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2006年9月至2007年12月, 在卡拉麦里山有蹄类自然保护区采用截线取样法调查了蒙古野驴(Equus hemionus)和鹅喉羚(Gazella subgutturosa sairensis)的种群密度。蒙古野驴野外调查样线总长6,696.4 km, 发现7,758 匹蒙古野驴; 鹅喉羚样线总长8,428.84 km, 发现8,586头鹅喉羚。采用Distance 5.0估算了蒙古野驴和鹅喉羚的密度和遇见率。从春季到秋季, 蒙古野驴遇见率在0.058–0.092匹/km之间变化, 而鹅喉羚遇见率则在0.096–0.342头/ km之间变化。春季蒙古野驴种群密度为0.55 ± 0.20 匹/km2 (平均数 ± 标准差,下同), 夏季为0.60 ± 0.13 匹/km2, 秋季为0.78 ± 0.19匹/km2和冬季为0.54 ± 0.14 匹/km2。蒙古野驴适宜栖息面积5,800 km2。春季到冬季, 蒙古野驴种群数量在3,379到5,318匹之间变化。鹅喉羚春季、夏季、秋季和冬季种群密度分别为1.14 ± 0.18头/km2, 0.95 ± 0.12头/km2, 1.08 ± 0.18头/km2和1.54 ± 0.31头/km2。该保护区的鹅喉羚冬季和春季适宜栖息面积均为10,000 km2, 夏季为12,000 km2, 秋季为15,000 km2。估算该区域春季鹅喉羚数量为14,286头, 夏季为6,628头, 秋季为8,337头, 冬季为19,677头。本研究的结果将为卡拉麦里山有蹄类自然保护区蒙古野驴和鹅喉羚长期监测提供基础数据。  相似文献   

新疆北部鹅喉羚的食性分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
2006年10月至2007年8月,作者采用粪便显微分析法研究了新疆卡拉麦里山有蹄类保护区鹅喉羚的四季食性以及冬季绵羊的食性.结果发现:鹅喉羚共采食16科47种植物;不同季节间鹅喉羚食性有明显变化,秋季采食7科24种植物,冬季采食6科17种植物,春季采食16科41种植物,夏季采食12科30种植物;藜科、禾本科植物是鹅喉羚全年的主要食物来源,占鹅喉羚总采食量的38.8~85.1%,非禾本科草本植物也在鹅喉羚食物组成中占有重要地位;春季短命和类短命植物对鹅喉羚有重要意义,占春季采食量的27%.针茅在四季都是鹅喉羚采食的主要植物;春季和夏季鹅喉羚采食较多的驼绒藜,秋季和冬季梭梭被较多采食.由于干旱胁迫,春季、夏季和秋季鹅喉羚喜食含水量较高的多根葱、骆驼蹄瓣、粗枝猪毛菜等非禾本科草本植物.冬季鹅喉羚与绵羊间的生态位宽度相近,食物重叠指数高达76.6%,绵羊与鹅喉羚之间食物竞争明显.  相似文献   

刘建军 《生态学杂志》1991,10(2):59-60,64
琵琶柴(Reaumuria soongorica)广布于我国新疆、内蒙、宁夏、甘肃、青海等干旱、半干旱地区,为泌盐的超旱生小灌木。在平缓干燥的砾质、砂砾质荒漠区,常成为优势种。作为牧草,它品质中等,耐牧性很强,不仅是草原化荒漠相典型荒漠地区骆驼和羊等家畜的主要度荒饲草,而且还是新疆卡拉麦里山有蹄类野生动物保护区内食性单调的国家一级保护动物蒙古野驴(Equus hemionus)和国家二级保护动物鹅喉羚(Gezella subgutturosa)所啃食的种类。琵琶柴在蒙古野驴和鹅喉羚粪便  相似文献   

自从人类开始游牧于欧亚大陆草原,这里的自然动物组成就受到牧业文明的强烈影响。普氏野马曾经游弋的荒漠草原,自占即是蒙古野驴、野生双峰鸵、鹅喉羚、黄羊等有蹄类动物的家园,如今这些物种或野外灭绝或分布区锐减,代之以家马、牛、绵羊、山羊及家骆驼等家畜,并占据着绝大部分草原区域,  相似文献   

鹅喉羚是生活于亚欧大陆荒漠、半荒漠地区重要的有蹄类动物。2010年春季,新疆卡拉麦里山有蹄类自然保护区遭遇了60年不遇的雪灾,我们采集了野外救灾发现的130头死亡鹅喉羚肌肉样本,采用PCR和测序技术,研究了鹅喉羚线粒体 DNA 的 Cyt b 基因 1143 bp 核酸序列,发现新疆卡拉麦里山有蹄类自然保护区生存的鹅喉羚单倍型多样性较高(Hd=0.855),核苷酸多样性较低(π=0.00224)。采用邻接法(NJ)、最大似然法(ML)构建单倍型之间的系统发育树,以及network所构建的单倍型间中介网络图都显示出2个遗传分化程度很大的分支,且这2个分支都出现过明显的群体扩张和持续增长。将本研究获得的单倍型H1与Genebank检索获得的瞪羚属其他12个物种Cyt b基因进行了比较,分别采用邻接法(NJ)和最大似然法(ML)构建分子系统树,证明与鹅喉羚最接近的物种为印度瞪羚(Gazella bennettii),鹅喉羚与瞪羚属内物种的分歧时间大约为1.08-2.5百万年(Mya)(Million years ago, Mya)。  相似文献   

蒙古野驴(Equus hemionus)主要分布在亚洲中部的荒漠、半荒漠和荒漠草原地区, 是我国I级重点保护野生动物。因其奔跑速度快、警惕性高、分布区域偏僻, 迄今为止对其活动节律仅有半散养条件下昼间的研究。我们于2013年4-11月在新疆卡拉麦里山有蹄类自然保护区选取13处水源地, 布设28台红外相机, 对其在荒漠水源地的全天候活动节律进行了调查。结果表明: (1)蒙古野驴在春、夏、秋季的有效照片数量分别为294张、1,990张、2,679张, 其活动频率为秋季>夏季>春季。(2)蒙古野驴昼间集群平均数量大于夜间。(3)蒙古野驴在水源地具有稳定的日活动节律, 时间分配上呈典型的“U”型, 其活动在0:00-1:00达到高峰, 7:00-9:00间快速下降, 12:00-13:00和16:00-17:00是一天中的两个低谷, 在21:00-22:00间快速上升。研究水源地周围蒙古野驴的活动节律可为卡拉麦里山有蹄类自然保护区乃至新疆北部荒漠有蹄类的监测及有效保护管理提供依据, 并能对同域生存的普氏野马(Equus przewalskii)的野化工作起借鉴作用。  相似文献   

蒙古野驴的秋季食性分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
2006 年9 月在新疆卡拉麦里山有蹄类野生动物保护区内采集了25 堆蒙古野驴粪便和10 科共29 种植物标本,采用粪便显微组织学分析方法分析了蒙古野驴的秋季食性,并初步探讨了其食性与周围环境的关系。结果表明,蒙古野驴秋季食性广, 共采食8 科26 种植物。这些植物按照其在食物组成中的比例可分为3 大类:主要食物为梭梭、针茅、驼绒藜, 共占食物组成的61.3% ;常采食植物为柽柳、角果藜、蒿、琵琶柴、芨芨草等11种,共占食物组成的33.3%; 少见采食的植物为盐爪爪、獐毛、顶羽菊、黑果枸杞、里海盐爪爪等12 种,共占食物组成的6.7% 。按科别而论,蒙古野驴采食最多的是藜科植物,其次是禾本科植物。从被采食植物的分布区域分析,其采食区域广阔,包括了保护区内所有的生境类型。   相似文献   

红外触发相机技术近年来不但广泛应用于野生动物种类、数量和分布的调查与观测,还可用于对动物活动节律和行为的研究分析。本研究在甘肃安西极旱荒漠国家级自然保护区采用公里网格法布设60台红外相机,于2017年9月至2018年9月累计完成14 657个相机工作日,采集到5种荒漠有蹄类动物的1 892张独立有效照片。通过计算相对多度指数,对它们的活动节律进行分析讨论。结果表明:(1)研究区域5种荒漠有蹄类动物总的相对多度达到129.08,其中岩羊(43.87)和北山羊(42.98)的相对多度较高,其次是盘羊(25.38)、蒙古野驴(15.62)和鹅喉羚(1.23);(2)5种荒漠有蹄类动物的年活动节律表现出一致性,即5—6月活动最为频繁,11—12月出现第二个活动高峰;(3)蒙古野驴不同季节在水源地出现的日活动节律没有明显的规律,但在22:00—24:00会出现一天的峰值;而春、夏季鹅喉羚在水源地出现的最大活动峰值是在12:00—14:00;(4)各季节北山羊和岩羊的日活动节律均呈双峰型,北山羊的第2个活动高峰时间比岩羊的更偏晚一些;盘羊在冬季和春季为双峰型,夏、秋季出现3个高峰;岩羊、盘羊和北山羊的夏季日活动节律在清晨的活动高峰提前、傍晚的活动高峰推后;(5)5种荒漠有蹄类动物中,北山羊的夜间相对多度较高。荒漠有蹄类动物的年活动节律主要随生活史周期而变化,日活动节律除了受行为习性和日照节律的影响之外,不同种类主要因其栖息环境的不同而有差异。  相似文献   

艾比湖国家级湿地自然保护区鹅喉羚种群数量与分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2013年6月—2014年4月,在艾比湖国家级湿地自然保护区采用样线法及粪便堆计数法调查了鹅喉羚Gazella subgutturosa的种群数量。样线总长1276.6 km,发现79头鹅喉羚。采用Distance 6.0估算了鹅喉羚的密度和遇见率。从春季到冬季,鹅喉羚遇见率在(0.014~0.034)头/km之间变化。春季鹅喉羚种群密度为(0.104±0.033)头/km2,夏季为(0.057±0.025)头/km2,秋季为(0.048±0.030)头/km2,冬季为(0.131±0.043)头/km2。鹅喉羚适宜栖息平均面积2404 km2,估算该区域春季鹅喉羚数量为240头,夏季为137头,秋季为115头,冬季为314头。粪便堆计数法估算春季种群数量为146头,夏季为90头,秋季为61头,冬季为200头。根据野外考察全球定位系统数据并解译艾比湖鹅喉羚分布生境2009年的Landsat ETM遥感影像,将生境分为森林、灌丛、湖泊、沼泽、荒漠、草原6种类型,其中,森林、灌丛为艾比湖鹅喉羚适宜生境。本研究结果将为艾比湖国家级湿地自然保护区鹅喉羚长期监测及有效保护管理提供基础数据。  相似文献   

卡拉麦里山保护区鹅喉羚卧息地特征的季节变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于2007年对卡拉麦里山有蹄类保护区不同季节的鹅喉羚卧息地特征进行了研究。Mann-WhitneyU检验表明:春季鹅喉羚卧息地植物高度明显高于对照地(Z=2.27,P<0.05),驼绒藜密度、灌木盖度和地上生物量极显著高于对照地(Z=2.85,Z=3.29,Z=2.98,P<0.01);夏季鹅喉羚卧息地植物高度和单位面积地上生物量明显高于对照地(Z=2.06,Z=2.97,P<0.05);秋季鹅喉羚卧息地植物种数明显高于对照地(Z=2.52,P<0.05),灌木盖度和植物高度极显著高于对照地(Z=5.22,Z=4.58,P<0.01)。主成分分析表明,春夏秋3季影响鹅喉羚卧息地选择的主要环境因子是食物、隐蔽条件和环境温度。单因素方差分析表明,鹅喉羚卧息地特征在季节间有显著差异,以春季和夏季、春季和秋季最为明显。食物资源和环境温度的变化是导致鹅喉羚卧息地特征季节性变化的主要因素。鹅喉羚卧息地选择与其自身的体温调节有一定关系。  相似文献   

Abstract: We studied food composition and overlap among sympatric Przewalski's gazelle (Procapra przewalskii), Tibetan gazelle (P. picticaudata), and Tibetan domestic sheep (Ovis aries) in the Upper Buha River, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, using microscopic fecal analysis. The 2 gazelles forage mainly on plants from Leguminosae and Compositae families and domestic sheep feed mainly on Gramineae and Cyperaceae. The dietary overlap index between the 2 gazelles and Tibetan domestic sheep increased from 0.43 to 0.58 during the plant-growing period to 0.76–0.77 during the plant-withering period, which indicated competition for foods intensified during the food-limited season. Although the 2 gazelle ate similar diets, they might avoid food competition by occupying different foraging areas. We suggest reducing numbers of overwintering Tibetan domestic sheep on pastures to lessen survival pressure on the endangered gazelles during winters.  相似文献   

内蒙古达赉湖地区蒙原羚冬季采食生境选择   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
蒙原羚是欧亚大陆温带草原生态系统中的特有物种和数量最多的有蹄类动物。2010年11月—2011年1月,在内蒙古达赉湖地区开展了蒙原羚冬季采食生境选择研究。结果表明:蒙原羚冬季选择利用雪深<6cm,地上生物量>50g.m-2,距围栏1000~2000m,植被高度>20cm,植被盖度>40%,隐蔽条件(可视距离)3000~4000m,到居民点距离>2000m,距家畜>2000m,坡度<20°,中上坡位,针茅(Stipa spp.)和羊草(Aneurolepidium chinnenses)等植被类型的生境采食;生境因子综合影响蒙原羚的冬季采食生境选择,依照贡献值的大小依次为到围栏距离、地上生物量、雪深和隐蔽条件。逐步判别分析表明,由这4个变量构成的判别方程在对蒙原羚采食样方进行区分时,正确判别率为82.1%。因此,建立合理的围栏管理制度、提高可利用食物量等是蒙原羚保护的关键。  相似文献   

The Mongolian gazelle (Procapra gutturosa Pallas, 1777) and five domestic herbivores share the steppe plants. The desertification of the steppe induced by overgrazing is related to the activities of the community of the large herbivore. A plant-herbivore data matrix obtained by cuticular analysis has made it possible to estimate the impact of trophic interaction in the dynamics of the herbivore comminity of the Mongolian steppe. By estimating pasture use, food niche overlap, and competition advantages of the studied species, it is concluded that the present population decline in the Mongolian gazelle resulted not only from overkill and artificial habitat fragmentation but also from composition, abundance, and spatial distribution of livestock species.  相似文献   

Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious, viral disease that affects most ruminant and porcine species, and periodic outbreaks on Mongolia's Eastern Steppe affect Mongolian gazelles (Procapra gutturosa) and livestock. During 2005-08, we collected sera from 36 and 57 calf and adult gazelles, respectively, and from adult domestic animals sympatric with the gazelles, including 138 sheep (Ovis aries), 140 goats (Capra aegagrus hircus), 139 Bactrian camels (Camelus bactrianus), and 138 cattle (Bos taurus). Our goal was to determine whether the prevalence of the antibody to foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) in gazelles declined relative to previous estimates in the absence of FMD outbreaks. Overall, 2.0% (95% CI 0.7-3.3%, n=555) of the four livestock species were antibody-positive for nonstructural proteins of FMDV (FMDV-NS), whereas 30.3% (95% CI 26.5-34.1%, n=555) had antibodies for structural proteins (i.e., vaccination-derived antibodies). Seven of 57 free-ranging gazelle calves (7.5%, 95%CI 1.6-12.4%) were FMDV-NS positive. None of 36 adult gazelles sampled in 2008 were antibody-positive for exposure to FMDV, indicating a significant decline (χ(2)=18.99; P<0.001; df=1) in antibody prevalence among gazelles from the same area during a livestock outbreak in 2001. The episodic nature of FMD outbreaks on the Eastern Steppe, Mongolia, with evidence of FMDV exposure in gazelles only during or following concurrent outbreaks in livestock, suggests that FMDV may spill over into the gazelle population during livestock outbreaks and that successful control of FMD on the Eastern Steppe requires a focus on control in livestock populations through vaccination.  相似文献   

Facilitating coexistence between people and wildlife is a major conservation challenge in East Africa. Some conservation models aim to balance the needs of people and wildlife, but the effectiveness of these models is rarely assessed. Using a case‐study approach, we assessed the ecological performance of a pastoral area in northern Tanzania (Manyara Ranch) and established a long‐term wildlife population monitoring program (carried out intermittently from 2003 to 2008 and regularly from 2011 to 2019) embedded in a distance sampling framework. By comparing density estimates of the road transect‐based long‐term monitoring to estimates derived from systematically distributed transects, we found that the bias associated with nonrandom placement of transects was nonsignificant. Overall, cattle and sheep and goat reached the greatest densities and several wildlife species occurred at densities similar (zebra, wildebeest, waterbuck, Kirk's dik‐dik) or possibly even greater (giraffe, eland, lesser kudu, Grant's gazelle, Thomson's gazelle) than in adjacent national parks in the same ecosystem. Generalized linear mixed models suggested that most wildlife species (8 out of 14) reached greatest densities during the dry season, that wildlife population densities either remained constant or increased over the 17‐year period, and that herbivorous livestock species remained constant, while domestic dog population decreased over time. Cross‐species correlations did not provide evidence for interference competition between grazing or mixed livestock species and wildlife species but indicate possible negative relationships between domestic dog and warthog populations. Overall, wildlife and livestock populations in Manyara Ranch appear to coexist over the 17‐year span. Most likely, this is facilitated by existing connectivity to adjacent protected areas, effective anti‐poaching efforts, spatio‐temporal grazing restrictions, favorable environmental conditions of the ranch, and spatial heterogeneity of surface water and habitats. This long‐term case study illustrates the potential of rangelands to simultaneously support wildlife conservation and human livelihood goals if livestock grazing is restricted in space, time, and numbers.  相似文献   

B 《动物学报》2005,51(4):586-597
1999年,2000年和2002年,在西藏西北部的西藏羌塘自然保护区分别沿三条横跨该自然保护区的长度为750-860km的东西向样线估计了藏羚(Pantholopshodgsoni)、藏野驴(Equuskiang)和藏原羚(Procaprapicticaudata)密度(每平方公里个体数)和遇见率(每平方公里遇见个体数)。在低海拔(4500-4700m)地区,藏羚、藏野驴和藏原羚数量很少,在那些人类活动强度高或中等的地区,藏羚、藏野驴和藏原羚的数量也极少,以致无法估计密度或遇见率。在高海拔(4700-5200m)地区,藏羚和藏野驴数量在那些人类和家畜活动强度低的地区,数量总比那些中等人类活动强度的地区高,尽管藏羚的数量差别比藏野驴小。藏原羚的情形不一样,在人类活动强度低或中等的地区的遇见率相仿。在某种程度上,这种差别可能与这些动物的生境偏好有关。看起来,藏原羚、其次是藏野驴比藏羚更能耐受人类和家畜的活动。注意到这三种动物在人类和家畜活动低的地区的结果方差都大,表明三种动物在有人类和家畜活动低的地区与在那些中等人类和家畜活动地区的分布相反的成群分布。三年中有蹄类动物遇见率的模式都相似,在调查期间有蹄类动物种群没有波动的趋势  相似文献   

Understanding local attitudes and opinion is vital to the success of conservation programs, especially in areas of expanding human populations such as China. Przewalski’s gazelle (Procapra przewalskii) is an endangered ungulate found only in the eastern part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The gazelle is a conservation focus; however, little is known regarding how this animal is perceived by local people. To understand the relationship between demography, levels of conservation knowledge, and attitudes, we conducted 174 interviewer-led surveys in villages located inside, near, and away from the gazelle’s home ranges around Qinghai Lake, China. About half of the interviewees were aware of gazelle conservation. No more than half of the interviewees were aware that grassland fence, livestock, roads, and wolves negatively impact upon gazelle. On the whole, the majority of interviewees supported the conservation of gazelle. There were high levels of support for both establishing a special protected area and investing more funds in conservation but very few interviewees reported personal benefits from gazelle conservation. Overall attitude of interviewees toward the gazelle differed significantly among regions and people living near the range of gazelle were the most positive. Interviewees with conservation information were more positive than interviewees lacking such information. People who had more education or possessed more grassland had more positive attitudes toward the gazelle. This study suggests that greater communication is needed with local people. Programs that promote public engagement and participation are required for the conservation of Przewalski’s gazelle and other larger herbivores on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   

The dorcas gazelle Gazella dorcas was very common and widespread in Tunisia. Nowadays, only some small isolated populations still survive in the desert areas of the southern part of the country. Factors affecting the distribution of this species in Tunisia have never been investigated despite the importance of such investigations for elaborating long-term conservation plans for the remaining wild populations. Using data on gazelle occurrence and on a set of habitat and human variables collected in south-eastern Tunisia, we aimed to identify the factors affecting gazelle distribution in this area. In particular, we investigated the relevance of habitat versus human factors for gazelle occurrence probability. As predicted, we found that human variables were the most relevant factors shaping the distribution patterns of gazelles in the studied area. Gazelles tended to avoid areas where agricultural development has occurred but did not seem to be disturbed by livestock. Overall, our results suggest that the occurrence probability of dorcas gazelle in southern Tunisia was mainly dependent on human presence and land use, rather than habitat characteristics. The recent intensification of agriculture in the more remote areas of southern Tunisia may thus constitute a serious threat to the conservation of this endangered species.  相似文献   

Comparative investigations were made between wild and domestic ruminants from arid and semi-arid regions and those species from non-arid areas in an attempt to evaluate the adaptations of these ruminants in terms of the effects of heat stress and dehydration on food intake and digestibility. The effect of (a) an intermittent heat load (a daily light cycle of 12 h at 22 degrees C and 12 h at 40 degrees C) compared to 22 degrees C throughout the day and (b) dehydration level of 15% weight loss, with and without the heat load, on the intake and digestibility of a poor quality hay was investigated in the Grant's gazelle, Oryx, the domestic Turkana goats, fat-tailed sheep, zebu cattle, Thomson's gazelle and wildebeest. The intermittent heat load with water available ad libitum depressed the food intake of zebu cattle and Turkana goats by more than 40%. It had no significant effect on the food intake of the other species. The Thomson's and Grants gazelle, oryx, wildebeest and fat-tailed sheep appear well adapted to withstanding a periodic heat load. Dehydration at 22 degrees C caused a marked depression on food intake of all the species investigated. Dehydration together with a heat load caused no further reduction in the food intake by the Grants's gazelle, oryx, and goats but it did cause a further reduction in the intake in the other species. The small non-domestic ruminants (i.e. Grant's and Thomson's gazelle) appear much more digestive efficient than any of their domestic counterpart.  相似文献   

普氏原羚的活动规律与生境选择   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:19  
普氏原羚生活在沙漠与干旱草原生态交错区(Ecotone)。青海湖畔沙漠中植被盖度较高, 沙地沙蒿群落中普氏原羚活动较多, 而沙地柏群落中普氏原羚活动较少。普氏原羚在沙地和距离沙地2~3 km以内的地域内活动, 利用起伏沙丘作为隐蔽生境。草原中的芨芨草群落、冷蒿—紫花针茅群落是普氏原羚的主要取食场所。普氏原羚具晨昏型活动规律, 在傍晚和清晨取食, 其活动避开牛羊的取食时间。普氏原羚常常聚群活动, 它们在繁殖期、育幼期和交配期形成大小不同的群体。群体的类型包括同性群、混合群和单一个体群。非繁殖季节普氏原羚雌雄分群活动。目前在人为活动影响下, 普氏原羚很难进行季节性迁移。  相似文献   

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