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Workers' conditions in accordance with their place of work are different from one area to another, especially in this reformation era where there are immense alterations in politics shown from the centralized government shifting to decentralization and district autonomy. Ergonomics problems in Indonesia are reviewed. In home industries, workers have to adjust themselves to their jobs, and ergonomic improvement may face significant impediments especially in small-scale industries. It is necessary to create or identify the most plausible model to be implemented in accordance with the conditions of districts, including low awareness about the relation between ergonomics and workers' productivity in producing goods and services and working processes scattered often at their own houses. As conditions conducive to ergonomics programs, district-level willingness to improve and increase the wealth of their society, recognition by businesses about the impacts of ergonomics on productivity and reduction of medical treatment costs may be mentioned. Labor unions support ergonomic improvements at production processes, and professionals and academicians are ready to assist, whereas national banks and foreign investment may encourage new technologies including ergonomics aspects. It is important to strengthen ergonomic improvement efforts in Indonesia through establishing district ergonomics improvement networks and ergonomics peer leaders with the support of continual training starting from the training of core leaders at the province level and extending to peer leaders at district level. This training should be made as simple as possible in order to facilitate innovations toward changes. Finally assistance is needed by the mentor teams in order to periodically monitor the improvements undertaken.  相似文献   

Occupational health problems in developing countries, especially those situated in the tropical zone, are difficult to define. The conditions are more adverse in unorganized small-scale industries. The application of ergonomic principles in the practice of occupational health in developing countries must be subject to all aspects of community health and impact of industrialization as well. Ergonomics offers a broad concept to health scientists in developing countries. "Systems ergonomics" is not applicable. On the contrary, the fact that ergonomics conveys a different meaning to those in developing countries is highlighted by a few examples from Sri Lanka. The author presents his view for consideration in the development of international instruments to prescribe the sale of guarded machinery to developing countries and the limitation of incentive schemes for performing arduous tasks leading to occupational illnesses.  相似文献   

There are so many definitions for ergonomics terms such as human factors, human factors engineering, human engineering, human factors psychology, engineering psychology, applied ergonomics, occupational ergonomics, industrial ergonomics and industrial engineering. The most inclusive terms are ergonomics and human factors. Both represent the study of work and the interaction between people and their work environmental systems. The main objective is especially fitting with the need to design, develop, implement and evaluate human-machine and environment systems that are productive, comfortable, safe and satisfying to use. The work of the ergonomists in Indonesia--most of them are academicians--have one thing in common, i.e. with the appropriate type of ergonomic approaches to interventions; there would be improvements in productivity, quality of working conditions, occupational safety and health (OSH), costs reduction, better environment, and increase in profits. So many researches, training, seminars and socialization about ergonomics and OSH have been done concerning micro-to-macro themes; but it seems that we are practically still running at the same place up to now. In facts, workers are still working using their traditional or obsolete methods in poor working conditions. Accidents are still happening inside and outside industry with the main root-cause being human "unsafe behavior" and errors. Industrial products cannot compete in the global market, and so many manufacturing industries collapsed or relocated to foreign countries. This paper discusses such a roadmap and review what we ergonomists in Indonesia have done and where we are going to? This review will be treated in the field of ergonomics and OSH to take care the future Indonesia challenges. Some of the challenges faced are care for the workers, care for the people, care for the quality and productivity of work, care for the new advanced technologies, care for the environment, and last but not least care for the nation.  相似文献   

A large number of establishments in the garment industries of the world are situated in the southeastern part of Asia where labor is plentiful and cheap. Recent reports and observational studies suggest that employees in this industry often work under difficult conditions that are unacceptable in industrialized countries. This paper reports the results of an ergonomic study in an export garment manufacturing plant in South East Asia to evaluate the working conditions of the plant from an ergonomics/human factors perspective and to suggest possible solutions to management for implementation. The investigation was done by a questionnaire survey and by observations and measurements in the workplace. The results indicated that the plant conditions were stressful, involving long work hours with poor safety and labor relations, and that work equipment and the physical workplace design were acceptable ergonomic practices. A low-cost solution, presented to management by the investigators, was implemented and, over a period of six months, seemed to be the dominant reason for significant improvements in throughput (14.6%), reduction in absenteeism (65%), job satisfaction (40%), decrease in employee turnover (75%), and reduction in health complaints (50%).  相似文献   

The ability to quantify and compare the movements of organisms is a central focus of many studies in biology, anthropology, biomechanics, and ergonomics. However, while the importance of functional motion analysis has long been acknowledged, quantitative methods for identifying differences in motion have not been widely developed. In this article, we present an approach to the functional analysis of motion and quantification of motion types. Our approach, Procrustes Motion Analysis (PMA) can be used to distinguish differences in cyclical, repeated, or goal-directed motions. PMA exploits the fact that any motion can be represented by an ordered sequence of postures exhibited throughout the course of a motion. Changes in posture from time step to time step form a trajectory through a multivariate data space, representing a specific motion. By evaluating the size, shape, and orientation of these motion trajectories, it is possible to examine variation in motion type within and among groups or even with respect to continuous variables. This represents a significant analytical advance over current approaches. Using simulated and digitized data representing cyclical, repeated and goal-directed motions, we show that PMA correctly identifies distinct motion tasks in these data sets.  相似文献   

The dimensions of the living and working space and buildings, the types of material and different riggings should be designed to conform to the users' anthropometric measures. The first requirement to design on ergonomic system is to measure the human being who will work and live in that system. Because of this, anthropometric measures are the most frequently used ergonomic data during the design process. In this research paper, we attempt to organize a new data base of anthropometric data to use in the design of children's equipment and furniture used in crèches. A starting point for research on the proper dimensions of creche furniture is to investigate how the dimensions of furniture reflect the body dimensions and the functional needs of the children using furniture. The anthropometric data of 3, 4 and 5 year-old-children in crèches was used. We report the results of the measurements of 18 anthropometric characteristics of children which constitute a set of basic data for the design of functional spaces and furniture.  相似文献   

Animal husbandry and working conditions for livestock farmers have changed significantly in recent years as agriculture has been exposed to economic as well as health, environmental and ethical challenges. The idea of interdependent welfare between humans and animals is more relevant now than ever. Here, we innovatively bridge two disciplines—ergonomics and applied ethology—to achieve an in-depth observational understanding of real husbandry practice (by farmers, inseminators, vets) at work. Ergonomics aims to gain a detailed understanding of human activity in its physical, sensitive and cognitive dimensions in relation to a task. It also aims to transform work situations through a systemic approach drawing on multiple levers for change. Here, we examine how this analysis holds up to the inclusion of animals as an integral component of the livestock farmer’s work situation. Applied ethology studies behaviours in animals managed by humans. It aims to understand how these animals perceive their environment, including how they construct their relationship with the livestock farmer. This paper proposes an original conception of the human–animal relationship in animal husbandry that employs core structural concepts from both disciplines. From an ergonomic point of view, we address the human–animal relations by examining the relationship between ‘prescribed’ and real work practices, between work and personal life situation, between professional task and human activity. On the applied ethology side of the equation, the human–animal relationship is a process built through communication and regular interactions between two ‘partners’ who know each other. The goal is to understand how each partner perceives the other according to their multimodal sensory world and their cognitive and emotional capacities, and to predict the outcome of future interactions. We cross-analyse these scientific views to show, based on examples, how and in what way they can intersect to bring better analysis of these human–animal relationships. We reflect on common working hypotheses and situated observational approaches based on indicators (behaviour and animal and human welfare/health). This analysis prompts us to clarify what human–animal relational practice means in animal husbandry work, i.e. a strategy employed by the livestock farmer to work safely and efficiently in a healthy environment, where the animal is treated as a partner in the relationship. In this perspective, the challenge is for the livestock farmer’s activity to co-build a positive relationship and avoid being subject to this one.  相似文献   

It is an acknowledged fact that Iranian carpet weavers are subject to excessive fatigue. Earlier investigation has shown this to be largely due to a non-ergonomic body position while working at a traditional loom. It would appear that significantly increased production could be achieved by eliminating or reducing this fatigue. An Iranian engineer has attempted to do this by inventing a metal loom which takes ergonomic factors into consideration. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the new loom by comparing the productivity of two groups in Kerman, Iran: one using the new ergonomic loom and the other using the traditional loom. In preliminary investigations various factors were taken into account so that the two groups might be considered comparable. After several observations the average productivity of each weaver was calculated (according to knots per day). The results showed that the ergonomic loom had the highest productivity figures for both sexes and that increased productivity was directly related to the degree of comfort of the carpet weavers.  相似文献   

Reflecting diversifying shift systems, extensive effort is put into managing shiftwork and reducing safety and health risks. It is accepted that shiftworkers are exposed to particular risks inherent in their irregular work schedules. This raises the question of how and to what extent we can ensure healthy work life for shiftworkers. In answering the question, we need to identify effective measures to improve both shiftworking conditions and the health of shiftworkers. Based on recent experiences in managing shiftwork, we note three directions of such measures: (a) comprehensive action to avoid risk-enhancing conditions based on general guidelines, (b) risk control as to workload, worksite ergonomics and risk reduction, and (c) support for flexible and restful working life. International standards are obviously relevant to these three aspects. Our own experiences in applying a set of ergonomic checkpoints to plant maintenance shiftwork demonstrate the usefulness of focusing on flexible work schedules and on multiple job-related factors such as night workload, ergonomic environment, resting conditions and training. There is a strong need for participatory planning and implementation of multi-area improvements as well as for relying on flexible schedules and autonomic teamwork. We may conclude that healthy shiftwork and healthy shiftworkers are compatible with each other only when certain conditions are met. In achieving this end, we need to combine (a) comprehensive measures to improve work schedules and job life, (b) strict risk management and (c) locally adjusted participatory steps for continual improvement.  相似文献   

Human stress reactions are responses to physical, biotic, and sociocultural stimuli that lead to appraisal of the need for adaptive activity. Commonly used measures of stress in anthropology, such as questionnaires, are subjective in nature and inappropriate for cross-cultural comparisons. Physiological measures of stress, such as urinary levels of catecholamines and corticosteroids, are applicable for these comparisons and may have wide utility in anthropological fieldwork, particularly for: studies of culture change, identification of highly stressed groups or individuals within groups, and observations of temporal patterns of stress in human populations . [stress, biocultural anthropology, adaptation, physiological anthropology, human ecology]  相似文献   

An assistive device is designed to accommodate the special needs of disability that can help people with physical, mental or cognitive challenges go through their day-to-day activities with less difficulty. An assistive device usually provide alternatives to functional limitations imposed by the client's disorder, and thereby minimising rehabilitation costs. It is therefore important to know about how assistive technology will function in all the possible aspects of such disabilities and impairements. When designing a technical device, particularly in conjunction with the target user group, ergonomic issues are therefore important to find out the extent to which an assistive device is convenient or not, and to check the quality performance of assistive technology. Since the question of the match or mismatch of an assistive device and a disabled person requires much attention, it is therefore suggested that paying attention on how an assistive device be ergonomically designed and developed is important. Ergonomic applications are to be applied for increasing motivation of prospective customers through innovative performance of AT. The authors believe that there are opportunities in ergonomic applications to manufacture an assistive device as unique, cost saving, and allows less exertation and reduces energy consumption when it is used. Hence this paper highlights human factors and/or ergonomics consideration in the process of design and development of assistive devices synchronising with gerontechnological research and development aiming to emphasise user's requirement.  相似文献   

Occupational shoulder musculoskeletal injuries and disorders are common. Generally available shoulder work analysis tools do not offer insight into specific muscle load magnitudes that may indicate increased risk, nor do they address many concerns germane to job analysis. To address these issues, a biomechanical model of the shoulder was developed to include several critical components: the systematic inclusion of kinematic and kinetic effects, population scalability, geometric realism, an empirical glenohumeral constraint, and integration with digital ergonomics analysis software tools. This unique combination of features in a single model was explored through examination of both experimental and simulated data with the developed analysis tool. The utility of the model is discussed together with a review of its specific strengths and weaknesses, and the potential for its future use in proactive ergonomic analyses and workplace simulations.  相似文献   

An old adage in anthropology holds that societies perpetuate their moral codes by the manner in which people raise their children, but socialization is far more than the straightforward passing on of culture. Rather, culture acquisition is a highly conflictual process, rich in contested meanings. What other theorists have shown on the level of cultural systems, this analysis intends to show at the level of micro-interactive processes. The article examines Samoan child-rearing routines, subjective reactions to these routines, the manner in which these reactions are in conformity and in resistance to cultural norms, and the discourse through which Samoan society finally strives to temper the resisting subject. By taking the conflictual dimensions of the socialization process into account, the article describes and analyzes indigenous perspectives on Samoan temperament. These perspectives have the potential to reconcile certain vehement disagreements that characterize the ethnography of the self in Samoa.  相似文献   

Occupational shoulder musculoskeletal injuries and disorders are common. Generally available shoulder work analysis tools do not offer insight into specific muscle load magnitudes that may indicate increased risk, nor do they address many concerns germane to job analysis. To address these issues, a biomechanical model of the shoulder was developed to include several critical components: the systematic inclusion of kinematic and kinetic effects, population scalability, geometric realism, an empirical glenohumeral constraint, and integration with digital ergonomics analysis software tools. This unique combination of features in a single model was explored through examination of both experimental and simulated data with the developed analysis tool. The utility of the model is discussed together with a review of its specific strengths and weaknesses, and the potential for its future use in proactive ergonomic analyses and workplace simulations.  相似文献   


1. 1. In the present study two new, ergonomically designed, low-cost prototypes of protective work-wear for furnace workers of five hot metal and three glass factories in West Bengal were developed and evaluated on the basis of objective and subjective assessments.

2. 2. The objective assessments included the thermal data of the workplaces during summer and winter months, data on accidents and workers' physiological responses such as pulse rates, core and skin temperatures and sweat loss during work with the existing as well as work-wear. The subjective assessments were from questionnaires on the merits and demerits of the existing and new work-wear and the comfort votes.

3. 3. The study recommended the use of ergonomically designed, low-cost, washable, ventilated, vapour permeable, flame-retardant, radiant-heat-reflecting type special work clothing (Prototype No.II) by the workers to reduce the heat stress, accident risks and the physiological costs and to increase efficiency and productivity.

Author Keywords: Design ergonomics; work-wear; protective clothing; furnace-workers; India  相似文献   

Working memory is a basic cognitive process that temporarily maintains the information necessary for the performance of many complex tasks such as reading comprehension, learning and reasoning. Working memory includes two storage components: phonological and visuospatial, and a central executive control. The objective of this study was to identify possible circadian rhythms in phonological and visuospatial storage components of working memory using a constant routine protocol. Participants were eight female undergraduate students, aged 17.5±0.93, range = 16 - 19 years old. They were recorded in the laboratory in a constant routine protocol during 30 h. Rectal temperature was recorded every minute; subjective sleepiness and tiredness, as well as phonological and visuospatial working memory tasks, were assessed each hour. There were circadian variations in correct responses in phonological and visuospatial working memory tasks. Cross-correlation analysis showed a 1-h phase delay of the phonological storage component and a 3-h phase delay of the visuospatial storage component with respect to rectal temperature. This result may explain the changes in the performance of many complex tasks during the day.  相似文献   

This article compares the status of "culture" as a politically engaged concept in Franz Boas's time and in our own time. Taking a Boasian approach to "neo-Boasianism," I examine the limits of this comparability in order to shed light on the nature of public culture-talk today and to identify dimensions of the Boasian concept of "culture" particularly relevant to a contemporary anthropology.  相似文献   

This study aimed to develop, compare and validate two versions of a video analysis method for assessment of low back moments during occupational lifting tasks since for epidemiological studies and ergonomic practice relatively cheap and easily applicable methods to assess low back loads are needed. Ten healthy subjects participated in a protocol comprising 12 lifting conditions. Low back moments were assessed using two variants of a video analysis method and a lab-based reference method. Repeated measures ANOVAs showed no overall differences in peak moments between the two versions of the video analysis method and the reference method. However, two conditions showed a minor overestimation of one of the video analysis method moments. Standard deviations were considerable suggesting that errors in the video analysis were random. Furthermore, there was a small underestimation of dynamic components and overestimation of the static components of the moments. Intraclass correlations coefficients for peak moments showed high correspondence (>0.85) of the video analyses with the reference method. It is concluded that, when a sufficient number of measurements can be taken, the video analysis method for assessment of low back loads during lifting tasks provides valid estimates of low back moments in ergonomic practice and epidemiological studies for lifts up to a moderate level of asymmetry.  相似文献   

Following out certain implications of the 1980s Writing Culture critique, this paper envisions a future for anthropology that remains focused on innovations in the ethnographic research process. A sense of change in the world, conceived in the 1980s as postmodernity and now widely discussed as globalisation, suggests the need for an alternative paradigm of ethnographic practice, different in significant ways from that which shaped social‐cultural anthropology over the previous eighty years. Based on working through the implications for the norms and forms of both fieldwork and ethnographic writing of the multi‐sited design of many current research projects, this paper outlines such an alternative paradigm. Further, the paper argues that the explicit disciplinary dynamic driving such innovation in ethnography is, in contrast to the so‐called crisis of representation of the 1980s, a more urgent crisis of reception for anthropology.  相似文献   

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