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以印度块菌复合群(Tuber indicum complex)为代表的中国"黑块菌"主要分布于我国西南地区(云南和四川),是块菌属在我国产量最大,分布最广的野生贸易食用菌种类.在最近一次块菌资源野外调查中,发现河北省遵化地区人工种植的板栗(Castanea mollissima BL.)林下有大量的"黑块菌"产生.形态学及分子系统学分析结果显示,新发现的"黑块菌"与已报道的台湾块菌T.formosanum及印度块菌T.indicum亲缘关系较近,结合其地理分布、共生树种等特点,本文将其作为T.indicum的一个生态类型处理.这是T.indicum在其主产区(我国西南地区)之外的地区首次大量发现,其新分布区的发现为全面系统地解析中国的块菌类群在全球块菌属的起源、演化中的重要作用提供新的参考,同时对我国块菌人工种植有着重要意义.此外,鉴于中国"黑块菌"及其印度块菌复合群的经济重要性、分类的复杂性及保护的迫切性,本文对该类真菌研究现状及野生资源状况做了阐述,并提出了相应的保护和利用发展措施,为该类珍稀濒危食药用真菌资源的保护和合理利用提供更加全面的资料信息.  相似文献   

目的:研究中国象牙参属植物种类分布及药用资源,探讨它们的分布特点及其药用价值.方法:通过野外调查,标本采集鉴定,馆藏植物标本的查阅和文献资料的整理进行研究.鲒果:中国象牙参属植物有14种3变种,其中有8种作为藏药和民间草药使用,具有补肺定喘,治咳嗽哮喘或温中散寒、止痛消食等功效等功效.结论:我国西南地区象牙参属药用植物资源丰富,值得进一步开发利用.  相似文献   

中国块菌属研究概况   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
文献调查研究结果表明,自我国报道的块菌属(Tuber)有35个名称,其中21个具有标本引证的支持、有3个缺乏明确的标本引证、3个与国际上已有的描述存在明显差异1、个鉴定时使用的是暂定名而有待进一步查证、还有2个名称已被证明为异名、5个名称为不合格发表而不应再继续使用。作者对我国的块菌属研究概况进行了概述,并对有关种类的研究现状及其分布进行了介绍,同时也整理和修订了这些种的汉语学名。  相似文献   

徐阿生 《菌物学报》2000,19(4):568-569
腔块菌属Hydnotrya Berk. & Br.建立已逾一个半世纪,目前为大多数学者接受的有5~6种.最早记录我国腔块菌属种类的是1988年陶恺的硕士论文,次年正式报道了三个种(陶恺等,1989).其后张斌成(1990)又详细研究了前者的标本,进一步确认了这三个种,此后再未增加其它种类.这次在西藏采集到的标本中,确认了两个种,其中的方孢腔块菌Hydnotrya cubispora (Bess. & Thomp.) Gilkey为我国的新记录种,也是亚洲的首次记录.  相似文献   

对我国长突飞虱亚科昆虫进行了系统整理,该亚科在中国迄今共记录了3个属:长头飞虱属Terauchiana Matsumura,1915(3种)、鞘茎飞虱属Preterkelisia Yang,1989(1种)和长突飞虱属Stenocranus Fieber,1866(20种).文中编制了分属分种检索表,记录了各属的主要特征、种类、分布及部分种类的寄主植物.记述采自我国贵州的长突飞虱属1新种,畸剌长突飞虱S.anomalus sp.nov.,绘制了新种的鉴别特征图.研究标本和模式标本保存在贵州大学昆虫研究所.  相似文献   

文中首次报道了史蒂芬块菌属Stephensia在中国的分布.史蒂芬块菌发现于滇中地区呈贡县,生于l株栽培的天麻旁边,附近长有云南松和榛属植物.标本的特征与文献中对于该种的描述一致,即子囊果表面具褐色绒毛,产孢组织有曲折的脉沟,脉沟向中心辐聚,中心有时形成空腔,孢子球形,直径18~25 μm,无油滴,包被(外囊盘被)角胞组织.中国标本的ITS序列与北美和欧洲样品有99%的相似性,其LSU序列仅有3个碱基与北美样品不同.史蒂芬块菌在分子系统上与腔囊块菌属Hydnocystis和地杯菌属Geopxyis近缘.  相似文献   

中国杭子梢属植物的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
傅沛云 《植物研究》1987,7(4):11-55
本文叙述了杭子梢属(gen.Campylotropis)植物的研究历史,说明在中国一共记录过59种杭子梢属植物,经过著者的研究整理,确定并提出了14种新的异名名称,经过详细考订,本属植物在中国已确知为29种、6变种、6变型。其中包括经发现和研究整理的新种4、新变种3、新变型3、新组合变种2、新组合变型3。此外尚有2个存疑种有待今后采集调查解决。本文历述了关于本属是否应该并入胡枝子属(gen.Lespedeza)这一问题所存在的长期争议之后,详细论述了本属与胡枝子属在特征上的异同诸点、进行了比较和分析,据此,明确地肯定本属与胡枝子属亲缘关系极为相近,但特征的分化已经必须确认本属应是与胡枝子属有明确区别的独立的属。此外,从特征分析中也可得出本属应是由胡枝子属大胡枝子组(sect.Macrolespedeza)演化发展而来的。本文在讨论了属内主要特征的演化趋势与种群关系之后,论述了本属在世界主要分布地区的种数和分布概况,同时将此与胡枝子属大胡枝子组的分布概况作了比较和分析,明确地认定我国机子梢属植物的大部分种类是本国西南地区发生的(中国有20个特有种),我国的西南地区是本属植物的分布中心,也是本属植物从较原始特征开始分化的一个特征分化多样化中心,并且此地区正是胡枝子属大胡枝子组与本属多数种类包括较原始种类分布相交叉的地区,因而我国的西南地区有可能即是本属植物的起源中心,并且这一起源应是与胡枝子属大胡枝子组植物分布到中国西南地区以后的分化发展想联系的。  相似文献   

块菌是指Tuber属的真菌种类,属于子囊菌门(Ascomycota),生在地下,其中包含着世界上最美味和价值最昂贵的食用菌.中国食与药用真菌文化悠久,历代本草都不乏各种菌类的记载,但在本草中记载的与块菌有关系的菌类唯有1245年陈仁玉编撰的“菌谱”中称之为“麦蕈”和俗名为“麦丹蕈”的一种地下真菌.日本本草对“麦蕈”也屡有记载,并把“麦蕈”叫“地肾”和“松露”.这是“松露”一名的最早记载,“麦蕈”或“松露”可能是被现代菌物学称之为须腹菌(Rhizopogon spp.)的真菌种类.因而,“松露”一名虽是汉字,但是所指并非真正的块菌,应是须腹菌(Rhizopogon spp.),也称“假块菌”(false truffle),所以松露和块菌寓意各异.产于我国西南地区的食用黑块菌主要是印度块菌(Tuber indi-cum)或中华块菌(T.sinernse)、夏块菌(T.aestivum=T.uncinatu)和拟喜马拉雅块菌(T.pseudohimalayense=T.pseudoexcavatum),近年来身价倍增,成为中国野生食用菌出口种类中名列前三甲的菌类,在世界块菌市场上也颇受欢迎.喜马拉雅块菌(T.himalayense)在我国尚未发现它的踪迹.印度块菌和中华块菌形态上有差异,若把中国产的类似黑孢块菌的黑块菌统称为印度块菌(T.indicum)尚值得商榷.中华块菌或印度块菌形态和遗传变异多样,尚需进一步研究.2010年在云南和四川相继发现的大型香味浓郁的白块菌,近似于波氏块菌(T.borchii)组的块菌,颇具研究和巨大的商业价值,表明我国块菌资源比原有记载的要丰富的多.由于利益之驱动和疏于管理,掠夺式的采收方法造成了块菌产区生态环境毁灭性的破坏,一些商业化采集区的块菌已濒临灭绝,中国西南地区的块菌资源的保护问题迫在眉睫.本文对产自欧洲、美洲的块菌、沙漠块菌,以及块菌的生态意义和种植作了简要介绍和讨论.  相似文献   

文中首次报道了史蒂芬块菌属Stephensia在中国的分布。史蒂芬块菌发现于滇中地区呈贡县,生于1株栽培的天麻旁边,附近长有云南松和榛属植物。标本的特征与文献中对于该种的描述一致,即子囊果表面具褐色绒毛,产孢组织有曲折的脉沟,脉沟向中心辐聚,中心有时形成空腔,孢子球形,直径18~25μm,无油滴,包被(外囊盘被)角胞组织。中国标本的ITS序列与北美和欧洲样品有99%的相似性,其LSU序列仅有3个碱基与北美样品不同。史蒂芬块菌在分子系统上与腔囊块菌属Hydnocystis和地杯菌属Geopxyis近缘。  相似文献   

在编写《浙江植物志》和紫堇属Corydalis Vent.植物药源开发研究过程中,作者自1982年开始对浙江的紫堇属植物作了标本补充采集和鉴定整理工作,对种类、分布特点、与邻近地区的关系及经济用途做了初步研究,现将结果整理如下。一、种类紫堇属全世界有300多种,主产亚洲,我国有200多种,全国均有分布,以西南地区  相似文献   

西藏块菌属的分类研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首次报道产于西藏的块菌属3种,包括2个新种和1个新记录种。新种是刘氏块菌TuberliuiA.S.Xusp.nov.和西藏块菌TuberxizangenseA.S.Xusp.nov,新记录种是少孢块菌Tuberoligospermum(Tul.&C.Tul.)Trappe.标本全部保存于西藏高原生态研究所标本室(HXZE)。  相似文献   

Chen J  Guo SX  Liu PG 《PloS one》2011,6(1):e14625
Morphological delimitation of Asian black truffles, including Tuber himalayense, T. indicum, T. sinense, T. pseudohimalayense, T. formosanum and T. pseudoexcavatum, has remained problematic and even phylogenetic analyses have been controversial. In this study, we combined five years of field investigation in China with morphological study and DNA sequences analyses (ITS, LSU and β-tubulin) of 131 Tuber specimens to show that T. pseudohimalayense and T. pseudoexcavatum are the same species. T. formosanum is a separate species based on its host plants and geographic distribution, combined with minor morphological difference from T. indicum. T. sinense should be treated as a synonym of T. indicum. Our results demonstrate that the present T. indicum, a single described morphological species, should include at least two separate phylogenetic species. These findings are of high importance for truffle taxonomy and reveal and preserve the richness of truffle diversity.  相似文献   

Truffles are one of the most valuable edible fungi and have drawn extensive research interests worldwide. In Taiwan, two species of truffle, Tuber formosanum and Tuber furfuraceum , have been identified and reported. Although the morphological features of these two truffles have been described, lack of molecular identification has led to difficulties with firmly establishing their relatedness to other truffles. In this study, we utilized the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and β-tubulin gene sequences to generate the phylogenetic relationship of T. formosanum and T. furfuraceum with other taxonomic relatives. Our analysis revealed five/three major phylogenetic clades according to the 5.8S-ITS2/β-tubulin gene sequences and corroborated with their morphological characterization. Tuber formosanum highly resembles the Tuber indicum B complex, while T. furfuraceum is most similar to Tuber huidongense . Based on a molecular clock, we estimated that T. furfuraceum and T. formosanum would have diverged from their close relatives in mainland China between 10.2 and 4.1 Ma, respectively. Based on the results, we propose that these two Tuber species found in Taiwan might originate from the common ancestors with some truffle species in China. However, due to a long divergence time and geographical separation, they have evolved into indigenous species of Taiwan.  相似文献   

Chinese truffles serve as a good complement to the market for Tuber melanosporum (Périgord black truffle). However, Chinese truffles could be introduced accidentally or fraudulently into the plantations of Mediterranean truffles, and they could have a negative effect on truffle production and natural ecosystems. The study of Tuber species from China which are commercialized in Europe began 14 years ago. Tuber pseudoexcavatum was proposed as a new species, and this has been validated by some authors based on molecular and phylogenetic studies. We synthesize their ectomycorrhizae using samples from the type collection, and we compare T. pseudoexcavatum and Tuber indicum ectomycorrhizae. The ectomycorrhizae of these species have a morphology which is related to the ectomycorrhizae of T. melanosporum. We provide useful information for the rapid screening of the above-mentioned Chinese truffles ectomycorrhizae, for the quality control of commercial plants mycorrhized with Tuber. Moreover, we analyze the soil tolerance and the host plant affinity of T. pseudoexcavatum and T. indicum, in order to assess the capacity of both Chinese truffles to penetrate T. melanosporum plantations and habitats.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships between Tuber pseudoexcavatum and other Tuber species were investigated by studying the sequences of four genes: 5.8S-ITS2, beta-tubulin, protein kinase C and elongation factor 1alpha. The four phylogenetic trees allowed to differentiate the black truffle clade, composed of two subclades, one comprising the Asian black truffles (T. indicum, T. sinense, T. himalayense) and the Perigord black truffle (T. melanosporum), the second comprising T. pseudoexcavatum and T. brumale. These two subclades diverged relatively early. We propose a common ancestor, located between Europe and China, to all the black truffles. The T. brumale/pseudoexcavatum subclade would have started to diverge and migrate first, T. brumale towards Europe through a northern route and T. pseudoexcavatum towards China. Later the T. melanosporum subclade would have started to migrate through the same route, T. melanosporum towards Europe and T. indicum towards China, leading to vicariant species.  相似文献   

Tuber rufum is a truffle widely distributed throughout Europe, which forms mycorrhizal associations with numerous species of broadleaf and coniferous trees. The possibility of T. rufum contamination in commercial truffle-infected plants makes its detection important. To facilitate the identification of T. rufum from mycorrhiza and fruitbodies, species-specific primers were designed and tested. To overcome the high intraspecific genetic variability within the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of T. rufum, as demonstrated by phylogenetic analysis, two forward primers, Ru1f and Ru2f, located on the ITS1 region were designed to be used in concert with the reverse primer ITS4. Only T. rufum was amplified with this primer combination, while DNA of Tuber magnatum, Tuber brumale, Tuber maculatum, Tuber borchii, Tuber excavatum and Tuber melanosporum was not. These primers give a specific amplicon ranging between 566 and 572 bp and are able to discriminate between T. rufum, T. borchii and T. magnatum in multiplex PCR. In addition, T. rufum-specific amplicons were obtained from both spore suspensions and mycorrhiza by direct PCR. Tuber rufum mycorrhiza obtained in the greenhouse using mycelial inoculation techniques had morphological features similar to those of other species of Tuber, stressing the importance of molecular tools for their identification.  相似文献   

Chen J  Liu PG 《Mycologia》2007,99(3):475-481
A new species of white truffles, Tuber latisporum, is described from southwestern China. This species can be distinguished from other species in the genus by its white and pubescent ascomata, pseudoparenchymatous peridium and broadly ellipsoid ascospores with alveolate reticulum. Molecular phylogenetic analyses of this and morphologically similar species using ITS sequences demonstrated that it is significantly different from other white truffles such as T. borchii, T. puberulum, T. zhongdianense, T. liui, T. dryophilum, T. magnatum, T. rapaeodorum, T. foetidum and T. maculatum. Data from ITS sequences indicate that white and black truffles are not monophyletic lineages.  相似文献   

截至目前报道的中国块菌有28种,其中黑块菌4种,白块菌24种.具有重要经济价值和生态价值的黑块菌类有印度块菌复合种和中国夏块菌,其中印度块菌复合种与欧洲法国黑孢块菌属于姊妹类群,中国夏块菌与欧洲夏块菌也是姊妹类群.虽然欧洲意大利白块菌在中国尚未找到、波氏块菌在中国的存在尚待最终确认,但是,最近的更多白块菌新种的发现,说...  相似文献   

Genetic variability is one of the major survival strategies developed by symbiotic fungi. We focused on the ectomycorrhizal fungus Tuber uncinatum Chatin that produces edible ascomata. In order to understand the degree of its variability and its relatedness to another morphologically-similar truffle, T. aestivum Vittad., ascomata of T. uncinatum were collected from a single natural truffle-ground located in the north of Italy and compared with samples from other Italian sites, as well as with T. aestivum ascomata from other European regions. We used multi-locus approaches, such as microsatellite-primed PCR (polymerase chain reaction), and single locus markers, such as mitochondrial and nuclear ribosomal DNA on 30 samples. The results demonstrate that the level of genetic polymorphism among isolates of T. uncinatum was higher than in other Tuber species, like T. melanosporum. Neighbour-joining analyses were carried out on a binary data matrix on 12 ascomata of T. uncinatum and T. aestivum, and on 15 internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences of these species and 5 from other Tuber species. Taken together, they clustered T. uncinatum and T. aestivum in two separate groups. The mitochondrial rDNA primers, NMS1 and NMS2, were not able to differentiate morphologically related and unrelated truffles. Moreover, a pair of primers, intentionally designed to differentiate isolates of T. aestivum and T. uncinatum from other Tuber species, successfully amplified DNA from all the samples of T. aestivum and T. uncinatum considered in our analysis. In conclusion, different molecular approaches separate T. aestivum and T. uncinatum according to their spore reticulum and their taste and smell.  相似文献   

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