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城市空气花粉的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过综述城市空气花粉的研究进展, 总结城市空气花粉的采集方式并进行对比, 分析各主要城市的空气花粉的种属以及时空传播规律以及各地理环境和气候条件与空气花粉的关系,并指出了研究中存在的问题,并对研究前景进行了展望。对研究进展进行总结可知, 城市化所伴随的交通污染, 热岛效应, 城市绿化和硬质地面增多等现象会在一定程度上增强了空气花粉的致敏性, 对空气花粉的飘散起到积极影响, 因此, 能够加剧花粉症的发病情况。而基于空气花粉研究存在的样品采集技术的问题, 原因分析太浅现和不能很好解答科学问题等三大现状, 笔者提出注重相邻城市之间的空气花粉的研究, 与遥感技术相结合进行分析和结合现实问题进行研究等三个未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

城市中的花粉致敏植物及其影响因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大量致敏花粉飘散于空气中会引发花粉症,严重危害人体健康。由于不当的城市绿地建设使得花粉致敏植物在城市中大量聚集,加之城市热岛效应和交通污染等多方面的因素,使得城市中花粉症患者数量激增。综述了花粉致敏植物的种类、物候特征和影响因素提出了控制花粉致敏植物的建议;总结了目前花粉致敏植物研究中应进一步关注的问题,旨在为改善城市空气质量,建设合理绿化环境提供科学依据。  相似文献   

武昌地区豚草花粉症研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
豚草原产北美洲,为一年生草本,高达200cm,属风媒植物,是北美地区引起花粉症的主要致敏植物"'。自40年代进入我国后,迅速蔓延。为探明武昌地区豚草的分布及其花粉在空气中的污染情况,我们于19g4年5月1日~1995年4月30日对本地区豚草花粉及其致敏性进行了调查、研究。1材料  相似文献   

郄光发  杨颖  王成  牟少华 《生态学报》2010,30(15):3974-3982
以油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)、白玉兰(Magnolia denudata)、白皮松(Pinus bungeana)、臭椿(Ailanthus altissima)为被试树种,对比研究了春季静风晴朗天气中软质与硬质两种地表条件下不同树种在距树10m高度1.5m处花粉浓度的日变化特征。研究结果表明:(1)4个树种在相同地表环境的花粉浓度日变化趋势基本一致,但同一树种花粉浓度的日变化特征在软、硬两种地表条件下的差异明显。软质地面一天内空气中花粉浓度最大值出现14:00时前后,04:00时花粉浓度最低,这与全天内空气温度的变化正好一致,而与空气相对湿度的变化恰好相反。硬质地表近地空间空气中的花粉浓度则呈现"双峰型"日变化特征,两次峰值分别出现在14:00时和20:00时,硬质地面花粉浓度20:00时晚高峰的出现时间与硬质地面温度日峰值一致。(2)分析硬质地表20:00时花粉浓度高峰出现的原因可能与硬质地面的散热特性有关,硬质地面夜间释放积蓄热量的过程会在一定程度上增强近地面空气的对流运动,并辅助空气中的花粉粒子不断飘散,形成花粉浓度晚高峰。(3)相对于软质地面来讲,硬质地表对空气中花粉飘散的影响作用持续时间更长,这也在一定程度上延长了致敏花粉的危害时间,加剧了致敏花粉的污染程度。研究还进一步在花粉致敏树种栽植、地表覆盖方式等方面进行了讨论;同时建议花粉症患者根据花粉污染发生规律合理规避花粉浓度聚集高峰期出行,从而有效缓解致敏花粉对易感人群的健康威胁。  相似文献   

广西南宁空气中孢粉及其致敏性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过空气中的孢粉调查,选用32种花粉对呼吸道过敏患者进行皮肤敏感试验,既阐明了南宁市空气中孢粉散布的基本规律,讨论空气中花粉含量与气候的关系,也明确了该市主要致敏花粉是蒿属、禾本科、藜科及桑科植物的花粉,为呼吸道过敏性疾病的预防、诊断及治疗提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

武汉市武昌地区气传致敏花粉调查研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用曝片法连续365d收集武昌地区3个调查点的气传花粉,全年共检出花粉48643粒,分属28个科、属。一年中出现2次花粉高峰,即3~4月份,8~9月份。其中优势花粉为悬铃木属(Platanus)、柏科(Cupressaceae)、松属(Pinus)、蒿属(Artemisia)等;最主要的致敏花粉为蒿属、豚草属(Ambrosia)。对影响本地区空气中花粉飘散的因素,几种优势花粉的致敏特点及其临床意义作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

武汉市武昌地区气传致敏花粉调查研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
应用曝片法连续365d收集武昌地区3个调查点的气传花粉,全年共检同花粉48643粒,分属28个科,属。一年中出现2次花粉高峰,即3~4月份,8~9月份,其中优势花粉为悬铃木属(Platanus)柏科(Cupressaceae),松属(Pinus)蒿属(Artemisia)等;最主要的致敏花粉为蒿属,豚草属(Ambrosia)对影响本地区空气中花粉飘散的因素,几种优势花粉的致敏特点及其临床意义作了初  相似文献   

"阿——嚏,阿——嚏"几个大声的喷嚏并不意味着你感冒了,还有一种可能就是悬浮在空气中的致敏植物花粉偷偷溜进了你的鼻腔黏膜,刺激呼吸道使其发痒导致喷嚏发生。原来,植物花粉并不像我们想像的那样纤细  相似文献   

本文报道在沈阳地区1965—1985年间于空气中间断收集大气花粉5年,共收花粉玻片1100张,花粉45780粒,属于24科37属或种。其中9种(或属)超过千粒,为优势种类花粉。每年沈阳市大气中花粉出现两个高峰,一个为春季(四、五月),另一个为夏秋季(七八月)。通过长期观察发现,花粉种类和数量每年虽有不同,伹差异不大,唯有豚草花粉消长明显。大气中花粉种类及数量的变化往往受到气温、国家有关绿化政策以及社会风气的影响。花粉与过敏症关系十分密切,我们采用17种花粉制成浸液为病人皮试和治疗。皮试结果阳性率最高的为蒿属花粉,其次为其它夏秋花粉,春季花粉阳性率不高,致敏性不强。用花粉浸液对过敏症者进行免疫治疗,收到一定的疗效。  相似文献   

刘明欣  王彤  闫甲祺  刘于琪  赵渺希 《生态学报》2024,44(11):4449-4464
目前,花粉过敏性疾病在国内外城市中均具有较高发病率。作为城市居民生活的基本单元,社区对居民健康有重要的影响。因此,社区尺度的花粉致敏风险评估研究是提升居民健康的重要抓手。鉴于此,研究从花粉产生的植物本体角度和影响花粉传播的空间环境角度系统地综述了影响社区花粉致敏风险的相关因素,并进一步梳理了花粉致敏风险的评估方法。研究发现:在空间尺度上,目前国内外评估花粉致敏风险相关方法主要应用于微观的植物尺度与宏观的城市尺度,在中观尺度的应用仅局限于校园、公园中的绿地,尚未对社区进行研究;在评估因素上,现有评估方法多关注植物自身因素,如树木高度、冠幅等因素,而较少涉及诸如通风、温湿度等环境因素;然而社区中环境条件复杂,建筑环境不容忽视,因此了解植物与环境的综合作用对于社区花粉致敏风险的评估至关重要。基于上述发现,提出未来建立适宜社区尺度的致敏评估方法的可能途径:首先应建立适用于评估社区常用植物的统一标准数据集,在综合考虑植物因子、社区环境因子和临床患病率等各类因子的基础上建立社区花粉致敏风险评估方法,还可利用可视化技术建立包含社区三维特征的模型来模拟社区花粉分布及扩散规律,确立社区尺度下花粉致敏风险评估方法,降低社区花粉致病率,进一步提升居民健康水平。  相似文献   

Xin J A  Ouyang Z Y  Zheng H  Wang X K  Miao H 《农业工程》2007,27(9):3820-3827
Owing to unsuitable green space construction, abundant allergenic pollen plants are centralized in urban areas, producing allergenic pollen. A mass of airborne allergenic pollen could cause pollinosis to badly influence people's robustness. To provide scientific basis for reasonable green space construction, the research advances of allergenic plants were reviewed. Firstly, species composition, phenological characteristics and influential factors (which include unsuitable green land construction, urban heat island effect, traffic pollution, etc.) were summarized. Secondly, the strategies controlling allergenic pollen plants were proposed. Thirdly, some problems on allergenic plants worthy of more research, including allergenic mechanism and methodology, were also put forward.  相似文献   

Allergenic pollen plants and their influential factors in urban areas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Owing to unsuitable green space construction, abundant allergenic pollen plants are centralized in urban areas, producing allergenic pollen. A mass of airborne allergenic pollen could cause pollinosis to badly influence people's robustness. To provide scientific basis for reasonable green space construction, the research advances of allergenic plants were reviewed. Firstly, species composition, phenological characteristics and influential factors (which include unsuitable green land construction, urban heat island effect, traffic pollution, etc.) were summarized. Secondly, the strategies controlling allergenic pollen plants were proposed. Thirdly, some problems on allergenic plants worthy of more research, including allergenic mechanism and methodology, were also put forward.  相似文献   

齐晨  姜江  叶彩华  尤焕苓  乔媛  沙祎  白帆 《生态学报》2023,43(7):2650-2662
花粉是我国北方引发过敏性鼻炎最主要过敏原,花粉症发病期与花粉浓度高峰期吻合。基于北京地区2012至2020年花粉季多站、逐日分类花粉浓度观测数据分析,得出北京地区花粉浓度在3月上旬至5月中旬(可进一步划分为3月中旬至4月上旬和4月下旬至5月上旬两个高峰期)和8月中旬至9月中旬分别存在两个高峰期,第一个高峰期内优势致敏花粉种类为柏科、杨柳科和松科,第二个高峰期内优势致敏花粉种类为桑科、菊科蒿属和藜科。根据优势致敏花粉年浓度峰值日期观测数据,使用与花粉采样站点位置相匹配的逐日气象观测数据累积值,基于作物模型概念和模糊逻辑原理建立了北京地区主要气传致敏花粉年浓度峰值日期预测模型。经检验,柏科、杨柳科、松科、桑科、菊科蒿属和藜科花粉模型预测准确率分别为87.8%、80.0%、64.4%、86.7%、78.8%和81.8%。基于北京地区主要气传致敏花粉年浓度峰值日期预测模型可为本地花粉症防治提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Pollen allergies and airborne pollen weremonitored at the University of Rome ``TorVergata' in 1999 in order to determine theconcentration and the quality of airbornepollen belonging to allergenic plants inrelationship to the prevalence of pollenallergies.Airborne pollen was monitored by volumetrictrap while data on allergies were collectedthrough a questionnaire distributed to theUniversity personnel belonging to variousworking categories. Meteorological data wereobtained through a daily monitoring carried outby a meteorological station while plantanthesis identification was done at theHerbarium of the University.Results indicated that prevalent allergies weredue to Gramineae, Urticaceae and Oleaceaepollen. Many subjects suffering from allergiesdid not know the responsible allergen(s) andmore than half of the allergic subjects statedto have allergic relatives.Data on pollen monitoring and prevalence ofallergies, collected in the same geographicalarea, were found to be in accordance with eachother, with the exception of the case ofCupressaceae/Taxaceae plants, whose pollen wasfound in high concentration although no case ofallergy due to this pollen was established.  相似文献   

Summary A study to evaluate and define the atmospheric pollen concentration in Trentino was carried out through the aerobiologic sampling in three localities chosen according to their different climatic conditions.1375 patients with pollinosis living in Trentino were studied retrospectively over the period ranging from 1986 to 1988 and selected according to the area they came from.Results have proved that the most allergenic pollen types are the following: Poaceae, Urticaceae (Parietaria), Compositae (Artemisia) and the tree pollen of Betulaceae and Corylaceae (Alnus, Betula, Corylus), and that pollinosis caused by such pollen, types has different features and frequencies according to the different localities.As far as symptoms are concerned, our data shows that rhinoconjuntivitis is more frequent in those patients who are allergic toParietaria while asthma results being more frequent in patients who are allergic to tree pollen.  相似文献   

Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) pollinosis is one of seasonal allergic rhinitis that mainly occurs in Japan. The pollinosis is caused by two main kinds of allergenic proteins called Cry j 1 and Cry j 2 which exist in Cryptomeria japonica pollen. In our previous study, we reported that the size-segregated of airborne fine allergenic Cry j 1 and morphological change of Cry j 1 due to the contact with rainfall. However, the study on airborne allergenic Cry j 2 in different particle sizes has not been identified until now. Therefore, the main aim of this study is to investigate the size distribution and scattering behavior of allergenic Cry j 2. The Cry j 2 particles were collected and determined in different particle sizes at the urban sampling points during the most severe pollination season of 2012 in Saitama, Japan. After the size-segregated Cry j 2 allergenic particles were collected using an Andersen high-volume (AHV) atmospheric sample, the airborne Cry j 2 concentrations were determined with a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) method. At the same time, the airborne Cryptomeria japonica pollens were also counted by the Durham pollen sampler. The higher concentrations of the allergenic Cry j 2 were detected even in particle sizes equal to or less than 1.1 μm (PM1.1) than other particle sizes. The airborne particles ranges from 0.06 to 11 μm were also collected by a low-pressure impactor (LPI) atmospheric sampler. After that, the concentrations of Cry j 2 allergenic particles in fine particle sizes were measured by the SPR method either. With the help of this study, we have confirmed the existence of fine daughter allergenic particles, which clearly differ from the parent pollen grains in size, especially after the rainy days. It is possible that the daughter allergenic species will be released from the fractions of cell wall and burst pollen grains. We concluded that rainwater was one of the important factors that affects the release of pollen allergenic proteins of both Cry j 1 and Cry j 2 from the parent pollen grains.  相似文献   

北京城区气传花粉季节分布特征   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
研究北京城区气传花粉种类、数量及季节消长规律,为防治花粉症及建设合理城市绿地提供有效资料.应用Burkard采样器于2010年12月31日至2011年12月31日对北京城区气传花粉浓度进行监测,并对花粉浓度进行统计学分析.研究结果显示,2011年北京城区的花粉季节从3月20日起始,至10月18日截止,持续213d,占全年天数的58%;全年花粉含量月分布呈现两个高峰,第1个高峰为3-4月,主要花粉为木犀科、杨属、柳属等树木花粉,占全年花粉总量的30%;第2个高峰为8-9月,主要花粉为菊科、藜科及苋科等莠草花粉,占全年花粉总量的50%;2011年度北京城区最具代表性的气传花粉来自于菊科,比重占了收集到气传花粉的35%.研究结果还表明,秋季的气传花粉致敏性强,所以北京花粉症的高发季节主要集中在秋季,以8-9月为最高,其中有95%的病人在此期间出现花粉症症状.花粉浓度及飘散规律受当地植被状况及气候等多种因素影响,因此,北京城区空气中气传花粉飘散种类、数量及季节分布规律的调查结果,可以为本地区花粉症防治及绿化品种的选择提供可靠依据.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the identification and quantification of airborne pollen grains from allergenic plant species and their relationship with meteorological factors, i.e. maximum and minimum daily temperature, relative humidity, rainfall and wind speed in the city of Islamabad, Pakistan. An aerobiological data set (2010–2012), collected using rotorod samplers in five different sectors of the city, was supplied by the Pakistan Meteorological Department. Pollen of eight allergenic species was identified amongst which Broussonetia papyrifera exceeded the highest pollen level and, therefore, likely played a key role in aggravating the symptoms of pollen allergy in the city. The mean weekly pollen counts were next correlated with the weekly number of allergic patients visiting hospitals during 2010–2011. Clinical data were acquired from the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences. The highest number of allergic patients visiting hospital was usually observed during weeks with high pollen level. These results suggest a close relationship between the pollen concentration in the air and the allergy symptoms. Spearman’s rank correlation analysis was performed to establish the relationships between meteorological parameters and daily average pollen counts. A pollen calendar for the Islamabad city was also prepared to provide a guide for the timing and duration of season for all encountered pollen types.  相似文献   

The present article deals with the efficacy of seed hairs of poplar trees (Populus spp.) as a potent natural airborne pollen trap. Different species of Populus are commonly found planted along the streets in the cities of North China. The seed hairs and pericarp of poplar trees were collected from the trees and on the ground in Beijing Botanical Garden of Chinese Academy of Sciences and around Miyun Reservoir during May 2005 for pollen analysis. Different pollen spectra are recorded from different samples and are characterised by dominant occurrence of pollen grains of arboreal and anemophilous plants. In addition, pollen grains of non‐arboreal plants including grasses are also found trapped. Among the 46 trapped pollen grains, 26 are known to be allergenic. This study suggests that poplar seed hairs possibly make people feel uncomfortable due to the presence of allergenic pollen trapped in the hairs.  相似文献   

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