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1. By the application of the principle of the sequential fragmentation of the respiratory chain, a simple-method has been developed for the isolation of phospholipid-depleted and phospholipid-rich cytochrome oxidase preparations. 2. The phospholip-rich oxidase contains about 20% lipid, including mainly phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine, and cardiolipin. Its enzymic activity is not stimulated by an external lipid such as asolectin. 3. The phospholipid-depleted oxidase contains less than 0.1% lipid. It is enzymically inactive in catalyzing the oxidation of reduced cytochrome c by molecular oxygen. This activity can be fully restored by asolectin; and partially restored (approximately 75%) by purified phospholipids individually or in combination. The activity can be partially restored also by phospholipid mixtures isolated from mitochondria, from the oxidase itself, and from related preparations. Among the detergents tested only Emasol-1130 and Tween 80 show some stimulatory activity. 4. The phospholipid-depleted oxidase binds with cytochrome c evidently by "protein-protein" interactions as does the phospholipid-rich or the phospholipid-replenished oxidase to form a complex with the ratio of cytochrome c to heme a of unity. The complex prepared from phospholipid-depleted cytochrome oxidase exhibits a characteristic Soret absorption maximum at 415 nm in the difference spectrum of the carbon monoxide-reacted reduced form minus the reduced form. This 415-nm maximum is abolished by the replenishment of the complex with a phospholipid or by the dissociation of the complex in cholate or in a medium of high ionic strength. When ascorbate is used as an electron donor, the complex prepared from phospholipid-depleted cytochrome oxidase does not cause the reduction of cytochrome a3 which is in dramatic contrast to the complex from the phospholipid-rich or the phospholipid-replenished oxidase. However, dithionite reduces cytochrome a3 in all of the preparations of the cytochrome c-cytochrome oxidase complex. These facts suggest that the action of phospholipid on the electron transfer in cytochrome oxidase may be at the step between cytochromes a and a3. This conclusion is substantiated by preliminary kinetic results that the electron transfer from cytochrome a to a3 is much slower in the phospholipid-depleted than in phospholipid-rich or phospholipid-replenished oxidase. On the basis of the cytochrome c content, the enzymic activity has been found to be about 10 times higher in the system with the complex (in the presence of the replenishedhe external medium unless energy is provided, and that  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of lipid-depleted beef heart cytochrome c oxidase activity was studied in a series of chemically homogeneous detergents. The detergents that were tested included C10 to C18 maltosides, C8 to C12 glucosides, C8 to C16 Zwittergents, and C12 poly(oxyethylene) ethers. The observed rates of electron transport were dependent upon the structure of the polar head group and the length of the hydrocarbon tail. Of the detergents tested, the alkyl maltosides were the best in terms of both high rates of electron transport and superior enzyme stability. With the maltosides, changing the length of the alkyl tail affected the activity of cytochrome c oxidase in a manner quite similar to that reported with synthetic phosphatidylcholines and phosphatidylethanolamines [Vik, S. B., & Capaldi, R. A. (1977) Biochemistry 16, 5755-5759], suggesting that the alkyl maltosides can mimic some of the features of the membrane environment. In each of the detergents, the activation enthalpy (determined from the slope of an Arrhenius plot) was nearly identical, suggesting that the same electron-transfer step within cytochrome c oxidase is rate limiting. This result has been interpreted as evidence for the existence of two or more conformers of cytochrome c oxidase, one of which is significantly more active than the other(s). The enzyme turnover number, which changes by 2 orders of magnitude depending upon the structure of the bound detergent, may reflect the ability of each detergent to alter the equilibrium between the active and nearly inactive conformers.  相似文献   

Statistical mechanics and molecular dynamics simulations have been carried out to study the distribution and dynamics of internal water molecules in bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase (CcO). CcO is found to be capable of holding plenty of water, which in subunit I alone amounts to about 165 molecules. The dynamic characterization of these water molecules is carried out. The nascent water molecules produced in the redox reaction at the heme a(3)-CuB binuclear site form an intriguing chain structure. The chain begins at the position of Glu242 at the end of the D channel, and has a fork structure, one branch of which leads to the binuclear center, and the other to the propionate d of heme a(3). The branch that leads to the binuclear center has dynamic access both to the site where the formation of water occurs, and to delta-nitrogen of His291. From the binuclear center, the chain continues to run into the K channel. The stability of this hydrogen bond network is examined dynamically. The catalytic site is located at the hydrophobic region, and the nascent water molecules are produced at the top of the energy hill. The energy gradient is utilized as the mechanism of water removal from the protein. The water exit channels are explored using high-temperature dynamics simulations. Two putative channels for water exit from the catalytic site have been identified. One is leading directly toward Mg(2+) site. However, this channel is only open when His291 is dissociated from CuB. If His291 is bound to CuB, the only channel for water exit is the one that originates at E242 and leads toward the middle of the membrane. This is the same channel that is presumably used for oxygen supply.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c oxidase of Nitrosomonas europaea reacts with not only the native cytochrome c (N. europaea cytochrome c-552) but also horse and yeast cytochromes c. The effects on its reactivity of various reagents were very different between the reactions with the native and eukaryotic cytochromes c as the electron donors. The oxidation of eukaryotic ferrocytochrome c by the oxidase was activated by addition of anionic detergents such as sodium dodecyl sulfate and sodium cholate, and anionic phospholipids such as cardiolipin, phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylinositol, and phosphatidylethanolamine, while the reaction was not activated by Triton X-100, Tween 20, or phosphatidylcholine. However, the reaction with the native cytochrome c of the enzyme was hardly affected by any of the detergents and phospholipids mentioned above, while it was activated by the presence of poly-L-lysine.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c oxidase from rat liver was incubated with various proteinases of different specificities and the enzymic activity was measured after various incubation times. A loss of catalytic activity was found after digestion with proteinase K, aminopeptidase M and a mitochondrial proteinase from rat liver. In each case the decrease in enzymic activity was compared with the changes in intensities of the polypeptide pattern obtained after sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The susceptibilities of the subunit polypeptides of the soluble cytochrome c oxidase to proteinases were very different. Whereas subunit I was most susceptible, subunits V--VII were rather resistant to degradation. From the relative inaccessibility of subunits V--VII to proteinases it is likely that these polypeptides are buried in the interior of the enzyme complex.  相似文献   

The steady-state oxidation of ferrocytochrome c by cytochrome oxidase monitored spectrophotometrically showed that: (1) the kinetics were strictly biphasic with purified enzyme, while mitochondrial membrane-bound enzyme exhibited multiphasic kinetics with extended low affinity phases; (2) the TNmax for the highest affinity phase was as slow as 5-10 electron X s-1 for both preparations, while for the low affinity phases it was about 45 electron X s-1 for the purified enzyme and 150 electron X s-1 for the mitochondrial membrane-bound enzyme; (3) reconstitution of purified enzyme into acidic phospholipid vesicles partially repleted the extended low affinity phases, while reconstitution into uncharged vesicles had no effect.  相似文献   

Cells lacking ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) have impaired mitochondrial function. Furthermore, mammalian cells lacking ATM have increased levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) as well as mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) deletions in the region encoding for cytochrome c oxidase (COX). We hypothesized that ATM specifically influences COX activity in skeletal muscle. COX activity was ∼40% lower in tibialis anterior from ATM-deficient mice than for wild-type mice (P < 0.01, n = 9/group). However, there were no ATM-related differences in activity of succinate dehydrogenase, isocitrate dehydrogenase, alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase, mitochondrial glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, or complex III. Incubation of wild-type extensor digitorum longus muscles for 1 h with the ATM inhibitor KU55933 caused a ∼50% reduction (P < 0.05, n = 5/group) in COX activity compared to muscles incubated with vehicle alone. Among the control muscles and muscles treated with the ATM inhibitor, COX activity was correlated (r = 0.61, P < 0.05) with activity of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase, a key determinant of antioxidant defense through production of NADPH. Overall, the findings suggest that ATM has a protective role for COX activity.  相似文献   

S B Vik  R A Capaldi 《Biochemistry》1977,16(26):5755-5759
Cytochrome c oxidase depleted of endogenous lipid by detergent exchange has been reconstituted into vesicles with synthetic lipids of known head group and fatty acid composition and enzymic activities have been measured. No evidence for head group specificity was found. However, the enzyme does require the fluid environment provided by unsaturated fatty acids. The state of dispersion of the enzyme was found to affect the activities regenerated in reconstitution studies. The highest activities were obtained using lysolecithin containing an oleoyl fatty acid as the lipid component.  相似文献   

The effects of pH on the activity and structure of beef heart cytochrome c oxidase have been studied in the pH range 5.0-7.6. (i) A group with pK of approximately 5.45 has been readily detected in the pH vs. activity curve. This group must be deprotonated to achieve maximal activity. (ii) A group with a similar pK (5.45) has been detected and contributes to the spectral character of the reduced oxidase. Over the range pH 5.0-7.6 no other acid-sensitive group contributes to the spectrum of the reduced oxidase. (iii) The oxidized oxidase shows at least three acid-sensitive groups contributing to the spectrum. One occurs in the pH 7 range and another in the pH 5.6 range; below pH 5.2 additional pH-sensitive groups are apparent. Accurate estimation of the pK's of the groups responsible for the spectral changes in the oxidized oxidase has not been possible. (iv) The spectrum of the "oxygenated" (428 nm) conformer of the oxidized protein is invariant over the range ph 5.5-7. (v) The changes occurring in the spectrum of the purified oxidase also occur in the protein contained in phospholipid vesicles. (vi) The data are discussed in terms of the mechanism by which the oxidase, during its in situ catalytic cycle, may give rise to the primary events in energy coupling.  相似文献   

The function of the nonreceptor tyrosine kinase c-Src as a plasma membrane-associated molecular effector of a variety of extracellular stimuli is well known. Here, we show that c-Src is also present within mitochondria, where it phosphorylates cytochrome c oxidase (Cox). Deleting the c-src gene reduces Cox activity, and this inhibitory effect is restored by expressing exogenous c-Src. Furthermore, reducing endogenous Src kinase activity down-regulates Cox activity, whereas activating Src has the opposite effect. Src-induced Cox activity is required for normal function of cells that require high levels of ATP, such as mitochondria-rich osteoclasts. The peptide hormone calcitonin, which inhibits osteoclast function, also down-regulates Cox activity. Increasing Src kinase activity prevented the inhibitory effect of calcitonin on Cox activity and osteoclast function. These results suggest that c-Src plays a previously unrecognized role in maintaining cellular energy stores by activating Cox in mitochondria.  相似文献   

Over the past decade it was discovered that, over-and-above multiple regulatory functions, nitric oxide (NO) is responsible for the modulation of cell respiration by inhibiting cytochrome c oxidase (CcOX). As assessed at different integration levels (from the purified enzyme in detergent solution to intact cells), CcOX can react with NO following two alternative reaction pathways, both leading to an effective, fully reversible inhibition of respiration. A crucial finding is that the rate of electron flux through the respiratory chain controls the mechanism of inhibition by NO, leading to either a "nitrosyl" or a "nitrite" derivative. The two mechanisms can be discriminated on the basis of the differential photosensitivity of the inhibited state. Of relevance to cell pathophysiology, the pathway involving the nitrite derivative leads to oxidative degradation of NO, thereby protecting the cell from NO toxicity. The aim of this work is to review the information available on these two mechanisms of inhibition of respiration.  相似文献   

Reactions of mercaptans with cytochrome c oxidase and cytochrome c   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. The steady-state oxidation of ferrocytochrome c by dioxygen catalyzed by cytochrome c oxidase, is inhibited non-competitively towards cytochrome c by methanethiol, ethanethiol, 1-propanethiol and 1-butanethiol with Ki values of 4.5, 91, 200 and 330 microM, respectively. 2. The inhibition constant Ki of ethanethiol is found to be constant between pH 5 and 8, which suggests that only the neutral form of the thiol inhibits the enzyme. 3. The absorption spectrum of oxidized cytochrome c oxidase in the Soret region shows rapid absorbance changes upon addition of ethanethiol to the enzyme. This process is followed by a very slow reduction of the enzyme. The fast reaction, which represents a binding reaction of ethanethiol to cytochrome c oxidase, has a k1 of 33 M-1 . s-1 and a dissociation constant Kd of 3.9 mM. 4. Ethanethiol induces fast spectral changes in the absorption spectrum of cytochrome c, which are followed by a very slow reduction of the heme. The rate constant for the fast ethanethiol reaction representing a bimolecular binding step is 50 M-1 . s-1 and the dissociation constant is about 2 mM. Addition of up to 25 mM ethanethiol to ferrocytochrome c does not cause spectral changes. 5. EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) spectra of cytochrome c oxidase, incubated with methanethiol or ethanethiol in the presence of cytochrome c and ascorbate, show the formation of low-spin cytochrome alpha 3-mercaptide compounds with g values of 2.39, 2.23, 1.93 and of 2.43, 2.24, 1.91, respectively.  相似文献   

The reactions of horse heart cytochrome c with succinate-cytochrome c reductase and cytochrome oxidase were studied as a function of ionic strength using both spectrophotometric and oxygen electrode assay techniques. The kinetic parameter Vmax/Km for both reactions decreased very rapidly as the ionic strength was increased, indicating that electrostatic interactions were important to the reactions. A new semiempirical relationship for the electrostatic energy of interaction between cytochrome c and its oxidation-reduction partners was developed, in which specific complementary charge-pair interactions between lysine amino groups on cytochrome c and negatively charged carboxylate groups on the other protein are assumed to dominate the interaction. The contribution of individual cytochrome c lysine amino groups to the electrostatic interaction was estimated from the decrease in reaction rate caused by specific modification of the lysine amino groups by reagents that change the charge to 0 or -1. These estimates range from -0.9 kcal/mol for lysines immediately surrounding the heme crevice of cytochrome c to 0 kcal/mol for lysines well removed from the heme crevice region. The semiempirical relationship for the total electrostatic energy of interaction was in quantitative agreement with the experimental ionic strength dependence of the reaction rates when the parameters were based on the specific lysine modification results. The electrostatic energies of interaction between cytochrome c and its reductase and oxidase were nearly the same, providing additional evidence that the two reactions take place at similar sites on cytochrome c.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c oxidase was reconstituted in phospholipid vesicles in the presence of highly hydrophobic poly(vinyl alkanoate) polymers. Electron-microscopy observations demonstrated that polymer interaction with the lipid phase induces vesicles to adopt smaller diameters than those typical of standard proteoliposomes. Functional characterization of these polymer-proteoliposome structures indicates that the reconstitution of the enzyme proceeds efficiently without causing either scrambling of the protein orientation in the membrane or loss of respiratory control. A clear dependence of respiratory control ratio on vesicle size was also demonstrated, which is in agreement with a previous model proposed for control of activity of cytochrome c oxidase vesicles [Brunori, Sarti, Colosimo, Antonini, Malatesta, Jones & Wilson (1985) EMBO J. 4, 2365-2368].  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) modification of the lysine amino groups in cytochrome c causes decrease in the reaction rate with cytochrome c oxidase.
  • 2.2. The rate constants for (PLP);-cyt. c, PLP(Lys 86)-cyt. c, PLP(Lys 79)-cyt. c and native cytochrome c (at pH 7.4, 1=0.02) are 3.6 × 10−3'sec-', 5.5 × 10−3, 5.2 × 10−3-'sec−1 and 9.8 × 10−3sec−1, respectively.
  • 3.3. In spite of the same positive charge of singly PLP-cytochromes c the reaction between PLP(Lys 86)-cyt. c and cyt. c oxidase exhibits the ionic strength dependence that differs from those of the PLP(Lys 79)-cyt. c.
  • 4.4. The rate constants at zero and infinite ionic strength for PLP(Lys 86)-cyt. c is 2-fold less than that for PLP(Lys 79)-cyt. c.
  • 5.5. The positively charged cytochrome c lysines 86 and 79 form two from four or five predicted complementary charge interactions with carboxyl groups on cytochrome c oxidase.

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