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The pituitary responses to the intravenous administration of 200 mg of Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone were investigated in 14 poorly controlled insulin dependent diabetic males and in nine matched controls. The mean TSH and prolactin responses in the two groups were similar although both tended to be lower in the diabetics. There was a small FSH rise in 11 of the 23 subjects.  相似文献   

Two lines of rainbow trout selected for high (HR) and low (LR) responsiveness to a standardised confinement stressor displayed a sustained divergence in plasma cortisol levels during a 3-h period of confinement (max.: HR: 167+/-13 ng ml(-1); LR: 103+/-8 ng ml(-1); P<0.001). However, no significant difference in plasma ACTH levels was evident (max: HR: 153+/-9 pg ml(-1); LR: 142+/-7 pg ml(-1)). Dexamethasone (DEX) was administered to HR and LR fish to block endogenous adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) release. Administration of a weight-adjusted dose of ACTH to the DEX-blocked fish elevated plasma cortisol levels to a significantly greater extent in HR (233+/-24 ng ml(-1)) than LR (122+/-14 ng ml(-1)) fish (P<0.001). Plasma cortisol levels in DEX-blocked HR and LR fish after sham injection were low but also significantly different (HR: 6.7+/-1 ng ml(-1); LR: 2.2+/-0.2 ng ml(-1); P<0.001). These results indicate that modulation of cortisol responsiveness to stressors in HR and LR fish resides, at least in part, downstream of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis.  相似文献   

Abnormalties in renal concentrating ability and free water reabsorption, and a diminished sodium excretion, glomerular filtration rate, and effective renal plasma flow were observed in adolescent rats which ingested a lipotrope deficient diet for 10 months.  相似文献   

The effect of long-term treatment with phenobarbitone on pituitary responsiveness to gonadotrophin-releasing hormone and thyrotrophin-releasing hormone was studied in 20 boys being treated with the drug to prevent febrile convulsions. Baseline concentrations of luteinising and follicle-stimulating hormones were reduced as well as the responses of these hormones to stimulation with gonadotrophin-releasing hormone. Baseline prolactin concentrations were raised in comparison with those in normal children. The response of prolactin to thyrotrophin-releasing hormone, however, was impaired only in the children who had been receiving the drug for a long time. Phenobarbitone had no effect on the secretion of growth hormone. Further studies should be carried out to ascertain how long these effects on pituitary function last after phenobarbitone is withdrawn and whether this interference with pituitary function modifies the child''s subsequent development.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to find out whether pressor responsiveness to vasopressin (AVP) is altered in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) in comparison with their normotensive controls (WKY). Blood pressure and heart rate changes after injection of graded doses of 2.5, 5.0 and 10.0 ng of AVP (Calbiochem) i.v. were compared in 9 conscious, unrestrained spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) and 11 normotensive Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rats, chronically instrumented with venous and arterial catheters. The threshold dose necessary to elicit a significant increase in blood pressure and reduction of heart rate was lower in WKY than in SHR. At each dose level the blood pressure elevation persisted for a longer period in WKY than in SHR. Bradycardia was greater in WKY than in SHR both in absolute terms and in relation to the blood pressure increase. Thus, the results reveal diminished pressor responsiveness to moderate doses of AVP in SHR in spite of suppressed reflex bradycardia. It is suggested that the peripheral action of AVP on the vascular system is attenuated in SHR.  相似文献   

An interaction between ACTH and vasopressin on steroidogenesis was observed in isolated rat adrenal zona glomerulosa cell preparations. 1. The presence of 10(-11) M vasopressin further increased by 52% the output of aldosterone produced by 10(-12) M ACTH on those cells. 2. At a pharmacological concentration of ACTH (10(-7) M), the aldosterone output was increased 5 fold while the addition of 10(-12) M or 10(-8) M vasopressin decreased it by 17% and 48% respectively. 3. Vasopressin also produced a dose-dependent inhibition of the stimulatory effect of ACTH on the output of corticosterone. 4. We have thus shown for the first time, that vasopressin acts directly on adrenal zona glomerulosa cell preparations to modify the aldosterone output by modulating the action of ACTH. It is postulated that, in addition to other known aldosterone regulating factors, ACTH and vasopressin might synergistically act to regulate the secretion of aldosterone in vivo.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature during preparation of rat adrenal quarters or isolated adrenal cell suspension on their response to ACTH was examined through a comparison of amounts of corticosterone produced after their incubation. The response to ACTH added in vitro was considerably higher when adrenal quarters and isolated adrenal cell suspension were prepared at room temperature (25 degree C) than when prepared at ice-cold. Endogenous steroidogenesis was not affected by the temperature. It seemed unlikely that this higher response to ACTH of adrenal quarters or isolated adrenal cell suspension prepared at room temperature was due to an activation of the cells. A possibility was discussed that cooling adrenal quarters or isolated adrenal cell suspension during the preparation may create an unphysiological state in some place to related the cell membrane.  相似文献   

Progesterone 5 alpha-reductase activity and 5 alpha-dihydroprogesterone 3 alpha-hydroxysteroid oxidoreductase (3 alpha-HSOR) enzymic activities (NADH-linked and NADPH-linked) were measured in anterior pituitaries (AP) from aged female rats during three stages of reproductive senescence (constant estrus: CE; repeated pseudopregnancies: PSP; and anestrus: AN). To assess ovarian influence on these enzymes during these stages of reproductive aging, we also determined enzyme levels from ovariectomized rats from each stage treated with estrogen or vehicle. Progesterone 5 alpha-reductase and NADH-linked 3 alpha-HSOR activities were 2-fold higher in pituitaries of CE rats as compared to those of PSP and AN rats. NADPH-linked 3 alpha-HSOR levels did not differ among the three stages. All three enzyme levels were elevated 2- to 5-fold as compared to the corresponding enzyme levels from young cycling rats. After ovariectomy (10 days), 5 alpha-reductase activity in PSP and AN rats was elevated 3- to 4-fold relative to mean levels in intact PSP and AN rats. Ovariectomy had no effect on 5 alpha-reductase levels in CE rats. Under similar conditions, young cycling rats exhibit a 10-12-fold increase. Treatment of ovariectomized PSP and AN rats for 3 days with estradiol benzoate (10 micrograms/day) restored 5 alpha-reductase levels. Ovariectomy had no effect on the NADPH-linked 3 alpha-HSOR levels in CE, PSP or AN animals which is similar to that observed with young rats. Ovariectomy also had no effect on the NADH-linked 3 alpha-HSOR levels except for the CE group. The ovariectomized CE rats exhibited reduced pituitary NADH-linked 3 alpha-HSOR levels (30%). In contrast, young rats exhibit elevated pituitary NADH-linked 3 alpha-HSOR levels after ovariectomy (4- to 5-fold). These changes suggest the possibility that altered processing of progesterone and its 5 alpha- and 3 alpha-reduced products may be one means by which the effectiveness of progesterone is reduced during aging. The results also suggest an altered ovarian role in the regulation of these enzymes.  相似文献   

Behavioral sensitization to cocaine involves progressive and long-lasting increases in hyperactivity and stereotypy in response to the same daily dose. In order to test whether vasopressin, a neurohormone implicated in drug tolerance and in other models of learning and memory, affected behavioral sensitization, cocaine was administered daily to animals with hereditary absence of vasopressin. Brattleboro homozygotes which lack vasopressin show deficient onset and persistence of cocaine-induced behavioral sensitization compared to heterozygote, litter-mate controls. These data extend previous reports of vasopressin's role in memory and long-term coding of behavior to the model of pharmacologically-induced behavioral sensitization.  相似文献   

In our previous studies we had demonstrated that, in children affected with isolated GH deficiency (IGHD), a short-term recombinant growth hormone (rGH) therapy increases the 11-deoxycortisol (S) secretion and induces an IGF-I responsiveness to the ACTH challenge. The aim of the present study was to further investigate the mechanisms by which IGF-I is secreted after ACTH challenge in children affected with IGHD by correlating IGF-I versus cortisol (F) time courses after ACTH administration. Ten children affected with IGHD were subjected to rGH therapy (4 IU/day subcutaneously) for 10 days. The responsiveness of IGF-I, F and S to the ACTH 1-17 test were evaluated before and at the end of the therapy. No IGF-I response to the ACTH test was recorded in the patients before the rGH treatment, whereas after rGH administration ACTH induced a significant IGF-I release (p < 0.001) which started at the 1st hour, reached a peak value between the 5th and 6th hours and disappeared at the 10th hour. In conclusion, our study confirms that a short-term rGH therapy induces an IGF-I responsiveness to ACTH and helps to better define the kinetics and the mechanism of this IGF-I response to ACTH.  相似文献   

The influence of aminergic pathways on basal and stimulated vasopressin (AVP) release was studied in conscious rats, the stimulus for hormone release being an intracerebroventricular (ICV) injection of 5 microliters 0.85M sodium chloride. The animals were treated with either phenoxybenzamine, propranolol or haloperidol prior to administration of the central hypertonic stimulus. Phenoxybenzamine elevated basal plasma vasopressin concentrations, while propranolol and haloperidol had no effect. The secretion of AVP in response to the hypertonic stimulus was potentiated by phenoxybenzamine and haloperidol, but the effect of propranolol was equivocal. The antagonists had no effect on basal arterial pressure at the time of hypertonic saline administration or the pressor response to ICV sodium chloride.  相似文献   

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