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The rate of photosynthesis of leaves of perennial ryegrass (Loliumperenne L.) and white clover (Trifollum pratense L.) grown atdifferent temperatures was measured at a range of temperatures.There was a small effect of the temperature at which a leafhad grown on its photosynthetic rate, but a large effect ofmeasurement temperature, especially in bright light, where photosyntheticrates at 15°C were about twice those at 5°C. It appearsthat temperature could affect sward photosynthesis in the field.Ryegrass and clover had similar photosynthetic rates which respondedsimilarly to temperature. Lolium perenne L., ryegrass, Trifolium pratense L., white clover, photosynthesis, temperature, irradiance  相似文献   

Increasing leaf-air vapour pressure deficit (VPD) decreasedthe stomatal conductance and the photosynthetic rate of leavesof ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and white clover (Trifolhimrepens L.) at light saturation and at lower irradiance. In ryegrassboth conductance and photosynthesis, and in clover photosynthesis,decreased less with increasing VPD in low irradiance than theydid at an irradiance which saturated photosynthesis. In ryegrass,relative to their values at 10 mb, photosynthesis and conductancedecreased less with increasing VPD at 25 °C than at 20 or16·5 °C. In white clover, relative conductance (butnot photosynthesis) was less reduced at 25 than at 16·5°C Measurements of VPD of air in the leaf canopy of a field-growncrop are combined with the observed responses of photosynthesisto VPD and temperature in a model. This shows that high VPDis likely to depress photosynthesis significantly and that,during a typical day, the rate of light saturated photosynthesismay remain fairly steady, because the depression of photosynthesisdue to rising VPD is offset by the stimulation due to risingtemperature Perennial ryegrass, Lolium perenne L., White clover, Trifolhim repens L., photosynthesis, leaf conductance, water vapour pressure deficit, temperature  相似文献   

Photosynthesis by White Clover Leaves in Mixed Clover/Ryegrass Swards   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Measurements of rates of net photosynthesis were made on singleBlanca white clover leaves on plants taken from a field-grown,mixed clover/perennial ryegrass sward during two regrowth periods. Net photosynthesis fell by 20 per cent in the first measurementperiod as leaf area index increased and the grass componentof the crop flowered, but did not change significantly in thesecond measurement period during which the grass remained vegetative. Leaves which had been artificially protected from shading inthe sward did not have significantly different photosyntheticcapacities from leaves in the undisturbed sward, even in thefirst measurement period. As leaf area index and sward height increased, successive cloverpetioles were longer, keeping the newly expanded leaves nearthe top of the sward where they received full light. It is suggestedthat it is this which allows successive clover leaves, unlikethose of vegetative grasses, to attain a high photosyntheticcapacity throughout a growth period. Trifolium repens, Lolium perenne, Photosynthetic capacity, shading, growth  相似文献   

The application of nitrogenous fertilizer in March to a whiteclover (cv. Blanca) and perennial ryegrass (cv. S23) sward resultedin a rapid suppression of the clover, relative to clover ina treatment given no added nitrogen. Thereafter, the cloverin both treatments grew more rapidly than the grass and itsproportion of the total leaf area in the mixture increased,as the leaf area index rose to 8. After a second applicationof N in early July, clover was not suppressed to the same extentas in the first growth period. Overall, the photosynthetic capacities of newly expanded cloverlaminae were similar in the two treatments. Clover laminae hadhigher photosynthetic capacities than grass, even in the grass-dominant+ N treatment. Lamina area, petiole length, and the number of live leaves perstolon were similar in the two treatments, indicating that thedifferences in total leaf area were due to the presence of fewerstolon growing points in the + N treatment. Trifolium repens L., white clover, Lolium perenne L., perennial ryegrass, nitrogen, leaf area index, photosynthesis, growth  相似文献   

Microswards of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) were grownin controlled environments at 10/7, 18/13 and 26/21 °C day/nighttemperatures. The vertical distribution of leaves of differentages and their rates of 14CO2-uptake in situ were studied. Extending petioles carried the laminae of young leaves throughthe existing foliage. A final position was reached within 1/4to 1/3 of the time between unfolding and death. Newly unfoldedleaves had higher rates of 14CO2-uptake per leaf area than olderones at the same height in the canopy. At higher temperatures,the decrease with age was faster. However, the light-photosynthesisresponse of leaves which were removed from different heightsin the canopy varied much less with leaf age than did the ratesof 14CO2-uptake in situ. The comparison of the rates of 14CO2-uptake in situ with thelight-photosynthesis response curves suggests that young leavesreceive more light than older ones at the same height in thecanopy. This would imply that young white clover leaves havethe ability to reach canopy positions having a favourable lightenvironment. This ability may improve the chances of survivalof white clover in competition with other species. Trifolium repens L., white clover, photosynthesis, canopy, leaf age, 14CO2-uptake, ecotypes, temperature  相似文献   

Simulated mixed swards of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenneL. cv. S23) and white clover (Trifolium repens L. cv. S100)were grown from seed under a constant 10°C day/8°C nighttemperature regime and their growth, and carbon and nitrogeneconomies examined. The swards received a nutrient solution,every second day, which contained either high (220 µgg–1) or low (40 µg g–1) nitrate N. The High-N swards had rates of canopy photosynthesis and drymatter production (over the linear phase of growth) similarto those previously shown by mixed swards at high temperature.The Low-N swards grew more slowly; canopy photosynthesis, ata given LAI, was similar to that at High-N but lower LAI's weresustained. Clover increased its contribution to total carbonuptake and total dry weight throughout the period in the Low-Ntreatment and, despite the fact that grass took up most of theavailable nitrate, clover maintained a consistently higher Ncontent by virtue of N2-fixation. At High-N, grass dominated throughout the measurement period.Earlier, when plants grew as spaced individuals, clover grewless well than grass, but once the canopy was closed it hada similar relative growth rate and thus maintained a steadyproportion of total sward dry weight. It is proposed that earlyin the development of the crop, leaf area production is thelimiting factor for growth, and that in this respect cloveris adversely affected by low temperature relative to grass.Later, as the LAI of the crop builds up, and the canopy becomesfully light intercepting, net canopy photosynthesis plays amore dominant role and here the higher photosynthetic rate perunit leaf area of the clover is crucial. Trifolium repens, white clover, Lolium perenne, perennial ryegrass, low temperature, nitrogen, photosynthesis  相似文献   

White clover ramets were grown at various carbon dioxide concentrations(200, 350 and 1000 µl 1–1), defoliated and regrownat the same concentrations. Morphological characteristics, dryweights and non-structural carbohydrate contents of plant organs,diurnal variation of sugar and starch content of leaves, translocationof assimilates and photosynthesis were determined. Carbon dioxide concentration influenced the dry weights, butnot the number and size of the plant organs. However, defoliationof plants at low carbon dioxide concentration resulted in decreasedleaf size and stolon length. Carbon dioxide concentration influencedthe content and diurnal variation of starch and sugar in theleaves. Starch was accumulated at medium carbon dioxide concentrationand sugar at a higher concentration when the storage capacityfor starch seemed to be exceeded. Starch was preferentiallyaccumulated in the first and sugar in the second half of thelight period. Translocation was decreased during the periodsof accumulation. Sugar accumulation in the leaves seemed tobe a consequence of the imbalance between sink and source, whereasstarch accumulation seemed to follow an in-built diurnal pattern.Accumulation of both starch and sugar during the photoperiodwas followed by degradation and export during the dark period.Decreased dark export occurred at low carbon dioxide concentrationwhen neither starch nor sugar was accumulated during the photoperiod. Carbon dioxide, white clover, Trifolium repens L., growth, carbohydrates, starch, sugar, translocation, photosynthesis  相似文献   

In three experiments measurements of photosynthesis were madeon single leaves of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) on threecultivars grown in a controlled environment. Plants which had grown under an irradiance of 30 J m–2s–1, or in shade within a simulated mixed sward, producedleaves with photosynthetic capacities some 30 per cent lowerthan did plants grown at 120 J m–2 s–1 without shade.There were no differences between treatments either in photosynthesismeasured at 30 J m–2 s–1, or in respiration ratesper unit leaf dry weight. Respiration per unit leaf area washigher in the plants grown at 120 J m–2 s–1, reflectingthe lower specific leaf area of these leaves. There were nodifferences between the three cultivars examined. Leaves which were removed from the shade of a simulated swardshortly after becoming half expanded achieved photosyntheticcapacities as high as those which were in full light throughouttheir development. It is suggested that it is this characteristicwhich enables clover plants growing in an increasingly densemixed sward to produce a succession of leaves of high photosyntheticcapacity, even though each lamina only reaches the top of thesward at a relatively late stage in its development. Trifolium repens L., white clover, photosynthesis, leaf expansion, shade, specific leaf area, stomatal conductance  相似文献   

The growth, morphology and carbon allocation patterns of F1progeny white clover (Trifolium repens L.) plants selected foreither low (‘LBF’) or high (‘HBF’) frequencyof stolon branching were compared in two controlled-environmentexperiments. Selections from within both a small-leaved (‘GrasslandsTahora’) and a large-leaved (‘Grasslands Kopu’)clover cultivar were compared, and plants were grown under arelatively lenient defoliation treatment (expt 1) or under threelevels of defoliation seventy (expt 2). Carbon allocation patternswere measured by 14CO2 pulse-chase labelling using fully unfoldedleaves on the main (parent) stolon. LBF and HBF displayed consistent differences in the selectedcharacter though, within cultivars, the difference between selectionswas most pronounced for Kopu. The selections developed fundamentallydifferent branching structures resulting from differences inbranching frequency, with total branch weight per plant averaging122 mg for LBF and 399 mg for HBF (mean of both experiments).More C moved from parent stolon leaves to branches in HBF thanin LBF (mean 22.6% vs. 15.1% respectively of the 14C exportedfrom source leaves). More C also moved to stolon tissue in HBF,but, counterbalancing this and the difference in allocationto branches, less moved to developing leaves and roots on theparent stolon itself compared to LBF. However, the total weightof developing leaves and roots per parent stolon was generallygreater in HBF than in LBF, probably reflecting greater C importby these sinks from the higher number of branches present perplant in the former selection. HBF plants were consistentlylarger at harvest than LBF plants. There were no defoliationtreatment x selection interactions in C allocation patternsin expt 2. The implications of the results for plant performancein grazed pastures are discussed. Branching, carbon translocation, defoliation, growth, morphology, Trifolium repens, white clover  相似文献   

Single plants of white clover, grown in a controlled environmentand dependent for nitrogen on fixation in their root nodules,were defoliated once by removing approximately half their shoottissue. Their regrowth was compared with the growth of comparableundefoliated plants. Two similar experiments were carried out:in the first, plants were defoliated at 2.5 g, and in the secondat 1.2 g total plant d. wt. Defoliation reduced rate of N2 fixation by > 70 per cent,rate of photosynthesis by 83–96 per cent, and rate ofplant respiration by 30–40 per cent. Nodule weights initiallydeclined following defoliation as a result of loss of carbohydratesand other unidentified components. No immediate shedding ofnodules was observed but nodules on the most severely defoliatedplants exhibited accelerated senescence. The original rates of N2 fixation were re-attained after 5–6or 9 d regrowth, with increase in plant size at defoliation.In general, the rate of recovery of N2 fixation was relatedto the re-establishment and increase of the plant's photosyntheticcapacity. Throughout the growth of both defoliated and undefoliatedplants nodule respiration (metabolism) accounted for at least23 ± 2 per cent of gross photosynthesis. The unit ‘cost’of fixing N2 in root nodules, in terms of photosynthate, appearedto be unaffected by defoliation, except perhaps for plants veryrecently defoliated. Similarly, the percentage nitrogen contentsof shoot, root and nodules of defoliated plants became adaptedwithin a few days to those characteristic of undefoliated plants. Trifolium repens, white clover, N2 fixation, defoliation, photosynthesis, respiration  相似文献   

苗期土壤渍水对棉花恢复生长及光合生理的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以'中棉所41'为试验材料,采用盆栽方法,研究了苗期土壤渍水对棉花恢复生长及光合生理的影响.结果显示:(1)渍水5 d的棉苗经过10 d恢复生长,其根系活力、株高、叶面积、完全展开叶片数与对照差异不显著,但根系总长度仍比对照低11.1%(P<0.05);渍水10 d的棉苗经过10 d恢复生长,其根系活力、株高、叶面积、完全展开叶片数、根系活力均极显著低于对照.(2)渍水5 d棉苗经过10 d恢复生长,其光合速率、气孔导度、光饱和点、CO2饱和点、表观光最子效率、羧化效率以及叶绿素a、b含量与对照差异不显著;渍水10 d的棉莆经过10 d恢复生长,其光合速率、气孔导度、光饱和点、CO2饱和点、表观光量子效率、羧化效率以及叶绿素a、b含量仍显著低于对照.研究表明,棉莆经过5 d或10 d渍水胁迫后,均可以恢复生长,但随着渍水时间延长,恢复生长速度降低;在恢复生长过程中,生理活性恢复快于形态恢复;强光对于渍水后棉苗恢复生长具有明显的抑制效应.  相似文献   

Single clonal plants of white clover (Trifolium repens L) grownfrom explants in a Perlite rooting medium, and dependent fornitrogen on N2 fixation in root nodules, were grown for severalweeks in controlled environments which provided two regimesof CO2, and temperature 23/18 °C day/night temperaturesat 680 µmol mol–1 CO2, (C680), and 20/15 °Cday/night temperatures at 340 µmol mol–1 CO2 (C340)After 3–4 weeks of growth, when the plants were acclimatedto the environmental regimes, leaf and whole-plant photosynthesisand respiration were measured using conventional infra-red gasanalysis techniques Elevated CO2 and temperature increased ratesof photosynthesis of young, fully expanded leaves at the growthirradiance by 17–29%, despite decreased stomatal conductancesand transpiration rates Water use efficiency (mol CO2 mol H2O–1)was also significantly increased Plants acclimated to elevatedCO2, and temperature exhibited rates of leaf photosynthesisvery similar to those of C340 leaves ‘instantaneously’exposed to the C680 regime However, leaves developed in theC680 regime photosynthesised less rapidly than C340 leaves whenboth were exposed to a normal CO2, and temperature environmentIn measurements where irradiance was varied, the enhancementof photosynthesis in elevated CO2 at 23 °C increased graduallyfrom approx 10 % at 100 µmol m–1 s–1 to >27 % at 1170 µmol m–2 s–1 In parallel, wateruse efficiency increased by 20–40 % at 315 µmolm–2 s–1 In parallel, water use efficiency increasedby 20–40 % at 315 µmol m–2 s–1 In parallel,water use efficiency increased by 20–40 % at 315 µmolm–2 s–1 In parallel, water use efficiency increasedby 20–40 % at 315 µmol m–2 s–1 to approx100 % at the highest irradiance Elevated CO2, and temperatureincreased whole-plant photosynthesis by > 40 %, when expressedin terms of shoot surface area or shoot weight No effects ofelevated CO2 and temperature on rate of tissue respiration,either during growth or measurement, were established for singleleaves or for whole plants Dependence on N2, fixation in rootnodules appeared to have no detrimental effect on photosyntheticperformance in elevated CO2, and temperature Trifolium repens, white clover, photosynthesis, respiration, elevated CO2, elevated temperature, water use efficiency, N2 fixation  相似文献   

Single, clonal plants of white clover were grown without inorganicnitrogen in four contrasting day/night temperature regimes,with a 12 h photoperiod, in controlled environments. Root andnodule respiration and acetylene reduction activity were measuredin a flow-through system during both day and night for plantsacclimated to day/night regimes of 23/18, 15/10 and 10/5 ?C.Similar measurements were made on plants acclimated to 20/15?C and stepwise at temperatures from 4 to 33 ?C. Peak rate of ethylene production, nitrogenase-linked respirationand basal root + nodule respiration increased approximatelylinearly from 5 to 23 ?C both in temperature-acclimated plantsand in plants exposed to varying measurement temperatures. Themeasured attributes did not vary significantly between day andnight. Temperatures above 23–25 ?C did not further enhancethe rate of ethylene production, which remained essentiallythe same up to the maximum measured temperature of 33 ?C. The measurements of nitrogenase-linked respiration between 5and 23 ?C, during both day and night, demonstrated a constant‘energetic cost’ of acetylene reduction of 2.9 µmolCO2 µmol C2H4–1,. Over the same temperature range,the approximate activation energy of acetylene reduction was60 kJ mol–1. The integrated day plus night nitrogenase-linkedrespiration accounted for 13.4–16% of the plant‘snet shoot photosynthesis in a single diurnal period: there wasno significant effect of temperature between 5 and 23 ?C. Key words: Trifolium repens, white clover, temperature, N2 fixation, respiration  相似文献   

Clonal plants of white clover (Trifolium repens L ), whollydependent on N2 fixation, were grown for 6 weeks in controlledenvironments providing either (C680 regime) 23/18 °C day/nighttemperatures and a CO2, concentration of 680 µmol mol–1,or (C340 regime) 20/15 °C day/night temperatures and a CO2,concentration of 340 µmol mol–1 During the firsthalf of the experimental period the C680 plants grew fasterthan their C340 counterparts so that by week 3 they were twicethe weight this 2 1 superiority in weight persisted until theend of the experiment The faster initial growth of the C680plants was based on an approx 70 % increase in leaf numbersand an approx 30 % increase in their individual area Initially,specific leaf area (cm2 g–1 leaf) was lower in C680 thanin C340 leaves but became similar in the latter half of theexperiment Shoot organ weights, including petioles and stolons,reflected the C680 plant's better growth in terms of photosyntheticsurface Throughout, C680 plants invested less of their weightin root than C340 plants and this disparity increased with timeAcetylene reduction assays showed that nitrogenase activityper unit nodule weight was the same in both C680 and C340 plantsBoth groups of plants invested about the same fraction of totalweight in nodules Nitrogen contents of plant tissues were similarirrespective of growth regime, but C680 expanded leaves containedslightly less nitrogen and their stolons slightly more nitrogenthan their C340 counterparts However, C680 leaves containedmore non-structural carbohydrate Young, unshaded C680 leavespossessed larger palisade cells, packed more tightly withinthe leaf, than equivalent C340 leaves The reason for the C680regime's loss of superiority in relative growth rate duringthe second half of the experiment was not clear, but more accumulationof non-structural carbohydrate, constriction of root growthand increased self-shading appear to be the most likely causes Trifolium repens, white clover, elevated CO2, elevated temperature, growth, N2 fixation, leaf structure  相似文献   

不同光质LED弱光对樱桃番茄植株形态和光合性能的影响   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
基于新型LED光源研究了不同光质弱光对樱桃番茄植株形态和光合性能的影响.结果显示:(1)红蓝光(RB)的基础上添加不同的光色处理,对植株的形态没有显著影响,但对植株生物量有显著影响,能调节生物量的分配.除红蓝黄绿紫复合光处理(Z)外,其他复合光处理的单株总生物量都大于RB处理,添加绿光、黄光、紫光和黄紫光有利于植株地上部的生长,而添加绿光和紫光却抑制植株地下部的生长.(2)除红蓝黄紫复合光(RBYP)和红蓝紫复合光(RBP)处理外,所有处理的光合色素含量都比RB处理高,并以Z处理光合色素含量最高.(3)叶片的光补偿点和表观量子效率以及净光合速率受光质的调控.RBYP处理的最大净光合速率和表观量子效率显著大于其他处理,光补偿点在红蓝绿复合光(RBG)和红蓝黄复合光(RBY)下较大,而在白光(CK)和Z处理下较小.(4)各处理光系统Ⅱ的光能分配存在差异,RB处理光化学淬灭系数较其他处理小,而Z和RBP的非光化学淬灭系数较小,各处理间最大光化学效率及电子传递速率无显著差异.研究发现,复合光质的光色间对植株生长发育的影响是相互协同、相互制约的关系;红蓝黄紫复合光处理植株光合潜能较大,能够在一定程度上缓解红蓝弱光胁迫,促进植株幼苗生长;在红蓝光基础上添加其他光色有利于植株光合色素的积累并促进光合,同时可提高植株光化学效率.  相似文献   

FERGUSON  T. P.; BOND  G. 《Annals of botany》1954,18(4):385-396
A comparison has been made of the effect of oxygen concentrationon the growth of nodulated red clover plants dependent on nodule-nitrogenand of non-nodulated plants provided with ammonium-nitrogen.Two techniques have been used, the first providing for the exposureof the root system only to adjusted oxygen supply, while inthe second the whole plant was so exposed. Four levels of oxygenwere employed, namely, 21, 12, 5, and 1 per cent. With the first method each step in the reduction of oxygen supplywas attended by a significant curtailment of growth in nodulatedplants. The responses of the ammonium plants were less marked.It is concluded that clover nodules function best when wellsupplied with oxygen. No clear effects of oxygen supply were obtained by the secondmethod, this being due, it is considered, to the severe limitationimposed by the necessary experimental arrangement on the growthof the plants.  相似文献   

Malinowski  D.P.  Belesky  D.P.  Fedders  J. 《Photosynthetica》1998,35(3):419-427
In a growth chamber experiment, we determined net photosynthetic rate (PN) and leaf developmental characteristics of cultivars of a relatively small-, intermediate-, and a large-leaf genotype grown under irradiance of 450-500 µmol(photon) m-2 s-1 (HI), shade [140-160 µmol(photon) m-2 s-1] (LI), and after a shade-to-irradiation (LI »HI) transfer. Differences in physiological responses of the genotypes were more pronounced in HI and LI»HI plants than in LI plants. The small- and intermediate-leaf sizes had greater PN in the first measured leaf than the large-leaf type by 70 and 63 % in HI plants, and by 23 and 18 % in LI»HI plants, respectively. Similar relationships were observed in the next developed leaf. The LI plants did not differ significantly in PN. Greater PN in the small- and intermediate-leaf size genotypes were not associated with greater total dry matter of the plant. Under irradiation, the large-leaf genotype accumulated more total nonstructural saccharides (TNS) and starch than the small- or intermediate-leaf size plants. TNS and starch concentrations in LI plants were about one-half those of HI and LI»HI plants. These results should help to develop management practices that capitalize upon the competitive features of white clover in mixed-species swards.  相似文献   

Small swards of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) cv. Haifawere grown in solution culture in a controlled environment at24 °C day/18 °C night and receiving 500 µE m-2S–1 PAR during a 14-h photoperiod. The swards were cuteither frequently (10-d regrowth periods) or infrequently (40-dregrowth) over 40 d before being cut to 2 cm in height. Halfof the swards received high levels of nitrate (2–6 mMN in solution every 2 d) after defoliation while the othersreceived none. Changes in d. wt, leaf area and growing pointnumbers were recorded over the following 10 d. CO2 exchangewas measured independently on shoots and roots and nitrogenase-linkedrespiration was estimated by measuring nodulated root respirationat 21% and 3% oxygen in the root atmosphere. There was a general pattern in all treatments consisting ofan initial d. wt loss from roots and stubble and reallocationto new leaves, followed by a period of total d. wt gain andrecovery, to a greater or lesser extent, of weight in non-photosyntheticparts. Frequently cut swards had a smaller proportion of theirshoot d. wt. removed by cutting and had a greater shoot d. wt,growing point number and leaf area at the start of the regrowthperiod. As a result of these differences, and also because ofdifferences in relative growth rates, frequently cut swardsmade more regrowth than infrequently cut. Initial photosyntheticrates were higher in frequently cut swards, although the laminaarea index was very low, and it was concluded that stolons andcut petioles made a significant contribution to carbon uptakeduring the first few d. Infrequently cut swards continued toallocate carbon to new and thinner leaves at the expense ofroots and stubble for longer than frequently cut swards andas a result achieved a similar lamina area index after 10 d. Nitrogenase-linked respiration was low in all treatments immediatelyafter cutting: frequently cut swards receiving no nitrate maintainedhigh nitrogenase activity, whereas recovery took at least 5d in infrequently cut swards. Swards which received nitrateafter cutting maintained only low rates of nitrogenase-linkedrespiration and their total nodulated root respiration overthe period was lower than those receiving no nitrogen: greaterregrowth in nitrate fed swards over the 10 d compared to N2-fixingswards was in proportion to this lower respiratory burden. White clover (Trifolium repens L.), defoliation, regrowth, nitrogen, photosynthesis, respiration, nitrogenase-activity  相似文献   

Photosynthetic rates of both C4- and C3-pathway plants grown at 25 C were measured before and during a period of chilling stress at 10 C, and then again at 25 C following various periods at 10 C. When temperatures are first lowered photosynthetic rates drop immediately, then undergo a further reduction which is quite rapid in species such as Sorghum, maize, and Pennisetum; slower in soybean; and very slow in Paspalum and ryegrass. Visible light causes progressive permanent damage to the photosynthetic capacity of leaves during this period of lowered photosynthesis. The extent of damage increases with light intensity and the length of time leaves are held at 10 C but varies greatly between species, being roughly correlated with the extent to which chilling initially and subsequently lowers photosynthesis. Three days of chilling (10 C) at 170 w·m−2 reduces the photosynthetic capacity of youngest-mature Paspalum leaves only 30 to 40% while Sorghum leaves are essentially inoperative when returned to 25 C after the same stress. Root temperature has a substantial rapid effect on photosynthesis of soybean and little immediate effect on Sorghum. Photosynthesis of stress-intolerant species (Sorghum) is reduced only slightly more than that of semitolerant species (Paspalum) when temperatures are lowered at mid-photo-period, but to a far greater extent if temperatures are reduced at the commencement of a photoperiod.  相似文献   

Growth habits and cyanogenesis were studied in a field experimentwith white clover (Trifolium repens L.) cv. Huia. Eighty controlplants propagated by seeds, and 80 clones of an in vivo selectedvariant were examined in mid-late August and late September.The temperature effect on cyanogenic glucoside levels was alsoexamined on in vitro grown plantlets of the variant in growthchambers. Results showed that the upright growth habit dominated in controlplants. The population of the variant plants was mainly composedof prostrate clones and a transition from prostrate to uprightgrowth habit occurred. Considerable variation was observed withregard to all measured morphological characters in both controland variant plants. Great variation was also noted in cyanogenicglucoside content in the leaf laminae of the control plants.Low cyanogenic plants, on the other hand, dominated in the variant.The number of low and high cyanogenic plants increased in thecontrol by the end of the growth season, after the first frosts.A one-way shift of cyanogenic (slight increase) was recordedin the variant. Similar levels of cyanogenic glucoside and linamarasewere determined in the in vitro and field-grown plants. Cyanogenicglucoside content slightly decreased with the age of the invitro plantlets, but variation in temperature did not causeany changes in their level. The response to the environmentalchanges, regarding cyanogenesis, appear to be genetically determined. Trifolium repens, in vitro, somaclonal variation, cyanogenic glucosides  相似文献   

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