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木本植物水力结构与抗旱性   总被引:61,自引:3,他引:61  
着重介绍了水力结构及其种种上参数(即导水率Kh、比导率Ks、叶比导率LSC、胡伯尔值Hv以及水溶量C)的生理意义,树木和其它木本植物的水力结构格局以及树木水力结构研究的发展趋势,并试图从机理上阐述树木力结构和抗旱性之间的关系。  相似文献   

Summary Phytoalexins accumulated in selected woody plants in response to microbial attack or stress are reviewed and listed with respect to their chemical structure and probable biogenetic origin. The host-pathogen systems from which they have been isolated are described. The review also considers the antimicrobial activity of the phytoalexins to the causal pathogens and other microorganisms.  相似文献   

Due to the lack of a co-evolutionary history, the novel defenses presented by introduced plants may be insurmountable to many native insects. Accordingly, non-native plants are expected to support less insect biomass than native plants. Further, native insect specialists may be more affected by introduced plants than native generalist herbivores, resulting in decreased insect diversity on non-native plants due to the loss of specialists. To test these hypotheses, we used a common garden experiment to compare native insect biomass, species richness, and the proportion of native specialist to native generalist insects supported by 45 species of woody plants. Plants were classified into three groupings, with 10 replicates of each species: 15 species native to Delaware (Natives), 15 non-native species that were congeneric with a member of the Native group (Non-native Congeners), and 15 non-native species that did not have a congener present in the United States (Aliens). Native herbivorous insects were sampled in May, June, and July of 2004 and 2005. Overall, insect biomass was greater on Natives than Non-native Congeners and Aliens, but insect biomass varied unpredictably between congeneric pair members. Counter to expectations, Aliens held more insect biomass than did Non-native Congeners. There was no difference in species richness or the number of specialist and generalist species collected among the three plant groupings in either year, although our protocol was biased against sampling specialists. If these results generalize to other studies, loss of native insect biomass due to introduced plants may negatively affect higher trophic levels of the ecosystem.  相似文献   

With the aim of recognizing the commonest leaf pattern found in the woody flora of the cerrado (the Brazilian savanna) we analyzed the leaf anatomy of 30 representative species. The leaves are mostly dorsiventral and hypostomatic and covered by trichomes and a thick layer of wax and cuticle; the vascular bundles are surrounded by a sheath of fibers. The mesophyll has a developed palisade tissue, dispersed sclerified cells and idioblasts bearing crystals and phenolic compounds. We compared the results with those reported for other species (60 species) from the same biome and for the families that the studied species belong. The present study suggests that the xeromorphism observed for the cerrado leaves is related to the evolutionary history of this biome, since its first floristic elements must have faced deficient water conditions as well as the consequent soil acidity and toxicity. Therefore we may infer that the leaf anatomical pattern here observed was already present in the first elements of the cerrado and was selected to guarantee the survival of those species in the new environment. Furthermore, the xeromorphic features present in those leaves continue nowadays to help the plants protecting themselves from the different biotic and abiotic factors they are subjected to.  相似文献   

Questions: Exotic plant invasion may be aided by facilitation and broad tolerance of environmental conditions, yet these processes are poorly understood in species‐rich ecosystems such as riparian zones. In the southwestern United States (US) two plant species have invaded riparian zones: tamarisk (Tamarix ramosissima, T. chinensis, and their hybrids) and Russian olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia). We addressed the following questions: (1) is Russian olive able to tolerate drier and shadier conditions than cottonwood and tamarisk? (2) Can tamarisk and cottonwood facilitate Russian olive invasion? Location: Arid riparian zones, southwestern US. Methods: We analyzed riparian tree seedling requirements in a controlled experiment, performed empirical field studies, and analyzed stable oxygen isotopes to determine the water sources used by Russian olive. Results: Russian olive survival was significantly higher in dense shade and low moisture conditions than tamarisk and cottonwood. Field observations indicated Russian olive established where flooding cannot occur, and under dense canopies of tamarisk, cottonwood, and Russian olive. Tamarisk and native riparian plant species seedlings cannot establish in these dry, shaded habitats. Russian olive can rely on upper soil water until 15 years of age, before utilizing groundwater. Conclusions: We demonstrate that even though there is little evidence of facilitation by cottonwood and tamarisk, Russian olive is able to tolerate dense shade and low moisture conditions better than tamarisk and cottonwood. There is great potential for continued spread of Russian olive throughout the southwestern US because large areas of suitable habitat exist that are not yet inhabited by this species.  相似文献   

In Central Europe as in most other temperate regions of the world, Buddleja davidii has become a very successful invader. A thorough observation, documentation and analysis of the spread of invasive species is the precondition for the understanding of invasion processes. Therefore, I documented the occurrence of the species along a west–east transect as well as an altitudinal transect, and I tried to reconstruct the spread of the species in the course of the last decades along railroad areas, which have proved to be the most favorized habitats for colonization of Buddleja. Additionally, a literature review is given on its general spread and distribution in Germany. Based on the investigation of 52 stations, the results show that the species, in Germany, has its optimum in the Rhein-Ruhr- and the Rhein-Main-area, that its abundance significantly decreases from west to east and with increasing altitude. A literature review combined with own investigations shows, that it was very successful in Germany on ruins of World War II but decreased and sometimes totally disappeared in cities of East Germany and of the altitudinal higher regions of Germany, i.e. also in many towns of South Germany. In West Germany, the recent spread started about three decades ago and is still in process. As cold winters seem to be the limiting factor for the spread of Buddleja, even an accelerated spread of this species and perhaps a loss of its ruderal character can be expected, considering the progress of climate change.  相似文献   

The positive effect of disturbance on plant community invasibility is one of the more consistent results in invasion ecology. It is generally attributed to a coincident increase in available resources (due to the disturbance) that allows non-resident plant species to establish (Davis MA, Grime JP Thompson K, J Ecol 88:528–534, 2000). However, most research addressing this issue has been in artificial or highly modified plant communities. Our goal in this study was to investigate the interactive effects of resource availability and plant mortality disturbance on the invasion of natural plant communities. We conducted a series of experiments that examined the response of Bromus tectorum L., a highly invasive annual grass, to experimentally created gradients of resource availability [nitrogen (N) and water] and resident plant species mortality. We found that B. tectorum biomass was co-limited by N and water. Biomass at the end of the growing season was a saturating function (i.e., increased to a maximum) of water, which determined maximum biomass, and N, which determined the rate at which maximum biomass was attained. Despite that fact that plant mortality increased N availability, it had a negative impact on invasion success. Plant mortality also decreased foliar cover, standing dead biomass, and soil cover by litter. In harsh environments, removing foliar and soil cover may increase germination and seedling stress by increasing soil temperatures and water loss. Across all treatments, B. tectorum success decreased with decreasing foliar cover and standing dead biomass. This, in combination with the strong limitation of B. tectorum biomass by water in this experiment, suggests that our plant mortality disturbance removed soil cover that may have otherwise aided B. tectorum invasion into this semi-arid plant community by reducing water stress.  相似文献   

Liang Y  Guo LD  Du XJ  Ma KP 《Mycorrhiza》2007,17(4):271-278
Spatial patterns of ectomycorrhizal fungi, ectomycorrhizal plants, and non-ectomycorrhizal plants were investigated in a natural subtropical forest using second-order analysis. The results of spatial pattern analysis showed that the degree of clumping of woody plants and ectomycorrhizal sporocarps were correlated. There was a significantly positive correlation of relative aggregation indices between ectomycorrhizal fungi and both non-ectomycorrhizal trees and ectomycorrhizal saplings. Correlations between percentage of ectomycorrhizal trees and sporocarp occurrence of ectomycorrhizal fungi and between diversities of woody plants and ectomycorrhizal fungi were distance-dependent or scale-related. A significantly high percentage of ectomycorrhizal trees was found only at relatively short distance from ectomycorrhizal fungal sporocarps, and significantly positive correlation of the diversity between woody plants and ectomycorrhizal fungi was found only at relative long distance, which implied that ectomycorrhizal sporocarps prefer ectomycorrhizal-tree-dominant micro-sites at near distances and at relatively large scales, diverse ectomycorrhizal sporocarps could be found in woodlands with high diversity of woody plants. Important factors affecting the spatial distribution, occurrence, and diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungi include spatial pattern of ectomycorrhizal plants and non-ectomycorrhizal plants, percentage of ectomycorrhizal plants, and plant diversity in a natural forest.  相似文献   

Species richness and density of understory plants were investigated in eight 1 ha plots, distributed one each in undisturbed and disturbed tropical evergreen, semi-evergreen, deciduous and littoral forests of Little Andaman island, India, which falls under one of the eight hottest hotspots of Biodiversity in the world viz. the Indo-Burma. One hundred 1 m−2 quadrats were established in each 1 ha plot, in which all the understory plants (that include herbs, undershrubs, shrubs and herbaceous climbers) were enumerated. The total density of understory plants was 6,812 individuals (851 ha−1) and species richness was 108 species, representing 104 genera and 50 families. Across the four forest types and eight study plots, the species richness ranged from 10 to 39 species ha−1. All the disturbed sites harbored greater number of species than their undisturbed counterparts. Herbs dominated by species (63%) and density (4,259 individuals). The grass Eragrostis tenella (1,860 individuals; IVI 40), the invasive climber Mikania cordata (803; IVI 20) and the shrub Anaxagorea luzonensis (481; IVI 17.5) were the most abundant species. Poaceae, Asteraceae, Acanthaceae, Orchidaceae and Euphorbiaceae constituted the species-rich families represented by 6 species each. The species-area curves attained an asymptote at 0.8 ha level except in sites DD and DL, indicating 1 ha plot is not sufficient to capture all the understory species in disturbed forests. The alien weeds formed about one-fourth of the species richness (31 species; 28%) and density (1,926 individuals; 28.3%) in the study sites, indicating the extent of weed invasion and the attention required for effective conservation of the native biodiversity of the fragile island forest ecosystem.  相似文献   

Florida has one of the two worst non-indigenous invasive species problems in the United States, and all such species are considered by statute to be a potential ecological problem. Unfortunately, little information is available about most of Florida's invasive species. Here, we provide information on range expansion of a population of one of the lesser-known species. The Palm Beach County, Florida, population of the northern curly-tailed lizard, Leiocephalus carinatus armouri, was examined for north–south expansion of its previously documented range. Observations were conducted as contiguous expansion outward from the previously known range. We found a substantial contiguous range expansion by a minimum of 46.3 km to the south and 34.1 km to the north. This species appears to be closely associated with coastal habitat degradation in the form of human infrastructure, especially ageing pavement, sea walls, buildings, and bridge bases.  相似文献   

Both island-biogeographic (dynamic) and niche-based (static) metapopulation models make predictions about the distribution and abundance of species assemblages. We tested the utility of these models concerning such predictions for terrestrial vascular plants using data from 74 landscapes across the globe. We examined correlations between species frequency and local abundance and shapes of the species frequency distribution. No data set met all of the predictions of any single island-biogeographic metapopulation model. In contrast, all data sets met the predictions of the niche-based model. We conclude that in predicting the distribution of species assemblages of plants over scales greater than 10–1 km, niche-based models are robust while current metapopulation models are insufficient. We discuss limitations in the assumptions of the various models and the types of empirical observations that they will each have to deal with in further developments.  相似文献   

The central area of the Mare aux Hippopotames Biosphere Reserve is located in the western part of Burkina Faso. Local populations have a close relationship with the reserve, from which they get much of their needs in food products, medicine, energy, arts and crafts. The use of resources has consequences for the biodiversity, ecosystem and environment of the reserve. The discussions held during ethnobotanical inquiries have permitted us to establish the main uses of woody plants and to pick out the repercussions of this usage. From this it emerges that the reserve has an important floristic richness and a biodiversity unknown to both locals and authorities.  相似文献   

Cousine Island, Seychelles, is of major conservation significance as it is in a biodiversity hotspot. Furthermore, it is relatively pristine, and is apparently the only tropical island over 20 ha with no alien invasive mammals. This study focuses on the island's log and litter arthropods, which were sampled by extraction methods from the dominant species, Pisonia grandis, Ficus spp. and Cocos nucifera. Stage of decomposition, and forest type in which the logs occurred, both significantly influenced the composition and structure of the arthropod assemblages. Young logs were significantly richer in species than older logs, possibly because they had the most resources and microhabitats. There were some significant changes in arthropod species richness, composition and abundance between species of young logs, but not old ones, because as logs decomposed, arthropod assemblages converged. Nevertheless, each old log species had some arthropod species not present in other log species, which has important implications for conservation. Arthropod assemblages in woody litter varied according to the forest type in which they occurred, and were different from those in logs in the same forest type. Cousine Island arthropod species richness, both in logs and litter, was comparable to figures from other tropical areas. As the logs, especially P. grandis, are home to many Seychelles endemic species, their conservation is essential. Furthermore, as the arthropods are also the main food of certain threatened Seychelles vertebrates, their conservation also underpins a food chain on this unique tropical island.  相似文献   

Quantitative integration of the literature on the effect of elevated CO2 on woody plants is important to aid our understanding of forest health in coming decades and to better predict terrestrial feedbacks on the global carbon cycle. We used meta-analytic methods to summarize and interpret more than 500 reports of effects of elevated CO2 on woody plant biomass accumulation and partitioning, gas exchange, and leaf nitrogen and starch content. The CO2 effect size metric we used was the log-transformed ratio of elevated compared to ambient response means weighted by the inverse of the variance of the log ratio. Variation in effect size among studies was partitioned according to the presence of interacting stress factors, length of CO2 exposure, functional group status, pot size, and type of CO2 exposure facility. Both total biomass (W T) and net CO2 assimilation (A) increased significantly at about twice ambient CO2, regardless of growth conditions. Low soil nutrient availability reduced the CO2 stimulation of W T by half, from +31% under optimal conditions to +16%, while low light increased the response to +52%. We found no significant shifts in biomass allocation under high CO2. Interacting stress factors had no effect on the magnitude of responses of A to CO2, although plants grown in growth chambers had significantly lower responses (+19%) than those grown in greenhouses or in open-top chambers (+54%). We found no consistent evidence for photosynthetic acclimation to CO2 enrichment except in trees grown in pots <0.5 l (−36%) and no significant CO2 effect on stomatal conductance. Both leaf dark respiration and leaf nitrogen were significantly reduced under elevated CO2 (−18% and −16% respectively, data expressed on a leaf mass basis), while leaf starch content increased significantly except in low nutrient grown gymnosperms. Our results provide robust, statistically defensible estimates of elevated CO2 effect sizes against which new results may be compared or for use in forest and climate model parameterization. Received: 16 May 1997 / Accepted: 9 September 1997  相似文献   

为摸清广州市植物资源状况及生态环境变化动态,对广州市的维管植物和生物多样性热点区域的植被群落进行了调查和比较分析.在种类方面,共记录到广州市维管植物230科1362属3508种,其中石松类和蕨类植物25科78属174种,裸子植物8科20属34种,被子植物197科1264属3300种;属于国家重点保护野生植物的有20种,...  相似文献   

Invasion by alien plants results in serious adverse impacts on biodiversity, ecosystem services, economy and social welfare, and is an ever-increasing challenge for nature conservation. Control of established invasive species is frequently very difficult and costly. Therefore, predicting which species have risk of becoming invasive is crucial both to prevent introduction of new invaders and to target high risk species already present in order to avoid their spread, particularly to areas with high conservation value. In Portugal more than 600 alien plant species are present as casuals or naturalized, and decision support tools are needed to discriminate which of these have higher probability of becoming invasive. We aimed to assess the effectiveness of the Australian Weed Risk Assessment, adapted to the Portuguese conditions (P-WRA), by evaluating 172 plant species: 49 considered as invasive; and, 123 as non-invasive species. The results showed that the P-WRA correctly identified all invasive species. As for non-invasive species, 17% were accepted, 78% rejected and 5% required further evaluation. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve reflected high accuracy of predictions despite lower than that found in other regions. The best cutoff level for P-WRA score, maximizing the ability for classification of the protocol, was 13 resulting in more non-invasive species accepted (46%). In the end, this assessment informed that in addition to the 49 species already invasive, a high number (66) of alien plant species have invasive risk. Amongst these, a list of 20 species is proposed for targeted priority management aiming to prevent their spread. Comparison of the scores obtained with A-WRA for other regions with Mediterranean climate revealed that 17% of the species compared (78) reached different outcomes, signaling the need to be careful when extrapolating the use of previous scores. The P-WRA can be a promising screening system post-border for predicting invasive species already present in Portugal and contribute to the targeting of species for priority intervention, particularly in natural areas with high conservation value.  相似文献   

1. As part of a larger study on canopy arthropods and birds, a 1‐year chemical knockdown study was carried out in one Western Australian forest, where jarrah Eucalyptus marginata and marri E. (Corymbia) calophylla were sampled, and one eastern Australian (New South Wales) forest, where narrow‐leaved ironbark E. crebra and grey box E. moluccana were sampled. 2. Ten trees of each species were sampled during each of the four seasons and the arthropods were sorted to morphospecies level. This paper documents the foliage‐associated component of arboreal arthropod communities and compares arthropod species richness within orders and families, between tree species, and between the two forest types. 3. Hymenoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera, and Araneae were the richest in species. Nine hundred and seventy‐six species in 173 families were found in the eastern Australian forest, while 687 species in 176 families were found in the western Australian forest. Only 53% of families were common to both forests, but almost half the families recorded were represented by fewer than five species. Species overlap between tree species in each region was 40–53%. 4. Analysis using nonparametric bootstrapping procedures showed that sampling of foliage was comprehensive and that only 4–9% more species would be expected with more intensive sampling of the canopy. Absolute richness, as well as differences between tree species and regions, therefore appear to be real and not the result of sampling errors. As a consequence, arthropod species richness in Australian eucalypt forests is shown to be substantially greater than previous estimates.  相似文献   

Abiotic features of Antarctic terrestrial habitats, particularly low temperatures and limited availability of liquid water, strongly influence the ecophysiology and life histories of resident biota. However, while temperature regimes of a range of land microhabitats are reasonably well characterized, much less is known of patterns of soil water stress, as current technology does not allow measurement at the required scale. An alternative approach is to use the water status of individual organisms as a proxy for habitat water status and to sample over several years from a population to identify seasonal or long‐term patterns. This broad generalization for terrestrial invertebrates was tested on arthropods in the maritime Antarctic. We present analyses of a long‐term data set of body water content generated by monthly sampling for 8–11 years of seven species of soil arthropods (four species of Acari, two Collembola and one Diptera) on maritime Antarctic Signy Island, South Orkney Islands. In all species, there was considerable within‐ and between‐sample variability. Despite this, clear seasonal patterns were present in five species, particularly the two collembolans and a prostigmatid mite. Analyses of monthly water content trends across the entire study period identified several statistically significant trends of either increase or decrease in body water content, which we interpret in the context of regional climate change. The data further support the separation of the species into two groups as follows: firstly, the soft‐bodied Collembola and Prostigmata, with limited cuticular sclerotization, which are sensitive to changes in soil moisture and are potentially rapid sensors of microhabitat water status, secondly, more heavily sclerotized forms such as Cryptostigmata (=Oribatida) and Mesostigmata mites, which are much less sensitive and responsive to short‐term fluctuations in soil water availability. The significance of these findings is discussed and it is concluded that annual cycles of water content were driven by temperature, mediated via radiation and precipitation, and constituted reliable indicators of habitat moisture regimes. However, detailed ecophysiological studies are required on particular species before such information can be used to predict over long timescales.  相似文献   

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