP recombination in zebrafish embryos in a 4‐hydroxytamoxifen‐dependent manner, albeit less efficiently than phiC31 alone. These features should make this a useful approach for genome manipulations in the zebrafish. genesis 48:137–143, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

StreptomycesPhiC31-based site-specific integration was used to transform the facultative intracellular pathogen Rhodococcus equi. The transformation efficiency of vectors incorporating the PhiC31 integrase and attP sites was comparable to that of replication plasmids using the same electroporation procedure. A single attB integration site was identified within an ORF encoding a pirin-like protein, which deviates slightly from the consensus sequence of Streptomyces attB sites. Vector integration was stably maintained in the R. equi chromosome for as many as 100 generations during unselected passage in vitro. In addition, integration does not appear to affect the replication of bacteria inside macrophages. Finally, this integration system was also used to successfully complement an R. equi mutant.  相似文献   

Inducible gene-expression systems play important roles in gene functional assays in the post-genome era. Streptomyces phage-derived phiC31 integrase, which mediates an irreversible site-specific cassette exchange between the phage attachment site (attP) and the bacterial attachment site (attB), provides a promising option for the construction of a controllable gene-expression system. Here, we report a phiC31 integrase-mediated promoter flip system (FLIP) for the inducible expression of target genes in silkworm (Bombyx mori). First, we constructed a FLIP reporter system, in which a BmAct4 promoter with enhanced translational efficiency was flanked by the attB and attP sites in a head-to-head orientation and further linked in a reverse orientation to a DsRed reporter gene. The coexpression of a C-terminal modified phiC31-NLS integrase carrying a simian virus 40 (SV40) nuclear localization signal (NLS) effectively flipped the BmAct4 promoter through an attB/attP exchange, thereby activating the downstream expression of DsRed in a silkworm embryo-derived cell line, BmE. Subsequently, the FLIP system, together with a system continuously expressing the phiC31-NLS integrase, was used to construct binary transgenic silkworm lines. Hybridization between FLIP and phiC31-NLS transgenic silkworm lines resulted in the successful flipping of the BmAct4 promoter, with an approximately 39% heritable transformation efficiency in silkworm offspring, leading to the constitutive and high-level expression of DsRed in silkworms, which accounted for approximately 0.81% of the silkworm pupal weight. Our successful development of the FLIP system offers an effective alternative for manipulating gene expression in silkworms and other lepidopteran species.  相似文献   

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