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CD46 is a cellular receptor for group B adenoviruses   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Group B adenoviruses, a subgenus of human Adenoviridae, are associated with a variety of often-fatal illnesses in immunocompromised individuals, including bone marrow transplant recipients and cancer and AIDS patients. Recently, group B adenovirus derivatives have gained interest as attractive gene therapy vectors because they can transduce target tissues, such as hematopoietic stem cells, dendritic cells and malignant tumor cells, that are refractory to infection by commonly used adenoviral vectors. Whereas many adenoviruses infect cells through the coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor (CAR), group B adenoviruses use an alternate, as-yet-unidentified cellular attachment receptor. Using mass spectrometric analysis of proteins interacting with a group B fiber, we identified human CD46 as a cellular attachment receptor for most group B adenoviruses. We show that ectopic expression of human CD46 rendered nonhuman cells susceptible to infection with group B viruses in vitro and in vivo. In addition, both siRNA-mediated knockdown of CD46 and a soluble form of CD46 blocked infection of human cell lines and primary human cells. The discovery that group B adenoviruses use CD46, a ubiquitously expressed complement regulatory protein, as a cellular attachment receptor elucidates the diverse clinical manifestation of group B virus infections, and bears directly on the application of these vectors for gene therapy.  相似文献   

CD46 is a cellular receptor for human herpesvirus 6   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
Human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) is the etiologic agent of exanthema subitum, causes opportunistic infections in immunocompromised patients, and has been implicated in multiple sclerosis and in the progression of AIDS. Here, we show that the two major HHV-6 subgroups (A and B) use human CD46 as a cellular receptor. Downregulation of surface CD46 was documented during the course of HHV-6 infection. Both acute infection and cell fusion mediated by HHV-6 were specifically inhibited by a monoclonal antibody to CD46; fusion was also blocked by soluble CD46. Nonhuman cells that were resistant to HHV-6 fusion and entry became susceptible upon expression of recombinant human CD46. The use of a ubiquitous immunoregulatory receptor opens novel perspectives for understanding the tropism and pathogenicity of HHV-6.  相似文献   

CD46 is a cellular receptor for bovine viral diarrhea virus   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Various monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) that recognize cell surface proteins on bovine cells were previously shown to efficiently block infection with bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) (C. Schelp, I. Greiser-Wilke, G. Wolf, M. Beer, V. Moennig, and B. Liess, Arch. Virol. 140:1997-2009, 1995). With one of these MAbs, a 50- to 58-kDa protein was purified from calf thymus by immunoaffinity chromatography. Microchemical analysis of two internal peptides revealed significant sequence homology to porcine and human CD46. The cDNA of bovine CD46 (CD46(bov)) was cloned and further characterized. Heterologously expressed CD46(bov) was detected by the MAb used for purification. A putative function of CD46(bov) as a BVDV receptor was studied with respect to virus binding and susceptibility of nonpermissive cells. While the expression of CD46(bov) correlated well with the binding of [(3)H]uridine-labeled BVDV, the susceptibility of cells nonpermissive for BVDV was not observed. However, the expression of CD46(bov) resulted in a significant increase in the susceptibility of porcine cells to BVDV. These results provide strong evidence that CD46(bov) serves as a cellular receptor for BVDV.  相似文献   

Adenoviruses (Ads) are icosahedral, nonenveloped viruses with a double-stranded DNA genome. The 51 known Ad serotypes exhibit profound variations in cell tropism and disease types. The number of observed Ad infections is steadily increasing, sometimes leading to fatal outcomes even in healthy individuals. Species B Ads can cause kidney infections, hemorrhagic cystitis, and severe respiratory infections, and most of them use the membrane cofactor protein CD46 as a cellular receptor. The crystal structure of the human Ad type 11 (Ad11) knob complexed with CD46 is known; however, the determinants of CD46 binding in related species B Ads remain unclear. We report here a structural and functional analysis of the Ad11 knob, as well as the Ad7 and Ad14 knobs, which are closely related in sequence to the Ad11 knob but have altered CD46-binding properties. The comparison of the structures of the three knobs, which we determined at very high resolution, provides a platform for understanding these differences and allows us to propose a mechanism for productive high-affinity engagement of CD46. At the center of this mechanism is an Ad knob arginine that needs to switch its orientation in order to engage CD46 with high affinity. Quantum chemical calculations showed that the CD46-binding affinity of Ad11 is significantly higher than that of Ad7. Thus, while Ad7 and Ad14 also bind CD46, the affinity and kinetics of these interactions suggest that these Ads are unlikely to use CD46 productively. The proposed mechanism is likely to determine the receptor usage of all CD46-binding Ads.  相似文献   

Adenoviruses (Ads) are responsible for respiratory, ocular, and gastrointestinal illnesses in humans. While the majority of serotypes utilize coxsackievirus-adenovirus receptor (CAR) as their primary attachment receptor, subgroup B and subgroup D Ad37 serotypes use CD46. Given the propensity of Ad vectors to activate host immune responses, we sought to investigate their potential for type I interferon induction. We found that CD46 Ads were capable of alpha interferon (IFN-alpha) induction by peripheral blood mononuclear cells and that plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) were the principal producers of this cytokine. IFN-alpha induction correlated with the permissivity of pDCs to CD46- but not CAR-utilizing Ad serotypes. A role for Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) recognition of Ad was supported by the requirement for viral DNA and efficient endosomal acidification and by the ability of a TLR9-inhibitory oligonucleotide to attenuate IFN-alpha induction. Cell lines expressing TLR9 that are permissive to infection by both CAR- and CD46-utilizing serotypes showed a preferential induction of TLR9-mediated events by CD46-utilizing Ads. Specifically, the latter virus types induced higher levels of cytokine expression and NF-kappaB activation in HeLa cells than CAR-dependent Ad types, despite equivalent infection rates. Therefore, infectivity alone is not sufficient for TLR9 activation, but this activation instead is regulated by a specific receptor entry pathway. These data reveal a novel mode of host immune recognition of Ad with implications for Ad pathogenesis and for the use of unconventional Ad vectors for gene delivery and vaccine development.  相似文献   

Adenovirus type 11 uses CD46 as a cellular receptor   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
The 51 human adenovirus serotypes are divided into six species (A to F). Many adenoviruses use the coxsackie-adenovirus receptor (CAR) for attachment to host cells in vitro. Species B adenoviruses do not compete with CAR-binding serotypes for binding to host cells, and it has been suggested that species B adenoviruses use a receptor other than CAR. Species B adenoviruses mainly cause disease in the respiratory tract, the eyes, and in the urinary tract. Here we demonstrate that adenovirus type 11 (Ad11; of species B) binds to Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells transfected with CD46 (membrane cofactor protein)-cDNA at least 10 times more strongly than to CHO cells transfected with cDNAs encoding CAR or CD55 (decay accelerating factor). Nonpermissive CHO cells were rendered permissive to Ad11 infection upon transfection with CD46-cDNA. Soluble Ad11 fiber knob but not Ad7 or Ad5 knob inhibited binding of Ad11 virions to CD46-transfected cells, and anti-CD46 antibodies inhibited both binding of and infection by Ad11. From these results we conclude that CD46 is a cellular receptor for Ad11.  相似文献   

Adenovirus type 37 (Ad37) is a leading cause of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (EKC), a severe and highly contagious ocular disease. Whereas most other adenoviruses infect cells by engaging CD46 or the coxsackie and adenovirus receptor (CAR), Ad37 binds previously unknown sialic acid-containing cell surface molecules. By glycan array screening, we show here that the receptor-recognizing knob domain of the Ad37 fiber protein specifically binds a branched hexasaccharide that is present in the GD1a ganglioside and that features two terminal sialic acids. Soluble GD1a glycan and GD1a-binding antibodies efficiently prevented Ad37 virions from binding and infecting corneal cells. Unexpectedly, the receptor is constituted by one or more glycoproteins containing the GD1a glycan motif rather than the ganglioside itself, as shown by binding, infection and flow cytometry experiments. Molecular modeling, nuclear magnetic resonance and X-ray crystallography reveal that the two terminal sialic acids dock into two of three previously established sialic acid-binding sites in the trimeric Ad37 knob. Surface plasmon resonance analysis shows that the knob-GD1a glycan interaction has high affinity. Our findings therefore form a basis for the design and development of sialic acid-containing antiviral drugs for topical treatment of EKC.  相似文献   

The Bacillus subtilis RecR protein is required for DNA repair and recombination in vivo . In its N-terminal portion, RecR possesses potential zinc-ligand structures associated with the multicysteine (C4) superfamily. The number and arrangement of the cysteine residues is suggestive of RecR being a zinc-finger protein. One of the four cysteines (Cys-60) has been replaced by a Ser (C60S) or an Ala (C60A) residue to generate the recR60 and recR601 genes, respectively. B. subtilis recR60 , recR601 or Δ recR1 (a null-mutant allele) cells are 10-, 134- and 144-fold more sensitive to 10 mM methanesulphonate and 95-, 900- and 1100-fold more sensitive to the lethal effect of 100 μM 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (4NQO) than the wild-type strain, respectively. The RecR zinc-ligand C4 motif does not seem to be accessible, because the protein is highly resistant to oxidation and moderately resistant to reduction. We have determined by different biochemical methods that RecR is a zinc metalloprotein whose cysteine residues have a structural and/or functional role.  相似文献   

Laboratory strains of measles viruses (MV), such as Edmonston and Halle, use the complement regulatory protein CD46 as a cell surface receptor. The receptor usage of clinical isolates of MV, however, remains unclear. Receptor usage by primary patient isolates of MV was compared to isolates that had been passaged on a variety of tissue culture cell lines. All of the isolates could infect cells in a CD46-dependent manner, but their tropism was restricted according to cell type (e.g., lymphocytes versus fibroblasts). The results indicate that patient isolates that have not been adapted to tissue culture cell lines use CD46 as a receptor. In addition, passaging primary MV patient isolates in B95-8 cells selected variants that had alternate receptor usage compared to the original isolate. Thus, changes in receptor usage by MV are dependent upon the cell type used for isolation. Furthermore, our results confirm the relevance of the CD46 receptor to natural measles infection.  相似文献   

The pestivirus bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) was shown to bind to the bovine CD46 molecule, which subsequently promotes entry of the virus. To assess the receptor usage of BVDV type 1 (BVDV-1) and BVDV-2, 30 BVDV isolates including clinical samples were assayed for their sensitivity to anti-CD46 antibodies. With a single exception the infectivity of all tested strains of BVDV-1 and BVDV-2 was inhibited by anti-CD46 antibodies, which indicates the general usage of CD46 as a BVDV receptor. Molecular analysis of the interaction between CD46 and the BVD virion was performed by mapping the virus binding site on the CD46 molecule. Single complement control protein modules (CCPs) within the bovine CD46 were either deleted or replaced by analogous CCPs of porcine CD46, which does not bind BVDV. While the epitopes recognized by anti-CD46 monoclonal antibodies which block BVDV infection were attributed to CCP1 and CCP2, in functional assays only CCP1 turned out to be essential for BVDV binding and infection. Within CCP1 two short peptides on antiparallel beta strands were identified as crucial for the binding of BVDV. Exchanges of these two peptide sequences were sufficient for a loss of function in bovine CD46 as well as a gain of function in porcine CD46. Determination of the size constraints of CD46 revealed that a minimum length of four CCPs is essential for receptor function. An increase of the distance between the virus binding domain and the plasma membrane by insertion of one to six CCPs of bovine C4 binding protein exhibited only a minor influence on susceptibility to BVDV.  相似文献   

CD147 is a signaling receptor for cyclophilin B.   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Cyclophilins A and B (CyPA and CyPB) are cyclosporin A binding proteins that can be secreted in response to inflammatory stimuli. We recently identified CD147 as a cell-surface receptor for CyPA and demonstrated that CD147 is an essential component in the CyPA-initiated signaling cascade that culminates in ERK activation and chemotaxis. Here we demonstrate that CD147 also serves as a receptor for CyPB. CyPB induced Ca(2+) flux and chemotaxis of CD147-transfected, but not control, CHO cells, and the chemotactic response of primary human neutrophils to CyPB was blocked by antibodies to CD147. These results suggest that CD147 serves as a receptor for extracellular cyclophilins.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody (MCI20.6) which inhibited measles virus (MV) binding to host cells was previously used to characterize a 57- to 67-kDa cell surface glycoprotein as a potential MV receptor. In the present work, this glycoprotein (gp57/67) was immunopurified, and N-terminal amino acid sequencing identified it as human membrane cofactor protein (CD46), a member of the regulators of complement activation gene cluster. Transfection of nonpermissive murine cells with a recombinant expression vector containing CD46 cDNA conferred three major properties expected of cells permissive to MV infection. First, expression of CD46 enabled MV to bind to murine cells. Second, the CD46-expressing murine cells were able to undergo cell-cell fusion when both MV hemagglutinin and MV fusion glycoproteins were expressed after infection with a vaccinia virus recombinant encoding both MV glycoproteins. Third, M12.CD46 murine B cells were able to support MV replication, as shown by production of infectious virus and by cell biosynthesis of viral hemagglutinin after metabolic labeling of infected cells with [35S]methionine. These results show that the human CD46 molecule serves as an MV receptor allowing virus-cell binding, fusion, and viral replication and open new perspectives in the study of MV pathogenesis.  相似文献   

A majority of species B adenoviruses (Ads) use CD46 as their primary receptor; however, the precise mechanisms involved in the binding of different Ad types to CD46 have not been resolved. Although previous studies indicate close similarities between two members of species B2 Ads in their usage of CD46, our current investigations revealed a surprisingly low CD46 binding affinity of the species B1 Ad16 fiber knob (equilibrium dissociation constant of 437 nM). We determined the crystal structure of the Ad16 fiber knob and constructed a model of this protein in complex with CD46. A comparison of this model to that of the CD46-Ad11 complex revealed structural differences in the FG and IJ loops that are part of the CD46 binding site. An analysis of a panel of recombinant fiber knobs with mutations targeting these regions in Ad16 and Ad11 uncovered a major contribution of the FG loop on CD46 binding. Two extra residues in the FG loop of the Ad16 fiber significantly reduce receptor interaction. Although avidity effects permit the use of CD46 on host cells by Ad16, virus binding occurs with lower efficiency than with B2 Ad types. The longer FG loop of the Ad16 fiber knob also is shared by other species B1 Ad fibers and, thus, may contribute to the low CD46 binding efficiencies observed for these Ad types. Our findings provide a better understanding of how different Ad types associate with CD46 and could aid in the selection of specific Ad fibers for more efficient Ad gene delivery vectors.  相似文献   

Cloning and characterization of class B adenoviruses Ad3 and Ad7 DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J A Engler  B A Kilpatrick 《Gene》1981,13(2):125-132

Subgroup D adenovirus (Ad) types 8, 19, and 37 (Ad8, -19, and -37, respectively) are causative agents of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis and genital tract infections. Previous studies showed that Ad37 binds to a 50-kDa membrane glycoprotein expressed on human ocular (conjunctival) cells. To identify and characterize the role of the 50-kDa glycoprotein in Ad37 infection, we partially purified this molecule from solubilized Chang C conjunctival cell membranes by using lentil lectin chromatography and preparative sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Liquid chromatography coupled to nano-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry was subsequently used to identify four Ad37 receptor candidates: CD46, CD87, CD98, and CD147. Immunodepletion analyses demonstrated that the 50-kDa protein is identical to CD46 (also known as membrane cofactor protein). The Ad37, but not Ad5, fiber knob bound to the extracellular domain of CD46, demonstrating a direct interaction of an Ad37 capsid protein with CD46. An antibody specific for the N-terminal 19 amino acids of CD46 also blocked Ad37 infection of human cervical carcinoma and conjunctival cells, indicating a requirement for CD46 in infection. Finally, expression of a 50-kDa isoform of human CD46 in a CD46-null cell line increased cell binding by wild-type Ad37 and gene delivery by an Ad vector pseudotyped with the Ad37 fiber, but not by a vector bearing the Ad5 fiber. Together, these studies demonstrate that CD46 serves as an attachment receptor for Ad37 and shed further light on the cell entry pathway of subgroup D Ads.  相似文献   

Human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) employs the complement regulator CD46 (membrane cofactor protein) as a receptor for fusion and entry into target cells. Like other known herpesviruses, HHV-6 encodes multiple glycoproteins, several of which have been implicated in the entry process. In this report, we present evidence that glycoprotein H (gH) is the viral component responsible for binding to CD46. Antibodies to CD46 co-immunoprecipitated an approximately 110-kDa protein band specifically associated with HHV-6-infected cells. This protein was identified as gH by selective depletion with an anti-gH monoclonal antibody, as well as by immunoblot analysis with a rabbit hyperimmune serum directed against a gH synthetic peptide. In reciprocal experiments, a monoclonal antibody against HHV-6 gH was found to co-immunoprecipitate CD46. Studies using monoclonal antibodies directed against specific CD46 domains, as well as engineered constructs lacking defined CD46 regions, demonstrated a close correspondence between the CD46 domains involved in the interaction with gH and those previously shown to be critical for HHV-6 fusion (i.e. short consensus repeats 2 and 3).  相似文献   

Unlike most adenovirus (Ad) serotypes, the species B Ads do not use the coxsackie-adenovirus receptor as an attachment receptor. The species B attachment receptor(s) has not yet been identified and is also poorly characterized. Species B Ads can be further divided into species B1 and B2 Ads, and these display different organ tropisms, suggesting a difference in receptor usage. We have studied the receptor interactions of the species B1 serotypes 3p and 7p and the species B2 serotypes 11p and 35 and characterized the properties of the species B receptor(s). Reciprocal blocking experiments using unlabeled Ad11p or Ad3p virions to block the binding to A549 cells of (35)S-labeled 3p, 7p, 11p, and 35 showed that only Ad11p virions efficiently blocked the binding of all the species B Ads studied (> or =70%). Thus, there is apparently a common species B Ad receptor (sBAR). However, Ad3p virions only partially (< or =30%) blocked the binding of Ad11p and Ad35 to A549 cells. Binding experiments after trypsin treatment of the cells confirmed that the species B2 serotypes address at least two different receptors on A549 and J82 cells, since sBAR is trypsin sensitive but the species B2 Ad receptor (sB2AR) is not. Both receptors are proteins or glycoproteins, since binding of all species B serotypes was abolished after proteinase K or subtilisin treatment of A549 or J82 cells. Furthermore, binding of the species B serotypes to sBAR was abolished with EDTA and restored with Ca(2+), whereas the binding of Ad11p and Ad35 to SB2AR was independent of divalent cations.  相似文献   

Pili of Neisseria gonorrhoeae mediate binding of the bacteria to human host cells. Membrane cofactor protein (MCP or CD46), a human cell-surface protein involved in regulation of complement activation, acts as a cellular pilus receptor. In this work, we examined which domains of CD46 mediate bacterial adherence. The CD46 expression was quantified and characterized in human epithelial cell lines. N. gonorrhoeae showed the highest adherence to ME180 cells, which have BC1 as the dominant phenotype. The BC isoforms of CD46 were expressed in all cell lines tested. The adherence was not enhanced by high expression of other isoforms, showing that the BC domain of CD46 is important in adherence of N. gonorrhoeae to human cells. To characterize the pilus-binding site within the CD46 molecule, a set of CD46–BC1 deletion constructs were transfected into COS-7 cells. Piliated N. gonorrhoeae attached well to CD46–BC1-expressing COS-7 cells. We show that the complement control protein repeat 3 (CCP-3) and the serine–threonine–proline (STP)-rich domain of CD46 are important for efficient adherence to host cells. Further, partial deletion of the cytoplasmic tail of CD46 results in low bacterial binding, indicating that the cytoplasmic tail takes part in the process of establishing a stable interaction between N. gonorrhoeae and host cells.  相似文献   

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