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Soybean plants were grown continuously at 350 and 700cm3m?3 CO2 at constant temperature. Respiration rates of third trifoliolate leaves were measured at the growth CO2 concentration for the whole dark period from 5d before through to 5d after full area expansion. The short-term response of respiration rate to the measurement CO2 concentration was also determined at each age. Respiration rates per unit of dry mass declined with age and were significantly less at a given age or RGR in leaves grown and measured at the elevated CO2. The difference in respiration rate was largest in mature leaves and resulted from the different measurement CO2 concentrations. The respiratory costs of the tissue synthesis, estimated from the elemental composition of the tissue, did not differ substantially between CO2 treatments. The response of respiration rate to carbon dioxide concentration was not strongly affected by the form of nitrogen supplied. Maintenance respiration calculated by subtracting growth respiration from total respiration was negative in rapidly growing leaves for both CO2 treatments. This indicates that CO2 efflux in the dark does not accurately reflect the average 24 h rate of energy expenditure on growth and maintenance for soybean leaves.  相似文献   

Biochar as a carbon‐rich coproduct of pyrolyzing biomass, its amendment has been advocated as a potential strategy to soil carbon (C) sequestration. Updated data derived from 50 papers with 395 paired observations were reviewed using meta‐analysis procedures to examine responses of soil carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes, soil organic C (SOC), and soil microbial biomass C (MBC) contents to biochar amendment. When averaged across all studies, biochar amendment had no significant effect on soil CO2 fluxes, but it significantly enhanced SOC content by 40% and MBC content by 18%. A positive response of soil CO2 fluxes to biochar amendment was found in rice paddies, laboratory incubation studies, soils without vegetation, and unfertilized soils. Biochar amendment significantly increased soil MBC content in field studies, N‐fertilized soils, and soils with vegetation. Enhancement of SOC content following biochar amendment was the greatest in rice paddies among different land‐use types. Responses of soil CO2 fluxes and MBC to biochar amendment varied with soil texture and pH. The use of biochar in combination with synthetic N fertilizer and waste compost fertilizer led to the greatest increases in soil CO2 fluxes and MBC content, respectively. Both soil CO2 fluxes and MBC responses to biochar amendment decreased with biochar application rate, pyrolysis temperature, or C/N ratio of biochar, while each increased SOC content enhancement. Among different biochar feedstock sources, positive responses of soil CO2 fluxes and MBC were the highest for manure and crop residue feedstock sources, respectively. Soil CO2 flux responses to biochar amendment decreased with pH of biochar, while biochars with pH of 8.1–9.0 had the greatest enhancement of SOC and MBC contents. Therefore, soil properties, land‐use type, agricultural practice, and biochar characteristics should be taken into account to assess the practical potential of biochar for mitigating climate change.  相似文献   

Woodward FI  Kelly CK 《Ecology letters》2008,11(11):1229-1237
We model plant species diversity globally by country to show that future plant diversity capacity has a strong dependence on changing climate and carbon dioxide concentration. CO2 increase, through its impact on net primary production and warming is predicted to increase regional diversity capacity, while warming with constant CO2 leads to decreases in diversity capacity. Increased CO2 concentrations are unlikely to counter projected extinctions of endemic species, shown in earlier studies to be more strongly dependent on changing land use patterns than climate per se. Model predictions were tested against (1) contemporary observations of tree species diversity in different biomes, (2) an independent global map of contemporary species diversity and (3) time sequences of plant naturalisation for different locations. Good agreements between model, observations and naturalisation patterns support the suggestion that future diversity capacity increases are likely to be filled from a 'cosmopolitan weed pool' for which migration appears to be an insignificant barrier.  相似文献   

Recent anthropogenic emissions of key atmospheric trace gases (e.g. CO2 and CH4) which absorb infra-red radiation may lead to an increase in mean surface temperatures and potential changes in climate. Although sources of each gas have been evaluated independently, little attention has focused on potential interactions between gases which could influence emission rates. In the current experiment, the effect of enhanced CO2 (300 μL L–1 above ambient) and/or air temperature (4 °C above ambient) on methane generation and emission were determined for the irrigated tropical paddy rice system over 3 consecutive field seasons (1995 wet and dry seasons 1996 dry season). For all three seasons, elevated CO2 concentration resulted in a significant increase in dissolved soil methane relative to the ambient control. Consistent with the observed increases in soil methane, measurements of methane flux per unit surface area during the 1995 wet and 1996 dry seasons also showed a significant increase at elevated carbon dioxide concentration relative to the ambient CO2 condition (+49 and 60% for each season, respectively). Growth of rice at both increasing CO2 concentration and air temperature did not result in additional stimulation of either dissolved or emitted methane compared to growth at elevated CO2 alone. The observed increase in methane emissions were associated with a large, consistent, CO2-induced stimulation of root growth. Results from this experiment suggest that as atmospheric CO2 concentration increases, methane emissions from tropical paddy rice could increase above current projections.  相似文献   

It has been recently recognized that increases in carbon dioxide concentration such as are anticipated for the earth's atmosphere in the next century often reduce plant respiration. There can be both a short-term reversible effect of unknown cause, and long-term acclimation, which may reflect the synthesis and maintenance of less metabolically expensive materials in plants grown at elevated carbon dioxide concentrations. Because respiration provides energy and carbon intermediates for growth and maintenance, reductions in respiration by increasing carbon dioxide concentrations may have effects on physiology beyond an improvement in plant carbon balance. As atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration increases, reduced respiration could be as important as increased photosynthesis in improving the ability of terrestrial vegetation to act as a sink for carbon, but it could also have other consequences.  相似文献   

Natural fires annually decimate up to 1% of the forested area in the boreal region of Québec, and represent a major structuring force in the region, creating a mosaic of watersheds characterized by large variations in vegetation structure and composition. Here, we investigate the possible connections between this fire‐induced watershed heterogeneity and lake metabolism and CO2 dynamics. Plankton respiration, and water–air CO2 fluxes were measured in the epilimnia of 50 lakes, selected to lie within distinct watershed types in terms of postfire terrestrial succession in the boreal region of Northern Québec. Plankton respiration varied widely among lakes (from 21 to 211 μg C L?1 day?1), was negatively related to lake area, and positively related to dissolved organic carbon (DOC). All lakes were supersaturated in CO2 and the resulting carbon (C) flux to the atmosphere (150 to over 3000 mg C m2 day?1) was negatively related to lake area and positively to DOC concentration. CO2 fluxes were positively related to integrated water column respiration, suggesting a biological component in this flux. Both respiration and CO2 fluxes were strongly negatively related to years after the last fire in the basin, such that lakes in recently burnt basins had significantly higher C emissions, even after the influence of lake size was removed. No significant differences were found in nutrients, chlorophyll, and DOC between lakes in different basin types, suggesting that the fire‐induced watershed features influence other, more subtle aspects, such as the quality of the organic C reaching lakes. The fire‐induced enhancement of lake organic C mineralization and C emissions represents a long‐term impact that increases the overall C loss from the landscape as the result of fire, but which has never been included in current regional C budgets and future projections. The need to account for this additional fire‐induced C loss becomes critical in the face of predictions of increasing incidence of fire in the circumboreal landscape.  相似文献   

Wetlands are strategic areas for carbon uptake, but accurate assessments of their sequestration ability are limited by the uncertainty and variability in their carbon balances. Based on 2385 observations of annual net ecosystem production from global wetlands, we show that the mean net carbon sinks of inland wetlands, peatlands and coastal wetlands are 0.57, 0.29 and 1.88 tons of carbon per hectare per year, respectively, with a mean value of 0.57 tons of carbon per hectare per year weighted by the distribution area of different wetland types. Carbon sinks are mainly in Asia and North America. Within and across wetland types, we find that water table depth (WTD) exerts greater control than climate- and ecosystem-related variables, and an increase in WTD results in a stronger carbon sink. Our results highlight an urgent need to sustain wetland hydrology under global change; otherwise, wetlands are at high risk of becoming carbon sources to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Agricultural production is under increasing pressure by global anthropogenic changes, including rising population, diversion of cereals to biofuels, increased protein demands and climatic extremes. Because of the immediate and dynamic nature of these changes, adaptation measures are urgently needed to ensure both the stability and continued increase of the global food supply. Although potential adaption options often consider regional or sectoral variations of existing risk management (e.g. earlier planting dates, choice of crop), there may be a global-centric strategy for increasing productivity. In spite of the recognition that atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO(2)) is an essential plant resource that has increased globally by approximately 25 per cent since 1959, efforts to increase the biological conversion of atmospheric CO(2) to stimulate seed yield through crop selection is not generally recognized as an effective adaptation measure. In this review, we challenge that viewpoint through an assessment of existing studies on CO(2) and intraspecific variability to illustrate the potential biological basis for differential plant response among crop lines and demonstrate that while technical hurdles remain, active selection and breeding for CO(2) responsiveness among cereal varieties may provide one of the simplest and direct strategies for increasing global yields and maintaining food security with anthropogenic change.  相似文献   

双向标记培养植物测定大气二氧化碳稳定碳同位素组成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于植物能够利用体内的碳酸酐酶来催化碳酸氢根离子生成二氧化碳和水作为底物进行光合作用的特性,采用两种δ13CPDB值差值大于10‰的碳酸氢钠分别作为外源碳酸氢根离子的碳同位素标记物,通过室内双向水培诸葛菜和芥菜型油菜实验,分别向水培处理液里添加已知δ13CPDB值的碳酸氢钠并培养24 h,利用同位素比值质谱(IRMS)技术,测定并计算了两个时间、两种环境下的大气二氧化碳稳定碳同位素日平均组成。结果表明:在环境1(不同浓度的Na HCO3处理液)下所得到的δCa值与添加到处理液中的碳酸氢根离子的浓度有关;在环境2(不同浓度的PEG处理液)下所得到的δCa值与添加到处理液中的PEG的浓度无关;两种环境下所测得的大气二氧化碳稳定碳同位素日平均组成δCa值与实验中培养的植物种类无关,而与添加到培养液中碳酸氢根离子的浓度及植物的生长速率有关。数据重现性好,结果准确可靠,可以高精度的测定不同待测环境下大气二氧化碳稳定碳同位素比值,其可为以后监测不同时间、不同地点的大气二氧化碳碳同位素组成及来源提供非常有效的方法和信息。  相似文献   

Soil–atmosphere fluxes of trace gases (especially nitrous oxide (N2O)) can be significant during winter and at snowmelt. We investigated the effects of decreases in snow cover on soil freezing and trace gas fluxes at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, a northern hardwood forest in New Hampshire, USA. We manipulated snow depth by shoveling to induce soil freezing, and measured fluxes of N2O, methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in field chambers monthly (bi-weekly at snowmelt) in stands dominated by sugar maple or yellow birch. The snow manipulation and measurements were carried out in two winters (1997/1998 and 1998/1999) and measurements continued through 2000. Fluxes of CO2 and CH4 showed a strong seasonal pattern, with low rates in winter, but N2O fluxes did not show strong seasonal variation. The snow manipulation induced soil freezing, increased N2O flux and decreased CH4 uptake in both treatment years, especially during winter. Annual N2O fluxes in sugar maple treatment plots were 207 and 99 mg N m−2 yr−1 in 1998 and 1999 vs. 105 and 42 in reference plots. Tree species had no effect on N2O or CO2 fluxes, but CH4 uptake was higher in plots dominated by yellow birch than in plots dominated by sugar maple. Our results suggest that winter fluxes of N2O are important and that winter climate change that decreases snow cover will increase soil:atmosphere N2O fluxes from northern hardwood forests.  相似文献   

The emergence of amphibian chytridiomycosis, caused by the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) has led to the decline and extinction of numerous amphibian species. Multiple studies have observed links between climatic factors and amphibian declines apparently caused by Bd. Using outdoor experimental mesocosms, we tested the response of red‐legged frog (Rana aurora) tadpoles to increased variation in temperature, a component of climate linked to amphibian declines, and Bd exposure. We included tadpoles of a sympatric competitor species, Pacific chorus frog (Pseudacris regilla), in a fully factorial design to test the effects of Bd and temperature on interspecific interactions. We found that higher variation in temperature had numerous effects in mesocosms, including interacting with Bd presence to decrease the condition of R. aurora, shifting the relative performance of competing P. regilla and R. aurora, and accelerating the development of P. regilla relative to R. aurora. Our results demonstrate that increased variation in temperature can affect amphibians in multiple ways that will be contingent on ecological context, including the presence of Bd and competing species.  相似文献   

Effects of daytime carbon dioxide concentration on dark respiration in rice   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
Rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration ([CO2]) has generated considerable interest in the response of agricultural crops to [CO2]. The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of a wide range of daytime [CO2] on dark respiration of rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. IR-30). Rice plants were grown season-long in naturally sunlit plant growth chambers in subambient (160 and 250), ambient (330), or super-ambient (500, 660 and 900 μmol CO2 mol?1 air) [CO2] treatments. Canopy dark respiration, expressed on a ground area basis (Rd) increased with increasing [CO2] treatment from 160 to 500 μmol mol?1 treatments and was very similar among the superambient treatments. The trends in Rd over time and in response to increasing daytime [CO2] treatment were associated with and similar to trends previously described for photosynthesis. Specific respiration rate (Rdw) decreased with time during the growing season and was higher in the subambient than the ambient and superambient [CO2] treatments. This greater Rdw in the subambient [CO2] treatments was attributed to a higher specific maintenance respiration rate and was associated with higher plant tissue nitrogen concentration.  相似文献   

Wheat diseases present a constant and evolving threat to food security. We have little understanding as to how increased atmospheric carbon dioxide levels will affect wheat diseases and thus the security of grain supply. Atmospheric CO2 exceeded the 400 ppmv benchmark in 2013 and is predicted to double or even treble by the end of the century. This study investigated the impact of both pathogen and wheat acclimation to elevated CO2 on the development of Fusarium head blight (FHB) and Septoria tritici blotch (STB) disease of wheat. Here, plants and pathogens were cultivated under either 390 or 780 ppmv CO2 for a period (two wheat generations, multiple pathogen subcultures) prior to standard disease trials. Acclimation of pathogens and the wheat cultivar Remus to elevated CO2 increased the severity of both STB and FHB diseases, relative to ambient conditions. The effect of CO2 on disease development was greater for FHB than for STB. The highest FHB disease levels and associated yield losses were recorded for elevated CO2‐acclimated pathogen on elevated CO2‐acclimated wheat. When similar FHB experiments were conducted using the disease‐resistant cultivar CM82036, pathogen acclimation significantly enhanced disease levels and yield loss under elevated CO2 conditions, thereby indicating a reduction in the effectiveness of the defence pathways innate to this wheat cultivar. We conclude that acclimation to elevated CO2 over the coming decades will have a significant influence on the outcome of plant–pathogen interactions and the durability of disease resistance.  相似文献   

The fluxes of CH4 and CO2 to the atmosphere, and the relative contributions of ebullition and molecular diffusion, were determined for a small hypertrophic freshwater lake (Priest Pot, UK) over the period May to October 1997. The average total flux of CH4 and CO2 (estimated from 7 sites on the lake) was approximately 52 mmol m–2 d–1 and was apportioned 12 and 40 mmol m–2 d–1 toCH4 and CO2 respectively. Diffusion across the air-water interface accounted for the loss of 0.4and 40 mmol m–2 d–1 of CH4 and CO2 respectively whilst the corresponding figures for ebullition losses were 12.0 (CH4) and 0.23 (CO2) mmol m–2 d–1. Most CH4 (96%) was lost by ebullition, and most CO2 (99%) by diffusive processes. The ebullition of gas, measured at weekly intervals along a transect of the lake, showed high spatial and temporal variation. The CH4 content of the trapped gas varied between 44 and 88% (by volume) and was highest at the deepest points. Pulses of gas ebullition were detected during periods of rapidly falling barometric pressure. Therelevance of the measurements to global estimates ofcarbon emission from freshwaters are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of carbon dioxide concentration on the bacterial leaching of a pyrite-arsenopyrite ore concentrate was studied in continuous-flow reactors. Steady-state operation with two feed slurry densities, 6 wt% and 16 wt% solids, were tested for the effect of carbon dioxide concentration. Bacterial growth rates were estimated via the measurement of carbon dioxide consumption rates. Aqueous-phase carbon dioxide concentrations in excess of 10 mg/L were found to be inhibitory to bacterial growth. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Current-year shoots of Sitka spruce ( Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) were removed from the forest canopy. After steady-state rates of net photosynthesis were obtained in a leaf chamber, the shoots were excised in air and removed at different times to establish a relationship between net photosynthesis and xylem water potential. The experiment was repeated at five ambient carbon dioxide concentrations.
Net photosynthesis remained constant over a wide range of xylem water potential and increased linearly with ambient carbon dioxide concentration between 20 and 300 cm3 m−3. At low water potential net photosynthesis declined at each ambient carbon dioxide concentration and there was little difference in the potential (±0.05 MPa) at which zero photosynthesis was observed.
There was a small increase in the CO2 compensation concentration at low xylem water potentials, but calculated mesophyll conductance still declined at low water potential after correction for this change in compensation concentration. Mesophyll conductance reached zero within the same range of water potential as net photosynthesis. The results suggested that the non-stomatal contribution to the decline of photosynthesis was approximately 30% until almost complete stomatal closure occurred.  相似文献   

Global environmental changes, such as rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations, have a wide range of direct effects on plant physiology, growth, and fecundity. These environmental changes also can affect plants indirectly by altering interactions with other species. Therefore, the effects of global changes on a particular species may depend on the presence and abundance of other community members. We experimentally manipulated atmospheric CO2 concentration and amounts of herbivore damage (natural insect folivory and clipping to simulate browsing) to examine: (1) how herbivores mediate the effects of elevated CO2 (eCO2) on the growth and fitness of Arabidopsis thaliana; and (2) how predicted changes in CO2 concentration affect plant resistance to herbivores, which influences the amount of damage plants receive, and plant tolerance of herbivory, or the fitness consequences of damage. We found no evidence that CO2 altered resistance, but plants grown in eCO2 were less tolerant of herbivory—clipping reduced aboveground biomass and fruit production by 13 and 22%, respectively, when plants were reared under eCO2, but plants fully compensated for clipping in ambient CO2 (aCO2) environments. Costs of tolerance in the form of reduced fitness of undamaged plants were detected in eCO2 but not aCO2 environments. Increased costs could reduce selection on tolerance in eCO2 environments, potentially resulting in even larger fitness effects of clipping in predicted future eCO2 conditions. Thus, environmental perturbations can indirectly affect both the ecology and evolution of plant populations by altering both the intensity of species interactions as well as the fitness consequences of those interactions.  相似文献   

It is important to quantify and understand the consequences of elevated temperature and carbon dioxide (CO2) on reproductive processes and yield to develop suitable agronomic or genetic management for future climates. The objectives of this research work were (a) to quantify the effects of elevated temperature and CO2 on photosynthesis, pollen production, pollen viability, seed‐set, seed number, seeds per pod, seed size, seed yield and dry matter production of kidney bean and (b) to determine if deleterious effects of high temperature on reproductive processes and yield could be compensated by enhanced photosynthesis at elevated CO2 levels. Red kidney bean cv. Montcalm was grown in controlled environments at day/night temperatures ranging from 28/18 to 40/30 °C under ambient (350 µmol mol?1) or elevated (700 µmol mol?1) CO2 levels. There were strong negative relations between temperature over a range of 28/18–40/30 °C and seed‐set (slope, ? 6.5% °C?1) and seed number per pod (? 0.34 °C?1) under both ambient and elevated CO2 levels. Exposure to temperature > 28/18 °C also reduced photosynthesis (? 0.3 and ? 0.9 µmol m?2 s?1 °C?1), seed number (? 2.3 and ? 3.3 °C?1) and seed yield (? 1.1 and ? 1.5 g plant?1 °C?1), at both the CO2 levels (ambient and elevated, respectively). Reduced seed‐set and seed number at high temperatures was primarily owing to decreased pollen production and pollen viability. Elevated CO2 did not affect seed size but temperature > 31/21 °C linearly reduced seed size by 0.07 g °C?1. Elevated CO2 increased photosynthesis and seed yield by approximately 50 and 24%, respectively. There was no beneficial interaction of CO2 and temperature, and CO2 enrichment did not offset the negative effects of high temperatures on reproductive processes and yield. In conclusion, even with beneficial effects of CO2 enrichment, yield losses owing to high temperature (> 34/24 °C) are likely to occur, particularly if high temperatures coincide with sensitive stages of reproductive development.  相似文献   

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