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An Escherichia coli strain bearing the dnaQ49 mutation, which results in a defective s subunit of DNA polymerase III, and carrying the lexA71 mutation, which causes derepression of the SOS regulon, is totally unable to maintain high-copy-number plasmids containing the umuDC operon. The strain is also unable to maintain the pAN4 plasmid containing a partial deletion of the umuD gene but retaining the wild-type umuC gene. These results suggest that a high cellular level of UmuC is exceptionally harmful to the defective DNA polymerase III of the dnaQ49 mutant. We have used this finding as a basis for selection of new plasmid umuC mutants. The properties of two such mutants, bearing the umuC61 or umuC95 mutation, are described in detail. In the umuC122:: Tn 5 strain harbouring the mutant plasmids, UV-induced mutagenesis is severely decreased compared to that observed with the parental umuDC + plasmid. Interestingly, while the frequency of UV-induced GC AT transitions is greatly reduced, the frequency of AT TA transversions is not affected. Both mutant plasmids bear frameshift mutations within the same run of seven A residues present in umuC +; in umuC61 the run is shortened to six A whereas in umuC95 is lengthened to eight A. We have found in both umuC61 and umuC95 that translation is partially restored to the proper reading frame. We propose that under conditions of limiting amounts of UmuC, the protein preferentially facilitates processing of only some kinds of UV-induced lesions.  相似文献   

Plant components with bio-antimutagenic activity were screened on UVC (254 nm)-induced mutagenesis using E. coli B/r WP2. The components with a pyrogallol moiety including gallic acid, (-)-epicatechin gallate (ECG), (-)-epigallocatechin (EGC) and (-)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) reduced the mutation induction, but other components such as caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid and quercetin did not. The above compounds with a pyrogallol moiety were also effective on UVAB (295-400 nm)-induced mutagenesis, while they showed little effect on N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG)-induced mutagenesis. As this bio-antimutagenic effect was not seen in the DNA excision-repair-deficient strains WP2s and ZA159, the activity by the above plant components might be based on the promotion of the excision-repair system in E. coli B/r WP2.  相似文献   

The active form of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase V responsible for damage-induced mutagenesis is a multiprotein complex (UmuD'(2)C-RecA-ATP), called pol V Mut. Optimal activity of pol V Mut in vitro is observed on an SSB-coated single-stranded circular DNA template in the presence of the β/γ complex and a transactivated RecA nucleoprotein filament, RecA*. Remarkably, under these conditions, wild-type pol V Mut efficiently incorporates ribonucleotides into DNA. A Y11A substitution in the 'steric gate' of UmuC further reduces pol V sugar selectivity and converts pol V Mut into a primer-dependent RNA polymerase that is capable of synthesizing long RNAs with a processivity comparable to that of DNA synthesis. Despite such properties, Y11A only promotes low levels of spontaneous mutagenesis in vivo. While the Y11F substitution has a minimal effect on sugar selectivity, it results in an increase in spontaneous mutagenesis. In comparison, an F10L substitution increases sugar selectivity and the overall fidelity of pol V Mut. Molecular modeling analysis reveals that the branched side-chain of L10 impinges on the benzene ring of Y11 so as to constrict its movement and as a consequence, firmly closes the steric gate, which in wild-type enzyme fails to guard against ribonucleoside triphosphates incorporation with sufficient stringency.  相似文献   

We have investigated whether UV-induced mutations are created with equal efficiency on the leading and lagging strands of DNA replication. We employed an assay system that permits measurement of mutagenesis in the lacZ gene in pairs of near-identical strains. Within each pair, the strains differ only in the orientation of the lacZ gene with respect to the origin of DNA replication. Depending on this orientation, any lacZ target sequence will be replicated in one orientation as a leading strand and as a lagging strand in the other orientation. In contrast to previous results obtained for mutations resulting from spontaneous replication errors or mutations resulting from the spontaneous SOS mutator effect, measurements of UV-induced mutagenesis in uvrA strains fail to show significant differences between the two target orientations. These data suggest that SOS-mediated mutagenic translesion synthesis on the Escherichia coli chromosome may occur with equal or similar probability on leading and lagging strands.  相似文献   

Mak WB  Fix D 《Mutation research》2008,638(1-2):154-161
We investigated the effect of altering the DNA sequence surrounding a mutable target site on the production of ultraviolet light (UV) induced mutations. Site-directed base substitutions were incorporated on both sides of a TAA sequence encoding a UAA nonsense defect in the tyrA14 allele of Escherichia coli. This allele is readily revertable by UV and a total of eight different base substitution mutations can be recovered. Five different strains harboring DNA sequences allowing the formation of 5'-TT, 5'-CT and 5'-TA* photoproducts were constructed and exposed to UV. DNA sequence analysis was used to determine the spectrum of the revertants that were recovered. The results showed that changes at the 3'-base of a TT site were predominantly T to C transitions and T to A transversions. However, unlike the TT site, a 5'-CT site produced a relatively high frequency of T to G transversions. In addition, T to A transversions that could not have been targeted by a cyclobutane-type or [6-4]-type pyrimidine dimer were produced; this result suggested that these mutations may be targeted by a TA* photoproduct. Also, a distinct strand bias was noted for two mechanistically identical base substitutions in a strain having a palindromic target sequence; this result may reflect an unequal damage distribution or processing of photoproducts as a consequence of asymmetric DNA replication. Finally, our results show that DNA sequences expected to allow the greatest density of UV-induced DNA damage produce the highest mutation frequencies. Overall, these findings provide new insights regarding the role of DNA photoproducts in UV mutagenesis.  相似文献   

DNA is constantly exposed to chemical and environmental mutagens, causing lesions that can stall replication. In order to deal with DNA damage and other stresses, Escherichia coli utilizes the SOS response, which regulates the expression of at least 57 genes, including umuDC. The gene products of umuDC, UmuC and the cleaved form of UmuD, UmuD', form the specialized E. coli Y-family DNA polymerase UmuD'2C, or polymerase V (Pol V). Y-family DNA polymerases are characterized by their specialized ability to copy damaged DNA in a process known as translesion synthesis (TLS) and by their low fidelity on undamaged DNA templates. Y-family polymerases exhibit various specificities for different types of DNA damage. Pol V carries out TLS to bypass abasic sites and thymine-thymine dimers resulting from UV radiation. Using alanine-scanning mutagenesis, we probed the roles of two active-site loops composed of residues 31 to 38 and 50 to 54 in Pol V activity by assaying the function of single-alanine variants in UV-induced mutagenesis and for their ability to confer resistance to UV radiation. We find that mutations of the N-terminal residues of loop 1, N32, N33, and D34, confer hypersensitivity to UV radiation and to 4-nitroquinoline-N-oxide and significantly reduce Pol V-dependent UV-induced mutagenesis. Furthermore, mutating residues 32, 33, or 34 diminishes Pol V-dependent inhibition of recombination, suggesting that these mutations may disrupt an interaction of UmuC with RecA, which could also contribute to the UV hypersensitivity of cells expressing these variants.  相似文献   

The induction of mutations to valine resistance and to rifampin resistance occurs after UV irradiation in bacteria carrying a deletion through the polA gene (delta polA), showing that DNA polymerase I (PolI) is not an essential enzyme for this process. The PolI deletion strain showed a 7- to 10-fold-higher spontaneous mutation frequency than the wild type. The presence in the deletion strain of the 5'----3' exonuclease fragment on an F' episome caused an additional 10-fold increase in spontaneous mutation frequency, resulting in mutation frequencies on the order of 50- to 100-fold greater than wild type. The mutator effect associated with the 5'----3' exonuclease gene fragment together with much of the effect attributable to the polA deletion was blocked in bacteria carrying a umuC mutation. The mutator activity therefore appears to reflect constitutive SOS induction. Excision-proficient polA deletion strains exhibited increased sensitivity to the lethal effect of UV light which was only partially ameliorated by the presence of polA+ on an F' episome. The UV-induced mutation rate to rifampin resistance was marginally lower in delta polA bacteria than in bacteria carrying the polA+ allele. This effect is unlikely to be caused by the existence of a PolI-dependent mutagenic pathway and is probably an indirect effect caused by an alteration in the pattern of excision repair, since it did not occur in excision-deficient (uvrA) bacteria. An excision-deficient polA deletion strain possessed UV sensitivity similar to that of an isogenic strain carrying polA+ on an F' episome, showing that none of the functions of PolI are needed for postreplication repair in the absence of excision repair. Our data provide no evidence for a pathway of UV mutagenesis dependent on PolI, although it remains an open question whether PolI is able to participate when it is present.  相似文献   

Valyl-tRNA deprivation causes a threefold reduction of the polysome content of stringent cells but not of relaxed cells. The polysomes of valyl-tRNA-deprived stringent and relaxed cells decay in the presence of rifampin at a rate very similar to that observed in growing cells.Polysome assembly and decay were studied in valyl-tRNA-deprived stringent and relaxed strains after first causing the pre-existing polysomes to be converted to monosomes by glucose starvation. The capacity for polysome assembly is normal in relaxed cells and is reduced by a factor of three in stringent cells. The polysomes which reassemble in glucose-starved cells also decay in the presence of rifampin at a rate similar to that of the polysomes of growing cells. The polysomes which assemble in relaxed cells are potentially functionally competent, as shown by their ability to incorporate amino acids in an in vitro proteinsynthesizing system. Valyl-tRNA deprivation causes an intense shift in the polysome size distribution in stringent cells, but only a moderate shift in relaxed cells. A model for the control of the polysome level in amino acid-starved cells, based on these observations, is presented here.  相似文献   

To study the involvement of DNA replication in UV-induced illegitimate recombination, we examined the effect of temperature-sensitive dnaB mutations on illegitimate recombination and found that the frequency of illegitimate recombination was reduced by an elongation-deficient mutation, dnaB14, but not by an initiation-deficient mutation, dnaB252. This result indicates that DNA replication is required for UV-induced illegitimate recombination. In addition, the dnaB14 mutation also affected spontaneous or UV-induced illegitimate recombination enhanced by the recQ mutation. Nucleotide sequence analyses of the recombination junctions showed that DnaB-mediated illegitimate recombination is short homology dependent. Previously, Michel et al. (B. Michel, S. Ehrlich, and M. Uzest, EMBO J. 16:430--438, 1997) showed that thermal treatment of the temperature-sensitive dnaB8 mutant induces double-stranded breaks, implying that induction of illegitimate recombination occurs. To explain the discrepancy between the observations, we propose a model for DnaB function, in which the dnaB mutations may exhibit two types of responses, early and late responses, for double-stranded break formation. In the early response, replication forks stall at damaged DNA, resulting in the formation of double-stranded breaks, and the dnaB14 mutation reduces the double-stranded breaks shortly after temperature shift-up. On the other hand, in the late response, the arrested replication forks mediated by the dnaB8 mutation may induce double-stranded breaks after prolonged incubation.  相似文献   

A computational procedure for identifying the minimal set of metabolic reactions capable of supporting various growth rates on different substrates is introduced and applied to a flux balance model of the Escherichia coli metabolic network. This task is posed mathematically as a generalized network optimization problem. The minimal reaction sets capable of supporting specified growth rates are determined for two different uptake conditions: (i) limiting the uptake of organic material to a single organic component (e.g., glucose or acetate) and (ii) allowing the importation of any metabolite with available cellular transport reactions. We find that minimal reaction network sets are highly dependent on the uptake environment and the growth requirements imposed on the network. Specifically, we predict that the E. coli network, as described by the flux balance model, requires 224 metabolic reactions to support growth on a glucose-only medium and 229 for an acetate-only medium, while only 122 reactions enable growth on a specially engineered growth medium.  相似文献   

Mechanism for induction of adaptive mutations in Escherichia coli   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
When bacterial cells are subjected to a strong selective pressure it often induces specific mutations. Here a model is considered in which errors are introduced at random in one of the strands of the DNA molecule: a nick in one of the strands can initiate strand displacement rendering a region of the chromosome single-stranded. Upon conversion back to double-stranded DNA there is a certain probability of introducing errors creating a heteroduplex. If an error results in the production of an mRNA molecule encoding a product which provides a selective advantage, growth will be stimulated and the mutation can be immortalized by chromosomal replication. Otherwise, the error can be corrected by the DNA 'proof-reading' enzymes.  相似文献   

UV-induced mutagenesis was investigated in the uvrB strain and its isogenic counterpart overproducing the single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB). It was demonstrated that overproduction of SSB significantly increases the frequency of mutation. Our results indicate that such an increase might be due to certain abnormalities in induction of the SOS response (untimely and prolonged activation of the RecA protein).  相似文献   

YqjH and YqjW are Bacillus subtilis homologs of the UmuC/DinB or Y superfamily of DNA polymerases that are involved in SOS-induced mutagenesis in Escherichia coli. While the functions of YqjH and YqjW in B. subtilis are still unclear, the comparisons of protein structures demonstrate that YqjH has 36% identity to E. coli DNA polymerase IV (DinB protein), and YqjW has 26% identity to E. coli DNA polymerase V (UmuC protein). In this report, we demonstrate that both YqjH and the products of the yqjW operon are involved in UV-induced mutagenesis in this bacterium. Furthermore, resistance to UV-induced damage is significantly reduced in cells lacking a functional YqjH protein. Analysis of stationary-phase mutagenesis indicates that absences of YqjH, but not that of YqjW, decreases the ability of B. subtilis to generate revertants at the hisC952 allele via this system. These data suggest a role for YqjH in the generation of at least some types of stationary-phase-induced mutagenesis.  相似文献   

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