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Unique DNA sequences homologous to the linear DNA plasmid pRS64 were investigated in chromosomal DNAs of isolates belonging to anastomosis group 4 (AG-4) of the plant pathogenic fungus Rhizoctonia solani. Chromosome-sized DNAs of isolates RI-64 and 1271 of AG-4 were separated into six bands by orthogonal-field-alternation gel electrophoresis and hybridized to a cloned segment of pRS64. A small chromosome-sized DNA band of approximately 1.1 Mb carried the sequences homologous to pRS64 DNA. Sequences homologous to pRS64 were also maintained within the chromosomal DNA of isolate 127.1 of AG-4 which does not possess the plasmid. The plasmid showed no homology to the mitochondrial DNA of isolate 1271. The possibility that the linear plasmid pRS64 may act as a transposable genetic element is discussed.  相似文献   

The plant pathogenic isolate RI-64 of anastomosis group 4 of Rhizoctonia solani possesses three linear DNA plasmids (pRS64-1, -2, and -3). Unique poly(A) RNA, 0.5 kb in length and hybridizable with the pRS64 DNAs was found in mycelial cells of the isolate RI-64. The overall homology at the nucleotide level between pRS64-1, -2, and -3, and the cDNA prepared from the poly(A) RNA was 100%, 73%, and 84%, respectively. The open reading frames found in pRS64-1, -2, and -3 (ORF1-1, ORF2-1, and ORF3-1) are 68 amino acids long. The amino acids sequence showed no significant homology with known proteins. Extracts from Escherichia coli cells expressing ORF1-1 contain a specific protein of 7 kDa. Antisera raised against the ORF1-1 product obtained from E. coli cells cross-reacted with the specific proteins found in the mycelia. The results indicate that the DNA plasmids found in R. solani contain a sequence that encodes a specific protein which may be involved in determination of plant pathogenicity.  相似文献   

Rhizoctonia solani is a ubiquitous basidiomycetous soilborne fungal pathogen causing damping-off of seedlings, aerial blights and postharvest diseases. To gain insight into the molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis a global approach based on analysis of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) was undertaken. To get broad gene-expression coverage, two normalized EST libraries were developed from mycelia grown under high nitrogen-induced virulent and low nitrogen/methylglucose-induced hypovirulent conditions. A pilot-scale assessment of gene diversity was made from the sequence analyses of the two libraries. A total of 2280 cDNA clones was sequenced that corresponded to 220 unique sequence sets or clusters (contigs) and 805 singlets, making up a total of 1025 unique genes identified from the two virulence-differentiated cDNA libraries. From the total sequences, 295 genes (38.7%) exhibited strong similarities with genes in public databases and were categorized into 11 functional groups. Approximately 61.3% of the R. solani ESTs have no apparent homologs in publicly available fungal genome databases and are considered unique genes. We have identified several cDNAs with potential roles in fungal pathogenicity, virulence, signal transduction, vegetative incompatibility and mating, drug resistance, lignin degradation, bioremediation and morphological differentiation. A codon-usage table has been formulated based on 14694 R. solani EST codons. Further analysis of ESTs might provide insights into virulence mechanisms of R. solani AG 4 as well as roles of these genes in development, saprophytic colonization and ecological adaptation of this important fungal plant pathogen.  相似文献   

Rhizoctonia solani was found able to grow as a saprophyte through natural unsterilized soil. Its rate of growth under different soil conditions in glass tumblers was studied by the Rossi-Cholodny soil-plate method. Growth was most rapid at the lowest soil-moisture content tested, viz. 30 % saturation, and was accelerated by forced aeration of the soil. The maximum distance to which mycelial growth could be supported on the food reserves of the agar inoculum alone was some 5 cm., as shown by extent of growth through tubes of moist sand, but in 23 days the fungus grew 21–24 cm through tubes of soil. Removal of the agar disk 2 days after inoculation of the tubes reduced growth through sand by more than half, but through soil by only a small proportion. In soil, Rhizoctonia was able to cause 100% damping-off of radish seedlings planted at a radial distance of 4 cm. from the agar inoculum, and some 40 % damping-off at a distance of 9 cm. The depressing effect of additions of 1 % ground-wheat straw or dried grass to the soil upon growth of the fungus was attributed to (1) the negligible cellulose-decomposing ability of Rhizoctonia, (2) nitrogen starvation of the mycelium, through rapid utilization of the available soil nitrogen by the cellulose-decomposing micro-organisms multiplying upon the fresh organic material, (3) fungistatic action on Rhizoctonia of the respiratory carbon dioxide produced by the cellulose-decomposers.  相似文献   

Abstract A mycovirus (named FusoV) from the plant pathogenic fungus Fusarium solani possessed two types of double-stranded (ds) RNA genome, designated Ml and M2. RNA-dependent RNA polymerase activity was detected in FusoV particle fractions. An in vitro RNA polymerase reaction using purified FusoV particles that was supplemented with NTPs revealed the synthesis of single-stranded (ss) RNA species and a subsequent formation of dsRNAs having the same size as Ml and M2. The ssRNA species synthesized in the first stage were proved to be of positive polarity (coding strand) for both M1 and M2 by dot blot hybridization analysis. These results suggest that FusoV genomic dsRNA replicates in a conservative manner.  相似文献   

Summary Twenty-three strains of Cochliobolus heterostrophus were examined for the presence of plasmid DNA. One isolate, T40, contained a 1.9 kb sequence which occurred as a series of circular head-to-tail multimers with from 1 to 17 or more monomers per plasmid molecule. The plasmid was cloned in pBR322 to facilitate analysis. It was homologous to the mitochondrial chromosome of isolate T40 as well as to the mitochondrial DNAs of C. heterostrophus isolates that did not contain the plasmid; each isolate, including T40, had only one copy of the plasmid sequence integrated into the mitochondrial chromosome and the sequence mapped at the same location in all isolates tested. In the T40 isolate there were about 30 excised copies per chromosome in addition to the single integrated sequence. Presence of the plasmid had no apparent effect on the structural integrity of the mitochondrial chromosome. There was no detectable homology between the plasmid and either C. heterostrophus nuclear DNA or plasmids that have been isolated from mitochondria of Neurospora or Podospora. A circular map was constructed which has 6 sites for hexan-ucleotide-recognizing enzymes and the region of the splice site; no sites were detected in the plasmid for an additional 17 restriction enzymes. The plasmid functioned as an ARS (autonomously replicating sequence) in yeast, although it was highly unstable compared to other ARSs.  相似文献   

The aneuploid and heterokaryotic nuclear condition of the soil fungus Rhizoctonia solani have provided challenges in obtaining a complete genome sequence. To better aid in the assembly and annotation process, a protoplast and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-based method was developed to identify regenerated protoplasts with a reduced nuclear genome. Protocol optimization experiments showed that enzymatic digestion of mycelium from a 24 h culture of R. solani increased the proportion of protoplasts with a diameter of ≤7.5 μm and 1-4 nuclei. To determine whether strains regenerated from protoplasts with a reduced number of nuclei were genetically different from the parental strain, triallelic SNPs identified from variance records of the genomic DNA sequence reads of R. solani were used in PCR-based genotyping assays. Results from 16 of the 24 SNP-based PCR assays provided evidence that one of the three alleles was missing in the 11 regenerated protoplast strains, suggesting that these strains represent a reduced genomic complement of the parental strain. The protoplast and triallelic SNP-based method used in this study may be useful in strain development and analysis of other basidiomycete fungi with complex nuclear genomes.  相似文献   

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was employed to develop a specific assay for plant pathogenic mycoplasmalike organisms (MLOs). A cloned fragment of a plasmid from a severe strain of western aster yellows (AY)-MLO was sequenced to identify oligonucleotide primers for PCR. Amplified DNA fragments of the predicted size were obtained from DNA extracted from plants and insects infected with pear decline MLO, beet leafhopper-transmitted virescence agent, elm yellows MLO and several AY-MLO strains. No amplification occurred from healthy leafhopper or plant DNA. The PCR-based assay was over 500 times more sensitive than a _tilized_tion-based assay which _tilized a cloned AY plasmid fragment as a probe. With the PCR-based assay, MLOs could be detected using DNA samples of leafhoppers that were only crushed and boiled in buffer. Amplification of the target DNA was confirmed by digestion of the PCR product with Mbo I which yielded predicted sized fragments for all MLO strains except Bradford AY and eastern AY. Sequencing the PCR product from elm yellows and eastern AY-MLOs revealed greater than 90% homology, and the failure to restrict the PCR product with Mbo I was due to a single base change in the restriction endonuclease site. The ability of the assay to detect a wide range of MLOs with minimal sample preparation and high sensitivity will be useful in epidemiological studies of MLO-caused diseases.  相似文献   

The lectin isolated from the phytopathogenic basidiomycete Rhizoctonia solani (RSA) is a homodimer of two noncovalently associated monomers of 15.5 kDa. RSA is a basic protein (pI > 9) which consists mainly of beta-sheets. A presumed relationship with ricin-B is supported by the sequence similarity between the N-terminus of RSA and the N-terminal subdomain of ricin-B. Hydrophobic cluster analysis confirms that the N-terminus of both proteins has a comparable folding. RSA exhibits specificity towards Gal/GalNAc whereby the hydroxyls at the C3', C4', and C6' positions of the pyranose ring play a key role in the interaction with simple sugars. The carbohydrate-binding site of RSA apparently accommodates only a single sugar unit. Our results demonstrate an obvious evolutionary relationship between some fungal and plant lectins, but also provide evidence for the occurrence of a lectin consisting of subunits corresponding to a single subdomain of ricin-B.  相似文献   

Abstract Two kinds of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA), estimated to be 1.9 and 1.7 kb in size, were detected in the plant pathogenic fungus, Fusarium solani f. sp. robiniae . Isometric virus-like particles (VLPs), 30 nm in diameter, were recovered from cell extracts as a discrete band when centrifuged through a CsCl density gradient. The dsRNA molecules extracted from VLP preparations were identical in electrophoretic mobility to the dsRNAs obtained directly from cells. SDS-PAGE analysis of the VLPs revealed a single polypeptide of 38 kDa. The dsRNAs obtained directly from cells. SDS-PAGE analysis of the asexual cycle).  相似文献   

Summary Three linear DNA plasmids were found in isolate RI-64 of anastomosis group 4 (AG-4) of Rhizoctonia solani. These plasmids, designated pRS64-1, -2, and -3, possessed the same size of 2.7 kb. Restriction mapping and Southern hybridization analysis of pRS64-1, -2, and -3 revealed the presence of homologous regions at both termini. The plasmid DNAs were resistant to both 3-exonuclease and 5-exonuclease even after treatment with proteinase K or alkali. The length of both terminal fragments that were generated by restriction endonuclease digestion was doubled under the denaturation condition, indicating that the linear plasmid DNAs have hairpin loops at both termini. Southern blotting analysis of total DNA showed the presence of two types of dimeric forms of pRS64 DNA. One is a head-to-head dimer and the other is a tail-to-tail dimer. The role of these unique DNA structures in replication of the plasmids is discussed.  相似文献   

Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology - l-Amino acid oxidases (L-AAOs) catalyze the oxidative deamination of l-amino acids to the corresponding α-keto acids, ammonia, and hydrogen peroxide....  相似文献   

The DNA-processing region of the Enterococcus faecalis pheromone-responsive plasmid pCF10 is highly similar to that of the otherwise unrelated plasmid pRS01 from Lactococcus lactis. A transfer-proficient pRS01 derivative was unable to mobilize plasmids containing the pCF10 origin of transfer, oriT. In contrast, pRS01 oriT-containing plasmids could be mobilized by pCF10 at a low frequency. Relaxases PcfG and LtrB were both capable of binding to single-stranded oriT DNAs; LtrB was highly specific for its cognate oriT, whereas PcfG could recognize both pCF10 and pRS01 oriT. However, pcfG was unable to complement an ltrB insertion mutation. Genetic analysis showed that pcfF of pCF10 and ltrF of pRS01 are also essential for plasmid transfer. Purified PcfF and LtrF possess double-stranded DNA binding activities for the inverted repeat within either oriT sequence. PcfG and LtrB were recruited into their cognate F-oriT DNA complex through direct interactions with their cognate accessory protein. PcfG also could interact with LtrF when pCF10 oriT was present. In vivo cross-complementation analysis showed that ltrF partially restored the pCF10DeltapcfF mutant transfer ability when provided in trans, whereas pcfF failed to complement an ltrF mutation. Specificity of conjugative DNA processing in these plasmids involves both DNA-protein and protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

Double-stranded, 1.9-kilobase-pair (kbp) DNA molecules were found in 18 strains representing three pathogenic races of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. conglutinans. The DNA element (pFOXC1) from a race 1 strain and the DNA element (pFOXC2) from a race 2 strain were shown by restriction endonuclease mapping to be linear. pFOXC2 was found in mitochondrial preparations and appears to have blocked 5' termini, as it was sensitive to 3'----5' exonuclease III but insensitive to 5'----3' lambda exonuclease. The major 1.8-kbp BglII restriction endonuclease fragment of pFOXC2 was cloned in plasmid pUC12. The recombinant plasmid (pCK1) was not homologous to the mitochondrial or nuclear genomes from F. oxysporum f. sp. conglutinans. This suggests that pFOXC2 is self-replicating. pCK1 was homologous to all 1.9-kbp DNA elements of race 2 but was not homologous to those of race 1 or race 5. All race 1 and 5 elements were also shown to share common DNA sequences.  相似文献   

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