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Polyamines have been suggested to play an important role in stress protection. However, attempts to determine the function of polyamines have been complicated by the fact that, dependent on the conditions, polyamine contents increase or decrease during stress. To determine the importance of polyamine formation during salt stress, we analysed polyamine contents and salt tolerance in two Arabidopsis thaliana mutants, spe1-1 and spe2-1 (Watson et al. Plant J 13: 231–239, 1998), with reduced activity of arginine decarboxylase (EC, an important enzyme in polyamine synthesis. Polyamines accumulated in wild-type plants (Col-0 and Ler-0) that were pre-treated with 100 m M NaCl before transfer to 125 m M NaCl, but not in plants that were directly transferred to 125 m M NaCl without prior treatment with 100 m M NaCl. This shows that polyamine accumulation depends on acclimation to salinity. The salt treatment that induced polyamine accumulation in wild-type plants did not lead to polyamine accumulation in the spe1-1 and spe2-1 mutants. Decreased fresh weight, chlorophyll content and photosynthetic efficiency indicated that the spe1-1 mutant was more severely affected by salt stress than its wild type, Col-0. In the spe2-1 mutant decreased salt tolerance compared to its wild type, Ler-0, became apparent as bleaching under severe salt stress. The present results demonstrate that decreased polyamine formation due to lower arginine decarboxylase activity leads to reduced salt tolerance.  相似文献   

Changes of carotenoids and anthocyanins content, lipid peroxidation, and activity of antioxidant enzymes were studied in wild type and tocopherol-deficient lines vte1 and vte4 of Arabidopsis thaliana subjected to 200 mM NaCI during 24 h. The salt stress enhanced the intensity of lipid peroxidation to different extent in all three plant lines. Salt stress resulted in an increase of carotenoid content and activity of catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, guaiacol peroxidase and glutathione reductase in wild type and tocopherol-deficient vte1 mutant. However, the increase in anthocyanins concentration was observed in vte1 mutants only. In vte4 mutant, which contain gamma-tocopherol instead of alpha-tocopherol, the response to salt stress occurred via coordinative action of superoxide dismutase and enzymes of ascorbate-glutathione cycle, in particular, ascorbate peroxidase, glutathione reductase, dehydroascorbate reductase, and glutathione-S-transferase. It can be concluded, that salt stress was accompanied by oxidative stress in three studied lines, however different mechanisms involved in adaptation of wild type and tocopherol-deficient lines to salt stress.  相似文献   

A salt-tolerant prolyl aminopeptidase from Streptomyces aureofaciens TH-3 (TH-3PAP) was purified from a culture supernatant. The gene encoding TH-3PAP was cloned and sequenced. The primary structure of TH-3PAP showed 65% identity with that of PAP from Streptomyces lividans (SLPAP) and possessed a conserved catalytic motif, GxSxGG, which is conserved in the alpha/beta hydrolase fold family. The characterization of the recombinants TH-3PAP and SLPAP indicated a difference: in 4.0 M NaCl, TH-3PAP showed enzyme activity, whereas SLPAP was inactive. Next, we constructed chimeras between TH-3PAP and SLPAP using an in vivo DNA shuffling system and a sandwich chimera (sc-PAP), whose region from 63 to 78 amino acids of TH-3PAP was substituted with that of SLPAP. Comparison of the biochemical properties between TH-3PAP and the salt-sensitive sc-PAP suggested that the fine tuning of the N-terminal conformation of TH-3PAP by hydrophobic interaction is important for the salt tolerance mechanism of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Aspergillus clavatus 1816 was found to produce ribonuclease both exo-end endocellularly, some of the endocellular activity being subject to inhibition by a specific protein. The protein inhibitor was purified 50-fold from a 4-day culture and was shown to be insensitive to deoxyribonuclease, highly temperature-stable and to possess a molecular weight of 13,000. It was active towardAspergillus clavatus enzymes only. Besides the specific inhibitor, ribonuclease activity was affected also by a number of nucleic acid bases, nucleosides and nucleotides.  相似文献   

Summary Studies in Rossmoyne silt loam by the plate count (PC) and fluorescent antibody (FA) techniques showed that flooding had no detrimental effects on survival and N2-fixing capacity ofR. phaseoli strains. Short-term flooding apparently stimulated the activity of the bacteria, as indicated by the increase in nodulation and yield ofPhaseolus vulgaris. The strains also differed in their ability to survive desiccation, and a decline in the population of all strains occurred at moisture tensions greater than 15 bars. The inhibitory concentrations of salts to growth ofR. phaseoli in solution were 0.3% for Na and K chlorides and 1.0% for Ca and Mg chlorides. The effects of Na and K sulphates were similar to the Na and K chlorides at 0.3% except for strain C-05 which was inhibited by 0.1% Na sulphate. Comparative growth averaged over all strains grown with 0.1% salts showed that the degree of inhibition was the same for both chloride and sulphate salts but that Na salts showed the greatest, and Mg salts the least, inhibition. It was concluded that some strains ofR. phaseoli can survive soil flooding, desiccation, and salt stress in large enough numbers to initiate nodule formation in some soils.
Resumen Estudios realizados en Rossmoyne, en suelos de tipo limoso, ricos en materia orgánica han mostrado mediante técnicas de conteo en placa (PC) y de anticuerpos fluorescentes (FA) que la inundación de campos no iba en detrimento de la supervivencia y de la capacidad de fijación de N2 de algunas cepas deR. phaseoli. La actividad de las bacterias parece verse estimulada por inundaciones de corta duración según se deduce del incremento en la nodulación y en la cosecha dePhaseolus vulgaris. Las distintas cepas mostraron diferencias en su habilidad para sobrevivir a la sequía, observándose una disminución en la población de todas las cepas a tensiones superiores a 15 bars. Las sales en disolución inhibieron el crecimiento deR. phaseoli a las concentraciones siguientes: 0.3% para los cloruros de Na y K, y 0.1% para los cloruros de Ca y Mg. Los efectos de los sulfatos de Na y K a una concentración de 0.3% fueron similares a los observados para los cloruros, excepto para el caso de la cepa C-05 que fue inhibida por 0.1% de sulfato de Na. El crecimiento medio, comparativo, de todas las cepas en un medio con un 0.1% de sales mostró que cloruros y sulfatos tenían un mismo grado de inhibición y que las sales de Na tenían el mayor efecto inhibidor, teniendo las de Mg el menor.

Résumé Des études effectuées sur la terre limoneuse de Rossmoyne par les techniques de numération sur gélose (PC) et d'anticorps fluorescents (FA) ont montré que l'inondation n'a pas d'effet défavorable sur la survie et la capacité à fixer l'azote de certaines souches deR. phaseoli. Une brève inondation du sol parait stimuler l'activité des bactéries, comme l'indique le fait que la nodulation et le rendement dePhaseolus vulgaris sont accrus. L'aptitude des souches à survivre à la dessication est variable. D'autre part, les populations de toutes les souches diminuent lorsque la tension d'humidité dépasse 15 bars. Les concentrations salines inhibant la croissance deR. phaseoli en milieu liquide sont de 0,3% pour le chlorure de Na et de K, et de 0,1% pour le chlorure de Ca et de Mg. Les sulfates de Na et de K sont, comme les chlorures, inhibiteurs à la concentration de 0,3%, sauf dans le cas de la souche C-05 qui est inhibée par 0,1% de sulfate de Na. A la concentration de 0,1%, les chlorures et les sulfates exercent le même degré d'inhibition sur toutes les souches, mais les sels de Na sont plus inhibiteurs que ceux de Mg. En conclusion, certaines souches deR. phaseoli peuvent survivre à l'inondation, à la dessication et à l'action des sels en nombres suffisants pour initier la formation de nodules.

The effects of salt stress on nitrogenase (N2-ase) activity, growth and nitrogen content ofVicia faba (L.),Medicago sativa (L.) Merrill,Glycine max andVigna sinensis (L.) were investigated. Four levels of salinity were applied and salt treatments were imposed on inoculated and N-fertilized plants.M. sativa tolerated mild levels of salinity but higher salt concentrations depressed N2-ase activity of this species. The other three legumes were considerably affected by salt treatments, and N2-ase activity was significantly reduced by salinity. Vicia faba, carrying elongate nodules, could restore a partial N2-ase activity upon recovery from salt stress whereasG. max andV. sinesis, both with spherical nodules, could not regain significant activity when salinity was removed. Salt stress retarded growth of both inoculated and N-fertilized plants. The nitrogen content of both treatments was also affected by salinity and the effect was more severe for inoculated than N-fertilized plants.  相似文献   

Addition of the essential oil ofHyssopus officinalis to the culture medium ofAspergillus fumigatus induced alterations in both growth and lipid composition of this mould. Total lipids and sterols were reduced, whereas total phospholipids were increased. There were alterations in the proportions of fatty acids, neutral lipid and phospholipid fractions.  相似文献   

在盐芥抽苔期用不同浓度NaCl进行处理,测定单株生长量、苔茎叶和根系的质膜透性、MDA含量、苔茎叶的超氧阴离子(O-2)含量,苔茎叶的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)等的活性。结果表明:低浓度NaCl处理盐芥单株干重增加,高浓度NaCl处理则降低盐芥单株的干重,鲜重有抑制作用;盐处理后盐芥地上部质膜透性逐渐增加,地下部质膜透性、叶片中的丙二醛(MDA)和超氧阴离子(O-2)含量先降低后升高。抗氧化酶系统中的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性先升高后降低,过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)的活性呈上升趋势。表明低浓度的盐处理对盐芥生长有利,活性氧及丙二醛(MDA)含量减少,而高浓度的盐处理后,抗氧化酶不能及时将活性氧类清除,从而导致活性氧及MDA积累,引起质膜伤害,盐芥生长量降低。  相似文献   

Actinorhizal plants are able to overcome saline soils and reclaim land. Frankia sp strain CcI6 was isolated from nodules of Casuarina cunninghamiana found in Egypt. Phylogenetic analysis of Frankia sp. strain CcI6 revealed that the strain is closely related to Frankia sp. strain CcI3. The strain displays an elevated level of NaCl tolerance. Vesicle production and nitrogenase activity were also influenced by NaCl.  相似文献   

Environmental control plots adjusted to late season drought and elevated soil temperatures where inoculated at peanut planting with low and high levels of conidia, sclerotia, and mycelium from a brown conidial mutant ofAspergillus parasiticus. Percentage infection of peanut seeds from undamaged pods was greatest for the subplot containing the high sclerotial inoculum (15/cm2 soil surface). Sclerotia did not germinate sporogenically and may have invaded seeds through mycelium. In contrast, the mycelial inoculum (colonized peanut seed particles) released large numbers of conidia into soil. Soil conidial populations of brownA. parasiticus from treatments with conidia and mycelium were positively correlated with the incidence of seed infection in undamaged pods. The ratio ofA. flavus to wild-typeA. parasiticus in soil shifted from 7:3 to 1:1 in the uninoculated subplot after instigation of drought, whereas in all subplots treated with brownA. parasiticus, the ratio of the two species became approximately 8:2. Despite high levels of brownA. parasiticus populations in soil, nativeA. flavus often dominated peanut seeds, suggesting that it is a more aggressive species. Sclerotia of wild-typeA. parasiticus formed infrequently on preharvest peanut seeds from insect-damaged pods.  相似文献   

It is now well established that almost all phases of root nodule development in legumes are adversely affected by saline conditions in the rooting medium. There is also a general agreement that the rhizobia are more tolerant to salt stress than the host plant, but they show considerable strain variability in growth and survival under saline conditions. Inhibitory effect of salinity on nodulation has been attributed to decrease in rhizobial colonisation and shrinkage and lack of root hair formation. Salt stress also induces premature senescence of already formed nodules. Both N2-fixation activity and nodule respiration are inhibited sharply on exposure of plants to saline conditions. The decrease in N2-fixation has been ascribed to direct effect on nitrogenase activity or an indirect effect through decrease in leghemoglobin content, respiratory rate, malate concentrations in nodules and photosynthate availability. Salinity increases oxygen diffusion resistance in the nodules and alters their ultrastructure. Decrease in N2-fixation in nodules under salinity is also accompanied by parallel decrease in the activity of H2O2-scavenging enzymes like catalase, ascorbate peroxidase and the level of antioxidants like ascorbic acid. Nodules appear to undergo osmoregulation under saline conditions by accumulating physiologically compatible solutes like proline, sugars (pinnitol) and lactic acid. The intensity of the adverse effects of salinity on nodule functioning depends on plant species, rhizobial strain, duration of exposure to saline conditions, nature, concentration and mode of salt application.  相似文献   

Effect of salt stress on plant gene expression: A review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Soil salinity is an important agricultural problem, particularly since the majority of crop plants have low salt tolerance. The identification of genes whose expression enables plants to adapt to or tolerate salt stress is essential for breeding programs, but little is known about the genetic mechanisms for salt tolerance. Recent research demonstrates that salt stress modulates the levels of a number of gene products. Although the detection of gene products that respons specifically to salt stress is a significant finding, they must be identified, functions assigned, and their relation to salt tolerance determined. This article focuses on a few of the salt-responsive proteins and mRNAs that have been discovered and the methods employed to identify and characterize them.  相似文献   

The effects of gibberellic acid (GA3), kinetin (KIN), benzyladenine and ethylene (E) on mitotic activity and chromosomal aberrations in root tips of barley seeds (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. “Bülbül 89”) germinated under salt stress were investigated. It was determined that all of these plant growth regulators (PGRs) decreased mitotic index in root tips of barley seeds germinated at 20 °C and in distilled water. Furthermore, some of the PGRs studied increased significantly the frequency of chromosomal aberrations. The frequency of chromosomal aberrations in seeds treated with E and KIN was considerably higher than in the seeds germinated under nonstress conditions. The inhibitory effect of salt stress on mitotic index increased with increasing salt concentration (0.30, 0.35, 0.40 and 0.45 molal, m). GA3 and KIN pretreatments showed a successful performance in ameliorating the negative effects of increasing salinity on mitotic activity. The number of chromosomal aberrations also increased with increasing NaCl concentration. However, most of the PGR pretreatments studied alleviated the detrimental effects of increasing salinity on chromosomal aberrations. KIN pretreatment at 0.30 and 0.35 m salinity could not rescued the cytogenetic activity of salt stress on this parameter.  相似文献   

The effect of chronic salt loading in rats fed regular chow diet on renal Na-K-ATPase was studied. The high salt intake was associated with increased filtered load of sodium (control: 126 +/- 3.9 mueq/min, salt loaded: 146 +/- 2.5, mueq/min, P less than 0.001), increased net reabsorption of sodium (control: 125.3 +/- 3.9 mueq/min, salt load: 134.8 +/- 2.4 mueq/min, P less than 0.05), increased urinary excretion of potassium (control: 2.4 +/- 0.09 mueq/min/min; salt loaded: 3.0 +/- 0.1 mueq/min, P less than 0.001) and increase in single kidney weight (control: 0.798 +/- 0.010 g, salt loaded: 0.937 +/- 0.015 g, P less than 0.001). The above mentioned changes were associated with significant increase in renal microsomal and whole homogenate medullary Na-K-ATPase activity in the salt loaded group (microsomes: control 74.1 +/- 4.9 mumole Pi/mg prot/hr, salt loaded 112.7 +/- 6.0 mumole Pi/mg prot/hr, P less than 0.001; whole homogenate: control 22.7 +/- 1.0 mumole Pi/mg prot/hr, salt load 29.4 +/- 1.6 mumole Pi/mg prot/hr, P less than 0.005), while cortical and papillary Na-K-ATPase activity remained unchanged. Taken together, these results show that increased filtered and reabsorbed load of sodium, which follows high salt intake, is associated with an increased renal Na-K-ATPase activity. The preferential rise in medullary enzymatic activity may be interpreted as suggesting that these changes may stem from increased delivery and reabsorption of sodium in the ascending limb of Henle's loop.  相似文献   

盐胁迫对杂交酸模叶片光合活性的抑制作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以杂交酸模(Rumex K-1)为试材,研究了不同浓度(100~300 mmol·L-1) KCl和NaCl胁迫对杂交酸模幼苗叶片光合活性及渗透调节的影响.结果表明:200 mmol·L-1浓度的NaCl对杂交酸模幼苗叶片光合活性的抑制作用大于KCl;当浓度增大到300 mmol·L-1时,KCl对杂交酸模叶片光合活性的抑制作用显著大于NaCl.300 mmol·L-1 KCl和NaCl处理植株的叶片水势分别为-0.93 MPa和-1.05 MPa,渗透势分别为-1.43 MPa和-1.10 MPa,说明KCl对杂交酸模植株过多的伤害不是渗透胁迫造成的;经过300 mmol·L-1KCl胁迫后,杂交酸模叶片中Na+含量急剧降到对照植株的11.4%,而补充25 mmol·L-1 NaCl可以明显缓解KCl对杂交酸模光合活性的伤害,说明Na+的亏缺和高浓度K+的积聚可能是导致高浓度KCl对杂交酸模光合活性的伤害比NaCl更严重的主要原因.  相似文献   

By estimating the respiratory activity of various chicken embryonal organs we have noted that it was the highest for the kidney tissues and lower and lower for liver, brain and heart tissues. After the addition of ethanol to the culture medium we may conclude that ethanol 2,5% does not substantially alter the cellular respiratory activity, whereas ethanol 5% remarkably appears to inhibit it. In fact for this last condition the heart and kidney fragments, when are transplanted after 48 hours in "pendent drop", result rarely surviving.  相似文献   

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