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Immunostimulatory effects of respirable mineral dust particles on alveolar macrophages (AM) and T lymphocytes were tested in vitro. When rat AM were incubated with fibrogenic silica and asbestos particles, a significant interleukin 1 (IL-1) activity was generated into the culture supernatants, whereas neither AM alone nor AM incubated with non-fibrogenic titanium dioxide (TiO2) particles, however, produced a detectable amount of IL-1. Interleukin 2 (IL-2) activity, as tested with IL-2-dependent CTLL-2 assays, was not detectable from all of these cultures. It was also revealed that concanavalin A-induced proliferation of T lymphocytes was enhanced in autologous AM and nylon wool-passed spleen cell co-cultures incubated only with fibrogenic particles, but not with non-fibrogenic particles. Higher IL-1 activity was detected only from co-cultures exposed to fibrogenic particles, whereas IL-2 activity was almost similar among these co-cultures. These results indicate the differences in immunostimulatory effects on pulmonary macrophages and T lymphocytes among a variety of mineral dust particles.  相似文献   

Mononuclear phagocytes, including alveolar macrophages (AM), can be chronically infected with HIV and thus serve as a reservoir for the virus. Acting as AC during the generation of an immune response, HIV-infected mononuclear phagocytes can facilitate viral T cell infection by several mechanisms, including direct contact of T cells with HIV-infected macrophages as well as cytokine-induced up-regulation of latent T cell infection. Our laboratory has shown that AM from HIV-infected individuals have enhanced AC function compared to normal AM. In this study we explored AM production and secretion of IL-1 beta and IL-6, two cytokines critical for optimal AC function, in normal volunteers and HIV-infected patients. Cultured AM supernatants and lysates were generated in the presence and absence of LPS and standard mitogens. In initial mixing experiments HIV AM supernatants enhanced mitogen-induced T cell proliferation using normal AM as AC significantly more than normal AM supernatants, suggesting that HIV AM secreted more T cell stimulatory factors than normal AM. Neither group could enhance T cell proliferation induced by HIV AM suggesting these cells already secreted optimal levels of these factors. AM from HIV+ individuals produced and secreted more IL-1 beta (measured by ELISA) and IL-6 (measured in a B9 bioassay and by immunoprecipitation) than normal AM both spontaneously and in the presence of low LPS concentrations and mitogens. In some cases depleting HIV AM supernatants of IL-1 beta and IL-6 on immunoaffinity columns abrogated their enhancement properties indicating that these cytokines were important in the observed enhancement. However, in other patients different factors must also be involved as depletion of IL-1 beta and IL-6 in their AM supernatants had no effect on enhancement function. These results show that HIV AM secretory products are important in the enhanced AC function demonstrated by these cells. However, although augmented IL-1 beta and IL-6 secretion likely contribute significantly to this enhancement, other AC secretory factors and/or functions must also be involved.  相似文献   

It has been previously shown that endothelial cells (EC) can modulate T-cell responsiveness by mimicking monocyte (AC) function in several different in vitro systems. We now report that EC and AC differ quantitatively in their ability to provide help for IL-2 generation and T-cell induced B-cell differentiation into immunoglobulin secreting cells (ISC). Equal numbers of EC were deficient when compared to AC for promoting ISC generation, but exceeded AC for IL-2 production. Adding optimal numbers of EC drive non-adherent cell cultures to produce more than twice as much IL-2 as adding any number of AC. Furthermore, small numbers of EC were capable of modulating ongoing immune responses when added to cultures containing AC. IL-2 production by PBM was doubled by the addition of enough EC to comprise only 3% of the total culture. EC do not just mimic monocytes in immune responses, but modulate these responses in unique ways.  相似文献   

Alcohol consumption inhibits accessory cell function and Ag-specific T cell responses. Myeloid dendritic cells (DCs) coordinate innate immune responses and T cell activation. In this report, we found that in vivo moderate alcohol intake (0.8 g/kg of body weight) in normal volunteers inhibited DC allostimulatory capacity. Furthermore, in vitro alcohol treatment during DC differentiation significantly reduced allostimulatory activity in a MLR using naive CD4(+) T cells, and inhibited tetanus toxoid Ag presentation by DCs. Alcohol-treated DCs showed reduced IL-12, increased IL-10 production, and a decrease in expression of the costimulatory molecules CD80 and CD86. Addition of exogenous IL-12 and IL-2, but not neutralization of IL-10, during MLR ameliorated the reduced allostimulatory capacity of alcohol-treated DCs. Naive CD4(+) T cells primed with alcohol-treated DCs showed decreased IFN-gamma production that was restored by exogenous IL-12, indicating inhibition of Th1 responses. Furthermore, CD4(+) T cells primed with alcohol-treated DCs were hyporesponsive to subsequent stimulation with the same donor-derived normal DCs, suggesting the ability of alcohol-treated DCs to induce T cell anergy. LPS-induced maturation of alcohol-treated immature DCs partially restored the reduced allostimulatory activity, whereas alcohol given only during DC maturation failed to inhibit DC functions, suggesting that alcohol primarily impairs DC differentiation rather than maturation. NFkappaB activation, a marker of DC maturation was not affected by alcohol. Taken together, alcohol both in vitro and in vivo can impair generation of Th1 immune responses via inhibition of DC differentiation and accessory cell function through mechanisms that involve decreased IL-12 induction.  相似文献   

Neurotensin enhances IL-1 production by activated alveolar macrophages   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Peptides may play a physiologic role in regulating immune responses and in triggering a variety of cellular events that modify the sensitivity of cells in the periphery. Neurotensin (NT) is present in the lung and it has been shown to bind to mouse peritoneal macrophages and influence their phagocytic ability. In this study, the effect of NT on the production of IL-1 by rat alveolar macrophages (AM) has been investigated. Although NT did not stimulate the release of IL-1 or increase the apparent intracellular pool of IL-1 when incubated with AM, there was significant cell changes, such as increased adherence, spreading, and altered shape. Furthermore, when AM were stimulated with LPS, both the intracellular and extracellular pools of IL-1 were significantly increased by NT. This effect was dose dependent and was observed at concentrations ranging from 10(-11) to 10(-6) M. NT did not modify the kinetics of LPS-induced IL-1 release nor the effects of a given suboptimal concentration of LPS. The release of IL-1 by various inducers, including muramyl dipeptide (MDP) and zymosan was also enhanced by NT, suggesting a general modulator role for this neuropeptide. When NT was added concomitantly with other potentiators of IL-1 production, such as IFN-gamma and leukotriene B4, no synergistic effect on IL-1 release was seen. Kinetics experiments showed that optimal enhancement of IL-1 production occurred when AM cultures were preincubated with NT before addition of MDP or when NT and MDP were present together at the initiation of the 24-h AM cultures. Taken together, our data suggest that NT acts early in the induction process of IL-1. Because IL-1 plays an important role both in the initiation of the immune response and in the local manifestations of inflammation, NT released in the vicinity of pulmonary blood vessels and the respiratory epithelium may modulate immunologically relevant responses in the lung microenvironment.  相似文献   

The relationship of production of interleukin 1 (IL-1)-like factor to accessory function of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-transformed B lymphocytes was examined. Six of eight human EBV-B cell lines spontaneously produced and released detectable levels of thymocyte comitogenic factor in vitro, but no interleukin 2 (IL-2) activity. Eight of eight produced fibroblast proliferation activity. Culture supernatants from the two apparent nonproducers of thymocyte comitogenic activity induced the proliferation of the IL-1-dependent murine helper-T-cell clone D10G4.1 in the presence of concanavalin A (Con A). One of the EBV-B cell lines produced a potent inhibitory factor in addition to IL-1-like thymocyte comitogenic and fibroblast proliferation factors. The inhibitory factor inhibited mouse thymocyte proliferative response to Con A, and the proliferation of the IL-2-dependent CT6 cell line, but not human fibroblast growth. All but one of the eight EBV-B cell lines tested, the exception being the line that produced an inhibitory factor, were able to serve as antigen-presenting cells that enabled purified human T lymphocytes to proliferate in one-way mixed lymphocyte reactions (MLR) and in response to Con A. The supernatants of 14 of 16 clones derived from two of the EBV-B cell line cells contained thymocyte comitogenic activity and all 16 stimulated fibroblast proliferation. The phenotypic characteristics of the EBV-B cell lines were heterogeneous, but there was no clear-cut relationship between the cell surface phenotypes of either the cloned or uncloned EBV-B cells and their ability to produce these factors. These studies show that all of the EBV-B cell lines that can function as accessory cells have the capacity to produce an IL-1-like factor.  相似文献   

Thymic dendritic cells (DC) have been proposed to play a critical role in the generation of immunocompetent T lymphocytes. Since IL-1 is widely considered to be an important second signal in T cell stimulation, we have studied the ability of isolated human thymic DC to produce IL-1. Using the EL4/CTLL conversion assay standardized with recombinant IL-1 beta (rIL-1 beta), we demonstrate that upon LPS-stimulation thymic DC produce small amounts of IL-1 as compared to peripheral blood monocytes (PBM). In contrast with PBM, DC IL-1 production is not influenced by indomethacin. IL-1 activity was detected in the supernatants of DC cultures from all thymuses tested, although quantitative variability was noted among individual thymic donors. The specificity of the active factor was confirmed by neutralization assays with anti-IL-1 beta mAb. On the other hand, we demonstrate that rIL-1 beta cannot substitute for nor amplify the accessory function of thymic DC and that anti-IL-1 beta mAb fails to block the DC accessory function. Thus we conclude that IL-1 beta might not be a major factor for the efficient DC accessory function toward mature thymocytes recently demonstrated in our laboratory. Of interest, IL-1 beta was also detected in the supernatants of DC-thymocyte cocultures in the absence of mitogenic factor, suggesting that thymocyte contacts can constitute a sufficient signal to induce DC to produce IL-1. These observations indicate that human thymic DC represent an intrathymic source of IL-1 whose role in thymocyte proliferation or maturation remains to be understood.  相似文献   

 Accessory function allows antigen-presenting cells to produce sufficient secondary signals for optimum T cell proliferation and interleukin-2 (IL-2) production. Alveolar macrophages are inferior accessory cells compared to monocytes (PBM). We report here that the accessory index (AI) of alveolar macrophages and PBM of patients with lung metastases of solid tumors treated with inhalations of human natural IL-2 (hnIL-2) increased following its administration (P<0.005). The accessory index was significantly elevated from baseline values after 2 weeks of inhalation of 300 000 IU hnIL-2/day (8.2±10.2 compared to 1.1±1; P<0.001). The inhalation of 150 000 IU also induced increases in the index (AI = 2.3±1.9), however, without reaching statistical significance. In addition at 300 000 IU IL-2/day a significant increase in the accessory index was observed for PBM (4±2.5; P<0.05). The indices of PBM and alveolar macrophages prior to inhalation showed a significant negative correlation with the age of the patients (r s =  – 0.5; r s =  – 0.8, respectively; P<0.03 for all comparisons). Our data demonstrate that the inhalational application of hnIL-2 enhances the accessory function of alveolar macrophages and, to lesser extent, the accessory index of PBM, indicating the occurrence of pharmacological immunostimulation. Received: 16 August 1995 / Accepted: 4 January 1996  相似文献   



Methotrexate (MTX) has been for decades a standard treatment in a wide range of conditions, from malignancies to rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Despite this long experience, the mechanisms of action of MTX remain incompletely understood. Reported immunologic effects of MTX include induction of increased production of some cytokines, an effect that seems to be at odds with the generally anti-inflammatory effects of this drug in diseases like RA. To further elucidate these immune activities, we examined effects of MTX on the human monocytic cell line U937.


The U937 cell line was treated in vitro with pharmacologic-range concentrations of MTX and effects on production of interleukin (IL)-1, IL-6 and TNF alpha were measured. Changes in gene expression for IL-1 and IL-6 and specificities in the Jun-N-terminal kinase (JNK) signaling pathway including JNK 1, JNK2, JUN and FOS were also determined. The contribution of NF-kB, folate and adenosine pathways to the observed effects was determined by adding appropriate inhibitors to the MTX cultures.


MTX mediated a dose-dependent increase in IL-1 and IL-6 in U937 cells, as measured by secreted proteins and levels of gene expression. The increased cytokine expression was inhibited by addition of parthenolide and folinic acid, but not by caffeine and theophylline, suggesting that NF-kB and folates, but not adenosine, were involved in mediating the observed effects. When U937 cells were cultured with MTX, upregulated expression of JUN and FOS, but not JNK 1 or 2, also was observed.


MTX induces expression of proinflammatory cytokines in U937 monocytic cells. These effects might mediate the known toxicities of MTX including pneumonitis, mucositis and decreased bone mineral density.  相似文献   

Human monocyte (Mo) to macrophage (Mx) differentiation is associated with marked and well studied changes in morphology, biochemical parameters, and effector cell function. Nevertheless, the comparative accessory cell (AC) function of blood Mo and differentiated Mx has not been carefully studied. We, therefore, examined the kinetics and mechanisms of change in AC function during in vitro Mo to Mx differentiation. The system utilized has two distinctive features: blood Mo and resultant cultured Mx represent a cohort of cells derived from the bone marrow within a 12-hr period. Moreover, the in vitro derived Mx utilized herein have been characterized extensively and are functionally and biochemically similar to pulmonary macrophages (PMx). In the experiments reported, AC functions of blood Mo, Mx derived from Mo after 1 to 6 days of culture, and PMx was compared. AC were cultured with nylon wool column-purified autologous T cells and were stimulated with concanavalin A (Con A) or streptokinase-streptodornase (SKSD). Blood T cell proliferation to Con A or SKSD was inhibited greater than 90% by the removal of Mo and was reconstituted by 20% Mo. Mx derived from Mo by culture for 1 to 3 days exhibited the same (or better) AC function as Mo when T cells were stimulated with either SKSD or Con A. In marked contrast, Mx derived from 6-day cultures exhibited less than or equal to 15% of Mo (i.e., control) capacity to support T cell proliferative response to SKSD. Six-day Mx support T cell proliferation to Con A was somewhat variable. Similar to 6-day cultured Mx, PMx failed to function as AC. The mechanism of loss of AC function was examined: a) cultured Mx maintained Ia antigen positivity for greater than 8 days; b) mixing experiments with Mo + 6-day cultured Mx or Mo + PMx demonstrated no T cell suppression; c) the normal capacity of most 6-day cultured Mx to support Con A but not SKSD induced T cell proliferation, apparently ruled out the loss of the ability to deliver a nonspecific "second signal" as the involved mechanism; d) inhibition of Mo to Mx differentiation by dexamethasone preserved AC activity. Thus, human culture-derived Mx and PMx exhibit deficit AC function through loss of an undefined mechanism. However, loss of AC antigen processing or presentation may occur.  相似文献   

Soluble or cell-bound IL-1 receptor accessory protein (IL-1RAcP) does not bind IL-1 but rather forms a complex with IL-1 and IL-1 receptor type I (IL-1RI) resulting in signal transduction. Synthetic peptides to various regions in the Ig-like domains of IL-1RAcP were used to produce antibodies and these antibodies were affinity-purified using the respective antigens. An anti-peptide-4 antibody which targets domain III inhibited 70% of IL-1beta-induced productions of IL-6 and PGE(2) from 3T3-L1 cells. Anti-peptide-2 or 3 also inhibited IL-1-induced IL-6 production by 30%. However, anti-peptide-1 which is directed against domain I had no effect. The antibody was more effective against IL-1beta compared to IL-1alpha. IL-1-induced IL-6 production was augmented by coincubation with PGE(2). The COX inhibitor ibuprofen blocked IL-1-induced IL-6 and PGE(2) production. These results confirm that IL-1RAcP is essential for IL-1 signaling and that increased production of IL-6 by IL-1 needs the co-induction of PGE(2). However, the effect of PGE(2) is independent of expressions of IL-1RI and IL-1RAcP. Our data suggest that domain III of IL-1RAcP may be involved in the formation or stabilization of the IL-1RI/IL-1 complex by binding to epitopes on domain III of the IL-1RI created following IL-1 binding to the IL-1RI.  相似文献   

IL-6 has been demonstrated by in vitro studies to be a cytokine involved in thymocyte activation We show herein that thymocytes cultured at high concentrations in the absence of comitogen respond to IL-1 and, to a lesser degree, to GM-CSF, by producing IL-6. This phenomenon disappears rapidly with decreasing cell densities, suggesting the involvement of a minor cellular component of the thymus which may be solely responsible for or cooperate in IL-6 production. We have analysed several thymic subpopulations for IL-6 production and show that accessory cells, and eventually their precursors, are the major if not exclusive, producers of this cytokine. Mature steroid-resistant thymocytes do not secrete IL-6. Production of IL-6 by total CD4-CD8- thymic cells is largely reduced by the depletion of mature accessory cells which express I-A and Mac-1 antigens. As shown previously, accessory cell precursors within the CD4-CD8- compartment are induced to differentiate into M phi and DC in response to IL-1 and GM-CSF. We provide evidence that this maturation is associated with IL-6 production. Thymic DC and phagocytic cells of the thymic reticulum (P-TR) in vitro produce high levels of IL-6 which are enhanced by GM-CSF or IL-1. These factors have a synergistic effect on IL-6 production by total thymocytes, and on CD4-CD8- cells that are not depleted for mature I-A+ Mac-1+ accessory cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Human peripheral blood monocytes (Mo) can differentiate into highly active accessory cells and approach the phenotype and function of dendritic cells instead of developing into macrophages (Mph). Here we report that monocyte-derived accessory cells (m-AC), but not Mph, spontaneously synthesize and release high amounts of interleukin-1 (IL-1 beta). Furthermore, m-AC retained a high T-cell stimulatory activity and a non-macrophagic phenotype for at least 12 days in culture. They were shown to be weakly adherent, non-phagocytic, and most of them were negative for nonspecific esterase. In contrast, Mo differentiating into mature Mph only transiently showed an elevated accessory function but at no time appeared to release intracellular IL-1 beta into the supernatant when cultured in the absence of exogenous triggers. Additionally, they gained a high phagocytic capacity and a strong expression of Fc-receptors within 4 days. Addition of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) to Mph stimulated IL-1 beta release but concomitantly led to a strong reduction of the Mph-phenotype. Thus, the release of IL-1 beta from monocyte-derived cells negatively correlated with the expression of the Mph phenotype but did not necessarily correlate with their accessory function. These observations may reflect an antagonistic regulation of Mph phenotype and cytokine release in cells of the monocytic lineage and suggest that IL-1 beta release is not essential for accessory activity but might serve rather as an autocrine signal to prolong the accessory function of m-AC.  相似文献   

The role of eosinophils in inflammation and their mode of activation is not well understood. Eosinophil accumulation and subsequent expression of cytokines at the site of inflammation may play a role in exacerbation of inflammatory responses. In the present study, we have examined the role of TNF-alpha in eosinophil activation and chemokine production using a human leukaemic eosinophil cell line, EOL-1. Initial studies demonstrated that TNF-alpha induced the upregulation of IL-8 and MCP-1 mRNA and protein. Kinetic studies indicated production of chemokines, IL-8 and MCP-1, as early as 4 h post-activation, with peak levels of chemokine produced at 8 h, and decreasing by 24 h post-TNF-alpha activation. When IL-10, a suppressive cytokine, was incubated with TNF-alpha and EOL-1 cells, no effect was observed on IL-8 and MCP-1 production. However, dexamethasone, a glucocorticoid, demonstrated potent inhibitory effects on the EOL-1-derived chemokines. These studies indicate that eosinophils may be a significant source of chemokines capable of participating in, and maintaining, leukocyte recruitment during inflammatory responses, such as asthma.  相似文献   

IL-1 receptor accessory protein and ST2 comprise the IL-33 receptor complex   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
IL-33 (IL-1F11) is a recently described member of the IL-1 family of cytokines that stimulates the generation of cells, cytokines, and Igs characteristic of a type 2 immune response. IL-33 mediates signal transduction through ST2, a receptor expressed on Th2 and mast cells. In this study, we demonstrate that IL-33 and ST2 form a complex with IL-1R accessory protein (IL-1RAcP), a signaling receptor subunit that is also a member of the IL-1R complex. Additionally, IL-1RAcP is required for IL-33-induced in vivo effects, and IL-33-mediated signal transduction can be inhibited by dominant-negative IL-1RAcP. The implications of this shared usage of IL-1RAcP by IL-1(alpha and beta) and IL-33 are discussed.  相似文献   

The cellular composition and certain functional characteristics of murine Peyer's patches (PP) were examined and compared with other lymphoid tissues. The composition of PP resembled most closely that of the spleen with the exception of a significant decrease in the number of adherent and phagocytic cells. Very few cells with dendritic morphology could be identified in Peyer's patches. Whole PP (and the nonadherent population) were capable of presenting antigen ovalbumin, human gammaglobulin, and purified protein derivative in a T proliferative assay to sensitized lymph node cells and to an antigen-specific T-cell clone. The antigen-presenting cell in both the spleen and PP was concentrated in the low-density population which floated on 1.080 bovine plasma albumin. However, equal numbers of whole and PP floaters were deficient in their capacity to present antigen compared with similar populations from spleen. Moreover, in PP the antigen-presenting cell appeared in the nonadherent rather than the adherent population as found with other lymphoid tissues. Similar results were obtained with (B6A)F1, CBA, A.TFR-1 and B10.S (12R) mice, suggesting that the inability of adherent cells from PP to present antigen effectively was not genetically determined. Whole and nonadherent PP contained cells capable of stimulating an allogeneic MLR, although again they were generally inferior to those of the spleen when comparable numbers of cells were employed. The adherent population of PP did not elicit an MLR. However, whole PP contained accessory cells needed for mitogen-induced proliferation since passage over nylon-wool columns resulted in a nonadherent fraction which did not respond to concanavalin A or phytohemagglutinin and the addition of adherent peritoneal exudate cells restored the lectin response. The differences noted in the accessory cell function in PP and other lymphoid tissues suggest the possibility that quantitative or qualitative differences in the function of these cells may explain some of the previously observed characteristics of PP, such as the inability to detect a primary antibody response in this tissue. The possibility that the development of gut-associated suppressor cells and their migration to peripheral tissues may be involved in the systemic tolerance that follows oral immunization and that these may be related to numerical and/or functional differences in macrophages or accessory cells is discussed.  相似文献   

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